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File: 122 KB, 421x652, Lammy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2821853 No.2821853 [Reply] [Original]

What is your opinion of this rhythm game?

>> No.2821871
File: 288 KB, 640x800, Kaigetsudo_Chop_Chop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It appeals more to me than Parappa. That might solely be based on my musical tastes, but the amount of extra stages and variety of multiplayer modes made it feel more substantial.

But like Parappa, the amount of polish in the stages and style is a tradeoff for a pretty amount of content compared to its contemporaries.

I've heard the Sound Player is exclusive to the US version? If that's the case, it's an alright tradeoff for the censorship.

Rammy's character deserved a bit more development to explain her appearance in the later stages and multiplayer mode. The personality described in the instruction manual never really seemed to come out.

It can be hard to really get a sense of what the game considers "Cool" playing at times.

Vital Idol is a many better without any lyrics.

>> No.2821934
File: 692 KB, 639x964, why lammy is better.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lammy is better if only because free styling in UJL doesn't sound stupid. Parappa's free styling is atrocious regardless of the song.

>> No.2821961

I like it a lot.
I'm fond of parappa a little more though to be honest, but both are good games.

>> No.2822014

Considering I wasn't aware of both Parappa and UJL until a couple years ago, they are pretty good games. UJL definitely had more to offer than Parappa as far as multiplayer and the ability to be much more creative with cool mode. I personally don't find the songs that memorable, although the game does provide a decent amount of challenge. The story was a lot weirder than Parappa's, but that's not the reason I wanted to play that game in the first place.
Parappa on the other hand was a lot more simplistic: six stages and the unlockable cool mode that you get after beating every stage the first time. Songs were great, story was pretty lackluster, but at least it was more down to earth compared to Lammy's game, also the lack of multiplayer rap battles was unsettling imo.

>> No.2822017

>tfw no qt grunge/punk gf

>> No.2822028

Noooooooooo cutting corners

>> No.2822058

It's way better than Parappa. Far more replay value and better songs.

>> No.2822075

That art style makes me sick. And someone actually signed it.

>> No.2822116


>> No.2822314

I kinda like it. Why do you hate it?

>> No.2822334

I'd jam her lammy.

>> No.2822382

Is Parappa very strict or just shitty? I can't really figure out the timing and if I just keep my eyes on the timeline, it somehow works but doesn't feel in the rhythm of the track at all. I'm not very good at rhythm games but I played some notable modern ones on the consoles (gitaroo, osu, taiko) and didn't have problems up to mid-hard difficulties. Parappa feels just weird and broken in comparison to them, but apparently people hold it in high regards. Is this Lammy game any different?

>> No.2822472

I'd Lam her Jammies.

>> No.2822517

Amazing game. Much more content than both the parappa games combined.

The guitar just works better than rapping.

>> No.2822615

No strong opinion, because I never played it.
I just LOVE "Keep your head up". It's so fucking catchy.

>> No.2822645

Lammy feels significantly better timing-wise except for the fucking idol stage, holy shit, and it also doesn't seem to expect and demand that you freestyle like parappa seems to except for the fucking idol stage, fuck that stage.

>> No.2824073

same desu SENPAI

>> No.2824150


Parappa does all the same things in the same game

>> No.2824684
File: 474 KB, 1280x720, guitar-hero-3-screenshot-slash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd play a guitar hero remake of it.

>> No.2824690

I am absolutely horrible at the timing with both Lammy and the Parappa games.

>> No.2824721

Did I eat my drink?

>> No.2824731

I prefer it over Parappa and it's objectively better. Still I also love Parappa. Such a shame the 2nd Parappa was mediocre and I played it at same period I played the 1st one.

>> No.2824867

I thought milk was pink.

Lammy is great, used to play the shit out of it. I've heard that there are some issues playing the PSN re-release as far as input goes.

>> No.2824884

It's okay, I like it.
Never liked parappa that mucho though, it's probably the guitar.

>> No.2825553


>> No.2827396

Just picked that one up yesterday. Beat it, including all the coop stages with a buddy, but we couldn't make heads or tales of the freestyle/cool. How does that shit even work? I mean, sometimes I get cool mode to work, but it seems pretty random. I'd always had the same issue with parappa as well

>> No.2827486

You can pretty much just get through with button mashing. The last time I played UJL, I finished it about an hour while I was drunk.

>> No.2829740

You're banned from every game.

>> No.2829869

It looks like it isn't canon since the cutscenes have nothing to do with stages.

>> No.2831793
File: 109 KB, 670x360, J 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love the hell out of this game. Hooked-up a PS2 at the school that I teach at and found out that by today's rhythm game standards this game is HARD mode. However, the thing that I like the best is the story...It is pretty much how I metaphorically felt in junior high / high school. The characters are lovable and the 2D paper effect is still fresh. Also, the tunes will stick with you all day long.

>> No.2831809
File: 138 KB, 786x1017, J 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game was just about as 90s as you could get.

>> No.2832149
File: 466 KB, 1200x1600, umjammerarcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just play the arcade version?

>> No.2832525

I didn't know that thing existed. Anyway, the button layout is different.

>> No.2832807
File: 215 KB, 700x700, tumblr_nfacntQARx1rfouvlo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Far and away the peak of the Parappa series, awesome game. Great art, music, style, freestyling/cool mode ACTUALLY WORKS, really not much else to say. Apparently the sales were lacking and the difficulty was criticized for being too high, so Nana-OnSha shat out the very simplified Parappa 2 and put the series to bed. I wish Lammy was a blockbuster and we got more, I can't get enough of MilkCan and their fucked up story.


This might be one of the most obscure arcade ports in history - no footage, no dump, like three fucking pictures in existence. It also looks like it runs at a higher resolution than the PSX game, would love to play it.

>> No.2832831
File: 105 KB, 480x640, lammy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's one of it all lit up, UK talkshow host Jonathan Ross took this picture while he was in Japan about 6 years ago. I'm sure some arcade, somewhere in Japan still has one.

>> No.2833616

They actually did that

>> No.2833779
File: 13 KB, 256x192, youwannago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>No keysounds

What is this, amateur hour?