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File: 136 KB, 800x800, Fallout_1_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2820685 No.2820685 [Reply] [Original]

What build will completely decimate the game? I want an easy time through all combat.

Also, I played once and had what I thought was a decent lockpicking score, but everything I tried to open never did. Do you have to try multiple times to pick a lock and eventually it will work?

>> No.2820687

10 LCK --> find Alien Blaster immediately

>> No.2820690

It's based on a dice roll. Best bet would be to save before you attempt anything regardless of your stats.

>> No.2820705

10 pe
8 ag
1/2 cha
small arms, speech

das 'bout it

>> No.2820713

Start with Fast Shot trait. Preferably also with 8-10 agility.

Once you get a SMG, the ability to burstfire more than once per turn will skyrocket your damage. Hell, since Fast Shot affects all weapons in Fallout1, you can choose to transition to different weapon of choice once you get power armor and get tired of crit-bursting things down.

>> No.2820719

10 Ag
10 per

The rest is up to you. You'll never, ever miss a shot, plus you can kite and use vats to get 100% crits. It's almost game ruining.

>> No.2820738

tagging on to what everyone else said, tag gambling.

it's kinda silly that gambling is a learned skill, but it's an infinite source of money when you have greater than 50%, but you probably want closer to 65-75%.

>> No.2820767
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What the most fun way to play F1?

>> No.2821026

Pe 1, no guns, only melle weapons. Power Armor is a must, but with slayer perk and a Ripper clearing out Boneyard of deathclaws is a walk in the park. Also, it's a barrel of fun to be swarmed by super mutant brutes on the start of combat turn, only to end up standing amidst pile of green corpses.

>> No.2821035

>use vats

Fallout 1, retard.

>> No.2821045

You can't base a build on Slayer, you only get access to it at level 18 near the end of the game. Unless you're grinding random encounters, you basically have to go through almost the whole game to use it.

>> No.2821050

Why would you even go through boneyard if you're only using melee and you already have ripper tho desu senpai

>> No.2821081

This but 9 pe and 9 ag instead (so you can raise them both to 10 later).

>> No.2821085

>Why would you even go through boneyard

To feel like a big boy, anon-kun. Also, to get guns for the blade in order to help them with Regulators - I just hate these shitsmears.

>> No.2821115

Once I find a Shotgun or Hunting Rifle, is it safe to sell my 9mm and its ammo?
And, I'm at The Hub and I'm finding these books like Deans Electronics. Are they worth the price?

>> No.2821116

Yes and no, respectively.

>> No.2821126

Oh christ who cares

>> No.2821130

Me, me, I do

>> No.2821327

I just installed FO1, and got bored 10 minutes into the game. Am I doing it wrong, or are all y'all wearing nostalgia goggles?

>> No.2821330

Yes, you're doing it wrong if you won't give an RPG more than ten minutes.

>> No.2821396

You're doing it wrong, although that's not unexpected given Fallout's learning curve.

>> No.2821426

Well you suck so ha

>> No.2821440

First time I played it I uninstalled it after eight minutes of boring struggle and I thought the map was lame.

Tried it again a few months later and I can easily say it's in my top ten of all time, and I played it AFTER Fallout 3. It's a table top pen and paper rpg on your computer, and it's fucking brilliant. Give it another chance, and after you get a sense of what it offers, you can go back and create a build specifically tailored to your taste, and the changes radically alter the way you play unlike many other western RPGs where you just put points into strength or magic and the rest doesn't matter.

My advice is to go for a sharpshooter build to start, right from the first cave you can explode rat heads with the pistol and you can deliver crits left and right. Fill up agility and perception so you can move twice in a turn.

>> No.2821591

Every now and then I stumble into people who mention Fallout's learning curve. And I wonder, are these people downright stupid? I was 16 when Fallout came out. I had never played any other rpgs before and had just started to learn English. Yet I found the game so easy to play because everything is explained so plainly. I'm pretty sure those people will shit themselves if they try to play an early Ultima/Wizardry or something much newer like Jagged Alliance.

>> No.2821615

starting out you only need to take your stats up to 9, you can raise every stat by one in the game.

also in FO1 Charisma is a dump stat it only affects prices IIRC.

>> No.2821839

9 each for Perception, Agility, and Luck. Don't raise Strength above 6.

Take the Gifted and Small Frame perks.

>> No.2821860


Yeah, real impressive there, anon. Meanwhile, those of us out here in reality can recognize that Fallout has some significant barriers to the uninitiated. 3 come to mind:

First, the whole Push Left Mouse Button Down, Scroll through options, Release Left Mouse Button portions of the interface are ridiculously unintuitive.

Second, there are a LOT of trap choices when building you character. You tagged any combat skill except Small Arms? You're fucked. You picked shitty Traits/Perks? You're fucked. You thought giving Ian a Submachine gun was a good idea? You're fucked. Sure, you can get around all that once you know what you're doing, but if you don't, tagging shit like energy weapons is really frustrating, especially if you put points in to it thinking that first laser gun is right around the corner.

Third, you get the occasional prompt which hints at something you should do, but isn't exactly specific, like a guards telling you to holster your weapon but it not being exactly clear on the player's part what that means. Do you unequip your weapons in town? That will solve the problem until someone attacks you in town, and if you have 2 weapons equipped, you can't click the button to switch to a non-combat option. Then you have shit like getting to Vault 15 and being told you need a rope to go down, so you go get a rope and you get the same message. So you drag and drop the rope on the elevator and nothing happens, so you equip the rope and click the elevator again and get the same message, so you manage to figure out the weird mouse down-mouse up menu, and you drop the rope in side the elevator, and now your rope is invisible on the ground and you have a tough time picking it back up, and then you figure out you have to equip the rope, click while on the map to get the aiming reticle, and then click the elevator. The whole thing exemplifies the problem that your character has no common sense on their own.

>> No.2821868
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>The whole thing exemplifies the problem that your character has no common sense on their own.

A fine Fallout tradition that continues into modern times.

>> No.2821895

>pictured: your mom

>> No.2821932
File: 241 KB, 900x582, 1447038387-2015-11-09-Get-It-While-The-Getting-Is-Goop-Redux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He remade it recently. The new one is much more faithful to FO3

>> No.2821945

Awesome, haven't whomped in years.

>> No.2822108


This guy sets up builds that allow maximum XP gains from most sources.

He does warn that these are nofunallowed min maxed builds.

>> No.2822178

If you're just looking to wreck anything make a build that focuses in small guns and then either big guns or energy weapons. Each time you level up put around 2/3 of the skill points you earn into small guns and the rest into one of the other weapon classes. By the time you do get your hands on a big gun or energy weapon you'll have around 150% proficiency in them allowing you to actually aim with them. Also don't be afraid to use drugs because you can just rest a few days to get rid of your addiction. Addiction doesn't really become an issue until FO2 if you take jet.

>> No.2822181
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FALLOUT of life

>> No.2822183
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10 Strength
10 Agility
1 Luck
Bloody Mess
Unarmed and leather armor only

>> No.2822327

Don't sell the ammo, and use those books

>> No.2822338

>Sure, you can get around all that once you know what you're doing, but if you don't, tagging shit like energy weapons is really frustrating, especially if you put points in to it thinking that first laser gun is right around the corner.
You can find a laser (or was it plasma?) pistol in The Glow t b h. Although you'll probably miss it if you're a noob.

>> No.2822341

This is like that part people say they got stuck in Sonic. There are limited things you can do with 2 mouse buttons. You click once. You click twice. You click one of the buttons and hold. It's not hard to figure out how the controls work in Fallout.
Gameplaywise, getting a less than useful character is possible, yes. But this is not about the controls or interface.
If you just look at the F1 help screen, it says toggle active items. And the first time one checks his inventory, it becomes clear there are two slots and you can toggle them. I really do not see these as problems.

>> No.2822437

Same thing happens to me with Baldur's Gate, actually a pretty accesible game but somehow considered really frustrating by some people, when i finished at 15 while being my first cRPG.
Gamers of today are just too much used to having tutorials for everything and general babysitting, they can't stand something killing you in the first hours of play .

>> No.2822439

Although mid 90s PC games tended to be quite difficult. Remember Abuse? ffs

>> No.2822476

Honestly even with a great build you would still likely have trouble if it is your first time.

I've been playing 2 and to me the stats on the build are great. Game is still really difficult even with normal combat difficulty though. Maybe I am picking the wrong skills (tagged big guns, melee weapons and doctor, also only really been upgrading those) but I am still finding 2 to be hard like 1 was and my build for 1 was way different.

These games are hardcore even by the 90's standards actually. There really is zero handholding in these games. You need to trade often and for money whenever you can. Shame about the bugs though.

>> No.2822482

Fallout 1 is weird because you can get completely over the top OP weapons in the first couple of hours and make it a curb stomp battle, or you can struggle with it and find yourself reked by super mutants. It can be either super easy or super difficult.

>> No.2822595

The difficulty in Baldur's Gate comes out of D&D being brutal at level one because hit points grow linearly. That and that fucking wizard at friendly arm that fear bombs you and spams magic missiles. If you can get past those and manage to not get jumped by 10 bandits who pincushion you as a random encounter, you're pretty set.

>> No.2822612


>> No.2822634

>Start with Fast Shot trait
I don't recommend this. I haven't finished fallout 1 yet but I started again recently this time without taking fast shot, and the game became much easier. Aim for the eyes.

>> No.2822635

Is there a point where I should start putting points into big or energy guns or can this sniper rifle + hardened power armor carry me through the rest of the game?

>> No.2822653

The controls aren't hard, they're just way different than what most people expect from a mouse interface. A typical mouse interface involves clicks, double clicks, and drag and drops. Fallout involves clicks, drag and drop in the inventory, hold left mouse-move to option-release, and right click to change mouse function or the function of your quick item. It's like a bunch of programming stuff, it's easy when you know the function is there, but it's a pain to learn a new interface.

Fallout is fun as fuck when you've got the foreknowledge to not get yourself killed in a stupid manner, to be able to kill things because you knew where to pick up the right gear for your combat skills, and to be able to play with all the fun options like planting bombs.

It's not that learning all that stuff is hard, it's just time consuming, and that's a major turnoff to people trying to get in to a game because they're retro touring.

>> No.2822676

After you get the Water Chip, its a good idea to drop points in to Energy Weapons because at that point you'll come across laser/plasma pistols/rifles and the ammo to use them. You can get through the rest of the game if you snipe shit in the eyes with a sniper rifle though.

Fast Shot is amazing during the early game if you're going with an AG6 build, and then it gets absolutely crazy with the modified Plasma Rifle and Bonus Rate of Fire perk. But then that's something you can pull off easily if you go Water Chip > Glow > Brotherhood/Boneyard ugrades. At that point you can shrug off most of the Super Mutants attacks and lay waste with your 4-5 Plasma Rifle shots per turn.

Fallout 2 is a different ball game in that department because of how gearing is paced and the fact that you'll come across so many assholes with automatic weapons while you have MAYBE combat armor that you want to take them out of the fight ASAP.

>> No.2822773

Is there any sort of "Low violence" way to decimate the game? Or is Fallout 1 not really suited for that kind of thing?

I'm asking like, if there's abilities/perks outside speech that can more or less carry you through the game without thinking about fighting. Then again I bet a lot of good equipment is behind fighting, but still.

>> No.2822785


Just like in the real world, violence is the only permanent solution to a problem.

>> No.2822791

You can beat one of the big bosses using nothing but speech. But otherwise it's a very violent game.

>> No.2822792

>You tagged any combat skill except Small Arms? You're fucked.
You don't ever have to tag Small Guns. Both Unarmed and Melee work decently, though they have a weakish mid-game, Power Fist and Super Sledge will wreck faces. Tagging Small Guns doesn't have to happen if you have high PE and/or IN, because you can pick a long-range weapon (Hunting Rifle available as early as Vault 15) and with high PE (use Mentats if you have to) still have a consistent high chance of hitting enemies.
>You picked shitty Traits/Perks? You're fucked.
There's maybe one trait (I'd say Bruiser) that really screws you over, the rest can be considered somewhat suboptimal at best, and having pitfalls in character design isn't that bad. Or were you really thinking you could get away with First Aid/Traps/Outdoorsman in the wasteland? (protip: You can.)

>You thought giving Ian a Submachine gun was a good idea? You're fucked.
Get out of his line of fire. Wow, that was hard. When that happens once, you've learned your lesson.

Fallout is easily the most accessible of the classic RPGs, except maybe the Might & Magic games from Isles Of Terra onwards.

>> No.2822798

You can go through the whole game avoiding conflict, but it's not exactly geared for that; Speech and high IN will help you find non-violent, high XP rewards for quests. Use Sneak to get away from combat encounters. All main objectives in the game can be easily dealt with using covert ops approaches (sneaking, lockpicking, disguising your way behind enemy lines). You do not have to kill anyone, but, arguably, it's more of a "you can do that, I guess" thing than a real option.

As for effortless builds: PE (for ranged characters) and IN are easily the most important, AG can be kept average because of Buffout and Psycho (and for small engagements with trash enemies you don't need full 10 AP), CH should be at the very minimum, ST and EN are mostly irrelevant even for meleers and LK is good to have at >=6.

>> No.2822809

Can you beat Mariposa without fighting?

>> No.2822816

This. Even if you make an intentionally shitty build the game is still pretty simple. It's a very accessible game in every respect. Yes some builds are better than others, but I'd hardly say that there's really any worthless builds. You can talk your way through most of the game even with 1 intelligence. You can melee through the game with only 2 strength. You can shoot your way through the game with literally no weapons skills. That's what makes it a good game

>> No.2822840

>Expecting new players to know advanced tips and tricks.

You're really missing the point there. All that shit is viable ONCE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. If you know the ins and outs, it's great, simple, and you can do all sorts of fun stuff, but until then you're getting fucked by the trap/specialist choices until you know all the ways to get around encounters.

And that's where Fallout really shines, in that there are seemingly 2-3 ways to handle any given obstacle, if not more. It's what makes the game so great, but at the same time, its a pain in the ass if you didn't read a walk through that told you there is a rifle in Vault 15 in a corner obscured by the isometric view so that you have to be standing on it to get the item to appear on screen so you can pick it up, and it blends so well with the floor that you have to know its there to even think to look for it.

>> No.2822841

Pretty sure you can sneak in, set the place to blow, and then sneak back out.

>> No.2822856

>not just using Z to pick up the ammo and looting it in the air

>> No.2822937

>You're really missing the point there. All that shit is viable ONCE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. If you know the ins and outs, it's great, simple, and you can do all sorts of fun stuff, but until then you're getting fucked by the trap/specialist choices until you know all the ways to get around encounters.

That's called reading the manual/stat description (to know that PE gives you ranged combat viability, that IN gives you skillpoints you can apply to fill up any loose ends and weaknesses your build has) and applying common sense (why the fuck would you assume that, in the early game, in a post-apoc world, you'd be readily finding high-tech and heavy weaponry, let alone ammo for it?)

>And that's where Fallout really shines, in that there are seemingly 2-3 ways to handle any given obstacle, if not more. It's what makes the game so great, but at the same time, its a pain in the ass if you didn't read a walk through that told you there is a rifle in Vault 15 in a corner obscured by the isometric view so that you have to be standing on it to get the item to appear on screen so you can pick it up, and it blends so well with the floor that you have to know its there to even think to look for it.

Then buy it in the Junktown or Hub and let Ian handle radscorpions. The Gizmo fight can be done with just standing there and providing paltry support fire, even a 41% small guns character can get a shot in at the fatso.

Not to mention that if you make a terrible character with no combat skills and you don't find any weapons beyond those classified in the early game categories then it would seem prudent to sacrifice a level up on those proficiencies.

>> No.2822947

>That's called reading the manual/stat description (to know that PE gives you ranged combat viability, that IN gives you skillpoints you can apply to fill up any loose ends and weaknesses your build has) and applying common sense (why the fuck would you assume that, in the early game, in a post-apoc world, you'd be readily finding high-tech and heavy weaponry, let alone ammo for it?)
tbf before you play it there's no way of knowing you're starting with a .44 too. In F2 for that matter you don't find your first pistol until several battles in.

>> No.2822954

You get a Pipe Rifle in Klamath if you do the slightest bit of most obvious exploration (i.e. Vic's house). It has a virtual AP cost of 7 and bad damage, true, but it's also going to be used for shooting rats, hicks and a broken robot who can barely move, so it scales very appropriately. Also in Klamath you get a free 10mm Pistol.

>> No.2822972
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Fallout 1 > Fallout 2

>> No.2822975

The pipe rifle is also so terrible you're left wondering if it's better to stick to the spear, and the pistol is nicely hidden. Not as bad as the rifle in Vault 15, but the same idea.

Also, what's up with the golden geckos in the cave? I came back at level 10 in a recent playthrough and my chance to hit was way down.

>> No.2822979


>> No.2823018

>I came back at level 10 in a recent playthrough and my chance to hit was way down.

I assume the reason is darkness.

>The pipe rifle is also so terrible you're left wondering if it's better to stick to the spear

The best uber-early game weapon, by far, is the Spiked Knuckles from the Duntons, anyway.

Not counting Throwing, Melee Weapons kinda sucks as a FO2 tag, anyway.

>> No.2823086

Remember when you used to be able to kill kids in Fallout? What happened.

>> No.2823131

Yeah, it used to be an RPG too. But shit happens.

>> No.2823143

FO3, NV and 4 all the RPG elements really mean nothing. They don't change the way you play the game at all.

It's awful.

>> No.2823456

>You tagged any combat skill except Small Arms? You're fucked.

>not going unarmred big guns and running around the wastes punching everyone in the groin until you get your hands on a minigun

>> No.2823481

wew I always always kill that dude in the Den and just take all his inventory, small guns or not at least its worth a shit ton early on to sell

>> No.2824243

That's not true with NV though.

>> No.2824275

Teach me how play sir. I wish to know moar

>> No.2824287

>10 Minutes.

I hate children.

>> No.2824290

It's hold 'E' now. You know, the same button as interact.

Yes, Bethesda continues to fuck over PC games.
>People still talk about the UI in F1/2 being bad
>F4's UI is worse then Alpha Centauri

>> No.2824292

>Shit I figured out how to do when I was 10 and Fallout was new.

>> No.2824336

It's possible but you're gonna have to save scum and run like a bitch a lot because the game has random encounters.

>> No.2824359
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I constantly see people bringing up pop culture references for why they think Fallout 2 was worse but I personally found the constant fourth wall breaking jokes more annoying.

>> No.2824458

Get a faq. Read what dialog choices you need to click to resolve whatever situation you can handle, if you can handle it by not killing anyone. Hope you roll well in the skill checks. Don't spend anything in CHA, because, obviously, the best social build is one that has high INT and dumps CHA altogether.

>> No.2824465

10 AG is most important stat. Yes, you can raise it by 1, but that's late game when you're overpowered already. Gifted is by far the best trait, definitely take this. I'd go ST 5, PE 8, EN 4, CH 2 (dump stat, it's useless in FO1), IN 9, AG 10, LK 9.

Better Criticals is most important perk, it's not 20% more damage, it's 20% higher on the crit table, which means instakills. Also recommended, Quick Pockets, Bonus Move.

I'd tag Speech/Small Guns/Energy Weapons (for late game). Lockpick/Repair/Science are useful but you don't need to tag them. Don't waste a perk on getting another tag skill. Perks are very limited so every perk should give some unique benefit.

>> No.2824473

I usually have my EN at 1 and dump those points into strength. The lowered health isn't really an issue unless the dice roll gods decide to hate you one day and have some super mutant land a massive crit from behind.

>> No.2825230


>> No.2825682

>waaaaaaaaah why can't i use this rifle even though i tagged outdoorsman, barter and repair and i dumped strength far below the weapon's minimum strength requirement, as well as having one hander as a trait
classic Fallout haters in a nutshell

>> No.2825696 [DELETED] 


>> No.2825706

>5% chance to hit because your build is not suited for [weapon type]

>complain when you hit only 5% of the time

>> No.2825719

Oh wooooooooooooooooooow anon you're so dang cool being an expert in some stupid ass RPG system that's complete GARBAGE! WHAT YOU LIKE IS GARBAGE AND YOU KNOWING A LOT ABOUT GARBAGE DOESN'T CHANGE THE FACT THAT IT'S GARBAGE! GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE!

>> No.2825725

>projecting this hard

>> No.2825726

Miss isn't even an insult, if you wanted to shitpost, you should shitpost about criticals.

>> No.2825727

>On Xbox

>> No.2825812

Nigga it tells you when you're aiming at something what the percentage chance to hit is.

And if you can't figure out "I need skills in Small Guns to use Small Guns" then you're just a fucking retard.

>> No.2825814

What's that Anon? Is it the new Sega console?

>> No.2825842

What's 1/2 cha? 1 charisma or 5 charisma?

>> No.2825920

>most fun way?
Play the game for the first time.

>> No.2825930
File: 45 KB, 286x175, jinxed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 Endurance
>10 Luck
>1 Charisma
>1 Intelligence
>Jinxed Trait
>Bloody Mess Trait
>Small Guns
>Big Guns

You wanted fun, right? This build should just about do it.
Normally I'd never tag Big Guns and Outdoorsman, but for a fun run...

>> No.2825939
File: 3.08 MB, 395x279, fo1_tardis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This definitely looks like fun.

Damn you, now I have to download the game again!

>> No.2825967

>not having the game installed at all times just in case you get this itch

>> No.2825987


>> No.2825995

If you're playing without the unofficial patch for 1 and the restoration patch for 2, you're wasting your time.

>> No.2826003

Walk in with those people's robes, and no one will attack you. Then you go to the computer and blow the place up and run out.

>> No.2826158

I keep getting visions from Arreyo.
Do I have a time limit or something?

>> No.2826163

thirteen years

>> No.2826175

>13 years
Why even bother putting a time limit then.

>> No.2826183

It seems there's a technical reason for the time limit.


>Not an "unused" video, but relatively obscure. Fallout 2 has a built-in time limit due to a limitation within the engine - if you play for thirteen years of in-game time with one character, the game ends immediately and plays this short cinematic.

>> No.2826221

That would scare the hell out of me if that came out of the blue.

>> No.2826223

Well, the game uses Fallout 1's engine, and they probably hardcoded the time limit when making that game, thinking it wouldn't be a big deal.

Then it turned out to be a big deal when they got to work making a sequel. They probably could have eventually disabled it if they hadn't rushed the fuck out of it.

>> No.2826251

In New Reno can I fuck up all the families?

>> No.2826257

My game glitched out causing one of the mob bosses to be in an aggressive state no matter what after loading a quick save despite never doing anything to trigger him before hand. The only way I made it out alive was going on a Jet fueled rampage punching every single guard in the face.

>> No.2826316

/v/ is the other way, faggot

>> No.2826320



>> No.2826368

Guys I really tried to get into Fallout 1 but but it's just too archaic for me. The mouse controls are really weird and unintuitive and uncomfortable (I'm a console pleb, sorry) and I have arthritis. Plus I don't really understand how the battles work, I was lead to believe they were going to be turn based like Final Fantasy but it's completely different, it's more like a tactical game or something. Even just moving my character around to talk to an NPC or check something seems difficult and imprecise. Also I ran out of ammo and have no money and some knife I bought does like 1 damage and misses 60% of the time. The menus are also annoying forcing you to click a tiny red button instead of being able to click normally. I was excited to play and I watched a ton of Let's Plays of it and it looked really fun but actually playing it feels like a chore and it sucks the fun out

>> No.2826390

First off get the unofficial patch from nma. Awful community, but that doesn't matter. This not only fixes a ton of stuff in the game, make it more fair and fun, it also fits it to any resolution so it looks real nice on your computer. Second learn the keyboard commands. Just space and enter make things so much easier by themselves and the quick save button. Now if you need help with something look it up. Look up good starting builds for your first game, and then you can try experimental builds later. Once you really get fallout 1 down, you'll understand how everything works when you move on to fallout 2, which as a shit ton more content. Also when you do move on to it, make sure to get the restoration mod.

>> No.2826475

One of the most fun builds I did was an Unarmed lightning fast tanky guy. I had 10 agility and unarmed attacks that cost 1 AP, so I could jackhammer a deathclaw into a bloody pulp with my bare hands. Once I got the powerfist and the bonus movement perk it was pretty much game over.

>> No.2826486

>Better Criticals

Are you referring to Finesse, or is there a later perk named Better Criticals?

>> No.2826729

>lel waow I'm literally wrong, better belittle anyone who dares to tread on my special boy attitude!

>> No.2827306
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>Censoring the word "Faggot"
Get the fuck off 4chan.

There's a perk, it's really good for sniper builds.
Most Fallout games have super exploitable mechanics for Critical Hits.

Eh, it's excusable since VATS is an homage to the old Fallout targeting system.
Though the proper name is "Aim"

There's keyboard shortcuts for almost anything. Hit F1 anytime to pull this image up.
Are you running CD, Pirate, Steam, GoG Classic or GoG Bethesda?
Sounds like you're running either the Steam of GoG Bethesda build, and have resolution controls.
>Protip: Don't use the max resolution, just pick a nice one and let it scale to fill your screen. Even I can't play Fallout in 1080p.
You'll be able to see everything a lot better. Fallout was never meant to be played in HD, and attempting to is just shear pain.

>> No.2827325

Better criticals is a later perk. You can take it twice, and if you have a decent critical chance it's game breaking.

Eye shots are like +40 critical chance for -60 to hit or something.

I killed the big bad boss in one 0 hp damage hit because it rolled on the instant death critical damage charge. (Yes, the damage reduction formula said it was 0 damage, but it killed him anyway)

>> No.2827340

>The only way I made it out alive was going on a Jet fueled rampage punching every single guard in the face.
This is a perfectly reasonable way to play fallout. I'm just surprised it wasn't psycho. there is an early fight that usually hands my ass to me because I don't want to come back to the town later. I found the best way to take care of it is to steal psycho from a dude, take it, and just rip everyone's head off.

>> No.2827351


if you go for the alien gun, you need skills in energy weapons to actually use it.

this, melee builds are surprisingly fun and effective.

fallout 1 is built around the 3 basic classes of fighter/thief/diplomat. other than melee, hybrid builds are usually best. as long as you choose gifted as a trait and tag small guns, you should be alright. keep in mind that you'll want at least a few points in each stat. if you set luck to 1 it'll screw you over iirc.

>> No.2827360

>Quick Pockets
>All the drugs
Just don't wear a rubber. They'll get theirs, trust me.

>> No.2827432

How is that projecting at all, clearly that guy understands how to play just by what he said and wouldn't make that mistake in character creation.

>> No.2827517

What's the bad Fallout 2 patch that changes Unarmed to be shitty because the patch maker doesn't like it?

>> No.2827525

>1 Use Sneak
This sounds helpful. How does sneak work? Should I use it before trying to search peoples bookcases, desks and lockers?
And, what breaks Sneak? I've been goign into my Skilldex to use it manually and don't notice when the [sneak] on the lower left goes away.

>> No.2827548

Sneak is line-of-sight dependent. Basically, if you're "sneaking" and the AI doesn't detect you, you basically don't exist.

Therefore, in any situation where you would rather the AI ignore your existence (such as theft or recon) sneak would be advantageous.

Sneak itself is determined by a series of behind-the-scenes rolls. The higher your sneak, the higher value the AI needs to "Roll" to see you. If you're not in Line of Sight, they're not rolling.
Line of sight is a bit odd in Fallout.
As far as I know, the rules for LOS in Fallout are
>Significant bonus to detection if you're in front of somebody
>Ambient detection still works.
>All detection is based on range
>Enemies can see through windows.
>Enemies can also shoot through windows.
>All the rules for sneak kinda go to shit once combat starts
I actually haven't looked up the scripting on this stuff though, so I'm not sure, this is all just what I operate on someone who has played entirely too much Fallout.

>Fallout's SPECIAL, which is a derivation of GURPS, follows pretty much all the Tabletop RPG conventions.
>Except Perks. Fallout invented Perks, which D&D assimilated and turned into Feats.

Sneak also offers to usual crit bonus when coming out of it in an attack.

I just realized that I'm one the resident experts on the old Fallout games on /vr/. Guess that's what I get for staying out of NMA. Then again, I am sitting on an updated version of Maria mod that they probably would really, really like to have.
>Played Fallout when it came out.
>I was real young
>Fallout is the standard I have for ALL RPGs.

>> No.2827578

The restoration mod/unofficial bug fix.

>> No.2827589

Wait, did Killap really do that?

>> No.2827607

Yeah, he's ranted about it for years because he thinks you shouldn't be able to have a viable melee build because it's not realistic.

>> No.2827615

Fucking goddamit BearDude...

Welp, easy fix at least.

>> No.2827618

That sucks. I've got Fallout 2 GOG, will that be fine?

>> No.2827623


>> No.2827626

Not if you've already installed it. 800 bug fixes, remember? One of the things he didn't fix was being able to uninstall his patch without uninstalling the game, that's just fucking arrogant.

>> No.2827673

>>All the rules for sneak kinda go to shit once combat starts
I don't know about that, I got through the military base and the LA Vault yesterday by sneaking around and critting super mutants in the head with a plasma rifle. You can just pick everyone off one at a time at your leisure.

>> No.2827675


>> No.2827689

Depends on when you got it. Did you buy it within the last year?

Eh, it shouldn't be too hard to edit those specific values though. That's all core-engine stuff, just need to find specific documentation for whatever part of the core game engine he changed.

I'm just referring to extended sneak detection in combat. It gets wonky when you sneak during combat. But sneaking into combat, and remaining hidden, still works pretty well.

And my imagination will make the moment live.

>> No.2827717

>I'm just referring to extended sneak detection in combat. It gets wonky when you sneak during combat. But sneaking into combat, and remaining hidden, still works pretty well.
Oh okay. I haven't played fallout 2 yet, does it work the same way? In fact, is there anything in fallout 2 that differs from one, other than content?

>> No.2827727

>just need to find specific documentation for whatever part of the core game engine he changed.


But he doesn't do documentation for his patches. You just have to take his word for it that he fixed all these bugs and he never once mentions that he "fixed" the combat.

>> No.2827736

Engines virtually identical. Some UI updates, and apparently if you install the Restoration Project ( I do recommend) there are some changes.

So, base games are the same, but keep in mind.
>Base engine was very flawed
>You're gonna wanna get some sort of patched version.
>A lot of core engine changes are in the patches
>Specifically things like Armor Piercing mechanics, which there's a 1001+ different fixes for.
>F1's canon patches are Killap's patch and Fallout FIXT
>F2's canon patches are Killap's patch and Fallout 2 Restoration Project (also by Killap)
>Seriously, that Killap dude does a lot of shit.

He's not rewriting the engine, he's just changing variables, and maaaybe some functions, for the "melee combat" portion of the engine.
Now that I know it's there I can just make two installs, patch one, pull up the documentation, open up the hex editor, and fix whatever he did. If I ever cared to do a melee run, at least.

I'm still kinda stunned he never documented that. I mean, he's NMA so it's not that surprising... but still. He always seemed one of the more sociable of the modders. Hell, he even quit and then posted a big patch a couple years later since he couldn't help himself.
>The day a Channer calls another board toxic.

>> No.2827737

>a Channer
guess how i know you've only been on 4chan for like 3 days

>> No.2827781

Kek, I've been on here since 2007.
That being said I'm one of the more... prolific trolls on the Gawker Media blogs. The inflection sometimes carries over.

>> No.2827789

No you get the fuck off 4chan you stupid homophone.

>> No.2827808

So Fallout 2 is one of my favorite games of all time. I originally played it when I was a kid, along with SRPG's, and that's really screwed me over, because my favorite games involve turn-based combat, and it seems to me that they don't make turn-based games like this, Tactics Ogre, or FFT. Especially like Fallout 2 and TO, where the games are actually difficult when playing through the first time. Am I true in assuming this? That they don't make turn-based games similar to these any more?

Also, I've tried to play Fallout 1 several times. I've started the game over and over, and I just can't get into it, even after playing for an hour. Like I said, F2 is one of my favorite games of all time. What is wrong with me? I can't remember anything in particular turning me off of the game... It just didn't grab me and make me love it. I donno. It sucks, because I'm FREQUENTLY told 1 is the best.
End of blog.

>> No.2827829

Age of Decadence
Hardcore Jap dungeon crawlers

Turnbased itch scratched

>> No.2827843

I played FO1 once and a half... I can't get over the animation speed and inventory management. It's too terrible having to pickup items off the ground, and god help you if you get an energy blaster critical and you need to pick up a stack of 10 ammo or whatever with 10 separate 'get' commands'

>> No.2827848

Thank you.

Both of those games look interesting and heavily influenced by F1 and F2

>> No.2827851

>10 separate 'get' commands'

I'm pretty sure there was a way to take things faster than that. there'd be a screen where'd you'd click or drag what you wanted, without using a specific command. it's been years, but I don't remember it being that cumbersome.

>> No.2828003

>Fallout invented perks

Did GURPS not have advantages/disadvantages back then? I've only played third edition, not sure when that came out, but advantages are basically perks.

>> No.2828006

He's talking about taking items from a gibbed corpse, I think. Sadly there is no hotkey to loot everything you want or view all items on the ground. That's only available when you're searching a non-gibbed corpse.

>> No.2828007

>I can't get over the animation speed
One of the unofficial patches lets you speed it up.

>> No.2829397

That systems a little different, and has some stronger similarities to Traits.

And god forbid something you want is hidden behind/underneath the environment.

>> No.2829423
File: 1.36 MB, 856x1216, 182751978519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga knows

>> No.2829606

you are a bro. thanks bro

>> No.2829738

Advantages are definitely not trait tier. What you're thinking of is quirks, although quirks are purely negative in a very slight manner for roleplaying purposes. Advantages are just like perks, and range from things like better hearing, faster reloading, to eidetic memory and super powers. They're basically perks brought to the next level of ridiculous.

>> No.2829743


high AGI, high PER, High Small Guns, get Action Boy, and .223 pistol, and Bloody Mess.

Enjoy blowing Super Mutants into gooey bits.

Aim for the eyes.

>> No.2829745

But you have to keep in mind that the system GURPs uses invites an inherent trade off between an advantage and disadvantage.

Traits are basically just pre-made advantage/disadvantage combinations.

>> No.2830007

I respectfully disagree with that. Going point for point with advantages and disadvantages, at least in 3rd edition GURPS, you definitely come out with a large boost if you take the time to read what they all do and figure out what works. I'm not saying they're the exact same thing, but rather that I find perks too similar to advantages to be considered something introduced by Fallout, rather an existing concept modified slightly to fit their own system. The fact that the game was based on GURPS to begin with heavily supports this.

>> No.2830098


Fallout 2's quest barrage and travel from town to town for fetch quest speech checks is pretty damn annoying.

Fallout 1 also helps that it's a short game and feels like you're doing something. FO2's setting and story progression is pants on head retarded.

That said, every Enclave area, NCR, Redding and San Fran own in that game.

>> No.2830101


Only if you take jinxed to be quite honest family.

>> No.2830303

That's not how Jinxed works.

>> No.2830320


>le I can't even make a fucking character for a 20y.o game post

just gtfo

>> No.2830348

>FO2's setting and story progression is pants on head retarded.

The only problem I have with the story progression is that It basically goes Klamath > The Den > Vault City (and maybe Modok on the way) > Gecko > Vault 15 > Vault 13 > Oh noes, go find Navaro!, without much reason to stop by NCR and New Reno unless you follow some quests, and even then nothing really send you to Redding or Broken Hills. Even Mariposa and San Francisco are the thinnest of bread crumb trails.

The other issue I have is the pacing of equipment is fucked up. You get no guns at the start of the game, and then you get a shitty pipe rifle, and then a pistol past 20 fucking rats, with the pace of upgrades continuing at about that rate.

Fallout 1 was kind of fucked up in the opposite direction, where you get a Hunting Rifle and 100 rounds in the first 20 minutes which will last you until after the Water Chip where you can basically make a B line to the Glow for a Plasma Rifle, which is about all the firepower you need to finish the game. But then, the game doesn't really get combat intense until the Chapel/Military Base anyway. Fallout 2 has this huge range of incremental gun upgrades, but the encounters are basically either critters who pose little threat anyway or High HP Aliens/Bad Men with big guns that will chunk you with a burst.

>> No.2830380

>The only problem I have with the story progression is that It basically goes Klamath > The Den > Vault City (and maybe Modok on the way) > Gecko > Vault 15 > Vault 13 > Oh noes, go find Navaro!, without much reason to stop by NCR and New Reno unless you follow some quests, and even then nothing really send you to Redding or Broken Hills. Even Mariposa and San Francisco are the thinnest of bread crumb trails.

I don't think the game has to handhold you to tell you to go to these places. NCR is right next to Vault 15 and linked to a ton of quests that make the biggest impact on the shape of the FO2 world - why wouldn't you make a stop there? New Reno is the biggest hub town with the most stuff to do, everyone mentions it, and it's pretty much in the middle of the map; how would you miss it is beyond me.

Everything also connects to the world somehow. New Reno's got the Jet production, slavery, alcohol, all sorts of depraved shit, and provides another foreshadowing to the Enclave; Redding's mines are vital to the economy of the region; Broken Hills' provides the gold/uranium for caravans to seek out, and the whole "how are (super)mutants doing after all this time" thing; Modoc's the granary of the postnuclear California; all of that is involved in a giant political snafu, with Westin, Lynette, Bishop, Carlson etc. involved. And all the little things like actual, normalized currency, and reestablishment of actual governments.

FO2 has a living, breathing world, independent of the player.

And honestly, I don't get how the setting is that retarded. Maybe it's the wacky yakuzas and mobsters and popculture references, but I still find the dialogue with Myron on the origin of Jet to be one of the most interesting Fallout tales.

The guys just had fun making the video game, I find; I can forgive them that.

>> No.2830381


>Fallout 2 has this huge range of incremental gun upgrades, but the encounters are basically either critters who pose little threat anyway or High HP Aliens/Bad Men with big guns that will chunk you with a burst

I thought that the game's strength was the random encounters; it's actually fun to figure out your way out of some tougher ones, and the encounters are way more rewarding with all the loot. FO1 never really gets that challenging.

Weapon progression is also much better. Playing Melee in FO1 is agonizing until you find a Power Fist (Unarmed) or at least a Cattle Prod (Melee) and Big Guns are scarce and nowhere near the league of Energy Weapons. FO2, meanwhile, has got more options for everyone.

In terms of freeroaming, character options, all the crunch and the so-called shit-to-do, FO2 trounces FO1, definitely.

>> No.2830432

It isn't quite as "Small Guns or bust" as FO1, which is good, but Big Guns and Energy Weapons have basically the same issues. And absolutely, free roam is way better in FO2 than in 1. It's just kind of a contrast given 1's lack of direction as far as your main quests go and 2 being very specific with "Go find a GECK from a Vault" and "Go to Navaro". Mostly it just twitches my autism, not unlike how I've never been able to get in to 3 because the meta screams "take your time and dick around" while the plot acts like dear old dad ran out of the vault 10 minutes before you did.

>> No.2830458

>It isn't quite as "Small Guns or bust" as FO1, which is good, but Big Guns and Energy Weapons have basically the same issues.

What do you mean? Small Guns in FO1 don't end up with that many great late-game options except, perhaps, the .223 or some of the Combat Shotguns, and Turbo Plasma Rifle is the best weapon in the game, with Big Guns being simply unwieldy for the most part.

FO2 changes up the balance. Enclave enemies aren't nearly as susceptible to energy as they used to, and Big Guns got a whole lot of new stuff to play with. And there's so many encounters with all sorts of tightly-knit human groups like the Enclave groups or heavily-armored Highwaymen that the Rocket Launcher and Flamer make way more sense. And the Big Guns also got a ton of other cool stuff like the Bozar and the two other miniguns.

>It's just kind of a contrast given 1's lack of direction as far as your main quests go and 2 being very specific with "Go find a GECK from a Vault" and "Go to Navaro".

On the other hand, FO1's way more obvious about it - it's just "unlocking" locations until you reach the hub city of Hub (zoinks), from there find Necropolis, and when doing so you actually have a time limit to adhere to - which I've never seen anyone actually trip, but it's there.

That, and every location is sort of crucial to the endgame: you have to reach Boneyard to learn of the Cathedral's whereabouts, you have to mingle with the BOS to have a chance at a diplomat ending for the game (and to that extent, you have to pay a trip to Glow), you have to get through the Cathedral (or somehow get caught by Harry and survive the whole encounter) to get to the Military Base, etc.

FO2's side-locations matter a lot to the world but not necessarily to your quest, which is kinda neat.

But then again, I figure most players playing those games would have done their own kind of exploration and somehow stumbled across most of those cities by accident so the "intended route" is kinda mythical

>> No.2830476

Sniper Rifle shots with 95% to hit the eyes pretty much takes you the whole game, and you can usually get up to that level in The Hub.

As far as FO1's map progression, you're meant to explore some. That's kinda the whole point; you have NO clue what the outside world is like, and there's no economic infrastructure yet outside of The Hub.

>> No.2830497

>Sniper Rifle shots with 95% to hit the eyes pretty much takes you the whole game
To my recollection that weapon costs AP 7? when aiming shots and Turbo Plasma is still better.

That, plus Sniper Rifle and all scoped weapons seems to have an annoying quality where if you aim from a very short distance you get massive minuses to aiming.

>> No.2830730

>I played through the game three times without finding the caseless minigun, or realizing merchants restocked all their stuff.

>> No.2830768

>I played through the game three times without finding the caseless minigun
Sadly, I've never reached the true ending to the Brotherhood of Steel questline where showing Rhombus the mental nullifier - the highly coveted piece of technology that BoS have never discovered on their own - grants you the only Vindicator Minigun in the game and turns Overseer Jacoren into Tim Cain giving you his phone number inviting you personally for some Wasteland and chill.

>> No.2830774

>grants you the only Vindicator Minigun in the game and turns Overseer Jacoren into Tim Cain giving you his phone number inviting you personally for some Wasteland and chill.
>Read that as Wasteland Chili

I wonder what Wasteland Chili would taste like...

>> No.2830885

Just to be clear, have there been different versions of the games up on the site? I checked my catalogue and my copies say Original next to each title. I bought all three several years ago. Would they be different if I for some reason decided to rebuy them nowadays?

>> No.2831205

>Wasteland and Chill
I now know what I'm calling it when I play Fallout.

Yeah, you have the most bare bones version of it you can get these days; which is a good thing.

The new versions have had mods rolled into them by Bethesda.

>> No.2831240
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, angry.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The new versions have had mods rolled into them by Bethesda.

>> No.2831247

Wait, what mods?

I got FO1 from steam a couple days ago.

>> No.2831545

Because there's logical quest progression to save your village, your autism is triggered?
Find the GECK, OR everyone starves. You find the GECK, and are taking it back, and find out everyone was captured. The guys mention Navarro around the survivor you talk to, so go find that place, or everyone you love dies.
It's logical.

>> No.2831549

And it is not clear where to go to get the GECK, exactly. You know you have to go to a Vault.

>> No.2831620

It's that there is a sense of urgency where there should be none. In FO1, it could very well be the case that no more Water Chips exist anywhere, so while there is a finite limit to how long the Vault will last, you can't do anything but continue the search.

Fallout 2 has a much greater sense of urgency with Hakunin haunting your dreams telling you to hurry the fuck up while you know where you should be going. At the same time, 2 is way more expansive and has a number of towns that are basically "show up, do whatever, this has nothing to do with the rest of the plot." It's hard to justify playing Mail Man between Vault City, New Reno, and NCR when you know where Vault 15 and 13 are.

Its not a major deal breaker for the game, it just bugs me when games tell you shit is urgent and then it turns out it really isn't, you should totally go clear out those caves full of mutants or recruit Super Mutant Michael Dorn or blow a month ferrying holodiscs around the desert.

>> No.2831739

I'm relatively certain they straight up stole the fanmade resolution patches.

Protip: Nobody ever actually starves.

Well, yes. If it was clear where you had to go, the whole "Find the GECK" thing would be kinda bullshit.
It would almost like someone just told you were your next objective was, and put a nav point half way across the map that you have no capability of actually knowing where the thing the nav point is pointing to is.
You know, like every modern RPG.

Wow that's the clunkiest thing I've written today.

>In FO1, it could very well be the case that no more Water Chips exist anywhere
The best part is that Vault 13 was supposed to have an excess of water chips, and never open.
>The worse part is when you find all those waterchips
>Literally worthless at that point.

>> No.2832296

Definitely max out agility and get high perception, take Gifted to do that. EN and ST are also important as they decide health, weight load and weapon reqs, so having both at 6 or 7 is a good idea. Fast shot might be worth it - it will let you shoot much faster but you lose some tactical potential by not being able to instakill brainsplatter deathclaws by shooting them in eyes, or knock down people with nut shots.

Definitely take small arms and steal, steal everything you can get your hands on. Grenades and unarmed are useless, heavy weapons and energy weapons appear too late in the game to make much difference, melee weapons are not too shabby in early game if you need to save ammo for like rats and shit, but not worth spending skill points on it that are better spent on other stuff. Traps are useless, they do shit damage and you can set explosives yourself pretty well even with no Traps skill.
For weapons loadout, always carry an automatic weapon and a long range rifle. Early on a 10mm SMG, and when you find in in Junktown, Colt Rangemaster (my fucking favourite gun in the game). Later example of a combo like that is AK 112 and sniper rifle, when you're in Hub.

Always look for best armor you can get, join BoS to get Power Armor. Get as many companions as you can, including Dogmeat, enemies will only ever target you and not your friends, so with enough AGI you can run around in circles as your friends shoot at melee enemies, you can use this tactic to hunt Deathclaws in early game for a metric fuckton of XP. Always try to exploit the AI - remember, combat in Fallout is TACTICAL first, it's about outsmarting them. Always do extra stuff when you can, it's fun, it's loot, it's exp, it's all three! Always carry some explosives on you, you can skip many a fight by reverse pickpocketing a plastic explosive.

>> No.2832301

by "traps do shit damage" I meant enemy traps btw.

>> No.2832359

>enemies will only ever target you and not your friends
Pretty sure my Steam version of the game has enemies attacking my companions and not me, and I don't mean because they missed a shot.

>> No.2832367

You can also extend time for your vault with water shipments, it's not worth it though because then you'll get supermutants. (Or you're supposed to but shit is so buggy)

>> No.2832413

Depends on the patch you're running.
The first official patch set the timer for them to something like 999 days.

>> No.2832419

Just for convenience since the NMA download seems to be derpity at the moment.

TeamX english patches + hi-res patch for Fallout 1

Install 1.2, then 1.3, then NPC mod, then hi-res mod.

>> No.2832425



Forgot about the decryption key.

>> No.2832440

1 or 2 cha

>> No.2832475

Git gud. The game won't adapt to you so you have to relearn the ropes.

>> No.2832607

FYI guys Fallout Tactics is now apparently considered canon.

>> No.2832613

source plz

>> No.2832640

>EN and ST are also important as they decide health, weight load and weapon reqs

EN just determines health and resistance levels while ST determines health, weight load, and weapon reqs. I usually just put EN at 1 and ST at 10 because unless you're super unlucky and get a massive crit landed on you it's still very unlikely for you to die in most fights the moment you get your first set of actual armor.

>> No.2832749

>The worse part is when you find all those waterchips

Or when you go back in time and break the water chip in the first place whaaaaaat

>> No.2832771

Almost as disappointing as finding the massive sack of caps in the bottom of the well in Modoc.

>> No.2832787

Dat 1000xp, though.

>> No.2833048

Forgive my ignorance, guys but the version i downloaded is named

Fallout 1 (Classic) [GOG]

How do I know what patch(es) to download?

>> No.2833061


>> No.2833073
File: 261 KB, 1024x556, 1448223370915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fallout 2 is a like a goof fan created mod. All the pieces are there, but it just isn't executed by anybody who knew what they were doing. Shitty, shitty locations, broken economy system, no thought put into story progression, terribly dated jokes that nearly fill the screen when walking through towns, nonsensical tribe setting where you can walk to the nearest town and pick up a laser gun, too many side quests that just don't fucking matter at all via too little reward for too much effort

Also all store owners have like sixteen caps each, so good luck selling an SMG so you can purchase something elsewhere

I'm getting mad typing this. Fuck you, Fallout is one of the greatest, if not the greatest western RPG ever made, but Fallout 2 is just a mistake of the developers part for having done such a shitty job.

>> No.2833170
File: 94 KB, 612x458, 10 Luck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there someway to clutch every battle through sheer luck? Like a set of perks designated in fucking over your opponents through the sheer chaos of RNG, combining with you holding your own (sorta) against a group.

>> No.2833172

Did ever back get prima guide the priest?

>> No.2833182


this was always confusing. I think on some versions it gave you extra time, but in others it gave you less time iirc because super-mutants would raid the vault.

>> No.2833190

Play Fallout Tactics instead with max CHA. First mission would be harder though, because you can't use your superior sexiness to hire superior soldiers to fight for you, until you've completed it.

>Inb4 >>>/v/

>> No.2833195

I tried jinxed a few times. Guns keep assploding on me and kill me.

>> No.2833197

I'm terrified of random deaths in this game, makes it frustrating if you aren't save scumming

>> No.2833218

>Definitely max out agility and get high perception
Other way around, if anything. Perception can easily substitute a Small Guns tag; Agility can be substituted by Psycho, Buffout, and even Jet if you want to take the risk/savescum. Agility high is overrated, you can play with AG 5-6 if you drug up. IN and PE are too important, and you also want LK to be around 6 to get Better Crits (with the permanent LK bonuses or not).
>EN and ST are also important as they decide health, weight load and weapon reqs, so having both at 6 or 7 is a good idea.
Both are shit stats. Any points you put into EN can be easily surpassed by a single level of the Lifegiver perk (EN 4, Level 12), and the way not to die in FO isn't to have bloated HP, it's to avoid being hit at all because unlucky crit to head or burst WILL kill you no matter what. Ways to get ST are so numerous (Buffout, Power Armor) that it's not worth it, and you don't need weight load when you have companions and a car in FO2, and weapon reqs can be dealt with by just pumping your gun skill more, ST reqs are utterly irrelevant.

Fast Shot is firmly a burster perk, or you can Mutate! into it after getting Sniper and having high LK.

Steal isn't that great; I'd get Lockpick instead. FO1 and 2 let you swim in loot. You can sacrifice a levelup or two to put points into Gambling, in FO1 it will let you have unlimited gold with just 50% in the skill and some patience (like 10 minutes tops). Barter in FO1 is also relatively good with relatively low skill. FO2 throws so many random encounters you won't ever need Steal, Barter or Gambling, just loot some raiders instead.

Speech is the best non-combat skill by far but you do not mention it.

>heavy weapons and energy weapons appear too late in the game to make much difference
Best DPS character will be the one with the Turbo Plasma Rifle, and if you took high IN you should have a shitload of skillpoints that you won't have another use for.

>> No.2833248

>Perception can easily substitute a Small Guns tag
There are so few skills worth tagging, why would you not want to tag small guns? Tag small guns/speech/whatever.

>if you want to take the risk/savescum
It hardly matters what build you use if you savescum.

>IN and PE are too important
Even with gifted, you don't need maxed IN to get more than enough skill points. And high Small Guns substitutes for maxed PE.

>> No.2833257

>It hardly matters what build you use if you savescum
Said the guy who advocates using Steal! Even if it's at 100% and you rely on "stealing everything", you will get caught and that will force you to kill everyone or run away for a while. Addiction to Buffout or Psycho isn't a big deal and you can walk it off. Jet is only if you want to take the risk or don't mind save/loading. Nevertheless, it's easy to replicate AG, you don't need it at 9-10, it's a waste.

>There are so few skills worth tagging, why would you not want to tag small guns? Tag small guns/speech/whatever.

SMGs can be learned easily from the numerous, restockable Guns'n'Bullets. If I'm doing Ironman, I'd rather tag Doctor, for instance, to get easy 150 XP every time I lose a bunch of HP. Or Sneak, to have an easy way to escape difficult random combat encounters and position myself pre-battle. Or Big Guns or Energy Weapons for a late-game investment instead. Or Lockpick because it's really good.

>Even with gifted, you don't need maxed IN to get more than enough skill points.
I like my skill points. I like having freedom in investing into whatever skill, even if it's obscure like setting up the Bishop stealth assassination plot. I like cutting down on the cashgrinding by spending an odd level on Gambling or Barter. I like having Sneak and Lockpick at a high level for survival and more profits. I like having versatility to invest in whatever skill fits my purposes. I like having lots of dialogue options.

>And high Small Guns substitutes for maxed PE.
Riddle me this: what's the best way to maximize Small Guns as fast as possible? The answer is IN.

PE is also good for a lot of stuff, like Combat Sequence (this is the stat that saves you from an insta-death burst in case of an Enclave encounter), Sniper requirements, some quests, and no matter what, it will always assist your shooting.

>> No.2833258

>>2833257 What else do you need? ST and EN suck, CH doesn't do anything at all in FO1 (and is marginal in FO2), you don't need full 10 AP when fighting ants and hobos so you can skimp on AG and Buffout for good fights,

>> No.2833260

>Said the guy who advocates using Steal!
I'm not the same poster.

>> No.2833283

Mea culpa. Sorry.

>> No.2833324

>CH doesn't do anything at all in FO1

I believe charisma does impact the game. I remember experimenting with the game as a kid, and with 10ch, the girl in shady sands tells you about deathclaws when you ask about the hub rumors. I'm sure there's more.

also, setting luck to 10 causes the leader of the raiders to think you're his dads ghost (no rly) and you can randomly encounter a crashed ufo and get an energy weapon early in the game (but like I said in a previous post, you need to tag energy weapons so you don't critfail)

>> No.2833382

>I believe charisma does impact the game. I remember experimenting with the game as a kid, and with 10ch, the girl in shady sands tells you about deathclaws when you ask about the hub rumors. I'm sure there's more.

Oh sure, there are small things that Charisma impacts. A charismatic/tough dude character can be dragged off to have a quickie with one of the caravan guards and receive some combat drugs as a bonus, and Ian will join people with CH 9 for free without a Speech check.

Charisma also somewhat impacts reactions, including those of shopkeepers, so more charismatic characters will get better stuff in stores.

None of that is worth the SPECIAL.

>> No.2833403

>Fallout 2 is a like a goof fan created mod
That's a weird way to spell Fallout: NV

>> No.2833458

I'm currently having trouble running Fallout 2 on my laptop. I bought the Steam version instant regret because apparently this version is published by Bethesda so the money goes to them and for some reason the action bar works in the right resolution but the game itself is squeezed into this box in the middle of the screen. Any help? I think this has something to do with the scaling options on the Intel Graphics HD 4000 that I have on this thing, but fucking with the settings does nothing.

>> No.2833503

Any way to run F2 in window mode?

>> No.2833590
File: 67 KB, 636x354, I know that feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like having 8 or 9 points in charisma because I only have 1 in real life

>> No.2833671


>> No.2833674

>not dumping CHA and INT for AGI irl

>> No.2833748

This annoyed the shit out of me at the beginning of Fallout 2. Fuck the Temple of Trials or whatever it was called, having to use a melee weapon until Klamath was so annoying because I built my character with the intention of being a sniper.

>> No.2833782

Because you can buy small guns books, but not gambling books.

>> No.2833784

So you hate the first half hour of the game.

>> No.2833789

If you have the ghost trait and approach the raiders at night they will also think you're a ghost.

>> No.2834564

Jinxed seems like just the perk for that.

>> No.2834587

Oh it totally fucking is. Anyone trying out a melee build should try out jinxed just to see all the ranged users' guns explode all the time and run screaming.

>> No.2834608

10 AGI
speech lockpicking ----
no CHR
gifted; small frame


>> No.2834798


true, but I figured there would also be penalties for setting it too low.

when I played, I would set less important stats to 4, because I understood there's a power gap between 3 and 4.

>> No.2835351

What about builds for 2? What the major differences are? You obviously need decent charisma since there are plenty of NPC to join you. I also see a lot of people playing with Fast Shot, does it make sense?

>> No.2835394

>What about builds for 2? What the major differences are?
Big Guns are now a more accessible choice. Unarmed and Melee get better weapon progression. Unarmed>Melee.

>You obviously need decent charisma since there are plenty of NPC to join you
Nah. They're not really that good, and you can swap between them. Charisma lets you do some stuff like seducing people into sleeping with you or get a better initial reaction (you need high CH to become a Salvatore Made Man or VC's Captain of the Guard), but it's meh still. You can just have Cassidy with you, and you can abuse Mentats and Cool Shades to have more NPCs with you even with low base CH.

>I also see a lot of people playing with Fast Shot, does it make sense?
Get it if you plan on using mostly burst weapons, like Big Guns, or the burst shotguns and SMGs from the Small Guns.

>> No.2835542

>quicksave-quickload: the game

>> No.2835641

>You obviously need decent charisma since there are plenty of NPC to join you
>Nah. They're not really that good

This. About the only NPC who's been worth anything in my group is Marcus, and once you get past 2, they really just start to get in everyone else's way.

>> No.2835742

I've cleared FO2 ironman solo no stat-boost chems. The only really dangerous part is the random encounters around Navarro. I almost cleared FO2 ironman solo no stat-boost chems bare fists only, but I messed up activating the turrets at the oil rig and couldn't do enough damage to Horrigan before the timer expired.

>> No.2835756

that's your fault

>> No.2835793

Not really. The save mechanic is kind of shitty in that regard. Baldur's gate had a huge improvement with their auto save every time you had an are transition.

>> No.2835856


>> No.2836001

>CTD the game
>Insta death the game
>Buggy dialog trees the game
>Buggy quests the game
Fuck, I didn't just quick save, I used all 10 slots and rotated my save from the top to the bottom so I could always go back like three hours incase a quest bugged out.

>> No.2836215

This was the one thing that bugged me about FO1. I had a blast for most of the game, but the endgame boiled down to getting hit for nothing over and over again until the enemy rolled a crit and 1 shotted me. If the endgame balance was more entertaining, it would've been 10/10.

>> No.2836941

7,8,6,5,7,8,6 SPECIAL
Small Frame
Tag small guns, any other skills

Get action boy perks
Get all SPECIAL boosts
Get .223 pistol
Get sniper rifle
Get sniper perk
Become Death.

>> No.2838084

>started fallout 2 for first time
>got to modoc, got kinda bored with my current run, was real generic
>start again, playing as unarmed with jinxed + 10 LCK + gifted
>having a blast, but keep the run to a single save at the bottom just in case i want to stop and go back to my regular run
>get to modoc today, do almost all the quests
>save data corrupts
oh my fuck this game

>> No.2838096

Do you know that in FO2 you have a shiton of save slots, unlike FO1, right? go right when you're in the saves screen

>> No.2838103

>recommending Strength above 5 ever

>> No.2838395

I think the fastest speedrun uses a non-violent character

>> No.2838483
File: 6 KB, 280x220, better criticals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I first played the game in 2007, and I played it for the last time in 2009, and my last run was by far the most fun. I sat down on a weekend in november, and I made what I considered to be my perfect character, and I carefully played the game exactly how I thought my character would go about it. My build was very min-max, but holy god damn was it fun:

Str 4 or 5 (whichever you need to use the biggest handgun, more on that later)
Per 10
End 2
Cha 2
Int 10
Agi 10
lck 7 or 8 (however many points you have left)
gifted, one-hander
awareness, bonus move, better criticals, action boy, action boy, sniper, action boy
small guns/lockpicking/speech, decent points in first aid, science 40% immediately (more later), raise small guns to 100% ASAP (much more later), repair before too long, I can't remember if doctor was important in fo1
Talk to the guy in the first map of the hub to go to his house and fight raiders, get reward of best handgun (needs 4 or 5 str to use)
you can dump points into energy weapons later on if you like

This lets you shoot twice in early game and rarely miss (or kite), act first (VERY important), get tons of crits, shoot from furthest away, and have your skills at a good level early on. Also, it's often worth it to shoot someone in the arms or legs early on; if they're melee tough, shoot their legs and they won't be able to catch up to you (deathclaws especially), if they're using a two-handed weapon, shoot an arm and they can't use it. Later on, you'll be one-shotting people in the eyes like a fucking gunslinger. Yes you can raise stats later, but it's so much more worth it to just start out as sherlock holmes. I played a female.

>> No.2838581


It was 5 strength, and I never knew about the armor reduction perk.

>> No.2838749

derp, it was bonus rate of fire at 9th, not better criticals

>> No.2839373
File: 71 KB, 558x793, The-man-with-no-name.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking to play Fallout 1&2 with a gunslinger, so this is pretty useful and it looks really fun.
I wonder if it's possible to do it in New Vegas too.

>> No.2839432

NV has an old west feeling as it is, and there's even an actual cowboy perk which gives you a bonus with weapons like lever-action rifles and revolvers.

>> No.2839479

Take the Gifted trait. Dump Charisma, pump Endurance and Agility to 10. Strength generally doesn't need to go over 5 even for Big Guns builds, because Big Guns don't come into it until late game and towards the end of the game you will have Power Armor that gives +3 STR. All weapon handling requirements for Big Guns in Fallout 1/2 never exceed 7 (in Tactics there are weapons that require 9 Strength to use effectively).

If you want ez mode build just tag Small Guns, Lockpick and Speech. Best hybrid build you can get.

>> No.2839481

Are you using the unofficial patch/restoration patch? Vanilla Fallout 2 is bugged af and corrupts saves constantly, as well as having multitudes of other gamebreaking bugs.

>> No.2839771

You mean Intelligence, right?

>> No.2839790

The only reason to pump Endurance is if you're doing ironman and want to soak unlucky crits.

>> No.2839847

Save early, save often. It's there in the manual for a reason, as an implicit admission that the game can fuck you over for a crit or a badly rolled skill check.

>> No.2840257

I am using a resolution patch but I decided against the unofficial patch after hearing about how the guy that made it nerfed unarmed because "he doesn't like it"

>> No.2840668


>> No.2840887

>it's your fault an enemy landed a 200 hit crit despite your luck being at 10 while not having any perks that increased their chance to gain them

>> No.2840953

Jinxed with 10 luck. Lowers the chance of it affecting you and greatly heightening the chance of it affecting everyone else.
Bonus points if you melee people's faces off: Guns are more likely to explode than melee weapons are to break.

>> No.2841334

getting it to a decent score (like 80%) is a good idea, because its used in a few important areas
helping the guys at the dead town with their shortage
those things that kill color-blind dogs near the end of the game

>> No.2841359

You do realize you can just keep trying to repair the water pump in Necropolis until you fix it right? A ghoul will even give you 3 books that increase your repair ability if your repair skill is less than 60%.

>> No.2841376

IIRC you lose the parts if you fail, and there are only a limited number in the game.

>> No.2841439

Endurance is useful for that baller max hitpoints, you become basically invulnerable and if you want to cruise through the game without trouble that's what you go for in a powerbuild.

It should be noted that Endurance & Agility are basically useless unless they are at even numbers. A little more AC from a whole point of Agility, or a little more natural DR for a whole point of Endurance doesn't mean shit when what you want is a whole Action Point or more Health gained per level, which only go up when you have END/AGI at even numbers.

Odd-numbered Agility is useful if you're doing a build which is designed around the use of Psycho (which adds +3 agility, which would make it +2 Action Points).

Strength is never useful above 7 for Big Guns or 6 maximum for Small Guns and Energy Weapons. One-handed weapons never need more than 5 Strength and mostly require 4. Melee damage modifiers from Strength are mostly useless as far as I recall due to melee/unarmed weapons overriding the use of the melee damage modifier (could be wrong on this, but I remember using Spiked Knuckles in Fallout 2 can sometimes end up just worse than being bare-fisted, whereas the Mega Power Fist might just be better than end-game barefists because none of that shit stacks together properly).


>> No.2841441


Charisma is a straight dump stat and you don't need that shit to do Speech checks or to have good Barter (simply tag Barter if you really wanna loot whore and sell everything). Steal is arguably more useful than Barter anyway since you can just jack the gold $$$ off of some vendors in Fallout 2 right after spending it.

Intelligence is only used for skill points and some dialogue checks and as such you want it pretty high but it never really needs to be 10 unless you're building for a max range 50 sniper that needs all the skill points in the world to get 95% chance to hit eyes on APA Mk2 Enclave soldiers with all that AC at 50 range with the Gauss Rifle.

Luck is great but only useful for crit builds and if you combine 10 luck with the sniper perk it guarantees critical hits on every hit. You can dump luck if you're just using a straight Big Guns bursting build.

Perception is just for hit % modifiers or some shit, sequence in turn-based (how often you get your turn), some dialogue options. Never really paid attention to it outside of Fallout Tactics & FOnline where it's for max sight range, where you want it at the right value of PE that lets you meet the max range of your weapon with your max sight range.

t. experienced FOnline powerbuild enthusiast

>> No.2841480

>Endurance is useful for that baller max hitpoints, you become basically invulnerable and if you want to cruise through the game without trouble that's what you go for in a powerbuild.

With the abundance of insta-death crits and the fact you can get knocked down to your feet and killed at any second, I think that HP tanking quickly becomes obsolete and that you're only safe if you avoid being hit at all. That's why high PE (for Sequence) and IN (for putting points into Sneak) are important. You can put your EN lower and (maybe with assistance of a Buffout) just pick up the Lifegiver perk, the returns on it are much better than on Endurance. It gives all the HP you might need.

My philosophy is not to overemphasize on Agility simply because of Psycho and Buffout being around. You can even leave it at 5 or 6; you don't need full 10 AP when tackling trashscorpions and trashmen.

>Strength is never useful
Full stop; you have companions (who have infinite carrying capacity in FO1) and a car. Accuracy minuses from low Strength can be easily fixed by pumping PE or just getting more skillpoints into your weapon skill of choice, as well as using good ranged weapons (like Scoped Hunting Rifle). Melee Damage modifiers don't work right because they only affect maximum damage, not minimum. With buffouts and (A)PA, you don't need it.

Those bonus points let you be much more versatile, and get the good skills high faster. Can invest into Sneak and other tacticool stuff. You certainly need it above 6 at least, and it's strong when maxed out.

>You can dump luck if you're just using a straight Big Guns bursting build.
Wouldn't do that; Better Crits with Rocket Launcher are fun, and other stats aren't that good, plus 10LK+Sniper is universal.

Perception is really good, can replace the Small Guns skill tag.

>> No.2841934

Two words:
Repair. Books.

>> No.2841940

Unless you're going to get the surgeries done. Then you want odd on those stats.

>> No.2841976


is it true that there are power gaps between 3 and 4 and between 7 and 8? I always had that impression.

>> No.2841993


>> No.2842138

You only lose the parts if you critically fail.

>> No.2843318
File: 379 KB, 415x403, harry the super mutant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for fun builds.

>> No.2843380

Throwing build, use throwing as the sole attack way for all the game. It's very hard in FO1 due to the lack of throwing objects, but possible in FO2. Pick rocks at the beginning, then collect as many flares as possible, they'll be your best friend, 2AP with called shots and a HUGE chance of critical if you shot them in the eyes. I killed Deathclaws with a critical in eyes for no damage at all. Even more broken in FO1 since it's 1AP for called flare shots. Then grenades and all that jazz. Did it once in FO2 and was one of the funniest playthrougs I ever did.

>> No.2843383

And of course, high PE/AG/LU necessary, keep IN in a stable number and dump everything else (you can choose the heave ho perk if you lack strength)

>> No.2843656

Also, get Finesse trait. You don't need damage; Throwing is about repeated low AP attacks to the head until one of them crits and stuns; Throwing does not have an equivalent of the Sniper perk, and with a high crit rate (and some More Criticals perks) you can circumvent that. Also Grenades make for decent crowd control, you can push an entire group of baddies backwards with a grenade. So yeah, LK 10 is feasible. You can use drugs (Buffout, Psycho) for ST (range) and AG if need be.

>> No.2844104
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>high difficulty even on normal
>lacks direction
>numerous bugs
>loopholes in many of the quests and storyline

Why is this game so highly regarded again? It's a good game despite it's numerous flaws but my god does this games flaws seriously hold it back from greatness. 1 suffered similar problems but at least that game had far better direction than this game has.

For all the crap Bethesda gets for their buggy and inconsistent games it's amazing to see how so many out there love giving other games and companies a free pass for their work. I really have lost all patience to play this game legit without a guide. It simply isn't worth it. Maybe it gets better on a consecutive playthrough but this first playthrough is a huge chore imo. I can totally understand why many out there would refuse to play these old games.

OVERALL: Good games with a lot of interesting things going for them but their flaws hold them back far more than Morrowinds flaws held back that game. Fallout 1 and 2 could seriously benefit greatly from being remade.

>> No.2844127

>>high difficulty even on normal
>>lacks direction

>Why is this game so highly regarded again?

That's part of it. We enjoy a challenge and we don't want a bunch of big arrows constantly telling us where to go. If you need a guide to play fallout 1 and 2, you probably just shouldn't, because you're not the type of person to enjoy them.

Iso rpg's aren't for everybody.

>> No.2844156

No this game SERIOUSLY LACKS DIRECTION. Hate to have to put that in all caps but it really does lack direction. I don't get why quest markers are such an issue for people anyways. When a quest has obvious answers are obvious people/places/areas that the character in game would know about anyways why not have quest marker?

Now if say you have to find someone yet the character doesn't know who the person is then I understand not putting quest markers.

I see quest markers as more of a for convenience sake thing. Nothing bad about it. At least a journal like Morrowind would help a lot since the journal at least gave enough details on what needs to be done most of the time.

>> No.2844183

it's supposed to, you tard
your character knows nothing about the world or where or how to accomplish their objectives

>> No.2844185

Sounds like an excuse for awful game design to me. How about defend those numerous bugs?

>> No.2844189


except that was also the case in fallout 1 and it still had much better direction.
>go to this other vault
>find shady sands along the way
>get directions to junktown and then hub

you can explore an unknown world while still maintaining some sense of direction.

>> No.2844192

Because I'm sure that was all intentional.

>> No.2844193

i was talking about fo1

it had bugs, there's no argument there

>> No.2844197

This so much. Fallout 2 more so than the first it seems everyone has a giant stick up their damn asses and it makes them cranky as all hell. So much of these jerks aren't even helpful and almost want to kill you if you don't leave their sight immediately. Such as the president of NCR. Her assistant basically says to fuck off now you got your pay.

And this is how it is through out the bulk of the game it seems. At least in Fallout 1 you can just happen to bump into a lot of helpful people and areas along the way that helps steer you where you need to go. Fallout 2 is like a giant fuck you at all times. Then when you want to say fuck you back these people get pissed and often you screw yourself over big time. Leaving you to be more directionless than before.

>> No.2844198

>game doesn't give you nav points for main quest advancement until NPCs tell you where to go

I have no words.

>> No.2844203

Because it's one of the very rare RPGs that takes the "RP" part seriously. You have huge flexibility in how you play, and very little handholding.

>> No.2844274

>do temple of trials
>elder tells you to find the GECK from Vault 13
>elder tells you to find vic the trader from Klamath cuz he had Vault 13 water flasks, tells you to go to Klamath
>Vic isn't in Klamath, bath house woman tells you he's at the Den or some shit, gives you directions to the Den
>go to the Den, find Vic, fix his radio for Metzger, tells you where he got the Vault 13 water flasks, from a trader named Ed in Vault City
>go from the Den to Vault City, finding Modoc along the way, get to Vault City
>solve Vault City's problem with Gecko, gain citizenship
>get access to Vault computer
>get data on Vault 15's whereabouts
>find NCR etc.
What's so wrong with Fallout 2? Just because it doesn't hold your hand every step of the way doesn't mean it has no direction. You're meant to talk to NPCs, do quests for people and gain access to data that you previously had none to to find the magical macguffin you are looking for in Fallout 2. It's the same as in Fallout 1 where you:
>go get water chip at Vault 15
>go to V15, find Shady Sands along the way
>V15 is rip and has no water chip
>get directions to Junktown and the Hub from Shady Sands
>get to the Hub, talk to Harold, tells you he's from a Vault east or west of the Hub
>join a caravan and go to Necropolis
>look for Vault underground Necropolis, find and and steal the water chip
>go back to Vault 13
>give water chip
>Overseer tells you to kill the muties
>etc. etc.

>> No.2844279

I should note that I completed both of these games when I was like 11, without the abundance of internet guides everywhere and don't remember having very many issues doing it.

How grown men cannot beat Fallout 1/2 with the amount of direction the games give you if you actually read the shit the game tells you is beyond me. How fucking casual are you people?

>> No.2844283

Samefagging that much? If you don't know how to advance in FO2, you're an idiot, simply as that, see >>2844274

>> No.2844295

I don't know how those people would react with actually old RPG's like Ultima before 8, not even talking about really hard shit. Fallout 1&2 looks like essentialy modern videogames to me.

>> No.2845679

Man, I agree completely. I remember playing Fallout for the first time and thinking "This is so easy to play, everything is explained so clearly." It boggles my mind that people find its interface and controls clunky.

>>2821591 This guy is also right.

>> No.2845692

The funny thing about all these bug complaints is that the only really widely bitched about one was the 1.02 patch corrupts all your 1.00 saves.

Now years afterwards it seems everyone jumps down this game's throat claiming bugged saves left right and center.

I dunno, I've honestly never really had too many bugs in this game - no more so than any other game, really.

Are there really that many people who had serious, systemic issues with this game because I've been playing for 20 years and the worst I've had was the occasional crash on screen-transition if I played for more than 4 hours straight.

>> No.2845719


Im not saying fallout 2 is completely opaque or confusing, just that fallout 1 had an overall better sense of direction.

>> No.2845723

>the worst I've had was the occasional crash on screen-transition if I played for more than 4 hours straight.

as a kid, I'd encounter crashes after about 5 hours.

>> No.2845929

Seriously. I've re-played F2 tens of times and never had a corrupt save file once. I would only have crashes like you guys.

>> No.2845940

Was that even the game's fault, though?

I had a hard time keeping any fucking application running for 4-5 hours back in the Windows 98 days, when you couldn't keep your computer powered on indefinitely.

>> No.2846065

>couldn't keep your computer powered on indefinitely

This is what millennials actually believe.

>> No.2846141

I fucking lived through it you goddamn revisionist idiot. And being born in 79, neither am I a fucking millennial, as you most likely are.

>> No.2846146





>> No.2846153

Shut up, kid.

>> No.2846265

FO1 had "better" sense of direction since there was fuckall to do in each settlement save for some token local quests and how to proceed to the next plot point. The deadlines didn't made things better.

>> No.2846978

How can someone be so ignorant of 4chan culture that they think that anons using the word "faggot" is homophobic? It has literally been the go-to epithet since this site's creation.

Jesus Christ, reddit/tumblr need to go and stay go.

>> No.2846986


We have at least one dedicated troll to accent our small collection of mentally ill peeps.

No, I don't know how either. I just try to roll with it.

>> No.2847227

Kenshiro... had a hard life.

>> No.2847348

Most important quests have a bunch of markers though, or they're basically 'go to X, kill Y' sort of quests. The exceptions are quests in which it's really just up to you how you want to solve them, like the New Reno shit.

>> No.2849237

Why is 3 so shit bros?

>> No.2849534


>> No.2849567

its not old

>> No.2849698

It will be at a certain point

>> No.2850917

Because Bethesda reuses old engines and attempted to turn an RPG into an FPS, despite knowing nothing about FPS.

Meanwhile Bethesda had long since fired their best writer, and were making big budget games with 'C' grade animators and character designers.
Futhermore Bethesda pretty much never stops and actually looks at anything they've done to see if it makes sense, or if even a cursory analysis would cause whatever concept they're trying to get across to fall into shambles.

>> No.2851038

All this can be averted by taking some time to read the manual before you start the game.

>> No.2852086

Is Tactics in any way canon?

In the intro it seems like they take just random wastelanders and train them to be in the brotherhood, but I was watching the Shoddycast lore vid for East coast brotherhood and he said it was very unusual for the brotherhood to take people in, since most people are born into it through heredity.

>> No.2852090

According to 3 and devs, the spinoff brotherhood all died.

>> No.2852092

if you're going pure gunslinger, you might change awareness to earlier sequence, and bonus move to sharpshooter

>> No.2852168

The game itself is, as a whole, considered non-canon. Some of its events are considered to have actually happened, though not necessarily in the fashion they occur within the game.

Nothing of any actual import to the rest of the series happened, so if you want to consider the game completely non-canon instead of just mostly non-canon, feel free to do so.

>> No.2852173

>bonus move to sharpshooter
In a game where the best way to not die is to not get hit? And where you can abuse a lot of peek-a-boo tactics thanks to those silly two action points? For a paltry few perception points that you can just replace by pumping your gun skill?

>> No.2852182

You're underselling how useful sharpshooter is as far as distance penalty reduction is concerned. You could just as easily say that sharpshooter is a "best defense is good offense" option and bonus move is a "best defense is good defense" option.

>> No.2852198


>> No.2852237

imo the most dick enemies are HtH. Especially in late game. Either that or you don't have enough room/sequence to move anyway.

>> No.2852371

original commenter here;
the problem with bonus move is that you only ever have 10 action point blips on the screen, even if you had more action points left to use, so you cant move out, shoot twice, then move back in, because the second shot would put you over the 10 point mark and end your turn

>> No.2852379

I don't get it.

Let's say you have 10 AC and a shot costs 4


>> No.2852741

right, if a shot only costs 4, that's fine
but it costs 5 until you get bonus rate of fire

>> No.2852749

if you have 10 agi, then you have 10 action points, and if you're using a regular pistol at 5 action points per shot, then it would be this:

1 - move
5 - shoot
5 - shoot

you have then gone past 10 and you won't get that last point that you should have

>> No.2852756

Don't you get those yellow action point when you pick Bonus Move?

>> No.2852770

not in fallout 1

>> No.2852784

This isn't the case in FO2, you can have more action points than are displayed on screen. Is it really the case in FO1?

>> No.2852808


>> No.2852827

That makes a lot worse in FO1.

>> No.2852931

they fixed a lot in fo2

>> No.2853024

Yeah, there's that as well - better to snipe them through the eyes at 20 hexes than miss at 10.

>> No.2853074

I have been to /v/ a grand total of 3 times.

>> No.2853573

This is the correct order

>> No.2853583

2>patched 1>nv>3
didn't play 4

>> No.2854286

This is objectively right.
1 and 2 aged badly, mostly due to low as fuck speed. We are unable to wait 30 seconds for the enemies make their turns, even with speedhack, anymore. If the game had you and the enemy doing turns at the same time
>you shoot
>enemy takes shoot while moving, sometimes being stopped due to critical hit or body part crippled
>you move, enemy moves
Then the games would had been perfect, just like tactics is on real time mode
With tactics on,
Tactics > NV > 2 > 1 > 4 > 3

>> No.2854295

Sequence is a thing on 3 as well, though

>> No.2854453
File: 328 KB, 1366x768, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2854480

Oh dear

Just play 2 t bh

>> No.2854537

I think I figured it out, am I supposed to just replace the files in my fallout 1 folder with those?