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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2838609 No.2838609 [Reply] [Original]

I'm currently working on a retro style RPG.

I've been searching and searching for decent sites to download MIDIs from.

Everywhere i've found so far is absolute dogshit in terms of variety, don't load at all, or have very sketchy download links.
Any help finding a decent site would be a great help, no shitty pop music though please.

Hook me up!

Also, feel free to post any sexy 8-bit/chip-break tunes, as I'm a massive nerd who lives in the past
(preaching to the choir)

Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnMb4RsRyYY

>> No.2838619

Learn some music theory and code a random music generator. Pick the ones that sound best.

>> No.2838625

I'm borderline retarded when it comes to any kind of musical composition.
I'm not making the game for any kind of profit, so really I just want some kickass tunes to throw into it.

>> No.2838634

really? A bunch of "retro gamers" and nobody listens to any 8-bit?

For shame guys,,, for shame.

>> No.2838649

fuck off

>> No.2838651


Wow, keyboard warrior much?

>> No.2838674

vgmusic.com ?

>> No.2838676

I could compose some original tracks for your game, but I'm quite busy these days.
Is there a deadline or something?

>> No.2838687

This is perfect dude, Thanks for the response!
Nah there's no deadline but I can't expect you to go through all that effort.
I really appreciate the offer though. Do you have your own site or anything?

>> No.2838689

What the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.2838690

Being an aggressive tit over the internet.

>> No.2839693

I don't think you understand that people take shitty MIDI samples and turn them into the chip tunes you love. It's not that the samples suck, you just don't have any talent for the medium.

>> No.2840616

Any advice on it?
Not OP but in the same spot as him. Working on a retro styled game, and in the need of music for it.

>> No.2840941
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If you have no interest/talent in actually writing music, then you have to make people want to contribute to your project. The only meaningful way is to show off the progress you have made thus far. That's how I got someone to submit a song when I was programming my last project (still incomplete, but winter break is fast approaching). It took a lot of effort on my part to transcribe the music, but that's the toll.

If you do want to try to write your own music, use tracker software to compose the score. I was using MilkyTracker, but I think many different tracker programs can save to a common portable file format. A good tracker will allow you to define instruments with sound samples, play with envelops, encode special effects, and write music that naturally loops.

If you want to see an example of what a (poorly) working music player might look like in a retro game, you can check out my said project's github repo. Just look under audio.asm (the driver) and bgm.asm (the music). It's in assembly, but commented with pseudo-C code.

>> No.2840942


>> No.2840987

Thanks, I have a lot of interest, but I'm afraid I might be lacking the talent. Will give it a try anyway, and if I can't make it work I'll try to get someone to help me.

>> No.2841070

what's the setting/atmosphere of your game?

>> No.2841143

the Taito corps. has pretty much what you want.

>> No.2842776

I hate to be that guy, but google doesn't give me anything. Care to share link?

>> No.2842789

>random music generator

Wouldn't that just produce Crazy Bus-tier garbage? Or have we progressed to the point where it can sound almost like actual music?

As to OP wanting some sexy 8-bit, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhZBDNQ3gas