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File: 93 KB, 1920x1080, diablo1996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2791834 No.2791834 [Reply] [Original]

Comfiest game in existence.
Currently doing my first mage run since I got mob raped as a warrior in Hell.
The cursed village of Tristram is the best location in any game, ever.

>> No.2791891

Have you tried the Belzebub mod?

>> No.2791913
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The sanctity of this place has been fouled.

>> No.2791927

>play as Warrior
>game becomes retard hard when you reach Hell

>play Mage/Rogue
>rape everything without difficulty

I get the feeling they didn't playtest this extensively.

>> No.2791937

The first time I played, I got stuck as the Warrior on a Caves level full of succubi around a maze of lava, before I learned you can start a new game while keeping stats/equipment.

>> No.2792173

I've always found the Rogue to be weak all through the game.

>> No.2792290
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>Turning Diablo 1 into Diablo 2

>> No.2792914

You got it all wrong, nigger.

>easy start hard end

>medium start hard end

>hard start easy end

>> No.2792915

Fuck it I meant:

>medium start MEDIUM* end

>> No.2792928
File: 42 KB, 230x365, diablo_book_the_kingdom_of_shadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of why I love the first Diablo is because of the old graphics which look like clay at times. It just creates this thick atmosphere no other game has again.

Anyone here read old Diablo books?

>> No.2792960

That's just old Pen & Paper logic, fighters start as powerhouses (compared to other classes), mages start with limited usability but when they get to higher levels they outclass fighters.

Because I've played Diablo to death, and the mod adds more depth to the gameplay, more content (most based on cut beta/alpha content), being able to carry a backup set of weapons (meaning my flail anf shield warrior can carry a bow as a backup without cluttering up my inventory), better gold storage, and a stash, without inheriting too much baggage from it's sequels.

I know how the standard game goes, Belzebub repeatedly throws me for a fucking loop and it adds way more variation.

Belzebub still looks the same, and largely controls the same.
I always liked how 1 had a darker, more gothic look and atmosphere than 2.

>> No.2793187

that was a weird book. Maybe I'll reread it someday.

>> No.2793220

>hard start CAKEWALK end

Let's be real, here.

>> No.2793225

triple immunes are a major problem for them though. Until you get Armageddon that is.

>> No.2793296

Stone curse

>> No.2793298

it still takes ages to down them. Most the time I just ran past triple immunes.

>> No.2793353

>play as any class
>buy a lot of potions
>chug chug

How can you find Diablo difficult, I can't even imagine it

>> No.2793378

>easy start hard end

>medium start hard end

>hard start easy end

When you play the game normal way yes but when you do ironman runs warrior is clearly the king since he can repair stuff and block a lot of attacks that will help you save resources and move forward.

>> No.2793384
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You can snag anything you need well before anything in the end game becomes a problem with judicious shop-hunting and a little luck (but just a little). The only thing that's a problem is when exactly Mana Sphere will drop. Once it does...AAAAAYYYYYYYY

>> No.2793431
File: 22 KB, 115x128, ohlordy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Resist: Lightning
>Immune: Magic, Fire

How the fuck do I kill these guys as a mage?

>> No.2793434

With lightning obviously.

>> No.2793453

Lightning, stone curse, golems, armageddon. You figure it out.

>> No.2793474

I've always done a strange thing in Diablo.
>Choose Rogue
>Int to the max with base stats and items
>She is now a Mage
Now the game is quite weird but very enjoyable.

>> No.2793495

It's fun especially with the Sierra's Hellfire expansion.
I always loved Diablo without Hellfire, but the Hive was just great. And those Easter eggs. :)

>> No.2793502

>I've always done a strange thing in Diablo.

What, build the only viable Rogue setup? You aren't special.

>> No.2793508

Oh, wasn't aware of that. I think that's why playing it the 'normal' way seemed quite dull in caves and hell... Anyway, is there anyone that tried to kill The Dark Lord 30 times for his full note? I always give up at around 7-9 times...

>> No.2793517

So I basically dump a whole lot of mana potions on them.
Warlord of Blood is just insane tho. All immune. What the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.2793571

Just steal his stuff with telekinesis.

>> No.2793596
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Actually just stone cursed and hacked away at him with a starter level axe.
Reward was a shield.
If there's one thing Diablo 2 is miles better at, it's loot.

Also, fuck the Soul Burners and their triple immune. Getting real sick of this shit, not being able to do proper damage as a mage.

>> No.2793609

On top of that that bitches have annoying AI, the corner trick with bow wont work on them since they move after shooting once or twice if it dont connect.

>> No.2793693

>Oh, whats this? He shakes off lightning and fire?
>Well I'll just go bash in his fookin head m8 because I have so many stat boosts from items and my Dreamflange happens to be a passable cudgel

>> No.2793696

>kill The Dark Lord 30 times for his full note
I don't remember that.

>> No.2793803

>not playing Diablo with quests that were scrapped out of the final game

>> No.2793810

I never repaired as a warrior, you lose max durability each time you do itm griswold all day every day.

Block becomes an issue when facing 2+ enemies, specially of its one of those level 9 lightning demons, they attack so fast you will block every attack, meaning you have no opening for an attack because all you see are the block frames over and over (one ends another start).

>> No.2793815

I said moo.

>> No.2793821

If you play Ironman you can't just go to Griswold.
The alternative is to play with Hellfire and its oils

>> No.2793839

>if you're playing ironman

Nobody here is talking about ironman runs but you. They clearly favour warriors by design, >>2793810 is pointing out how warrior's abilities are useless/restrictive for all manners of the game.

>> No.2793858

>If there's one thing Diablo 2 is miles better at, it's loot.

Nope, wrong by a mile. It's almost fucking impossible to get a truly good rare to drop in D2 with the best possible modifiers because there are no quality level requirements, only item level requirements. This makes the ideal rare items nigh unobtainable, and even the good ones often have at least one modifier that will make me cringe, like 1-3 mana or some bullshit.

In Diablo that's impossible thanks to the quality levels. Making magical items super useful. And unique items in D1 fill the niche that a decent rare did in D2 before the shit show that is Lord Of Destruction came along and just vomited retardedly overpowered garbage everywhere.

>> No.2794392

Except for >>2793378
>but when you do ironman

>> No.2794487

God damn I need to play this again. The Hell mod is pretty fun, but it can't beat the original in terms of comfiness.

>> No.2794627
File: 8 KB, 480x360, wanderer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'm talking about being a mage and always getting swords, scimitars, shields which did fuck all for me. The first good staff that dropped for me was around level 10-12.

As someone who's not autistically deep in the game (yet), I think Diablo 2 has a better loot system.

Also, this fucking ending.
>Go on the rescue
>Suffer through waves of hellspawn in a defiled cathedral
>Literally prevent Satan from being resurrected
>Your reward is to endlessly wander the world by carrying his evil essence within your body

Fuck me that's dark.

>> No.2794809
File: 19 KB, 128x128, Slutccubus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started playing Diablo 2 recently. Made a hard core character, Druid concentrating on summons.

Everything went more or less smoothly untill Act 4. Some of the monsters started going down very slow (Mephisto, Izual).

Fighting with Diablo, wolves don't stand a chance summon bear gets hit by the red laser almost dies, dies when it gets hit again, re-summon gets hit by the laser twice and then diablo turns shoots at me and kills me.

Panicked and didn't resummon the bear on time, nor did I rejuvenate.

No motivation to restart, the beginning of the game is so boring.

Pic unrelatd.

>> No.2794817

You chose the worst kind of druid mate.

>> No.2794828

I played through as a druid summoner, the trick is to use the Dire wolves, not the normal wolves. Entire game was a breeze desu. Bosses are still super slow though.

>> No.2794865


Yeah I wanted to play some atypical build. Was on the fence whether I wanted to play a ranger or a hunter, went with the hunter.

When I'll get the next Diablo itch I'll try the Enchant/Mana shield sorc.


I used dire wolves. When I died I had 4 points into ravens for dat dere blind, 1 into wolves, 12 into dire wolves, 9 for Spirit of the Wolverine and 4 into bear.

>> No.2794869

>since I got mob raped as a warrior in Hell.

Shit, you too?

>> No.2794932

This is the reason why I hate Diablo 2: Because some builds make the game nearly unfinishable. Like, if I have to go online and look up an FAQ just to finish your game, then the balance sucks.

>> No.2795012

Just play classic.

>> No.2795036

There should be cube recipes for resetting all skills and stats and give you the points back

>> No.2795072


I read the first Diablo book, the one with the cursed armor that made its wearer automatically walk around. It was terrible.

>> No.2795159


Thought I mentioned it - I was playing on hardcore.

Single player experience in Diablo until Act 4 is basically a snooze-fest, everything goes slow, the items are not worth looking at, no cube, most skills are locked.

Starting with -act 5 is not better.

>> No.2795178

I loved Diablo 1 and 2. Both had me hooked. Diablo 1 when theres no internet, diablo 2 when u get bored and theres no internet. Then when u got internet go with ur team to rekk some kids in chaos santuary, farm some hrs/gcs, trade in some trade worlds, maybe join drop game world, then finish day with some scrub pk tourneys. Those were the days.

Diablo 3 is just shit lmfao. It was decent at the start when there was trading and inferno A3/A4 was difficult, but after that game just turned to shit. Right now it's in an even worse position. They need to scrap whole game and really focus on what the true Diablo fans want with D4.

Also mfw d3 devs have no idea what HoZ is, confirmed rip

>> No.2795207

I gotta pawn some of this stuff

>> No.2795234

You don't have to strive for a triple dot ending on every character.

Pretty much any character build you can conceive will be able to deal with Nightmare rather handsomely. Hell is, by design, supposed to be there for experts and expert characters.

And even then, there are some budget characters for every class that don't have a problem with Hell even with shitty drops. Summonecro, Berserk Barb, Wind Druid (or even Fireclaws, but that one requires lots of crushing blow), Holy Shockadin and/or Hammerdin, Lightning Javazon, most of the dual-element Sorceresses.

With the amount of skills available and such, I don't think Hell would be that challenging if you made it viable for all builds.

And I'm saying this as a single/LAN player; I've never seen an Enigma in my life.

>> No.2795259

I can't carry anymore!

>> No.2795459

Do you even lift? ;_;
BTW: How come I'm always strong enough to carry armor, even if I'm not strong enough to wear it?

>> No.2795507
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>Why don't demons come through town portals?

Abandon all logic ye who enter here.

>> No.2795521

Magic wards? Maybe they're made with holy energy and it scares them off?

>> No.2795582


It takes more strength to wear armor and fight in it than it does to put it in a bag and carry it.

>> No.2795612

I would say it's harder to have a bag attached to you and fight while doing that then fighting in the armor, where the weight is better distributed.

>> No.2795703

Actually, when you're wearing armor, all the weight is distributed across your body, when you're carrying it in a bag, it's all concentrated in one place and puts more load on specific muscles.

>> No.2795728

I always applied the Wheel of Time logic that Jordan used for explaining why Trollocs and the like couldn't travel using gateways.

But like an idiot, I forgot exactly what that reasoning was. Shit.

>> No.2795865

>running through a dungeon full of naked humans impaled on spikes

>> No.2796031

>I'm talking about being a mage and always getting swords, scimitars, shields which did fuck all for me.
That is just the Diablo series in general. Though even with those items you can still gain stats towards your magic. It was always amusing when I found a magic sword and identified it and it gave me +9 to my magic.

Though I agree with him, magic items were actually useful to the point that when ever I saw a magic item in the first Diablo I ALWAYS picked it up because it often had good potential in being good to use or at least sell for a good amount of gold. Hell I'd often cycle resist armor in town when the enemies elemental damage on the floor changed if I didn't have decent items that granted me excellent overall resistances.

>> No.2796056

coh or fort for uber smiter?

>> No.2796061

>not being able to immerse yourself into the world, setting and atmosphere of the game
World War 2 wasn't a pretty affair but the Wolfenstein games have always been comfy to me.

>> No.2796073

>immersing yourself into a world full of dread and despair

>> No.2796202

Yeah? Not all comfy has to be rainbows and sunshine.

Simcity 2000 is comfy in a pleasant and non-violent way, but games like Diablo, Doom, Red Dead Redemption, Far Cry 3, Starcraft, Half-Life, Duke Nukem 3D, they're games where I can really put myself in the mindset of the setting and world, yet also enjoy the wonderful environments, be they pleasant places or oppressive and dark places.

I like the dark and gothic atmosphere of Diablo

>> No.2796205

>Not all comfy has to be rainbows and sunshine.

You're right but there's nothing comfy about literally walking through hell and seeing tons of dead rotten bodies while demons are coming after you.

>> No.2796218

It's not real you idiot

The universe is solid

>> No.2796223

The oppressive, dark and violent atmosphere feels so homely in a way.

I always kind of felt that, even when I was a little kid and played it. I like the horror mood it sets, and how you're a powerhouse fighting back against the horror.

Also, Tristam as a town is comfy for realz.

TNT: Evilution, one of the halves of Final Doom, I always felt it was comfy because it's like Doom 1, but it further captures that rustic primitive sci-fi of the original, but in it's own way. The music plays a big part in this.

>> No.2797103
File: 41 KB, 736x387, thebeautyofsmallplaces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this.
Some of my best memories in life are sitting all alone on my pc playing Deus Ex up to 6am and smoking cigarettes. Or going through all the original Silent Hills and Resident Evils, King's Field, Metroid Prime.
Being left the fuck alone in a harsh, surrealistic environment just makes my dick into a diamond.
First Diablo is even better than 2 at this since you stay at a single cursed location all the time and go deeper and deeper in the same place.

>> No.2797312
File: 25 KB, 500x362, B164gtu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit him over the head.

>> No.2797314

>Anyway, is there anyone that tried to kill The Dark Lord 30 times for his full note? I always give up at around 7-9 times...
The fack are you talking about

>> No.2797318

Try Belzebub, the game still largely plays the same but there's a bunch of extra shit.

>> No.2798034
File: 381 KB, 640x480, harrogath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought of Harrogath as comfy. Rroasting bunnies in barbarian underwear on Mount Arreat, sweet wooden shack with haybales to sleep.

>> No.2798045
File: 92 KB, 800x600, lut_gholein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lut Gholein, reminiscent of Tristram with Radament in the sewers, those ramshackle booths with hookahs and kush, carpet stands in shade serving tea to Drognan, spell scrolls baking on the hot desert sun, and the sea, of course.

>> No.2798056
File: 32 KB, 500x256, f-old-kurast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, why do Kurast Docks have exist rotated to left in the demo version, but not in final?

Rogue Camp can have four exits, Gholein two, and the rest only one. I think it was a nice detail, don't know why they didn't applied it everywhere.

>> No.2799303

How the fuck do I run Diablo on a new PC?

>> No.2799328

I remember when I was in uni a really cute girl and I used to play Diablo 2 all the time.

I remember one extremely late night we sat in Lut Gholein just chatting through game. Every time I see a picture of it it brings back the comfiest memories.

>> No.2799334


>> No.2799473

You might have to write a little .bar file.

Someone might have the lines needed. It's an incredibly simple batch file that's only like a couple of lines, basically when you run it, it'll kill the explorer.exe process, then run Diablo, without modern explorer.exe in the background, the colors shouldn't get fucked.
Then when you exit Diablo, the batch file should start up explorer.exe automatically.

It's really simple (every line in the script does EXACTLY what it says it does) and you should be able to modify it with any other game which has the same problem, just change the directory of the game.
Basically, Windows Aero gives old games problems rendering 100% properly.

Or you could give Belzebub a try.

Did you score?

>> No.2799478

>.bar file
*that would be a .bat file, sorry, tiny phone keyboard. Do NOT create a .bar file, I don't know what that is or what it'll do (if it even does anything or understands the context of batch scripts), I take no responsibility for what happens.

>> No.2799483

No. By the time I worked up the courage to say anything to her she had a boyfriend. She then stopped playing games and we grew distant. Saw her on campus every now and then, but it was always just small hellos.

>> No.2799485

I don't think I can run it at all to begin with.

>> No.2799589

So what happens when you try? Don't be so stingy with information, anon!

>> No.2799753

Ya gotta tell us EXACTLY what your problem is.
Does the game simply not boot at all?
Does it boot but immediately crash?

>> No.2800145

I started a Hardcore bowazon, first hardcore character I make, and I just beat Duriel. Holy fuck that was a pain in the ass, I just kept on reviving my hireling, dealing a little damage, rinse and repeat 6 or 7 times. Is there any particularly dangerous moment in Normal mode for Hardcore characters ? I'm thinking of the Fire mages before Mephisto's dungeon (I don't know what they're called in english, I'm playing in baguettespeak), and the Diablo fight. As for Nightmare/Hell, the vipers in Nihlatak's dungeon that shoot poison that instakills pretty much everything.

>> No.2800181

I never played a Diablo before and am ashamed. It seems like one of those must-play series everyone should try. But how are you supposed to even do it? D2 is only available through Blizzard's battlenet service and D1 isn't even listed at all. Obviously Steam and Gog are a no-go also. Why do they make it so hard to get ahold of this series?

>> No.2800210

Duriel is consistently one of the hardest bosses in the game by the time you reach him, on each difficulty.

You've really come across a hurdle that way.

>> No.2800213

Not booting at all. No error, the process would just sit in the background for a few seconds and disappear.
I tried using a torrented version instead of installing it off the CD that I own and it worked, though.

>> No.2800225

You can still get Diablo 2 and it's expansion at a lot of game retailers. Not sure about Diablo but I bought a copy from EB games 4 years ago, they were still selling it. There's also, y'know, ebay. Or piracy.

>> No.2800365

They still sell it? I just assumed it wouldn't even work on newer OSes and the digital version was changed so it would. Yeah, now I see it's the same price on Amazon, neat.

How many discs does it take to install? My CD drive has a weird thing where it won't always read a disc if I take one out and swap a new one in.

>> No.2800416

Diablo II is four discs: 3 for the regular game and one more for the Lord of Destruction expansion pack. At least that's the one I have.

>> No.2801203

Chestbros represent!

>> No.2801204

It's 9.99 + 9.99 for the expansion at Blizzard as a download: https://eu.battle.net/shop/en/product/diablo-ii-lord-of-destruction

>> No.2801296
File: 15 KB, 127x175, Npc-halbu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get enough of his "Hail to you, champion!" Please suck me off more, npc!

>> No.2801331

now that I think about it, every single dangerous monster in D2 has been nerfed somehwere around 1.09-1.11.
>Oblivion Knights
>Venom Lords
all nerfed

>> No.2801353

They are still really dangerous in 1.13.

>> No.2801662

Did Act 4 feel kind of rushed and cut short to anyone else?

And less logical?
Act 1 was a camp set up in the wilderness, and it feels like it, you're supposed to kill Andariel and take back the monastery

Act 2 was a port town and you headed out into the desert to find the means to find the tomb of Tal-Rasha

Act 3 was a small port town and you have to cross the jungles and swamps to get to the ruined capital overrun by evil

But act 4 is a small, oddly overdesigned fort somewhere which happens to be in a place that has a linear path towards Diablo's crib. It feels like an afterthought, like they realized they were running out of time and had to do SOMETHING without putting a lot of thought into it

>> No.2801689

They were, in fact, running out of time.

>> No.2801703

So from somebody who's only played Diablo 2 and loved it, why would I play Diablo1? I have a mental image of it just having less features and more problems but I've heard enough people swear by it so I'm curious as to the differences.

I've played so many games of the genre but they generally don't feel as nice as D2 so I'd love it if, in fact D1 was as good or better.

>> No.2801707

It's fairly different. Diablo 1 is a slow paced and atmospheric game.

>> No.2801713

Is character building similar? Did D1 have build variety per character, or was gear pretty much it?

>> No.2801731

You don't have that much options for your gear either.
You only get to spend attribute points on level ups and there are maximum values depending on the class. Spells are learned from books that you can find or buy and later in the game you can also get potions that raise your stats making levelups even more meaningless.

>> No.2801794


I like both. That said the *gameplay* of Diablo 1 is better. The quests are interesting, some of them are unique to your particular run so you'll have to repeat the game again to get all of them.

The pleasure that you get from fighting is much better, and you also feel vulnerable all the time like in rouge-likes. Quest items you get are actually meaningful, and the items that you get feel *right* to that moment in the game.

What Diablo 2 has better is character building, there's so many options - 5 classes all of each play more or less differently and specific builds to each one. There's so much items each more overpowered then the last.

But for me the game is somewhat anti-climatic. The game is only pleasurably to play starting from Act 4 normal difficulty, and really you only feel "in the moment" starting in late nightmare or start of Hell.

The items that you get feel pitiful until then, and the decisions you take and items you get almost meaningless for the moment - everybody jews their enchant from Charsi, and sockets from Larzuk until the late game. The same is true for skill point allocation - most people wait for the best skill that appears at level 30.

So it's an endless grind until you get to hell when suddenly you get fun items, and get pleasure from the game. The pleasure starts immediately in Diablo 1.

Just my opinion.

>> No.2801874

I've never used battle.net before is it any good and do they do holiday sales like Steam? I'm willing to wait a month.

>> No.2802064

What's the best way to defeat Diablo as a Necromancer

>> No.2802078

It's MUCH more atmospheric.
But it does have less features.

If you want more D2 style features, check out Belzebub, it also restores/remakes a bunch of things which were unfinished or cut during development, but then later done for Diablo 2, like, Andariel and Izual were meant to be quests in the first game for instance.
When it comes down to it, Diablo could be a bit barren in content, and whether or not you would get some quests was random, sometimes you'd get the quest for the Butcher, sometimes you wouldn't. Belzebub adds a bunch of content like that and all quests are become available regardless.

Though I recommend you at least try to play the first game OG style for a bit before you head on to Belzebub.

>> No.2802089

I used Decrepify and let my merc hack away, but that took much longer than it should

>> No.2802150


>> No.2802152

Thats what will happen to you if you will reach hell :^)


>> No.2802174

Which merc did you hire?

>> No.2802201

I don't remember anymore, but act 2 merc like everyone else I guess. But it was a major pain because I had this weirdass poison build.

>> No.2802814

These articles are gold;

>> No.2803001

I can't cast that here!

>> No.2803105

1. Summon skellies
2. Summon clay golem
3. Engage Diablo and keep casting decrepify on him. Recast clay golem if necessary.

Decrepify and your clay golem will slow Diablo down to a crawl, and your minions can slowly chip away at him.

>> No.2803107

Only if you use a computer from 1999 and no patches. The loading problem was fixed ages ago.

>> No.2803228
File: 339 KB, 640x480, Screenshot003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pindle just dropped a Jah rune and I'm fucking ecstatic.

>> No.2803236

>linking to an image on an imageboard

Absolutely retarded.

>> No.2803242

oh boy, congrats
jah and zod are the only runes I have never found

>> No.2803335

skeletons, clay golem, revives, and merc with crushing blow + decrepify curse.

zoomancer is notoriously slow at bosses, it's a bore.

btw, ladder reset next tuesday, anyone gonna play on europe soft?

>> No.2803339

congrats, I got ber from random venom lord in the CS. 1.13 is really let loose with runes, I got two cham in the pit.

>> No.2804689

Been playing Diablo 1 with the Belzebub mod and have been thoroughly enjoying it. Last time I played was about 9 years ago so am pretty rusty in remembering certain quests, though I did roll a sorcerer and have hit that point where I can start to kerb stomp my way through the game.

>> No.2805006

Stupid and rather trivial question, but does anyone recall when this game was actually released? I always see it listed as either the ass end of 1996 or the beginning of 1997. I do seem to recall seeing just after Christmas of '96 but I just want to be sure for autism's sake.

>> No.2805109

December 31, 1996 and the world was forever changed.

>> No.2805127

Oh lawdy. I might have to start playing again. I play us east though. I have spent more time on d2 then any other game by far. I once spent close to 40 hours one weekend in high school(circa 2005) doing nothing but playing d2. Longest stretch of non-stop playing was 22 hours give or take 30mins. I literally love d2. Sadly I never been in top 10 on ladder. I remember the first soj, hoz, and hr I ever found. Soo many good memories... sorry for rambling.

>> No.2805165

If they had done a christmas release it would've been extremely ironical.

>> No.2805246

Why is that?

>> No.2805801

Because Jesus and because Diablo.

>> No.2805859

Anyone else had Diablo 2 on their hard drive for like 7 years and never uninstalled because they feel like they might come back to it again?

>> No.2805868

I've gotten 2 new computers and reformatted 5 times in that 7 years.

>> No.2806006

I still run my old machine with windows xp

never really felt like I need to upgrade

>> No.2806025

I run 7, and I think it's really great.
When I next get a new computer, I'm gonna get a copy of Windows 7 for it because 10 can go and dive under a tractor.

I should get myself a dedicated XP machine though, for compatibility sake, a machine I can play some old games on without issue.

>> No.2806317

Belzebub sorcerer ends up still pretty hard ones you get to hell.

>> No.2806332

I will read them if they are good. Which is the best? They can't all suck, right?

>> No.2806376

Yeah. Well, I installed my copy in 2012, but I never uninstalled it because I keep thinking "eh, perhaps one day I will want to do some Pindle runs or something".

>> No.2807353

I'm a bit late at responding, but I managed to beat him. Thanks for the advice

>> No.2807556
File: 380 KB, 800x600, Screenshot045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smiter is such easy mode
my other characters can't even outdamage their regen

>> No.2807571

>Standard of Heroes
What does it do?

>> No.2807578


>> No.2807646

Cool, what level is he?

>> No.2807702

81 or 82 iirc, I had just leveled up from killing uber baal
it's a 1pt smiter and his build has been pretty much finished for a while, ubers still won't last 20 seconds against him thanks to grief and 50% cb

>> No.2807974

I get where you're coming from, but I still chuckled at the OP.

>comfiest game in existence
>got raped in hell

>> No.2808619

Trying hardcore for the first time, just got to Andariel. Duriel death expected as a barb, or is it easy enough when overleveled?

>> No.2808752


What you are talking about is the statistically improbable perfect rare. You can get really good rare items all the time because the mod pool is not large enough to be completely cluttered. And yes, there are bad mods, but without those bad mods all you would get would be perfect 10/10 items and that would make the loot grind pretty short and boring.

>> No.2808754


You wat? Everyone can finish hell if he knows what he is doing. No matter what wierd build. As long as you will pick up crushing blow weapons on yourself and your henchman you should be able to eventually kill any boss.

Unless you are saying that even a complete newcommer to the game who has no idea what he is doing should be able to beat the hardest difficulty of the game on hardcore?

>> No.2808757


D3 now is playable and even fun. At the start it wasnt even a loot grind because you didn't get any wothwhile loot anyway unless you exploited some bugs that allowed you to get those 200$+ weapons.

Now it offers you a challange and at the same time is actually not a pain in the ass to play.

>> No.2808759

You will probably get wrecked.

I rebought it to play RoS, the new act was ok, but running dungeons for gear got really fucking boring really fast and no pvp no trading really kills the end game.

>> No.2808761

Anyone like the Median mod for D2? I can't go back to vanilla now.

>> No.2808765

I sure hope not. I play actual roguelikes, so at the very least I won't be playing like a complete moron and rush into cold/very strong uniques. I feel like I shouldn't be dumb enough to die once I get battle orders, which is only 2 levels away.

>> No.2808769

>I play actual roguelikes
You should be fine then, that fight is definitely one of the hardest in the game if you do it at the level you normally get to him but if you are careful you will be alright. Just make sure to have a backup TP open as soon as you get in. Battle orders will definitely help too.

>> No.2808780


Its kind of a wierd spot with D3, right now you have the kanai cube and all the shit so gearing up is not really a problem, but still having the optimal way to level be with 3 other people of the same class so you can trade with them is retarded.


Welp im shortly before duriel as well with my first HC D2 char, i always only played SC, and after sinking so many hours into hc poe i decided to give D2 another try. Playing skelemancer so its probably going to be easy mode till diablo.

>> No.2808787

I've played a lot of skelemancer over the years, and while they're pretty safe, I'd hate to do bosses on HC with them. Such a pain in the ass to keep leaving to gather troops.

>> No.2808794

Were any of you super into pvp in d2? I used to play on a couple different private pvp servers and it was great. I miss that shit.

>> No.2808797


From what i played in SC the only boss that really kicks your ass is diablo on normal, before you get any + skill and if you dont have minion resist.

Also i really dont want to die as i am beeing carried by a +3 summon skelly wand that i got in act 1.

Occasionally i guess baal can be an ass, but i ussually have the curses ready and he dies rather fast. Ill need to gamble some teleport ammy eventually tough.

>> No.2808824

I hate all the bosses on normal as skelemancer. Well not Andariel, but otherwise.

>> No.2808880

How is frenzy barb doing? Still good for 1.13? How about MF? I only did zoomancer as heavy MF, obviously he can ramp it pretty gud.

>> No.2808881

Well I just accidentally did Duriel on SP normal players5 hardcore with frenzy barb, so they seem in a good place.

>> No.2808885


>> No.2808892

Having it on players5 instead of players1 gave duriel a shitload of damage and health for the low benefit of extra XP (The increased item quantities only apply to basic monsters). I meant to turn it down since he's already basically the hardest encounter of the game, but I forgot to and still managed it.

>> No.2808898

/Players doesn't affect monster damage.

>> No.2808913

It sure does. In LoD anyway, but who still plays classic?

>> No.2808918

No, only their hit points and the experience they give changes: http://classic.battle.net/diablo2exp/monsters/basics.shtml
>Monsters' experience value and Hit Points will change with the number of players in the game.

>> No.2808921

Like a lot of aspects of the game, battle.net doesn't tell you everything. The wiki lists the exact values of damage and AR that increase, and if that's not enough, go create a new character, take some damage, then save, reopen, set to players8, and see for yourself how much more you get hit for.

>> No.2808928

Ah, you're right: http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Player_Settings
>Each additional player in the game also increases the damage dealt by 6.25%


>> No.2809060

Tell us now

>> No.2809274

regarding end game gear for a summon necro,
I've seen people suggest beast runeword as opposed to arm of king leoric/hoto, is it worth it? should the merc use pride or infinity?

>> No.2810843

SP or MP? SP you really don't need great equipment. Use something that gives you +summoning skills. Last time I used Insight on my Merc, so I would have enough mana for curses and corpse explosion.

>> No.2810860

Can anyone recommend a mod for D2 that makes character building a little more interesting? Over the years I've tried more or less everything, but I have an inch to settle down and clean the Den of Evil.

>> No.2810892


there will never be a game with this kind of god tier atmosphere again.

>> No.2811018

used obedience on my merc. had to do so it kills faster while still being affordable. i have no idea how I managed mana but I don't remember it ever going out. or maybe there was an abudance of full rejuv or mana tap?

as for weapons, I think I went with leoric in the end, although i was afraid of bone prison i rarely got hit. I think i've used bone or some random +skill before that. don't see need for beast.

>> No.2811027

Can somone help me to get Diablo I working?
Game boots to the character select screen, but I just get a black screen when trying to start a game.
Running windows 7, patch 1.21 Tried various combinations of compatability mode, nothing works so far.

>> No.2811031

>turning diablo 1 into diablo 2
>Part of why I love the first Diablo is because of the old graphics

Nigger please, Belzebub doesn't change graphics.

>> No.2811036

>terminate "explorer" on Task Manager
>open "run" (windows key + R, since you don't have start menu anymore)
>run diablo from it

It should work now, after done playing:
>open "run"
>type "explorer"
>start bar reappears

>> No.2811037

Wait, forgot you couldn't Windows + R to open "run" after explorer is terminated

>on Task Manager, use File > New Task

>> No.2811169

I meant windows 8, sorry. I'll give this a try though. Cheers.

>> No.2811202

Let me know if it worked though, would be nice to know same method works on windows 8

>> No.2811218

>want to make helmet with Delirium because turning into a Bone Fetish is my fetish
>runes should be no prob, where do I have the Ist rune
>have none
>Ist is a really high rune

>> No.2811236

lower kurast is what you're looking for
though ist isn't that rare, ran countess like 3 times and got one last week, have found them on hell cows before too

>> No.2811268

>hell cows
>complete your build after beating the game


>> No.2811318

any tips for lower kurast?

>> No.2811383

guess it's all pretty obvious but here goes some optimizations I can think of:
always on p7, more HR seeds than lower settings and same as p8
get a good map, 2 bonfires (6 superchests) close to the waypoint to minimize run times
use a cold sorc with 105 or 200 fcr, tp around and open chests with telekinesis, freeze monsters that get near you with glacial spike
high runes pretty much always appear on screen, so you don't have to pick up lots of itens in fear of missing one
get a holy freeze merc to delay annoying creatures
finish the tome quest so zakarumites won't attack you
at the end of a run use the waypoint to got to act 4 before exiting, the wp there is much closer to where the character appears, otherwise you have to walk all the way through kurast docks
armor stands are worth checking too, some drop socketed monarchs and uniques like stormshield/shako

>> No.2811673

So I got two questions.

1. I want a Mod that makes it so D1 doesn't look like butt but it doesn't change the gameplay too much, any ideas?

2. I finished Eastern Sun, Ultimative and Nilla D2, I am looking for some other good mods. I find that Ultimative and ES both have an issue where things become sponges by the end, I don't want that. So does anyone have any ideas?

>> No.2811676

>so D1 doesn't look like butt
Diablo is beautiful though.

>> No.2811973


I was curious myself and looked it up.

Apparently it was never explicitly explained but had to do with "shadowspawn" being "constructs" (i.e. artificial creations) and so could not move instantly from one spot to another without instantly dying due to the nature of the magic involved. "Traveling" through a "gateway" was essentially moving a "thread" in the "pattern" from one place to another.

The 'threads' are basically souls and the 'pattern' being fate. Since evil beings are not natural, but created, they don't have souls and cease to be alive even if only removed from physical reality for any fraction of time, no matter how small.

That's my interpretation, anyway.

>> No.2812197

I agree but not on a 1080p monitor

>> No.2812247

Then get Belzebub, besides adding a lot of content and useful D2 style features, it lets you play the game in 800x and 1024x resolutions, as well as playing in Windowed mode, you can also set your preferred FPS.

>> No.2812254

Coh for the dr

>> No.2812969

I'd rather just play vanilla at a higher res, ps1 version on my phone works well anyway

>> No.2812975 [DELETED] 

>Diablo I thread
>Diablo II talk
Fuck off back to /v/ fgts

>> No.2812989

Shut up nerd.

>> No.2813051

Ok, thanks, but what if I play on ladder?

>> No.2813382

it's more of a SP thing, I don't play ladder at all
not sure p1 even has HR seeds in 1.13, might just be a waste of time
you'll have to tp around LK, as the bonfires can be anywhere, and some maps only spawn a single one

>> No.2813613

yeah, I know. tried couple of runs on previous season but never got the grip since I had to tele around to find the bonfire and it just didn't budge anything after a while so I quit.

>> No.2814125

Why do people pretend like Diablo II isn't easily the best Blizzard game?

>> No.2814137

I prefer Diablo I to Diablo II because Diablo II encourages too much grinding. Diablo I on the other hand is a pretty satisfying playthrough without having to reload or grind.

>> No.2814160

That guitar


>> No.2814392
File: 343 KB, 1541x1239, mallard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>D2 ladder resets tomorrow

>> No.2814408

there is a 11% chance of an unique item spawning when killing a boss (that has a 100% chance of dropping a magic item) character how the fuck is that bad...

>> No.2814461

heh can't wait to play with bots!

>> No.2814705

I usually play on USEast but I live in Asia now so... I guess this means I'm playing on Asia.

Tomorrow's going to be fun.

>> No.2814964

>HC SP Barb
>Farm quest bug NM andariel for over 5 hours
>Still wearing cleglaws set
>Get an Aldur weapon drop
>Socket with 2 shaels and an ort
>Vaporize nightmare

Jesus christ. Its never taken me so long to gear up on d2 before.

>> No.2815424

You could have just gone with Berserker and destroyed Nightmare with just a Bonesnap and some IAS items like Twitchthroe.

>> No.2815489

I went concentrate because its noninterruptable and gives a huge defense boost. Very survivable even with complete shit gear, which is what I've got. Though I'm close to NM Meph, so I'll grind out some actual equipment there.

>> No.2815496

Rogue is the best pvp, totally ridic online

>> No.2816692

Berserk does pretty well defensively too, despite what the skill description would have you believe. The fact is that Barbarians get so much more health than they need at any given level that their survivability is through the roof.

...There's also the fact that the curve of what defines a useful quantity of defense far outpaces the curve of a typical amount of defense for a character of a given level, to the degree that you are probably only increasing your chance to be hit by a few percentage points by using berserk.

If you're really concerned, use a shield.

>> No.2817081

There are a number of factors that makes this not work.
One, berserk isn't uninterruptable. This is HC, and I've had terrible gear all game. I was at NM Andariel, level 50 with level 3-20 set gear across the board. Being interrupted by a sudden extra fast extra strong enemy and being unable to get enough attacks in can definitely be a death sentence, especially with act 3's pygmy enemies. In fact I got jumped by multiple pygmy uniques in one of the kurast dungeons and only got out by spamming full rejuvs. That's with them having 20% to hit instead of practically guaranteed.

Second, berserk has its own set of problems. Its a little under double the damage for no lifesteal, interruptable and 0 defense. I agree that there's high diminishing returns with defense, but being 0 defense in combat is unacceptable on HC with bad gear. Its just asking to lose a massive time investment. Its like playing a roguelike and wearing nothing but +dam gear and no defensive gear, you're just asking for a unique to ruin your day. People ran berserk on HC when IM was a thing, and it isn't anymore, so its not worth the risk. Its worth a point for physical immunes, sure, but not main build material when you can't trade players for gear to keep yourself alive.

And third, a defense of 0 with a shield means you're constantly checking for blocks. Instead of your enemy whiffing their attack, they hit your shield, causing you to be unable to attack. I don't think I need to explain any further why that's no good.

>> No.2817093

I only play hardcore and I can't think of a single reason to actually use concentration over berserk unless you're too low level to use berserk.

- Even with shout your defense is probably so garbage that it's not stopping anything much past that initial 5%, which stays even if your defense is 0.
- CTB should be 75% if you're using a shield, which is far better than the level of defense you'll get from... actual defense no matter how good your gear is.
- Interruption is based partially on your maximum health total and is mitigated by IAS so you can avoid it almost entirely by actually building for berserk instead of substituting it in on a concentration build.
- Life leech is only marginally useful on nightmare and almost completely worthless on hell due to the changes from 1.10. Besides, even if you have enough of it for it to be helpful it is far better to heal up using whirlwind than it is to try by swinging at dudes one at a time.

The only reason I can think of someone preferring concentrate over berserk is if they've done some fucked up theorycrafting or they've neglected to put any points into BO. Concentrate doesn't really contribute to defense, even if you build for it; berserk with IAS eliminates the issue of interruption, gives you much better damage output, and still gives you the option to spec for max block if you're somehow afraid of dying with 2000 health at level 50.

Don't melee dolls. That's just stupid.

>> No.2817109

>25% chance to be hit from blocking is better than 20% chance of whiffing and not being interrupted
>Mitigated by IAS which comes from gear, which I repeatedly stated I don't have
>Life leech only marginally useful
>Concentrate doesn't contribute to defense even when built for
>"Don't melee dolls, my 0 defense build can't handle them"

I'm getting the distinct feeling you don't know what you're talking about. I'm going to go back to the game now.

>> No.2817402

Right, the game you were struggling to play well before the game gets difficult because you made a silly build with no damage output.

The defensive value of blocking is several times greater than the defensive value of defense (check how much defense you need to get 75% chance to dodge at level 50 versus how much dex you need for max block with, say, Sigon's or Steelclash).
The offensive value of berserk is several times greater than that of concentration. This is fairly straightforward.

You don't really need a ton of IAS either, unless you pick a slow base weapon. And if you're that interrupt-phobic, don't use a shield. Barbs are nearly invincible.

As for life leech, you indicated that your gear is crappy so your return from life leech against your big health pool is probably quite small.

But yeah, keep using the skill that nobody uses instead of the skill that everybody uses. It's you who has it figured out, not the thousands of other people who have played barbarians and used berserk/ww.

>> No.2817425

They say that Diablo:NetHack::console games:PC games

>> No.2817440

Barbs haven't used berserk since Iron Maiden was taken out of CS. Frenzy/WW for damage, concentrate for HC until you're geared.

Source: Someone who actually plays HC/has been active in the past 5 years

>> No.2817549
File: 139 KB, 537x183, Not active.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I delete most of my characters when the ladder resets but as you can see from the screenshot I'm hardly inactive.

Frenzy and berserk serve a different purpose and berserk requires substantially less gear to be effective, making it a much better skill for untwinked Barbarians. Since you get three whole resets for free there is basically no reason at all to use concentration.

>> No.2818058


>> No.2818595

213 posts and nobody said "Fresh Meat"
Fuck you /vg/

>> No.2818635

I like Nethack and Diablo. They are both great for different reasons.

>> No.2818910

So what class can solo hell easily?

>> No.2818932

Ah, fresh meat!

>> No.2818948

With no gear, from easy to hard:
Necromancer > Sorceress >> Amazon, Assassin > Barbarian, Druid, Paladin

The big gap is between Sorceress and the rest of the classes. Necromancers can breeze through the game as summoners, although it's a bit slow going. Sorceresses do reasonable damage untwinked as fire/cold hybrids and have no issues with immunes. Assassins and Amazons do more than enough damage untwinked to deal with hell but have a hard time breaking immunes and generally lean very heavily on their mercenary and/or hybridization (which takes specialized gear). Barbarians do not have problems with immunes but need at least one good weapon, meaning you're going to be grinding the end of nightmare for a little while. Druids can pick their poison: They can either struggle with immunes by going elemental or be forced to grind for gear by going melee. Paladins are in a similar situation, in that they have a lot of options but most of them simply don't do enough damage to cope with hell. Hammerdins are rather inconvenient to play untwinked as they are fragile and lacking in damage.

The truth is, however, that if you're playing on softcore any class will be able to do it untwinked, it just might take some a little longer than others. On hardcore, you'll have more trouble taking characters with immune problems through hell since you're reliant on offense to substitute for defense for those levels until your gear starts to spruce up; at the end of the day it just means more grinding.

>> No.2819475

Necromancer with an Act 2 Merc with Insight polearm = infinite mana for Corpse Explosion.

>> No.2819496

I'm bored and I want to make some funky hardcode char:

> Necro with summons or fighting at distance
> Palladin that fights melee nor hammerdin
> Barbarian that fights melee
> Sorc that fights at distance
> Any cookie-cutter build for amazon or druid (and not a Hunter druid because I played that recently)

I want to play solo, and through hell. I don't mind grinding for gear for long but there's no worst feeling then having no AOE - clicking through each enemy is so boring.

Is there a build that ticks all the boxes or should I play some other game?

>> No.2819531

Living off the land trap assassin.

>> No.2819547

pure auradin

>> No.2819554
File: 41 KB, 86x115, Minion_of_Destruction_(Diablo_II).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I'm at the end of the fifth act on normal mode diablo II for the first time, as a werewolf druid, and I'm positively stumped as to what do do about the monsters that stun on hit that baal summons. I didn't remember what their names were but I just can't hit them even once. Does anyone have any ideas as to what I can do that doesn't involve grinding to the point that they aren't any problem at all?

>> No.2819658
File: 200 KB, 500x500, 1436582844440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't played this game in at least 10 years, and with the recent ladder reset, think I might give it a go again.

Does frost orb sorc clear shit well or is it all lightning all the time

>> No.2819659

Literally the first Google result for "minion of destruction werewolf druid": http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/370600-diablo-ii-lord-of-destruction/58092725 ;_;

>> No.2819665

Alternately lead them away out of Baal's throne room somewhere else and return (e.g. by using a town portal to Harrogath and the waypoint in the Worldstone Keep). Then Baal will think you killed them.

>> No.2821968


>> No.2822372

Frost orb is great. Especially Nightmare difficulty is a power trip with enemies dying left and right.

>> No.2822498


I have no idea what that means.


Thanks that seems what I was looking for, I'll invest in auras and zeal until the end of nightmare, then try to collect a sword with a high enough CB and runes to build two dreams and switch to conviction, zeal and resists

>> No.2822510

>I have no idea what that means.
You play an assassin specializing in traps (for AOE). And you only use items you find. No buying, no repairing, no healing, in town. Maybe use Cain for identifying items, otherwise you're left with the identification scrolls you find.

>> No.2822513

/vr/ stay awhile and listen:
>I fucking love Diablo 1
>hear how Diablo 2 is supposedly better in every way
>try it out
>get bored of it because it's beginning of the game isn't very interesting

I have tried getting into Diablo 2 many times but this always happens to me. Does Diablo 2 get better/more interesting later on or is there simply something I'm missing?

>> No.2822520

Don't expect Diablo 2 to be like Diablo 1. They're fairly different games.

>> No.2824487

How's everyone doing this ladder? My chain lightning / frozen orb sorc is level 73 but I'm kind of stuck in act 2 hell with the staff. I doubt the arcane sanctuary will be too tough to get through playing carefully but I have no idea how I'm going to get past duriel without some damage reduction / lifeleech gear on my merc.

Also, if anyone's on escl I have lots of el - sol runes if you're trying to make insight / lore.

>> No.2825678

I usually make a big deal out of the ladder but right now my closest server is Asia and it's pretty dead... I'd roll on USEast but the lag is quite serious and I play hardcore so I'd probably just end up dead.

>> No.2826184

It's hot down here.

>> No.2826196

Basically >>2822520. Diablo 1 is a really traditional dungeon crawl like a roguelike, and II is more of an adventure RPG with big open spaces and exploration. You know thinking about it, *functionally* they're pretty similar, bit the feeling you get from descending back into the cursed church is always going to be different from running off into big plain to find shit.

I personally liked 1 more but 2 is definitely worth giving some serious benefit of the doubt and time before you decide for sure you don't like it.

>> No.2826212
File: 52 KB, 512x271, Diablo_lightning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that in Nightmare and Hell difficulty Diablo's Lighting Hose of Death doesn't hit you when you're standing right next to him: http://wiki.theamazonbasin.com/index.php/Diablo

>> No.2826638

Oh my god.

>> No.2826645

Evan as a caster, you're safer fighting the D right at his face. When up close the cold damage palm attack is the most dangerous thing he can do (still hits like a fucking truck though)

>> No.2826745

Almost have a Tal set. Just missing the armor right now.

Got super lucky with the ammy dropping in NM.

Ususally like to do Cave+Mausoleum (and mabey crypt) + Countess runs on one. Super easy and those areas are all Mlvl 85 so most everything can drop (with a few exceptions like that Tyrial armor)

>> No.2826880

What are your mod suggestions for Diablo 2?
I've played the fuck out of Median and there's nothing to do now, Snej and Eastern Sun didn't appeal me. I'm going to try Back to Hellfire mod now, seems fun

>> No.2826882

cave and crypt aren't level 85
also everything can drop from champions and bosspacks in level 85 areas, since they're level 87~88, whereas uniques like tyrael's might have ilevel 87

>> No.2826943

Woops, meant to say "The Pit" not cave.
Crypt is alvl 83 but has a super unique mob and a unique chest so worth it IMO, especially considering its super easy with a guarantee of no ranged mobs at all.


>> No.2827074

So I'm playing Nec in D2 and I have no idea what to put my skill points into. I maxed out Skeltals and mastery, 1 in skeltal magi and the rest of the summoning tab, and one in each of the curses. Should I put more in Corpse Explosion or something else?

>> No.2827093

>Corpse Explosion

Max, Skelly, Mastery, and Corpse Explosion

One point in to each curse, 1-5 in to summon resist.

Drop all the rest in to res monster skill and you're done.

Corpse Explosion does 50% fire and 50% physical damage so even with fire immune mobs you'll still get your mana worth out of blowing shit up.

>> No.2827097

Does anyone play on annihilus.net?
64 players per game
Spectator mode
New uber areas
New skills
New & redesigned existing items
Active community and tournaments

>> No.2827102

Never heard of it but I'm interested. I'll try this shit out.

>> No.2827107

They've done an awesome job, beenr there almost a year :)

>> No.2827792

Just played for a few hours, its really fucking hard starting off but I got rushed, sitting at level 80 something right now and shit seems nuts.

Oh hell, end game shit is crazy.
Thanks for the recommendation, I'll probably be fucking around with this for a while.

>> No.2828132
File: 270 KB, 800x600, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the Den of Evil, has Corpsefire in it with only 1 level and everything, but its named Caves lvl 1 and didn't count for the quest. Never seen this happen before.

>> No.2828359

the cave is the name it gets after you complete the quest
I don't know how this works on bnet but maybe someone who had already finished it entered your game?

>> No.2828525

I don't think this is always true if you have a reasonable amount of FCR since you won't have much trouble getting out of the way of the hose and the fire nova scales pretty poorly. Casters who have a high block chance, however, have basically nothing to fear from standing next to Diablo unless they have negative cold resistance or something.

On a related note, I find the relative difficulty of bosses interesting.

Andariel is probably most dangerous on hell but she's really just a pushover on all three difficulties as long as you know about antidotes.
Duriel's capacity to kill characters on normal is legendary. He's a big wuss by the time you get to him in hell since act 2 is so tumultuous.
Mephisto is so dangerous to untwinked characters on hell. I have had two hardcore characters killed in their mid-seventies by him.
Diablo is quite scary on normal but becomes progressively less so on higher difficulties.
I still occasionally see Baal conk untwinked characters in hell. He's pretty harmless on normal and nightmare, though.

>> No.2828572
File: 745 KB, 800x1200, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corpse Explosion is the best skill ever invented in a video game. Prove me wrong!

Also I like the auto-cleanup upon leaving and returning to the area.

>> No.2829008

I really can't stick with Diablo 2 for very long periods of time. I get too mad at the ridiculous unfixed glitches like fire enchant with lightning enchant causing corpse explosion damage + lightning damage PER bolt. I play a hardcore character up until Hell, and then I realize that my character is dead as a doornail should I go down some stairs into a fire/lightning combo. It can even happen on nightmare if the RNG gods frown upon you.

>> No.2829058

2 questions:
im running diablo 2 version 1.13. is there any way to use higher res or am i stuck with 800x600? i hope widescreen mods don't cause glitches.

do i need to pirate diablo 1 or can i still find it somewhere digitally?

>> No.2829218
File: 505 KB, 500x281, 1448168774131.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I don't know if I subliminally saw this thread, or just recently got a hankering for this game, but I downloaded it the other day and am playing it on Linux through Wine.

Problem is the game menu is completely black. I can navigate it, but it takes some guess work. Would anybody here be a total bro and post images of the start up menus so I can intelligently guess what I am doing?

Other than the title screen and title menus being fucked, the game works perfectly. Having fun getting through the first 4 levels right now.

>> No.2829248

I play the psx version on my slim psdos.
Slow speed in town.

>> No.2829262
File: 414 KB, 800x600, menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean this?

>> No.2829345
File: 534 KB, 1920x1080, j086rEj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, except for Diablo 1.

Specifically I am trying to figure out the menu structure to start a single player game and to load a single player game.

1) When you boot the game, first there is the movie.

2) Then there is the title screen.

3) Then there is the main menu (pictured)

4) Then (after hitting single player) ???. Must be a single player load/new game screen

5a) Then (after hitting new game) the character selection screen?
5b) Then (after hitting load) a save select screen?

6a) Then (after selecting a character) you name them?

I managed to bumble through it and started a game with a warrior named JKL after 15 minutes. It'd be nice to know what the single player menu looks like, what the character selection screen looks like (which I can find online), and what the name entry screen looks like.

>> No.2829353

Oh, duh. Sorry.

>> No.2829401

God damnit everytime I see this title screen I get a hankering for diablo 2 and play for 24 hours straight

>> No.2829580

Diablo 1 is fun for a bit, but the gameplay is so formulaic and monotonous, you get into step repetition so fast
>go into dungeon
>kill stuff to level up
>loot items
>inventory full, town portal, identify items, sell everything, restock supplies, maybe see something good in the shops, maybe check out wirts item
>go deeper into dungeon to kill tougher enemies with your more powerful items
>maybe find some OP equipment from a quest
I play around in diablo 1 occasionally, but diablo 2 has way more 'gameplay'

>> No.2829668


Nevermind, I found a video online that has somebody going through the single player set up.

>> No.2829686

seems monotonous but it is old and that actually sounds like a decent bit of things to do in a fantasy game. 2 was obv superior but they touched on the main nerve in diablo 1

>> No.2830049

Post the video plz?

>> No.2830078

At times I find the loot more fun than Diablo 2 because every magical item has a good potential in being good. In Diablo 2 eventually you just leave regular magical items on the ground because they won't benefit you.

>> No.2830339
File: 788 KB, 360x240, 1448138703923.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Interestingly this is a 3min 12sec speed run of the game.

>> No.2830414

>Verified no cheating
>Stairs to the next level are always next to stairs from the previous level

Fuck that shit.

>> No.2830439

Manipulating the RNG doesn't count as cheating.

>> No.2830501

Yeah yeah, glitches aren't cheats, tools letting you play the game frame by frame aren't cheating, save states aren't cheating, manipulating the RNG isn't cheating, yadda yadda yadda.

>> No.2830527

tell us more about how butthurt you are

>> No.2830536

lol u mad?

>> No.2830556

Within the speedrunning community at large, the debate of what cheating is and isn't has already been clearly defined.

>glitches aren't cheats
This is correct. Glitches are perfectly within a game's programming. When doing a glitch, you are using the controller, and your hands. No action replays, no game genies, no tilting the cart or opening the disc tray. Just the controller, and your hands, using the game's mechanics and abusing those mechanics to your advantage. Whether a glitch saves half a second, or 30 seconds, or even 30 minutes is entirely irrelevant.

>tools letting you play the game frame by frame aren't cheating
This is Tool-Assisted Speedrunning, which is seperate from Real-Time speedrunning. Using this kind of thing and passing it off as a real time speedrun is cheating.

>Save states aren't cheating
They are cheating, in a real time setting.

>manipulating the RNG isn't cheating
Correct, manipulating RNG patterns within a game, whether it's positioning yourself to make enemies appear in a certain pattern, or guaranteeing a major positive outcome through non-cheating means, this is perfectly okay.

>> No.2831281
File: 429 KB, 800x600, Screenshot055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I found another one of these after 6 months.
Are the runewords with it useful for any build? Or maybe I should just cube them up.

>> No.2831431


Depends on what you want out of a mod. I'd suggest Battle for Elements, Scrabble, Kingdom of Tenai or Nezeramontias if you don't mind the mods being a bit ridiculous. Documentation for all of these mods is pretty hard to find these days, though.

>> No.2831554

You could, I don't know, always trade it for another high rune you need.

Burning 2 high runes (Anything Ist-Zod) to upgrade in a cube is really dumb. Most of them all have the same worth so you just end just throwing away half of the worth your had effectively.

>> No.2831558

You could make a Doom polearm for your merc, but that's about it.

>> No.2831605

forgot to say this is SP, so some runes have little or no use to me outside of cubing like gul and sur, and in this case cham it seems

>> No.2831680

cube or trade for all kinds of good shit

>> No.2831682

well then fuck it

>> No.2831972


Try different wine versions I don't remember the one that worked flawlessly with Diablo but there was one.

>> No.2832027

Also look here: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=73

>> No.2832035

Can you still claim it's the same game? It's a mod that removed key features from the original game.
Speedrunning Diablo may not make sense due to the randomness but does that a run with all randomness removed still represents Diablo?

>> No.2832068

you could always put one in your shako if you don't have 'cannot be frozen" from something else. i imagine you've thought of that though, if you've found so many.

>> No.2832073

>So, I found another one of these after 6 months.
>if you've found so many.

sorry, misread that as this was the 6th cham you've found in a month. didn't mean to be cheeky.

>> No.2832074
File: 311 KB, 800x600, Trang-Oul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yes! Only four more items before I become a vampire!

>> No.2832089

It represents about the fastest one could beat Diablo, yes.

If you don't allow people to explicitly manipulate the RNG, the person with the fastest time will probably have the fastest time almost solely because of RNG since it's an enormous factor in determining how long it takes to complete the game. And then you'd still have people complaining that the guy is only the fastest since he rigged the RNG, even if he didn't -- the kind of randomly-generated world it would take to produce the fastest run possible without luck manipulation would quickly become indistinguishable from the kind of worlds generated from luck manipulation. In short, if you explicitly forbid people from manipulating RNG the easy way, the run will:

a) become mostly about manipulating RNG "the hard way" (as in playing the first five minutes of the game hundreds of thousands of times until you get a bunch of accessible stairs)
b) become impossible to verify since the good runs will still look highly suspicious to regular players of the game.

Allowing luck manipulation is the only way to put skill at the forefront of speedrunning in games where luck is a huge factor. Of course, none of this answers the question of whether or not Diablo is an *interesting* game to speed run, but the fact is that allowing such behavior is necessary to force Diablo speedrunners to focus on skill.

In my opinion, Diablo isn't a particularly interesting game to speed run. It's probably quite difficult, since I'd imagine the movements have to be frame perfect to be optimal, but the tricks themselves are well-known and not especially interesting to watch (I'm pretty sure the only glitches used are the duping glitch and the mana shield hit lock glitch). Diablo is probably interesting for people who like focusing on routing since there's a ton of factors to consider.

>> No.2832223

I remember playing BoE, it was fun, I guess I'll play it again
Can't find Scrabble anywhere, volf just deleted it completely for some reason
Kingdom of Tenai and Nez was meh

>> No.2833347

I tried Le Royaume des Ombres. It's not finished yet, but already has full normal playthrough, bigger resolution, revamped skills/crafting/sockets/etc./etc.

>> No.2833410

>decide I want to replay Diablo
>already getting my ass raped before the catacombs

Holy shit how did I ever beat this game as a kid?

>> No.2833417

Diablo requires some grind.

For instance, The Butcher is on the second floor, and you can get the quest right away, but DAMN he is WAY too hard for you the moment you find him, he will RAPE you.
You have to grind yourself up to take him, even as a warrior, because he hits fast and hard.

You'll eventually approach a point where you should be able to get by leveling normally, without grinding much at all.

>> No.2833423

Super late, but there is..You can reset it once as quest reward every Act1 difficulty and on Hell if you gather an essence from the act bosses for a complete reset of stats.

>> No.2833540

What is grinding in Diablo 1? If you can't defeat the Butcher after clearing the rest of floor 2 then you just go to floor 3 and come back later.
You don't have to restart the game to clear the first floors over and and over again.

>> No.2833545

The good thing about Diablo 1 is that the required grind is as simple as clearing the whole level before going down. This is seldomly boring, doesn't require an excessive amount of time, and is often rewarding due to extra items, spells, and sometimes quests.

>> No.2833850

>Reinstall D1
>sign into battle.net in 2015
>same duping glitch I used in 1998 still works


>> No.2833987

Butcher as pretty rough, man, you'd ideally want to be level 6 or 7 if you want to take him on, he hits rapidly, he can easily stunlock you if you're not careful.

Scrolls of firewall can be very helpful if used correctly though.

>> No.2834027

I've had that experience firsthand.
I think one of the key parts is that he can open doors so you can't dispatch him safely with a bow like most other enemies in the cathedral.

My point wasn't that the butcher is easy but that don't have to do menial, repetitive tasks to beat him. Just clear more floors and build up your character and kill him afterwards.

>> No.2834480

As much as Blizz has fallen from grace, one thing I will always give them credit for is having classic B.net up and running for so many years.
Very few central servered games, especially free to play online ones have had servers run for so long.

>> No.2835194

What a bunch of normies...

Here's a tip:
Step 1: play sorceror
Step 2: win.

Get your spells to level 15 + 4 extra levels (df, naj, tc), or even 5 (aasow).

Everything dies to 1k+ damage fireballs or chain lightning. Tripple immunes fall either to stone curse and golem, or bsoa (downside is you get 5 or 6 nukes, then have to tp and recharge).

Warrior is all about ksoh - until you find one, you are basically screwed.

>> No.2835197

>can't kill him with a bow

U wot m8??

Bow is the butcher's nemesis. Bow and stairs...

>> No.2835198

I think you would be more at home playing League while wanking yourself into a coma every night as you fantasize about carrying your team as some shitty champ like Ashe in the world championships.

>> No.2835212

I don't play lol.

Still have my saves somwhere (warrior and sor).

Both 100% legit. Fully kitted sor with 21 dur tc, perfect naj and df, war with rc, ksoh, aweplate.

For what it's worth, playing warrior is more fun, though chasing bitches in hell can get a bit tedious. Playing sorceror boils down to hopping around with tele and ms, obliterating everything with fireballs and chain.

I know getting a full kit for a mage (3 speciffic uniques, 1 specific random drop, and one or two randomly appearing shrines) is a dream outside of doing many runs in multiplayer, but then you have the BNM, or even beyond naked mages owning the place.

>> No.2835243

You can kill him with a bow, you can't simply hide behind a grate and shoot him.
I think it might work if the entry point is too far away but it rarely generates that way.

>> No.2835279

Doing NM FO and shitty FB (MF) Sorc runs
>mfw Tal Amu for Andariel
>mfw Vipern 23 from Andariel (and than disconnect -> Vipern gone)
Following Pul from Cows, Um from HQ, Assa MA +27L Skiller, 2x Tal Mask, Tal Belt, 4 sox Crystal for Spirit and a Lidless.

It's a good start for the Ladder, considering I only played for 3-4 days. Does someone know what the Skiller could be worth? (SCL EU)
I guess I can tackle Hell Act 2 again.
And what the fuck happened to the spam bots, 2 years ago you could just create a game with level cap and no bots entered, nowadays these fuckers do public Baal/whatever runs and can join L80+ games. For the first time and started using the blocklist feature that keep like 98% of them away.

>> No.2835550

>Using the Blood Golem

>> No.2835558

Care to elaborate?

>> No.2835571

I always thought it was complete garbage. The Fire Golem really helps during Act 4 and maybe 5 and the Iron Golem can be used with gold weapons. Since the Nec is pretty frail and the Blood Golem shares health, It makes it much easier to die

>> No.2835584

It's a good feeling senpai. I've just about finished gearing up my light sorc (with the significant exception of infinity on merc). Not too much left to do but sit back and pray for some high runes in a timely fashion.

I was really hoping to start a druid and place on the ladder once I get some gear but I'm not sure that I'll have the energy at this point (the lowest level druids on placing on escl are mid 70s). There's just no way it's feasible with my sorc, lowest one on that ladder is 93, lol.

>> No.2835591

>and the Blood Golem shares health, It makes it much easier to die
That got removed in 1.13a: http://wiki.theamazonbasin.com/index.php/1.13a
>Blood Golem - Removed negative shared life effect (player no longer loses life when golem takes damage).

I mainly use it for the its healing effect. On bosses I switch to a Clay Golem.

>> No.2835605
File: 379 KB, 800x600, EtherealFieldPlateOfRestauration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post RNG weirdness.

>> No.2835615

so does it repair damage or not?

>> No.2835624

it does, but only worth it for few runewords

>> No.2835630

I was thinking about doing my first real lightsorc but ended up with the FO/FB. I have to restatt anyway, maybe I'm going light.
And yeah, Sosos/Palas are a lost cause, botting 24/7. No one does that with a druid.

>into magical item

>> No.2835886

like 90% of ethereal shit I find always has that self repair stat, is that rare or something

>> No.2835908

The question is in which combination. Some Rare weapons/armor could be better than most Uniques you can find with that self repair stat. But just a Magical like >>2835605 nah.

>> No.2835913


I liked D2 a bit when I was younger, but D1 is just a superior game in single player. It is much more focused in all aspects, the story is tight, you have a clear progression down the cathedral with Tristram as your resting point, and the atmosphere is so much darker and more effective.

>> No.2836101

I have never found ethereal self-repairing items. Or indestructible ones.

>> No.2836106


all irrelevant. Just clear the level first, then lead him to the stairs DOWN, and run around. Eventually, he'll turn too soon and get stuck on the stair tile. Then you are free to take as many shots as you want, and his pathfinding is not good enough to deal with that.

Yes - it's cheesy as hell, but in 1996, that trick was a lifesaver.

>> No.2836145

Or get a scroll of fire wall, open his door, cast it, close the door.

>> No.2836265


yeah, that works too, though it's a bit more random in SP, since a scroll of FW may, or may not be available.

IMO Leoric in 1 was the scarier boss, since after butcher, you knew it would be a tough fight.

>> No.2836275

>Item level 70
Now that's some bullshit.

>> No.2836334

ilvl is based on what dropped the item, not anything to do with the quality of the item.

>> No.2836343

I see, must be a mod then since I normally don't see it.

>> No.2836389

I found like 4 trang oul helms and the belt doing Pindleskin, I would give them to you if I wasn't on single player.

>> No.2836404

Yeah, he's probably using PlugY, which is a mod used for single player to extend stash, show ilvl, add ladder runewords to SP, etc. I wouldn't play SP without it, personally.

>> No.2836407

I'm on level 16 in the original Diablo and have hit a wall. My warrior can't survive the final level, even with all special gear. Even the duping glitch stopped working. Do I delete the save and try again? What do I do to slay the fallen one?

>> No.2836420

So apparently I killed the Cow King with my sorc years ago and I don't even remember doing it. Is there any way to edit the save file and make me able to enter the cow level again or am I just fucked?

>> No.2836434

PlugY allows you to repeat the cow level after killing the king I believe, but A. I don't know if it works retroactively, and B. it only works on 1.13c and before I believe. Latest patch is 1.13d, and I don't know if there's any way to convert saves to an earlier patch, or if they're compatible, or what. Worth looking into if the cow level is that important to you, but there's better places to farm anyhow.

>> No.2836935

That depends on the RNG. Butcher is in 2/3 of the games so there's a chance you don't get him on.

>> No.2836938

Knockback and haste.
I've beaten the game with a shitty magic sword with those properties with ease as a warrior.

Just place your self 2 squares away from a wall and wail on mobs knocking them back, and thus interrupting their attack and with the haste keeping them stun locked. This works on bosses too, even Diablo.

I don't know why people say that warrior is hard at later floors. Sure he doesn't clear as fast as the sorcerer but shit is easy mode still with knockback and haste.

>> No.2836943

Forgot to specify.
You place the mob between you and the wall when doing this so they don't actually get knocked away from you but do suffer from the knockback animation interrupting their attacks.

>> No.2837092

if d2 is allowed here, then, Who want's to play some D2 mods?

>> No.2837114 [DELETED] 

Didn't take long for /v/eddit to come and break the rules when OP started a diablo 1 thread

>> No.2837136 [DELETED] 

Thanks for pointing out all the posts I'm interested in, now it'll be easier to talk about my favourite game.

This guy keeps cooking his hare even as you take on the Lord of Destruction, also he reminds me of Hagrid.

Nice drop dude, still haven't got one myself.

Shit thanks, not going to forget this.

>> No.2837142 [DELETED] 

Diablo 2 discussion belongs on /v/ or /vg/

>> No.2837147 [DELETED] 

Don't bother, you'll just be banned by mods.

/vr/ is dead and has just become /v/ Mk. 2.

Wouldn't have happened if /vr/ was truly retro and was only about games pre-1995 to keep out millenial idiots.

>> No.2837186

just report the posts and move on man

>> No.2837305

Diablo came out Dec 31st 1996 you agewanking atari-dad reject.

>> No.2837308

how do you get of haste and of the bear on the same item?

>> No.2837314 [DELETED] 

He's referring to diablo2 you asswipe, it was released in late june 2000

>> No.2837348

>Wouldn't have happened if /vr/ was truly retro and was only about games pre-1995 to keep out millenial idiots.
Literally what he said.

You're as dumb as a faggot as he is.

>> No.2839153

What do you prefer sword + shield, or mace + shield?

If also counting D2, do you instead prefer axe + shield?

>> No.2839181

I think hammer + shield is the coolest

>> No.2839447


D1 - king's whatever of haste/strange whatever of haste + shield. Every other answer is wrong (Civerb's Cudgel gets a free pass).

>> No.2839459

Dreamflange is more valid than KSoH

>> No.2839649

I love that set, it's also usable as well, and cool!

>> No.2839674
File: 116 KB, 800x600, Set-trangs-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: Does pic mean that the full set gives +5 to all skills? Or only +3?

>> No.2839748
File: 356 KB, 1525x926, Unbenannt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that other guy but... Mate... just what is wrong with you?
It gives you +3 to ALL skills from the Set Bonus and +2 for Summoning from the armour.

Anyway, had some more luck after the 3 PULs and UM... now I only need MAL and IST - already found a 5sox Flail.

>> No.2839909


well... duh! Somehow I assumed we were talking about warrior. For sorc it's obviously DF, or AASOW (and BSOA).

>> No.2841301

>increased maximum resistance
Blizzard's got a sense of humor.

>> No.2841312

Watch out though, Trangs has a bug that takes away any faster cast rate you may have while in vampire form. This is a good reason to use the armor + gloves, but replace the shield with Homunculus and the helm with a Shako (if you have them).

>> No.2841559

I think the hero editor program will let you change the value for cow king is dead somewhere in it

>> No.2841571

I just watched it and its pretty bullshit. How did he get the stairs right next to each other? Did he just keep reloading until it happened, and then cut all of the missed ones out of the video? That would mean it took way way longer than 3 minutes. Also how did he manipulate those certain item drops to just so conveniently happen? That can't just happen with RNG. What a bunch of bullshit.

>> No.2841580

>Did he just keep reloading until it happened, and then cut all of the missed ones out of the video? That would mean it took way way longer than 3 minutes.
Do you know what a segmented speedrun is?

>> No.2841604

You do not play Diablo 1 for character building autismo. You play it strictly for the quest and the feeling of adventure. In this aspect, D1 and D2 are completely different games.

>> No.2841614

I haven't seen anyone this retarded in a good while.

>> No.2842839

so i have a level 70+ assassin and had the bright idea of using my last points reset to make it a pure lightning trapsin in hell. how fucked am i? infinity isn't possible since it's a one player game. is there anything i can do to salvage her?

>> No.2843340

Make backup of your character (just in case), install PlugY, use it to reset your skill points, uninstall PlugY.

>> No.2843357

Go Essence hunting.
Andariel (or Duriel if you want), Mephisto, Diablo and Baal each drop one. Put all 4 in the cube and you get a Token of Absolution that resets your stats.

>> No.2845192

What's a better/more fun/interesting backup weapon for a Paladin?

>2h Axe

>> No.2845474
File: 33 KB, 1137x208, passion rw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt you need infinity to make a trapsin playable. You can shop for magic +3 trap claws at anya (go to a wp in act 5, take a tp back to town and check if she's selling one, repeat with same wp and tp to refresh inventory) and mix up the rest of your gear with whatever you can mf / low-mid runewords. If you're playing single player I'd recommend you listen to >>2843340 and use some kind of addon to at least give you a little bit of agency without resorting to straight up cheating.

Pic related is a fun runeword to play around with so you can use berserk with your paladin aura. It might be cool in a spear if you don't want to take the conventional route of a 1h sword / axe / scepter / mace.

>> No.2845650

its almost believable but the entire end segment is insane. he fights diablo for example with 1 hp crowded with enemies and doesn't die

>> No.2845683

>Kudos to anyone who notices me drawing a penis after killing diablo before reading this.

>> No.2845694
File: 79 KB, 661x401, Unbenannt5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I go, my first CTA of the new Ladder.

>pls no rekt by 2/1/1

>> No.2845715

I bet you get something retarded, like 6 to battle command and 2 to BO. I always do.

>> No.2845718

I hate when you say "I'm playing Diablo" and your faggot friend immediately thinks of Diablo 2. Bitch, if I was talking about Diablo 2, I would say Diablo 2. But I'm not because Diablo 2 sucks balls.

>> No.2845823 [SPOILER] 
File: 39 KB, 345x363, 1449767245139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pffft bwahaha like I would get such skrub rolls.

>> No.2845861

>But I'm not because Diablo 2 sucks balls.

I was with you right up until you decided to be a cunt.

I prefer the first one as well but the second one definitely doesn't suck.

>> No.2845961

Where does it matter to find right type socketed weapons, e.g. berserker axes usually for botd since the damage is highest but also the requirements, while people know to build enigmas out of cracked sashes because it's less strength required or something?

>> No.2845965

I hate when you say "I'm playing Diablo" and your faggot friend immediately thinks of Diablo 3. Bitch, if I was talking about Diablo 3, I would say Diablo 3. But I'm not because Diablo 3 sucks balls.

>> No.2847571


>> No.2847653

Sorry hermano! Still though, any CTA is a huge boost to survivability over none at all.

>> No.2847985

That's true. My merc was hard to keep alive at Mephi and pretty much never survived Andy... now no problem anymore. AT have gotten easier as well, they rewarded me with two(!) fucking IK armours and a Mara 29, just no Tals.

>> No.2849348 [DELETED] 


>> No.2849741
File: 156 KB, 491x523, 1448652452536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely right. Especially for Eni you take something with low str req., because you get all that extra +str from it (which then carries your other equipment), resulting in more free points to put into the other stats.

Blogpost because: Fuck the RNG gods.
2x clean curses... thanks. 1x clean pala defensiv. OK fuck you, gib at least 1 Ama Arrow... Ama Spear 1xclean, 1x4dex, 1x7% FRW and 1x3dex + 3 Titans all fucking non-eth + Thundergods. Ok ok I get it, Javazon it is. Respec, unequip the Mavina belt/hands/helmet for Java stuff. Go out into Pit, first drop? Mav Bow. Are you fucking kidding me? Until the respec I was running around with the shitty unique Chu-Ko-Nu.
And the skiller onslaught continued: sorc fire clean, baba shouts +5str, pala combat, assa combat +28L, clean ele dudu, another clean pala def., and a few other shitty ones, but the luck continues with another Tal Amu, Maras 29, Viper 27 and 23, 2x Zaka, Monarch 9% ED 4sox and nearly made my heart stop: sc +5@ + 4mf, god that one with 7mf... (H)Rs have been pretty bad though, Ohm is the only HR so far, followed by 1 IST, 3 MAL, 6 PUL.
Someone here ESCL? Need to get rid of some stuff and I'm to lazy for proper trading.

>> No.2850984

I could use the pcomb and ele gc, pretty sure I got some jav stuff for you (a jav lifer gc, high titans, mid eth titans, shaftstop off the top of my head). lmk what gear you need, I don't take the trading aspect very seriously either. I probably won't be online until tomorrow, but feel free to add me. acc: SleepingVillage

>> No.2851606

>find a bow with + fire/elec damage bonus
>cool, new animation and it lights up areas too
>wait, did that enemy just die in one hit?

I don't know what it was about those bows since the added damage was pretty small but virtually anything went down after getting plinked a few times with it.

>> No.2851685

The fun part was skeletons popping out of barrels and dying.

>> No.2853602

Do you guys play i battlenet or is there an alternative?

>> No.2853785

Here's a very incomplete meteor barb lol. Love this server

>> No.2853790
File: 720 KB, 1027x757, annihilus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops pic

>> No.2853796

>64 players per game

That must be beyond insanity.

>> No.2853830

this is what 44 looks like

>> No.2854093

This is due to two things.

1. He has mana shield on and never runs out of mana.
2. There is a well-documented exploit relating to hitstun and mana shield. Hitstun is normally applied if you take damage greater than your level. However, with mana shield on hitstun is only applied if you take more damage than your level but less than your maximum health (since normally this would kill you). Because he's a low level, he basically always gets hit for more than his maximum health and therefore never gets any hitstun, allowing him to fireball Diablo freely.

Shrewd players would use black deaths to make themselves impervious to hitstun.

>> No.2854408 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2854427

Windows 7 is NOT retro. If you want to post a screenshot to the thread, please take it using a retro OS, or at the very least enable the "classic" Windows theme on your computer.

>> No.2854460

Is Belzebub compatible with hellfire?

>> No.2854569


>> No.2854707

no trophy.
shit energy/mana
Useless IAS
no resists
no +3 fball
no other useful automods

>> No.2854716

It's not that bad for a classic item.

>> No.2854737

I'd be pretty happy to find something like this on an untwinked character.

Question: what's the best way to play online nowadays? The old "latency of the game creator is too high" persists for me on bnet and I can't create games.

>> No.2854889
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>not beating enemies with your staff

>> No.2854891

Ribcracker furywolf is #1 build for pgems

>> No.2854932

Woah give it some credit. Back when iron maiden was actually useful in vanilla diablo it pretty much made you invincible with blood golem while also being the ultimate tank.

>> No.2854943

Now that I think about it, which skills have never ever been useful in the history of Diablo 2? Most skills usually had a phase where it was strong stuff for at least a couple months before getting nerfed. Lightning nova is shit now but it used to be the most overpowered build for cows and rushing.

Short of level 1/6 skills I can't think of one that wasn't useful at one point.

>> No.2855683

try annihilus.net

>> No.2856046

Even with a wind druid I couldn't get through hell, cold/physical immune and you're fucked

>> No.2856054

Jah is the only high rune I've ever found.

No one ever believes me when I say it came from nightmare forge.

>> No.2856060
File: 16 KB, 404x267, baby2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the first time fighting him and he palm freezes me

>> No.2856161
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>No one ever believes me when I say it came from nightmare forge.
Yeah obviously. Because NM HQ max. drop is UM and Hell HQ is GUL.

Anyway, my bad luck with HRs continues. LO, GUL and BER are the only ones. At least I can make a Grief PB now. I really regret not leveling my Smiter, yesterday some duper managed to sell like a 1000 SoJ and gave me ~14 Dia Walks, I sadly only managed to get 7 Annis thanks to others help.

>> No.2856174

What do you need 7 Annis for? How many characters do you have?

>> No.2856195

It was such a pain to uncover the entire map in Diablo 2. That's why Diablo 1 was so much more fun. Plus the guy who auto refilled your health.

>> No.2856246

I mean Diablo 1 though

>> No.2856259

What? You start with one border and follow it around. Only place that it's a bit stupider is the beginning of Act 3 where entire Great Marsh is optional, and iirc it goes through Spider Forest and Flayer Jungle, so it's easy to mix entrances/exits, but it's still not difficult to uncover everything. Afterwards it's again follow border in circle, then explore central areas.

D2 is not fucking Daggerfall.

>> No.2856539

What is all of Act 2?

>> No.2856556
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3 Sorcs (FO/FB, FB/Meteor, Cbolt/Blizzard until Inifinity), Frenzy Baba, Smiter, Nec (Summon right now, but I think I'm going to respec to Boner), my infamous Javazon and an Assa.
Only the 3 sorcs have been properly played (92, 90, 87, wanted to check out how the different builds fare against each other) and the others (Baba, Java) are only L~50, the Nec+Pala ~18. The Assa? Wanted her as a cheap Dia Clone/Über killer, but now that I can build a Grief PB for my Smiter, I guess she will be stuck in limbo.
So, there go my Annis, not to mention for trading - if I wasn't so trading lazy.

Yes, it escalates pretty fast whenever I start D2 again....

>> No.2857808

Is level 9 dueling still a thing?

>> No.2858965
File: 79 KB, 784x800, 42587199_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some high level guy enters your server
>goes hostile on you
>"dude, wtf?"

Fuck that guy

>> No.2859796

A big black mushroom!

>> No.2860187

can't you just password protect your server?

>> No.2860421

Frequently did, but then it'd just be singleplayer essentially.

I like random people dropping in, but every now and then, That Guy shows up. What's their deal?

>> No.2860465

You will need a sword from a 1 GB USB flash drive. Ask Salzman for help, he knows where to find it.

>> No.2860470

Wrong game.

>> No.2860806

Diablo 2 had a lot of descending into tombs and shit like that. Occasionally it felt similar. It's like a lot of miniture varied versions of Diablo 1 stuck together and not slow as fuck.

>> No.2860827

That's one of the things I liked a lot about two, there's a bunch of optional extra dungeons that are just there, and the entire point with them is to find the treasure at the bottom.

They're simply there to be extra content, and I like that.

>> No.2860938

>and not slow as fuck.
And that's part of the reason why they aren't Diablo 1. It's a slow paced game where you think before you act because a wrong move can be disastrous.

>> No.2861002
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Felt nothing similar to Diablo 1. You would go down a floor or maybe one more in the dungeon and that is about it. The entire dungeon in Diablo 1 is sixteen levels and it progressively becomes more hellish the further you go down with more wicked hell spawn as you crawl your way to the bottom.

The slower pace even benefited Diablo 1 due to getting thrown into a mass of enemies could make it so you ended up stun locked and having to reload a save or narrowly escaping a hairy situation.

Nothing like killing goatmen and devilkin then suddenly coming up against a toad demon and actually a bit frightened due to its appearance compared to the other enemies along with it just came out of the same dungeon that the other weaker enemies crawled out of.

>> No.2861310

If anyone was interested in organizing a comfy, Diablo 1 group, I'd totally be down for that.

>> No.2861337

How well does Diablo run on Windows XP?

Tried running it on 7 but it didnt work well, and Im upgrading my comp soon, thinking about making this one an XP machine.

>> No.2861349

1 and 2 both work fine on 7 for me, just have to apply the color fix for 1, (properties in the .exe, check all the compatibility boxes)

>> No.2861360

I didn't even know there was a color fix, Ill check into that, thanks. I've actually never played Diablo 1, I was a huge player of Diablo 2 and I always wanted to try it, cheers.

>> No.2861553
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Then start and sign me up. Dips on the Sorcerer... oh wait, that's just going to end in thousands of teamkills....
Is the D1 B.Net separated in Europe / US just as D2?

>> No.2861598

Well, between a member and a leader I know which role I'd prefer, but in the interest of beating inertia, I suppose I'll start the ball rolling.

I believe there is a US/EUR split, but I honestly don't remember the European channel so let's play in Channel:Diablo USA-1 for now. I'm free and in that channel now if people want to play.

New/New-ish characters fine with everyone?

We'll want a Sorceror anyway, and I'd prefer it be someone who is aware of the risk of teamkilling, so go ahead.

>> No.2861654

You having some connection problems? You keep appearing and dropping from the server lists.

Nice pun on the name btw

>> No.2861716

duriel is brutal with bowzon solo

>> No.2861741

I love shit like this

>> No.2862117

>Not playing as a teleporting, stonecursing melee sorc

>> No.2862345

That definitely wasn't me. I wrote around ~01:30 and went to sleep shortly after that. I will set up D1 over the course of today and see if I can join the US Channels.

>> No.2862370

The name was Panzer-4, so yeah, it kind of threw me off.

I'm probably going to be sleeping in a couple of hours or so, Pacific/Western Time Zone + Work odd hours.

>> No.2863212

> a mean as fuck dude strolls through several levels of your comfy lair
>hundreds ofyour friends have been ruthlessly exploded/electrocuted/disemboweled
>dude opens up a magic portal and leaves

"Hey guys let's go follow this guy through his portal"

Said no demon ever

>> No.2863220

I wanna play some d1 with you guys, we on us west servers?

>> No.2863223

It's magic, ain't gotta explain shit.

For the record, though, the town portal eviscerates non-humans upon entry.

Plus in the sequel they just raze the town by leaving the dungeon the conventional way (ie, through the exit).

>> No.2863231

That was my main bitch about d2, Griswold and pepin were bro-tier

>> No.2863287

I'm game for a little while. Gateway: US West, Channel: Diablo USA-1 work for you?

Only characters I've got on this setup at the moment are a Warrior who is sub level 10, or we could make new characters.

>> No.2863312

Hold up, I might be reading in the battle.net server join info that chat channels are borked / discontinued now.

So let's just jump straight to a game I suppose when we're ready?

>> No.2863313

Check this playlist:

>> No.2863327

I suppose I should clarify, I'm going by the name Uther, level 8 warrior, currently hanging in USA-1. Chat seems to be working, in at least to the capacity that I have received chat messages from other players.

If I'm not there, I might also be in a Normal game named vr

>> No.2863341

Gonna be afk, gotta keep d1 minimized, so if anyone is trying to reach me, drop a line here and I'll get it much easier.

Sorry in advance if I/we end up clogging up the general a little bit while things are still getting organized.

>> No.2863514 [SPOILER] 
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What timezone are you in? We really need to set a start time and date. It's 00:31 here (GMT+1) and I have to get up early tomorrow (Christmas breakfast blabla you know the deal), in the evening I get friends over and Sunday it's xmas breakfast again. After that? My soul will be free and I don't mind stay up until 02:00 or even 3:00 to get some Diablo 1 MP action.

>> No.2863563

I'm PST, but my sleep/free time schedule is very flexible till school starts again in the first week of January, so I've got no real preference.

>> No.2864287
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"USA-1 is a restricted channel blabla"

So you're 9 hours behind me? It's 04:00 for you now?
Anyway, I got D1 to run. Forgot that I had to download Patch 1.09 manually and not over the Battle.net like D2. Ingame my colors get fucked up and setting compatibility to XP and deactivating all the Desktop Composition stuff doesn't help. At least the Age of Empires 2 fix works, Alt-Tab out and kill the explorer.exe.

I forgot how hard the game was in the beginning as sorcerer... but alone the awesome ambient music makes up for all the pain.

>> No.2864401

>Start Belzebub with Barbarian
>Do okay until I realize that I can't do spells without armor that spontaneously increases my magic/mana ability
>figure I'm screwed, so I start a new character
>pick Assassin
>find out soon enough that while she's magically inclined, it comes at the cost of being too weak to take on large hordes of enemies

What do?

>> No.2864406

>>find out soon enough that ... too weak to take on large hordes of enemies

>What do?

You just described every class. D1 is a slower game. Learn to tease enemies out of packs and use bottlenecks like doorways and obstacles to whittle down how many can come at you at once. Also, learn "happy feet' or you'll get eaten alive by maws and succcubi.

>> No.2864549

>play warrior
>use bow as secondary weapon
>put enough points into Magic and get enough items to boost Magic/all attributes
>can now cast decently when necessary if backed up with mana potions
>also have bow for backup
>have nice flail or sword that attacks fast and has a nice attack bonus
Works for me

>> No.2864859

What's the standard gateway for /vr/ users? US West?

>> No.2864887

For Diablo 1, that is.

>> No.2864890

for d2 or d1? I'd use useast or europe though since they're the more populated gateways.

>> No.2864894

Just that I figure it might be fun to go as a rogue in multiplayer in D1 with other players.

>> No.2864896

diablo usa-1

>> No.2864898

That's a channel, not a gateway.

>> No.2864904

oh yeah you'd have to ask the other people playing D1 in here which gateway they're going to meet on. I doubt you're going to find anybody playing D1 still without getting a group together beforehand outside battle.net.

>> No.2864908


>> No.2864919

anybody botting on d2?

>> No.2865068 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 371 KB, 2480x1016, 1450562968407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was answering the guy that said he couldn't join "USA-1", because it's actually "Diablo USA-1". He wasn't talking about Realms.

Why would you do that?

>> No.2865073
File: 297 KB, 2469x644, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was answering the guy that said he couldn't join "USA-1", because it's actually "Diablo USA-1". He wasn't talking about Realms.

Why would you do that? Don't do it, it ruins your experience. I stopped playing again because of it, it takes all the fun away. Ask anyway if you want.

>> No.2865130

Oh I was just wondering if anybody wanted to join my cbaal runs since I have 2 spots open in my priv games. Running 2 hdins, a light sorc, a blizz sorc, trapsin, and a bo baba. Botting really doesn't ruin the fun for me since I find my fun in the pvp side of D2.

>> No.2865136

useast ladder if anybody is interested, average about 6m30s runs.

>> No.2865231

My bad.

>> No.2865285

I'm not interested as I stopped playing D2 completely and gave my accounts away, but do you have an OP Channel? Maybe a friend could be interested, he was on US East afair.

>> No.2866845

What's the most entertaining way to play vanilla D1?
Should I go straight to a mod or play another class after that? If mod, which mod is most highly recommended? Hell? Beelzebub? Something else?

>> No.2866989
File: 245 KB, 3750x3750, evilbabby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haven't played many diablo clones
>decided I'd go and play the original first
>roll up a warrior
>don't know what the fuck I'm doing but head into the dungeon
>get my anus raped by a bow skele and his 1000 friends
>reload and play is more carefully, skelly drops a bow worth 2500
>portal back to town and sell it, blacksmith doesn have jack shit that I can use except a morning star and some shitty cloth armour or something
>fill my bar up with potions
>head back down
>doing pretty well until I get to the butcher
>he stunlocks me and it's literlaly impossible for me to kill him
>I get like maybe one hit in between 5-6 of his

What the fuck is this garbage? Why does he stun? Did they not playtest this? Call me casual if you want but a first boss that can't be killed in melee is pretty fucking stupid, even by roguelike standards. Should I just move on to the second game or what?

>> No.2867118

should've posted this earlier, fewer people are going to take the time to respond to baits like this now

>> No.2867134

Shit. Well, I'm being completely honest, how the fuck are you actually supposed to beat him? Should I have kept the bow?

>> No.2867172


1.) Casual babby scum like you make me sick. Can't handle it when a game doesn't give you regenerating health and a handholding difficulty? Why are you even on /vr/?

2.) Yeah, you should have kept the bow. The Butcher can be pretty tough, especially for melee characters. The easiest way to cheese him is to clear out all of level 2, and take note of the closest door with one of more grates on the tiles next to it.

Then, you open his door and lure him to the door you noted earlier. Run through, slam the door in his face, and then pepper him with arrows through the grate while he walks back and forth in front of it like a retard.

As for "playing more carefully", don't be a retard and charge in. Kite a few demons away and take them out on your terms without getting yourself swamped. Doorways are excellent chokepoints. Holding shift while attacking will make you attack without moving, so you can plant yourself on the other side of a door and take on melee enemies one by one.

Good luck babby

>> No.2867186
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>he stunlocks me and it's literlaly impossible for me to kill him
The Butcher is kind of a beginner's trap, you really need to work yourself up a couple of levels before you take him, because he really is way too strong for you the first time you find him.

Level up to say, level 6 or 7, then maybe see if you can get some scrolls of firewall, firewall is very good against him if done correctly.

There's also that exploit you can do where you let him chase you and you trick him to walk into the stairs to the third floor, where his AI can't pathfind around it and he'll just be stuck there, where you can take him out safely with a bow.

I never did that myself though.

>> No.2867192

Nigger, making the first boss impossible to melee in a game where most people are probably going to play a melee class first is just bullshit, no matter how you slice it. There's a difference between "being hard" and "requiring cheese from the get-go". I didn't need the other tips either, I've been playing Angband since I was a kid, but thanks anyway.

I'm not really enjoying the game enough to grind that much, but yeah, I can see how that would work. Sorry for bothering everyone, I'm just gonna move on to the second game.

>> No.2867193

>Can't handle it when a game doesn't give you regenerating health and a handholding difficulty? Why are you even on /vr/?
Easy there Grandmaster Anon, I'm sure he meant no such thing.

>> No.2867207

I just kept whacking at him. By the time I got to him, I made sure to annihilate everything on every floor up to and including his before going in to take him on. I used an axe at the time, I think. I've since gone back to sword and shield, since I got faster and fastest hit recovery stats on my armours since then and I felt having a faster weapon would be more conducive to my play style of just going in and whacking everything 'til it's dead, although if there are swarms I always always use doorways or corners as choke points to take as many out individually as I can.

The lack of skills compared to D2 is pretty jarring. Playing D1 is really starting to make me appreciate how much D2 was an improvement.

>> No.2867209

Not him, but I went warrior and busted him up first try. You just gotta quaff a few potions to tank him like the warrior you are.

I feel like you might be exaggerating a little bit.

>> No.2867214

On further consideration I may have been using a scimitar with a +14% chance to hit at the time. Maybe. Not sure. It was only the second floor-ish and I think I was using an axe around then.

>> No.2867230


The first boss isn't impossible for melee characters, just difficult.

That's what a boss is supposed to be.

Maybe you're not good enough to get through a simple difficulty gate?

>> No.2867236


I mean, to be fair, he did tell people they could call him casual if they wanted

>> No.2867341


>> No.2867674

Just don't open the door. Skip him. Then return when you're stronger.

>> No.2867704

>portal back to town
I find that hard to believe. Normally you would walk back to the town in the beginning. TP scrolls should be a rare drop and books even moreso.

>> No.2868071
File: 18 KB, 459x308, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when I open the door to the Butcher, use a fire wall scroll and slam the door shut before he can say, "Fresh Meat!"
>mfw he roasts to death while I sip hot chocolate

>> No.2868803

yea i play on anni, it's a good server

>> No.2868804

fuck yeah dude!
Low Level Duel (30s) on Dec. 23rd with Gold prizes

>> No.2868838

>anon asks how to beat Butcher
>gets told to abuse pathfinding glitches with ranged combat, or use scrolls of firewall and exploit his inability to open doors
>gets called a casual babby scum

OK then

>> No.2868848

Except he was also told to grind up, the exploits being suggested as an alternative, you big palooka.

>> No.2871325


>> No.2872230

Is this a series that's worth to be played through in order or is there no value in it like final fantasy?

>> No.2872240

There are benefits to playing through it in order, such as to understand the changes and improvements as they're all largely the same game type, but handled differently. Each one happens chronologically later than the others, and the later ones DO make references to the earlier ones so it'll help you understand the order of events, but it's not absolutely required to play them in order as each entry is a different world-threatening cataclysm in nature with a different story to go with.

>> No.2872281


You can play 2 without playing 1, but I wouldn't recommend playing 3 without 2.

2 summarizes what happened in 1 in the first 30 minutes essentially in full.

>> No.2872284

I'll be playing them in order then thanks

>> No.2872575

is there a way to run D1 windowed? perhaps a mod like HD but without all the added content?

I just want vanilla @ 1920X1080.

>> No.2874045

there actually is. DOSBox runs Win95 well enough so that you can play D1 on it.

I also tried it on the DOSBox core of Retroarch but it runs terribly slow. then again, my CPU is far from stellar.

just throwing it out there in case anyone was wondering.

>> No.2875160

Been recently playing D1 Belzebub with the Sorcerer and got to the Caves.

Goddamn is he the most fun way to play the game. Constantly switching spells depending on who resists what and having to manuver around at a brisk walk is pretty damn tense.

>> No.2876116


I tried playing Bezelbub recently. Felt more like a slower version of D2 than an improved version of the original game. Like they didn't understand (or cared) that what made the original great was its slow pace and atmosphere, and turned it into a shoot-it-out-die-respawn type of game.
It's still not a bad game by any means, just feels a tad pointless when you've got D2.

Having said that Sorcerer is always fun and some of the new mechanisms really help him to edge out.

>> No.2877829

Eh, I still say it has a pretty different feel from D2. Actually have to go foward at times to get archers, no handy lights most of the time on monsters. Hell of a lot more challenging as well with how bosses can destroy you.

And the skills each character has to help to differentiate them more. Being able to use the Warrior and Sorcerer recharge/repair without damaging the item is nice. Although with staves you can easily run out before the massive cooldown resets.

>> No.2879591


>> No.2880138
File: 186 KB, 640x480, ss+(2015-12-27+at+05.03.33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doomed to carry fucktons of potions forever?

>> No.2880179

Are there any other good games that have the same kind of dark yet comfy survival adventure atmosphere of Diablo 1?

>> No.2880267
File: 115 KB, 768x1024, shako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate D2. Every ladder reset or two I just have to play it, I cannot resist, help

D1 is alright. I heard there was a third game too

>> No.2880454

So I've played D2 to death and back, so I decided I'd start a game on D1 which I've never played. I'm just curious if I have to trudge back through to the top of the church every single time my inventory gets full and I have to sell things off? Like, I really, really enjoy the atmosphere of the game but I'm not looking forward to the total of 10 or 15 minutes I'll spend just walking back to the top of the church every time haha.

I'm not keen on the Bezlebub thing because I want to play it vanilla I'm just curious if I'm doing something wrong here because.. Lotta walk around time.

>> No.2880472

You can use town portals. And there are exits to town every 4 levels.

>> No.2880480

For the first couple floors when you're low on gold you'll probably just walk to the top, but scrolls of town portal aren't too rare and you can buy them for 200 gold each. I always keep 2 on me at any given time.

Also, you're not likely to need to head back upstairs due to a full inventory. Magic drops are much rarer than in DII. At the beginning you might want to sell every white drop you find but after a little while it's only really worth picking up blue items, and those can be fairly rare. I find myself having to go back to town due to running out of potions more than having a full inventory.

>> No.2880489


King's Field does, a bit. Mostly KF2 and KF4.

>> No.2880501

They could make an amazing atmospheres in the cities. The music was eerie and beautifly blured in with the atmosphere of all the things in the town. The attention to detail, the color scheme always in monochrome and the overall quality the people put into their work. I love this game! I am Hardcore lvl 70 now and I'm gonna play right now!

>> No.2880504

Never knew this, interesting fact!

>> No.2881103

In what setting do you require more than a bar full of full potions?

>> No.2881109

How faithful are the Torchlight games to D1 / D2 in gameplay? Atmosphere / mood? Setting?

I mean I know the guy behind the music from D1 / D2 went to them along with a bunch of Blizzard North's original crew, but, if you've played them, how are they in comparison?

>> No.2883117

Torchlight gives you a bunch of junk loot. Quests are really basic.

>> No.2883456

Holy shit, bro! Quit playing dumb like it's some quarter-fed beat'em up game. With a little strategy, there is no need for spamming pots like that.

This is also true for D2 and most diablo-clones I've played. Positioning and happy feet trumps brute force, and I find it a hell of a lot more fun, too.

>> No.2885481
