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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2761376 No.2761376 [Reply] [Original]

Ask Questions. Get Answers.

Cont. from >>2709772

Last thread went pretty well. Let's keep it going.

>> No.2761396

I failed to find a gameboy emulator for Arch Linux that can do full screen.

When I say gameboy I say gameboy, not GBC not GBA etc. It could emulate GBA or... but it MUST emulate Gameboy.

Can someone help me to find a decent gameboy emulator for Arch Linux that is capable of proper fullscreen.

>> No.2761414


sudo pacman -S vbam-gtk

Works great for me on i3wm

>> No.2761491

I wish diablo could run in DOS mode and by extension today in DOSbox on arm devices , oh well there's always the PS one version that can be emulated on arm.

>> No.2761679

It's nice people are getting involved. Hopefully the trolls stay away this time.

>> No.2761726

Shitty sound support.
And incapable of fullscreen. There are black borders when using it. I have a 16/9 screen and I want the gameboy screen to fit my resolution.

>> No.2761809


>> No.2761818

>Emulation General

>> No.2761828

Not when we're talking specifically about emulating retro games.

>> No.2761830

It does full screen. Nice.
It have correct sound. Nice.

>> No.2761834

Change your settings.

>> No.2761837

How? I put my fingers on many menu entries. And the rape never end.

>> No.2761849


download the wiki

>> No.2761850

RetroArch, then. I know for a fact its Gambatte core has an option (under Core Options) for turning colorization on and off. It will also do everything you could possibly want it to do regarding aspect ratio and resolution.

>> No.2761852

this^ It's why I recommended gambatte in the first place. I use it in retroarch. No issues whatsoever.

>> No.2761853


at this rate


>> No.2761859

He's gotten the correct answer already. Issue is him at this point.

>> No.2761861

Yes it would be perfect if raping my eyes was not mandatory. I could play with shitty graphics, shitty sound, but I will never play a game boy game with colors. If only I could find my Link's Awakening cartridge. I wouldn't need to rape my eyes. Gameboy color was probably one of the most useless handled. The only interest was to play gameboy games. GBC only games are shit.

>> No.2761865

I don't see where. Someone suggest me an emulator incapable of fullscreen. Someone sufggest me a gameboy color emulator but not a gameboy emulator. I'm still suck.

What happened, in the past I could emulate a gameboy in 5', but now all the decent emulator have gone. Maybe in few years people will think that Link's Awakening DX is the best version. Maybe. I'm scared.

>> No.2761872

install retroarch. Follow anons instructions.

>> No.2761876

I honestly just assumed gambatte had the option. It probably does somewhere. I know for a fact you can access it through retroarch. As was explained here.

>> No.2761879

All GameBoy emulators I know of also emulate GBC. And almost all of them have options to turn off the colorization so it's purely emulating a GameBoy.

RetroArch is what you want. Hell, if you so choose, you can even use shaders to roughly replicate the old GameBoy screens.

>> No.2761892

I will try it when I have time.

They often have the default to emulate a GBC and not a GB. Yes a GBC can play a GB title, but it's not the same experience than with GB.

I try the sld version instead of qt version. My eyes were not raped, but there was no real fullscreen.

Why is it complex to have a fullscreen emulator. Why? What happen to the world?

>> No.2761901
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>> No.2761904

It's old for me. Was the gameboy pocket a gameboy or a gameboycolor?

>> No.2761910

Regular GameBoy, just smaller, with a bigger screen that is a shade of gray instead of a shade of yellow/green.

>> No.2761915


It was an unofficial Game Gear clone that was only sold in china.

Try using www.google.com

>> No.2761917

Too lazy to use google.

>> No.2761940

upload everything!

>> No.2762452

Are there any emulators out there for specific systems that are better than the one's provided by retroarch?

>> No.2762453

How do I get shaders and borders in retropie? I've been too busy to go through documentation. Haven't even had time to import all my games or get neogeo working.

>> No.2762465

Off the top of my head:

Project64 - more compatible and with more plugin choices than Mupen64Plus
SSF - Shits all over Yabause in compatibility

Arguably ePSXe if MUH HD GRAFIX is important to you, otherwise Mednafen is better.

There may be a few other cases where the standalone version has a few improvements that haven't been merged into libretro yet. And of course the obvious case of standalones that have yet to become proper libretro cores, like Dolphin and Reicast.

>> No.2762579




>> No.2762920

Already tried. It doesn't force game boy mode.

>> No.2763039

Many of the proprietary ones are better at something, different ones are better at certain games. Much of it is personal preference and there is a lot I will trade for good shaders and easy set up. The only thing retroarch does is take some of the good emulators with shitty interfaces and make setup less shit.

>> No.2764410

It really does save time though if you like to play on a bunch of different systems. It's kinda nice to get all the setup done at once.

>> No.2764425

Is there any way to fix the crippling lag that ruins all the emulators on the Raspberry Pi 2?

>> No.2764453
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>Raspberry Pi
nah fuck that, just get yourself one of these they are cheap as fuck and can play everything up to dreamcast without any problems

anything is better than retroarch, just download individual emulators and get a frontend like maximus arcade or hyperspin

>> No.2764460


Pi is literally Radio Shack garbage.

>> No.2764580

Are there additional RetroArch cores I can add or is it what it is?

>> No.2764713


>uses arch
>doesn't have time

>> No.2764736

Not arguing that, especially with controller support. There are still a lot of older emus on windows that run the problem games retroarch doesn't. Some of that shit isn't open source because it was made on the sly by former console devs.

>> No.2765042

I'm new to emulating games. How does the raspberry pi 2 handle n64/ps1 games? I assume all previous Gen games work fine too right? Would you recommend getting a raspberry pi with retropie installed or not?

>> No.2765043

Someone got molested by a pi. At least wait till someone starts talking about one. There's no one here to take your bait. OP doesn't care what you choose to emulate on.

>> No.2765049

Like 60% of N64 runs well. The rest is crap. All of ps1 and the other consoles run well in my experience.

>> No.2765054

Ok cool. Is there anything of value in that 40% that doesn't work?

>> No.2765068

unfortunately yeah, golden eye, oot, dkc. It's not the kind of problem a better project board will solve either. I'd go with a proprietary emulator on your pc. Even then N64 emulation is far from perfect.

>> No.2765084

Oh dang that sucks, oh well, I'll probably still get one to play other stuff. Thanks for the info though!

>> No.2765160

Yeah there is one guy that pops in these threads from time to time and gets really defensive about the pi2 like he created it or something. I'm always mildly entertained when the autist gets summoned and goes on a rant about how great it is. I just like playing games. I started using the pi2 pic so people stopped creating threads specifically and only about the Pi2. It's worked so far.

>> No.2765163

Man, I thought Retroarch was just needlessly complicated, but it really works nice after the lengthy initial configuration.

>> No.2765198

Say I'm building a MAME cab. What kind of CPU am I looking for? I guess MAME doesn't rely much on GPU?

>> No.2765257

I've never tried to specifically build for mame. It runs nicely on my gaming rig but that's on the pricey side and since you're dropping it in a cabinet you're not worrying if it will play games like witcher 3. Hopefully someone with some experience on it can give you some better advice but when you go to build it these sites will help.



>> No.2765267


This suggests a high end one.

>> No.2765270

Towards the bottom of that link.

>Another thing to consider is a paradigm called "moving the optimization point". MAME's "sweet spot" is currently aimed at hardware with tilemaps, sprites, more than 256 colors on screen, and at least 2 CPUs, which is a common late-80s paradigm. Real-world examples of this include the Konami Twin16 games, the Sega X and Y boards, Namco System 2, Taito Z System, etc. It means that MAME makes more advanced games run faster at the expense of simpler hardware. The simpler hardware will work out in the end anyway due to ever-faster PCs (Pac-Man is very sub-optimal now compared with MAME 0.29 for instance, but almost any average modern system runs it with 100% speed).

>> No.2765287
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Hey guys, I'm trying to play some Bushido Blade on ePSXe 1.9.25, but the game has constant FPS drops and the sound is stuttering as all hell.
I've been using Pete's OpenGL2 2.9 since forever with no problems in other games but this one is too much. I've tried fidlding wiht the settings but no help. Pic releated is my system specs
And yes, I did switch it to use the actual GPU, not the crappy integrated one.

>> No.2765304

I'd give pcsx a shot at the game.

>> No.2765415

Yeah, that did it, thanks.

>> No.2766070

NP. Here to help if I can and learn if I can't. I haven't encountered a game yet on psx I couldn't emulate with pcsx.

>> No.2766120

Weird, i've played that game fine with way worse specs with same emulator/plugin.

>> No.2766152

Sometimes specific hardware can be bitchy. It's nice to have more than one option for emulation.

>> No.2766534

What's the best system that can be emulated by an ODROID C1+ without dropping framerates or fucked up textures/models?

>> No.2766551

I'd like to emulate some lightgun games, cheaply. Should I go with a Wiimote, a PS Move, something else entirely? Any recommendations?

>> No.2766584


Been wondering this myself... especially since the best way to play the original House of the Dead is thru emulation. Dumb Sega "losing" it.

>> No.2766625

Okay maybe somebody here can help me out. I'm trying to emulate the Famicom Disk System via NesterJ on the PSP. After I confirm the bios I get an "unsupported board" error when I try to load the roms. I've tried different bios, different roms, different versions of nesterj and none work. I've seen discussions on forums claiming it works so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here.

>> No.2766770

Does this thing have TV out?

>> No.2766773

Anyone know how to I transfer save files from retroarch on my PC to genplus GX on my wii?

I tried putting the .srm file from my PC onto the flash drive and sd card but my save files(I'm at Death Egg on retroarch) are nowhere to be seen in the file select screen.

>> No.2766814

Has anyone tried playing Tales of Phantasia(psx) and Tales of Eternia with rasberry pi?

>> No.2767296

I've used a Wiimote when emulating NES games on the Wii like Duck Hunt, Hogan's Alley, etc.
It was a fun experience as long as you turn off the crosshair. Otherwise it's piss easy.

>> No.2767690

What are some good USB controllers besides the 360/PS3/One/PS4 and retro imitation controllers?

>> No.2767732

Buffalo SNES retro gamepad. They're only like eleven bucks and work great. You can also just buy adapters off alibaba and use original controllers as well.

>> No.2767738

second this. plus they don't feel cheap at all

>> No.2767741


I have and it sucks shit just like all the crap emulators on pi.

>> No.2767746

I don't have experience with that emulator specifically but I'm quite good at making saves work, if you can hook me up with the save you have and a new one made by the Wii emulator for the same game (just at the start or something) I'll see what I can do.

>> No.2767749

Supporting this, got one recently and use it for everything from NES to GBA emulation on my TV. It's fantastic.

>> No.2767763

I'll fire it up tomorrow and let you know. I haven't encountered a psx game that didn't run perfectly fine yet though.
rolls eyes. I wish they guy you're trying to trigger would show up already. I could use a bit of entertainment.

>> No.2767786

>putting the Raspberry Pi in the OP again.

I would not recommend anyone get that for emulation. No model of it can run 5th gen games at full speed, it's a pain to set up controllers, and when you factor in storage, a power supply and a case, it's well above $35.

>> No.2767946

What software/drivers/what-have-you did you use?

I tried Glove Pie (pie? Pi? P.I.E.? I don't remember) but it relied on mini custom programs written for different functions. Couldn't find one that felt right with light gun arcade stuff.

>> No.2767949

I've been using a PlayStation to USB adapter for years. Supports most varieties of PlayStation controllers. Hasn't let me down yet, from the Dual Shock to the Street Fighter pad.

>> No.2768456
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Who /emulating on android/ here?

Currently only have My Boy. Games: Golden Sun 1+2, Pokemon Sapphire, and Mother 3.

The touchscreen controls really limit the amount of games you can enjoy. Games with quick precise movements? Out. Games with lots of multi - button inputs? Out.

But it makes for a good jrpg machine. Any other good systems or titles to check out?

>> No.2768457

It's gonna look terrible all stretched out anon

>> No.2768462

Fire Emblem (7) and the Advance Wars series is surprisingly fun

>> No.2768492

So, I just discovered /vg/ has their own emugen now, and it's full of stupidity.


>> No.2768509

Both are full of stupidity, just not the same kind of stupidity.

>> No.2768520


>> No.2768636

>The touchscreen controls really limit the amount of games you can enjoy. Games with quick precise movements? Out. Games with lots of multi - button inputs? Out.
>But it makes for a good jrpg machine. Any other good systems or titles to check out?

Spot on, man.

I tried to get into mobile emulation when I got my first smartphone. Touchscreen is a total game killer.

But as you said, it does work with some genres and styles. Try:

Anything pinball.
Seriously. Only needing one button per thumb is still totally enjoyable and doable.

The Picross games for SNES and Gameboy.

RPGs (as you already said)

Turn based strategy that isn't necessarily RPG related? I dunno.

>> No.2769000

Is there a way to fix that godawful bilinear scaling filter?

>> No.2769037

Both playing fine.

>> No.2769180

yeah, basically

epsxe seems to work pretty well for sound/visuals for most of the stuff I play; jrpgs/tactical seem to run smoothly with some

I just finished black matrix 00 and starting black matrix cross--anyone know any psx games with good voice actors?

paro wars: battle animation is buggy but you can just disable this. CPU takes a bit for their turns, but not really much longer than advance wars, easy mode is much faster.

>> No.2769190

There is, but you can barely notice it on the real thing.

>> No.2769414

for those who don't like playing emulators on your computer


>> No.2769789

Emulated... Incorporated...

>> No.2769794



>> No.2770013

Looks pretty legit.

Was thinking of getting one of those flash card gizmos for either DS or 3DS, but for the versatility, this seems like a more worthy investment.

>> No.2770017

>anyone know any psx games with good voice actors?

Sort of a given, but Metal Gear Solid.

When that came out it raised all kinds of bars for acting quality in games. At the time games would employ anyone willing to put on a silly costume or talk at a microphone... then came MGS in the middle of it all and played a huge role in making things better.

>> No.2770092

I'm looking to possibly get a Raspberry Pi 2. Does anyone have trouble with it or any of the software that goes with it? What's the recommended OS for it to use with libretro/retroarch?

For the other person in my household, how hard would it be for them to hook up a wireless USB keyboard/mouse and just browse the internet w/o fucking my shit up? I guess my questions come with a lack of knowledge on how retroArch will work rather than anything else.

>> No.2770112

Also, what are the alternatives. I could build a system that could easily run all N64 games, but it would probably end up costing at least $300 when all is said and done. More for GC/PS2/etc. Are there any other alternatives on the same price scaling as the RP2?

>> No.2770173

In order of best performance to worst, when it comes to RetroArch, it's basically Linux first, then OSX, then Windows. On the pi, you'll definitely wanna install a Linux distro of some sort. You can also install Android, but it blows for performance, which can be seen from how RetroArch runs on it.

As for an alternative, you could literally grab any old Core 2 Duo shitbox (laptop or desktop) from craigslist and it'll far outperform the pi.

>> No.2770197

Yeah I figured about the Core 2 Duo box. As far as OS's go, what distros work best? I was looking at Raspbian or Archlinux or maybe just Debian, is there much documentation on that or is it pretty much personal preference?

Thanks by the way

>> No.2770330

yeah it is mate, its only 160 USD. I bought one about 3 weeks ago and still hasn't arrived yet unfortunately :(

>> No.2770497

anyone use nuc's for emulation and home media crap? can anyone recommend one?

>> No.2770503

How long do I have to wait until there's an actually good chinese gaming tablet?

>> No.2770629

there already is one, the GPD XD

>> No.2770747

I got a RetroArch problem guys. Windows 7 x64 here (until I can buy a RaspPi or make a dedicated box for my TV).

Anyways, I have a shit ton of controllers plugged in and out of my computer on the regular, and at least 2 other people aside from myself use it regularly to game somewhat regularly while I'm at work. I have at least one xbox 360 controller usually plugged in. I also always (100% of the time) have a Mayflash USB adapter for 4 GC controllers plugged in. This adapter registers the controllers whether or not they are plugged in currently in Windows, which is where my problem starts. Finally, I often use a Buffalo USB SNES controller to play most of my /vr/ on.

I've set up RetroArch to use solely the USB SNES controller. It works perfectly fine whenever and wherever as long as the Mayflash adapter isn't hooked up. However, once it is, RetroArch uses the Mayflash adapter slots instead and the USB SNES controller isn't even detectable or usable by the GUI. I can't rebind anything to it or use it at all. Anyone know how I can remedy this with the Mayflash adapter hooked up? Thanks

>> No.2770752

Excuse my poor sentence writing in some areas, but I wanted to add that RetroArch prioritizes the USB SNES controller absolutely last, after the Xbox Controllers, Mayflash adapter (which seems to be prioritized first), and my bluetooth-connected Wii Remote (which again is listed whether or not it's currently connected).

>> No.2770761

Nevermind, fixed it. Just had to set the joypad to "4" instead of "0" in the config

>> No.2770765

DESU I only really have experience with the babby distros, namely Ubuntu and Linux Mint. Either one will work just fine, though I prefer Mint to vanilla Ubuntu. The XFCE variant (Xubuntu) also worked wonderfully for me. RetroArch works very well, especially if ran outside X in KMS. I get close to zero latency and very nice performance on even an old Core 2 Duo Macbook.

>> No.2770872

Ah. That's really good to know actually, I'm not going to bother setting up another Debian system if xubuntu/mint will run it fine lol. Thanks

>> No.2770881

xubuntu/mint are debian based.

>> No.2770968

Can it run any real operating systems or is it stuck with Android?

>> No.2771461

did you really not know what I meant

>> No.2771541

Hey guys, I have a question for those of you running RetroArch: how many input devices (controllers) can you hook up to your system and see in the input menu's "Device Index"?

I have 4 controllers in my system right now, but only the first two (joypads 0 and 1) register. I can connect the others via the configuration file but it's a pain in the ass to set up. I can scroll between the first two and the "disabled" option, but I can't get to the other two. If I unplug one, the third will show but still only two input device options other than "disabled". I'm on W7 x64.

Does this happen for everyone? I assume it's a bug.

>> No.2772128

What kind of controllers?

>> No.2772462
File: 2.37 MB, 2703x966, spyro emulation 32bit vs 256+dithering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone familiar with creating shaders for the Pete's OpenGL2 plugins for PS1 emulators?

I got this kinda fancy personal dilemma: I prefer my games to look "authentic", but when emulating, I'd also like to boost the resolution for clearer image.

Now, I've been doing fine with ePSXe and older the OpenGL plugins. With games like Silent Hill, I've used 16-bit color mode, color-dithering and Dot-Matrix filter to restore some of that typical PS1 dithery looks.

However, with the OpenGL2 plugins, the color-dithering option has totally vanished, and the Dot-Matrix causes various visual glitches as well all the sudden.
I wouldn't want to sacrifice the added benefit of the recently introduced GTE accuracy hacks and widescreen modes.

So, I was wondering how much work would it take to code a shader for the OpenGL2 plugin, that would take the 32-bit color image of the emulator, and turn it into dithered 256 color mode? Would prefer to achieve something like on the right-side of pic related.

was going to ask this same thing on /vg/'s emu general, but it died just when I was typing my post.

>> No.2772473
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Either way that dithering does not look right because it's not supposed to be scaled to 966p resolution.
I think outside of some rare cases like Silent Hill it's just personal opinion anyway. Stick to what you think looks better.

>> No.2772486
File: 893 KB, 1920x1080, sh1 - day_native_BladeSoft.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was actually a 1080p shot I grabbed from Google, and zoomed in 2x, just to show the intended effect better. I'm quite fine with how SH1 looks in its original form; hell I just replayed it once again on PS3 yesterday, on my 40" LED.

However, I do admit that the possibility of higher 3D resolution is very tempting. And when coupled with the PCSX-R + tweaked OpenGL2 plugin's capabilities of reducing the polygonal jittering and provide decently working widescreen, many of these games would look superb on modern televisions.

In case of SH1, however, the dithering is part of the visual aesthetic. It both adds to the mood AND helps it mask the environment's clipping in the darkness, which really isn't visible in the original form.

To put it short, I guess I'm trying to create the perfect "middle ground" for people who would prefer their PS1s to look like PS1 games polycount and texture quality-wise, but without the unsharp image of 240p or dancing polygons caused by inaccurate vertex placement.

>> No.2772565

Wait for PCSX1, it will have increased internal res and dithering, it's basically a fork of PCSXR with an fork of PCSX-ReARMed's NEON renderer that work on non ARM system.

>> No.2772593

sounds interesting. Hadn't heard of that one yet.

>> No.2774204

You likely need to edit a configuration file.

>> No.2774216
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What is so hard about integer ratio scaling? It looks crap because it is scaled wrong.

>> No.2774445
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How is this allowed?

>> No.2774449

The best part is some people actually defend it.

>> No.2774459

yes no hdmi though

>> No.2774461

how can someone defend this?

>> No.2774462

Zilmar has a few asslickers that worship the ground he walks on.

>> No.2774472
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> ,including the class action waiver


>> No.2774518

At least it's clear you can cancel the offer or cancel the installation. One time I installed this software that had a screen asking me to also install ask toolbar or something and the buttons were cancel, agree, and next. But next wasn't the next step of the install, no, the ad read "by clicking agree you agree to install this and make it your homepage as well. By clicking next you just install it." i had to exit out of that window and then was brought back to the rest of the normal install.

>> No.2774591
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So I went full retard an ordered a Raspberry Pi B+ instead of a Pi 2 B. I was comparing tabs at the time and I fucked up and didnt realise till I got it.

I only want to emulate 16-bit era and below, can I do that at full speed with the Pi 1 B+?

They accidentally sent me two kits, so now I have two of the wrong fucking pi's.

Should I just sell them and buy the Pi 2?

>> No.2774627

I had a pi B+ and used it for emulating 16 bit and below before the Pi2 came out. It worked perfectly fine for that but you still definitely want a Pi2. Luckily the Pi2 uses all the same peripheral parts as the Pi B+. It's 6 times faster and does all the PS1 games nicely with some of N64. I use my old Pi B+ as a CUPS print server these days. Make sure you order from element 14 or the other official site. They're more costly from resellers on amazon. Also be sure to use a Class 10 sd card. The samsung evo cards work nicely and are cheap. I think you should resell and get the better one. Also use the build from petrockblog. I tried lakka and recalbox and none run as nicely as that one. I definitely saw smoother graphical qualities with the Pi2 even with 16 bit games. I don't see any slowdown on the N64 games that work well or any at all on psx games. The best part of these project boards is that when you upgrade you can repurpose them. I just also built the magic mirror project recently and it is nice as sheet.

>> No.2774631

Yeah, I figured I'd want the Pi 2. At least I can re-use all the cables etc. I'll keep the Class 10 SD in mind.

Thanks anon.

>> No.2774632

The class 10 card really makes or breaks it in my experience and no worries.

>> No.2774637

Oh and done't forget to back up the sd image after you've configured it. It saves a lot of work to just reflash the card. win32 disk imager does this nicely.

>> No.2774683
File: 98 KB, 1000x1000, NewN3DSXL_black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got one of these
what's the best flash cart for the money?

>> No.2774787

Unless you really need 3DS piracy (I'm assuming you're mostly in it for the emulation): TubeHax

>> No.2774805

The former is what I'm after, I read that most flash carts only support up to a certain software version, how do I check that?

>> No.2774812

System Settings.
Although if your system is compatible with flash carts you can probably make it work with free CFWs with most of the functionality intact (maybe you can only install 3DS games in .cia format, not .3ds format).

3DS flash carts are more or less DRM keys (dongles) to make the hacks and CFWs the flash cart companies have made operate.
They could literally change a line or two of code in their hacks and you wouldn't need a card at all.

>> No.2774823

If by some miracle you picked up a console at 9.2 or below, you can install CFW and pirate right away.
If not, you're outside of the firmware range for Gateway so Sky3DS is your only option.

>> No.2775028

so my only option with 10.2.0-28U is sky3ds?

>> No.2775215


for pirating 3ds games? yes.

>> No.2775253

Playstation emulation, how do I do it?

I've got two emulators, Xebra and ePSXe, they seem to work fine. Sometimes I struggle a bit to get the music work, but eventually I work that out.
But good damnit how do I stop them fromt stretching every game to 16:9. I can change the windows size to a 4:3 resolution, but I'd like to play some games in full screen. Even when I tell Xebra that I want 640x480 full screen it ends up stretched. Help.

>> No.2775327

Go return it and find one sub 9.2. They're still pretty easy to find.

>> No.2775341

Xebra has/had a scale option somewhere that changes the output aspect. Press F12 in fullscreen to access the menu.

>> No.2775995


If I want a cheap emulation machine that ouputs to a crt tv could I just shove this thing in an old HP core duo box? Would it have the right interface and enough psu headroom?

>> No.2776029

So is respberry pi 2 just terrible at all kinds of emulation?
I kind of want to make a gameboy pi

>> No.2776092

I thought Raspberry Pi 2 was fine on like everything except PS2/N64/Dreamcast? Am I wrong? I was planning to make a lakka tv box or linux box w/ retroarch

>> No.2776360

It does like 60-65% of the N64 catalog nicely. Many essential titles such as dkc, golden eye, and oot aren't part of that. They play terribly. All of the PSX catalog and other systems it does nicely. Mario 64 and Mario Kart 64 are perfect. It performs exactly as advertised. JUst watch some youtube vids and use a class 10 micro sd card. Samsung evos are cheap and fantastic as I've previously mentioned.

>> No.2776371

you are correct. There are many things a Pi2 won't do well but the things it does well are properly documented.

>> No.2776447

Anyone have experience with Orange Pi?

>> No.2776449

Thanks. I'll keep that in mind. What OS do people generally run for RbPi 2? Retropie or something or just a linux distro with RetroArch?

Also, can it do shaders fine as well?

Thanks a ton

>> No.2776451
File: 149 KB, 801x603, start (fire).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I've had trouble with emulation for a good while now. I run my computer to a 42" flat TV using the generic monitor cable with all the pins, the TV happens to have the female end. I used to run everything fine. My dog walked on my keyboard one day and now I can't full screen properly. The resolution is always off. The image is always way off center. Here's the weird part. I've reformatted my computer since then. The problem continued. I am 100% positive I used to run all my emulators in full screen on the same computer and monitor. Also I thought I had everything backed up, but I didn't so now I'm only left with my NES emulator. I know the main page has links on where to get this stuff, but honestly those websites are so dirty. I'm still currently looking for a full sega collection of roms. ZSNES and a full collection of SNES roms, but really if you guys can figure out my fullscreen issue that'd be so cool!

>> No.2776457

PS1 won't work well either.

>> No.2776721

Cool thank you. Now how do I make the FMV's run fluidly?

>> No.2776726


How does the homebrew scene look right now on the 3ds? I have a NDS with the DSTwo and it's tight for nds, gba and nes. Everything else is shit, how does that look on the 3DS and are there any interesting homebrew apps for it?

To think of it I should try playing angband on the nds, shame I prefer the tiles and that's not ported.

>> No.2776894

I heard someone ported portal to it

>> No.2776906

What game is that?

>> No.2776931


Oh wow just saw it on youtube, seems like it should have emulators etc just fine.

>> No.2777079

PS1 is okay. Saturn on the other hand…

>> No.2777264

what do you guys recommend for me to play PS1 games on my PC?
ive tried epcxe and well...either it works and i just dont know how to configure it properly or its shit because a lot of games i tried to play on it end up with a WMM grainy filter over it and then crashing

>> No.2777617

What is the state of netplay these days?
Any emulators do it properly, can you play it flawless?

>> No.2777686

You might be having issues. I've never had ePSXe crash out on me, and I've been using it since 1.5.2. What BIOS did you pick? Post a screencap of your video settings as well.

ePSXe and PCXS-R or whatever the fuck it is called are the two plug-in based emulators currently being developed. Mednafen has a PSX emulation core that's very good, but it requires .bin+.cue format if I recall correctly. All three are more or less acceptable depending on the game and situation. If one doesn't do the game you want, try another.

Last I checked most everyone had given up on trying to make netplay flawless, and are just focusing on accuracy and compatibility now. Your best bet is to use the same old emulators with Killara or whatever it was called. And it still has the same desync issues it's always had.

Your other option is to play through one of those browser-based emulators, I hear people do netplay on those with some success.

Odds are netplay will never be flawless, since the emulated hardware expects neither player to have any sort of lag, and the games were never designed to deal with lag compensation techniques. Good luck.

>> No.2777705

There's the GGPO method, which RetroArch utilizes, that works much better with little lag and desync issues. Only drawbacks are that it's more resource-intensive, and can only work for two players.

>> No.2777730
File: 3.52 MB, 2880x2160, 1446514698889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thread it was posted in seems to be dead, anyone know what shader this pic is using?

>> No.2777737


There's a project called RetroPie on Rasbian that does a nice job of pulling together EmulationStation and RetroArch with a minimum of fuss. I have mine hooked up to my CRT and I think it's great. FBA runs a lot of my arcade ROMS full speed.

The advantage of the RPi2 over conventional PCs is that it uses very little power and is very small plus it has a native composite out so you can plug it directly to a CRT. But any old Core 2 shitbox will outperform it by like 15x-20x. Web browsing on the RPi is slow because of the limited processor and RAM.

>> No.2777751

looks like CRT-Royale

>> No.2778090
File: 26 KB, 561x437, FinalBurnAlpha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best FBA settings for authenticity"and the best for quality on a Multiscan CRT screen?
Also what resolution am I actually using if I choose "Single size" for fullscreen? The original arcade resolution i assume?

>> No.2778119

Maybe crt Royale with no halation or diffusion. For whatever reason that shader has the worst halation I've ever seen

>> No.2778392

I appreciate the answers.
Thanks guys.

>> No.2778434

>and turn it into dithered 256 color mode?

PS1's framebuffers are 15bit wide, from a 24bit source. I advice you to study the internal workings of plugins such as Bladesoft or Mednafen's internal rendering and see if you can get a shader to replicate that algorithm.

>> No.2778529

Question for pi fags who us CRT
Are you satisfied with the composite output? Anyway to get rgb or component out from pi?

>> No.2778564

Interested as well.

The Pi is said to have a decent composite encoder (better than the N64 at least, haha) but I've never experienced it since all my CRT only have SCART inputs and I was too lazy to grab two adapters (3.5mm jack on the Pi, and Shit-to-Scart on the TV).

For RGB, you'll need a HDMI-to-RGB downscaler. This might add lag.

>> No.2779248

I'm having a blast with the emulator avalible for the Wii. I've tried the SNES, NES, Sega and GameCube amulator. What are some other great emulator for the wii and some games to play. I prefer playing GBA on my PSP

>> No.2779253

Does anybody own this controller for emulation? Is it good? Bad?


>> No.2779480

I don't own that one but I have an iBuffalo and I can attest to it's reliability. I don't really use the turbo/clear, but everything else works perfectly. I taped two nickels and a penny to the inside of the case and now it even weighs as much as a real SNES controller.

>> No.2780049

Click the cancel on the left to skip the malware install.

It's bullshit, but mupen doesn't emulate conker well.

>> No.2780092

Seriously question, what's the point of using the pi for emulation when you can just install the emulators on your pc?

>> No.2780113

I mainly like the size. It boots right into my emulators when I click it on and I control everything with a wireless controller from my couch. I could install retroarch on a pc. I've certainly got enough old ones laying about. I just don't really like a lot of clutter about honestly. My old pi b+ is a cups print server these days. I've got another pi2 doing the magic mirror project. It's just a fun bit of kit really that you can repurpose to do other stuff.

>> No.2780127

Can anyone point me to either an English subbed (not dubbed) Ys IV rom, or a clean one (so I can patch it myself) for PC Engine/Turbografx?
Very tricky to find a download that says exactly what it is..

>> No.2780419

is there something like the buffalo for sega gamepads? I mean in terms of quality like how everyone seems to say the buffalo is the best snes clone controller.

>> No.2780701

Best methods for emulating lightgun games with authentic-ish controls?

>> No.2781112

I want to create an emulation box that boots up near instantly like those bootleg multigame NES systems. Is this doable somehow?

>> No.2781342
File: 28 KB, 320x350, Pinball Dreams II 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having an issue with Dosbox SVN Daum where it won't let me use both shift keys simultaneously. This makes pinball games completely unplayable as a result. Does anyone know a workaround?

>> No.2781384

It has composite out put to crts and emulating 2d games on a high-res lcd looks like crap.

Other than that, you're PC is most-likely a far superior machine.

>> No.2781446

Pi2 does that.

>> No.2781460




Bootup is still about 45 seconds on mine, using the stock Retropie 3.0 image. Sure, it'll boot up to the splash screen unattended but it's a very far cry from instant.

If anyone wants to call me out, feel free to post vids of your setup booting. I'd love to get it faster.

>> No.2781461

> I have a 16/9 screen and I want the gameboy screen to fit my resolution.

It's horrible anon, those games aren't meant for 16/9. Having the black border is golden i don't know if you're trolling or not ?

also gambatte

>> No.2781485

It's linux. I think I've actually rebooted mine twice since I set it up near the beginning of this year. I just change the input and bam it's there. Obviously don't leave it in a game. I just leave it in the emulation station interface.

>> No.2781618


I just taped 10 pennies to the inside of my iBuffalo, now it feels fucking great. Thanks for the tip, anon.

OEM Controller weight: 72 grams

iBuffalo starting weight: 61 grams

iBuffalo modded weight: ~92 grams

>> No.2781624


I am also interested in this. I have one of those $5 ones from ebay on the way right now, will let you know how it feels when it gets here.

They also make mega drive -> USB adapters so you can use your actual old pads, but I haven't tried one.

>> No.2781628

there is already an emulation general on /vg/

just making sure you are aware, considering that it already has copypasta and a large following

>> No.2781635

its barely noticable which makes it all the more confusing that it is a fucking default. it makes everything blurry as fuck and strains your eyes

>> No.2781812

Is this a joke or is there actually room for coinage inside the controller. I'd like to give mine a bit more heft as well.

>> No.2781856


No, I'm not memeing. There is room for some coins around the bottom parts where your hand grips it, it did take some trial and error to find spots that wouldn't interfere with the controller closing.

It's sort of complicated for me to take pictures, but I'll have a go at it just 4 u bby

>> No.2781876
File: 274 KB, 960x720, IMG_0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Opens with 5 phillips #1 screws on the back, though you might need a narrow driver since two of them are recessed fairly deep.

I used my ifixit screwdriver set which takes 1/8" bits as compared to the more common 1/4" ones.

>> No.2781883
File: 283 KB, 960x720, IMG_0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As you can see, there's the timing crystal and some crap in the way in the middle. With the weights solely in the bottom it's a little bottom-heavy, but tends to be canceled out by the weight of the cord. I still might try to find something to weight the top as well, I think the heavier the better.

Oh and I put two little hearing-aid sized lithium cells in the center of those big supports cause I had them laying around,

>> No.2782594

Now sure if this is the place for flashcart discussion, but does anyone know of a save patch for Donkey Kong 64 that doesn't add a scene intro to the start of the game?

This is the only game with an intro on my everdrive and I need it gone

>> No.2782627
File: 729 KB, 799x600, 1395897616508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how the fuck I'm supposed to play multiplayer games over the internet on epsxe? I spent days trying to figure it out months ago and I forgot about it until now.

I really REALLY want to play some Battle Hunter with my skype friends who have never heard of the game.

>> No.2782628

Any good SNES-clone controllers for the new Apple TV? That thing is going to be awesome for emulation.

>> No.2782676


8bitDO controllers are supposed to be the best bluetooth ones, though I don't own one (kinda pricey at $30). Don't own an applel tv either for same reason so no clue about USB, bluetooth input methods etc

>> No.2782959

Do rom carts for actual consoles go here? I don't wanna make a whole thread about it.

I also wonder what kind of carts are available for GBC. I'd like to play pokemons without worrying about a battery taking out my save.

>> No.2782979

They are emulation. I don't see any conflict.

>> No.2783269


Just buy any old cart off ebay, trade yourself any good pokemon and replace the save battery before you start your own file.

It literally takes 5 minutes, if you don't own a soldering iron then find a nerd friend who does and buy him a six pack/ $5 each to do all your carts.

Alternative is to just suck it up and pay ~$30 for a cart on ebay that comes with a new batt already installed.

The pokemon games are one of the few series that I exclusively play on actual hardware because I enjoy the trading/battling aspect and GB/GBC flashcarts are still like $80-100

>> No.2783278



Oh and I forgot that even good flashcarts STILL don't have RTCs built in, so even if you shell out for an everdrive they're really only good for R/B/Y.

R4s (and clones) work fine for the DS ones though since the DS has the RTC built in.

The real carts can be pricey but if for some reason you end up wanting to sell them they retain their value very well. Accounting for inflation they've dropped a little bit but their nominal value is still basically the same as the day they were released.

>> No.2783881

Thanks for that. I honestly thought it was a joke. Opening my controller now.

>> No.2784397
File: 1012 KB, 2960x1728, emulationInfoGraphic1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shillberry Pi is an inferior emulation choice and I feel sorry for anyone who thinks differently.

>> No.2784847

>implying modding a Xbox, Wii, or PSP isn't neckbeard material to begin with

>> No.2784852

don't have one but i am considering the pi because it's so small

>> No.2784880

That's a terrible reason when you consider you'll have to use a TV or monitor.

>> No.2785096

so you don't have to add on another large device to an already large device?

>> No.2785138

Why is the pi said to be slow as shit? Isn't it capable of running all the emulators at full speed?

>> No.2785329

Yeah I've got a DS that's falling apart and a flash cart, I might end up just doing that. Even though I feel like a dirty cheater playing with a backlight.

>> No.2785341

Several of the notable emulators that run on it are either very old or stripped down. Take MAME for instance. The version that runs on the Pi is from 2001 and about 130 releases out of date. The general consensus is that any post 2004 laptop would outrun the Pi in most areas. One exception would be h.264 video decoding, since the Pi has a hardware decoder for that.

The Pi is basically a crap, low power toy that people seem to gush over and recommend primarily because of the price and this perhaps understandably triggers a few people.

>> No.2785358


Depends on your expectations. I bought my pi2 after seeing some videos of Mario Kart 64, but what they didn't tell you is that it and SM64 are pretty much the only games that are somewhat playable.

If you go into it just looking for the mainstream 8 and 16-bit platforms, it's great.

Also every PSX title I've tried (10 or so) has run literally perfectly, but I've only dabbled a bit and didn't get to any parts where I had to change discs. Apparently it's possible, just a hassle.

>> No.2785578

Just use Recalbox. You'll have a set of emulators that are known to work great and won't even ever have to mess with a configuration file. Retropie is a mess compared to it.

>> No.2786226

I'm in the process of using Retropi to turn my Raspberry pi into a retro game station, and I've got a couple of questions for anyone who's done this:

1.Can the memory stick I put roms on have anything else on it, or does it need to be used solely for this?

2. How does saving work i.e. do you use the in-game save system or savestates?

>> No.2786482

My setup is Lakka and Raspberry pi 2 -> composite -> CRT
Looked okay but the colors are a bit faded
Is there a better way? HDMI -> S-Video (through SCART) sounds so retarded but I really want a sharper picture. What can I do?

>> No.2787146

1. Yes. You can use it for other stuff. Run the setup to create the directories for the roms first. IDK that you have to persay but it seems logical to do so. I have a whole other folder full of Movie isos I run through kodi.

2. You can use both which is nice if you need to cut your session short and aren't near a save point.

>> No.2787151

It's worth the setup time. I've used both. Retropie is much quicker and snappier due to the user configuring it for precisely what they need. A lot less excess crap runs in the background with retropie. All the emulators work great on retropie except the N64. People have been saying they are "stripped down". Well in a sense but you have more control over them than the stand alone versions thanks to the retroarch interface.

>> No.2787154

You are so desperate to troll you created an infographic. My sides. You can't "shill" a nonprofit product. Kek? Is it fucking my wife? Maybe I should have made friends with the retron instead. Also this is just emulation in general. We talk about all things emulation here.

>> No.2787157

*kek? not kek.

>> No.2787159

word filters. damnit.

>> No.2787201

What does the user configure that makes retropie run less excess crap in the background? Also updating is a hassle compared to recalbox

>> No.2787613

All sorts of stuff. One example is the keyboard. By specifically picking and configuring one it isn't running a detection script each time. I've disabled the script on mine that tries to auto detect controllers and have them directly set up. The idea behind recalbox is to have it just work and it is better for a casual user. The idea behind retropie is to create a specific and thus faster build for exactly your needs. Retropie let's you emulate ten more systems than recalbox. Both are fine but saying recalbox is better than retropie is like comparing apples and oranges. Now someone will try and tell me the emulators are out of date. These emulators were created with help from the original devs. They all run great. People say they are stripped down. In one sense they are but for good reason. You have a deeper level of control for all of the emulator cores through retroarch and a more consistent configuration experience across them.

>> No.2787678

Try using Pete's OpenGL 1.78.
The OpenGL2 versions are way more demanding for some reason. I can run any game at 1200p, smoothing, filters and all enabled with 1.78, but on 2.x, I gotta stick with 1x resolutions and no fancies.

>> No.2787706

same problem pls help

>> No.2787809

Why go through all that hassle. Just run it through any halway decent hdmi led tv. I turn game mode on on mine but it honestly makes no observable difference. You've got enough filters, shaders and whatnot to make it look however you like.

>> No.2787827

hey faggots,

the new osx dev build broke bluetooth so i can't use my ps4 controller to emulate. so i was thinking about buying a psp again or 3ds to emulate. i know how to do the psp shit perfectly, but what's the most painless method to get emulation working on the new 3ds and how can i spot which 3ds version to buy?

>> No.2787837

You load 1 file off a memory card for wii and psp lol

>> No.2787839

psp can't even do super nintendo. Can wii even do PSX? Both are gay options for inbred retards dat can't maka computah werk.

>> No.2787841

Yeah, that's the exact same process to get Recalbox running on a Pi 2, what's your point

>> No.2787846

I forgot but does recalbox expand it's filesystem to cover the whole memory card? It's been a while since I set it up. This gives sd cards longer lives

>> No.2788186

The problem is I don't have a TV with HDMI input.
The only monitors I own is a shitty VGA I use for my computer and a small CRT TV for the pi.

>> No.2788229


Do other things you connect through composite look faded? Do things through the coaxial input appear normal? If you're getting a clear picture on stuff going through your coaxial I'd try a rf modulator. It converts composite input to coaxial. This one's like 9 bucks.

you can find one's that do s video as well. like


There are cheaper models with good reviews but I've used the steren one's and can personally attest to the quality. Nice sturdy metal casing as well.

>> No.2788454

No it doesnt do psx. Can kekberry pi emulate game cube and play wii ?

>> No.2788670


>> No.2788961
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup /vr/
Anyone know of any PSX emulators that I can use as an alternative to Emipsx for my windows phone?
Or some way I can get Th full version of the app for free?
Any help is appreciated

>> No.2789006

How well does Dreamcast emulate?

Does it have lots of bugs like Gamecube?

>> No.2789013

Emulating Time Crisis

I fucked loved this series in the arcade. Never played it on a console before.

>> No.2789036


My fucking i5 cant even do gamecube to what ai feel is an acceptable level. Haven't even bothered with my pi

>> No.2789039


what's your lightgun setup like?

>> No.2789047

I need some help with Dreamcast emulation. I can't figure out Chankcast because the manual doesn't work and it doesn't detect any mounted games and also I can't configure controls.

NullDC won't detect my controller

>> No.2789052

Nigga what i5 u got

>> No.2789056


A controller because I'm gay

I have an actual light gun for my Dreamcast but I don't own time crisis on my Dreamcast

>> No.2789059

Oh my god, trying to emulate PSX, Dreamcast, or Gamecube or PS2 is not worth it

>> No.2789064


3210M, Intel HD 4000 graphix :^)

I mean it's definitely *playable*, but the random drops down to 45 fps in Super Mario Sunshine kind of kill it for me when it's supposed to be a fast paced game like that. I guess I could try fire emblem

>> No.2789072

I bet its a laptop. Sounds like the problem is your crappy integrated GPU.

>> No.2789095


yep, it's my kuckbook pro :^)

I'm not too mad about it because I knew what I was getting into when I specced it out.

The point stands though, it's about 10-40 times better than the pi (with it's fucking horrible PowerVR), so if my mac can't handle it there's no way in hell the pi will.

>> No.2789265

No but my computer can with dolphin :)

>> No.2789709

Don't use, ever.
>NullDC won't detect my controller
Damn, that sucks. If NullDC isn't playing nice, try Demul.

Hit and miss. Most games I play run flawlessly, but I can't seem to get RE2 to run on any emulator.

>Oh my god, trying to emulate PSX
Easy as hell. Get emu, get bios files, put in right folder, do some config, go.
Easier than PSX since there's not as many options.
Easiest of all, Dolphin is a fucking breeze to config.
A little tricky, but if you can use google then you can do it. Do yourself a favor, never attempt to emulate arcade games, it might kill you.

>> No.2789909
File: 1.08 MB, 1024x896, RetroArch-1111-130353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best shader/filter and why is it posphorluts shadowmask shader?

>> No.2789912
File: 478 KB, 1024x896, RetroArch-1111-130701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My God, zoom in on that beauty

>> No.2789976

shouldn't that have scanlines

but otherwise it looks dope yeah

>> No.2790047

How's N64 emulation on the Pi2? Improved?

>> No.2790050

Eh. It's crappy. I manage to get games to run with like 50% success but generally not the titles I want to play. It took me forever to figure out how games that need different rumble paks or whatever they're called to play.

>> No.2790056

Same hardware, same emulators, same deal. It works well for some games, many other not.

What's it take for a nigga to get a good looking shader?

I just want that, but with less vertical "scanline" and more horizontal scanlines. Royale looks overexaggerated and trashy, this doesn't have the scanlines, and ezmode or whatever it's called is good at the scanlines but shit at everything else. Jesus

>> No.2790128

Just get WADS on the Wii and play the games on Nintendo's own emulator.

It's much better than any N64 emulator ever released.

Probably since they have the source code?

>> No.2790146

>It's much better than any N64 emulator ever released

Laughable. It's not even a single emulator, but rather a bunch of emulators specifically tailored around emulating one particular game. And they're not perfect, just good enough to get the games in a playable state without obvious glitches. The only games it currently plays better than PC emulators are Pokemon Snap and Mario Tennis, and GLideN64 is close to solving those games' issues for good.

>> No.2790163

F-Zero and Ocarina of Time plays much better.

>> No.2790164

literally what game doesn't run better on wii vc than PC

>> No.2790193

The only issue OoT had on standalones is the menu subscreen delay, and GLideN64 has already fixed that. Not sure what's wrong with F-Zero X.

It's more like some games have inaccurate or missing effects, like the Vanishing Cap effect in SM64. I also recall something about wrong lighting or corona effects in OoT.

>> No.2790218

So it's pretty much similar to what I used on the original Xbox back then a decade ago?

>> No.2790836

I'm trying to get some wads for dolphin VC but fuck if I can find the ones I want.
I actually have some legit Virtual Console games and saves on my wii that I want to transfer to dolphin but I don't know how I would go about doing that. When I plugged in the SD card with the games on them all I get are four letter folders with a bin file in them.
How do?

>> No.2790954


My problem is that the games I want to run on Gamecube are the ones that have the glitches

>> No.2790965


Just buy the games. Dolphin gets all kinds of shit wrong and is a great example of why high-level emulation sucks ass.

>> No.2790969


That's what I'm doing

I got fed up with Dreamcast emulation and just bought the actual games

i accidentally broke a power stone disc

>> No.2790971


Of the consoles you listed, only the PSX has an accurate emulator. Find mednafen, a good front-end, and locate a source of Redump/Tru-Rip verified images and be happy.

>> No.2791343
File: 1.02 MB, 352x288, 1351739827856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /vr/!

I've been recommended to play Tactics ogre on the PSP

So I'm emulating it, but which version is better, EU or US one?

>> No.2793084

I like the US version. Didn't know the EU version was different.

>> No.2793515

Does Raspberry Pi 2 model B emulate SNES/PSX flawlessly?

Can it use shaders well enough on these systems too? Looking to use Lakka Tv

>> No.2793543

>using VBA M and VBA Link
>Want to trade some pogeymans
>Everything works fine until the actual link is established
>the leader remains at normal speed
>the joiner drops to 66% speed
>speed mismatch forces a D/C

Any way to fix this?

Gonna try and recreate it on blue/red

>> No.2793561

idk about lakka but retropie does it perfectly. The games are full speed and I see no difference from the originals as far as gameplay goes. Plenty of shaders as well.

>> No.2793565

Got a question about controllers. PS3's is a hassle to get working on a PC because motioninjoy and all that BS and I *thought* the PS4 one was just a plug'n'play but apparently you need some shady homemade drivers to get it to work too. So that brings me to the 360. Can I just take the thing out of the package, USB it into my computer, and play on emulators/Steam without having to do literally anything else? Would the analog sticks also work?

I mainly want one that will work on Steam but it would also be incredibly nice if the controller worked for all the emulators since right now they're all on an old machine with the motioninjoy pseudo-spyware which I don't want to put on my new computer.

>> No.2793601

Awesome. I think Retropie uses a few RetroArch/Libretro cores too so I'm sure performance is pretty similar.


They're either plug n play or just require a Microsoft driver for it, depending on the game/emulator iirc. Just find those Microsoft 360 Controller drivers are you're good to go on 99% of everything (as long as it supports the controller)

DS4 works for me with a tool called DS4Windows. I have to hardwire it with the original charger cable for the controller or else I get bad bluetooth lag (weird cause my wii remote w/ motionplus works fine), but hardwired works fine after some admittedly shit configuring.

>> No.2793618

I'd have to buy a PS4 or 360 controller so 360 is definitely the cheaper option. I see I can get a wired for one $20. Are the drivers easy to find? I mean you just gotta install it once and be done right? The main thing is I want the analog sticks to function, because with the PS3 and motioninjoy they don't.

>> No.2793651

Yeah, they're on Microsoft's website. Just google "Xbox 360 controller drivers" and it'll be the first one.

Analog sticks work 100% fine by the drivers, it's up to the software you're using as to whether or not you'll be able to use them. Most emulators I've used recognize and use them just fine.

>> No.2793657

And if you're using something like RetroArch, there's an option to force bind DPad to an analog stick, so you'll be able to use them there like that as well if there isn't easy native support from the emulator.

>> No.2793698

Thanks, I'll go with that then. I usually just stick with the 2D gen emus but it would be nice to finally be able to play some old N64 games which is pretty damn hard with no working sticks.

>> No.2793768

If you want to play 2d games get a bufalo snes retro controller as well they're only like eleven bucks. The dpad on the 360 controller is that bad. Any retro game that uses the dpad is unplayable with it imho. People even go as far to mod the controllers to make it less shitty. Use the 360 controller for ps1/n64 and the bufallo pad for all the older stuff.

>> No.2793995

Should I switch to RetroArch on my phone? Can I convert my saves and states for it?

I don't think it's worth using multiple emulator apps.

>> No.2794236

What makes the dpad so bad? I've never used one.

>> No.2794410

Mushy, Awkward. Does diagonals well but it's just weird. Especially due to its location on the controller and how awkward it is to have a thumb there for an hour. Feels cramped

>> No.2794815

I would say that the main issue is accuracy. Even pressing down is sometimes down right or down left, etc. Once you use it for a 2d sidescroller you'll see how useless it is.

>> No.2794820

Works nicely. I'd recommend it. Not sure about converting save states though. A little more initial configuration but it's nice to be able to play whatever when you want without hassle once it's done.

>> No.2794849

Ur mom

>> No.2794854

The same ones the Pi2 does well. Everything but N64. There's no discernible slowdown on either for the other systems. I'll be changing kit boards when they start doing PS2 well personally.

>> No.2795019
File: 3.00 MB, 384x239, 1417961920385.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've got this arcade stick for a few weeks now and I want some good fuken games suited for the stick.

So far I've been playing donkey kong which works great.

Preferbly recommendations up to 5th gen since, lol 1 stick.

>> No.2795025

That gif was soooo long and pointless. I feel as I've been trolled by the gif alone.

>> No.2795484
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>Windows phone

>> No.2795640

Damn, that sucks. Would an Xbone controller be better? The d-pad looks more standard. They're a little more expensive but I think some are on sale for Black Friday. Or if you know any other controller I can just plug and play I'm open to suggestions. I just want to be sure it'll work on Steam too and have working sticks.

>> No.2795662

Xbox 360 controller's awesome if you just wanna use the analog sticks, it's just the dpad is pretty shit. DS3/4 is much better as far as Dpads go, but I'm not sure about it's compatibility with steam games. I don't have any experience with the Xbone controller, but for simple games on Steam (To the Moon, Trails in the Sky, Undertale, etc etc) I have an iBuffalo 8 button USB SNES controller that does great. Just wish the turbo/clear buttons were programmable.

>> No.2795664
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I've heard it's better but not great and I don't personally know myself. It honestly couldn't be worse than the one on the 360 at any rate. That dpad is the worse I've ever used and I had this off brand snes controller back in the day that would give me blisters on my thumb with it's pointy dpad edges.

>> No.2795691

For clarification, if you're primarily looking to play Steam games with something, a 360 controller will do better than pretty much anything else just cause of it's compatibility to everything. It will just suck for /vr/ in my experience

>> No.2795778

A 360 controller will suck for anything and everything that requires exact dpad usage. Every control but the dpad is great. It depends on the game and not the platform. I use my old 360 controllers and the bufallo snes pad for my retro gaming on Pi2. I use my ps3 controllers for everything steam on the computer and have no real issues. (Granted I only play linux compatible steam games and am using different drivers) I've been thinking of using my ps3 pads on the Pi as well. It would save some switching.

>> No.2795961

Is there a huge difference between US and EU versions of roms for the majority of games? I used to use coolroms but now on emuparadise they have multiple versions of each rom and I'm not sure which is best.

>> No.2795971

Apparently you can 'fix' the dpad on the 360 controller by opening it up and putting a washer in there. Depends how much you're willing to tinker though.

>> No.2795987

i REALLY doubt its even possible, but,.

is there a service or place besides the obvious options like ebay, craigslist, etc where i can get a pcengine case only? i dont care if the system doesnt work at all.

i really like the design of the complete original pc engine cd (PCE, CDROM, Interface unit, not the DUO), and i would like to make an odroid/ intel PC stick pce console case with that.

if theres none, is there an alternative to shapeways or other 3d print sites to start designing/ modelling one myself?

>> No.2795990

Meant to link this http://www.instructables.com/id/DIY-Fix-the-d-pad-on-the-Xbox-360-control-pad-mor/?ALLSTEPS

>> No.2796078

I've always heard EU versions run slower, but I'm not sure if it's just certain games, systems, or all of them. I try to pick the US version because I am US so it's more "authentic", unless the JP version is leaps and bounds better (like CV3). But yeah I'd like to know too what the differences are.

>> No.2796165
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I've read up on it before. Trying to fix it is apparently like trying to plug a sucking chest wound with a band-aid. It's marginally better but still a shit experience comparatively.

>> No.2796385

You don't need motionjoy for DS3 (thank god). You can get SCPdriver (I believe that's what its called) so you don't need to use that chinese malware crap.

Also Dualshock 4 does work out of the box with most emulators. You do not need to install anything. Installing DS4windows will generally make things easier though, and it adds things like touch pad support and control over the lightbar.

You can always get a 360 controller but the d-pad is garbage so I don't recommend it.

>> No.2796392


I got one of the receivers that's advertised as"official" (not actually official) xbox 360 recievers. Plugged into my mac, held the button to sync and it worked fine. No drivers or anything needed.

I don't actually use it much at all since the iBuffalo snes pad has a 1000x better dpad

>> No.2796397

European games run in PAL format, which means 50fps instead of 60 and a slightly higher resolution than NTSC. Most games are made with the NTSC standard in mind and are later optimized for PAL formats. Some games are not optimized for PAL formats and as a result, run slower than the NTSC version.

>> No.2796398

Weird. Mine came with the controller.

>> No.2796582

Controller guy here, I checked the Buffalo and it looks nice. My only concern is some people said it doesn't work with Steam too well. There's some 2D games on there I'd like to play, but otherwise it looks good for emus because all mine are on my old PC with Motionjoy on it. I want to bring them all onto my new one but I don't want to deal with MJ.


Never heard of it but I'll check it out. DS4 doesn't work with Steam out of the box though right?

Anyway I might just end up buying a Buffalo for my emus and something else for 3D ones. I was looking at an F310 from Logitech. It got pretty good reviews even though it's basically the same d-pad as a 360, but some said it was a little better. I would like to play KoF 98 UM and XIII on Steam but if the Buffalo can't do it then I don't know.

>> No.2796607

Don't be misled by logitech. You're right. 360 for 3d. Bufallo for everything else. If it doesn't use a toggle then bufallo can do it. If it does then the 360 is fine. There was a brief gap btw toggle and dpad. Spyro was released with only the dpad yet it emulates brilliantly with the toggle. I maintain the PS3 controller is the best all around.

>> No.2796823
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Logitech is no good? What do you mean by toggle?

I saw this beast and it looks like it could do everything at once, but they seem to be out of stock everywhere. No idea if it's Steam compatible though, but it says its licensed by Microsoft so I assume it'd work.

>> No.2796828

I have this. The two rightmost buttons are shit and get stuck all the goddamn time. Huge disappointment, as I was hoping to use it for fightan gaems.

>> No.2796837

That's really disappointing. I'd ideally like to find something that could let me play SFV on PC and I'm so used to d-pads. But they're like $55 used so yeah, the search continues.

>> No.2797391

I honestly have no idea what I meant by toggle. I was pretty drunk last night.

>> No.2797484

After installing SCP/DS4Windows, your DS4 will be recognized as an X360 controller. I play all of my steam games with it and they work just fine after installing either of the two.

The F310's dpad is shit. If you're into fighting games, you'll hate using it. After a few minutes in KOF2K2UM, I went and got myself a DS4. Never regretted it.

>> No.2797593

I'm trying to play N64 games but where ever I go PJ64 downloads are stopped by chrome because it says it's malware any suggestions on where to download a good N64 emu?

>> No.2797608

Try mupen64 or mupen64 plus.

>> No.2797848


>> No.2798136

Anybody know where I can find the right PSX Bios files for Mednafen (retroarch)?

>> No.2798141



you want PSX_Bios_SCPH1001.zip

>> No.2798230

Do not listen to >>2798141. That BIOS will not work for Mednafen. Use the SCPH500x files from this pack:


>> No.2798293
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Any GB emulator capable of handling this baby by now?

>> No.2798342


>> No.2798795

Not that I've seen. Higan can't handle it without massive video glitches, VBA-M latest dev build runs it at 1000% speed for some odd reason, and VBA-M's latest public release has the same issues as Higan.

No ZAS yet. Possibly never since no one really seems to care about original Game Boy emulation.

>> No.2798865


>> No.2798983

Just tested, has video glitching.

>> No.2799654
File: 196 KB, 1024x768, gauntlet-pcb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure this fits entirely the topic but I'd ask just in case:

So let's assume I want to have a morally acceptable rom collection of my favourite arcade games, there are several ways to this approach.

a) Buy the PCBs and dump the games.
b) Buy rom collections sold by current legal holder.
c) Purchase home versions of the game that are fairly similar or even superior (but never inferior) even if you don't have the machine able to run the game so you have contributed to the dev/holder and have an actual license to play the game at least.

I'm interested in c)
How shady do you think this approach is? I think it's kinda fair.

>> No.2799661


Notice that what I want to do is still use roms, not the purchased copies.

>> No.2799679

I would say the moral thing to do is buy any game that you still can, and if it's not then find a way to support the original company if it still exists.

Purchasing old and used games doesn't support the publishers and developers in any way whatsoever. There is nothing more moral about buying a cart of Earthbound and playing it than playing a ROM you downloaded.

I don't like everything about the guy, but back when some of Tim Shafer's games weren't available on GoG and the like, his advice for people wanting to play them was to pirate and then buy a t-shirt or something.

I think that's a pretty fair way to do it. Give back some way to the company if they're still around.

>> No.2799681

Option c is technically illegal. The original roms would be considered different software than the new releases. It doesn't strike me as immoral but the law is what it is.

>> No.2799714

I just bought a dolphin bar on amazon, it maps your wiimote as a mouse, has it's own builtin functional bluetooth receiver for the wiimote and it's usb. About to play ( I know it's not retro) portal with it later since the accuracy is so good.

>> No.2799724

use a second SD card with raspbian on it to use it as a pc, but I LOVE using recalbox on mine (www.recalbox.com), emulates everything from vectrex to PSX and works with ps3 controllers and a bluetooth usb dongle, and had a builtin scraper for box art and game info, and opens smb shares/WinSCP ftp support on your network to upload roms.

>> No.2799725


I don't care much for legality as I care for doing a morally sound thing. Still I have decided that I will only emulate games I have purchased or dumped the roms myself.

Very litte of them.

>> No.2799738

But you do understand that buying a retro game doesn't help the company in any way at all. Getting it used is already no more morally sound than pirating. Either way, you're playing a game without supporting the developer or publisher.

>> No.2799750

After some googling and downloading various emulators, KiGB is working for me. No flickering, just smooth backgrounds. I don't like the emulator though.

>> No.2799758

Need an ouya alternative since the ouya is now canned......

>> No.2799784

PC not a good enough alternative? Anyone who didn't know the Ouya was doomed from the moment it was announced has their head in the clouds.

>> No.2799798

I don't know much about the Ouya but if you want to emulate, just do it on PC. You could also get a Wii, those are real cheap and easy to mod, emulators are decent (not flawless though) and you get to play Gamecube games too.

>> No.2801265

>Irritated with retroarch.
It works good, now. But setting it up wasn't very self explanatory. It should come with an explanation about the gpu sync and frames shit.

>> No.2801512

So, I'm looking for some shit to pad my xmas list with besides books and movies, because my family refuses just gibe money.

What systems have controllers that are different enough to warrant getting adapters/USB modded controllers, and who makes the best ones for each?

I'm thinking N64 and 6 button Genesis so far. Maybe the iBuffalo SNES controller for nostalgia's sake.

Is there anything like this that doesn't suck?

What are the best options right now?

>> No.2801523

N64 games are so much better to play on the 360 controller. The d-pad is garbage but the games on that system never really used it anyways.

>> No.2801529

I have the iBuffalo SNES, it's great. Only way it could be better is if it was available in the NA configuration (convex purple/concave lavender).

Growing up with an NA snes my thumb doesn't feel *quite* right resting on a convex Y button. I tried to swap out the buttons from an OEM controller but they were different heights so it didn't work.

I tried the one-port USB adapter, total shit. Apparently the drivers for it only work on winblows, on my mac and linux setups the down and right buttons don't work.

Other shit I've tried:

USB N64 controller - total garbage. Only the horizontal axis is actually analog, the vertical axis is digital (fully on vs fully off). I think the chinks tried to cheap out and get by with using a micro with only one ADC.

to be cont

>> No.2801537

why not ps3 controller via scp?

>> No.2801539

It's probably just as good. I just went with my old 360 controllers because it's what I had. They never lubricated the sticks on the original N64 controllers sold in NA so they are almost all shit these days or in need of repair.

>> No.2801547

Mayflash USB N64 Adapter - 4 stars. Works flawlessly with my OEM controllers, only weird thing is that the two slots show up as players 1 and 3 instead of 1 and 2 like you'd expect.

USB 6-button Genesis Controller - 3 stars. All buttons work, have to press super hard to get the start button though. Much lighter than original pad (sort of acceptable), also much smaller than original pad though, which is not acceptable to me. Games are playable but everything feels kind of cheap and second-rate. Might be acceptable at $3 but I paid $10 so a bit disappointed.

>> No.2801550

i have both. ps3 is superior. xbox dpad sucks bernie sanders balls. but xbox 360 has rumble support.

does anyone know if you can do rumble with scp and ps3?

>> No.2801637

This looks genuinely good for fucking Game Boy.

>> No.2801639

I literally never tought of emulating Earthbound/Mother.
Which Mother should I try first? 2 or 3?

>> No.2801652


Three has some reveals that won't do a goddamn thing for you unless you play 2 first.

>> No.2801673

Is there a properly working emulator for the wonderswan on psp? Seems like they all run slower than they should. I wanna play Guilty Gear Petit..

>> No.2801824

stopped coming with it circa years ago

>> No.2801827


yet there it is

>> No.2801829


you can buy controllers without them as well.

>> No.2801858

This is the first time I've seen shaders and borders that made the game look better. Normally every shader I try just makes the game look like shit.

>> No.2801959

I never tought the games would be connected in any way.

>> No.2802138

Hey /vr/.

Are there any consoles/pc pre PSX that still doesn't have an emulator (or it has one but it's closed source and dead and shit at the same time)?

I'd code one,

>> No.2802142

N64 emulation is pretty shitty. I'd work on that.

>> No.2802158

I have my Rpi2b overclocked to:

ARM 1000
core 475
sdram 450
overvoltage 2

and it's running games like metroid and ninja gaiden at 58FPS on Nestopia in Lakka TV. Is this normal? I swear I think it runs SNES games better.

>> No.2802160

pre psx means also pre n64.

and anyway, n64 has a couple of emulators that run perfectly most popular games, and cen64, which is cycle accurate. so there is no point in bothering with it for me

>> No.2802191

>Is there anything like this that doesn't suck?

That pic is basically the Bone controller but with two more buttons on its face. Any major store has a Bone demo set up, go try it out.

>> No.2802212

I commented out the overclock and now the NES games and PSX games run at a cool 60 frames in pretty much everything, but now some SNES stuff is lagging more than normal (Star Fox cutscenes, the Earthbound fight with Starman Junior, etc).

Is this indicative of the power source not outputting properly?

>> No.2802259

Super Game Boy's emulation is pretty bad whenit comes to music.

>> No.2802302

>Super Game Boy
sounds nice, but i thought it only plays gb games? what's the point of emulating it?

>> No.2802308
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Dumb question, but are these red roms broken or something else? I can't select them and I think I have working versions of each in my list.

>> No.2802312

It enhances certain games made for it. Giving games color, single cartridge multiplayer (up to four even) and 16-bit sfx/music.
Here is an example of music.
And a good write-up of the whole thing.

>> No.2802330


my raspi experience got a lot better once I built my own power supply with a cheap stepdown board off ebay. I tuned it to ~5.3 v, so now even after cable losses, overclock etc I don't get that stupid colored square in the corner and THPS2 doesn't stutter.

>> No.2802359


>reading an article about one of my hobbies/interests written by a female

>wow, this girl actually knows what she's talking about

>turns out to be a tranny


literally the only exceptions have been Joanna Rutkowska and Jeri Ellsworth

>> No.2802365



>> No.2802370

could be a bad dump or just not working in the emulator yet

>> No.2802597

When will N64 emulators not be garbage?

>> No.2802796
File: 738 KB, 3200x1080, 2ec27959c7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to run VBA/VBA-M in fullscreen on my second monitor? It just slaps back onto my primary monitor. Really want to be playing it on my 4:3 monitor to avoid wasting too much screen real estate.

>> No.2802837

What is this sorcery and where do I get it.

>> No.2802839

There's simple solution to the problem:
Droidpad like JXD s5800 (beats PSP in terms of customability of experience due to android) or an attachable bluetooth controller of which there are many.

>> No.2803065

When the faggot making cen64 will step it up

>> No.2803069

Not them but I think this is what you're looking for: http://libretro.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2991

>> No.2803667

Yeah but then you look like a dork, and I can't imagine emulating on Android when I'm home alone.

>> No.2803834

I'm looking to get a MAME machine running, but I'd like to have it in a situation where it can:

1) run without internet
2) start up and enter MAME without needing login credentials, etc.
3) preferably using free software.

I'm thinking a Linux distro might be best for this, but will that still support the games, arcade stick drivers, etc.? Also what would be the best distro and emulator and front-end to go with in that instance?

I'm not super versed in Linux but I'm familiar enough with the basics of packet management and the like that I feel I could scramble that together.

>> No.2803842


>> No.2803852

1. Linux
2. Linux but change settings to not require credentials to log in
3. http://mamedev.org/ but I'm sure there's probably something already in the software catalog if not that already.

Just google some setup guides. There's a billion out there.

>> No.2803912

i'm finally going to get into emulation after my old pc engine died on me. no interest in trying to mod a new one.

what are the most accurate and best emulators in retroarch for all the popular consoles?

>> No.2803918

Retroarch is prebundled with emulators. The most you'll have to do is download the bios for certain systems. Just look at retroarch's list if you want them individually.

>> No.2803920

bsnes/snes9x next for SNES
nestopia UE for NES
Mednafen for PSX
VBA Next (maybe?) for GBA
Gambatte for GBC/GB

>> No.2803925

What's the URL of that one ROM site that was made by a tripfag? Is it even still alive?

>> No.2803928


>> No.2803959

Thanks. Might as well get the roms there instead of planetemu. Fucking sick of the french shit anyway.

>> No.2803972

>no ps2

why even bother

>> No.2803993

Not advocating the site. Someone just asked what it was called. This covers everything and more than is on his site.

It's where he got all the roms from. I was in the thread and told him about it. Apparently the 2013 collection is better. Some kind of error with the 2015 upload.

emuparadise? Never heard of planet emu. Sounds sketchy.

>> No.2803994

Are RetroArch shaders resolution dependent? I tried some on my 1440p monitor and shit was buggy as fuck.

>> No.2804004

I've yet to come across any problem files in the 2015 collection but people say there are some. So idk.

>> No.2804005

does no intro 2013 have ps2?

>> No.2804008

No but emuparadise does.

>> No.2804010

there isn't a no intro for ps2?

>> No.2804012

idk, there might be. Just search archive.org

>> No.2804018

there aren't any accurate ps2 emulators, that's why.

>> No.2804020

Some are ok for certain games. No solution that does them all well by any means.

>> No.2804021

Best emulators for these systems?


Gameboy Color
Gameboy Advance


>> No.2804023


>> No.2804025

idk about best but I certainly know I'm not going through the hassle of setting them all up individually. That's why I use retroarch.

>> No.2804032

Kega Fusion

RetroArch (or maybe just ePSXe)

Project 64 2.x (without malware preferably)

>> No.2804035

Are these correct?

Genesis Plus GX for Genesis

Mednafen for PlayStation

Gambatte for Gameboy / Gameboy Color

mGBA for Gameboy Advance

Nestopia for NES

bsnes for SNES

Mupen64Plus for N64

But what about PC-Engine? Apparently RetroArch only has Mednafen PCE-Fast.

>> No.2804043

The best solution would be to just install retroarch. If you come across a problem game then try a different emulator.

>> No.2804046

>nigger asks for which emulators to use
>there's like 10 different emulators for each system in retroarch

never change

>> No.2804054

GB/C = GANBATTE + bgb (for super gameboy borders and link cable)
N64 = PROJECT 64 1.6+2.2 (game depended) + dolphin wii emulator with virtual console wad (game depended)
NES = Nestopia Undead Edition
SNES = Retroarch with Higan balanced core or bsnes classic (fork of Higan)

>> No.2804056

>Retroarch is prebundled with emulators
I thought you have to download cores individually? I remember the wiki page saying so.

>> No.2804079

RA doesn't come with the emulators, but you can download them in the frontend and it's so easy they may as well be preincluded

>> No.2804097

not really. More like 1-3 tops and you can slect whichever one works best for each game.

Some script just grabs them all for you.

>> No.2804775

What are retroarch nightly builds? Are those test builds?

>> No.2804790

Mainly for the collaboration of the devs. So yes. Go with a stable build instead.

>> No.2804798


>> No.2805046

If I just want to run just a single snes emulator should I bother with retroarch?
Also I read the proprietary emulators sometimes have malware ads and bullshit but I read retroarch is free of all that nonsense so should I just run retroarch to make sure I won't have to deal with malware?

>> No.2805048

If you want to run the most accurate SNES emulator, I do recommend RetroArch, since the origin of its more accurate SNES core, higan, has you jump through a bunch of unintuitive nonsense regarding game folders and other shit.

However, if you are looking for a straightforward interface with simple drop-down menus that you'd find on most other Windows programs, you may want to take a look at Snes9x. Another alternative would be bsnes classic, which is as accurate as higan, without any of the weird shit its author added onto it in the past couple of years. RetroArch still beats it in overall features, but its interface is... different, to say the least.

>> No.2805052

Ok so if I run retroarch with higan, I won't have to deal with all the folder bs and unwanted bloat nonsense right?

Also am I right in that retroarch has no installation and you just unzip it, dl the higan core and play out of the box? If so then I'll just use retroarch.

Thanks in advance

>> No.2805058

Indeed. I will recommend that you use the bsnes-mercury-balanced core, as that is faster than the vanilla bsnes core, and has a few extra core options, such as SuperFX chip overclocking.

Keep in mind that, just like higan, to play special chip games it requires that you obtain specific files, which must be placed within the System folder. These can be found in the Emulation General wiki, in the BIOS section. You can get around this by enabling HLE special chip emulation in the bsnes-mercury core options, though it sacrifices some accuracy.

>> No.2805085

Emulators running in RetroArch have the best timing and A/V sync, and lowest latency (if everything is configured correctly).

>> No.2805130

>(if everything is configured correctly)
How do I go about doing this? Is this just setting display settings in relation to your monitor or the emulator's core settings?

>> No.2805748

Trial and error mainly. Depends on your equipment. The default settings work fine for most people. You can always tweak it and get it a bit better. Just learn what the various settings do and test them. You can always just reset them to default if you mess things up.

>> No.2806283

I don't use lakka but the retropie build has emulation settings built in. I went with the ones that wouldn't violate the warranty and everything plays great (except N64 of course where the games are hit and miss.)

>> No.2806289

*I meant to say "overclock" settings not emulation.

>> No.2806416

I fixed it up, thanks. Not even overvolting it and it does EVERYTHING great at a steady 60

>> No.2806560

The overvoltage was my main concern. My only thoughts were why?

>> No.2806728

I have a raspberry pi laying around. Thinking about retropie but have some questions:

-Can it output 240p over composite?
-I've heard people complain about input/display lag. Is that just because they're using an LCD, or does it really just lag?

>> No.2806746

Composite is composite and has its options.
HDMI is HDMI and has it's 720p options
New tv or old tv it works nicely.

>Why are your panties in a bunch?

>> No.2806748

What the hell, kid? You answered nothing, then attacked me like I just offended you. What's wrong with you?

>> No.2806760

ok then.


>no. use a modern led with gamemode (if you need to... no one does). It works nicely on my lcd as well.

>> No.2806789

I think it had to do with my original overclock settings and the under-powered (1.1A) power source

Switched it out and set it back to stock clocks and tried it from there, overclocked a tiny bit to 60 smooth and now I'm gucci

>> No.2807265

yeah, back that shit up.
if on OSX or linux...

dd if=/dev/sda of=~/pathtobackupfolder/retrobackup.img bs=1m

sda is dependent on result of diskutil list (osx) or fdisk -l (linux)

Also, it will backup the whole size of your sd card, so if you got all greedy and bought a 32gb sd card, even though your roms only take up 2gbs you're backup is gonna be 32gb.

>> No.2807440

Put the roms on a usb drive and only keep the os on the sd card.

>> No.2807567

I'm having a hell of a time getting arcade roms to work on my retropie. RomCenter is claiming some have missing files but even the ones that don't aren't working.

Do I just google and download every missing file (for example, avpex.03d for AVP, 29f400.u2 for Third Strike are listed missing in RomCenter, jjm000.chd is listed missing in the emulator) and dump them in?

>> No.2808095

>Do I just google and download every missing file (for example, avpex.03d for AVP, 29f400.u2 for Third Strike are listed missing in RomCenter, jjm000.chd is listed missing in the emulator) and dump them in?
SFIII3 is complaining that you have the CHD but NOT the ROM file, JoJo's is complaining that you don't have the CHD file, and AVP is looking for some files present in the older (pre-0.92) mame rips of AVP. Your solutions are as follows:
1.Go download the jjm000.chd file for JoJo's from the Internet Archive mame collection of .chd files, place it in a folder named "jojoba".
2.Go download the SFIII3 ROM from the Internet Archive, place it in your roms folder.
3.Either hunt down an older romset that has those files, or upgrade to a newer version of mame that isn't going to look for those files.

>> No.2808101

I should clarify, solution 3 is for the AVP problem, not the other two games.

Also, the jojoba folder should be in your roms folder.

>> No.2808150

Does link cable emulation actually work for Gameboy Advance? Is there any link cable emulation for NDS emulation yet?

>> No.2808170

This is helpful, thank you.

Is there a concrete way to tell what type of thing it is that I'm missing in other cases? A missing chd is obvious, how can you tell that a .u2 and .03d are missing roms?

>> No.2808541

what do you guys think of this? https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/34683765/the-starforce-pi-electronic-tabletop-mini-arcade

I usually use real hardware so no idea how well Raspi runs. Particularly interested in running mame off it. think it might be ok?

>> No.2808563

It's so tiny !

>> No.2808685

Well, in addition to romcenter, I also use www.mamedb,com. I usually just run it through romcenter to find the problem, but if I have issues then I check out the entry on mamedb to see what files are missing. That's how I found out you're using an older version of mame, since the current version of the AVP romset doesn't even have the (xxxx)x.0(x)d files.

My standard method is to stick the rom of whatever game I want to play in my roms folder, refresh romcenter, and check color. If it's green, I'm good. If yellow, I may need to generate a few files, or merge files from other roms. If red, then I find the red files and google them, looking for either the base ROM or the BIOS files needed. I've only had a handful of games not work, and that was all due to mame just not being capable of emulating them yet(Naomi).

>> No.2808707
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>> No.2809117


>have a silent Pi in a cute little Pibow case, not much bigger than a deck of cards, with a simple, unified, all-in-one emulator package, that has hdmi out so I can sit on my sofa and enjoy games in comfort in my living room
>suggests buying a crappy old wheezing windows machine the size of a fucking child and stressing over installing everything piecemeal, and sit there sweating as it gets as hot as a dog in summer and fills the room with the noise of its jet engine fan

Top advice from /vr/, as usual.

>> No.2809129
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My sides.

>> No.2809146

>anything is better than retroarch, just download individual emulators and get a frontend like maximus arcade or hyperspin


This is the way to go without a doubt. Retroarch is cool but requires just as much fiddling as Maximus - and if it really comes down to it, you can use both on a Windows machine.

Max Arcade is something I don't think I'll ever abandon!

An even smaller, gamecube-sized PC is totally affordable today, too - especially if you've invested in retro/emulation culture enough that you'd spend any money on a pi, everdrive or waifu-box.

>> No.2809151

>just get a bigger piece of junk that runs just about the same anyways, it's better!

>> No.2809153

That's all I heard.

>> No.2809248

original audio track version does NOT have on screen text for those scenes, thus the need for the fandub. and do your own google work, lazy piece of shit.

>> No.2809334

How seamless is a Wii emulation setup? I wanna hookup something to my TV to fuck around and play Gamecube games but I don't wan to break the bank. Is there anyway to start up the Wii without the motion BS? Anyway to get my extra SSD working with it without using USB 2.0?

>> No.2809358

Whats the best way to get a video signal other than HDMI out of a pi? Prefereably VGA and component or composite. I'd like to hook it up to my CRT TV for the moment, and then chunk it into a mame cabinet with a CRT monitor at a later date.

>> No.2809364



Just need one of these. It has component output already.


>> No.2809367

meant to say composite

>> No.2810146
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I've watched the vids comparing the odroid and the pi2. I've looked at my buddies pi2 and the picture quality isn't like in the youtube videos. It's much better with its basic overclock settings. Is it worth getting the Odroid over the Pi2? Are there games the Odroid plays the Pi2 won't?

>> No.2810349

Should I play Silent Hill on PS3 or on Mednafen?
But Mednafen looks fugly. How about PCSX reloaded with HD and widescreen? That's more like what I was looking for, not accurancy.

>> No.2810370
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You be the judge.

>> No.2810416

Which is which?

>> No.2810450
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>> No.2810454

Which is PCSX. Right or left?

>> No.2810465

>PCSX reloaded with HD

>> No.2811262

A friend hooked up a raspberry pi for me last night, and while I'm competent enough to navigate to the game I want or configure a controller, I have no clue what I'm doing when it comes to Retroarch. All I want is to be able to savestate, I must be missing something in my thickheadedness.

>> No.2811271

you might need to edit the hotkeys in a config file. select + r1 saves for me and select + L1 loads. Select + square pulls up the retroarch config menu.

>> No.2811303

bootmi → homebrew channel, or patch the main menu.

>> No.2811429

Would a pc with these specs be able to emulate ps1 and n64 games well?

Intel® Core™ i5-5250U
Intel NUC5i5RYH motherboard
4GB Kingston DDR3 1600MHz

I saw a cool mini-pc setup with these specs and would rather buy a prebuilt without having do dick around myself.

>> No.2811432

I've got retropie working on my Raspberry Pi 1, and games work but there's quite a bit of slowdown and choppyness.

Does anyone have experience with this? I've heard about overclocking but I don't currently have a heatsink so I don't want to burn it out. Or is this just because I have the 1?

>> No.2811452

I'm also now having the issue that roms I put on the usb stick aren't showing up in emulation station. Christ I wish I had more than an extremely basic knowledge of linux.

>> No.2811461

PS1 sure. My gaming rig that runs witcher 3 at its highest settings still fucks up on a bunch of N64 games. All the emulators for that system are shit. N64 is always hit and miss.

>> No.2811598

You don't ever need a heatsink. The pi2 doesn't get hot enough. There are built in overclock settings that don't violate the warranty. I think "super" is the setting that I chose if memory serves. There is a command to scan for roms but I can never remember it. There's a script that runs ever 2-3 boots I believe that scans for them. I always just go ahead and restart it a few times and they'll show up.

>> No.2811631

I want to play some older games. mostly PS1 and Snes games. I have an old PS2000 that I recently remembered was still around the house. Would that work, or should I invest in something else?

>> No.2812108 [DELETED] 

What's a PS2000? Some computer model or playstation device? A quick google search didn't really tell me.

>> No.2812112

psp doesn't do snes. It's all slow and broken if you try.

>> No.2812150

I've got the previous NUC model and it does N64 and PSX just fine. Well, in N64s case not really but that's just how it is.

>> No.2812196

not true. depends on the game. i played clocktower and zelda on psp snes all the way through without slow downs.

>> No.2812304

Are you using retroArch on some OS or Lakka TV, the dedicated OS for it?

You should be able to go Settings > Input and set "Menu Toggle Gamepad Setting" to either L3 + R3 or L1 + R1 + Down + Y to get to the RetroArch menu in-game. From there, you're at the quick menu and can savestate, load state, set up shaders (not gonna work well on RPi, but something simple like scanlines does alright).

My Pi 2 runs everything up to SNES/PSX/etc at a perfect 60 fps, with somewhat minimal overclocking (no overvolt).

A heavy Pi overclock might be able to get your desired results, but I'm not sure

>> No.2812357
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I recommend a decent class 10 card. Also, when it comes to overclocking, if you want to be safe, go medium and no further. SuperFX games will lag a little bit on an Rpi1. Walmart has been selling these cards for around $17

>> No.2812362

What shader?

>> No.2812406

Cheaper on amazon. Go with the samsung evo cards.

>> No.2812571

Trying to load Rondo of Blood in pcenjin.

None of the BIOS files I've configured work, running the .iso file gives a black screen and a crash if I try to do anything; but they give the run screen when I load the .pce bios manually. Does it need a specific filename?

>> No.2813703

That seems plausible but you might just have it in the wrong folder as well.

>> No.2813717

This may help.


? Maybe idk

>> No.2814120

I know someone will want me hanged for this, but how do I get Cave Story to work in Retroarch? I've scanned the folder a dozen times and no entry appears for it.
Also, when I try to play any coleco vision it crashes and when I try pacman (From the downloadable games) nothing shows up.

>> No.2814236


>> No.2814237

Same process regardless of what you're running retroarch on.

>> No.2814246

File directories may vary

>> No.2814506

It didn't appear (I guess in windows you have to have Ports in Retroarch's main folder?) but I launched the file directly from doukutosu.exe, and it crashes when I press Start.

>> No.2814898

My advice falls short of windows and mac. It should be common sense. I won't purposely rape myself.

>> No.2815764


>> No.2816885
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I'll look into it tomorrow. Got the week off. I'm a perpetually bored lonely guy with nothing to do so it's whatever.

>> No.2816887

Also not the guy you were talking to. Assuming this is him he's a complete nutball.

>> No.2816895
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Any recommendations for a GBA/GB emulator for android phones?

>> No.2816901

Gambatte works pretty well on linux. Not so sure about android.

>> No.2816903

Oddly enough I run linux and you just helped with that, thank you.

>> No.2817009

Has anybody checked out emulation on the Alienware Alpha? Lately I've been doing tons of splitscreen Steam games with my co-workers in our hotel room just fine but for some reason Dreamcast, PS1 and N64 can hardly run on the current Laptop without hitching or having "echo" sound effects.

>> No.2817072

I have a Pi2 too and Lakka installed but goddamn the PSX games jitter. A few questions:
• How do I overclock (even if it's "somewhat minimal")?
• Where do I put the BIOS? And which should I use?

>> No.2817084

I have a Pi2 too and Lakka installed but goddamn the PSX games jitter.

IDK about lakka but everything ps1 runs smooth as butter with retropie.

sudo raspi-config select overclock and the Pi2 setting from the menu.

Bios for retropie




>> No.2817086

Also make sure you use a class 10 sd card. It's important.

>> No.2817108

For Lakka, just take the SD card out and put it in your computer, open up the configuration file (config.txt I think) and it mostly tells you from there. I forget the exact settings I use but I'll post them for you after I get home. I've never had a problem with mine, even at 1080p it runs everything I throw at it smoothly, and only lags on some superfx games (starfox is smooth 60 in all gamrplay).

There's a certain folder structure you have to obey for bios, I think you drop everything in the "system" folder in the main directory, regardless of what bios it is

>> No.2817112

raspberry pi outputs at 720p. It can't do 1080p

>> No.2817175

You are full of shit. Of course it can do 1080p.

>> No.2817385

How good is Pi 2B for arcade games (CS3, MVS)?

>> No.2817997
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He's right bro.
>Stream and watch Hi-definition video output at 1080P


Shitty troll just making shit up.

>> No.2818806

Long story short:
I want to upgrade my phone during Black Friday, and the most graphically intense games that I want to run are FF7 and FFT.

Can I get away with a Samsung Galaxy S5? Or do I have to go S6?

>> No.2818824

They both play fine on my old HTC Evo 4G LTE. Compare the specs on that to the S5. I believe the S5 is much faster and newer if my memory serves.

>> No.2818830

S5 is more than playable, runs pretty well

>> No.2818854

Whew, thanks - I was not looking forward to paying $500, especially with the S7 right around the corner.

>> No.2818862

I'm rocking my sisters old Iphone atm. The battery on the Evo is wired in and not replaceable. I'm waiting for the better model of Ubuntu phone that's coming in 2016. It won't have the same specs of the newest phones but you'll be amazed how well and fast the current model runs without all that irremovable bloatware they force on you.

>> No.2818863

Am I missing something or is RetroArch just that shitty on Android? The control overlays are a mess, the touch interface is nearly unusable due to all but the most careful taps registering as a scroll, and it runs horribly - which I'm certain could be fixed, but I can't even attempt to thanks to the touch interface problem.

>> No.2818865

It's amazing on Linux. It's a better all in one solution for Android then everything else but yeah it's much crappier on android. It still runs ok in my experience. Might be a configuration issue.

>> No.2818871

Stable build from Play store or nightly build from the buildbot? They've been working a ton on fixing RetroArch on mobile for some time.

I wouldn't know how well it runs now, though, because I can't stand emulation on phones. And emulation on Android is a total crapshoot anyway due to a bunch of issues, ranging from inconsistent framerates, insane latency, shitty drivers, phones lying about their screen refresh rates, etc.

I gave up on it a while back. Even my N3DS makes a better portable RetroArch machine than my phone, and it can't even handle a bunch of cores.

>> No.2818875

Oh, and straight from the lead dev's mouth, they rank the OSes that RetroArch runs on as such:

For desktop:
Linux > OSX >>>> Windows

For mobile:
iOS >>>> Android

iOS has its own issues at the moment, and it's the reason they've been holding out on a new "stable" release. In terms of performance, however, from what I'm told, it runs RetroArch far better than on Android.

>> No.2818879

Play Store build. I'll just use Snes9x and GBA.emu Free for the time being, other than lack of fast-forward options (and a fast-forward speed of like 1.1) they're quite nice and identical in configuration.
Android as an OS in general is a mess, I really don't blame the RetroArch devs for any difficulties or shortcomings when it comes to the mobile port.

>> No.2818886

The biggest problem with RA's performance on Android boils down to it lacking frameskip, which on Android is pretty much a necessity since real-time performance on most devices is very much subpar due to all the overhead and random stalls from the garbage collector. Just about every other emulator on Android has it enabled by default for this reason. It also doesn't play nice with RetroArch's advanced sync methods, which require a stable framerate and refresh rate, and many phones blatantly lie when it comes to the latter (they'll report 60Hz and it'll actually be 58Hz, which majorly screws with RetroArch). They've tried to work around it through methods like putting video on a thread, which helps stabilize performance, at the cost of increased latency.

IMO they ought to just bite the bullet and just implement auto-frameskip so long as Android remains so inconsistent.

>> No.2818891

go with the stable build. The nightly build is for devs to collaborate. They tend to break stuff sometimes from day to day.

>> No.2818907

Oh, and that's not to say RetroArch on Windows is terrible or anything (unless you're one of those MUH NATIVE WIN32 GUI dudes). I use it as my daily RetroArch driver. However, it has some annoyances such as desktop composition messing with sync when using the GL driver in windowed mode, slightly higher latency, GPU hard sync being almost a necessity to get around shitty buffering from GPU drivers, compilation being a pain to setup and use, and others.

The OSX version works very well with almost none of those problems, and on Linux, you can get the lowest possible latency of any environment, rivaling real consoles.

>> No.2818947

I'll keep that in mind in the future. I'm not particularly brand loyal to Samsung or anything, Android's just easier to work with.

>> No.2818959

New thread guys.
