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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 89 KB, 849x636, sonic-knuckles-2014-08-04-18-17-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2845859 No.2845859 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best looking Sonic stage and why is it Sky Sanctuary?

>> No.2845860
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>> No.2845862
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>> No.2845864
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>> No.2845867
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>> No.2845870

>using filters

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.2845871


lookin' good.jpg

>> No.2845872

It definitely has the best music.

>> No.2845884

Please keep these /v/-tier threads on >>>/v/

>> No.2845891

I see you have autism, let me take the time to explain this to you so that you don't struggle with this concept any more. By saying "and why is it sky sanctuary", he is stating his opinion. It is synonymous with "My favorite is sky sanctuary".

I recommend googling autism support. It's not the 90s anymore where it was misunderstood at all levels.

>> No.2845894

>Talking about old school Sonic stages

This is why we can't have nice things

>> No.2845902

How is this /v/ tier? The e-celeb threads we're plagued with are /v/ tier, this is actual retro games.

>> No.2845903

I'm a Flying Battery Zone guy myself but Sky Sanctuary is up there:


>> No.2845904


Shitty post aside, you know it's wrong; OP just stated that this was the best stage, which will turn the thread into a circlejerk or plain shitposting.

>> No.2845946
File: 340 KB, 1407x765, cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the best looking Sonic stage
Something from Sonic CD

>> No.2845968

OP here. I stated that Sky Sanctuary is the best *looking* stage. I just really like the aesthetics. I fully planned on people disagreeing with me. It's all opinion and I just thought a sonic stage thread could be fun. Sry, No secret shit-posting agenda to turn /vr into /v.

>> No.2847159
File: 80 KB, 512x1024, QQBF Original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is correct.

>> No.2847162

Knuckles Chaotix has the best graphics out of any 2D Sanic game.

>> No.2847169

Post examples.

>> No.2847178


Holy fucking shit. 0-0

That's some seriously beautiful stuff right there, and I've played SCD multiple times.

I never noticed.... ;-;

>> No.2847193
File: 293 KB, 1290x948, SBFTS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably something from Sonic: Before the Sequel or Sonic: After the Sequel.

I really like the first level in BFTS, which is a modified Sky Sanctuary, except you run through the rain clouds and end up underneath in a sorta of neon shaded Green Hill Zone.

>> No.2847198


Doesn't that run on some old bullshit engine made for Windows that requires a Flash plugin to boot or the movies don't work?

>> No.2847219
File: 31 KB, 300x400, into_the_trash_it_goes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incoherent mess; the game

Not only is the stage design awful in Sonic CD, the art direction is putrid.

>> No.2847326

CD seems to be one of those games either you love or just don't get it(much like NiGHTS) and I'm in the "don't get" camp. It's alright and different enough to really stand out from the other 2d Sonic games but it's not even close to the best imo.

>> No.2847350

Unlike NiGHTS, Sonic CD is horribly designed though, unless you think abominations like Wacky Workbench and Stardust and Tidal are fun.

>> No.2847356 [DELETED] 

tBh fAm the last time I played CD was probably over 10 years ago now(still own my copy tho) so I can't remember those levels well enough to comment. Just never had any desire to play the game since which should say something.

>> No.2847828

Sonic CD have great colors but it's way too busy

now responding to op: I love hydrocity, dem palette

>> No.2847841

>Chemical Plant randomly in the image

>> No.2847878

Blue Hill Zone has always been my favorite. Really good music too.

>> No.2848018
File: 12 KB, 320x224, sonic1_spring_yard_zone_zona3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite is Spring Yard.

Something about it just really resonates well with me, I like how it's basically the first "pinball-themed" stage, but it doesn't overdo it. I like the sort of industrial feel with that sort of futuristic city look, and the background with the forest, the city buildings and the mountains on the back, plus the purple sky all make for a very special atmosphere that I've always loved since day one.

The music also helps.

>> No.2848273

The ice one
>Dat michael jackson score

>> No.2848301

does anybody else find the atmosphere from Sonic 2 really lacking? other than Chemical Plant, I find the stages to be really dull, unappealing. The colors are kind of weird for a Genesis game, much less colorful than the rest of the 16-bit Sonics. Music seems out of place too.

>> No.2848302


Not really, I find it more colorful than Sonic 3/Knuckles and the music is just classic Masato Nakamura stuff, a continuation of the classic Sonic 1 music.

Sonic 3 is when it got weird/out of place to me.

>> No.2848308

MJ's songs were shit though, I much prefer the Windows Sonic 3&K's soundtrack.


>> No.2848323



>> No.2848343

Aquatic Ruin, Oil Ocean, & Mystic Cave were also neat I thought. Metropolis Zone can go Fuck itself tho.

>> No.2848459

Casino Night is the most aesthetically pleasing game to me

>> No.2848824

>Ignoring the various Sonic Advance maps

>> No.2849089

Sonic CD is one of my favorite games, but I guess I just have shitty autistic taste in video games because that's what the Neo-/v/ slowly invading and destroying /vr/ would tell me.

>> No.2849101


You aren't alone, Anon. I liked SCD too. I _will_ say this: it is the weakest of the "classic" Sonics.

>> No.2849107


>> No.2849115

seriously? please fucking kill yourself.

>> No.2849130

my ears are bleading

>> No.2849140

But OP how do you defend your view given that SSZ is not exactly a full zone? The rest of the levels typically have 2 acts. It's not even a fair comparison.

>> No.2849164


Oh Markup-Anon, your autism is _so_ adorable sometimes. :)

>> No.2849198

What do you mean by best looking and how did you come to this conclusion OP?

>> No.2849229
File: 151 KB, 1152x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always liked either Ice Cap or Hydrocity as the prettiest stage in Sonic.
Chaotix has truly awful stage design, but 10/10 visuals and sound.
have a shitty youtube screenshot

I think the stage design is a bit of a mess, but the art direction is ace as fuck. Stylish as hell.

Tidal Tempest is pretty good, probably the second best stage in the game (best is Quartz Quadrant). Wacky Workbench and Stardust Speedway are pretty ass levels though.

>> No.2849370

Sonic CD is amazing, but it shouldn't really be compared to Sonic 2 or 3 & Knuckles.

The way I see it, Sonic diverged at CD/2. They were being developed at the same time, one by a strictly Japanese Team and one that had American influence. It split into "Primarily exploration, speed comes second" and "Primarily speed, fuck exploration" lines (guess which is which). Of course, CD sold for shit and 2 was big in America, so they continued the 2 development line, but also gave 3 & Knuckles a bit more depth to exploration.

CD is like the bastard child who went off and became quietly successful, and you can't even tell is from the same family except for the name. Knuckles Chaotix is the bastard child who became an artist with some sweet art and music, but nobody really remembers.

>> No.2849374

It does have a second act. It's Knuckles' final boss.

>> No.2849449

Yeah but that don't count

>> No.2849486

Stage select proves thee wrong.

See? I can be a pedantic cunt too.

>> No.2849568

I like Hydrocity,Star Light,Stardust Speedway,Lava Reef,Carnival Night,Scrap Brain,Spring Yard etc.

God...it's so hard to choose honestly...so many good looking zones
I really can't choose a "best"

>> No.2849572

>the art direction is putrid.
Nah fuck off

>> No.2849574

Fuck off with that fanfiction bullshit

>> No.2849579

>MJ's songs were shit though, I much prefer the Windows Sonic 3&K's soundtrack
Kill yourself hipster

>> No.2849586

Not really
The Sonic CD team was in constant contact with Naka and the rest of the american team according to Oshima

CD is an experiment of sorts
It turns Sonic 1's formula upside down and it kinda works(but as soon as you make the good future and run to the goal you realize how boring the levels are to run through which is the weakest aspect of the game)

Sonic 3&K took (almost)everything from 1,CD and 2 and perfected it

The obstacles/traps and platforming from Sonic 1? 3&K did them better
The feel of speed from Sonic 2? 3&K did it better
The exploration factor of CD? 3&K expanded upon it to an insane degree(look at Marble Garden)
It mixed these 3 elements so well and that's what makes 3&K not only the best game in the series but also very unique

3&K is not Sonic 2 Version 2 like so many retards here seem to think(despite Sonic 1,2 and 3 all sharing the same philosophy overall) its a whole different beast

>> No.2849589

>The exploration factor of CD? 3&K expanded upon it to an insane degree(look at Marble Garden)
And this is why Sonic 2 is better

>> No.2849619

Holy shit what's with all the edgy /v/ posters here today? Go away.

>> No.2849676

Not sure how only being one act two acts when you count knuckles extra stage ;-) is not a fair comparison. I would think that when when some zone have up to 3 acts and I still chose Sky Sanctuary should say something. I'm sure you've heard this a lot b4 anon, but it's not the size that matters :^)

>what did you mean by best looking?
What zone from any of the Sonic games did you find the most appealing.
>how did you come up with that conclusion?
Been on a retro Sonic kick as of late and I just find the zone Sky Sanctuary the most appealing stage. Liked it a lot as a kid and I still find it neat today.

>> No.2849683
File: 767 KB, 851x691, Sonic__Old_Skool_by_darkburraki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a totally boring fag but I really like the ultra generic "grass" theme that's usually the first one in EVERY Sonic game... It's just so damn comfy.

Pic semi-related. I didn't have an ingame shot, but THIS theme...

>> No.2849686

Well most appealing is not necessarily the same as best looking. So I ask again, what do you mean exactly?

Most zones in the game have 2 acts, at least. And in most of those zones, there is a drastic difference between acts in terms of how they look. In this case size does in fact matter because what we're actually talking about is the size of the levels themselves -- and the amount of content therein. Why should SSZ get a free pass when it is not even a complete level by comparison?

>> No.2849723
File: 11 KB, 339x351, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well most appealing is not necessarily the same as best looking. So I ask again, what do you mean exactly?
For fucks sake. You should be the poster child for abortion. It's not fucking hard. This isn't rocket appliances Ricky.

WHATS YOUR FAVORITE LOOKING SONIC ZONE ANON? That's it. Nothing too deep here.

>Most zones have 2 hurr acts why should Durr sKy SanCtuary git a free pass?

Doesn't fucking matter if it has 1 act or 7 acts. If someone finds Greenhill zone act 2 as the best looking stage then great. ITS ALL OPINION. YOU CANT BE WRONG AS LONG AS YOU JUST CHOOSE A ZONE.

>> No.2849728

Not OP but in Sonic 3 & Knuckles, each Act can be considered distinct.

Tropical Jungle -> Bushfire Jungle -> Underwater City -> Ancient City Aqueducts -> Rocking Hills -> Mountain Ruins -> Neon Carnival -> Ruined Decaying Carnival -> Ice Caves -> Ice Tundra -> Technological Base -> Rocket Launch Site -> Mushroom Hill -> Mushroom Caves -> Flying Ship -> Uh... Flying Ship... Some don't vary as much -> Outside Desert Ruins -> INSIDE Desert Ruins -> Rocky Cave -> Crystal Cave -> Underground Sanctuary -> SKY SANCTUARY... You could even consider Hidden Palace as Act 1

Obviously some vary more than others, but you gotta admit they can be a lot more distinct than Sonic 1s three Green Hill Zone Acts, which combined will still probably be shorter than the entirely of the Sky Sanctuary Zone. Does that mean Green Hill zone is completely invalid?

>> No.2849772

>Does that mean Green Hill zone is completely invalid?
The question is invalid; comparing zones across games is invalid. But, say, did you by chance notice the distinction between acts from a discussion here on /vr/? I seem to recall reading about this same topic, in an old thread not too long ago.

1000% Mad.

>> No.2849801

>over 9000% mad

I'm just having a hard time understanding how someone can be this autistic about such a simple concept concerning Sonic of all things... That is of course unless..... unless..... C-Chris Chan????

>> No.2849816

Except I didn't say that, did I? Well memed though, I guess. Why do you care so much what I think anyway?

>> No.2849823

The levels in the Genesis Sonic games always looked cool as fuck. Chemical Plant, Hydro City, Marble Garden, Hidden Palace, Sky Sanctuary... way more imaginative aesthetics than the early Mario games.

>> No.2849826

Yep, this is me. Sonic CD is my least favorite of the original 2D Sonics.

>> No.2849829

Sonic 3 has a very strange atmosphere. After you get off Angel Island it feels... lonely. I like it though.

>> No.2849830

Post the others

>> No.2849831

>well memed
*tips fedora*

>Why do care what me thinkz?
Kek! Nigga your the one that kept asking me the retarded questions! If your mad I responded then you shouldn't have tagged me Chris.

>> No.2849839

Whatever you meme spouting, emoticon using shit head. You're the one who made this crappy thread, and now look at how you're reacting to people who are genuinely interested in discussing your topic:
You clearly have issues, or are underage, or something.

>> No.2849843

>Doesn't like "crappy thread"
>keeps posting in it

you = 1000% mad :^)

Same. All this talk about CD kinda makes me want to try play it again tho. Probably has been a decade since the last time I checked it out last. Never did try for the good ending.

>> No.2849953

And I don't mind your thread, it's you who I don't like. You give Sonic fans a bad name. But I am not upset about it, the only one ITT who is mad is you:

>> No.2849998


Even Angel Island felt weird to me as a kid, it no longer uses the typical Sonic surreal terrain designs and vibrant colors, instead they went for a more realistic approach all around.

That's not to say I didn't like it, but it felt weird after Sonic 1 and 2.

>> No.2850016

>it no longer uses the typical Sonic surreal terrain designs and vibrant colors
I just wonder how much of that was by design, and how much could be attributed to lack of technical capability and experience? Did they really take the visuals in a new direction, or did they simply refine their original concept?

>> No.2850064

>it no longer uses the typical Sonic surreal terrain designs and vibrant colors
Yes it does.

>> No.2850069
File: 45 KB, 320x225, sonic3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not really, Sonic 1, 2 and CD all have terrain that has surreal patterns, like the checkered ones on Sonic 1, the block/checkered terrain in Sonic 2, and these triangular patterns on Sonic CD.

Sonic 3 instead got this kind of messy, uniform patterns on its terrain that looks closer to being realistic and emulate actual natural enviroments, not really surreal anymore.

>> No.2850070
File: 79 KB, 640x480, SEGACD--Sonic CD european version_Sep22 9_00_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


for comparison, here's the Sonic CD triangle pattern

>> No.2850129

>you give sonic fans a bad name
No Chris, complaining about Sonics arm color then pepper spraying an innocent gamestop employee over it gives Sonic fans a bad name. The weirdos with the messed up sonic fan fiction and the guy that's been fucking a Sonic doll for years gives Sonic fans a bad name.

All I do is play the old games and explain easy thread instructions to retards.

>> No.2850136

I would be interested to see who the art director was for each game. Probably a different person, huh? Interesting that the CD had better hardware than the Genensis, didn't it? Yet they still kept the more cartoony look of 1 and 2, although based on those pics alone it does appear CD has more sophisticated use of shadows. I think it's appropriate then, that for S3, Sonic got a newly redesigned sprite sheet to accompany the change in the rest of the graphical style of the game. It seems obvious now, of course, how out of place the CD-style sprites would have looked in 3K. Just goes to show that any sentiments people might have about the atmosphere there can also be linked directly to the player character and not just the surrounding environments. Perhaps it was those broad, sweeping, comprehensive aesthetic changes that left returning players, who were comfortable with the previous entries' graphical style, with a sense of unease; of being strangers in a strange land; a world that was somewhat familiar in terms of mechanics, yet visually felt foreign to them; and maybe, as anon described, felt a bit lonely as a result. If so, then that effect really only works to S3K's benefit, given the setting of the game, which is on a mysterious island where Sonic and Tails have never been before. Is this an example of retrogaming immersion, then? An outstanding example of how that effect can be achieved on a 2D, 16-bit level, even?

>> No.2850139

Who's the retard again? You can't even bother to explain your stupid idea for a thread, probably because you lack the mental faculties to adequately do so. And if anybody questions you about it, or otherwise does not adhere to the strict guidelines you made up inside your head and then imagined everyone else would automatically understand as well, you then proceed to launch into an autistic meme-spewing tantrum and petty insults. Great thread, dipshit. If it wasn't for me and a few other decent posters here the entire thing would be complete shit right now.

>> No.2850202
File: 29 KB, 667x645, 1437004680178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who's the retard again?
You are Chris. Come on, we established this already. Keep up. I'm a nice guy tho so I'll spell it out for you.

>Me:what's the best looking Sonic stage? This one is my fav.
You: what do you mean "best looking"? Also your pick is only one act that shouldn't count.
>Me: you know appealing? Easy on the eyes. Also #of acts doesn't matter it's all opinion anyways.
You: I don't get it. Appealing and best looking can be two different things. How do you mean best looking? Can you give me the definition then use it in a sentence?
>You know what the Fuck I'm talking. Stop acting dumb.
You: no ur dum! I make dis thread better!
>God dammit Chris.....

Seriously. I would have an easier time explaining all this to Helen Keller. Then afterwards she would sign language to me how dense someone would have to be not to get it and i would tell her about you and we would laugh and laugh and laugh.....

>> No.2850235

>>You know what the Fuck I'm talking. Stop acting dumb.
This pretty much sums up the problem right here. You genuinely believe I was pretending not to know what you meant. You can't comprehend that there does exist in your original question some margin of ambiguity, nor that anyone might not instantly understand your poorly worded question.

Don't worry your brain will finish developing by the time you're 25. Maybe then you can come back and rejoin the adults in their discussion of video games.

>> No.2850295

>Maybe then you can come back and rejoin the ADULTS in their discussion of VIDEO GAMES.
Top kek! Dis right here is gold! Thanks for that. Usually this is the point where i would tell you that I hope you never reproduce but I think we both know already know the answer to that ;-)

>This pretty much sums up the problem right here. You genuinely believe I was pretending not to know what you meant. You can't comprehend that there does exist in your original question some margin of ambiguity

The original post:
>What's the best looking Sonic stage and why is it Sky Sanctuary?

I can't honestly see how anyone even on 4chen can misinterpret that. No one else did. NOT ONE PERSON. Just you.... What makes you so special?? Oh, right. The autism.

I look forward to you bumping my thread again :^)

>> No.2850319

>Usually this is the point where i would tell you that I hope you never reproduce but I think we both know already know the answer to that ;-)
Pathetic. Nice to see you're still mad, though.

>> No.2850332

>still mad tho
Don't you mean 1000% mad anon :^)

>> No.2850349
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>> No.2850367

Lowering yourself to name calling and in the form the Burger King logo no less?! Let's hope your manager doesn't see this. We have our differences anon but the last thing I want is to see you get fired.

>> No.2850374

>hehe i implied he works there lol god i'm clever ;)
Undeveloped brain.

>> No.2850380

I like chemical plant and hydrocity, but let me tell you that your filter is disgusting.

>> No.2850409

Hey tBh fAm I'm just glad you resorted to posting a burger king logo that says "aspberger king" since somehow that is still less retarded then any point you were trying to make over your last ten posts. It's an improvement. Your mom would be proud Chris.

Yeah I've been hearing that a lot kek Sry m8. Chemical Plant is just universally cool. Never met anyone that didn't like it.

>> No.2850430

Nah. You're a mentally inept child, I encourage you to seek help for whatever past trauma has resulted in your postings here today.

>> No.2850456

This thread is a great example of everything that's gone with /vr/ the last year or so.

At one point this would have just been a discussion of Sonic levels and any shitposts would have been deleted and this shit would have been nipped in the bud.

Now we have no mods so any retard can just ruin any thread he pleases.

>> No.2850534
File: 43 KB, 640x360, sunglass-selfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hurr if I keep calling him undeveloped I win right?
You sure are big on telling me how smart you compared to me. Next you'll tell me how all girls are whores and all you ever wanted was a good women to sleep with you right? I was wrong to call you Chris. You are definitely coming off as the Elliot type.

Can't wait for your next post. I have never BTFO out of anyone on 4chen as much as I have with you. Your that brain damaged boxer that doesn't know to just lay down and take the ten count.

>> No.2850540

That's funny you think you're not the one who's been BTFO. All you've done is deliver baseless insults and memes. That you're an Elliot Roger poster says all we need to know.

>> No.2850570

nah, the levels had a nice atmosphere
>much less colorful than the rest of the 16-bit Sonics
get your eyes checked

>> No.2850583

>All you've done is deliver baseless insults and memes

>> No.2850587

I've proven over and over again just how fucking dumb you are at following even the simplest instructions. You couldn't even put 2+2 together that the photo of Elliot was fucking you. I hope your an organ donor so when you die at the ripe age of 43 we can study your brain to find out just what went wrong.

>think your the one who's not BTFO
Now I'm just curious to see how deep this rabbit hole goes. You couldn't possibly think you've done more than say I'm a "dum dum" and post funny asspie pictures from Google images?

>> No.2850601

Cherry picking one example doesn't win you the argument, junior.

>I've proven over and over again just how fucking dumb you are at following even the simplest instructions.
No you haven't. You merely reacted that way, with grade school-tier name calling when asked to clarify what the hell you meant. Face it, "best looking stage" is a lousy criteria to rate something for. It's amazing how shitter shattered you are about this. I don't think in all my years interacting with anons I've ever met as clear a mental case as you. If anyone's like Chris-chan (I don't really know much about it), he must be you, no doubt.

>> No.2850624

>shitter shattered
I'll just leave this here kek

>lousy criteria best stage
So fucking easy and yet you struggled. Not to mention joined in the conversation. Would of thought something so dumb would be above you.

>I don't think in all my years interacting with anons I've ever met as clear a mental case as you. If anyone's like Chris-chan (I don't really know much about it), he must be you, no doubt.

And yet here you are. Arguing with a "mental case". You must have as much going today as I do anon. Or... More likely... Your autism kryptonite is not being able to get the last word in.

>> No.2850630

sonic games are shit

>> No.2850664

>So fucking easy and yet you struggled.
The only one struggling to understand this shit is you. I already know your OP is dumb. Your inability to explain yourself proves it, anyway.
>Not to mention joined in the conversation. Would of thought something so dumb would be above you.
Well that's because you're a presumptuous jackass. I've done nothing wrong, just because you asked a stupid question doesn't prohibit people from talking about it.

>> No.2850667

>Sonic 1
>Sonic 1 8-bit
>Sonic 2
>Sonic 2 8-bit
>Sonic CD
>Sonic Chaos
>Sonic 3
>Sonic & Knuckles
>Sonic Triple Trouble
>Dreamcast version of Sonic Adventure
>Sonic Pocket Adventure
>Sonic Adventure 2
>Sonic Advance
>Sonic Advance 2
>Sonic Advance 2
>Sonic Advance 3
>Sonic Rush
>Sonic Rush Adventure
>half of Sonic Unleashed
>Sonic Colors
>Sonic Colors DS
>Sonic Generations

>> No.2850672

You're almost certainly talking to someone who watched YouTubers and gets his opinions from them. It is weekend /vr/ after all.

>> No.2850681

>you get your opinions from YouTube because I fucking said so

>> No.2850683

OH SHIT. I misread >>2850672

>> No.2850720

>The only one struggling to understand this shit is you. I already know your OP is dumb. Your inability to explain yourself proves it, anyway.

Explain what? What's the best looking stage? Again. Explain what? Nothing to explain! That's what makes this so crazy and me "shit shattered" kek

>just because you asked a stupid question doesn't prohibit people from talking about it.
Nope. Just you anon. JUST. YOU.

This must get you off. I can't see why else you would still be here. I fully expect long after I've given up shit talking with you and have gone to bed... you will still be here. Sitting by your dimily lit computer screen, lotion in hand, licking your lips, just waiting for next response.... But it never comes anon.... It NEVER COMES.....

>> No.2850752

I'm here to discuss Sonic. Too bad you've devoted your day towards arguing with me like a full spastic, shitting up your own thread in a feeble attempt to belittle the very people you presumably came here to talk with in the first place. If you can't handle other people having a different opinion then I would advise you to keep your crappy threads to yourself, or take it to Leddit, and bring your autism with you. Children always mistake anonymity -- the freedom to say what you want with some edgy hipster imagined obligation to be a total dick to everyone they engage in discussion. That's not what this place is about. If you have nothing of value to add to the conversation and are only here to shitpost, then please return to your containment board asap:

>> No.2850773

This anon gets it. STH games are casual garbage. Even Nintendo makes better platformers than Sonic Team.

>> No.2850786

>all this effort to shitpost and scream reddit

>> No.2850794


>> No.2850947

I'll start by saying paragraphs are your friend. Try 'em out. You might like them.

>Too bad you've devoted your day towards arguing with me like a full spastic, shitting up your own thread in a feeble attempt to belittle the very people you presumably came here to talk with in the first place.

Takes two to shitpost. Again you keep bringing up "people". It's just you buddy. I have had zero issues with anyone else here. You. Just. Keep. Shit. Posting.

>Children always mistake anonymity -- the freedom to say what you want with some edgy hipster imagined obligation to be a total dick to everyone they engage in discussion.

I'm actually a really nice guy. Your just an individual with such autistic tendencies that I actually have no other way to communicate my distaste but with profanity and comparisons to Helen Keller.

>That's not what this place is about. If you have nothing of value to add to the conversation and are only here to shitpost, then please return to your containment board asap:

Spoken like a true neet. You know what I hate the most about our time together other than your shit comprehensive skills. It's that your not funny. Don't get me wrong, you had your moments but they were all unintentional. Every post you wrote hurt my eyes and screamed that your an out of the closet a wizard. Not entertaining at all. Looking forward to your next Pulitzer award winning no paragraphs needed post tho Elliot.

>> No.2850954

all terrible


there's always one person who comes to these threads and insists any negative opinion on Sonic comes from youtubers.

repeating this narrative to yourself is not suddenly going to make it reality, sorry.

>> No.2850969

oh come on. You don't go into a thread about a game series and declare them all bad without being a kid from /v/. Why even pretend?

>> No.2851014
File: 4 KB, 320x224, s2-cnz-summaryimg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Casino Night Zone.

>> No.2851050

>There's always one person who comes to these threads and insists any negative opinion on Sonic comes from YouTubers.
Your opinion is that ALL Sonic games are bad, including the Classic games, which sold a console and are some of the most well-known video games of all time. It doesn't even matter if that's just your personal opinion, because you personally thinking the games are bad doesn't mean they're bad, so stop treating it like a fact. If most people like them, they're fucking good. I don't like Majora's Mask very much, but that doesn't mean I'm not willing to acknowledge the fact that it's a good game that the majority of people enjoy, and it sure as hell doesn't mean I'm going to go out of my way to shitpost in Majora's Mask threads about how "shit" it is. Your post doesn't even have anything to do with the thread. It's about graphics, not the quality of the games themselves. You just want to shitpost, plain and simple.

>> No.2851052

Another Sega thread.
The Sonic games weren't even that good. Seriously? This is how they console themselves?

>> No.2851060

>Another Sonic thread is buried in an avalanche of autism and bullshit.

Every fucking time, /vr/. Goddamnit.

>> No.2851062
File: 94 KB, 1285x627, Sonic Sedin's Shootout Scores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Sonic games weren't even that good.

>> No.2851067

>Confirmed for being too young to play sonic in its prime
It was a great time to be alive anon. You missed out.

>> No.2851075

Being an autistic adult still enthralled with the blue 'cool' mascot isn't healthy.

>> No.2851083

The problem is Sonic Fans can't fucking handle criticism. Some dude came in and shitposts, and OP just can't handle it and has to try and correct him.

And it's not just him, see
>>2850630 and >>2850667
>>2851052 and >>2851062

Just fucking ignore the shitposters. Don't feed the trolls. Just because somebody doesn't like a game you like doesn't mean the game is suddenly less good, nor you are for liking it.

>> No.2851086

>just ignore it!!
Jesus christ.

>> No.2851090

More along the lines of, "too young to play an actual game." I began playing the Genesis games when I was eight in 2004, way past their prime, and didn't have a single problem. The children of the current generation are raised on mobile games, QTEs, and instant gratification. They are not willing to learn how to play a game with a complex physics engine, nor are they willing to try hard, memorize levels, or learn from their mistakes in order to be rewarded with pure satisfaction.

>> No.2851093

Why do you keep posting in Sega threads? /vr/ has always leaned more towards Sega (and I say this as a fan of both) Did you just get here or what?

>> No.2851094

Yeah I get it you're autistic but
>game with a complex physics engine
>try hard, memorize levels, or learn from their mistakes
These games are not that deep. You need to wind back.

>> No.2851103

Holy shit /vr/ is fucking putrid on the weekend.

>These games are not that deep. You need to wind back.
Compared to modern games that kids play like Minecraft and mobile games they are. Just stating a fact.

>> No.2851117
File: 280 KB, 2048x2048, 1448350095831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy shit /vr/ is fucking putrid on the weekend.
It's going to be like this all through Christmas too. Kids are off school.

>> No.2851120

When it comes to Sonic, I can't even tell what's trolling and what's not, with all the bullshit that's been happening lately.

Simply epic. Anyway, compared to most other platformers, Classic Sonic does have a complex physics engine.
>try hard, memorize levels, or learn from their mistakes
These are all "problems" that underage shitheads usually bring up when trying to explain why Sonic games are "terrible."

>> No.2851124

>Simply epic.
Not even worth my time, this board is going to hell.

>> No.2851128

Yup you got me. I write sonic fan fiction in my off time and cosplay as a sexy leather clad knuckles at conventions. You should see me spindash anon. I'm up to about 3 full rotations.

When did /vr get to the point you couldn't even talk about old skool Sonic without the shit heads coming out of the woodwork?

>> No.2851130

You're blaming me for the declining quality of /vr/ when you're the one who calls people autistic? Shit's sake.

>> No.2851131

>When did /vr get to the point you couldn't even talk about old skool Sonic without the shit heads coming out of the woodwork?
About a year ago. That's when I noticed shit really going down hill. It's gotten worse since then too.

>> No.2851134

>sexy leather clad knuckles
pics pls

>> No.2851136

I'm guessing that a lot of mods just walked around the time moot left, that's when I noticed a lot more shitposts being left up. Every board is suffering and has gotten significantly worse, but it's really hit /vr/ hard because we used to be so good and now we have literally no moderation at all.

I don't know why I keep coming here. Maybe I'm just hoping that someday it'll miraculously be good again somehow. Is there anywhere else to talk about old games that isn't total shit? Is Assembler any good?

>> No.2851137

If Sonic Team's three-years-in-the-works game is good, which it has no absolutely reason not to be, the underage shitposting being spewed by twelve-year-olds who have never even touched a Sonic game will come to a stop.

>> No.2851145
File: 57 KB, 164x300, me_naked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't find one with the leather on but here is the one you really wanted to see anyways. Yes, I do work out.

>> No.2851147
File: 20 KB, 327x388, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't even consider half of them

>> No.2851149

>reaction image posted from an iPhone

This is what /vr/ has become.

>> No.2851760
File: 178 KB, 1050x526, SonicThread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP arguing with Sega-shitpost-anon
Coincidence that it's their lastest and yet so fucking true.

>> No.2852293

I meant to reply to >>2851094 in the second half of the post.

>> No.2852297

>Ruined Decaying Carnival
Carnival with lights shut down =/= Abandoned carnival

>> No.2852617

go fuck yourself!!! it was a great fan game

>> No.2852627

No you dipshit, don't go back and correct yourself, just stop feeding the trolls.

>> No.2852763

I always thought the second half of lava reef zone was beautiful. On its own it wouldn't stand out much, but following the much brighter and more active first act it stands out as a really cool and relaxed stage, even if it's probably harder.

Most of my favorite zones are the ones that have really different feeling acts that still share a theme. That's a lot better than the same background twice.

>> No.2852783

Because it isn't, Stardust Speedway is. All four versions of it.

>> No.2852787

>Sonic 1
>Sonic 1 8-bit
>Sonic 2
>Sonic 2 8-bit
>Sonic CD
>Sonic Chaos
>Sonic 3
>Sonic & Knuckles
>Sonic Triple Trouble
>Dreamcast version of Sonic Adventure
>Sonic Pocket Adventure
>Sonic Adventure 2
>Sonic Advance
>Sonic Advance 2
>Sonic Advance 3

>Sonic Rush
>Sonic Rush Adventure
>half of Sonic Unleashed
>Sonic Colors
>Sonic Colors DS
>Sonic Generations
absolute garbage

>> No.2853091

It gets flooded as well. Not something I think would indicate optimal operation.

>> No.2853128
File: 14 KB, 200x237, worf is not amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stardust Speedway

>> No.2853130

Colors and Generations are the second best platformers of that generation behind the Mario Galaxy games.

>> No.2853210

>Sonic Advance - made by Dimps
>Sonic Advance 2 - made by Dimps
>Sonic Advance 3

>Sonic Rush - MADE BY DIMPS
>Sonic Rush Adventure - MADE BY DIMPS
>Sonic Colors DS - MADE BY DIMPS

Confirmed for retarded nostalgiafag

>> No.2853367

Gasp. You mean a poster on a retro video game board would prefer older games? Shocking.


>> No.2853415

Advance 1 was the best. Advance 3 had shitty level design. Advance 2 was "hold right" but it was entertaining and fast paced.

>> No.2853624

I like you.
Yeah, I think LRZ2 is really pretty when you see it cool down at the end of the first act. It's also got some really neat things visually, like the Death Egg firing its engine and reactivating the volcano.


dunno why anyone would say Rush Adventure was bad, other than the retarded sailing bit
every other aspect of the game was a good 20x better than original Rush
also, not retro

>> No.2853645
File: 87 KB, 1680x1050, hydrocity_zone_bg_2_by_insanesonikkufan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also a big fan of Sonic 3&K desu, although I really like the charm of CD. I find 2 to be the fastest and more action-packed one, which I also like at other times.

Pic related for the topic.

>> No.2853681

It's alright to like retro stuff, as long as when it's improved and perfected, you don't refused to accept the improvements, a la Pokemon genwunners "all the new pokemon are lame, let me play with one thing that evolves into three of one things, or my ball that goes upside down when it evolves, or my literal pile of shit that will get curbstomped by any one of the broken psychic pokemon because balancing is hard" you fucking manchild.

I didn't mind the sailing, at least for the music, can't really tell if it was bullshit or not because I emulated and that makes all touchscreen shit infinitely harder.

>> No.2853729

>enter Sonic thread
>encounter autism

I'm not even surprised, just mildly disappointed.

>> No.2853763

>Enter another thread, encounter autism
>Enter another thread, encounter autism
>Enter another thread, encounter autism

If everywhere you goes smells like shit, you should check YOUR shows anon.

You autistic basement dwelling loser. Seriously, complaining about autism on /vr/ is like complaining about the ocean being wet.

>> No.2855784

What the FUCK happened to this thread

>"best looking stage" is a lousy criteria to rate something for.

He was asking for your >*SUBJECTIVE*< OPINION so it could be _DISCUSSED,_ you fucking RETARD. HOW DID YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT?


>> No.2856052

Agreed, and the Green Hill theme is GOAT

>> No.2856092
File: 5 KB, 256x192, Based_Bolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nieces and nephew come over and want to play games
>sure! How about I bust out my Genesis! I have Gunstar Heroes, Rocket Knight Adventure, C-..
>is dat Sonic? We want to play that!
>umm.... sure! Why not. Its a classic. Can't go wrong with that I guess.
-Insert Sonic 2 cartridge and start playing-
>I recognize this game!
>Really? Didn't know you guys played the old Sonics b4. That's cool.
>Oh I haven't. I've just watched lets play videos on YouTube. How soon until we get to fight eggman??