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2835926 No.2835926 [Reply] [Original]

What is it with certain localizations in some older games completely changing the plot of a game between versions? I'm not talking about obvious shit that had to be changed due to different censorship standards or culture things, like taking out the Swastikas in Bionic Commando or switching the names of the bosses in Street Fighter II, but I mean shit that really has no rhyme and reason for being changed at all.

Some examples off the top of my head:
>The main character in Street Fighter 2010 is not the Ken from Street Fighter I and II, but some random dude named Kevin.
>Contra always took place in the future in Japan, whereas they initially took place in the present in the US, forcing the latter versions to change the identity of Bill and Lance to their descendants in Contra III when they no longer could hide the futuristic setting of the series.
>The final boss in Double Dragon III is actually Cleopatra. Marian was never actually kidnapped, she's not even in the game at all.
>The main character in the Mega Drive version of Shadow Dancer is either: Joe Musashi or his bastard son Hayate.
That's not even getting into all the games that barely have any in-game storylines, yet the stories between the Japanese and American versions differ in their manuals (like all those Capcom, Sega and Konami games).

>> No.2835929
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Because Americans know what sells better than stupid japs.

>> No.2835938

Is that legit? Sounds like an autistic child's Sonic fanfic if you pardon the redundancy.

>> No.2836306
File: 193 KB, 800x1132, 80017-metal-gear-nes-back-cover.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still insists Kojima was inspired by the Americanized backstory of the NES Metal Gear to make two Big Boss's in MGSV.

>> No.2836767

Some puns should carry a fucking death sentence.

My god.

>> No.2836785
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Konami's 80s/early 90s-era localizations were filled with shit like that. It's like they hired some out-of-touch middle aged guy who tried too hard to be kool with the kids.

>> No.2836802


I can't believe Konami never capitalized on bringing back Sheik Toxic Moron and his Technoscorch weapons

>> No.2836827
File: 30 KB, 548x188, Super_C_heroes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bill Rizer? That's not cool sound enough. Let's call him Sgt. Bill Ko like that guy on The Phil Silvers Show. I'm sure kids today like their 50s sitcom references.

>> No.2838030

Double Dragon 2 on the GB is actually Kunio kun in drag.

>> No.2838230

I still don't understand why Shatterhand became what it is, but in all honesty, it's that radical-as-fuck late 80s/early 90s edge they added that made me fall in live with it.

I truly believe Shatterhand is better than Solbrain.

>> No.2838425

Yeah, but that change made sense. Nobody knew who the hell Kunio was in the US back then and River City Ransom was kinda niche, but Double Dragon was still pretty popular at the time.

From my understanding Shatterhand was actually the original version of Solbrain, not the other way around. Apparently Bandai picked up the rights to Shatterhand and retooled it as a tie-in for a toku. At any rate, the game barely had anything to do with Solbrain.

>> No.2838449
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Story is more or less the same, but what the hell is going on with the blurb on the back?

>> No.2838785

I thought I heard that it was a simultaneous development deal, where both Solbrain and Shatterhand were being worked on at the same time.

Admittedly, I haven't done much research on it.

But satellite robot turning into wicked cool power armor is still more awesome than turning into a gun, in my book. And the submarine stage is better than the carnival, no doubt.

>> No.2839221

You forgot the legendary Vermon Cataffy and Highrola Cockamimi

>> No.2839593

And your forgot to read the replies.>>2836306

>> No.2840843
File: 199 KB, 880x641, SNES_SF2_Ryu_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capcom USA had a weird habit of localizing their stories accurately up to a certain point and then fucking up their shit somewhere along the lines. Street Fighter and Biohazard fans know this better than anyone else.

Remember when Sheng Long was actually the official name of Ryu and Ken's sensei? It feels weird how they abandoned that quickly, but Gouki still goes by Akuma.

>> No.2840986

This is at least as plausible as the Zelda timeline.

>> No.2840994

Adding to this, I can't get used to the fact that they're keeping Nash's Japanese name in V. Like either go all-out with the Japanese names or stick to what we've had for the last 20 odd years, don't mix it up, it's screwing with my head.

>> No.2841016


Penetrate. Seven separate.
Penetrate seven separate.


>> No.2841030
File: 235 KB, 880x643, SNES_SF2T_Ryu_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They made "Charlie Nash" his canon full name since Street Fighter IV. I think Capcom has been trying to globalize their games for a while now and makes things more consistent between regional releases. The M. Bison/Balrog/Vega switcharoo is the only thing they're stuck with since reverting to their original names would be confusing as fuck.

>> No.2841869
File: 125 KB, 1018x582, Kill It With Fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luckily, it was pretty much ignored anyway. And it's still better than the Lara-Su Chronicles.

>> No.2841878

why do I want to know more

>> No.2841986

My neurons are commiting mass suicide

>> No.2841995

>Hedge Heaven

>> No.2842001

>The final boss in Double Dragon III is actually Cleopatra. Marian was never actually kidnapped, she's not even in the game at all.

that makes sense. when I played dd3 recently, the cheesy plot seemed all over the place and it particularly felt like marian was shoehorned in.

>> No.2842005

You don't. You really don't.

>> No.2842039
File: 13 KB, 320x224, 115755-last-battle-genesis-screenshot-a-cutscene-elaborating-the.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the original jap version is shit but c'mon. I'm not murrikan, at the time there were games based on animes where their names remained unchanged?

>> No.2842621

Ha. "Last Battle."

I can only imagine they were trying to ride the coattails of Final Fight with a rename like that. Also, they took out the exploding head animations, but that was to be expected.

>> No.2842639

The same reason that most people can't look away from the scene of a grisly car accident.

Yeah, that's normal. Just go look at something else for a while, so the damage will be mitigated.

>> No.2842647


Wasn't Lara-Su an Archie Comics thing? I lost interest in the Sonic comics once I was old enough to realize they were a goddamn mess, and (thankfully) long before the internet dug its wacky claws into Sonic.

>> No.2842650

Long story short some papers got burnt i think and now Ken Penders claims that Lara-Su and all his other characters are completely original and totally not Knuckles rip-offs, so now he wants to do his own comic without Archie.

>> No.2842741
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>> No.2842748

And parts like raoh turning to stone make no sense. The guy just raises his arm and stands there.

>> No.2842846

I'm guessing it was easier for Sega to release the game without the Hokuto no Ken license overseas and not pay Buronson and Hara a dime. I'm more surprised they got away doing nothing to change the game other than rename the characters and recolor the sprites. At least with Black Belt they went through the effort of changing the graphics.

>And parts like raoh turning to stone make no sense.
You mean Kaioh, Raoh's identical older brother. Last Battle was based on Hokuto no Ken 2.

>> No.2842982
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The English localization of Double Dragon III on the NES was kinda weird. There's evidence that they originally did a more direct translation of script, before they rewrote it for release. I supposed writing Marion's kidnapping into the plot was done to give Billy and Jimmy a motive for helping out Hiruko seek the stones (since they were merely doing it for the love of a challenge), but it was pretty cliched by that point and actually creates more plot holes than it solves. Like who the hell kidnapped Marion in the first place and how the hell did she end up becoming a mummified Egyptian princess with magical powers locked away in a room that can only be opened by the Sacred Stones?

Also, the NES version of Double Dragon III is apparently based an earlier built too, since the Famicom version had some minor improvements, like changing your ending based on which of your characters are still alive by the end of the game.

>> No.2844021
File: 43 KB, 480x640, CVWhVuCU8AArAbm.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of fucked-up Capcom canon, it's kinda ironic that the whole point of making Poison into a shemale was to cover their asses from U.S. feminist groups, when this fact wasn't even published outside Japan until the internet made accessibility to Japanese materials much easier.

>> No.2844747

That hideous artwork of Ryu.

He looks like dirty Mexican mechanic.

>> No.2844793

In the manga he and Hyoh are drenched in lava and encased in stone.

If you're taking about how Raoh died, he didn't actually turn to stone, he just died standing up from sheer force of will.

>> No.2844823
File: 179 KB, 880x641, This_never_actually_happened_like_that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, for some reason Capcom felt they needed to Americanized the manual art for Street Fighter II when they did the SNES port. They did the same shit with the cabinet art for Super SF2.

>> No.2845289

She was made a Shemale because beating up ladies is looked down on. Japan retconned poison into a Shemale afterwards.

>> No.2845336

nah poison was a dude from the start
there's japanese concept art for the arcade game calling her a transsexual

>> No.2845347

Correct, in Japan most transgendered people go by the definition of a "New half". This what her official gender is given in early sketches for the character.

>> No.2845553

So us capcom wanted to get kids beating up women from the start.
Those evil bastards

>> No.2845565

So weird seeing transgender s in kids games, poison is not even the only one, nothing against but why Japan so weird

>> No.2845682
File: 51 KB, 480x640, RdOOh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was my point.
According to interviews with the developers published in Gamest around the time the game was distributed, it was only the US side of the company that had issues with people punching girls. At any rate, Poison and Roxy were shemales long before any console version were made.