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File: 456 KB, 499x499, 79d9f380-c442-4940-8f81-880881862ce4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2849264 No.2849264 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread >>2840449
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/idgames: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/
/idgames torrent (as of 2013-11-25; 12GB): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13513277/idgames.torrent

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Make a Boom map for Doom 1.
>>/vr/post/2811741 Announcement/Rules

>> No.2849265


[12-11] Thanks for the shout-out, @doom_txt!

[12-10] GBA DM updated

[12-10] Legends of Game Design 1997 interview with Romero (starts around 25:00)

[12-10] CACOWARDS 22
Sunlust / Erkattäññe / Skulldash / Swift Death / Breach / Valiant
50 Shades of Graytall / Sheer Poison / dead.wire / Return to Hadron
MP: Don't Be A Bitch Remastered / ChaosCore CTF
Mod: DoomRL Arsenal
Jokewad: Selfie Doom
Mordeth: ChaosCore CTF
Mapper: dannebubinga
EspiLA: fraggle

[12-08] NUTS.WAD... for DN3D!?

[12-08] Scerebi Forest updated

[12-07] Italo Doom: 20 extreme slaughtermaps by Ribbiks/dannebubinga (beta)

[12-06] Anon mod release: Project MSX without custom monsters

[12-06] Anon requests Doom4 alpha participants to send feedback.

[12-05] Combined Arms: WIP4 available, feedback requested

[12-05] Anon music release: Doom64-style midis, free to use

[12-04] Nova II released

[12-04] Valiant: Vaccinated Edition (for gameplay mods)

[12-04] The /newstuff/ Chronicles #488

[12-03] The Port (giant city map, alpha release)

[12-02] PSX Doom: The Lost Levels released


To submit news, please reply to this post.

>> No.2849271

I'm not gonna lie. I would totally read that book, if only because it looks absolutely ridiculous (in the fun, Doom kind of way).

>> No.2849275

>The Berenstain Bears

I swear to god it was Berenstein

>> No.2849278
File: 632 KB, 1920x1080, gzdoom 2015-07-06 14-40-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may have only completed Doom 1's main three episodes earlier this year and still not completed Doom 2, or any of the other iwads, but quite frankly I don't give a damn. Always looking forward to new maps and gameplay mods to try out.

>> No.2849283

oh don't start with that shit

>> No.2849296


I really like that rocket launcher

>> No.2849304

shrug i suppose the only thing you are losing is the references. by which i mean, you won't recognise a remix of an iwad map if you've not played the original.

i had this with plutonia, as it took me a number of years to get hold of it, during which i had played hell revealed, alien vendetta, and all those kind of wads that contained multiple homages to plutonia maps. some mappers really love plutonia and try to recreate it over and over again.

or to put it another way, it's like when you finally see The Exorcist after it was unbanned, and you realise you've seen it all before because of countless parodies in other films that came out after it.

>> No.2849318

Don't get me wrong, I've dabbled in Plutonia and TNT, just never legitimately completed them or Doom 2. I've played most of the maps, if only to dick around. Which is why the LOST61C of the PSX Doom Lost Levels mod took me by surprise when it's literally the Map30 of TNT, Plutonia and D2 all mixed into one in PSX style.

>> No.2849358

Can I say this comment about how it is absolutely retarded that the demuns a) don't have many vivid colors but are just combinations of brown, grey or black and b) instead of looking like humans they look like aliens. Again.
Did they find out that red-green-blue Cacodemons cause epilepsy or something?

>> No.2849375

What are you even talking about? It was never the Berenstein Bears. When I was a kid, it was the Wolfenstein Cyberdemons. You know, "The Wolfenstein Cyberdemons Eat Too Many Babies", "The Wolfenstein Cyberdemons and the Marine", "The Wolfenstein Cyberdemons Children's Satanic Bible".

>> No.2849381
File: 15 KB, 625x626, ebddc3a6b49f8843dd612852aa27691e296989bd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2849393

doom's palette is quite drab. i don't think it'd be the same if it was super colorful like a mario game. it'd be a bit silly. recall they removed the original BFG because a storm of red and green bullets looked too much like christmas.

>> No.2849410

And due to the fact that it would toast any low-end computer back then

>> No.2849420
File: 212 KB, 400x400, 1363407602185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an older Hexen version

>> No.2849424
File: 1.12 MB, 960x720, conveyors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta pimp up the place later on. The conveyors work now, at least. I wonder how I should work the mechanics of the monsters spawning. Maybe when player enters to room they teleport on conveyors, and when they reach end, they are teleported on platforms.

Not pictured: cybie firing missiles, thankfully blocked by crushers.

>> No.2849429

Better by virtue of not having a watermark.

>> No.2849506


New hexen WAD you say?

>> No.2849526
File: 1002 KB, 1366x768, project brutality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Born to murder

>> No.2849532
File: 1.49 MB, 1366x768, powerup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Revenant Powerup

>> No.2849548

>playing as revenant.

fucking fuck yes. Entire game from enemy perspective when?

>> No.2849553

needs to change or at least hide the status bar face

>> No.2849554

Alright so, how it works

You have to kill an archvile, theres like 3 different kinds of the fuckers and just the regular one is a hassle, and sometimes theyll drop a special demon strength powerup thatll give you a badass transformation into a Revenant

some of the shit you get:
Jetpack (all revenants have this and it makes them a bitch to deal with)
The rocket armor
increased health
increased armor
one exceptionally powerful melee attack
and of course revenant sound effects

its temporary but honestly its just long enough to beat the shit out of everything for the next few rooms

>> No.2849557

yea I know, it does hurt the imersion a bit but honestly you wont notice when you are flying around killing everything in sight

>> No.2849558
File: 100 KB, 300x300, bueno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an ouch face equivalent for this image?

>> No.2849562

Y'all want me to get a screenshot of the transformation shit?
I can run some Doom and get it fer y'all

>> No.2849565

shure thang pardner

>> No.2849614

I forgot to mention that I was talking about the new Doom. Fug.

Agreed that the first 2 games weren't that colorful, but it wasn't just dust filter and blue/green. And the demons looked more like humans instead of ayys.

>> No.2849631

So once the new Doom is out, how long you think it'll be til people recreate Doom 1 & 2 using SnapMap?

I'm thinking people will start on day-fuck-one.

>> No.2849638

most likely.

>> No.2849639

Why is Nirvana (map21) considered the worst map of all Doom? I heard that several times and even the doomwiki mentions it, but I'm too novice to understand why.

>> No.2849647

Thinking about it, I agree. The map just reeks of "Look what I made in my first two hours", it brings nothing new, plus it's coming off of Map 20, which had quite a few places to explore.

It's an immensely linear map with no real cohesion mashed between Gotcha! and Barrels O' Fun, both maps with much more space and Fun Factor.

>> No.2849654

>but I'm too novice to understand why
then you know what you must do. play lots of maps, good and bad, and develop discernment.

>> No.2849663
File: 1.34 MB, 960x720, revenant factory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops ended up pimping it anyway. I'll have to pick better textures later on, make a custom tekwall that darkens upwards.

>> No.2849680

Any other Quake mods similar to Nazi Zombies?

>> No.2849687
File: 2 KB, 284x180, Testing this shit out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I should try something a little easier to distinguish? Shit. I'm bad at this.

For those who don't know yet, the Daibatana is gonna run off a different ammo system soon: you build up charge and can only use it til it hits 100%, so I'm trying to convey that on the HUD but this shit isn't easy for me

>> No.2849701

>Berenstain Bears
>not Berenstein
I want off this ride

>> No.2849727
File: 4 KB, 400x96, clip+(2015-12-12+at+09.42.31).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just got this as a suggestion

Should I use this instead?

>> No.2849730


Wait shit nevermind, it's 2big

Still fucking neato though

>> No.2849867
File: 1.07 MB, 876x609, Greetingsfromhell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope somebody digs up the actual 3DO FMVs someday, even just the raw footage.

>> No.2849869

I have a problem

all possible sounds, sound very close

like if a zombieguy with a shotgun fires at me from a long ways away his firing and reloading sounds all are at the volume as if he was beside of me

maps with lots of torches are nearly impossible to play since all the torches burning sounds are all going off at the same time at full volume

>> No.2849927

Which UT has the most active online community?

>> No.2849949

How the fuck does randomness work in ZDoom? I'm trying to reenter the map to get weaker enemies in Complex Doom, but they always stay the same.

>> No.2849956

Is it a savegame or autosave? Because the randomization seed is saved into those.

>> No.2849984

I reload a savegame in the end of previous map, finish it and enter next one.
When I tried to do the same trick earlier with a different map, it worked.
The only relevant difference is that now previous map has a death exit.

>> No.2850010

The newest UT on UE4's community is relatively small, but they're mostly the people you want to talk to when it comes to UT, as they're all vets (I've had my ass kicked on public servers every time.)

>> No.2850034
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20151213_012730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a hot strat for this particular part of Sunlust's Map 11?

>> No.2850038

what mappack is that

>> No.2850042

no one can help?

>> No.2850045


>not this shit again.tiff

>> No.2850047

I just figured out the hot strat so I no longer require a hot strat for this particular area.


>> No.2850053


you messed up something in your sound settings, i guess?
it could also be the gameplay mod you're using, i dunno

>> No.2850059

What is a hot strat

>> No.2850061

Any ideas on what I can change in the sound shit

>> No.2850087


See, this is why newdoom sucks. Olddoom had designs that were clearly demon, but they were toonish proportions and not even remotely close to realistic, and still endearing and iconic to us. This isn't even a limitation. This is just design choice, because the models they had were more realistic in appearance, and they look better scaled down.

>> No.2850094

I dunno, I like the new Revenant, Mancubus, and Caco designs. I can take or leave the cyberdemon design, it's not too great.

>> No.2850095


>> No.2850105
File: 455 KB, 900x1200, 1409316607932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll show you mine if you show me yours, anon~

>> No.2850127
File: 145 KB, 960x540, WRONG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick progress after a long hiatus. Moved item/object data from ACS arrays to the Language lump, which means all text messages can be edited right in the pk3 without having to compile anything.

It went surprisingly smooth, though there are some kinks left to fix (like WRONG here for example).

>> No.2850138

>Haven't seen all of the Demons
>From what we can see of the Baron and Pinky, they both are Red and Pink respectively, and have horns
>The Baron even looks like it has fucking hooves
Stop speaking out of your ass, man.

>> No.2850141

We've seen the pinky? I don't remember seeing him at all in the trailers.

>> No.2850145


Are you using OpenAL?
If so, the sound replacements you're using are stereo. OpenAL is bugged and the sounds play across the entire map.

>> No.2850152

What audio format do you guys use?
I like Fmod

>> No.2850154

a pinky can be seen charging past the player's side in the gameplay trailer in the hell portion, where he's blasting some hellknights and a baron of hell in the foreground with the chaingun

>> No.2850162
File: 196 KB, 599x360, pinkyandbaron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the Pinky/Spectre and Baron both.
Baron was brightened to show details better.

>> No.2850171

There's also this right here https://youtu.be/orCOtRt4WvQ?t=4m7s (dunno where the footage is from originally but it seems to be different from the E3 hell footage)

>> No.2850189

>not The Bloodstain Bears

>> No.2850226
File: 73 KB, 400x373, 1366087483198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nerds complaining their shitty wads aren't accepted on /idgames and crying hypocrisy.

>> No.2850242


He looks and sounds exactly like I expected him to.

>> No.2850262

Yes Im using open AL

So I just change it and itll get fixed?

>> No.2850271

this is unbearable

>> No.2850318
File: 14 KB, 300x275, 1395742588014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850327

i bet that's you in the video

>> No.2850334

someone else whose accent and diction is as incomprehensible as Omegalore

>> No.2850347
File: 463 KB, 1379x1200, 1395444220946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>terrytards upset because stale joke isn't wanted

>> No.2850364
File: 215 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20151212_203456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it chilly on the moon?

>> No.2850370


No, actually.

>> No.2850372

So uh
Some guy on /v/ dumped like, 28 Doom MP Xbone gameplay webms
Do you guys want some or nah

>> No.2850376
File: 16 KB, 420x300, 1407895205110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850379
File: 219 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20151212_204215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see.

I want.

>> No.2850383

Where is that from?

>> No.2850384
File: 2.94 MB, 1067x600, 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please keep in mind, controller gameplay.
Janny pls no ban

>> No.2850390

Hey dude, it worked

thank you for your help mate

>> No.2850392
File: 2.91 MB, 1067x600, 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This armor seems to function like an UT belt, 100% hp protection

>> No.2850398

>that shot
>that melee afterwards
>that obviously using a controller
I dont hate Halo at all, but this reminds me of Halo 2

>> No.2850401
File: 2.94 MB, 1067x600, 1449912471897.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850405
File: 363 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20151126_123910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any idea on how to remedy packet loss on zand? it sucks that the framerate is shit, but the ping is nominal.

>> No.2850408
File: 93 KB, 468x350, 1403765614343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it could be fun with a mouse and keyboard.

>> No.2850415
File: 2.94 MB, 1067x600, 4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It kinda is in some ways
More arena in some respects, way less in others

>> No.2850418
File: 2.94 MB, 1067x600, 5.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could be a long dump by the way, I probably won't dump all of the webms (stop at 10, maybe?)

Sadly its all static cannon + ssg gameplay

>> No.2850426
File: 2.94 MB, 1067x600, 6.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the guy didn't bother hiding his name, probably b& now

>> No.2850434

>Please keep in mind, controller gameplay
>implying modern FPS controls are hard

>> No.2850435
File: 2.94 MB, 1067x600, 7.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850439
File: 2.92 MB, 1067x600, 8.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying modern FPS controls are hard

>> No.2850440

post as many as you like. i mean, unless you're bored of waiting for the posting delay.

>> No.2850448
File: 2.94 MB, 1067x600, 9.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't bother me much, but I don't wanna spam the thread with unimpressive gameplay that only shows 2 guns

>> No.2850452
File: 2.94 MB, 1067x600, 10.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one.

>> No.2850513

why does no one ever comment on how funny these doom pictures are? They're the only reason I come here.

>> No.2850517

this game is literally halo/resistance

>> No.2850524

Looks like Disney is remaking the Doom movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VG5MtenlP-A

>> No.2850525 [DELETED] 

>doom 4 is literally halo with a pseudo-doom reskin
Welp. I guess the doom babies are gonna love going back to their roots

>> No.2850536


>> No.2850561
File: 216 KB, 500x500, chef ramsay has locked himself in the freezer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this shit stop when the game actually comes out, or will it just persist forever?

>> No.2850564

When it comes out most people will play and talk about it for a month. Then it will vanish from the face of the earth give or take a few casuals

>> No.2850573


Nah, the doom babbies nerd has to constantly reassure us that he hates us for some reason.
Even one day far off in the future, when the internet's on its last dying breath and all vidya is being purged from the earth, he will feel it absolutely necessary to let us know that he doesn't like us, and it will be his final message to the world at large.

>> No.2850582

-200 degrees celsius in the shade isn't chilly?

>> No.2850606

sounds like an average day in canada

>> No.2850613

-boarding arctic- Canada maybe. I live on vancouver island and there's no snow ever and it some winters it hardly dips below 0

>> No.2850663

The pinky actually seems pinkish, but the Baron sure as Hell isn't.

Revenant is pretty good but it's basically the same as the original anyway. Slightly less goofy maybe.
Cacodemon too is very similar to the original, but has nocolors.
Mancubus looks like shit t b h, for me the original is good because it was really the caricature of a grotesque man. This one is more like the caricature of a fat alien and not even grotesque (stitches on stomach =! grotesque).
The Cyberdemon is just shit. It looks like a big lizard/bug instead of... you know, a demon. And that scene where it poses, leans towards the player and roars? top kek, I thought we were supposed to be scared or at least intimidated by the Cyberdemon, not to consider it a joke.

>> No.2850690

On burl tumd from the last thread since I just caught up. It's really supposed to be some kind of joke? It's so goddamn fun though, been running through old maps with it and having a blast.

>> No.2850713
File: 551 KB, 1920x1080, doom-mancubus-screenshot_1920.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Mancubus:
>Stitched up stomach
>Visible heart
>Big gross jiggling gut
>Looks sweaty/slimy
>Big freaky Maggot face with dozens of teeth
>Not grotesque

Old Mancubus:
>A really fucking fat dude with 6 nipples
>The most vile, disgusting, vomit inducing, grotesque thing to walk on the crust of the earth

I don't get your logic here man.
You really aren't making any fucking sense.

>> No.2850715

Yeah I think it was intended as a joke poking fun at Brutal Doom, as it turned out though it wound up being pretty fun for a fairly lightweight weapons mod.

>> No.2850768

I thought she was pregnant from the thumbnail :[

>> No.2850792

>Old Mancubus:
>>A really fucking fat dude with 6 nipples
>>The most vile, disgusting, vomit inducing, grotesque thing to walk on the crust of the earth
>I don't get your logic here man.

I don't get yours, either.

>> No.2850793
File: 81 KB, 640x640, 12356548_1512982082335698_995622800_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, for those who still remember that Sonic/Doom picture mashup posted weeks ago, I found the original picture which it was based on.

>> No.2850797

I'm pretty sure he was poking fun at the guy who thought the classic Mancubus was really grotesque.

>> No.2850798

>Stitched up stomach
Retarded as fuck.
>Visible heart
>Big gross jiggling gut
Same as original Mancubus
>Looks sweaty/slimy
Same as original Mancubus
>Big freaky Maggot face with dozens of teeth
The face is alright, but again looks too much like a bug IMO.

>> No.2850803

>What are you doing in my garage? That's my saw!

>> No.2850807

Where's that new DOOM footage we were supposed to get yesterday from Id and Bethesda?

>> No.2850814
File: 907 KB, 900x1222, 1442598303055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I have a bigger version of it. This is the same picture used in the Project Brutality titlepic, which makes it all the more hilarious. Knowing these people, the guy probably genuinely thought that Sonic in Brutal doom would be the coolest thing ever.

>> No.2850815

i don't think they were going to release any new footage yesterday, it was a misunderstanding

>> No.2850827
File: 83 KB, 1032x774, _doomguy__by_pitbottom-d5zyd2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I guess I'm gonna dump all of the doom guy pic that I have.

>> No.2850829
File: 108 KB, 999x799, 1388721619552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850831
File: 968 KB, 1100x1290, 1389848531806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850834


>> No.2850836
File: 195 KB, 738x1101, 1402661669227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850837

It's pretty damn legit for a joke. What the fuck man?

>> No.2850840
File: 24 KB, 491x673, 「South of Heaven」.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850841

a lot of things start as a joke. chocolate doom started as thinking of a pun on vanilla doom and the compulsion to make a port with that name

>> No.2850843
File: 628 KB, 800x1008, bunch of slack jawed faggets 'round here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850846
File: 158 KB, 848x1200, new_doom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850848

Can someone upload the ZDoom version? Link from the official ZDoom forums topic is dead.

>> No.2850852
File: 595 KB, 1600x900, 1439012085036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850854
File: 1.76 MB, 1600x2273, 1439012183470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850856

Any noteworthy mods for higher-resolution textures, enemies, pickups, etc?

>> No.2850859
File: 663 KB, 651x897, 1442872904229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850863
File: 824 KB, 569x1252, 1443822595250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850867
File: 832 KB, 1280x1790, magazine_doom_guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850868
File: 1.38 MB, 2000x1289, 1445483066491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850870
File: 1.49 MB, 1885x1826, doom_sword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850871

I particularly like this one. Solid and classy.

>> No.2850873
File: 1.35 MB, 744x1051, a450937d845c81bce05974e43d4aeedceb45f096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850874
File: 6 KB, 212x150, 1449963725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850879
File: 959 KB, 1365x768, brutal_doomage__by_helios437-d7h29m2 (Medium).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to resize this one because of the 4mb file size limit

>> No.2850881
File: 34 KB, 512x511, cool_doomguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850882
File: 304 KB, 2272x1571, doom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850883
File: 136 KB, 1015x787, doom__genesis_by_kracov-d8eoa2m.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850884
File: 2.91 MB, 2000x1869, doom__into_hell_by_kracov-d5h8xu5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850886

i was just thinking that should be a title screen for a wad but then i noticed it's kracov so no wonder

>> No.2850887
File: 80 KB, 991x806, doom__redemption_mod_by_kracov-d8d4ogx.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850890
File: 717 KB, 843x606, doom_bfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850894
File: 90 KB, 900x579, doom_guy_by_reienkyo22-d3hj974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850895
File: 41 KB, 1600x1200, kracov_freedoom_titlepic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he did a bunch of dtwid's art and a titlepic for freedoom

>> No.2850897
File: 209 KB, 1256x848, doom_pinky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850898
File: 554 KB, 589x648, Doom_PSX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850904
File: 874 KB, 1920x1080, Doomguy_low_on_health.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850906
File: 16 KB, 197x374, doomguy_edge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, the Doom 4 alpha is boring as hell and all, but to be fair with the footage posted above, the guy playing sucks balls. He tries to Halo it by shooting repeatedly and then tossing a frag or trying to melee if he gets close, instead of keeping his distance with his range-preferred guns. Plus he can't aim for crap either.

>> No.2850907
File: 1.09 MB, 2415x2195, doomguy32_FERDIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850910
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, DoomGuyStandingHD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850912
File: 653 KB, 1024x576, Omae wa mo ripped and teared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850914
File: 272 KB, 800x500, mikeart4-color-titleformat-v17copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850919
File: 1.09 MB, 1600x1200, poster-12-11-03_16-34-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wrote teared instead of torn

for shame

>> No.2850920

Jesus Christ Doomguy needs to lay off the berserk packs, he's looking more like a demon than he should from those arm colors and veins. Then again with all the soul/megaspheres and other things he uses, lord knows if he's even human anymore by the end of Doom 2 or Doom 64?

inb4 a mod that starts out relatively normal, but Doomguy gets more demonic powers to destroy the forces of hell with as the game progresses, fighting fire with fire

>> No.2850921
File: 2.35 MB, 1013x1494, Sidharth Chaturvedi - Doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850923

Nevermind, seems like my browser was just having a meltdown again.

>> No.2850924
File: 115 KB, 500x707, tumblr_nq2704VJw01r2to8go1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850925
File: 686 KB, 1093x1000, tumblr_nr785nkOHH1uybqjno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2850926
File: 17 KB, 185x331, freedoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all for now. As a bonus, here's the original sketch of the freedoom player

>> No.2850931

heh i like the more humorous ones

>> No.2850940

sporting the spehs maroon look here

>> No.2850941

thank you for your posts

>> No.2850945


Looks like something Yoji Shinkawa would do.

>> No.2850950

All of this cool fanart makes me with /vr/ had a Draw Thread.

>> No.2850952
File: 265 KB, 556x720, doom_imp_by_timkelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome

>> No.2850982
File: 862 KB, 1366x768, revenant powerup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, sorry fellas it took so long, had a busy day

heres the post transformation when getting the revenant powerup

>> No.2850987

Why is it called "Burl Tumd"?

>> No.2850990

typo of "brutal"

>> No.2851005
File: 67 KB, 629x245, timthumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post favorite Doom Mods.

>> No.2851008
File: 15 KB, 320x240, titlepic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2851015
File: 1.86 MB, 640x252, 1434836103112.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else really digging the Doom 4 music? I for one can't wait for them to release a full version of that sweet E1M1 remix from the trailer

>> No.2851016

Yeah I think I like it.
Also what the hell is going on with that smoke on that gif.

>> No.2851023

Eh, I'm not all that keen on it. It feels like it's trying too hard.
Here's the alpha theme

The leaked soundtrack from a few years ago was weird, is there much info on it?

>> No.2851029

>30 gallons of blood produced by chainsaw
>0 drops on the floor

>> No.2851037

Let us not forget the god tier remix of the Alpha music done by an Anon here.

Wonder if he still dangles around.

>> No.2851146
File: 334 KB, 407x392, 0WfLZ86.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also this horribly blurred shot.

I'd be pretty pissed at the game ignoring a clear meatshot to the head like that.

Doesn't help that there's also grenade-throwing.

What's going on with the side of the screen there, a bug?

>> No.2851174

>Doesn't help that there's also grenade-throwing.
I like that in games though.

Having to individually select grenades as a separate weapon like in Half-Life or Doom 3 kind of made them cumbersome, just have a button you press which makes you throw a grenade without having to swap your weapons.

>> No.2851179
File: 1.84 MB, 1280x960, Revenant circlejerk.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, I'll come back later.

>> No.2851226

Does anyone else take issue with the level of violence in Brutal Doom?

I'm not talking "offended" or "grossed out." I mean it is so excessively over the top that I find it hard to suspend my disbelief. I know Doom was always excessive, but Brutal is downright cartoony.

My main gripe is that it doesn't feel "BRUTAL" as its namesake implies. The shit it offers is more overblown and goofy than the fuckin' Mortal Kombat 3 fatalities... and that's saying a lot. They may as well call it "Throwing Baloons Full of Ketchup at Enemies Doom."

Yes, I am thankful that v20 has a "realistic" setting, but even that's still a bit much.

>> No.2851230

The word you're looking for is "tasteless" and yes I agree.

>> No.2851250

>Brutal is downright cartoony.
Is that not why Doom is so great? All the monsters are cartoon characters
cacodemon a cute

>> No.2851284
File: 315 KB, 372x474, 1448477893592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2851302

looks more like a call of duty reskin.

>> No.2851302,1 [INTERNAL] 


Seriously, why haven't you permabanned this ni- oh right he's probably part of the /sthg/ shitposter posse so he gets a free pass.

Fuck you niggers.

>> No.2851324


>> No.2851352

...Is there a G offscreen?

>> No.2851365


>that last dicksucking post

>> No.2851378

jesus, when did he get so fat?

>> No.2851385

>The word you're looking for is "tasteless" and yes I agree.
I don't like calling Brutal Doom "tasteless" because 1) that implicitly suggests that Doom was somehow "tasteful" and 2) it makes you sound like Tipper Gore. I would call it insipid or trite

>> No.2851447


Without getting in to whether or not violence in games can be "tasteful," I think a more accurate word would be "stylish." I'm always down for some ultra violence if it's stylish or looks cool. Brutal Doom is neither of these. It takes the quantity over quality approach.

I think the best word to describe Brutal Doom is "juvenile." It has a very juvenile take on violence and doesn't know how to handle it with style and flair.

Damn shame, too, because I like a lot of the other mechanics and features it adds. Quick melee? Fun. Rescuing allies? Neat, but occasionally gets in the way. Enemy weapon pickups? Great idea. Kicking barrels into a crowd of enemies before shooting them? Maybe my favorite feature...

Violence with the presentation of an edgelord tween who just learned that things bleed when they're wounded? Lol. Get real.

>> No.2851452

Yeah, brutal doom sucks. Why all the pseudo intellectual bullshit? Get your heads out of your asses.

>> No.2851461


calm down

>> No.2851468


>> No.2851479

>Doomguy is a space marine
This could explain so much.

>> No.2851480

That's been Fanon for a while now.

>> No.2851530 [DELETED] 

Gave Cyberrunner a try - love the speed but didn't like the monsters. What's the Defrag of Doom called?

>> No.2851540
File: 40 KB, 700x393, LFro6in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck do people think this is okay?

>> No.2851543

What in the unholy fuck am I looking at
I've seen the UT hud before but lost track of it ages ago, but who the fuck thought that was a good idea

>> No.2851603


Because every cool game out there has HD graphix, and every retro game by rule of dumb should have the same thing too!

>> No.2851608
File: 26 KB, 320x200, Screenshot_Doom_20151213_004544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to get around this bullshit when dealing with flats that aren't 64x64?

>> No.2851617

for the same reasoning that leads me to see no point in running the game at anything higher than 640x480

>> No.2851623

Because people are dumb and think moar pixels = looks better.

>> No.2851626

It's one of the reasons I know Doom would never work in a modern 3D game.

Some things are just better when you can't see every nook and cranny.

>> No.2851632

because brutal kiddies have literally no standards or taste whatsoever

they'll play anything that in their eyes further 'improves' the base brootal experience in one way or the other, at the expense of quality and sensibility most of the time, when in reality, it looks and most probably also plays like shit

>> No.2851635

out of interest, what texture are you actually trying to use on that surface? does it have dimensions that are both powers of two?

>> No.2851674
File: 2 KB, 32x96, CONS96_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>does it have dimensions that are both powers of two?

ah, that's the issue then. always thought it had to be 64x64.

>> No.2851675
File: 291 KB, 2048x1160, 12322972_151515651874507_9222777895134247101_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2851683

The main character should have been Coldsteel IMO

>> No.2851691
File: 103 KB, 750x950, 995159_312377285565936_493854751_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tone of the violence is rather cruel at times. The monsters screaming in agony clutching their spilled guts makes it seem as if you're a villain. Doom should really have zero moral ambiguity.
However I really like a lot of the other stuff, monsters being blasted back by shots and explosions, the player death and infighting fatalities, and the sound effects of the blood, I just think that it's kind of OTT and is a bit distracting.

>> No.2851707

Well I look at it this way: It adds more interactivity and feedback into the game.
In vanilla when you kill an enemy it always plays same animation regardless of whether you killed it with a chaingun a shotgun or a plasma. The best thing BD added IMO is that level of feedback - the choice of a weapon (and where you fire it) now affects result you recieve and it's immediately visible. THIS what makes BD enjoyable for me.

I usually turn down blood or outright edit it most of it out of the mod (along with most smoke effects) so it would'nt get in the way of animations.

>> No.2851708

This reminds me of Starship Troopers.

We need a ST mod.

>> No.2851709
File: 67 KB, 640x480, 1449998689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, e.g. blakwal1 (64x128) is fine, door1 (64x72) isn't

>> No.2851710

There's a random smoke particle emitter linked to the chainsaw, it seems offset wrong.

>> No.2851712

Fatalities should be toned down too, I think. The only 2 games I can remember doing them well are Undying and Dead Space. Undying has very quick and to the point fatalities and each monster does its unique and recognizable thing (Howlers lopping your head off and just swallowing it in one gulp remains memorable to this day) and they make sense, they aren't dragged out for the sake of being horrific or violent. Dead Space's ones take a bit longer but they do a good job intensifying the reason why the monsters are so dangerous, and how weak you are. Which obviously isn't the thing to go in a Doom game.

Now Doom, whether in a mod or in the new game, could benefit from fatalities similar to the ones in Undying. But when it's based on RRRRAAAAAAARGHHHHH RIP AND TEAR MAN XDDD RRARRRGH it just becomes retarded. The Doom comic is a meme because it's a terrible comic, you really shouldn't base anything but jokes on it. And of course the player shouldn't be able to do any fatalities, for obvious reasons. Simply having reactive death animations for the enemies, like in Killing Floor 2, should be enough.

>> No.2851721


Finishing monsters with a melee blow in Doom 4 should just punch their head off, or a limb, or ragdoll them and send them skidding away.

Then berserker punches would splatter them, split them in two and send their torso flying while the legs stand, punch a hole through their chest, or COMPLETELY red mist them.

Keep it fast, visceral, crunch, and above all don't take the fucking controls away from the player, a Berserked doom guy should be able to go -THROUGH- lesser monsters without needing to stop at all.

>> No.2851724
File: 2.14 MB, 400x225, monster fatality.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new Doom does have player death fatalities from the looks of the e3 demo. I'm okay with having them be a bit nuts.
However Doom 4's fatalities have an even bigger problem than Brutal Dooms; there's no reason that you can't have the kicking, goomba stomping and chainsaw as regular gameplay. Its as if they're removing interactivity instead of adding more.

>> No.2851728

This. Especially on the berserker idea.

Well it does have player death fatalities, but they're really generic. The examples I've seen are the guy in your webm and the Revenant, both of whom literally proceed to beat the player to death (the Revenant does it with the player's arms, but really that changes nothing). What the Revenant does, any other monster in the game (that has arms) can do, it's not something you look at and say "yeah, that's a very fitting move for a Revenant".
Also, the player is invulnerable during the animations he performs, right? Or did I misunderstand that.

>> No.2851782

>doom 64 with mouselook and wasd

fuck, it's so good

>> No.2851786

"classic" mouselook or freelook ?

>> No.2851795



>> No.2851836

agreed. Such a fucking great game. everything about it puts me right back to the days of playing doom for the first time (on a hired sega saturn I think it was)

>pistol starting Map 9 on "I Own Doom"
I'm not worthy!!

>> No.2851839

No its not. Doom 64 was never good and playing with kbm only makes it completely brain dead easy. Dumb doom baby.

>> No.2851854
File: 183 KB, 425x450, tumblr_nzair51UAq1uwi6g0o4_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2851892

Is vanilla Doom good enough for BURL TUMD or do you guys have map/wad suggestions?

>> No.2851940
File: 1.00 MB, 1578x518, notgonnamakefriends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not gonna make friends with this map.

>> No.2851948


>> No.2851952
File: 29 KB, 225x220, 1405539714861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2851959

don't wear out your ctrl+v keys

>> No.2851968

Oh he's not fat, at least not when he's sitting next to Rich Evans, but he did grow a nasty goitre that gives him a mancubus neck.

Speaking of Evans, he's a brudltard streaming brodumb occasionally.

>> No.2851979

Rich Evans lost a shitload of weight recently
I think Mike might actually be fatter

>> No.2852004

>they aren't dragged out for the sake of being horrific or violent.

Mark did a significant speed up on fatalities 3 or 4 versions ago. Now no fatality lasts more than 2 or 3 seconds.

>> No.2852015


It being a Baron is appropiate too.

>> No.2852029

New Doom's finishers all seemed to only take just a few moments, save for the ones involving the chainsaw (which is sort of the point of something as lumbering and impractical as a chainsaw.)

Otherwise it seemed mostly quick neck-snaps and speedy face-punts.

>> No.2852030


they're hilarious, that's why I check for these threads.

>> No.2852034

The ones involving taking zombie/demon down and then kicking its head against the wall, or the jaw snapping take longer. There are some other examples but I can't remember them. We're normally talking about a game where even a second's pause should be lethal... or at least id tries to make it seem like that.
The chainsaw is just ridiculous. The videos make it out to be a 1-hit guaranteed kill weapon too.

>> No.2852049

>The videos make it out to be a 1-hit guaranteed kill weapon too.
It is in the original game too :3

For anything below a baron in any case.

>> No.2852053

In the original chainsaw doesn't work by hitting the enemy once and seeing it automatically die while you're protected from other enemies around.

>> No.2852064

I think the invulnerability is the only problem with D4 executions. Having to weigh the piñata bonus from executions with the vulnerability of being unable to dodge during them would add a layer of strategy.

>> No.2852067

>It is in the original game too :3
>For anything below a baron in any case.
not really, try it on an arachnotron and see if you can make contact. don't use ZDoom, it changes the game physics.

>> No.2852068

> :3


>> No.2852069

The glory kills are pretty short in any case. What was the maximum time they gave for them, a while ago?
>We're normally talking about a game where even a second's pause should be lethal... or at least id tries to make it seem like that.
Nah, not quite. Not even in the originals, depending on the map and the enemies not being hitscanners.
Is it confirmed that you're immune during the animation?
And for the enemies they showed the chainsaw working against, yeah, they did die in one touch of it in the originals.

>> No.2852075

That's the thing. The original Doom isn't like that. But the new one is supposed to be this super dedly, fast, skill game where pausing is dangerous. Nothing wrong with not making it like that, but then why pretend it really is like that?

>they did die in one touch of it in the originals.
Again this goes hand in hand with the invulnerability. Though to be fair to them it hasn't been confirmed verbally.

>> No.2852082
File: 1.43 MB, 720x360, one touch he says.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And for the enemies they showed the chainsaw working against, yeah, they did die in one touch of it in the originals.


Furthermore the original chainsaw had a real risk of using it seeing as it pulled you into monsters and locked your view up. Which I personally hate but still.

>> No.2852084

You know, i have a weird feel that they aimed to make new Doom multiplayer feel and play like the original's single.

>> No.2852094

Just how many sectors you got here?

>> No.2852095

>It being a Baron is appropiate too.
iirc someone actually requested this but with an archvile

>> No.2852098

one, presumably
it's a zdoom slope with a non-power-of-two texture on it

>> No.2852101

Because they're boring as shit to fight

>> No.2852102


Barons are walking doors, and their fat asses soak up damage like a champ

>> No.2852105

Doom 2016 had no hope of being as good as what the community has made of Doom from the get-go because of today's expectations from AAA games - there's almost no way they could make it as large, open and moddable as Doom while still maintaining current day expectations for what an AAA game should be graphically. I'll be happy if it's as least as good as Half-Life or even Halo 1/2's campaign, because singleplayer shooters are legitimately absolute trash right now and even a game of average quality would be a breath of fresh air. Just my 2c.

If they'd made it as a budget game instead of an AAA smash hit they might've gotten away with something closer to classic Doom, but I can't see Bethesda/id ever doing that.

>> No.2852161

You're right about the SP shooters part.
It's easy to make a game moddable. You just have to not be so uptight that even thinking of letting people modify your product is enough to cause a panic attack. Designing the levels to be large and open like the originals isn't very hard either since there's the entire pool of mappers within the community.
Now graphics-wise yes, it's possible that they put too heavy of a burden on the budget, however most AAA games actually don't look anything special. Crysis 1 has been barely surpassed (IF it actually has been) and it came out a millennium ago. A strong art direction would be crucial here, but it's nowhere to be seen.

I think it's stupid not to take the small risk of making a game like classic Doom. Nobody would care if the story was light because no one cares about the story anymore even in games where story is supposed to be great. The game could easily hold players' hands or offer an actual challenge simply via difficulty settings, so no one in the audience would be alienated. The hardest thing to handle would be the multiplayer, since it's hard to decide if you're going to go the HEADSHOT +400 MASTER SERGEANT OF IMPORTANT PERSON UNLOCKED route or go back to basics without the unnecessary fluff. But that point about the MP remains regardless of the way SP is handled.

>> No.2852176

Questions about the /vr/ Boom E1 replacement.

-Has anyone done E1M8/boss replacement yet? I am interested, it seems like an easy enough map to do and I need to get back on the horse after a year.
-How strict are we being about "E1?" I'm not gonna put a BFG but I would like to do some Cacodemons in the boss room. Likewise for textures? I don't want to do anything huge but I don't remember if bloodfalls are in E1 or even Doom1.

>> No.2852179
File: 237 KB, 900x506, fzd_DC68_image_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the idea of RPG mechanics in Doom but I'm not a fan of kyle's DoomRPG mod at all.

Which games have rpg systems that would work well in Doom style gameplay?

>> No.2852183

My map already has cacos, barons and lost souls in it and nobody's complained.
Bloodfalls (or any kind of falls) aren't in Doom 1 and I can't remember if Boom can do custom animated textures.

>> No.2852229

The ANIMATED lump was Boom's method for doing additional animated textures and flats. The entire reason they added it was for bloodfalls, etc.

>> No.2852238

Whats the latest version of SUAB and what do I do to fix it?

>> No.2852241


>> No.2852298

>It's easy to make a game moddable. You just have to not be so uptight that even thinking of letting people modify your product is enough to cause a panic attack.

You can't make a game easily moddable just by giving everyone full access to modify it. I doubt Doom modding would be as huge as it is today if it weren't for the fact that editing almost any aspect of it is fast, easy and intuitive. The more complex you make a game's graphics the harder it is to mod it while keeping the graphical standards of your mod at the point where it doesn't feel out of place from the game it's for - this is why Snapmap happened, they're trying to let average people easily make levels on par with what's in the game. It's going to suck, though. Prefabricated rooms and good shooter level design don't mix, that's more fitting for an RPG.
Valve's GoldSrc and Source engines hit the graphics/modding tools sweet spot and they've got a huge amount of mods and levels for their games as a result. UT through to 2k4 had a large modding and mapping community around it as well, and that fell off significantly with UT3 because making something up to the same standard with a decent amount of custom assets took the same amount of knowledge and effort with asset creation as it'd take to be an employed 3D artist at the time. It's a delicate balance, and even if the full tools for Doom 2016 were just given out, a modding community even just the size of UT3's would probably be unlikely and the best-case scenario.

>> No.2852308
File: 547 KB, 1274x782, tooLATE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't see the 'v' of my v-key anymore.

>> No.2852317

millennial kiddie here, used to play quake 3 a lot but never got around to playing quake 1 or doom. are they much different?

>> No.2852325

Quake feels a lot like quake 3. Doom however is very different in gameplay, graphics and general 'feel'.

>> No.2852327


32in24-15 happening right now. Still about 11 hours of the first (layout building) stage left.

>> No.2852330


>> No.2852332

why is doom that much different? is it because it technically isn't 'real 3D' like quake?

>> No.2852338

That's part of it, but I think the major difference is that Doom can have way more enemies in a map and in each encounter due to simpler AI and usage of sprites instead of models. I don't think any of the stock maps in Quake have more than 100 enemies in them.

>> No.2852363

Doom has no jumping and since it's not real 3d the levels don't have the same verticality as Quake 1/3, and the level design is also a lot more abstract and (I'll get flak for this) lower in quality on average.

Doom also has much higher running speed and much slower projectiles, which makes it play a bit more like an arcade shooter in 3D. What it does better than quake however is variation in monsters, weapons and environments, the first two of which are incredibly well designed and balanced.

>> No.2852397
File: 243 KB, 680x836, 1325851996413_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any decent Christmas themed WADs?

>> No.2852405

Whitemare 2 has some Christmas stuff. Maybe first one too.

>> No.2852409


so this is the part where they expect people to laugh at them so they can cry "bullying!" and edit Doomworld's Wiki article?


>kurashiki actually fulfilled that anon's request
>she also fucking did cacobro fan art

2015 has been surreal

>> No.2852424
File: 427 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20151214_033725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a trick to make an equivalent to "Walkable middle" in Boom where you can shoot through something but be blocked by it where the midtex is as well? Or is the only option for this a fake ceiling?

>> No.2852429


Nambona's the one that does the most editing to the Doom ED article, which is why it's got such emphasis on being a whiny bitch about Terrywads not being liked.

>> No.2852438

I think Doom hits the perfect spot of ease of use versus capabilities. Wolf is too primitive and even Duke is too complex (I mod for Duke myself - we had about 20 levels released this year, compare that to the number of megawads released in a year)

>> No.2852439

hentai desu

>> No.2852440

i fucking need this mod pls send the link i'm dying.
it looks like some shitty CD-I game

>> No.2852443

The fact that the game has to be easy and intuitive to edit was implied, of course.
People with less time or that want to make less effort will always gravitate towards easier things, this is irrelevant. The important thing is to actually have a modding community going even if it's not huge. And for example many if not most mods for Source use generic assets found in Valve's games. So do most WADs, they just use base Doom assets. WarCraft 3's map editor was capable of doing everything and people made all kinds of mods while still using the game's own stuff. So as long as the game is designed with this in mind, it should be possible to make modding relatively easy regardless of graphics.

>> No.2852448


>> No.2852449

Nevermind, I just made it so the player smacks their head against the invisible wall created by the fake ceiling so there's a space to shoot. The lift lowers too fast for it to be noticable.

>> No.2852510

>kurashiki actually fulfilled that anon's request

Sorry to ruin the dream, but it was Bloodshedder's request in #doomtwid after a discussion which monster is the least fun. Doesn't change kura's rockstar status though.

>> No.2852524

>Bloodshedder's request
never mind, it's shit

>> No.2852546

>I doubt Doom modding would be as huge as it is today if it weren't for the fact that editing almost any aspect of it is fast, easy and intuitive.
Yeah, now. Old editors literally did not have a 3D mode to visualize what the damn place looked like, and have you ever tried to use XWE?!

>> No.2852549

>Sorry to ruin the dream, but it was Bloodshedder's request

Why not both?
It's not like requests can only be owned by one single person.

>> No.2852581

Fix it how?

And here: https://copy.com/qubXHv3WPk8Qv3NH

>> No.2852624

>have you ever tried to use XWE?!
lol oh nooo my wad-building util has a sub optimal GUI and limited functionality. go back in time and try using DeuTex, scrub

>> No.2852639

is this some kind of penis-measuring competition about what editor is the least functional?

because let me tell you about deepsea

>> No.2852650

don't hate on deutex, asslord

>> No.2852679

Is it only me who thinks that Doom mapping has descended into small challenging action packs like Congestion 1024 style wads instead of actual epic megawads who has a tight plot? I want wads like Cheogsh than some average 10-minute hit and run maps.

>> No.2852690

funny i was beginning to let myself hope the age of 1024^2 wads and other horribly cramped maps was by and large finally over. maybe i'm misunderstanding you

>> No.2852694

BTSX is nothing like that.

>> No.2852704

>the age of 1024^2 wads and other horribly cramped maps was by and large finally over

Unfortunately no, actually more than half of the cacoward nominees were Congestion-tier over detailed junk like Sunlust. This year's cacowards are legitimately awful.

>> No.2852706

>maybe i'm misunderstanding you
perhaps he means wads that are a series of tuned gameplay encounters. like swift death. or slaughter maps of sequences of chambers where you are given a megasphere and a specific weapon and locked in.

>> No.2852712

>you are given a megasphere and a specific weapon and locked in
i wanted to say you are given a specific loadout

>> No.2852723

>most mods for Source use generic assets found in Valve's games
Source and GoldSrc are easy because most of their world detail is made of BSP instead of static meshes, and it's easier to make or find fitting custom textures than entirely new models.
>So do most WADs, they just use base Doom assets.
Same as above, except replace BSP with linedefs.
>WarCraft 3's map editor was capable of doing everything and people made all kinds of mods while still using the game's own stuff.
Warcraft 3 and Starcraft are easy to make map editors for because, afaik (haven't ever been a Blizzard fan), they're either mostly heightmaps or modular assets.
Source, WC3 and Doom are easy to mod as a reflection of the technology and design trends at the time. They're even all in open formats that can have custom tools made for them. Expecting the same convenience from a current in-house AAA engine that isn't made specifically to be sold to smaller development teams is kind of naïve, as they're mostly made to be used in a studio environment and assets tend to be handbuilt for specific scenes in far greater number than they used to be, making them less useful for general mapping - Particularly in the case of idtech5 games, where everything seems to be baked straight into the map unless it's a dynamic object.
This discussion is kinda pointless, anyway, because aside from what little we've seen of Snapmap we don't know anything about what we'll be able to edit yet. Maybe idtech6 will be a complete 180 from idtech5 and they'll include the editor. It's possible, Bethesda is fairly mod-friendly.

>> No.2852726

I meant both gameplay and wad length. Doom is getting horribly cramped in these days. It's mostly one man's "hey i made these in 100 minutes! Cool huh" instead of an actual community project.

>> No.2852771
File: 96 KB, 640x480, 1450045213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

map12: MUDRAM* with all the imps replaced with revenants.

i'm never going to finish this wad by christmas at this rate...

* >>/vr/thread/S2243709#p2244941

>> No.2852806

>It's mostly one man's "hey i made these in 100 minutes! Cool huh" instead of an actual community project.
Agreed, if there's one thing we need more of, it's community projects

>> No.2852809

I tried playing that Forest wad from the news archive and it was missingtextures&entities land, do I need some other wad to play it?

>> No.2852810

Did the doomkart thing ever actually get made?

>> No.2852823


Nope. All Doomkart projects have crashed and burned.

>> No.2852867

it's for hexen, so presumably use the hexen iwad, not doom2.wad

>> No.2852885

i think the last attempt was a non-starter as the naive person doing it allowed himself to be convinced that gzdoom's netcode was adequate for the task

>> No.2852926

Ah, now it worked right.
To be honest it was kind of boring, I couldn't be assed to reload my file when I died. iD tech 1 isn't really made for wide open areas, and it reflects heavily in all the monsters made for it. I made the first temple thing, the one with the cool organ, and wandered a bit more outside. That's it, constantly sniping and being sniped by two pixels in the distance was annoying at best.

>> No.2852937

Anyone with a fairly deep knowledge of GZDoom lurking?
I've been thinking about rain effects. I believe the usual way is to spawn invidiual rain drops around the player, which is very performance intensive if the spawning rate/density is high. But what one instead used flat plane 3d models (like a + seen from above) with many drops on each side? That would massively cut down on the number of individual actors needed.

>> No.2853017
File: 79 KB, 588x348, Rain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sense that may be problematic.
The raindrop "splash" would have to have multiple FrameIndex lines defined for it in MODELDEF, and having a large 3D model with many drops would make it difficult to accurately detect when the raindrop would create a splash when it hits solid objects and sectors of varying heights. To prevent that, you would need to place multiple actors in your map, anyway, which would kind of defeat the purpose, because the performance difference between rendering sprites and rendering models is negligible on even semi-recent systems.
You should try to do make it, anyway.

Now, if one were to use particles for raindrops instead of sprites, that might speed things up. It would look decent, too, because particles can be and usually are translucent, and particle color 14 (rblue1), would look nice.

I'm going to tinker around in SLADE for a bit, if I could get a puff object to spawn from ceiling and create a have a particle rocket trail look like rain, there might be something to work with.

>> No.2853070

>to prevent that, you would need to place multiple actors in your map
Well I wouldn't be placing them, they'd be spawning continously in a radius around the player (with the spawner checking the ceiling texture before spawning a rain drop(s) actor)
>hit detection/splashes
That is indeed a big problem with doing it this way. I think it can be faked reasonably well though.

>the performance difference between rendering sprites and rendering models is negligible on even semi-recent systems.
But it's not really about that, it's the cpu hit from having a massive amount individual drop actors all constantly calculating hit detection simultanously. The point of my idea was to have may drops per actor, hopefully reducing cpu workload.

Man do I wish these possible/easier to use in various ways in Decorate :/

>> No.2853090
File: 1.07 MB, 5000x5000, GOTTA RIP FAST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>preordered Wolfenstein TNO on steam back in 2014
>a year passes, first DOOM closed alpha test comes up
>get an email that i've been invited
>but don't have the closed alpha in my steam library
>contact bethesda support
>no reply
>didn't get to play the first closed alpha
>"oh well, maybe next time"
>second closed alpha test comes up
>still didn't get the closed alpha added to my steam library

Yeah, fuck you too Betheshit.

>> No.2853157
File: 10 KB, 205x246, 1393360985720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a Doom alpha key from a friend who bought Wolfenstein TNO
>after a year I finally get an email and the game in my library
>game doesn't start because my computer is too shit

>> No.2853205
File: 982 KB, 320x287, 1444313166217.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>and you cant change the settings except for resolution and anti aliasing

>> No.2853274

yeah I'm a pretty shit mapper, I just like to play with scripts and fool around. I even abandoned this map set for a while. I've learned a lot building this hub so At some stage might start a new one and do it "right"

Not sure why I love big open areas, but you're right it doesn't really work with Hexen. Looking at the professional maps they never use large areas, and even "large" outdoor areas are quite small compared to my areas.

All my maps or mapsets get 0 star ratings on the idforums, But I've only really learned mapping this year. Doom 64 is giving me some great ideas for cool maps, combined with playing through Deathkings of Dark Citadel, I'll try to come up with a cool concept for a hub.

I'm glad the organ was cool! I'm also the composer anon who does the Doom-64 style MIDIs. I wrote the organ music, and the choir music you hear as you trigger the valve in the dark room of the temple.

Also I added 2 new MIDIs to the "Usable MIDIs" folder in the OP.
Tracks 1-2 are Doom64 style
Track 3 is hybrid spooky/rock
Tracks 4 - 6 are pure oldschool rock (Track 4 NEW)
Track 7 is hybrid spooky/rock (NEW - WIP)

>> No.2853315

Can you remove the moaning dog sounds, or at least not have them constantly play? It was agitating as hell.

>> No.2853347

Don't worry, I'm sure you didn't miss much.

>mfw all these kickass mods will never be on Bethesdoom

>> No.2853351

Crossfire might be worth looking at.

>> No.2853353

It shits me that he's the reason why Doom wikia is still maintained at all.

>> No.2853383

what do gameplay mods have to do with not being able to play the alpha

>> No.2853390

Why is this community so quick to reject anything that isn't #doomtwid approved?

>> No.2853396


And why are these thugs always hijacking every project that achieves even remote notoriety? How insecure do you have to be to have to put your stamp on everything?

>> No.2853435


And What Does That Have To Do With Anything?™

>> No.2853439

>defending terrywads

>> No.2853441

They're wolves howling, but yep I can reduce the frequency. thanks

>> No.2853443

Why are other Doom communities so quick to bring their petty forum and IRC drama here? Talk about Doom or fuck off.

>> No.2853492

literally who

>> No.2853571
File: 211 KB, 500x375, tumblr_meju21E80s1r4x5x7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a list of cool wads/project that have yet to be finished

>Doom: Evil Unleashed is not even in there
>Piratefall never

Also i completely forgot The Shores of ZDoom was a thing

>> No.2853603

i have to let people know how i feel about A Certain Modder I Don't Like

>> No.2853658

Mick Gordan put this on instagram a while ago


>> No.2853696
File: 58 KB, 640x480, 1450083318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by heavens, h2h-xmas map14 was severely broken, how'd that get into a release? i wonder what the original was before it was christmasified

>> No.2853704

I'm a Quake III kid and I think that really spoiled me because I could never get into Doom. I'm really liking Quake 2 and its level design with all the secrets and stuff
Are there more games that play similarly to Quake III but have singleplayer?

>> No.2853706

Also forgot to say this but how do I set my sensitivity to be the same in Quake Live than Quake 2? Don't want to mess up my aim from using different sensibilities

>> No.2853724

>Are there more games that play similarly to Quake III but have singleplayer?
That's kind of a difficult question, really.

>> No.2853725


>> No.2853734
File: 20 KB, 960x720, QuakeLive_Mouse_Sensitivity_Chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fiddle with it. I would install this to kill acceleration in games like Quake 2:

Then, measure your sensitivity in Quake Live. See how far you must drag your mouse to make a full 360 degree turn ingame (or use the calculator here to do that for you http://www.funender.com/quake/mouse/index.html ). Then fiddle with the sensitivity in Quake 2 until you match that. Should feel completely the same.

>> No.2853735

and map15 seems to have the regular and secret exits swapped!?

>> No.2853742

Wait, you're Morphing the player actor to the PowerupRevenant or whatever class right? If so, you could actually use the Player.Face property along with a few custom skull sprites to make a spoopy skellington mugshot as long as the powerup is in effect.

>> No.2853750

Are there any WADs from the monsters perspective?

like a revenant trying to get rid of some puny humans.

>> No.2853753
File: 24 KB, 640x480, 1450086630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first secret level is clearly not designed for pistol starts.

>> No.2853759

i'm sure i remember a wad where you played as a baron. but i'm also fairly sure it was rubbish. what i don't remember is its name

>> No.2853761
File: 437 KB, 680x1304, 1441161070930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there more games that play similarly to Quake III but have singleplayer?
I think you'd really like Return to Castle Wolfenstein. It uses the quake 3 engine and plays like something exactly between quake 2 and a modern WW2 shooter. Dark gothic atmosphere, tons of secrets (often filled with treasure that serves no other purpose than the pleasure of finding it) and fast paced gameplay.

You could also play Quake 1 - do it with the Darkplaces engine if you're so graphically spoiled. It uses Doom 3's lighting system and new particle effects and whatnot that makes the 19 year old game look pretty fucking gorgeous, a testament to it's design.

Then there's Serious Sam: The Second Encounter. It has a very different feel to q3/q2 with a lower focus on movement and a weird physics model but makes up for it with extremely well designed and varied weapons, enemies and levels. It also has so many and so well hidden secrets you'd have to be autistic to find them all. There's a graphically updated HD release of the game now too.

>> No.2853762


Doom: Rampage Edition.

>> No.2853767

The opening hallway in Sunlust's MAP02 made my computer chug in GZDoom and even normal ZDoom. How does that happen?

>> No.2853775

take Brutal out of your autoloads

>> No.2853779

thanks dudes

>> No.2853789


Are you playing with any gameplay mods?

>> No.2853795

A Ha Ha Ha

Just Smooth Doom.

>> No.2853801


Does it happen when you play without?

>> No.2853807

No, but it also didn't lag when I tried it again with Smooth Doom running.

Strange. I've only been affected by this hallway though, and that's just for the first five seconds or so. If it happens again, I'll try it without.

>> No.2853812

is it always five seconds or is it until you fire a weapon?

>> No.2853814
File: 141 KB, 640x480, 1450089448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

map32, your average mid nineties shapeless rooms, halls, and large open areas map. things in cages. very straightforward.

>> No.2853815

It's until I get out of that hallway. It's literally just that hallway that chugs.

>> No.2853819


Sounds like it's just G/ZDoom choking when processing the level, then.

>> No.2853823

is the map's reject table empty? it could be a sufficiently large number of sleeping monsters doing line of sight checks across complex architecture.

>> No.2853837

Does it chug constantly in the hallway or does it pass if you stay a few seconds? My money is on smooth doom's more complex decorate killing your CPU with the amount of enemies on the map.

>> No.2853853

>>2853823 (me)
it does not have a reject table. sigh.
i note in the readme
>I wanted to make a map that was set indoors all the way through. It kind of
>feels like the typical early nukage-map in a megawad, which is quite nice. The
>AV reviving corpses trick is made by crushing barrels in dummy sectors that
>kills monsters, who after death gets teleported.
and recall a previous instance of a guy getting massive slowdown due to off-map shenanigans (barons on conveyor belts being crushed at the end of the pink section of hell ground map04)

>> No.2853863

>>2853823 (me)
it does not have a reject table. sigh.
i note in the readme
>I wanted to make a map that was set indoors all the way through. It kind of
>feels like the typical early nukage-map in a megawad, which is quite nice. The
>AV reviving corpses trick is made by crushing barrels in dummy sectors that
>kills monsters, who after death gets teleported.
and recall a previous instance* of a guy getting massive slowdown due to off-map shenanigans (barons on conveyor belts being crushed at the end of the pink section of hell ground map04)
* >>/vr/post/2371503

>> No.2853912
File: 60 KB, 640x480, 1450096834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another fine example of a shootable switch

- obviously a switch (uses a switch texture)
- vaguely out of sight, have to get close to wall to see it
- in a thin tunnel, otherwise unreachable

sunlust map02, which i only played to investigate >>2853767 (my prboom-based engine ran it perfectly without slowdown -- i still think his problem is the initial corpse-making barrel crushers spawning masses of actors)

>> No.2853931

I wish I could shoot light switches in my house.

>> No.2853934

What's your thoughts on the whole megawad so far? Might give it a try because it's seasonal.

>> No.2853942

My quake 2 (with berserker mod) freezes 2 or 3 seconds every now and then, i think its from spawning new enemies. Anyone know how to fix?
I'm using Win7 64 bit

>> No.2853947

>Might give it a try because it's seasonal.
that's pretty much why i'm doing it as well.

it's pretty good if you like old school maps. some levels have really nice layouts with plenty of windows and lines of sight, others are just sort of boxes joined together.

the difficulty is also wildly inconsistent. for example the first three maps. map01 is quite easy. map02 is mental, it gives you no health, hardly any ammo and throws multiple revenants/barons+archvile in a single room. several maps like to spam revenants, map12 has about 200 of the damn things.

oh and finally i strongly advise deleting some of the sound effects, DSNOWAY particularly, unless you like hearing a long pause followed by "OPEN!!!" hundreds of times. oh and DSPLDETH "Ow My Face!!" got on my nerves.

>> No.2853954

Brutal Doom has customize-able blood levels though, if you think there's too much arterial spray or whatever then you can just turn it down a notch or two.

>> No.2853995

Alright, I'll give it a go. It certainly sounds meh but I have definitely heard (and played) worse.

>> No.2854009

i find the text file offensive since it implies doomguy dies at the beginning.

>There, lying on the ground is DoomGuy... the protector of mankind and demon slayer. DOOMGUY looks up, coughing... blood gushing from his mouth as he speaks.
>"Santa <cough> I'm sorry. They surprised me as I waited for you to come off. They have her.. <cough> Mrs. Claus... you must save <cough> her. Take this... it might save you... <cough> beware <cough> of the <cough><cough> Remember what you have <cough> learned.. <cough> save you <cough> it can... <cough> there is another <cough> brain..."

i suppose one can choose to ignore that, though.

>> No.2854029
File: 75 KB, 657x366, prevrecRichEvans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys. Legitimately not trying to troll you by bringing up "e-celeb bullshit" but there's a new Previous Recorded and Rich brought up a thought-provoking question:

At what point did FPS's stop being "Doom clones?"

>> No.2854041

>At what point did FPS's stop being "Doom clones?"

>> No.2854050

I think Half-Life was the actual turning point where "Doom clone" was phased out and "FPS" saw widespread adoption. Quake isn't different enough from Doom to not be a Doom clone, despite its fancy full 3D engine. You still shoot everything that moves, collect keycards, and navigate self-contained levels with no real continuity to speak of.

>> No.2854051

>At what point did FPS's stop being "Doom clones?"
System Shock broke the mold the same year doom was released.

>> No.2854056 [DELETED] 

if you were trying to avoid e-celeb bullshit then actually do it instead of drawing even more attention to it. here, i rewrote your post

>I was watching a video that brought up a thought-provoking question:
>At what point did FPS's stop being "Doom clones?"

that's all you actually needed to say. hope this helps, bear it in mind next time you want to raise a topic from an unfortunate source.

>> No.2854060

did anybody call quake a doom-clone, though? i don't recall the term surviving much beyond 94/95

>> No.2854065

Yeah but then someone else who saw the same video and would call me out on it, and that seems worse than just getting it out in the open right away.

>> No.2854083

>Yeah but then someone else who saw the same video and would call me out on it
so ignore them? your hypothetical accuser is a hypocrite and a troll, by definition. plus, as this isn't a traditional forum, you won't suffer reputation damage for being outed as a (gasp!) youtube video watcher.

>> No.2854083,1 [INTERNAL] 

This is exactly what that poster wanted, FYI

>> No.2854108

so what did Memfis finally do to get banned? i know he spent half the year trying to get himself banned, but they wouldn't do it.

>> No.2854119

So far I'm enjoying myself. The architecture is typical 90's stuff and it plays fine. But holy fucking shit you were not kidding with the skeleton spam. This is Plutonia tier agitation.

>> No.2854127

account sharing (he posted his password, or something)

>> No.2854129
File: 120 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20150103_220736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone light the Spook signal? I want to know when the next version of Shut Up And Bleed is coming out, and I want his set of hands so I can make my own weapon for personal use.

>> No.2854134

That's because it was a dumb, unfounded name with wanking as its primary function.

>> No.2854147

Unless something majorly breaks in a later version of zdoom/gzdoom/zandybam, DoomRPG gets converted and updated or if someone provides an idea that would be cool, then I don't see myself updating Suab again, sorry man.

Also I didn't make the sprites, you'd have to pm Cronoteeth on ZDF and ask him about it.

>> No.2854269

I see.

Then there would be no harm in me making a sort of derivative variant of it? Might not release it, but I like SUAB a lot, just not all of it.

>> No.2854298

> derivative variant
Not ISpook, but it's considered good form to make mods such as that as patches to load on top of the original mod, meaning no "stealing" of assets is involved.

>> No.2854305

if you're not gonna release it you can do what you like :P

also not ispoke

>> No.2854345
File: 91 KB, 640x480, 1450112546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

map16 looks pretty nice but is very short, probably a converted dm level

>> No.2854353
File: 34 KB, 300x347, doom5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone made a port of the Doom RPG you could download on phones?

>> No.2854359

Sure, although I'd like to hear what you don't like.

>> No.2854402

Why are people so mindlessly praising Not Doom?

>> No.2854404

what are you talking about
actually on second thoughts don't answer that. in fact, never post again.

>> No.2854410

The new doom is unequivocally shit, and has nothing to do with DOOM. Same old Bethesda trash with the logo slapped on.

>> No.2854424
File: 68 KB, 640x480, 1450117146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

map17, another high population h2h-xmas map. although quite symmetrical, was pretty good. and a bit of a switch/trigger quest to get the exit open.

i ended up doing 2/3 of it with only shotguns and no armour. it eventually coughed up a megasphere and a rocket launcher, i was quite impressed i survived for so long

>> No.2854454

>an unfortunate source.

>> No.2854457


When they started being Doom/Resistance clones.

>> No.2854462

Blood droplets were the main hog for me on slaughtermaps.

>> No.2854463

i couldn't think of a better word sorry

>> No.2854637

Drops are really weird, which is probably a conscious design decision, but it's annoying with how the place gets cluttered with a bunch of stuff that I can't pick up after a fight, it feels messy.
I'm fine with monsters dropping items I guess, but often time you find yourself with ammo you can't pick up, like I already have 10 grenades, I can't pick up any more and the room is lousy with them. Or there's all these crystals on the floor.

The Cacodemon and Lost Soul replacements can go and fuck themselves, I hate them so much. Although I like how the Lost Soul replacement is kind of grotesque.
Crossbow is really useful, but it doesn't feel like a fun weapon. The .40 caliber Beretta is overall a very useful gun, fast and decently powerful, but because only the walking dead drop it and it's ammo, you only rarely get to find ammo for it (though when you do, it's typically in bulk, so that's nice). Hand grenades with a dedicated button are nice, but they feel kind of underpowered.

I like the monsters the most though, the Demon replacement, the Baron replacement, how sometimes the dead marines can get up and attack you, how sometimes those blood monsters spawn out of piles of guts, how sometimes the magic eye-candles are actually enemies, that stuff is really cool. The spider mastermind replacement is incredibly terrifying and I love it.

Would it be possible to compile just the enemies into a .pk3 ? I think I might be able to build something of off that, but different.

>> No.2854664

WinQuake or GLQuake?

>> No.2854671
File: 38 KB, 578x567, cool will.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romero recorded some footage of the SMB3 demo the Id guys did back in their Softdisk days.


>> No.2854672


>> No.2854683

Is it a "pure" port?

>> No.2854685

I've been dying to see footage of this for a very, very long time. I'm glad we finally got to see it.

>> No.2854686


>> No.2854714

a lot of the levels in the 2nd half of h2h are just deathmatch maps, which is why they're symmetrical

>> No.2854732

>Out of Ammo
>only weapon left is a chainsaw
>Picked up a speed up power up
>just snorted a line of coke off a dead imp
>1% health
>Motorhead playing

>> No.2854749

What a lovingly crafted nipple.

>> No.2854832

where can I get a working version of Quake?

I downloaded Winquake already but the colors keep fucking up

>> No.2854842

I had an idea for a mod, a OPM mod that replaces the knuckle braces with red gloves, and kills every demon with one single punch (even the bosses).

>> No.2854883

>fast paced gameplay.
It's fucking corridors with fucking nothing in them

>> No.2854890

If all you want to do is play Quake then Darkplaces is a pretty good source port

>> No.2854982

Actually many of 90's wads were intended for both single and multi.

>> No.2854992

90s mapping trope: separate deathmatch compartment, completely disjoint from rest of level

>> No.2855002

Quakespasm just werks

>> No.2855084

>OPM mod

Why are you guys so inclined to put that stupid show into everyhting? What makes OPM so popular anyway?

>> No.2855096

The lowest setting, "realistic," is still a bit much, but bearable with the auto gib-cleaner on.

>> No.2855124

>why do you want to put X into Y

Do you have any idea of fan works, or are you just playing dense?

>> No.2855153

I decided to make a WAD addressing a very serious issue.
puu (dot) sh (slash) lUxNV (slash) 2151f15b3b (dot) wad
It's about the current state of the /idgames "archives".

>> No.2855159

I'm not against putting X into Y, just OPM into Y. Besides your idea sucks.

>> No.2855168

Just fuck off with your maymay anime.

>> No.2855169
File: 92 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20151214_191553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, seeing a simple mod like this kinda makes me wanna work on Crack-Doom again. My mod has been nothing but a myth for roughly 1.5 years now.

>> No.2855169,1 [INTERNAL] 

You just had to give the nigger attention

>> No.2855173 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 445x369, le9gagboner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for mentioning me now i can make this thread better

ask me anything /vr/

also why do you still assume i contribute to terry stuff today

>> No.2855179

Aren't you, like too young to browse this place?

>> No.2855181
File: 22 KB, 414x343, urfaget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2855183

"You mean the same people who can't prove me wrong? This is just more evidence that they are for censorship. I already have proven my point anyways." -Doomguy 2000

>> No.2855186

"At least I now know why I'm all of the sudden getting more views on my recent video. It's just them reacting without them talking about any of my points."

>> No.2855187

How many times did you said "I'm done with terrywads guys!!!1" so far?

>> No.2855190
File: 14 KB, 274x315, nicememes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many times, because you people keep living under a rock

>> No.2855194
File: 611 KB, 290x412, MadzA12.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I was trying to set up Temple of The Lizardmen 3 for me and a friend to play since it said in the readme it was good up to 2 players but it crashes on the most recent version of Zandronum? What should I do now?

>> No.2855235

>he thinks I was that poster


>> No.2855248

>It's just them reacting without them talking about any of my points.

Surprise, talking about it includes reactions. Just because you don't like what's being said doesn't mean you can plug your ears and go WAAHHHH HYPOCRISY! WAAAHHH!
I swear you cry more than the average /idgames reviewer, which is ironic considering the primary goals of terrywads is to piss them off by recycling BUMFUCK FAGGOT ASS HAHAHAHA somemong.png

Unless you want it in more straightforward terms, in which case here:
Your wads are shit.
The /idgames archive is not required to archive every dollop of bullshit spewed out of your ass.
Crying that it doesn't when other wads are accepted isn't making a point, it just makes you look like a bitch.

RIP Terry scene and shitwad scene 1052 - 2016, nothing of value was lost

>> No.2855284

>that poster in the background
somehow it just doesn't surprise me at all

>> No.2855285
File: 3 KB, 170x60, snes_contra_doom_rifle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have no coding capability whatsoever. But if I were to sprite, would I have to abide for 320 x 200 as an average expectation for sprites or what? I remember making these and they were way too small, but doubling them up had them covering the crosshair / center of the screen awkward.

Basically i'm trying to figure out a good size average for weapon view sprites.

>> No.2855321

yo i'd totes play a Contra-inspired wad

or faithful recreation of Contra

>> No.2855324

If you want to play the games, download KEmulator lite, and the games should be available a Google search away.

I have fond memories of playing the first Doom RPG on a flip phone, on my grandfather's funeral.

>> No.2855325
File: 2 KB, 464x218, DoomAspectRatioTest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


320x200 is the size of the HUD screen, so yes. You CAN make higher-resolution weapon graphics, but generally it sticks out like a sore thumb.

Here's a thing a friend made that should act as a nice guide.

>> No.2855345

Good news for you

>> No.2855353

Quake wasn't supposed to be a doom clone, but the team was so burnt out after designing the engine, they just dropped in doom weapons and gameplay to get the game finished.

find the oldest computer you have, run the original quake files in dosbox.
It works, and its legit.

>> No.2855381

you my nigga downloading dis shit asap

>> No.2855403

Is there any way to get rid of, or at least lower the vertical mouse movement on Vanilla DOS DOOM?
About to run through again on DOSBOX because it's the most fun on that.

>> No.2855412

Nice find. Very goofy looking, though.

>> No.2855415

Thanks a lot man. Actually wanted to play Doom RPG for a while.

>> No.2855420


You're in for a treat, this Contra doom is one of the best.

There was Doomtra years ago but that didn't hit the level of polish that this one has. The lives system implemented is really good.

>> No.2855426 [DELETED] 

Because doom babies. You still don't understand that this general is filled to the brim with low skilled shitters that don't even understand what made doom good? They literally grew up on cod and halo and are now here because they believe playing doom gives them "gamer cred". Holy shit this general is so bad I've seen shitters here actually claim the game is "cheap" on uv. It's an extremely pathetic state of affairs m8. Also the new doom is basically a halo reskin so it's really no surprise that they'd be happy with going back to their roots with a pseudo-doom skin job to pretend is fresh.
Goddamn I hate this general. I have never seen a more pleb community on 4chan in my life. Holy shit even /v/ had the sense top realise the new "doom" is an abomination but here in circlejerk United it's business as usual with all things dick sucking.

>> No.2855426,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2855452


I am thoroughly impressed by your persistence.
Like, I'm not even mad. I'm just honestly impressed that you are this angry and still insistent on posting about it every chance you can.

>> No.2855460

If you're going to reply to yourself, at least try do it with a different tone to make it convincing.

>> No.2855465

>doom babies

>> No.2855482

Have you played Action Doom? If not you should.

>> No.2855492


Action doom is pretty fucking annoying to play nowadays though.

>> No.2855537

Looking at the description, is Contra Doom just a gameplay mod?

Was too busy watching fargo so i didnt even start it yet

>> No.2855540


Yes, it's purely gameplay, pair it with a mapset

>> No.2855570


that's what usually happens when your sourceport of choice is dead as fuck compared to the other one (that people you don't like are using) that is far more populated and is also open source

>> No.2855764

Annoying? How so? Please elaborate.

>> No.2855772


There's a lot of bullet sponge enemies, and between that and the 1 hit deaths you're have a surefire way of revisiting certain segments of stages repeatedly.

Plus there's that whole lab segment where you fight a shitload of trites, fast scuttly little bastards that're low to the ground. Special weapon ammo is really scarce too.

>> No.2855780

Reminds me that Scuba Steve actually endorsed anyone wanting to make a Contra Doom patch for Action Doom.

>> No.2855798

hey guys what are some cool graphics mods?

just using doom metal, butal and gzdoom looking to get into some more cool mods

>> No.2855808
File: 8 KB, 408x286, 1410890134672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it's that time again for me to be overthinking shit, but I feel like asking for the input from you guys would help me figure out where the fuck I need to take this weapon.

Okay so right now the Daibatana works like this: You damage monsters with weapons and the meter fills up, though it slowly decays over time too, when it fills up you're given 100 units of ammo to use for the big attacks. Right now the primary fire uses 25 ammo and the secondary uses 5. I've been thinking about changing the altfire to something stronger so both primary and secondary use the same amount of ammo, maybe some kinda shitstorm attack where you spew out a shitload of baseballs like the beta BFG.

My other question would be: Should I make the meter kinda hard to charge up but give the player 4 shots when it's maxed, or make it easy to charge up but you only get one shot before having to refill it? If I go with the easier to charge route I could let players stack a few charges too.

I'm probably making this more complicated than necessary but I just want this thing to be fun to use, god damn it

>> No.2855836

>I'm probably making this more complicated than necessary
yes you are.
and to be frank i really don't have much interest in putting forth suggestions since you'll be redoing it at least twice more down the line.

>> No.2855841

>I've been thinking about changing the altfire to something stronger so both primary and secondary use the same amount of ammo, maybe some kinda shitstorm attack where you spew out a shitload of baseballs like the beta BFG.
>that sounds hilariously chaotic, i like it

>Should I make the meter kinda hard to charge up but give the player 4 shots when it's maxed, or make it easy to charge up but you only get one shot before having to refill it? If I go with the easier to charge route I could let players stack a few charges too.
easy and stackable sounds like a great thing

>> No.2855853


I have a bad habit of that. I can't help it, I'm too quick to call my own work shit and try to fix it, for better or worse, though I'm sure you know that all to well, don't you?

>> No.2855861

yes, i understand completely.
thing is, there comes a point where you need to stop redoing things, settle on what you've got, and get to work with the tools you're given.

at some point you're going to have to build your house instead of uprooting the foundation every time there's a crack

>> No.2855892
File: 108 KB, 640x960, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jenesis has some interesting textures

>> No.2855903

lol, harsh.

>> No.2855950

Isn't the Doombabbies guy a certain 29-year-old Samsara-obsessed Zandrone?

>> No.2855954


He's right though

>> No.2855970

Any especially good megawads to use with Doom RPG+DoomRLA? Right now it's too easy with normal-style maps. Any tips beyond just going in and fucking with the settings?

>> No.2855976

When the gun stopped being in the middle of the screen and started being held off to the right.

>> No.2855979
File: 478 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20151215_095822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2855981
File: 1.26 MB, 1600x900, Screenshot_Doom_20151215_095933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2855986

i don't know. it looks like you've just been attacked by a house?

>> No.2855993


its insulting to call the Fortress of Terror a house. But seriously, this enemy is scary.

>> No.2856036

>its insulting to call the Fortress of Terror a house.

>> No.2856063
File: 140 KB, 640x960, 1450180300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h2h-xmas map18: basically Gotcha in a sportsball stadium.

>> No.2856291

Looks like some french guy decided to become a martyr for us.


>> No.2856294

With some basic editing skills and about 15 minutes of work per minute of video it would 've been possible to black out the watermark and names thus eliminating the possibility to track the leak.

>> No.2856296

Why do all the leak players suck so much at actually playing? Ive never seen any of the leakers actively jumping, while some of their opponents occasionaly jump

>> No.2856298

This guy's a console gamer with a channel full of Call of Duty videos, I doubt he understands what an NDA is in the first place.

>> No.2856304


Players gib too easily.

>> No.2856306

>some french guy decided to become a martyr for us.

Don't worry, everything's gonna be daijoubu.

>> No.2856309


>> No.2856315


and man that announcer sounds like the Halo announcer. Christ this is gonna be a trainwreck

>> No.2856317

Uh-oh, anon forgot to take his aspergers medication again.

>> No.2856319


For once the Doom Babies guy is right. Doom4 is offtopic on /vr/. The rules are pretty clear. Please go to the correct board for it.

>> No.2856323

>for once I am right
Fixed that for you, and no, no you're not.

>> No.2856325

>>>/v/ yourself, faggot. This is a doom thread and that is a doom game.

>> No.2856326

Diverging into discussions of modern additions to retro franchises happens on this board all the time without incident, you're just whining about this one because Doom 4 happens to be what sets your aspergers off.

>> No.2856327 [DELETED] 


Shut up, nigger.

>> No.2856356

Aight broskis, just played through Doom 2.

How much hope for Nu Doom being good? Can I still go fast and shoot really far with a shotgun? Will the levels be sprawling and fuckhueg? Keycard news?

>> No.2856367

Best case scenario, it's Half-Life with gore, parkour and no reloading.

>> No.2856373

Rad. Half-life is one of my favorites and not too far off from doom. Praying for the levels to be classic Romero-style though.

>> No.2856416
File: 200 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20151215_180053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SUAB sure makes the original maps spooky.

I'm fine with reloading if it's not obstructive.
In Doom 3, when you reloaded the shotgun, you inserted two shells at a time to fill the six round magazine, and I loved that very much because that made reloading the shotgun less tedious.

>> No.2856421

Are there any super nonlinear wads that feature huge environments where you can explore and complete content in any order you like similar to From Software games? ZDCMP2 almost qualifies.

>> No.2856432

and, as a rule of thumb, there's a crybaby piece of shit whining over not muh pixels already in the comments section

>> No.2856443

Do you think it would've been great if dev's released a professionaly made 2.5D DooM game with sprites and shit completely with DoomBuilder-level intuitive mapping tool and DECORATE-level intuitive scripting capabilities?

>> No.2856447

Try Eternal Doom IV. The hub and especially map27 both fit.

>> No.2856450

(although I personally think the hub is shit)

>> No.2856463

I wasn't saying that no reloading was the best-case scenario, Duum 2016 is already confirmed to have no reloading. I don't mind reloading in action games either.

It doesn't even have to be 2.5d - they could've made a modern-ish looking 3D shooter (think Quake with Darkplaces and higher poly models) with a doom-ish map format and Builder and Decorate-ish tools without pouring an AAA budget into it and it would've probably paid off without being too risky for Bethesda. AAA studios are just reluctant to make games on a budget for some reason, even though the indie scene has more than proven that budget titles can still work. They'd rather spend their money making smartphone titles that everyone forgets within a week.

>> No.2856468

>an AAA budget
that just means an order of magnitude more spent on marketing than on making the game

>> No.2856475

Wow, this guy is terrible at the game. Cool stuff anyway

>> No.2856479

AAA development budget, then. AAA team, even. I mean specifically spending less resources on development and making the game systems less needlessly complex, it's still a much smaller investment than developing a typical AAA game.

>> No.2856481

That's not Doom, faggot.
Might as well post some alpha footage of Prey 2 and say it's Doom. Maybe some Psychonauts 2 footage?

>> No.2856483

>literally Doom 3: DLC
>with some halo features because they have no idea what they are doing

>> No.2856492
File: 2.53 MB, 310x196, 34fxjpj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Doom 4 a Halo rip off? It looks so slow and boring.

>> No.2856493
File: 2.07 MB, 320x240, sunlust3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2856497

desu the single player stuff looks like doom (Except for that slo-mo bs)

its the multiplayer that seems straight out of Unreal Tournament with some current gimmicks taken from whatever is hot atm.

>> No.2856498

The difficulty hasn't even kicked in yet. Don't worry, though - you'll know when it does.

>> No.2856503

Except UT was actually fun ('99 i mean)

>> No.2856509

yeah, i know, the text file said "everyone should be able to do the first episode". i'll turn the skill level down later on.

really i died there because i jumped in a lava pit for the switch, then it turned out to be too high a ledge to climb back up and i took too much damage before finding the stairs.

>> No.2856534

those waiting times must be killing you

>> No.2856550

Could Doom's bestiary be changed in a way that makes it more favorable for wide-open maps with lots of lines of sight while still retaining all the monsters' defining mechanics?

>> No.2856578

Make zombiemen shoot projectiles (like laserguns)

make flying demons like Cacos PainE and Lost souls more actively change their vertical positions

Make Archies have much more limited range

make Revenant seeking missiles to be worse at seeking.

>> No.2856582

>Make zombiemen shoot projectiles (like laserguns)

- bullets travel instantaneously
- lasers travel slowly enough to be dodged

i love video game physics!

>> No.2856583

Thats just how all pew-pew things should be.

Nice and shiny and slow enough so you could see what kills you.

>> No.2856587

Faster movement speed for monsters and projectiles. Possibly some more homing attacks or the Thing_ProjectileIntercept trick that makes monsters anticipate where the player is going to be with it's missile attacks.

Maybe combined with shootable projectiles?
Basically, design cues from serious sam.

>> No.2856617

Just make bullets into fast projectiles. Like in Brutal Doom (one of the few good things in it).

>> No.2856621

Are shootable projectiles a thing?

>> No.2856635



>> No.2856653

Wasn't there a mod like that? I saw it in a Zdoom thread once, but i can't remember...

>> No.2856658

Anyone know a nice vanilla or boom mapset for Doom 2 that's urban themed, and without slaughtermaps? Something that doesn't look like Sandy made it.

Good thing I don't give a shit about multiplayer then I guess.

>> No.2856670

City of DooM (Part I) BETA 1-11

i played this earlier in the year, it's pretty good. it was recommended by someone else from here. sadly, there was no completed version.

>> No.2856673

Hellbound has quite a few city maps and they are neat.

>> No.2856675

Gonna check it out.

Isn't Hellbound full on slaughter though?

>> No.2856680

No. It has some slaughtery maps, but not many. IIRC, city maps are not among them.

>> No.2856694
File: 35 KB, 298x246, 1404921494517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a special place in the pits of Hell for the makers of fucking Swift Death.

>> No.2856698

keep practising anon!

>> No.2856725


>> No.2856729
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20150817_221211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I /think/ Monster Hunter Ltd. is boom-compatible. They're two absolutely gorgeous maps with a gritty and industrial atmosphere.

(running in gzdoom with smooth doom and some other minor mods in the screenshot)

>> No.2856767
File: 215 KB, 360x235, server.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a spare PC lying around, so I decided to turn it into a retro game dedicated server (mostly fps - only fps at the moment. right now is tribes 2, which isn't 100% retro, but unreal next week, then hexen coop the next).

Just a home project for kicks. figured I'd share with you guys, see if anyone was interested.


Lemme know if there are any issues plox. Or if you have any recommendations for games/mods to host.
Can't do UT99, since it refuses to play nice with win server 2008 for whatever reason.

>> No.2856771

Swift Death is a wad that focuses around small, intensely hard levels. And when they say hard, they mean hard. It's a pain in the goddamned ass.
Fun though.

>> No.2856795

Played it some, didn't like it, felt kind of slapdash and boring. Lots of "ok, now what do I do?" lots of switches that didn't need to be there.

Texturing was inconsistent, some places were great, some places were really awful. Had absolutely no atmosphere, in my opinion anyway. Music was awful.

Oh right, I've heard about that one, I'll check it out.

>> No.2856797

Demonsteele lets you do something similar

>> No.2856804


Early early early builds of DemonSteele let you shoot down the projectiles with guns, but it was removed because it was stupidly finnicky (not to mention all enemy projectiles coming from a single place made it too easy to lock down enemies).

>> No.2856860

Shootable projectiles is something I actually liked about Doom 3. Didn't matter much with the level design of the game, but I still enjoyed it.

>> No.2856864
File: 282 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20151215_223434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, the atmosphere is super nice! I like the textures and tight environments, feels very gritty and dirty, fits great for SUAB.

>> No.2856976


>> No.2856983

Remember that Turok announcement earlier this year?

>> No.2856985

anyone catch it that could upload to mega or somewhere? i was afk

>> No.2856991

It's just a longer version of shit you've already seen: Someone playing the multiplayer alpha map really badly with a controller.

>> No.2857049
File: 134 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20151215_223551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My shoes are full of muddy water and grit.

>> No.2857054
File: 122 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20151215_223818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2857065
File: 232 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20151215_223821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2857069
File: 278 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20151215_224056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can practically smell the air of this place through my monitor.
It smells like dirt, mildew and moss.

>> No.2857098
File: 964 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20151029_121840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wrong image

well then

>> No.2857171
File: 120 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20151215_225151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you're having palette problems

>> No.2857178
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, gzdoom 2015-07-09 16-47-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really one of my favorite mapsets ever. The level theme is a very pleasant break from the usual abstract techbases and gothic hell-cathedrals.

>> No.2857182
File: 264 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20151216_002051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though I love me some nice techbases, BTSX has some of my very favorite kinds

>> No.2857214

Name of this wad, please.

>> No.2857272
File: 879 KB, 480x480, vertical mouse movement.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally set up DOSBOX perfectly
>Decide to play through Vanilla DOOM
>tfw that fucking Vertical Mouse Movement
Damn, did you guys have to put up with this back in the day?
Respect to anyone who played with this back then.
I'm starting to get used to it, but platforming segments are still a bit of a bitch.

>> No.2857289

I played through Ultimate Doom the ID shareware way when I was gripping with the onset of puberty.

arrowkeys to turn and move back and forth, CTRL to shoot, ALT to strafe motherfucker

It's not that hard dicklick




>> No.2857317

chocolate doom would've been easier. But yeah.

I used to play keyboard only...

>> No.2857393

I've got practically every single damn SourcePort on my computer.
Sometimes I just like to strap in and use DOSBox because it's comfy as fuck.
I'm also a faggot that enjoys the authenticity of it, but I still end up using ZDoom most of the time.

>> No.2857429

Eduke32 keeps instantly crashing whenever I try to run it, anyone else ever experience this? I can't even get a message log, even the opening UI closes.

>> No.2857434

Could have just followed the replies. "monster hunter ltd."

>> No.2857520
File: 321 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20151216_014653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Place isn't quite as spooky in the daylight.
Still kind of eerie though.

Keyboard only is like the least comfy way to play any FPS in my opinion

>> No.2857623
File: 1.93 MB, 1280x1024, 1407231412285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna try this again.

There is a Whodunnit server going, anyone want to hop in and get stabbed?

>> No.2857632

I will when my internet stops shitting the goddamned bed.

>> No.2857657
File: 67 KB, 624x336, 9Eekp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think John Romero wrote all those passive aggressive messages you get when you exit doom, and I have to say that I like DOS better than him.

>> No.2857676
File: 323 KB, 1280x960, zdoom 2015-12-15 21-34-12-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh HELL no.

>> No.2857690


RIP you.

>> No.2857707

hey, check this out


put novert.com in your DOOM dir, run it before you run DOOM, and boom, no Vertical Mouse Movement. you gotta run it whenevr you start up DOSBOX but it'll work every time

oh, and if you wanna always run, edit DEFAULT.CFG and set joyb_speed to 29. ofc it'll mean you can't walk, but it'll give your finger a rest

>> No.2857743

>you gotta run it whenevr you start up DOSBOX but it'll work every time
Could make a BAT file in the Doom dir called RUN.BAT or something that'll start novert before starting Doom. Another option is to use something like D-Fend.

>> No.2857783

>DOOM on dosbox

figuratively for what purpose

>Isn't Hellbound full on slaughter though?

Define slaughter. Because it seems like most (read: not everyone) of Hellbound's naysayers can't really tell between a hard, sluggish map full of monsters and a slaughtermap.

Most of the time they just pull the "slaughtermap" card whenever they don't like a wad or it is too hard for them.


Swift Dead openly states that it takes inspiration from Super Meat Boy.

Bro, come on, you asked for it.

>> No.2857792

>figuratively for what purpose


>> No.2857798
File: 307 KB, 720x450, letrash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2857804

32in24-14, Map 12 i think

That was fucking nuts.

>> No.2857807

I'd play Visceral Clean Up Detail: Doom Edition

>> No.2857818

>Doomguy cleans up all the imp-tan waifus.jpg

>> No.2857924
File: 2.30 MB, 319x238, strifewalker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keyboard only is like the least comfy way to play any FPS in my opinion
Oh no, I agree now. But that's how I grew up playing. Beat the games though, and some wads with KB only, so... I was pretty comfy with it at one point. No longer.

>> No.2857935

wow fallout 4 looks pretty good

>> No.2858032


>> No.2858141



>> No.2859756

Looks exactly like halo.