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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 910 KB, 1600x1876, smb2u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2775628 No.2775628 [Reply] [Original]

Straight platformers that feel were adventurous without being a metroidvania. One that really feels like a journey where you see and expierence.... stuff. An adventure.

I think SMB2 did that rather well. You know, in the first level you climb up a waterfall to reach the peak of the mountain to fight a dragon. Or the second level in which you steal a magic carpet, go into a giant vase, to find a key and get chased by an evil mask. And then there is the level where you jump from whale to whale, which is kinda beautiful.
The game has some really creative and imaginative places. Probably because it wasn't supposed to be Mario. Whatever, it works. Regular Mario feels like ruining through tileset after tileset, which is also pretty fun, but not adventurous.

Rocket Knight Adventures and Little Ralph come to my mind. In those games all the levels are interlinked, lots of cool locations and many bosses to fight. Very fun games.

>> No.2775635
File: 389 KB, 679x800, Faxanadu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically adventure platformers that came out before SotN.

>> No.2775640
File: 271 KB, 512x448, castlevania-ii-simons-quest-virtual-console-20071031105730806_640w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost sort of metroidvania so it may not be what you're looking for, but Simon's Quest was one of my favorite games as a kid for that very reason.

Ecco the Dolphin isn't exactly a platformer but gives me a lot of those feelings as well.

Metal Warriors also not exactly a platformer, but very open and adventury feeling.

>> No.2775702
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>> No.2775705

>Probably because it wasn't supposed to be Mario.

it was a Mario game before it was Doki Doki Panic

>> No.2775728
File: 24 KB, 200x200, ackshyually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to specifically trigger my autist rage
No offense but that's bullshit. Doki Doki Panic was no more a Mario game than Kid Icarus. Less so, really. I was pretty sure I edited the Wikipedia article but maybe I need to do it again. Miyamo to gave the original coder a few pointers to the tune of suggesting the vertical-co-op block-stacking game they were developing be made "more mario-like" which was pretty standard advice for any game looking for direction at the time. Then, after he'd assisted some more in the design of DDP he decided that he liked it so much he wanted to see it converted into a full Mario game since DDP was entirely likely to fall into obscurity.

This entire misconception among fedoras that DDP "started out" as a mario game is based completely on one fentence in a Famitsu magazine articla that was poorly translated and then further taken out of context.

>> No.2775872
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>> No.2775873

this is a good one

>> No.2775876
File: 1.28 MB, 1528x2100, faxanadu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This comes to mind.

>> No.2775901
File: 33 KB, 220x402, 220px-HolyUmbrellaBoxArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this ones pretty fun, but it has rpg style top down villages

>> No.2775903

Legend of mystic ninja or ganbare gomen I BELIEVE it was called in japan

>> No.2776087

Bonk's Adventure
Legend of Hero Tonma
Donkey Kong Country series

Are normal platforms that feel pretty "adventurous"

>> No.2776098
File: 110 KB, 512x480, 56387-Mystery_Quest_(USA)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2776103
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You're right.

Goemon's Great Adventure on the N64 is incredibly good, you have to go back to interact with people in town, go back to previous levels to do sidequest/take alternate routes and even do a part-time job mini-game answering a phone hot line on a floating town.
I'd say it lives up to the Great Adventure title.

>> No.2776123
File: 76 KB, 390x550, 6455123645312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many memorable set-pieces

>> No.2776170
File: 314 KB, 1460x586, Level_Map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally i'm giving this one a chance and OMG, it feels like a trip to hell

>> No.2777173
File: 399 KB, 500x503, Hammerin' Harry cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's kinda the point of cinematic platformers. To feel grand, adventurous and well... cinematic. Well, definitely not the wrong answer.

Hammerin Harry, much simpler, but still feels adventurous. Fighting ghosts, aliens, vulcanos and flying through the air on a plane and even as super man was just really cool.

>> No.2777180
File: 50 KB, 345x400, hurr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2777185

lmao nice

>> No.2777407

I know what you are talking about OP <3
Give me shit, for coming up with an indie game, but tiny barbarian DX gives me exactly that feel. "Story" is told through 5 seconds animations during gameplay, all levels are interlinked and their transitions are depicted in a funny way. No fancy gameplay mechanics, good old action platforming. Highly recomned.

>> No.2777436

First thing that came to mind, though that artwork is absolute shit.

>> No.2777858
File: 99 KB, 480x744, dungeon01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Slayer IV/Legacy of the Wizard
Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari/River City Ransom
Dragon Quest VII

I like dungeon-exploring games too. The first Wizardry definitely gives intense adventure vibes.

>> No.2778076

The first Crash Bandicoot, though I wish the level progression was more consistent (it's not terrible, but there are some weird ones, like the poorly placed snowy bridge levels).

I also wish there was any explanation for how Crash made it from one island to the next, but overall, it feels like an adventure.

>> No.2778081


What game?

>> No.2778082

super ghouls and ghosts

>> No.2778327

Adventure Island. It's in the name, for crying out loud!

Also, Gargoyle's Quest, although it could be argued that that doesn't count at all.

>> No.2778368

and more so, Super Adventure Island which makes it more of an adventure game a la Zelda 2.

>> No.2778369

>almost sort of metroidvania
This is literally 50% of the namesake of metroidvania, are you high?

>> No.2778384

Your mom's absolute shit

>> No.2778901



>> No.2779005


That guy's map looks way better than any of mine. I always did rigorously frid based maps. I lack in artistry and am full of autism I suppose.

>> No.2779013

Metroidvania was specifically coined for Symphony of the Night (by either Scott Sharkey or Jeremy Parish, they each blame the other). So technically, though Simon's Quest is basically what we would now call a Metroidvania, it wasn't at the time.

>> No.2779031

Post the Famitsu article so we can verify it for ourselves them. Without any source it's hard to say who's right either way

>> No.2779332

>princess is just standing around looking scared and being useless despite being the canon most powerful member of the team

Good drawing overall but really? I'm sure this person has played the game so it's kind of an egregious error.

>> No.2780230

I'm going to disagree with you on "Regular Mario" 3 and World both have an adventures feeling to me. In 3 you trek across varied lands with enemies patrolling between levels, you can break rocks to open new paths, walk over draw bridges that open and close and hitch a ride in a canoe. You find the citizens of the worlds in houses were they help you, or play a game with you, and the airships don't just sit around but if you lose fly about the world.

World takes it even further for me. Your on in a single large world far from the mushroom kingdom looking through it's plains, forests and caves. And for a new world things look noticeably different. All new fire flower, no brick blocks but flip blocks There's no inhabitants but the Yoshis and fittingly there's less man made looking stuff about even in the levels. Well SMB had it's polished looking stone blocks and 3 had all it's wood World has little in they way of stone walls jutting up preferring to use the ground to accomplish the same thing, and when stone blocks do show up they're rougher looking. On the world map the only signs of civilization beyond the conquering Koopas are broken down ghost houses and the broken bridges. As you beat levels the map changes and only then is the location of the next level revealed, as if in the level you were cutting your way through the world and making a path rather then following one.And if you beat the special world the whole map changes to show you what Dinosaur land looks like in fall. It's a simple palette swap yes, but even little things like that can go a long way to making a place feel alive.

>> No.2780235 [DELETED] 

She's really nerfed when carrying keys, though.

>> No.2780236

Also, I feel it's a shame that around SMG2 and NSMB Nintendo seemed to have decided that this kind of creating a living world for Mario wasn't impotent at all any more and that even when he goes to new world they are far less distinct from the Mushroom Kingdom then Dinosaur Land was.

>> No.2780384
File: 19 KB, 500x500, 1403590698799[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Wired

>Guy bangs out little game about stacking blocks to climb shafts
>Imagines it as a co-op game
>Co-op mode turns out beyond technical limitations of Famicom
>Miyamoto gives some input, like he did for lots of games "maybe make it a little more like Mario"
>Fuji TV wants a special limited release disk game to tie in with their Summer promotion
>This game becomes that game, Miyamoto actually starts working on it and putting his flavor into it
>Miyamoto actually starts really liking the game and hates to see it end up as a small release promotional game
>Miyamoto never liked SMB2J, which was just cranked out by the corporate types - his SMB1 engine with harder levels designed by drones
>Miyamoto uses his significant influence with the company to get a slightly reworked DD:P to be released in the US as SMB2

and then furthermore...
>US magazines start a rumor that the Japanese thought their SMB2 was too hard for American gamers
>SMB2:USA sees successful disc release in Japan as well as becoming a popular bootleg cart
>"Lost Levels" comes out in the USA only unfortunately with the bogus All-Stars physics, US gamers realize our SMB2 was way more fun all along
>Some idiot decides to claim it was the original concept for SMB2 on a wiki
>Other idiots parrot this baseless assertion all over forums with undeserved senses of superiority
>I get pissed and write this summary

>> No.2780410

Legit as can be.

>> No.2780612
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donald in Maui Mallard

>> No.2781164

Indiana jones greatest adventure (SNES)

>> No.2781258

are there any SMB2 romhacks that add completely new levels?

>> No.2781269
File: 3 KB, 164x127, what is happening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually, it was Doki Doki Panic before it was Mario
>Actually, it was Mario before it was DDP
>Ackchyually, it was never Mario before it was DDP, and was DDP from the start
I don't even know anymore

>> No.2781275

>Omitting Yume Kojo all the time


>> No.2782137
File: 46 KB, 300x426, Sonic2-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've looked before, but I don't think there are any. All the SMB2 hacks I've ever played are all purely cosmetic.

Anyway, Sonic 2 always felt like a long road trip to me.

>> No.2782159
File: 14 KB, 670x224, Ghouls_&#039;N_Ghosts_Map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghouls 'n Ghosts map is more like that.

>> No.2782160

it is one of the longest Sonic games

Sonic 06 is a good 10-20 hours if you do sidequests, at least a few minutes worth of that is loading times. Still recommended If you like kusoge

>> No.2784315

Very overlooked license classic.

>> No.2785393
File: 4 KB, 640x448, atomicrunner_RUNONATOMICRUNNER!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atomic Runner Chelnov's quest to save his sister Chelmi is one of the most involving run and jump (and shoot!)s of the 16bit era.

>> No.2785449
File: 117 KB, 640x480, atomic-runner_3s[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also immensely trippy for a platformer with such a grounded artstyle.

>> No.2787485
File: 107 KB, 204x376, 1709504-birdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the first level you climb up a waterfall to reach the peak of the mountain to fight a dragon.
>a dragon
As I looked for this image to make a greentext only shitpost with it I noticed the scales. Is Birdo really a dragon?

>> No.2787495

That game was awesome. You go up a giant tree trunk and go through the branches then get to the tree top. I remember taking a second look at the manual after getting to the green leafy area and realizing the game matched the map, then I remembered the title screen and noticed what the box art was. It all took place in a single giant tree!

>> No.2787515
File: 243 KB, 2016x4485, SRRMap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snakes In Space!

>> No.2789168

The Lion King on the SNES. The visuals and music really come together and make it come alive. Amazing expierence.

>> No.2789246
File: 80 KB, 618x490, thisishowIknight.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Citation needed for your waifu's power level.

>> No.2789249

To me it feels more like one of the first hub worlds. It's definitely more metroidvania point for point but it feels like the prototype for 3D mascot platformers in a way.

>> No.2791020

Faxanadu was a metroidvania though. I mean, it used keys instead of special abilities but idea is the same.

>> No.2791061


What is that I must have it.

>> No.2792227

Snake Rattle' n Roll

>> No.2793926


That was never made, I wish they would just make it now.

SRnR's second half was complete bullshit, but the first half was incredibly addictive and charming.