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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 24 KB, 450x283, 708sonyplay.141980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2837590 No.2837590 [Reply] [Original]

So what was everyones favourite games. Personally Spyro & Rayman was what it was all about

>> No.2837603

Vandal Hearts. It was my first SRPG and I fell in love.

>> No.2837605
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Rayman was originally a Jaguar game.
Also on Saturn.

Anyway, my favorite is probably Ghost in the Shell.

>> No.2837619
File: 65 KB, 640x640, parappa-the-rapper-ps1-cover-front-48340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is was so unique when i saw my friend play it

Off topic:I Just got a model 9001 it boots the games fine but a lot of times after 10 or 20 mins the games freeze, is the laser dying on me?

>> No.2837628

>be 11
>get N64 for xmas
>"fuck yeah this is awesome!"
>friend gets PS for xmas
>go to try his new system
>everything is polygons
>"Huh, this game isn't that fun"
>hook up Genesis and ignore PS forever
I sorta want to go back and give some of the 'classics' another chance and not be swayed by my childhood biases, but goddamn if the playstation isn't ugly as fuck.

>> No.2837719
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Easy one

>> No.2837724

Who gives a fucking shit.
Nobody asked for favorite exclusives.

>> No.2837738

This is why i left /vr/ faggots like this.

>> No.2837749


>being this defensive

the guy just mentioned Rayman was also on Saturn, and originally on jaguar, he didn't said OP was wrong or invalid or anything. Calm down.

>> No.2837804

>the original PS

>> No.2837805

I dunno if it's possible to think the ps1 looks ugly and the N64 looks good... The N64 has hideous video output

>> No.2837818

Resident Evil. All of them. Even Survivor was pretty awesome if you can appreciate mediocre games where they tried to do something interesting.

>> No.2837821

>get N64 for xmas
>"fuck yeah this is awesome!"

I'm calling bullshit.

>> No.2837824

Why? My first system was a Genesis and a few years later I got the N64 for xmas, with Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye and Shadows of the Empire to play on it. My cousin and I spent that night figuring out the Deku tree while the rest of the family visited upstairs. Is the idea of a couple 9-year-olds enjoying a new system really that fanciful?

>> No.2837825
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>> No.2837835

This is /vr/, mother fucker. If your childhood wasn't like my childhood then you're full of shit.

>> No.2837876 [SPOILER] 
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Listening to the soundtrack right now

>> No.2838060
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Sanpaguita I guess.
I never really played many PS1 games, but I fell hard for Maria in this. The other YaruDora games are good too.

>> No.2838092

SOTN I guess. It used to be FFVII but SOTN aged better and it's always fun to replay

>> No.2838252


>> No.2838289
File: 55 KB, 500x496, 37588-Spider-Man_[NTSC-U]-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a lot of fun with this one

>> No.2838302

Crash Fucking Bandicoot

>> No.2838315

WipEout 3

>> No.2838360

SoTN all the way. And Wipeout2097

looks interesting. Any translation projects for this or the other games out there?

>> No.2838510

Don't think so.

>> No.2838596

Spyro 1+2+3
Crash Team Racing

To name a few

>> No.2838612

i was all about JRPGs and survival horror games
so silent hill, resident evil, dino crisis, vagrant story, parasite eve, chrono cross etc.

>> No.2838656

Im collecting all the Crash games through PSN. Just wish they would put Crash Bash on it. I know Bash wasnt all that great but I loved it as a kid. Btw anons were asking this earlier and I just checked so
Crash 1 goes to 100%
Crash 2 goes to 100%
Crash 3 goes to 104%
CTR goes to 104%

I think the reason that this is, is because they didn't start adding relics until crash 3

>> No.2839218

I missed out on a lot of classics due to their lack of popularity here in eastern europe. Never got into jRPGs for an instance. I was all about horror games and action shooters.

Resident Evil trilogy
Ace Combat 2/3
Syphon Filter trilogy
Dino Crisis
Medal of Honor and MOH Underground (MOHU being in my top 10 games ever)
Rainbow Six and Rogue Spear
Gran Turismo 1
Parasite Eve 2
Nuclear Dawn aka Chase the Express
Countdown Vampires
Tekken 2 (because 3 was for plebs)
Twisted Metal series
Crash Team Racing
Sheep Dog n Wolf (aka Sheep Raider)
Mission Impossible
all the shitty Bond games which I unapologetically love to this day
Pro Skater 2 and 3

Truly the GOAT console.

>> No.2839318

dude. Crash Bash is an amazing game and is available on the Japanese PSN. i bought it from there although it was a hassle. took me like 2 hours to google translate my way through the process and also realize that i needed to create a japanese paypal account as well. but it was all worth it.

>> No.2839320
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By far.

>> No.2839337

Ace Combat 1/2/3
King's Field 1/2/3
Mega Man Legends 1/2 and Tron Bonne
Silent Hill

These are my favorite PS1 games. Tomb Raider is actually pretty great, but I played them all on PC.

>> No.2839360

Herc's Adventures
The Adventures of Lomax
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Abe's Oddysee/Exoddus
Heart of Darkness
Wild 9

That is all.

>> No.2839470

Legend of Dragoon. The English voice acting was hilarious. Of course, it was the Addition combo system that got me hooked.

>> No.2839484

Too many good games. I'm just gonna post stuff that I owned that no one's mentioned yet.

Street Fighter Alpha 3
Armored Core
Jumping Flash 1 & 2
Soviet Strike
Ridge Racer Type 4
Soul Blade
Guilty Gear
Zero Divide and ZD2
Bloody Roar 2

>> No.2839640

Tenchu Stealth Assassins.

>> No.2839653

I was stoked for my n64 xmas too. Got wcw world tour and played for months!

>> No.2839669

I wish you had stayed gone. Your bitching is at least as bad as anything else that gets said here.

>> No.2839670

Look everyone, he's into super obscure quirky games.


>> No.2839679
File: 148 KB, 400x300, vilcabamba1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chill man, he's into visual novels. His life is probably already super shitty. No need to add insults.

This was surprisingly hard, I realize I don't have a lot of fondness anymore for a large portion of the PS1 library. Tomb Raider gets the nod in the end though.

>> No.2839949

Everyone said the addition system was too hard. I say they are just bad at video games cause I was Blazing Dynamo and Rose Storming niggas left and right.

>> No.2840020

It's really rewarding when you successfully pull off a fast Addition, such as Meru's, Haschel's, and Albert's. Especially Albert. Completing his Blossom Storm after a counter was pretty challenging.

>> No.2840043

Great games. Oh man, I love Jumping Flash 1 & 2. Such charm. Dat Tower of Babel.

>> No.2840281

If you play it enough it becomes easy. I use Haschel and Albert in my party and I only missed like 10% of the time maybe toward the end game.

>> No.2840289
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>> No.2840298


>> No.2840324

Bushido Blade 1 and 2 forever.

>> No.2840487

MGS 1, Gran Turismo 2, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2, Crash Team Racing, Twisted Metal 2, Tekken 2, Wipeout XL

>> No.2840517
File: 514 KB, 926x931, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either Die Hard Trilogy or pic related

>> No.2840518

This desu

>> No.2840536

Spyro the Dragon is where it's at. It's still a fun game to play and has great music.

Spyro 2 was okay, but 3 was just meh. Those feel more like little kids' games than the first one.

>> No.2840554
File: 188 KB, 1920x1080, parasite-eve-6809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parasite Eve was the best PSOne game Ever

>> No.2840580
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>> No.2840764

>Those feel more like little kids' games than the first one.
>implying all three weren't intended for young children to begin with
I mean, that's how the series in general came to be. Anyways, I personally enjoyed all three for what they are, but I could understand your preferences.

>> No.2841964
File: 90 KB, 500x500, Twisted_Metal_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fond memories with this game.

>> No.2842045

> Faggots mentioning Crash Team Racing and Crash Bash, while disregarding the platformers

True cancer has hit this thread.

>> No.2842069
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>people liking different games than me


>> No.2842076
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Still holds up

>> No.2842117
File: 101 KB, 600x600, tekken-3-usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best is Tekken 3 !!!

>> No.2842268

>be 16
>get N64 for xmas
>"fuck yeah this is awesome!"
>another present is under the tree
>open it
>mfw dad got me a PS1 as well
>dad is crazy, mom looks at him in disbelief
>enjoy the best of both worlds
>everything is beautiful

>> No.2842281

tail of the sun
return fire?

>> No.2842290

>be 9
>big present under the tree
>"fuck yes, I get a big present this year!"
>tear the brown crinkly paper off
>turns out to be a pine cone
>the wrapping paper was leaves
>it wasn't even Christmas
>tfw squirrel

>> No.2842305

Mega Man X4 here /g/gentlemen

>> No.2842312
File: 19 KB, 282x300, 1442274441598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 10
>big present under the tree
>is it really the PS1 I've been waiting for? oh shit oh shit oh shit
>tear it up
>it really is a PS1
>rev that fucker up
>it's a dendy masked as a PS1

>> No.2842358

You have good taste.

>> No.2842367

>be 10
>beg for sega saturn and get one
>no sonic xtreme
>saturn abandoned
fuck my life
>play siphon filter demo at friend's like 2 years later
>get it
>live happily ever after and just play perfect dark at another friend's house

>> No.2843680

Yes, someone remembered Return Fire.

>> No.2844742
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>> No.2844790
File: 113 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fuckin' masterpiece right here.

To this day I dream of them making VF-X3.

>> No.2844928
File: 53 KB, 620x390, KlonoaTitleScreen-620x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Klonoa is my favorite PlayStation game. It's also my favorite 2.5d platformer.

>> No.2844932

Holy shit. That picture reminded me of playing this game with my brothers as a kid. I always picked axel and rammed into my opponents.

>> No.2844938

Why not play the PS2 Macross game, the PSP Macross games, Macross 30, or the Another Century's Episode series?

>> No.2846173

>70 replies
>no medievil


>> No.2846185

'Cause then he wouldn't be talking about /vr/ materiall?

>> No.2846189

So psp is retro now? Ok. Let me go ahead and start a cave story or undertale thread then.

>> No.2846593


anyone in here played it?

>> No.2847143

Suikoden II

>> No.2847157
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Pic related.

>Gran Turismo
>Crash Bandicoot: Warped
>Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro
>Metal Gear Solid

>> No.2847158

Fuck, and Medievil. Can't believe I forgot that one.

>> No.2847381


>> No.2847401

Alien Trilogy
Ace Combat 2 and 3
Resident Evil DC, 2 and 3
Silent Hill
Vagrant Story
Syphon Filter
Dino Crisis 1 and 2
Syndicate Wars