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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 113 KB, 1001x1001, 61zq7qn-l9L._SL1001_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2810030 No.2810030 [Reply] [Original]

I want to emulate older consoles and handhelds on a device that's similar to the Wii-U's gamepad. Have any of you had a good experience with things like pic related? I have some misgivings about the build quality and how well the buttons will interface with the software.

I'm aware that the PSP could probably scratch this itch, but I was hoping for some alternative.

>> No.2810074
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You could make your own. I haven't made a compact, or hand-held styled emulator, but it is possible.

>> No.2810123

>only four face buttons
>three analogue sticks
Also OP, look into one of those Nvidia sheild things, its like a 360 controller that your phone snaps into from what I've heard.

>> No.2810127

>three analogue sticks

Jesus Christ, anon, get your eyes checked.

>> No.2810246

Dundungdongpoo BRX-G2 is the greatest gaming device ever

>> No.2810248

is that a funny name for a real thing or are you making fun of me

>> No.2810280

kek sorry m8, not you. I'm making fun of these Chinese pirate device names in general. I would never actually buy one.

>> No.2810359
File: 215 KB, 2000x1200, Wikipad-WP005-Press3-20130206_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wikipads are getting pretty cheap and should emulate most /vr/ stuff pretty well other than Saturn and Dreamcast

>> No.2810373

This interests me. How's the d-pad on those things?

Also, how is $150 cheap? I'd call that an average price. Unless I'm looking at the wrong places.

>> No.2810417

Jeez looks like they didn't produce enough of them. It's really the controller cradle that's good and they're cheap (so you can be rough on them/not worry about wearing them out). I'd probably try to modify it to fit another cheaper tablet into though. Maybe a Windows 8 one. People compare them to a 360 controller

>> No.2810451
File: 514 KB, 1920x640, S192S_1_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have JXD s7300b, S7800b and s5800b.

The OP pic is s7300 and its build quality is rather meh, its square design makes it not really comfortable to play (I sold mine after I got s7800).

s7800 on the other hand feels much better built (although not to the standards of PSP) and the sticks are rather good - I have it for 2 years and everything works fine. It is a bit clunky to handle, but much better than most other droid consoles I held in my hands.

Screen is good and all the PSX/N64 games ran without any issues, with only occasional slowdowns in graphic heavy N64 games like Turok 3 and Conker, but nothing terrible. It also can play lots of Dreamcast games without slowdowns, but that depends. Soul Reaver and Sonic Adventure run really well. NDS games all run smooth, as well as some non-3d PSP games.

s5800b is basically same thing, but less powerful but also less clunky and much more comfortable to hold. It can run everything up to PSX, but N64 has some difficulties running. Oh, and it also doubles as a phone and has 3G. This thing vs PSP for me is a difficult choice, as both have their ups and downs, but android emulators are in more active development than PSP ones and have more options and neat stuff.

Also JXD is making a new hing called Singularity S192 (picrelated) which runs on Tegra K1 and aims to rival Shield, but the price of $299 kinda putts me off since s5800 and PSP already do everything i wanted from such thing. Also design is... Interesting to say the least.

>> No.2810935

PSP is going to scratch that itch you mentioned best, op. It is the most cost effective, best build quality, and ease of play than all these tablets.
I emulated on a PSP for a long time

>> No.2810965

I think he's referring to the volume and brightness switches.

Shows what he knows.

>> No.2810984

I've been using something like that for two-to-three years now, but it's a cellumaphone with a slide out QWERTY.

Love it. Works a dream. For example, games that use all four face buttons and both triggers, such as Super Fucking Metroid are /nearly/ as easy to play as with a proper gamepad. I say 'nearly' because my phone doesn't have triggers other than the volume keys, which are in an odd position to be usable as triggers, so I have to map L and R to the keyboard which can be a tad disorienting.

I've never tried emulating PS on my phone, but I can say that everything I've tried SNES/SFC and earlier works fine. Those are NES/Fami, SNES/SFC, TG16/PCE, Genesis/MD, GG/SMS, SCD and GB/GBC/SGB. Well, SCD has some compatibility issues, but works fine with Lunar 1, Snatcher and some other classics of that console.
>tfw no mails full of pop

While not /vr/, it also works nicely with GBA emujuhlation.

>> No.2810995

What's this

>> No.2811190

Looking at the S192, the only thing I can say i don't like about its design is really the size. It looks like it should be comfortable IMO, and it definitely isn't ugly, albeit a bit 'off'.

>> No.2811213

Haven't looked into this in ages... but why is this better than a PS Vita?

>> No.2811359

Is a vita good for emulating older consoles? Not counting psn of course

>> No.2811431



Seriously OP, all you have is the PSP. Just get it.

>> No.2811639

Fair enough. Is it still worth it getting the 5800b, or is it sorely outdated for about $150 (at least where I can find it).

>> No.2811647
File: 138 KB, 680x680, gpd xd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These just came out, reviews look good. I know it's not the form factor you're looking for but from what I can tell most of these chinese android handhelds have really bad issues besides this.

>> No.2811742

Depends solely on what you want to emulate, and whether or not you want to run android ports of games like Quake 1-2-3, Doom (Doom Touch port is great), Jedi Academy, Return to castle Wolfenstein etc.

Also GTA 3/VC/SA.

>> No.2811758

Is the GCW zero worth the 150 on thinkgeek?
Seems a lot better than these Chinese tablets with iffy build quality

>> No.2811851

>Depends solely on what you want to emulate, and whether or not you want to run android ports of games like Quake 1-2-3, Doom (Doom Touch port is great), Jedi Academy, Return to castle Wolfenstein etc.
Mostly emulation, and then mostly of Sega Genesis/SNES/NeoGeo. Maybe a little N64 or PS1 emulation, but that's the most I was thinking of for now.

>Is the GCW zero worth the 150 on thinkgeek?
I'm wondering the exactly same thing anon...

>> No.2811867

>I think he's referring to the volume and brightness switches.
There are no switches viewable on the front.
There's clearly one analogue stick, four face buttons, and what looks like two small white joysticks similar to what the PSP has. Although now that I look at it, they could be two dials (aka knobs or pots), but they definitely are not switches.

>> No.2811883


Or, you know, we could look at the build log the guy put on imgur, to verify.

Those front buttons the first anon mistook for extra joysticks are the start and select buttons.


>> No.2811894

I've already accepted that even the PSP can't do proper PS1, so anything 4th gen and up isn't happening on handhelds.
But I do want something well built with decent buttons for GBA, SNES, and older.

>> No.2811914

>analog for digital movement

Jesus Christ...

>> No.2811935

The n3DS has fullspeed and accurate Snes, Genesis and below. The pcsx port is fullspeed in a lot of games and will hit more than fullspeed once the hardware renderer is implemented. It's the best non chinese shit handheld for emulation atm.

>> No.2811941


>>2810127 here. I'm fucking flabbergasted that so many people didn't see them as buttons, they clearly are. Did you have to look this up to see that, too?

>> No.2811958

Yeah but hacking the thing is a pain in the ass if you want to access the eshop, play online and such
Plus a more dedicated solution would be nice. I just wish the GCW is a bit more popular so we could have more people giving opinions on it.

>> No.2811971

Have you tried the PSP's ps1 emulation? Don't quote me but it looks like it works full speed in most games. But again, I might be wrong. I didn't test/research enough.

So far Sheep Dog n Wolf/Sheep Raider has some slowdown when you first activate the run button and I can't play Donald's Quack Attack (a Crash bandicoot clone) but that's it.

There are plugins that let you pick a different version of the Sony emulator when you first start a game but I haven't managed to make it work yet.

>> No.2811978

I also remember the GP2X emulation consoles but I have no idea if those things still exist in any capacity

>> No.2811990

It's either perfect, or it doesn't work.
Chrono Cross is really finicky for example.
Also, some games like Spyro get slowdown.

>> No.2812018

Really? Yeah, I never went that far with PS1 emulation on the PSP. POPsloader (the plugin that lets you choose which version of the emu to load) is the only way I know how to (maybe) fix those issues. I'm not even sure if you need a later custom firmware version to access the other version of the emu either.

The SNES emus I tried for the PSP were also very hit and miss for some weird reason but this might have been fixed meanwhile. Other than that the PSP, (replaceable and not really useful for retro gaming) analog excluded, has much better build quality than most shit out there, given that it's an actual console.

>> No.2812056

SNES is dog shit on the PSP
One area where the GCW Zero completely beats it

>> No.2812070

Ahah, shit. I guess I should try to find out why. The emus seem based on Snes9x, which is open source from what I gather. What's holding them back on such a well known system? SNES has everything.

>> No.2812075

The PSP has a 333 MHz processor, thats why.
The GCW on the other hand runs at 1 GHz.
I wish I knew how good the buttons and stuff are though

>> No.2812097

Are you stupid or something? You run the yfw multi loader once when you start the console and you're done. It's installed like any other app or game.
The GCW Zero is shit for SNES too. Not as bad as PSP but pretty bad

>> No.2812109

It runs pretty much everything fullspeed with pocketSNES. Much better than what the PSP can do

>> No.2812114

The 3DS is more accurate and plays everything fullspeed as well. On both o3ds and n3ds. Pocketsnes is incredibly inaccurate

>> No.2812153

Again, if your 3DS is updated its impossible.
Also its not really worth the risk to get banned from MH or other such games.
The GCW Zero is also alot more pocketable than the N3DS XL. I can barely fit mine in my pockets.

>> No.2812207

Psvita got hacked recently and is getting native homebrew

>> No.2812210

Pocket emulators are my guilty pleasure and have owned many, from the GP2X to some very, very cheap NES/GBA emulator I only spent five bucks on and felt ripped off. Currently rocking the 64GB GPD XD and the build quality is very impressive. While it comes pre-loaded with a bunch of crapware you can get rid of most of it using Titanium Backup. Just switch the built-in controls from Xbox to PS3 using the Gamepad app and all the regular Android emus that you'd use like Retroarch and reicast will work just fine. Overall, worth picking up over a GCW Zero any day. Only real issues I have are with the software, not the hardware.

>> No.2812214

I was looking at the n3ds. Seems if I buy a new one the firmware will be too high to install cfw. So that leaves me to buy a sky3ds, couldn't find a reliable source to say if they could pirate eshop games and install homebrew or emulators. Anyone know?

>> No.2812623

The homebrew works fine on a fully updated 3ds. You just can't pirate games. Stop spreading fud.
There's plenty below 9.2 still available. Just look at the guide on gba temp to see how to find one.

>> No.2812919

>Mostly emulation, and then mostly of Sega Genesis/SNES/NeoGeo. Maybe a little N64 or PS1 emulation, but that's the most I was thinking of for now.

Then get s5800 and dont bother with anything else.
It runs everything you want with decent accuracy at full speed.

Also despite what other fags might tell you - dont use Retroarch - it's a mess on android with awful interface and lots of sacrifices on the "accuracy" altar that makes everything run like shit.

Go to the warez sites and get the "(consolenamehere)Oid" emulator series and some other stand alone emulators (sadly most of them are retail so... pirate them nobody would mind)

GCW Zero is a hipster trash - it was good back in the day, but now there are tons of other options that surpass it by the mile, droidhelds included.

>> No.2815793


>> No.2815817

I got a 9.0 N3DS on eBay in June by messaging everyone selling a used N3DS for the firmware and asking them not update if it's 9.2 or below. It took a few hours but I got one. It'll be harder now but I'm sure you'll be able to find one if you spend enough time doing it.
I've also heard you can import Japanese ones from Play-Asia that have the exploitable firmware. Ask on VG Homebrew General.

>> No.2815835

Which PSX games run full speed? I've only tried FF7 and Suikoden II but this was a while ago.
>retroarch shit on android
When I had an Xperia Play and another cheap android phone, I tried many times to use Retroarch, but it always ran like shit and crashed. The dedicated emus were great though.

>> No.2817374
File: 22 KB, 500x500, B00005QXA1.09.LZZZZZZZ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was under the impression that he was using a PSOne screen, but looking at the worklog that's not true. Oh well.

>> No.2817473

>stretched 16:9

Please put it out of its misery.

>> No.2817475

I'm getting one of these, as a CRTfag these are against what I stand for but I need my portable emulation.

>> No.2818262
File: 78 KB, 932x519, S7800_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is pretty much the best you can find on the market atm price-wise

Come at me, faggot that said on the PSP thread that had my IP and something bad would happen if I posted this again, kek.

>> No.2818269

Get your autism out of here, your eyes get used to that kind of shit and you eventually forget about it

That's like saying "Monster Hunter on 3DS? Yuk! Put it out of its misery!" Yet people enjoy them (only those who complain are vitafags).

>> No.2818273

>Getting used to another console == Getting used to round objects appearing as ovals

>> No.2818303

>another console
>not getting the point

It's not about other console, it's about low resolution ugly chainsawlike graphics you faggot, you get used to them as you play the game. Try it once instead of being a retarded faggot and you'll see, its not like I invented it, it's how human brain acts you mongoloid.

>> No.2818325

Is there a Linux handheld machine, rather than an Android one?

>> No.2818330

There's an ubuntu OS for phones but I don't know how good it is regarding emulation.

>> No.2818334

Yes, you can get used to playing 4:3 games in 16:9. But why should you want to?
It's completely stupid.

>> No.2818336

Thanks, I just hate Android emulators and would rather just use the Linux ones.

>> No.2818382

Emulators on Android are not that bad though, they run good and they get support here and there, now Android? That's one OS I rather avoid as well.

>> No.2818491

>16:9 screen
>analog stick instead of d-pad

Nigga, what the FUCK have you been smoking?

>> No.2819471

>getting used to soapwashed squished visuals

No thanks.

At this point you might as well play Gameboy cames on 104" 4K plasma.

>> No.2820506

If that's what makes him happy let him be, why does it trigger you so much how other people play their videogames, it's not like he's forcing you to play them on it.

>> No.2820510

>at this point im going to make a very exaggerate statement to prove my point

No thanks. At this point you might not play videogames at all, seeing you're on 4chan out of all places.

>> No.2820960

Jump for bustice

>> No.2820964

I need the person who made this to die

>> No.2821053

No it's nothing like that. The game was literally made for 4:3 screens, having it stretched out makes everything look fucking terrible and you are retarded in at least 7 different ways if you think otherwise.

>> No.2821076

no they went bankrupt.
still have my Wiz and it's great

>> No.2821260

You must have shit in your brain or something if you get triggered by shit like that, specially if you're going to be so melodramatic about it.

>> No.2821328

Would you recommend this for PSX emulation?

I just want to play all those PSX jrpg's, but it needs to be portable with how much time they eat up

>> No.2821384

If my xperia play can play psx very well with epsxe ($5 play store version) this should have no problem. That emu even has fast forward which is a godsend for jrpgs

>> No.2821401



>> No.2821403

Yeah, my follow up question was going to be about miscellaneous behind the hood features like fast-forward and mapping save/load states to a button

I managed to blast through the PSP version of Star Ocean with those, using PPSSPP on pc.

>> No.2821409
File: 544 KB, 1887x650, SfTzYZm[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't help but notice it doesn't list PSX games, so I suspect that it's emulation has problems

>> No.2821469

my old Xperia neo(same hardware as xperia play) was able to run ps1 games no problem, and since GPD runs android and is much more powerful, it shouldn't be an problem.

Depends on emulator, but I think epsxe allows that(I dont have it installed atm so I cannot double-check).

>> No.2821624

Why did he say so? The S7800 IS the best option for portable emulation price wise.

That until the S192 come out.

>> No.2821681

Lol how is that San Andreas?
these chink fisher price toys are hilarious

>> No.2821687


>> No.2821701

Did you even look at the picture they used?

>> No.2821714

How is it playing on those buttons? I would imagine it would feel weird with that d-pad ish buttons

>> No.2822709

No idea, probably was some GDP XD fanboy or something.

>> No.2822723
File: 139 KB, 1500x1500, 71u6HUwzfvL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the setup I use. It's great if you already have a smart phone.

>> No.2822782

is the GDP only good option if I want something with 3" - 5" screen?

JXD ones seems to have hueg screens and smaller ones apparently are shit.

>> No.2823769


>Reviews look good
>First review has the guy complaining about input delay and a shitty dpad

Investigate further

>> No.2823927

What's the cable for?

>> No.2824452

As >>2823769 noticed, all chink clamshells have input lag due to the way they are made. Avoid them.

Obviously it connects phone to gamepad because bluetooth is inferior.

>> No.2824741

I'm currently trying to update a PSP to firmware 6.60 so I can add custom firmware to it, but all the sites I'm finding have a corrupt download. Is there a way to fix this, or can one of you point me towards a solid download?

>> No.2824774 [DELETED] 

A firmware download or a custom firmware download?

>> No.2824778

>Is the GCW zero worth the 150 on thinkgeek

No. Still not even worth it after they fix the shitty dpad.

>> No.2824796

You should but a clip and a knockoff PS3 controller for like 12 dollars on eBay and then root your smartphone and run RetroArch.

>> No.2824874

What about them causes the input delay? I'm curious, I have a GPDXD ordered because it was cheap in a sale+Coupon so this supposed fact makes me worry slightly that I wasted (albeit not much) money.

>> No.2824879

just go to the dingoonity forum and you'll see the gcw zero has a lot of issues. if it there were no issues with the controls and the price was $100 instead of $150, I would've gotten one by now.

>> No.2826125
File: 223 KB, 350x340, 655.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2826134

This is a lie. There is no discernible input lag. Don't believe this shitposter