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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 118 KB, 640x446, Super_Metroid_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2840976 No.2840976 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck can't you map angle up/down to anything but L and R?

>> No.2840984

because there are only 6 buttons and mapping that to A,B,X or Y would be even worse.

>> No.2840995

There are 7 usable buttons
And no it would not be worse.

>> No.2841021

yeah because jumping/shooting would work so well with the L/R buttons. to each his own, but sounds ridiculous to me.

>> No.2841043

Not jumping and shooting, dashing

>> No.2841046

>i was born after 1997, disregard my opinions

>> No.2841050


you obviously were. if not you wouldn't be bitching about a game that was perfect back then and still is now. eat dick.

>> No.2841052

who cares, you can map them to anything with emulators

>> No.2841053

>who cares
People who are playing on SNES or VC

>> No.2841057

> Not disassembling your controller and remapping the buttons that way.
Go back to /v/ newb.

>> No.2841062

>actually buying things from the VC, which only retards do
I reiterate: who cares

>> No.2841313

people playing on hardware, who don't want delay.
And don't say the delay isn't noticeable, because I notice it

>> No.2841634
File: 114 KB, 620x352, 266969-h1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you're either using a super shitty computer or an outdated emulator. Or the possibility that you're delusional.

At any rate, I like buying things off VC, even though I don't like playing them there. Things are reasonably priced and I look at it more like I'm chipping in support for classic games like this.

The one exception is the M2 3D Sega ports because those are just incredible. Even almost makes Alter'd Beast worth playing. Almost.

>> No.2843842
File: 1.20 MB, 840x1074, shape_of_happiness_page4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just beat Super Metroid for the first time recently. I know tons of people have completed it before me, but it felt good.

It was a lot more linear than I thought it would be, though. Unless I'm missing something. It feels like you need to intentionally break the game in order to go off course.

>> No.2846181

>It feels like you need to intentionally break the game in order to go off course.
You don't need to 'break the game' but you do need to use more advanced techniques. It is fairly linear if you don't sequence break, it's kind of one of the reasons it fares well, people who just want to play through and be done with it and new gamers will find a game that doesn't overwhelm them. But for seasoned players and speed runners, the sequence breaks affords you a significantly less linear game. The game is also mostly designed so you really can't get trapped anywhere you sequence break, a testament to it's great design. The best games are usually designed in such a way that it can be played and enjoyed by new players, decent players and great players with equal levels of enjoyment and challenge (though in different areas).

>> No.2846184


>Or the possibility that you're delusional.

I think we have a winner there, Doc Phil.

>> No.2846190

Elder God Tier:
Super Metroid

High Tier:
Metroid (FDS version)

Mid Tier:
Metroid Zero Mission

Low Tier:
Metroid II: Return of Samus

Shit Tier:
Metroid Fusion

>> No.2846724

>Metroid (FDS version) above Metroid II

The first Metroid had very bad mechanics. Metroid II was a HUGE step up from its predecessor.

>> No.2846727

Dump the rest?

>> No.2846731

He's dumb enough to call Fusion shit, so there's no sense in arguing.

>> No.2846736

Fusion was linear garbage and started the whole "Samus can't do anything by herself" meme that carried on into MP3 and Other M.

Get some fucking taste, guttertrash.

>> No.2846739

>areas are segmented off until you kill specific metroids
>the only enemies in the game besides the final boss are metroids

Yeah, nah. RoS sucked dick.

>> No.2846752

That's not as bad as enemies respawning as soon as their spawn points are off screen and having a very "floaty" jump, making dodging flying enemies difficult.

>> No.2846764

There's nothing bad about linear gaming.

>> No.2846947

shut up bitch

>> No.2847110

It is in a series known for its non-linear sequence-breakable level designs.

>> No.2847120

Since when is the metroid series known for its sequence breaks in anything other than the tiny ass speed running community

>> No.2847161

Jump stays on A
Shoot is R
Mode is L
Gun Select is Select
Dash is B
X/Y is down/up angle

Why can't i?

>> No.2849416 [DELETED] 

Sort of like this?

>> No.2849418
File: 430 KB, 1280x960, snes9x-x64 2015-12-12 04-47-03-62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of like this?

>> No.2849430

Parts of the game are set up just in case you somehow managed to get there by skipping a ton of shit.

>> No.2849512


because you CAN'T.


>> No.2849646
File: 157 KB, 600x733, Young Samus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's up here: http://www.metroid-database.com/manga/?vid=32&cid=156

I think you're forgetting the part where she finally raised a huge middle finger to the Federation and crashed their science lab. Or kept on going even when her computer was intentionally tossing her into places he thought would kill her.

From a certain point of view, you could argue she'd pretty much been bending over to the Federation until Fusion came along.

>> No.2851315

>crossdressing Kraid


>> No.2852370

You can remap the buttons on VC for Wii U.

>> No.2852384

Because you're not playing in an emulator, like a non-neet.

>> No.2852472

Y'all excite for AMR2?

>Fusion was linear garbage
It sure is rather linear, but it's very well done linear.
>started the whole "Samus can't do anything by herself" meme
You mean "Samus can't do anything by herself when she has lost all her abilities and is being hunted by a fucking full power clone of herself and there's a never seen before alien species rampaging around". Adam wasn't ordering Samus around because she'd be incapable of doing shit by herself, it was because she was on Federation territory and had agreed to directly work with the Feds. And furthermore, Samus getting her upgrades depended (at first) on the Federation.
It was all completely justified by the story and as Samus got stronger she also started acting outside of orders because she could now afford to do so. And then there are the things >>2849646 mentioned.

>> No.2852489

Only four games in the entire series follow that formula directly - and only three if you're not counting Zero Mission as a completely separate game.

>> No.2852507

Modern emulators have no delay

>> No.2852543
File: 19 KB, 320x240, accessarea3buy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Y'all excite for AMR2?


>> No.2852551

It's for the best. Most Sega fans would kill to have more than three buttons. The convenience of shoulder buttons even, which they never got in a way that compares.

>> No.2852557

I finished the latest released demo and there was no money counter at the bottom right man.

>> No.2853094

>replying to the epic /v/ shitmemeposter

>> No.2853101 [DELETED] 

*Yawn* ANOTHER thread about Super Metroid.


>> No.2853123

wouldn't be a shame if they got a c&d huh?

>> No.2853176 [DELETED] 

Better than 20 about Sega running at the same time.

>> No.2855291

this is why fan developers should fucking open source their shit
it's the only fool-proof way to ensure that a project doesn't die when a C&D hits
it's not like they're going to try to sell it

>> No.2855945

>Super Metroid

It's my favourite game of all time, but jesus it's people like you who encourage developers to stagnate and never improve.

>> No.2855971

>using sage as a downvote

If you hate it so much then leave

>> No.2855987

I finished it for the first time as well just yesterday, beat it again since and managed to get just under 3 hours.

Best game I've played in a long time, and one of my new all-time favourites. I want to keep playing this game forever until I die.