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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 26 KB, 1920x1200, Street_Fighter_II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2826754 No.2826754[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Impossible to release like that today. Post em.

>> No.2826763

I still don't really understand this.
Maybe if the guy had a kkk robe on or a swastika tattooed on his forehead.
Just seems like 2 manly men throwin down to me.

>> No.2826771

>90% of modern American boxers are black
>modern society would still say this image is racist

Seems like it's equally racist to show the black guy winning just for being black.

>> No.2826772

that noble gentleman on the left must have a strange skeleton.

>> No.2826781


the other dude is obviously just light-skinned.

>> No.2826784

He's white passing, so its ok.

>> No.2826786

Isn't it just your imagination that this wouldn't float today. I mean you guys like to fabricate opportunities to whine at SJWs even when they haven't actually whined at anything.

Remember that who whines first loses (won't deny the SJWs whine a lot though)

>> No.2826792

Not OP but this scene has actually been edited or removed in various ports before.

>> No.2826812

I vaguely remember some versions having a randomly played alternative animation with the black guy winning.

>> No.2826814

>girl getting punched in Double Dragon intro

>> No.2826817

>nude female
>in today's climate

We can't even get swimsuits in Fatal Frame these days.

>> No.2826819
File: 21 KB, 320x256, capital_punishment_aga_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2826829

The concept of a woman without clothes is just a white male fabrication.

>> No.2826831
File: 141 KB, 292x350, flesh pits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh totally! Nothing at all lewd is allowed anymore. Just look at how much the SJW turbotards forced Netherealms to cover Mileena up. Disgusting.

>> No.2826834

I don't get why SF2 wasn't ported to the Mega Drive. Everyone knows that the SNES cannot into arcade games.

>> No.2826841

Is there any game that encapsulates the early 90s better than this?

>> No.2826846
File: 1.67 MB, 6144x3584, greatest intro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2826879
File: 1.68 MB, 6144x3584, Hyper Biting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hyper Fighting version

>> No.2826884

eh, that's probably only because it's a minor, and the west has their panties in a bunch over CP. in previous years they'd solve that by changing the characters age instead...

>> No.2826891
File: 1.06 MB, 4096x3584, nigga punch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega Drive version

>> No.2826906

MK9 was from 2011. It's a different time now. Look at how much they changed the designs to cover everyone up in X. It was a big deal leading up to the release with tons of people calling Boon a SJW for toning down the balloon tits and etc. Notice how X has no nude Mileena anymore.

>> No.2826925
File: 458 KB, 360x240, 1447612372419.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less black
>white chocolate

>> No.2826937

They did, but it's not a straight port of the arcade game like the SNES.

This is what they called SF2 Champion Edition.

>> No.2826941
File: 12 KB, 464x904, OH_MY_GOD!!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.2827295

pls respond

>> No.2827302

>muh naked polygonal women

>> No.2827313
File: 58 KB, 640x480, rmmjw4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The japanese mega drive version has nig intact. They did remove his sleeves for some reason in the sega ports though.

>> No.2827326
File: 136 KB, 651x489, sjws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just seems like 2 manly men throwin down to me.

see picture.

It's not just the sleeves, the entire scene looks redrawn to me.

>> No.2827331

Oh yeah I know its redrawn I just found it funny how they didnt include the sleeves when they ported it over

>> No.2827339

Less sleeves=more badass
They also dropped his left hand, to stop him looking camp when he throws the punch.

>> No.2827347

It's a random NPC woman you clipped out of one of the earlier images.

And if you meant Mileena I certainly hope you didn't. That would be like not knowing Zelda.

>> No.2827384
File: 542 KB, 2048x1792, censed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comparison to the Japanese and American release

>> No.2827387

in both, the left guy still got the -gettin' punched stuff'- in his face

>> No.2827393

leisure suit larry
there's really no room for cheap dad jokes these days

>> No.2827398
File: 1.34 MB, 470x353, Wife_Beater_II.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in the days people just didn't care about shit people are loosing today.

>> No.2827420

>Wife Beater 2


>Super Happily Married Edition

okay, I lost my shit.

>> No.2827463

I agree; Larry is a concept that wouldn't really work today.

>> No.2827507

I'm personally very excited about creating my own stuff with inspirations from these games. I almost feel privileged about "getting it". most people nowadays will go "ugh, a dick joke? sooo clever" and not even try to get a sense of what kind of atmosphere these games are creating
there's something delightfully sleazy and irredeemable about larry that makes the series very unique, in my opinion. I can see how a lovable oaf like guybrush threepwood is more viable today, he's funny and at the end of the day he's a sweet guy, no harm done. larry is pathetic to the core and ugly in every way imaginable.
He makes me think of neil hamburger and though neil functions on a more "sophisticated" level of anti-comedy they both of revel in the same type of tackiness

>> No.2827545
File: 538 KB, 614x461, tmp_21125-Rwg8uJd-1689766632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simpsons version

>> No.2827553
File: 139 KB, 576x432, tmp_21125-Brother_from_the_Same_Planet_110.JPG-732049089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2827561

Larry is rooted in what sex and dating was like in the 70s-80s. That's mainly why it doesn't quite work today. It conjures up images of Journey albums and women with huge poofy haircuts.

>> No.2827565

There is nothing unreleasable about this today, and you just posted this shitty troll thread on /v/. Fuck off.

>> No.2827571
File: 351 KB, 1920x1080, Mortal-Kombat-X_Kitana_Jingu_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The character designs in MK9 were fucking horrendous and MKX were some of the best ever. Anti-SJW crybabbies are a fucking cancer and are just as ignorant as the people they bitch about. Can't understand the concept of good character design if it gets in the way of their moaning.

Also Boon has never designed a character in his life.

>> No.2827598


no yea and there's plenty of dated references and jokes in the series, the age quiz killed me even back then, especially since I'm not american.
I'm thinking of reviews like this
in which it's easy to dismiss everything about it as outdated sleaze

>> No.2827603

>no yea and there's plenty of dated references and jokes in the series, the age quiz killed me even back then, especially since I'm not american.
You know you can just skip that by pressing Ctrl-X.

>> No.2827616

could you do that back then as well? at least ten year old me got to learn that perrier is non-alcoholic and joe dimaggio played baseball

>> No.2827619

Ok how would you make a game like LSL today? Like make it in a way that's relevant to the dating scene the way it exists in 2015.

>> No.2827621

The original EGA game lets you skip the trivia quiz with Ctrl-X and Ctrl-Alt-X in the VGA remake.

>> No.2827634

"@nottorp game seems to have been reviewed just fine "prehistoric and outdated at the time series gets revived, is still a travesty, has no place today".

Think back of the top point and click series of the day and LSL isn't one of them. We've moved on. Everyone has."

I agree with this. Some of the 80s-90s adventure games could work today. Indiana Jones could work. Monkey Island could work. Maniac Mansion, Zak McKracken, and Day of the Tentacle could not; they're products of that era.

As for Sierra games, King's Quest might work today due to the abstract fantasy setting. Space Quest is more debatable. Larry is extremely, egregiously dated.

>> No.2827642

that pic is a pretty good summation of sjws and the problem with them.

>> No.2827645

For one thing, if Larry is a 40 year old loser today who lives in his mom's basement, he wouldn't be wearing a leisure suit because he was born in the 1970s and would have been in diapers when leisure suits were in.

Anyway, if you want to do this game today it would have to have some storyline where he tries to get laid by picking up a date on Facebook and...something to that effect.

>> No.2827651

Al Lowe actually has said that Larry was based on his personal fantasies although he's actually nothing like him IRL. The character is described in the original game as being 40 because that was how old Al was in 1987 when the game came out.

>> No.2827664

"Lucasarts series of games have managed to retain a certain timeless appeal through their thoughtful scripting. LSL has not aged well, and coming out for general release, just stuck its face in the firing line for this review.

Some games need to stay in the past."

See this guy is wrong right there. I pointed out several LucasArts games which are very badly dated.

>> No.2827679

not that guy but what I liked about larry is the cynicism and the character dynamics.

how to persuade someone into having sex with you always came down to getting the girl an item or whatever. and it usually ends with larry getting shafted either way. you're basically controlling a deceitful (in the sense that he tries to convince women of his love and respect when he's really just looking to get laid) guy and every puzzle solution lends to that. there's really nothing admirable about him. and the girls are usually just looking for a favor, there's basically ugliness in both camps

I personally cannot relate to the lounge lizard culture but I definitely could see a new game in which the protagonist is just looking for a lay even though the odds are stacked against him in. it's such a base "quest" that it immediately lends itself to a bunch of unique obstacles and conflicts.

virtual novels are doing that stuff today but it's much more smutty and more based around delivering porn with a story. I'd like to think that the motivation to get laid as a driving force for puzzles and story can be rewarding in itself

don't get me wrong, I understand that it's not a classical series in any way. it is a very dated both when it comes to puzzles and writing. it's just that I personally see the potential in larry's character

>> No.2827687

>I personally cannot relate to the lounge lizard culture

That's one of the big things that comes off as outdated. Lounge lizard culture just isn't a thing today.

>> No.2827692

>don't get me wrong, I understand that it's not a classical series in any way. it is a very dated both when it comes to puzzles and writing. it's just that I personally see the potential in larry's character

The basic concept of the game (40 year old virgin in his mom's basement tries to get laid) is fine, the setting is what dates it.

>> No.2827696


exactly. if you want to be obvious, make a combination of papers, please with online dating.

in order to get the perfect profile picture you must use an in-game image editor to remove your triple chin and stringy facial hair

>> No.2827716

I tend to forget the very dated references and stuff, lsl's lasting impression on me is that you're a loser that's trying to pick up ladies. it immediately makes you think "okay so larry is unfunny and ugly, how do I make this woman fall in love with him", it makes you think creatively about this sort of stuff

another idea
in order to successfully impress a lady you must combine the perfect set of unique in-game emojis. if she's interested in animals you obviously use a cute puppy emoji and so on.. mix these manipulative online tactics with some imagery from his dingy basement and you have a larry laffer for the modern age

>> No.2827726

Must be some setup where you need to dodge her friends when she inevitably busts your one-night stand ass.

>> No.2827732

>emoticons are mysogynist
stop giving ideas, it's painful to read

>> No.2827742

and to increase the chance of getting lucky you must have a condom. but to buy a condom you must sneak around the house picking up coins and making sure your mom doesn't find out

I never said that but since the game is about getting laid you're obviously manipulating the girl into thinking you like dogs as well.

>> No.2827812

She's basically wearing a full burka there.

>> No.2827820

that's why it's better, because they are hiding their hideous faces

>> No.2827827
File: 66 KB, 700x525, psp_white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Impossible to release like that today. Post em.
psp white world wide (sorry if console too 2005+, but since kids like emultrz)

>> No.2827834

The white guy punches him because he wasn't entertained by his shadow puppet duck.

>> No.2827871
File: 132 KB, 400x350, phelios.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2827872


And by triggered, I mean I have an erection.

>> No.2827873

It's just some fag who got banned from /v/ trying to spread his shit here for the next few days. Sage and report to show his kind we don't tolerate gamer gate garbage on our board.

>> No.2827874

That wasn't even possible to release then, or did you forget that everyone lost their shit over them?

>> No.2827878

60 replies too late, son

>> No.2827881

>Sage and report to show his kind we don't tolerate gamer gate garbage on our board.
Go home Anita. Your butthurt over not being able to retcon raunchy classics is not a reason to shitpost.

>> No.2827890
File: 672 KB, 1920x1200, 1448911789986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off /pol/ you can't stop me righting the wrongs of the past.

>> No.2827893

>what's The Witcher
>what's God Of War
>what's Saint's Row (blurred/pixelated, sure, but still)
There's shit in these games that would JUST not fly in the 90's.

>It's a different time now.
Not really.

The real world doesn't actually give a fuck about SJW caterwauling.
They're louder now, yes, but people also hate them.
Few devs give in to their nagging, and rarely on something that matters.

Mileena's face is a turnoff to me, but at the same time her big grin is so charming in it's own way.

>It's just some fag who got banned from /v/ trying to spread his shit here for the next few days.
Figured as such, strikes me as your average /v/ermin shitposter.

>Sage and report to show his kind we don't tolerate gamer gate garbage on our board
What do GG have to do with any of this?

>> No.2827896
File: 156 KB, 1280x1163, 1448384764221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, now I'm seriously thinking it's false-flag shitposting.

That's sad, anon. Why can't you play videogames for fun instead?

>> No.2827930

She's dressed like a female ninja should be dressed m8

>> No.2827940

female netherworld ninja here, can confirm

>> No.2827943
File: 1.63 MB, 360x270, 1435047842232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is even more painful than it looks

>> No.2827951

>Sage and report to show his kind we don't tolerate gamer gate garbage on our board.

This is not hg101 anon

>> No.2828148

I can dig that it was an upgrade to Al Lowe. Seriously, that guy is the most greasy-sleazy looking son of a bitch ever.

>> No.2828152

Not to argue since I kind of agree, but what makes Maniac Mansion/Day of the tentacle obsolete? I can certainly see it being made in the world of today with the pop references of today. Zack Mcrkacken on the other hand is very much late eighties, early nineties. It could be revamped I guess.

Space Quest however would work very much still. Sure the techno babble would be different, but the premise might very well stay the same.

>> No.2828663

The US lost their shit. The campaign ran in a different country. Sony never attempted the campaign in the US, because they knew people in the US would lose their shit. The campaign ran quietly and successfully until the US discovered it. Sony had to drop the campaign, outside of the US, because of the US.

>> No.2828668

take that freedom, you communist

>> No.2828812

Vat? DOTT is so, so early 90s in every way that it couldn't possibly work today. The pop culture references and characters are all archetypes of that time period.

And I don't see how you can say DOTT is less dated than Zak which has fewer overt pop culture jokes in it except Elvis references and he'd already been dead for some time when the game came out.

>> No.2828818

ZM is dated in the sense that it's parodying 80s-90s supermarket tabloids which if you ever saw those things, it was always "Ancient aliens did this" and "Egyptian pyramids that" and "Nostradamus blah blah blah" and "Elvis sighting yadda yadda yadda". That said, it's not quite as in-your-face as DOTT where Bernard is a stereotypical pocket protector geek like you'd see in bad 80s movies and Hoagie is a Gen Xer metalhead slacker and so forth.

>> No.2828893
File: 411 KB, 1165x1579, Buy or he will die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sage and report to show his kind we don't tolerate gamer gate garbage on our board.
Can we stop using the whole goober goater boogey man already? Most of the people here don't really care either way. Sure the movement got really stupid, but constantly referring to it and name calling won't change anyone's mind or make things any better.

As for shit that won't pass today, this ad would definitely cause a lot of shit

>> No.2828952

>two people fighting
>must be a hate crime
I hate you PC faggots

>> No.2828962
File: 169 KB, 1200x1200, 44t4jqq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pc principal has your back, impoverished minority or handicap

>> No.2828973

I want /v/ to leave.

I just want /vr/ to be about videogames, not ebin shitposting and ironically acting like a faggot for fun

>> No.2829053

That's pretty sad. But I think 90% of Americans wouldn't care about that ad. Companies worldwide need to stop catering to vocal minorities.

>> No.2829138

There is literally nothing wrong with getting a load by a white guy.

>> No.2829140

>Post em.
Get 80% Larry
Get 20% /v/ trolling /vr/
Feels batman.

>> No.2829149
File: 89 KB, 488x516, noFun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't like thread, hide it and go back to your Arino general.

I guess you lament the "old days" of /vr/ when it was an over moderated hugbox for faggots and anything remotely off-topic was deleted and bans were handed out like carbon dioxide. I for one am glad that those days are long over and there's a little more room for good old fashioned shit-posting fun.

>> No.2829206

Something like Larry could be possible today, but it would need to cater to today's pop culture, instead of 80's/late 20th century pop culture, meaning the main character would probably just be some random beta or guy with a beard.

>> No.2829212

>le ebik triggered sjw maymay

>> No.2829346

>I guess you lament the "old days" of /vr/ when it was an over moderated hugbox for faggots and anything remotely off-topic was deleted and bans were handed out like carbon dioxide

It was just one overzealous janitor.

>> No.2829350

I already explained that in >>2827645

>> No.2829361

Animation edit when,?

>> No.2829368
File: 88 KB, 231x243, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>handed out like carbon dioxide

>> No.2829373

>Most of the people here don't really care either wa

Nice try groovy gopher but you're not fooling anyone.

>> No.2829383

>groovy gopher
Sounds like a mascot platformer.

>> No.2829391
File: 144 KB, 723x800, 1305704743779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2829398

it was a clunky simile

>> No.2829405
File: 27 KB, 231x205, 1279904269431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big is your reaction folder bro?

>> No.2829414

>b-buh muh fun!
>n-no fun allowed ;_;
Yeah, sorry that we're not all in stitches over the insipid EPIC /v/ brand of humor, instead of discussing videogames we should make ironic shitposts about SJW culture and other shit that's totally relevant.

When /vr/ became, a lot of people were happy because it was a board where you could legit discuss videogames on, what NOBODY but the /v/omit audience wanted was for it to be a carbon copy of /v/ dedicated to old games.

We're not all 12 years old.

>> No.2829417
File: 12 KB, 350x233, tldr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2829420

>I for one am glad that those days are long over and there's a little more room for good old fashioned shit-posting fun.
That's because you're part of the locust swarm of /v/, literally the most reddit board on 4chan.

>> No.2829425

Shhh baby shhh

>> No.2829427

>You are either pro GG or anti-GG, there is no neutral
At least I don't bring it up at random and name call everyone as either

>> No.2829430

There's no neutral when it's just a matter of common sense you stupid SJW.

>> No.2829432

I lean more on the anti-sjw side, but really, both sides are shit. One is a bunch of shitty sjws, and the other are people who endlessly bitch about them.

Either way, this isn't a GG bitching thread

>> No.2829435

Then there are trolls passing as both

>> No.2829512
File: 60 KB, 744x536, outlawed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no way this would see the light of day in today's super sensitive times.

>> No.2829520

It was even censored back then. In the SNES version, he was called Chief Wigwam.

>> No.2829521

I remember first seeing this intro on a cab in this really shitty sub shop my dad used to get dinner from in the 90's as a kid. I was pretty wowed over GRAPHICS and violence of two dudes scrapping on the screen.

That being said, realistically, and a lot more 'triggering' would be two black guys throwing down in the streets.

Anyway, shit like this from /vpol/ is pretty gay and gets on my nerves when shitposters like OP try and whip up and interject stupid racist sentiment where's it's not needed.

Like videogames.

Wonder if they realize they are basically the right-wing version of feminists?

One screams about patriarchy the other screams about dark skinned males.

>> No.2829525

Read that as Chief Wiggum and wondered "How the hell can they get away with that?" and then noticed the W and A

>> No.2829534


>> No.2829536

I highly doubt people would think this is that racist.

>> No.2829547
File: 207 KB, 850x1125, simpsons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Konami getting the most out of the Simpsons license.

>> No.2829564

It sucks that the game got pulled off of PSN and XBLA, and with Konami's current situation, will never see an official port again

Also, the Simpsons game had that one Japanese part which probably wouldn't fly these days... although, considering how wacky and how loose of an adaptation it is of the show, the whole game would have been a lot different if done today.

>> No.2829598
File: 1.18 MB, 508x379, SimpsonsFight.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you

>> No.2829602
File: 44 KB, 706x674, polio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SJW's and /pol/tergeists are very much the same, it's called horseshoe theory.

Each are awful persons.
Each are incredibly fucking annoying.
Each are radical and inherently authoritarian and pro-censorship.
Each can literally only look at the world through black and white, there exist no nuances or shades of gray, you're with them or against them, their opinion is right, everyone else's is wrong.
Each gets offended at fucking asinine shit and absolutely have to tell people when they do.
Each live in echo chambers.
Each have serious problems understanding why anyone would disagree with them and go through amazing mental gymnastics to try to explain it.
Each use skewed or fake research to present their case and perpetuate long-standing myths
Each use some kind of buzzword to try to deflect criticism or disbelief (Jew/MRA for instance, or privilege/degeneracy)
Each are incredibly bigoted
Each desperately propagates revisionist history

They are so insanely fucking similar to each other in behavior and modus operandi, if you just strip away the descriptive words. They don't have the same opinions but they think and act EXACTLY the same.

>> No.2829653

Kunoichi didn't dress like that you retard.

>> No.2829658
File: 391 KB, 1024x887, 1444537971317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thread posed a legitimate observation that does hold true today.
I think the reason you're triggered is another...

>> No.2829752


>> No.2829767

Shut the fuck up no one care holy shit why did you type all of that up

>> No.2829772


>> No.2829783

So are we going to talk about triggering games, or just keep on bitching about /pol/ vs. Anti /pol/?

>> No.2829786

Yeah but now it wouldn't even be in the game at all. Can't show a white man being mean to Indians.

>> No.2829893
File: 110 KB, 451x592, CustersRevenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised no SJW noticed this gem yet.

>> No.2829913
File: 42 KB, 639x477, ss2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Custer's revenge Remake

>> No.2830039

>Not only is this infamous release from Mystique a crude and unlikeable game, it is also a crude and unlikeable game in which you play as the historical character General Custer attempting to rape a native American woman who is tied to a pole. This grim theme is not some sort of commentary on colonialism, but intended as a piece of titillation, produced under the publisher’s “Swedish Erotica” label alongside other pixellated porn. “I just don’t believe that adults want to shoot down rocket ships,” said one Mystique exec at the time.

>> No.2830080
File: 254 KB, 600x500, 041289c2099e981f786f27a99f208b9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon pointed out that /pol/tergeists and Social Justice Kucks are very similar, I explained to him that this was Horseshoe Theory.

Predictably, /pol/ gets colon clobbered.

Are you angry? You should blow off some steam or something.

That was pretty infamous in it's day, feminists and parent teachers association were upset about it when it became known. Remember, there was NO copy protection for the Atari 2600, anyone who knew how could put together a game and sell it, so there was nothing stopping 'Swedish Erotica' (that's what they labeled their line of games, seriously), from being sold, god knows Atari tried to sue them, because that wasn't good PR for them.

I guess it can be interpreted as kind of offensive, because depending on how you look at it, this is Colonel Custer and an Indian in a rape scenario, but ultimately, it's on the same level as some shitty flash game you'd find on Ebaums. It's a dumb thing to get upset about.