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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2825058 No.2825058 [Reply] [Original]

I really miss 90s and early 00's computing

It was so much darker and mysterious, I had so many friends that I lost contact with because of how the web was setup, people would vanish without a trace. Growing up with no friends my only source of friendship was on the computer, I could easily find people relatable and similar to me, now that the web is full of phone posting scum it's impossible for me to find any sense of friendship. Computer science turned to shit, forums died along with every tiny community, and corporate ran matchmaking servers have taken over every game I once played.

>> No.2825069
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Believe it or not, it's going to get even worse in the coming years, :(

>> No.2825079

I don't.

I lost most of my childhood vidya friends to fucking Counter-Strike. We used to play lots of vidya together, of varying genres, and suddenly the faggots would ONLY play counter-strike. I tried playing with them for a little while but playing the same shit over and over just wasn't fun. Some of them played 12 hours straight or more. And they wouldn't play anything else.

>> No.2825081


I've seen you post your story before. My reply to you is the same now as it was then: you have objectively shitty friends.

>> No.2825085

At least he has friends.

>> No.2825089

or had

>> No.2825096


They used to be into lots of different games before, but suddenly the CS craze came in and they were just sucked in, I guess.

Anyway, a little while after I made new friends, but it still pisses me off remembering those times.

>> No.2825104

>all those sweaty shirtless dudes

Cripes, it must be 100 degrees in that room with so many computers running at once. And probably using enough electricity to illuminate Manhattan for a few days.

And CRTfaggots wonder why nobody wants their power sucking heat generators anymore.

>> No.2825107


>Anyway, a little while after I made new friends, but it still pisses me off remembering those times.

Oh well. Take comfort in the thought that, since they were shitty people anyway, if it wasn't CS it would have been some other shitty time sink.

>> No.2825120

I miss early 2000s chatrooms. Made tons of friends who are long gone. I still regularly chat to a group from 2001 and one guy from thepalace sent me his copy of the legend of zelda collectors edition then killed himself a few years later.

>> No.2825121
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Speak not the CRTfaggots,
Draw not the CRTfaggots,
Write not the CRTfaggots,
Sculpt not the CRTfaggots,
Sing not the CRTfaggots,
Call not the CRTfags' names.

>> No.2825157

The heat comes from those towers not the monitors.

>> No.2825167

the screen is like 30% of the heat generated more like the korean made PSU's and the sacks of meat inhaling and exhaling 99 degree heat every 3 seconds.

>> No.2825172

The real problem is YouTube. When the internet was slow enough that it was text only forums were the best place for information. People posted tutorials, people discussed things. Now it's just some faggot with a YouTube video because people are too goddamn lazy to write. The internet is becoming an extension of TV. People talking at you instead of to you. Not to mention the fear of getting anything and everything DMCA'd has really killed smaller websites. There used to be tons of fan run websites and smaller sites. Not the case anymore.

>> No.2825189


>Not to mention the fear of getting anything and everything DMCA'd has really killed smaller websites. There used to be tons of fan run websites and smaller sites. Not the case anymore.

I'm fully convinced the DMCA was the work of bitter old rich Hollywood Jews getting their revenge on a platform for daring to exist outside their control or influence.

With their hand shoved firmly up Clinton's ass to make his mouth move, of course.

>> No.2825207

i have a hard time remembering what i did online before like 2007

probably waiting for sites to load

>> No.2825213
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That room must really smell.

>> No.2825219

Before 2007 I barely had access to internet, we didn't even have a computer at home.
I visited the local gym every now and then, they had a free computer set up that people could use.
I spend a lot of time there looking shit up from video games, learning about the history and whatnot, it was a truly eye-opening experience.

>> No.2825248

LoL is the new CS, there are people who only play that, and I've seen friendships broken because of it.

>> No.2825250

This is less "retro vidya" and more "let me blog about why I'm a faggot that belongs on /r9k/"

>> No.2825251

I remember playing a lot of flash games, on Cartoon Network, Newgrounds, those random ass flash game sites, and Kongregate when it came out.

Fuck, I must've played more flash games than actual games.

>> No.2825261

ahh yeah youre right. I remember candystand for sure. Getting demos and strange shovelware from download.com when it was trusted. Finding out about roms and being blown away by their size, using gamewinners to get cheats.
I just wonder how I found out about these sites in the first place, i sure as hell didnt lycos them lol or maybe I did?

>> No.2825262 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2825273

I remember getting my hands onto a cd with a massive rom set for the SNES/SFC, that was really a changing point in my life, and what got me into retro games in the first place.

>> No.2825280

IIRC I trolled furries a lot.

>> No.2825282

lol ive had internet since 99, im 27 now. Not sure what youre getting at.

oof I wouldve killed for that, an older cousin burned me a good amount of the MAME/NeoGeo library. Had no idea about arcade games at the time since they werent on my side of the world and that fucking blew my world up. Especially classics I hadnt heard of like King of Fighters and Metal Slug

>> No.2825297

Anything that uses electrical power generates heat.

>> No.2825307

Man, those guys are /fit/. Nothing like the stereotype obese neckbeard.

>> No.2825310

>I'm fully convinced the DMCA was the work of bitter old rich Hollywood Jews getting their revenge on a platform for daring to exist outside their control or influence.

Spot on. Butthurt old men who didn't understand why the 20th century way of doing things was slowly become outdated. It's no different than Gene Simmons or Lars Ulrich whining about music downloads because they can't process that it is no longer 1985 and music is obtained by browsing the cassette rack at K-Mart.

>> No.2825314

Thums up if u were born in le rong generation

>> No.2825316



they're all skinnyfat

probably not obese because from some poor country

>> No.2825317

>probably not obese because from some poor country
I present to you: American "logic"

>> No.2825326

And CRTs generate a lot of it due to their high voltages.

>> No.2825327


don't reply to LCDfag. he's butthurt enough already.

>> No.2825336

That whole picture looks Slavic as fuck though

>> No.2825338

just high voltage on its own doesn't mean it uses a lot of power.

did you not learn Ohm's Law in school?

>> No.2825354
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>upset that your REAL LIFE friends spent time playing a good game

>> No.2825383


I spent tons of time on shitty forums and surging fanpages/shrines/webrings.

Goddamn I miss those days.

>> No.2825434

im sorry but I always see this Lars Ulrich argument and its retarded. Metallica encouraged the bootleg scene, going as far as to have a bootleg taping section in their shows.

The whole Napster thing was about someone taking an unfinished demo song (the mission impossible song that wasnt out yet) and putting it online without permission from the band.

>> No.2825493

YouTube is where all the DMCA action is. Small websites fly below the radar.

This is a very close representation of what I did in the 90s and early 00s:

>> No.2825510

wow geocities, wasnt expecting that to make me nostalgia so bad. Those web layouts make everything feel so cozy. Wonder what happened to geocities.

>> No.2825520

It's kill, but I think they archived the whole thing and made it into a torrent.

Japanese Geocities, or something called Geocities, is still around though.


>> No.2825565

I wonder why it feels cozy. Maybe it's the resolution? As in even at the average size of monitors then, due to the small resolutions everything would seem bigger. The sites would be adapted to that of course and much less space would be wasted on them.

Jesus, that thing feels 3D, everything just pops out against that background. And I just realized that's due to my glasses.

>> No.2825662

Those where the times when computers were wonderful and awe-inspiring machines which were gates to other worlds (the early internet also was like another world). Tech progress was very rapid back then, with much more efficient CPUs and other improvements coming out constantly (a PC bought only 6 months later could be significantly more powerful).

Around the time Vista and the iPhone came out (i.e. 2007) PCs and internet access became so ubiquitous that the everyday normie world swamped the once-magical realms of computing and progressively made everything bland, uninteresting and uninspiring. Actual progress slowed very much, quality of both hardware and software kept dwindling, and interesting ideas and real breakthroughs made way for a proliferation of gimmickry and dumbfoundedness.

>> No.2825734

for me the internet really turned to shit when twitter exploded in 2009, I remember every TV network, food branding, any piece of media was advertising their twitter on everything

>> No.2826950

My brother burned me a cd with hundreds of Genesis ROMs for my birthday birthday. Game changer indeed. Was cool before I had my internet connection