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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2810932 No.2810932 [Reply] [Original]

Old PC hardware or virtualachine and dosbox?

>> No.2811010

Vacuum tubes were a bitch.

>> No.2811149

Depends, I like old hardware outside of video games, so I prefer orignal hardware but when I just want to play a dos game, DOSBOX way easier.

>> No.2811165

What are you more likely to enjoy?

A physical old machine may add some nostalgia to playing the games, but seriously, it's old PC hardware. It wasn't that special, and those games work perfectly fine in DOSBOX. If anything, you'd want a CRT attached to a normal, modern computer.

>> No.2813015

Old PC. VMs and dosbox have issues that just make it not worth trying to save the $0.00 an old PC costs.

>le epic crt maymay
Also everything you said is wrong.

>> No.2813757
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If you have the space, and love tinkering with old hardware. Then build yourself a nice classic looking dos pc.

If you don't have the space then just use dosbox.

>> No.2813764

whatever you do.... do NOT hit that turbo button
>when this baby hits 88mph

>> No.2813784

Once I put together a classic pc out of old parts from old machines we had lying around. Then I installed Dos and some old games on it. One thing I really enjoyed was games like Maniac Mansion that would play music through the actual pc speaker. That's something that dosbox or scummvm can't do (i think).

>> No.2814785

There was an mp3 player program that could use that speaker, can't remember what it was called or where to find it though.

>> No.2815970

From what I've read online, apparently windows since at least 7 but probably vista too have deprecated the beep.sys driver. If a program calls the beep driver it just redirects the sound through the regular speakers instead. There are reports that you can use the windows XP's beep driver on 7 to get playback through the pc speaker but I'm not sure how accurate that is if or if its even safe since vista and up use a different driver model. You should be able to use the pc speaker on *DOS, GNU/Linux, BSDs, or other Unix/Unix-like systems but it's up to the applications to support it.

Be aware that some modern pc motherboards are excluding the pc speaker though so you might need one of these too

>> No.2816051

if you have a modern motherboard you either don't have the speaker or you have a piezo one that sounds like shit, compared to a proper cone one.

>> No.2816143

Several did, it would just about peg a 386 completely though, and if you had a 486 you probably had a soundcard anyway. I had a 386dx/40 or something so it usually worked for me if a game did it.

I... think Cubic Player was the dos mp3 player that used the speaker. There was a commercial sound library that did it too that Megazeux and a few other of Software Vision's games used. Almost no one else supported it. It also supported Disney Voice.

The only other game I can think of that could play pcm/real music over the speaker was Mean Streets.

Of course lots of stuff had beeps and boops but that really was terrible usually.

>> No.2816161

Bell Whistles and Sound Boards was the library. It was pretty great really. I loved Software Visions because I could listen to music that sounded good on my computer for the first time. Poorfag never got a soundblaster

>> No.2816178

The problem with old hardware is finding it. Goodwill and other thrift stores are out of the question as they scrap any computers that come in these days, E-waste centers usually have rules against taking their stuff, and every jew on eBay thinks anything older than a P4 shitbox is "RARE VINTAGE$$$ L00K"

>> No.2816198

There's only a few games that I haven't got to work 100% in DOSBox: Epic Pinball and Circuit Racer/Speed Haste. They seem to work perfectly on my older computer.

If anyone has experience with these games working on DOSbox let me know

>> No.2816904
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nice keyboard, nice speedometer.

This is mine, running win98se. I thought installing old software would be easy but my attempts to install Might and Magic 3 have not gone well.

>> No.2816909

Do what I did, and volunteer at a thrift shop if you can. I worked the electronics at my local thrift shop and found all kinds of goodies.

>> No.2816964

Real hardware if possible, especially with Dos4GW stuff. The thing is, some old components have gotten really hard to find, so DosBox still has it's place.

>> No.2817008

Anon i found a 900 mghz pc in the garbage. If i install freedos is this good for old dos games or is it too fast? What else is a 900 mgz pc goodfor?

>> No.2817010

If you have ISA slots you can do about anything with it with few exceptions. There are utilities for dos like Moslo and others that slow it down for games that can't nicely handle high speeds.

>> No.2818250

...those are fake words.