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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2784348 No.2784348 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the games from the Mega Man X series so much more popular than the Classic games around here? They have way less challenging platforming and are honestly pretty dull to play.

>> No.2784352

It makes me sad that Mega Man 3 is Inafune's least favorite Mega Man.

>> No.2784353

Because Zero is best grill.

>> No.2784375

>They have way less challenging platforming
There you go. That was easy.

>> No.2784378

they aremt

All Classic Mega Man games are good, as in, at least 6.5/10 games, generally much better, while everybody recognizes the Mega Man X games after 5 are either pure dogshit or utterly mediocre, to the point that say only X, X2, X3 and X4 are worth playing.

Also, classic Mega Man is much superior in the soundtrack department.

>> No.2784379

don't Mega Man fans appreciate challenge in the games?

>> No.2784385

This board is full of casuals, man. Everyone here is a pathetic millennial kids who came either from /v/ or reddit.

>> No.2784394

>don't Mega Man fans appreciate challenge in the games?
Nice one, it's no coincidence that the most popular Megaman games are also the easiest.

>> No.2784405
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to be honest classic megaman became painfully stagnant at 4. it was like the cod of nes gen.

>> No.2784468

I thought 2,3, and 5 were the most popular

also arguably the best.

>> No.2784472

2, 3 and 9 are considered the best.

>> No.2784478

I was only considering the "retro" ones, but I concede your point.

>> No.2784508

Are you basing this on anything in particular? Or is this just another "I'll make an aggressive post since it is likely to get two groups of people mad and start a flame thread?" post?

>> No.2784515

OP is asking about the general opinion though, not just limiting it to "Mega Man fans." If you only asked the latter they'd probably pick a classic game, but a general poll would probably pick Mega Man X.

>> No.2784517
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>[Mega Man] was like the cod of nes gen.

>> No.2784523

Best way to confirm that he's retarded

>> No.2784526

I'm only a big fan of the classic games but I enjoy the first X game. I didn't find X2 or X3 very memorable or interesting and never replayed them. They're okay. Fuck the Zero games though.

>> No.2784527

I can't agree with this at all. I've played every classic megaman multiple times and I'm still sad they didn't make more after 9/10.

>> No.2784554

Because Save States: The Game isn't fun

>hurr get gud

No thanks nigger. I'll just play a series that isn't shit.

>> No.2784587
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>save states
>Mega Man

>> No.2784603


Because of Egoraptor.
The Mega Man sequelitis has over 10 million views on YT and with that amount of coverage it's inevitable that his opinions would be parroted, especially with this generation of "gamers" who seem to enjoy having people on YouTube tell them how to feel about games.

>> No.2784623
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2 (3 is a close second, fuck you inafune)

MMX1 (X2 and X3 were fun but not amazing)

MMZ2 (Grappling Hook's always make games better - Pogo Sticks are a close second)

Legends 2

>Battle Network
MMBN 3 Blue (Specifically Blue. Folderbak makes the game amazing - otherwise MMBN 2 beats White)


7 - it was absolute dogshit.

MMX7 - it was worse than absolute dogshit.

MMZ4 (The hand just felt like an afterthought, and the game itself WAS actually an afterthought)

Mega Man 64 (Tron Bonne was better)

>Battle Network
MMBN 4 - dear god, Superman 64 is a fucking more enjoyable dredge than this


>> No.2784624

As a series, X is nowhere near as good as the classic games. X1 and X2 are much more enjoyable to me than any classic game besides maybe 9, though. All the movement options make playing the X games much more enjoyable, and while the platforming isn't as challenging when you're playing normally, speedrunning is much more challenging and rewarding in the X games.

>> No.2784634
File: 61 KB, 850x669, well, there it is. the stupidest f+ucking thing i'll read all day..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2784636

3's second half was utter dogshit

how can anyone enjoy it

>> No.2784638


>how can anyone enjoy it

Because we aren't shit at games?

If you got gud, you'd know the feel.

>> No.2784712

you know he's right

>> No.2784763

>Save States: The Game isn't fun
But TASing is the best video game.

>> No.2784931

Best: 2
Worst: 7

Best: X1
Worst: X7

Best: Legends 2
Worst: 64 if you're counting it separate from the PS1 version. If not, probably Tron Bonne despite it still being a great game.

>> No.2784937

They arent.

>> No.2784943

But he never said X was better than classic

>> No.2784947

Fuck you I love 7

>> No.2784961

>while everybody recognizes the Mega Man X games after 5 are either pure dogshit or utterly mediocre, to the point that say only X, X2, X3 and X4 are worth playing.
X5 was ok, though definitely a step down. X6 and especially X7 can fuck right off. X8 is pretty solid though, probably being close to X3 really. And if we're really taking into account the whole X series, the Xtreme games were pretty good, though forgotten for obvious reasons. And CM was also good even though it's an RPG.

All-in-all I'd say the only truly bad X games are 6 and 7. Not saying they're all on the same level as X, which was probably the best, but they were decent at worst.

>> No.2784985

3 really drops in quality after the initial eight stages. The Doc Robot stages are pretty dull retreads, and the Wily stages are pathetically short, with free powerups everywhere, and easy bosses.

>> No.2784995

I'd be disappointed with the amount of lag in 3 and 4 as well.

>> No.2785049

>Why are the games from the Mega Man X series so much more popular than the Classic games around here?

why are you making shit up?

>> No.2785051

I wager the only good X game is the first one, while I think all Classic games were excellent.

>> No.2785101

>worse than 5, 6, or 8

Someone couldn't beat wily

>> No.2785286


Fuck no, it's the complete opposite. If challenge was genuinely appreciated then MM&B, X6 and MMZ2 would be the most beloved games, but they're not.

>> No.2785296

what kind of shitter unironically likes X6 anyway

>> No.2785302

the nes mega man games are shit desu senpai

2 has the most overrated soundtrack btw

>> No.2785308
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Gotta love this meme where people pretend it was a bad game just because they're completely incompetent at it.

>> No.2785323

I do.
Its bad in a different way. It brings something new to the series and its playable just very frustrating

>> No.2785330

As you can see so far from the thread, x1 is a general consensus is best and it can be narrowed down to it being very approachable. Fluent gameplay and mechanics make this so. Then again this is a not the greatest place to stir up the argument of classic vs x series because we're here to appreciate (or shit on) retro games. I think your argument applies more to a broader audience than the /vr/others.

My stance is more towards the classic series because there's more enjoyable ones that had constant evolution of play that didn't require item and secret hunting to become op so the game is easy. Didn't really dig x2 or x3. X4 is awesome and after that it kinda fell off with more of the same and that's not bringing up the non retro titles although x6 had some cool tracks

Tl:dr x1 is great but so is classic for different reasons

>> No.2785384

Childhood. People who grew up in 90's/2000's remember Mega Man X from their childhood, while people who grew up in the 80's/90's remember classic.

Remember, big chunk of retro gaming scene is still powered by nostalgia, I mean - why do you think there's more NES and GB threads than Atari 2600 and Infocom games ones?

>> No.2785390

They even include save states in most rereleases, game isn't very playable without them unless you dedicated your entire childhood to playing these games.

>> No.2785391

It's more fun to go faster. Classic series doesn't have many methods of going fast, while X series does. It's as simple as that, at least for me.

>> No.2785404

So I just finished the nes games for the first time. Overall:


Should I continue to 7 or start the X series first?

>> No.2785602

How awful at games can you be

>> No.2785604

Whats people problem with 4?

Is my favorite. 2 castles, great weapons, hard bosses, whats not to love?

>> No.2785641

The weapons are garbage, the boss weaknesses make no sense whatsoever and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Which is a shame since it has by far the best music of the 6. Skull Man, Cossack 2 and Wily 2 are all God Tier tracks

>> No.2785668

if you can't get through the original mega mans without savestating, you're wack at video games.

>> No.2785835

For my money, Classic is the better series, but X1 is the best game.

>> No.2786018

X6 has some things going for it, but it's difficult for the wrong reasons.
Only X1-4 and X8 are worthwhile anyway.

>> No.2786176

"Game isn't very playable without save states"

Do not blame the game for your own putrid casual soul. A game is a challenge, one that you're not up for unless you have immediate satisfaction.

Its about discipline, trial and error and using your brain while taking care in every step you take.

You will never know the feeling of playing a level youve played a hundred times whIle you watch the last bullet go into a boss whose fucked your mouth countless times before all to feel the cooling rush of satisfaction and conquest flow through your veins and out of your skin, all to take a deep breath and think about what to tackle next.

Its ok man, its not the greatest feeling really, I'm sure it's not nearly as exhilarating and satisfying as inching forward while continuously pushing Ctrl+f3 continuously as you instantly adapt and correct yourself without learning anything or even appreciating the clever ways the developer intended for you to die. Well you already fucking cheated the developer out of his money by emulating, might as well cheat his integrity, creativity and overall vision too.

Fuck bro, just watch the shit on YouTube.

>> No.2786179

Amazing quality rek'age.

>> No.2786267

3rd gen isn't nearly as popular as 4th/5th gen around here. I think it's a generational thing (average age of posters)

>> No.2786385
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>> No.2786423

I still find myself humming spark mandrill stage music from time to time

>> No.2787535

The weapons are great, much better than the ones in 3.
Weakness almost never make sense in megaman and no idea what AAAA means

>> No.2788589

Never saw the appeal in 3 over all the other ones.

I think both 2 and 4 are way better.

>> No.2788743

because theyre harder anhave a system of growth more than the originals. The music is better. Controls are better because of wall jump and slide. And because of zero.

>> No.2788767

Megaman 7 was a very clunky transition to the 16-bit era. Not only was it a few years late, the end result fell woefully short.

First, the sound effects are absolute garbage. Megaman is always known for its engaging sound, and the buster sounds like a limp-wristed peashooter. While the music is okay, it doesn't compare to any previous installment, and it doesn't hold a candle to Megaman X's soundtrack.

Second, the Robot Masters are uninspired. Shade Man, Slash Man and Turbo Man are pretty cool, but you meet them much later in the game.

Combined with a tough final battle, it's an overall unsatisfying experience.

>> No.2788770

Just recently marathoned the entire classic and X series.

I thought the best x games were1, 3 and 6.

I thought x6 was actually alot of fun. It can be stupidily frustrating however and if you know what you're doing and plowing though things other people find difficult is very satisfying.

x8 was the absolute worst even worst than 7. There is nothing redeeming about x8, pure trash through and through. There wasnt a single normal fun megaman stage. Every stage had some stupid ass gimmick. half the fucking game is autoscrollers. Totally shit stage design. X's armor looks like ass. Controls like a "floaty rock" if that makes sense. Hated the fuck out of X8. Of all megaman games of all the series combined X8 was by far the worst.

As for classic I like 1, 2 and 3 the best. Though 4 was also fun.

1 was very fun to break and destroy in about 30 minutes. Part of it's charm is how broken it is I think plus it has some good level design.

2 and 3 were just well designed all around and fun to play however 2 is kinda too easy all the way through and 3's wily stages were too easy.

5 was boring as all the weapons were useless since your charge buster was op as fuck and was always the best weapon to use in any situation. 6 was fun for a single runthrough though it left no desire to go through again same with 8. 7 was just slow clunky shit.



>> No.2788781

Mega Man 3 has the best arsenal in my opinion. Every weapon is unique, fun to use and has a specific purpose (even the shitty spark shot is useful for stopping the giant hopping enemies). None of them are metal blade tier broken either.

In Mega Man 4 half the weapons have the exact same trajectory, are no fun to use, and are pretty much inferior to the buster. And by AAAA I meant the extremely slow and annoying sound of the boss health meters filling

>> No.2788802

Megaman IV for GB is just as good as the console games, even better than some of the later installment.

Ditto on Megaman V

>> No.2788809

Because MMX began the modern gaming story and style over substance bullshit that would define today's gaming with kids.

Mid-90s were the beginning of the death of gaming.

>> No.2788823

Styled on dat niqqa 2 hard desu senpai

X1 is all time favorite for me, the transition from playing gameboy megaman my entire childhood to the more mature X style was fucking incredible. Mega man 3 on gameboy had fantastic music, needleman, diveman and Sparkman themes were ingrained in my head (before you try to tell we what bosses were in what game, make sure you know the GB differences), and the rad ass tunes in X shit in my pants for me. X2 and X3 are pretty great too, X3s level design was a little uninspired though.

armored armadillo is the greatest track in MM history

>> No.2788829

How is style and story not substance? If anything, platforming was a little more thought out in the classic series, but it really comes down to some dude makes 8 more killer robots every year and no one has killed or arrested him yet. Farfetched really, play FF if you want something deeper.

>> No.2788830
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There's something about the first appearance of Rush, the first game with a slide maneuver, Shadow and Needl Man being some of the best Mega Man bosses ever, the snazzy music, all robot masters from 2 (sorta), and Proto Man's ending that made it a great fucking game IMHO. Yeah, the final boss stinks, and some of the Doc levels can leave you in an unwinnable situation, but over all I love this game.

Over all though, NES Mega Man is my love nest.

>> No.2788836

The X series on the SNES may not be as challenging but they are more fun than the NES classics.

>> No.2788858

If you want challenge you shouldn't be playing Mega Man. Mega man is fucking easy. Also the platforming was the worst fucking part of Mega Man, the combat was what made it interesting. It also had great bosses. Notice that the further along the games went the less they focused on pitfalls and the more sub bosses they added?

The X games are mechanically superior with wall-hiking, air dashing, and jump giving you tons of new ways to move around and leads to some amazing boss battles where where you can be flipping out, zigging ,and zagging. The X-hunters rank amoung some of the most fun and exciting boss fights on the SNES, escpially when challenging them with only a few of the power ups.

They are also asestically way better. Higher pixel characters gets rid of Mega Man's apethic face. The larger spirit relative to the screen size makes it more intense. And the dash is far more heroic looking than the slide.

Level design also is greatly improved in the X series. A lot of the dumb mechanics like the block jumping puzzles were pruned. There's secret items to find. The Jump Dash and Air Dash allow the game to be played at a much faster pace, a good player will be spamming the dash button all the way through. Boss weapons can be used to navigate the stages in new ways, content of the stage can even change depending on what order you do them in (lava can freeze over, electricity can go out, new ride armors can appear).

The X games are just plain better by miles.

>> No.2788862

I think IV and V are easily the best Megaman games.

It's a shame they get overlooked. 2 and 3 feel really clunky to me in comparison to IV and V.

>> No.2788903
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>honestly pretty dull to play.
>classic megaman wasn't

>> No.2788904

V would've been a lot better if half of the weapons weren't absolute shite, because it definitely has my favorite aesthetic out of any classic MM game.

IV is an awesome game, but probably has my least favorite soundtrack.

>> No.2788935

>Needing save states to beat something as easy as Mega Man

holy shit you're a casual. I didn't play any of the classic series as a kid and I can still tear through any of them in like two hours.

What is wrong with you? Are you actually retarded or do you just have really bad motor function?

Seriously bruh, MM is easy as hell

>> No.2788959

Funny, I feel IV's soundtrack is better than even the console versions.

>> No.2788968

but it saves after every single stage, what more do you need/how bad can you be?

>> No.2788986


because X is more edgy

I prefer Zero series, because Slashing and Dashing >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jump`n Shootan

>> No.2788989

Bet you were one of those idiots who didn't map Dash to L to play the X series properly.

>> No.2788998

Whereas most Megaman series seemed to get worse over time, I feel like Zero got significantly better.

I honestly have a hard time going back to the first and second game. Third one feels like that's when they really polished the gameplay.

>> No.2789046

I found characters too big in the X series, I prefer small ass sprite

>> No.2791410

3 had the best music but 2 will always be my favorite.

>> No.2791463

>Why are the games from the Mega Man X series so much more popular than the Classic games around here?

That's not true though. /vr/'s favorite Mega Man games are clearly 2 and 3 on NES.

>> No.2791981

I remember when the x series was introduced, even back then I thought it was capcom trying to make megaman edgy.

>> No.2792194

6, X3, Z3
7, X7, Z2

MM7 is okay but it's not quite as good as the others. It's enjoyable. X7 is just shit, and Z2 is fun but I didn't like it as much as the others. Z1 felt like the beginning of something big, Z3 had Omega and was the most fun, and Z4 had an excellent finale and had the perfect challenge-frustration balance of the four. Z2 was fun, but didn't stand out to me.

>> No.2792784


4, although I like MM1 almost as much. Fuck the haters

X2, although X4 wins an award for "most animu game in the entire franchise, not including BN or SF," and has a special place in my heart just for that.


Legeds 2

>Battle Network
i guess BN3, it has that airplane sequence right?

>Star Force
lol no




ZX Advent counts as a Z game, right? I don't really hate any Zero series game, but Advent ruined best Rockman's hair with a thin, ratty pony tail

BN4, absolutely.

All of them