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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 398 KB, 800x600, Spellcross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2849546 No.2849546 [Reply] [Original]

Spellcross. Anyone played it? Your thoughts on this game

>> No.2849563

Looked at the wiki article. Contemporary earth with fantastical creatures.

Go on...

>> No.2849584

>In Spellcross, a contemporary Earth military fights for survival against an extradimensional invasion of orcs, undead, harpies and other fantastical creatures.

was the GATE anime based on this game

>> No.2849591
File: 566 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20151108_220644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think I see the day when someone would make a post about Spellcross that wasn't me.

I'm making a DOOM was allowing access to the Forces of Darkness/Other Side as new demons (see video and screenshot)


>> No.2849595


Following up.

Obviously I love Spellcross. Not many turn-based games have this graphical depth of different animations on height depth, and the atmosphere is top notch (only beaten by Diablo 1).
The gameplay is great for the start, but gets a bit of reptitive, it needed more depth in choices. I think the graphics are wonderful, and cropping them out recently it makes me appreciate them more. Just because it's low budget and simple rendered doesn't make them awful. Granted, the gallery shots are not that great but... low budget, you don't see them much.

The music is really under-rated, some beautiful tunes that add to the setting and it makes me sad no one hears them.
The finale was a little empty, but by that point you've had enough, so they made it quick.

Difficulty and balance isn't too bad. Their are some really frustrating maps nearer the end thanks to BLOCKING ROCKS AND MAMMOTH TANKS, but it's a challenge to the end. I personally enjoyed having a unit variety rather than upgrading to the strongest tank, it might've made those maps easier but in some cases having certain advantages from weaker units is worth keeping them

The games REALLY needed a skirmish, multiplayer and map editor. The guy who ripped me the graphics from the DOOM was has a half-working editor, but it's just too late and too small of a community to benefit it.

If you like unknown games like Spellcross I suggest you try Original War and The Unholy War. Two brillinat games (rts and fighting) that sadly get neglected.

>> No.2849603


wow that's a lot of typos, sorry I rushed it.

>> No.2849607

Here in /vr/, posts must be stylistically perfect.

Consider this your first warning.

Thank you and have a nice day.

>> No.2850395


>> No.2850902

wow, Spellcross thread.I too am surprised, this was the first (czecho)slovak game somewhat succesful abroad, thanks to this title we have Mafia,flashpoint etc...

ButI love the game even though I never actually finished it, but the atmosphere man...

I have never felt such strong fear of being overrun than nicht missions against undead, fuck.

I still hope Cauldron will pull their fingers out of their asses and make sequel, even thoug I would be just happy with some mod easing the pain of movement.

I have never played a game that emphasised the importance of the high ground so much

Also I pray gog will get the license and this game will have another chance in spreading

>> No.2852565

I also wanted to try various units just for the feeling of units salvaged from various armies..but in the endI always went for the best... when in infantry phase, t was impossible to use ligh and heavy infantry, komando was just so much better.

also that moment when your humwee becomes so experienced that it can actually take out some trash and doesnt always need to just run away

>> No.2853860
File: 127 KB, 315x300, 1010335171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cauldron by mohol vyuzit kickstarter, zaroven by mali aj free reklamu

>> No.2853881


while it is true that a lot newer units were stronger, some older ones had better accuracy and sometimes range/movement to deal with sitautions. If I hadn't kept my experienced infantry from the earlier maps, some maps would be too difficult without their help.

That being said, it wasn't that well balanced in upgrades terms

>> No.2853919

plz translate this img

>> No.2854089

obcas koukam na jejich web, vypadaji relativne neaktivne. Ale je pravda ze zasadni problem je vtom, ze prava na spellcross vlastni square enix, takzecauldron je tak trochu mimo hru.

>> No.2854367
File: 124 KB, 250x244, 250px-Unholy_War_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game right? Had so much fun with this as a kid with my friend. Never met anyone else who knew it

>> No.2854467
File: 207 KB, 712x497, 1441647189489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

som nevedel, zaujimave, ale yebu nato asi

>> No.2855648

I think I'll give this game a go. Any trouble getting it running on a modern machine?

>> No.2855972


I once got a 150~ post thread about it on /v/

It was a miracle

>> No.2855973


From a windows 8 user, you need DOS BOX to install and play it.

There's a "in battle save system", but I rather you save outside on the map menu than inbattle since its buggy. The good thing about the Spellcross folder is that it's easily edited. there is a folder called "SAVE" where your save games are located, if you try booting up Spellcross but its a black screen because you saved inbattle than inmenu try removing the WORKDIR save files but not SAVE0000-SAVE0008, then you should be able to load Spellcross back up.

Sometimes DOS BOX crashes whe you start a battle, which is quite minor and not often (just boot it back up). However rarely the game crashes right at the end of the battle losing all your work. This is the biggest problem, but it happened to be like 2/80 battles played, if you can handle that, you should be ok.

>> No.2855974

That demo

>> No.2855975


Sorry one more thing about the SAVE data. If you have trouble and delete WORKDIR, try and move all your save game data outside of the SPELLCROSS FOLDER so the Spellcross game loads as it has no save data (like brand new). THEN afterwards once it loads fine, move your save data back. You still need WORKDIR deleted though

>> No.2855980

That is pretty miraculous. My memory fades, did it have some balance issues? I seem to remember certain characters being OP.

>> No.2855984


If anyone is interested I will sometimes post Spellcross things on /vr/'s doomthread instead of the forum, like this:


I'm working on Fortress of Terror, Undead and Mechanical Mammoths right now. Undead play REALLY well, their screams slow you down if nearby

>> No.2855985


Firewitch Firewitch and Firewitch

>> No.2856014

Had never heard of this, thanks for posting about it OP because it looks great, definitely gonna try it out.

>> No.2856121
File: 72 KB, 1335x592, how.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i get any help with getting it running? this is my first time attempting dosbox so sorry if it's something stupid

>> No.2856139

okay i got through one layer of stupidity but now it's asking me for a cd when i try to run the game. can't find an image rip anywhere for mounting... what to do?

>> No.2856148


I have the Spellcross CD, so I usually "E:/ -t cdrom" my way through. So if your mounting an iso you have to learn it elsewhere from dosbox.

I would've use to do "OLDGAMES/spellcross/Spellcross/setup.exe" after mounting C, but after the mount accessing "Quick Launch" from MAIN on the setup is easier.

>> No.2856151

got it, nvm

>> No.2859159

You bet. The definition of *strategy* game. Great story and atmosphere. Plus, it had one of the best intros ever, along with Blitzkrieg.

>> No.2859731

Never heard of it, but it sure sounds neat.

>> No.2859759

It seems like the cut scenes/music aren't working for me. Any ideas on what to do?

>> No.2861620

So the few new guys, what do you think so far?

Tip: dont lose units, only lvl them. use officers and form squads,it adds bonuses. flame the undead, it is not unimportant. Artillery rocks, obviously. high ground importance is very very big, always use high ground if possible, even one block is better than nothing andit does make the difference

>> No.2861651

This is just the sort of thing I've been looking for.
For weeks I've just had this itch I can't scratch for some specific game, a strategy one, but just couldn't seem to satisfy it. I'll give it a shot tomorrow night, I'm tired as fuck and work early in the morning.

>> No.2861676

find some version that is already bound to an dosbox ready to play, because it can be tedious to get it running

>> No.2861710


might need a patch

>> No.2861713


I don't get reviews for the game often

>> No.2861942

I'm liking it a lot. Was wondering what the difference between rookie and veteran is? I don't wanna play rookie if it's a breeze, I like a nice challenge. On the other hand if veteran is absolutely soul crushing, well, I'd at least like to know before jumping in. Also

>rangers get the attention of enemy forces
>lead them on a chase through a forest
>orcs and wolves get blasted apart by my troops entrenched on a hill across from the clearing as they emerge from the treeline

So cool

>> No.2862350

I think that rookie is challenging enough, but cant really tell as i played the czech version that had 3 diff settings...

I usually use the humwee for scouting as it is sturdier when it ocasionally get hit, even though vehicles cant into forrest. also it pays off to upgrade units to commandos, they are powerful against siege machines and has nice attack as well as number of attacks

btw yellow line is dug in meter. it is sort of likea shield that absorbs dmg, thats when the wave is bigger than you expeced and you will start getting hit.

that feel when you are franticly shooting, but they are just getting closer and closer...

>> No.2862547


I started a spellcross game recently, but I cant remember what I pressed. All I can say is the game is really difficult in the middle, and the final missions are easy. I believe I selected rookie, and its not that easy then

>> No.2862747

The second mission is raping me. Is it worth it to just pass a bunch of turns sitting on a hill so your guys get fully dug in? Also I bought some heavy infantry but their name is grayed out and I can't select them to bring on the mission, what gives?

>> No.2862845


Remember you can always bait 1 out with a hummer. The Arrow Thrower mission is really hard (you may have to sacrifice a unit in some situations), hardest of campaign 1. If the arrow thrower mission is your problem, attack them from the forest gap to the south of their position, use VISION GAPS to prevent them from shooting from afar.

New unit need "1 turn" before they can be used. If a unit is being repaired or upgraded, they also require 1-4 turns before used.

>> No.2862852


guys I've completed Spellcross a couple of times and can ask any questions. I'm also on steam if you need to chat to me

ID blackgaze (doom wad guy)

>> No.2863676

also yes, even though it felt liiitle bit like cheating, i usually spent a few rounds on digging in. you really need it when using infantry and you start encountering shooters and machines.

my tactics is usually to form a good position, dig in while also scouting with hummer and bait groups into the meat grinder. I try to move the formation also in the same shape, for example when you get mortar team i surround them with other units to protect them and prevent enemies to get in their dead zone. It is slower movement, but pays off when you run into troubles.

Also when in tactical map and i drained all money sources i usually spend some time leveling by defending territories, because the attacking units are much higher level, you also get more xp from killing them. and raising attack and number of attack effectively raises your total firepower a LOT. It can often be that one last burst before you would taste some ka-orc axe

>> No.2863770


this. Each mission is different, the worst ones are camping A.I (not often though), but some generally move out. KEEP IN MIND the enemy may pathfind where you were before, so if the map is pretty much explored, check where you came last (you might encounter a congo line of enemies)
Campaign 1 final mission has this

>> No.2865924

thanks for the tips guys. things are going smoother now

>> No.2866541


was the arrow thrower the problem?
Get to campaign part 2, then you have tanks, easier movement travel

>> No.2866991

Fun part is, Inever finished the game, but that is because i am sick fuck who starts over when he discovers some new approach or tactic and recounts how stronger his units could now be...

like, there is a commando unit to join you in the openning mission and free commando in the beginning is quite a treasure especially as you level it sooner.

But it is also that i love the beginning, the tone of absolute desperation when your goal is to at least slow the avalanche. you feel really insignificant but in the same time it is your life you risk. And then, as you mow down first line of orcs, you actually feel that ridiculous feel, that maybe you will survive this day, maybe you will meet some new guys, maybe you will actually defend this post so civs will be able to run away and then just maybe, you might as well survive another day.

you are still in hell but you start to feel some hope, that those fuckers just might be beatable.

and then undead start crawling out of their graves.....

>> No.2867552

The arrow throwers were tough, so I did a different mission then came back with more troops/better strategy and beat it. Now though there's something in one mission that is pretty much one shot killing my guys. I guess it's a tank? I can't ever get close enough to see. It's the mission in the middle area of the first campaign. Is it okay to skip and come back later?

Also how do you upgrade troops? I try but the upgrade button is grayed out.

All in all good fun though. I like the atmosphere as well. Can't wait to fight zombies.

>> No.2867885
File: 1.09 MB, 2400x1223, guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there's only 2 enemies missiles. "white stars" from Wolf Riders and "black bolts" from Arrow Throwers. Since Arrow Throwers do 16-damage to Infantry, its highly likely they 1 shot your infantry. They only appear in the final mission (easier to deal with) or the hill mission seen in picture related (with edited guide)

You need to use the "research" to learn new technology with passing turns. There's not much in campaign part 1, but it come crucial later on.

Trust me you DONT want to fight the Undead. You have to spread your units out or you will fail.

>> No.2867915

Yep that's the one, fuck those guys. Ugh!

So is it a good idea to put as many points as possible into research? Thanks for all the help btw I'm really liking the game

>> No.2868336


I only played regular mode, you have some money issues early but later on you have so much money (but research is crucial, as you also learn new units through it as well)
So 75% research, 25% money, switch it if deseperate

>> No.2868868

It really depends, you do need money but research is crucial too. I always went for the best units available which was expensive, but experienced mediocre units will be effective too. And you will have that nice feel of army glued together from various nationalities.

>> No.2869748
File: 176 KB, 675x520, intriguing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some tanks now, things seem to be going pretty well even though I lost one to a magotar/ballista ambush.

>see this

now i'm curious...

>> No.2869763


good luck...

>> No.2871626


how did the mission go?

>> No.2871637

I actually had to stop for the night, now I'm all busy with Christmas stuff ugh. I'll get back to it maybe tomorrow. My save is waiting for me

>> No.2872357

I was thinking that I might try making playthrough series on youtube, there is just something incomplete there. However I never did any gameplay videos especially not of something this old.

I would probably make it from czech version of the game since it is a bit more challenging and might be more entertaining

>> No.2872378


That would be great, always wanted one. I thought the czech content lacked content, whats the big difference?

>> No.2872415

afaik the differences are tweaking some missions, slightly higher difficulty on czech version. But also longer intro. it shouldnt be problem for me to make at least youtube subtitles for the cutscenes though.

I will also pick czech version as it is downloadable somewhere already with configured dosbox with working sound, videos and everything. I just dont know what capturing sowftware should I use.

>> No.2872706

I would watch that

>> No.2874549

Fortress of Terror sure is a balanced piece of shit