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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2830119 No.2830119 [Reply] [Original]

With all the Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball bullshit currently going on...aren't you glad you played and fell in love with video games at a time when no one cared?

I sure am.

>> No.2830123

I remember when I was a kid I wanted Mortal Kombat for my SNES and my mom kept telling me NO. Then one day my Dad bought me MK2 and when my mom saw all the blood in the game I remember exactly what she said "That's it? It looks so fake."

My Dad also showed me how to give the strippers money in Duke Nukem.

>> No.2830126

My Dad used to use his work Amiga to copy games with guys in his office. He gave me a copy of this when I was 6.


>> No.2830143

We've always had censorfags, it just used to be hardcore Christians and idiots like Jack Thompson. And people who thought playing Counter-Strike made you want to kill people irl.

The hardcore left now is as bad as the hardcore right is/was, and are the new group of censorship zealots. Much like we had titties on statues taken out of Castlevania in the West, we now have slutty lollies dressed as moderately skimpy lollies in Western releases. Shit changes but it also stays the same. I'm sure there were groups that tried to ban games like Demon's Crest, and it's likely that the game Devilworld was never brought to the U.S. because it would offend idiots. DoA Volleyball would offend idiots so it isn't being brought over. This really isn't new. The new thing is that we're just more informed about what we aren't getting.

>> No.2830161

You said it best, the idiots are as loud as the real fans now. The funny thing is and it's being proven now. The idiots upset and screaming about the game weren't going to buy the game anyway so them complaining and boycotting wouldn't affect the game ever.

Look at Play Asia, all the SJWs have boycotted the site but sales and traffic for the sight have more than doubled.

>> No.2830165
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Conservatives in the 80s, liberals in the 10s, it doesn't matter, games are always going to be censored in the west.

Western people are very sensitive about things that offend them, even if they're virtual.

>> No.2830167

>at a time when no one cared?
Did you really forget about all the censorship we've had back in the early 90's?
It was already rampant back in the SNES days, the problem is that the mentality of people today makes it seem like a bigger deal than it is, but I assure you that we had the same exact kind of bullshit if not worse when crosses were changed into stars in Dragon Warrior because muh christian sensibility and censoring pixely asses in Final Fantasy.

They're really only more vocal about it than they were before but hardly anything changed, you can argue that a few more games passed under the radar than before but that's because the media didn't have the popularity and market that it has now.

If anything I'm at least glad we have less Vic Irelands and Ted Woolseys now, people changing scripts because dumbass reasons are arguably worse than censors.

Instead of Tipper Gore we have Anita and her goons now, different complaint reasons, same exact shit.

>> No.2830169


It wasn't really that big during the SNES times, yeah MK1 got censored, but then MK2, 3 and UMK3 all got their respective bloody ports on SNES no problem.

It was worse in the 80s with the NES.

Also, since /v/ considers cultural changes in localization process "censorship", I guess the Sega Master System is one of the most censored consoles of all time.

>> No.2830171
File: 4 KB, 186x106, FFVI_Siren_Censorship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one cared
See, that's how I know you're a visitor from /v/ who was probably born after this board's timeframe.

People cared back then. In fact it was even worse. As long as video games existed, people had moral panics over them. Look at hundreds of old games that had religious and sexual subtext scrubbed out of them, games that didn't even make it to the West because of it (Devil World, Shin Megami Tensei), "Pokemon is Satanic" scares, more recently the Hot Coffee scandal, "murder simulator" controversies, Jack Thompson etc etc.

Most recent instances of censorship that /v/ shits its pants over are exactly the same as the "quick, replace all churches with clinics, or good christian parents will be upset!" bullshit that has been going on since forever. But it doesn't involve cute girls, so of course it didn't matter and wasn't really censorship unlike what those insidious SJWs are pushing today...

It's not new. It's even the exact same oversensitive soccer mom mindset that is behind most vidya censorship, except now instead of bible-thumping nutjobs they're assisted by feminist nutjobs. The fact that you were less informed back then and could only recently find out what you were even missing didn't make it any less outrageous.

>> No.2830172

It's always been complaints from the left, but it used to come from the soft left like Tipper Gore and Joe Lieberman, and now it's coming from the hard left.

>> No.2830179

Yes, religious censorship of the 90s was done to appeal to the left, Satanic scares were incited by the unions and Jack Thompson was basically a flag-waving communist.

>> No.2830180

People were literally preventing their kids from playing certain games (Mortal Kombat). That's how powerful censorship and boycotting was back in the 90s. I remember being 11 or 12 years old at that time, going over a friends house and having their mother tell me to take my MK cartridge home and that they didn't play games like that in their house. This wasn't even a fundamentalist christian, just some mom who heard from some other mom that Mortal Kombat was extremely gory and would make their kid sick.

Now, a bunch of fat losers are trying to pressure game companies into removing attractive women/girls their games. Things are different for different reasons.

>> No.2830182

What's going on with Beach Volleyball?

>> No.2830183

I remember narrowly avoiding my aunt breaking my Gameboy because she bought into the whole "Pokemon is satanic and literally kills children through seizures" panic and didn't want me to play it around her kids

>> No.2830184

The developers refused to market it in the West because they allegedly didn't want to deal with controversy surrounding "portrayal of women in gaming"

>> No.2830185
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A lot of SFM porn.

>> No.2830187

>GAF comics

>> No.2830190

The 80's satanic scares had nothing to do with video games, what the hell are you on about? Joe Lieberman actually had congressional hearings where he threatened to create a government censorship board STRICTLY to censor games. Repubs have never done that, you cunt. There's a huge difference between a company like Nintendo doing voluntary censorship of their own product and government stepping in to do it for them.

>> No.2830191

There's no way that would've actually been posted on neogaf. For even being critical of Anita Sarkeesian and her ilk he would've been banned and told he was worse than a rapist by the hive-mind there.

>> No.2830193

Aren't there already 2 games in this franchise already?

>> No.2830197

Top kek

Both ends of the political spectrum are to blame for censorship. They just want to censor different things.

Here's a great short vid of Dee Snyder speaking to congress about music censorship. The way he calls out Tip Gore is hilarious.

>> No.2830216

let's be entirely honest DOA developers are using controversy this as a way to raise awareness about their boring jiggle physics obsessed game that nobody wanted in 2006.
Because nobody want it now, and if you proclaim "OMG SJW's ARE TOTALLY STOPPING US FROM GIVING THIS TO YOU" teenage boys will buy it.

Hatred used the same tactic to boost sales by getting it banned.

Interistingly SEGA used this a bit to promote sonic the hedgehog's "rebel attitude" back in the day.
But that was just a commercial, not a full on pretend media frenzy.

If someone tells you you have to buy this or that entertainment product to fight for some cause, they are probably bullshiting you.

Like Palin giving a speeh about "American sniper" saying "critics are liberals that's why they hate this movie" She was actually being paid to say it.
The actual critical response was between "Meh disappointing" and "meh it was alright"

>> No.2830226

>Both ends of the political spectrum are to blame for censorship. They just want to censor different things.

Quote for truth. Anyone who can't see the various benefits of both sides of the political spectrum at the same time they see the problems of taking either to the extreme is a fool. Conservatives and socialists are both equally retarded.

>> No.2830262

Voluntarily altering something(pixel boob cleavage, crosses, etc) so people don't get butt hurt is still censorship buddy.

>> No.2830276
File: 52 KB, 530x392, kit-kat-bar-flavors1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but it's really not. It's fundamentally no different than translating the game. The whole purpose of localizing something is to make it the most appealing for the market you're going to be releasing it into.

Obviously the game is going to sell a lot more if they translate the text into English. In exactly the same way, the marketing department probably advised that in the current North American climate, the game will sell a lot better if some of the sexuality is toned down. So they do so in the hopes of selling more copies of the game.

That's not really censorship, it's marketing. If America wasn't so sex negative in general and they thought the game would sell better in it's original form, you can guarantee they would release it like that.

Saying it's censorship to alter products for the different demographics of certain countries is like saying Nestle not selling sweet potato Kit Kat in the US is censorship. And if you think that's what censorship is, you might literally be retarded.

>> No.2830280

Please stop calling these wackjobs liberals, they are so far "left" that they've circled around to the right as far as their values go.

>> No.2830290
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>Not him, but it's really not. It's fundamentally no different than translating the game. The whole purpose of localizing something is to make it the most appealing for the market you're going to be releasing it into.
>That's not really censorship, it's marketing.
>Saying it's censorship to alter products for the different demographics of certain countries is like saying Nestle not selling sweet potato Kit Kat in the US is censorship. And if you think that's what censorship is, you might literally be retarded.

As someone who does translations for a living and actually studied marketing this triggers me a lot more than it should.
Please stop posting and reconsider your life.

>> No.2830291

Okay, hip me how a company deciding to alter it's games for the market it's going into is legitimately censorship.

>> No.2830294
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 1279082592656[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2830306

Pussy politically correct twats. If we want a male roles in our games, so fucking be it!

>> No.2830308


Goes against the natural order of creativity and free speech. They shouldn't have to do it at all.

>> No.2830309


haha, nice try, but that's not how it works....

That liberal ideology of yours at work again.

>> No.2830314

>Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions.
>Governments, private organizations and individuals may engage in censorship

Read the rest of the definition on Wikipedia because I'm sure as hell not copypasting the whole thing here.

Censoring nudity or crosses like they did in Dragon Warrior, Final Fantasy or a lot of other game was done because those contents were exactly objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by the government of the time, the fact that they did that to sell the problem is intrinsically irrelevant because censorship by nature is applied to anything that has an impact on society, whether it is a product done by a corporation or the words of an individual, the fact that it's done in a market doesn't change a single thing about it.

What you're trying to justify is what Vic Ireland and Woolsey did, altering a script or in certain case the very game's mechanic to make it more appealing to the public unregarding objectionable content, that is not censorship but mere alteration of content and it "can" be justified using your reasoning, although there are countless arguments against it too.
As long as you're altering a content that clearly goes against a society's set of values it's censorship, there's nothing you can say against it, even if it's for the sake of selling your product.

To further explain this, the Müller commercials in Germany were much more tame than the ones in Italy, which had pretty explicit sexual content and allusions compared to the german ones, here they did in fact alter the commercial to cater to a presumed different audience but they didn't censor anything from the original, they downright remade it from scratch, and no one complained about it.

>> No.2830317

>They shouldn't have to do it at all.
That's the point. They don't HAVE to. No one anywhere is forcing them to change the game. They're choosing to do it because they think it will sell better outside of Asia like that.

It doesn't go against that one little bit. If anything, changing the game's original form to appeal more to the audience they're translating it for is the spirit of free speech. They're perfectly within their rights to change something to make it more appealing to X or Y people.

There would be nothing at all illegal about releasing DoA as is. They easily could if they wanted to, and thought the game would sell best that way. There's no legitimate censorship there.

>> No.2830321

>What you're trying to justify is what Vic Ireland and Woolsey did, altering a script or in certain case the very game's mechanic to make it more appealing to the public unregarding objectionable content, that is not censorship but mere alteration of content and it "can" be justified using your reasoning, although there are countless arguments against it too.

I think what Vic did to his games was idiotic and did nothing but hurt them. However I think anyone who would try to actually call that censorship doesn't really understand the word.

While it's possible to stretch the definition enough that it could encompass what WD did, all that does is weaken the real meaning of the word.

>> No.2830324

The definition of censorship did not previously include a private party invocation, as shown on Wikipedia.

Censorship by is nature was an enterprise of the government\ state.

>> No.2830325

>That liberal ideology of yours
Nice assumption there champ, but the stances these idiots take are far "liberal".

Don't you have a thread about how the kikes are stealing all of your sheckles to shitpost in on pol?

>> No.2830336

You understand that Hillary Clinton was part of the posse in the 90s that went after video games? The liberal Democrat running for president a second time?

She wasn't mystically a Republican back then...

>> No.2830337

The feminists going after games are just salty that their side of the debate lost the porn wars 30 years ago. They're taking it out on games, largely dominated by men, and thus especially vulnerable to accusations of sexism (at least when viewed from the outside).

They failed to make inroads against porn because women involved in that industry stood up to them and told them to fuck off.

They're demagogues; they stay relevant and visible by creating a fuss.

The general cultural trend is away from censorship. Be glad this isn't the late 80s/90s with the porn wars, PMRC and Doom being blamed for school shootings.

>> No.2830340

Not sure why the idea of censorship would only be applicable to governments. Grew up with a kid whose parents wouldn't let him play Zelda due to the game having magic in it. Couldn't read Harry Potter either. Shielding your kids whether you think it's right or wrong(it's all subjective) would be a form of censorship imo.

>> No.2830341

The great irony of American politics is that the two parties spend billions every year flinging shit at each other over how terrible and immoral the other side is. While at the same time their actual policies and political outlooks are virtually identical.

Also they use the world "liberal" in a very different way from most of the rest of the English speaking world.

>> No.2830346

The word "liberal" is practically a swearword in my area. What's funny is most liberals I know were or would have been Conservatives in the 80s. That's how far the right has shifted.

>> No.2830359

>hardcore left hardcore right
literally the exact same puritan twats except now they are depressed and childless

>> No.2830369

No, just no.

>> No.2830376

Pretty much. To most of the world, liberal means centrist. In America now it essentially means socialist extremism.

>> No.2830454


Once you realize the US right and left play for the same team, everything starts to make sense.

>> No.2830461

Take this shit to >>>/v/ or >>>/pol/

>> No.2830484

don't just post
preferably don't post next time either. less responses = good

>> No.2830575 [DELETED] 

>I now present you with a dramatic posting of, "/vr/, 20 years in the future".
People were literally preventing their kids from playing certain games (Grand Theft Auto). That's how powerful censorship and boycotting was back in the 10s. I remember being 11 or 12 years old at that time, going over a friends house and having their mother tell me to take my GTA 5 disk home and that they didn't play games like that in their house. This wasn't even a fundamentalist christian, just some mom who heard from some other mom that GTA was extremely gory and would make their kid sick.

Now, a bunch of fat losers are trying to pressure game companies into removing things from their games. Things are different for different reasons.

>> No.2830578

DOA3 is actually like DOA8 or 9 if you include all the spin-offs and tie ins.

Its just been awhile since the last one.

>> No.2830583

fuck off

>> No.2830584

I have a 10 year old nephew, and I probably wouldn't let him play GTA or MK. Same as I wouldn't show him Clockwork Orange or another highly violent film.

Not showing little kids ultra violent stuff isn't really censorship....

>> No.2830586

Because the government wields deadly force to compel behavior.

Nintendo of America opting to mute religious imagery in early nes games is nowhere comparable to the Chinese government information ministry prohibiting sale of something by producer and to consumer under penalty of law.

It's not the same,ppl

>> No.2830592

radical left and radical right are one and the same

>> No.2830595

>this shit and an e-celeb thread on the front page

It's not like we don't have any mods, they just choose to let garbage threads continue for no reason.

>> No.2830596

>At a time when no one cared?
Obviously somebody wasn't really around back then. This was one of the most heavily hyped games ever.

>> No.2830597

I thought that was basic stuff most people learned in grade school when being taught about the political spectrum. I wonder what they actually teach kids these days, is it just how to get youtube votes and twerk?

>> No.2830601

The thing about GTA is its almost like a maturity-level Rorschach test for kids that age though. Ive done some baby-sitting and the smarter kids will play the missions and advance the game to see what happens next while ADHD kids will just driving around crashing into pedestrians and fighting the police.

>> No.2830602

When are you going to stop being shocked that 4chan is 4chan. Why did you start coming here in the first place??

>> No.2830603

Whats the difference between gore in MK and gore in GTA? They're both video games, and kids (the normal ones at least) are able to separate video games from reality. Yes, some of them might play "Michale and Trevor" at school during recess, but whats the difference between that and "Scorpion and Sub-zero"? they're going to yell stupid shit and throw dirt clods at each other anyways. 20 years from now we'll be playing "Ted Bundy's Grand Adventure".

If you don't want to let your kids do that, then thats fine and I'll support your decision, I know I'm not going to hand my 8 year old kid a copy of GTA 6. But its kind of a dumb idea when you think about it.

>> No.2830605

>while ADHD kids will just driving around crashing into pedestrians and fighting the police.

This is what i actually do and i'm 29 years old.

>> No.2830610

Honestly I'm more inline with the second kids than the first ones. GTA missions are pretty boring for the most part and I'll usually only slog through them to open up more areas and stuff to play with. The real fun of the games is the sandbox of it in my opinion.

Either way, call me old fashioned but as great fun as mass murder and ganking hookers to get your money back is, I think it's a little much for a 10 year old.

>> No.2830615

I don't see much difference between them, which is why I mentioned them as a couple of games I wouldn't let my 10 year old nephew play.

In five years it'll be a different situation. But at 10, I think the violence level in them is a bit much.

>> No.2830624

I don't know, considering a sizable majority of /pol/ and /v/ rail on ess jay dubyas while being extremists themselves. There's just no self-awareness with some people.

>> No.2830632

for a retro bored you guys sure love complaining about recent events, isn't it?

>> No.2830638

Obviously before you did, because /vr/ didn't used to be like this at all.

>> No.2830657

I wasn't talking just about /vr/. 4chan has been like this since before this sub board was a gleam in moot's eye. And you're fooling yourself if you think vr was different. I've been here almost daily since it was made.

>> No.2830660

This. If someone imitates something they saw in a violent video game/movie they weren't playing with a full deck of cards to start with.

>government wields deadly force
My dad had a belt he could wield deadly force with. Fucker had metal rings on it. It's almost like he is the government in a way(censoring what I consume and all) with his house being the country and me being a citizen. I'm not saying you totally wrong, just that the definition of censorship can applie to other things then just what governments control.

>> No.2830665

>And you're fooling yourself if you think vr was different. I've been here almost daily since it was made.
So have I, and the board (actually the site as a whole) has become exceedingly shit recently. recently being sometime within the past 6-8 months or so.

>> No.2830678

People here have been talking like that for years. The 4chan narrative is always that it was SO much better six months ago and is all going to shit now. But it's always been the same.

>> No.2830704


why are Japs so obsessed with Kit Kats?

>> No.2830719

Probably because it's just wafers with a filling then covered in chocolate. Pretty simple to swap various flavours in there.

>> No.2830762

yeah I get all that, but why Kit Kats? there are countless other, better candies they could do it with. and why are Japs the only people obsessed with doing it?

>> No.2830840

Let's be honest here, the game objectifies women so fucking much it's sad.

Also, not /vr/.

>> No.2830846

I dunno. they're pretty waxy and cheap. They get other flavors in there, but it's even worse than normal kit kats, which is already like C grade chocolate. The jap flavors are like B grade wax. Well they're not chocolate, they're 'strawberry' or 'green tea'.

I'll get 'em once a year maybe? But kinda meh. Gimme some better candies though.

>> No.2830857


Marketing. It can be pronouned like "kitto-katsu" which means "sure to win" so it was marketed as a great gift to someone who is having an important exam, the big game, etc.

If you think that's weird, KFC managed to convince Japan that its fried chicken is the traditional Christmas feast.

>> No.2830865

good, they'll die out in a generation

>> No.2831054

how does he die in the last one?

>> No.2831067

It's definitely porn, doesn't mean it should be banned

>> No.2831175

They're not actually women, they're literally objects.

>> No.2831183


>> No.2831197

The Friendship Adventure objectifies men even more yet I see no one ever bitch about that.

>> No.2831202

My nigga. the office warez bulletin board where it was literally a bulletin board they stuck disks on.

>Monkey Island 1.
>The missing disk log

>> No.2831221

the last beach volleyball came out here maybe 5 years ago? The whole 'women's portrayals in games' thing exploded in the last few years.

>> No.2831271

>too young to remember jack thompson
>too young to remember pokemon getting called satanic

>> No.2831272

They just missed their target, it's the Sanic series that are clearly involved in some dark shit.

>> No.2831308

Jokes on you, I can pre-order from play-asia and read chinese cartoons.

>> No.2831370

Your example is far more parallel to actual scenario censorship than all the anons whining about tecmo or Nintendo changing content they own.

In a censorship state, you don't own any content, it is the state's to censure

>> No.2831373

>read moon
no need, the game is already translated in english

>> No.2831383

I always thought these games were stupid and something to be laughed at, but I do feel kind of bad for the people who want it and can't get it. It sucks when a game you want isn't localized.

Still, they'll probably bring it over eventually. This whole thing was probably a stunt to increase or gauge interest in the game, and it's succeeded on that front. The profit they'd make from this most likely outweighs the profit they'd lose from the controversy. Unless they've got upcoming stuff that they expect to do well with the online female activist crowd (and maybe they do, I don't keep up with what the company is releasing) they really aren't losing customers.

In the interest of keeping this /vr/ acceptable, what are some older games that weren't brought over to the U.S. because of this kind of thing? People already mentioned Devil World and Persona, and tons of Japanese porn games are a no brainer. But what are some other notable releases that didn't get brought over because they were considered too offensive?

>> No.2831393

>this is probably a pr stunt
Oh anon you're so smart, hurr durr, I'm so impressed at your deduction powers right now. I bet you fuck all the grills with that giant... brain of yours.

>> No.2831423
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>No one cared

We had people fucking with our hobby before because it was degenerate shit only losers and trained killers play.

Now we have people fucking with our hobby because it's degenerate shit only losers and weaponized rapist play.

I think we're at a worst state now than we were back then though. We have a bunch of idiots who failed film school or writing trying to jump in on this hip new upcoming medium and make their mark in it.

Except they still think the medium is beneath them so they're going out of their way to make it be accepted as "art". They don't want to be looked down on for failing so they're trying their damn best to change the public perspective. Add in the hurtfeelings task force of the new millennium and you have a bunch of faggots demanding we grow up and "clean" up if we want to be accepted as art.

I never wanted vidya to be art. It's a god damn form of entertainment. Piss off with that shit.

>> No.2831503
File: 40 KB, 680x848, black dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's why I'm proud of my nephew. He was 8, probably 9 now, and when he came over, he played GTA4 (and later 5) on the computer. He rarely did anything other than the missions, and even then he was really invested in the game's story. I only played GTA5 a few times (after beating it on the PS3 two years prior), and when I play it again, I discovered that he actually beat the game for me. He says he likes 5 more, but he thinks Niko is the better character.

I know, not /vr/, but certainly worth sharing.

>> No.2831509

also it's a niche game which quite possibly wouldn't recoup the cost of localization. But rather than admit that, blaming someone else and saying "hurr, you can buy the import" is a marketing gimmick.

This is literally activision tier marketing, and I'm amazed at the number of people who are falling for it.

>> No.2831510

You sound mad.

>> No.2831512

>so they're going out of their way to make it be accepted as "art

I swear, when people started trying to argue that video games were art, is where it all started going downhill.

>> No.2831541
File: 315 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Shomin Sample - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.33_[2015.11.11_22.08.49].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're fantasy characters in a fantasy world, not representations of real women (real women fucking wish these characters represented them).

The big delusion Westerners have is that all fiction is an extension of reality. That's why they can't understand Japanese media and start blabbering about "objectification" and "pedophilia" and whatnot.

>> No.2831570

In Japan really NO ONE give's a fuck at all. And yes, even women don't give a fuck and play it themself since they know the difference between fantasy and reality. Fucking western moral is mostly by church and other medieval retard-ism.

>> No.2831598

I think you're confusing complaints about sexism for prudishness, like how Hugh Hefner thinks he's a feminist. Japan is a fairly sexist country but not at all a prudish one (partly because they are so sexist, but also because sexism is literally a foreign concept) which is why they don't care.

I think your fantasy and reality view is stupid but also interesting to think about because, in Japan, it is reality that offends people. Like Japan might not be prudish when it comes to fantasy but don't you dare say "vagina" out loud. Seriously, do you know what the Japanese word for "vagina" is? It's just "vagina", it's "vagina" because they refused to talk about the vagina for their cultures entire fucking existence and it took a Westerner to tell them what that fucking was so don't act like Japan can lecture other countries about prudishness when they can't handle the real thing.

>> No.2831601

>confused rant
We love big boobies. That is all

>Fucking western moral
Aside from telling you to stop being a pretentious douche.

>> No.2831621





vagina, sexual intercourse, screw




vagina, screw


slit, cunt, vagina


vagina, sexual intercourse


slit, vagina, cunt

>> No.2831624

Google says the Japanese word for vagina is Chitsu. ?

>> No.2831625

It took them a westerner to figure that out. Before that they literally thought babies came from cabbage patches

>> No.2831640

Sir it may be 2am but i can tell this is horseshit

>> No.2831861

So you found some shit you can't read on the internet. What's your point?

>> No.2831867

Did they really not have a designated word for vagina until they met a foreigner for the first time? I'm not a weeb but I'm calling bullshit on that one too.

>> No.2831872

膣 is the anatomical word for vagina, though most of the time Japanese will probably say あそこ (literally "there") or (お)まんこ if they feel naughty.

>> No.2831874

Rikaichan says that kanji you posted is still more frequent than the katakana for vagerger.
Meh, whatever, ironically every Asian girl I've met in real life was a turbo feminist. NOT the stereotypical traditional girl.

>> No.2831882

>more frequent

It's not even a joyo kanji.

>ironically every Asian girl I've met in real life was a turbo feminist.

Yeah, Asian girls really don't get better when they leave their countries.

>> No.2831889

I don't know, I'm just the middle man, it says it's twice as much frequent as omanko

>> No.2831890

I remember when there was controversy over GTA 1 man.

>> No.2831898

How could anyone even be mad at GTA1? It's hard to even tell what things represent at times just because the camera angle is so weird.

Like obviously people can figure it out but damn.

>> No.2831902

Fuck off kid you're not welcome here you don't understand.

>> No.2832048


My dad didn'r care that body parts went all over the place in Quake 2. But the screaming when you swim in lava, that was too much, and he told me to get onto that, ever.

>> No.2832076

thank you typical libertarian otaku, you may sit down now

>> No.2832101

I was playing the first MK on Genesis at 6 years old back when it was still controversial and my parents didn't care. Couldn't see a film that showed tits but "violent" video games/movies were fine. Funny how tame it seems now and while I would have zero issues letting my future 6yr old son play MK or MK2, I would never let him play MKX until he was a teenager.

>> No.2832103

3DPD is a shit. Almost all asian femanons are gold diggers even when they're not dyke-wannabes. 2D superior.

>> No.2833060

>Japan is not at all prudish
>you literally cannot show genitals in any media in any context uncensored
>Their porn all has women crying because the idea that sex is fun is goddamn alien to them
>the entire country has a massive birthrate problem because neither men nor women have any real interest in sex

>> No.2833067

Pretty much. Video games are toys. Why do they suddenly have to have a deeper meaning?

This is the same reason why I find E-sports so insufferable.

>> No.2833075
File: 166 KB, 256x363, Beach_Spikers_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best volley ball game right here

>> No.2833115


Quick, name a game that has a woman (or man for that matter) in it that doesn't objectify them.

You can't. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_%28computer_science%29

>> No.2833137


I'm 30 and I can confirm that people used to freak out over video games when I was a child. I remember reading articles arguing that video games caused violence and crime. kids at school said I was lucky to have mortal kombat 2. people were way more sensitive about censorship in the earlier generations.

censorship is still a problem, but the stigma is far less.

>> No.2833140


it can be art, but it doesn't have to be. it can be straightforward entertainment or something more. video games are just another medium, like comics or movies.

>> No.2833192

i know but the women and men that are getting objectified wait for it AREN'T REAL MORON

>> No.2833194

you didn't read the spoil

>> No.2833203
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, Best minigame ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much of a raging faggot can you be to not post the objectively best volleyball game ever made AND post non retro.

/vr/ is dying I tell you.

>> No.2833372

Video games have always been art.
It seems people have this weird idea that all art has to be "high" art with fancy ideals and abstract themes with a poignant story behind it.
I'll tell you now, that isn't the case.

>> No.2833379


>> No.2833383
File: 40 KB, 418x261, LeisureSuitLarry6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may have a point. There was a time you could say "my favourite series is Leisure Suit Larry" without a hint of irony and you wouldn't receive dirty looks from other gamers at least.

The industry has some severe hang ups on sex and wanting to be taken seriously.

>> No.2833402

And I don't think they'll ever really go away, to normalfags the idea of a porn or near-porn game is unspeakably embarassing, on the same level as hard drug use with absolutely none of the street cred to balance it. I think the idea is something like that if you want a simulated experience you're admitting you're not getting enough in real life. That's the default subcultural norm here so it's different, for most people it's more important than money.

>> No.2833428

Fix your aspect ratio.

>> No.2833464

>Implying the spooky Lavender Town music hasn't claimed at least 15 victims

>> No.2833467

Annnd now I have to play LSL6 again. Thanks.

>> No.2833471

The jews?

>> No.2833475



>> No.2833512

My thoughts have always been that if film is considered an art form then video games have to be also.

>> No.2833627

Are corporate logos and advertisements art? Sure. I don't like the art debate because I don't believe art has any intrinsic value on its own, but people love to view the concept itself as some kind of platonic form deserving of reverence which they can then apply to whatever specific expression of human creativity they want to lend it value or authenticity.

Shit's all disingenuous posturing, man.

>> No.2835397

>Are corporate logos and advertisements art?
Of course it is. Some logos look much better than others and some drive sales better than others. That's why companies change them all the time, often only changing small details like colors or shapes rather than the complete feel. I would argue pretty much anything can be an art. These, specifically, are much more measurable.

>they can then apply to whatever specific expression of human creativity they want to lend it value or authenticity
Practically everything does have value and authenticity. There are plenty of people who study not only design and art but also corporate logos and advertisements specifically and take it very seriously. They'll tell you that this thing is shaped like this because it's symmetrical and everything is the same height and it subconsciously symbolizes the stability of opting to go with this bank as opposed to a more cartoony appearance. They'll tell you the letters have this much spacing and the title is this many pixels wide on these devices because this is the perfect ratio for appealing to our sensibilities, reminding us of other things in nature or life with these ratios like plants that we're hardcoded from evolution to appreciate.

Like okay, I know it sounds really dumb and obviously I don't design corporate logos or anything but one of the only reasons we don't give a shit about a lot of things is because we don't know the how and why in them. There's tremendous detail in almost anything if you look hard enough, but most people don't look into most things much and just sorta wing it and say, "well that would probably look okay" while copying other ones they've found that looked similar.

I do get what you're saying in the sense of art being the more conventional pen on paper sort of thing and that we're overextending it for no reason, I'd just disagree.

2000 character limit or I'd elaborate.

>> No.2836686

In American politics, liberal means authoritarian leftist, a statist socialist, they appropriated the term gradually over the years because they liked how the label sounded. If you're a European, the definition of liberal is "libertarian" in the US.

Though that's kind of changing, authoritiarian rightwingers are appropriating libertarian because they like it how it sounds, the Libertarian Party isn't actually libertarian at all, it's just a slightly less dumb Republican Party.

American politics are confusing like that, and disappointing. The current presidential elections have the worst candidates I've ever seen, I mean fuck, they're all horrible, Trump, Sanders, Clinton, I can't imagine worse people in charge.