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2774643 No.2774643 [Reply] [Original]

>no RPGs allowed

>> No.2774751

Shining Force 3 is a bad game and not releasing the two giant expansion packs for it was a good move.

>> No.2774757

>The greatest game of all time is bad.
Nice meme, but you need to work on it.

>> No.2774780


>[game] is either shit or the best of all time

internet opinion discussion in a nutshell

and yeah Stolar was an idiot fuck

>> No.2774809

Sega's fault for hiring him and keeping him on.

>> No.2774814
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>no sex allowed
>no violence allowed
>no religious imagery allowed

>> No.2774829

>The greatest game of all time is bad.
It's not that I don't like Shining Force III, but I don't think for one minute it's better than the actual greatest game of all time, Panzer Dragoon Saga

>> No.2774851
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>final fantasy 7 proceeds to sell 10 million copies
Whoops. Fucking idiot.

>> No.2774852

I don't blame Ninty for that. The NES would have died if it wasn't marketed for children. They became more lenient as games became more popular (N64 and onwards) anyway.

>> No.2774853

To this day I wonder what a world without that pernicious Jew would be like.

Though, knowing how utterly fucking dumb Sega was, I suppose the only difference in such a reality is a Working Designs that lasts a bit longer and an even EARLIER smackdown for all players currently on-field courtesy of Sony.

>> No.2774856

>They became more lenient as games became more popular

cough Fatal Frame cough

>> No.2774857

FF7 sold because of the commercials showing off the FMVs. The Saturn didn't really have an analogy of it.

>> No.2774860


While the initial strategy was certainly sound, there was really no excuse for continuing it past the NES era except megalomania "We are Nintendo and you will do things our way or get the fuck out because we are untouchable.".

It's rather sad that they never learned from this mistake. It alienated a lot of new talent.

>> No.2774861

That's puritan values that have plagued western published games since forever. And it's fucking stupid.

>> No.2774862

Games don't need those things to be good.

>> No.2774863

I know people like to give WD shit but I can't respect them for having to deal with shit like this asshole.

>> No.2774864

>We are Nintendo and you will do things our way or get the fuck out because we are untouchable.

Reminder that Yamauchi was an evil yakuza demon that was actually 7 different spirits using Yamaguchi's body as a vessel.
The 7 yakuza onigami-dan tyranized the video games industry but thanks to based Sony we were liberated from it.

>> No.2774865


Well, now remember: it had an optional "MPEG Decoder" module that easily took a shit all over the PSX's capabilities. But then you have an add-on (and whether the install base will make it popular enough to entice your devs to use the fucker) to worry about.

Of course, since I don't believe they ever made one for the USA region anyway, I suppose it's a moot point.

>> No.2774868
File: 169 KB, 1024x768, fear-effect-13-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I really hate seeing this kind of shit. Not ALL games need them no but some games, many games in fact do because they're part of the subject matter that the game is trying to deal with

you couldn't remove the sex and violence from Fear Effect because it's important to who and what the characters are. The world isn't a nice place all the time and games should be allowed to reflect this without some nut job screaming THINK OF THE CHILDREN
but then again I wouldn't expect a Nintendo fan to understand anything that's not stomping on goombas

>> No.2774869


I highly doubt Yamauchi was Yakuza, or they wouldn't have had trouble with them launching the SFC..

We all know what happened with Sony. No corporation was ever a saint, and after the PSX era Sony became nearly as bad.

>> No.2774870

nintendo still censors games in 2015

>> No.2774871


I wasn't aware Nintendo had many fans left (speaking as an "ex-Nintendo fan" myself). What little loyalty they had left in their base seems to be evaporating with the spirit of Satoru Iwata.

>> No.2774872


But for different reasons. Back then to cater to a more conservative society. Now to cater to a liberal one.
Back then you couldn't do sexy because it was evil, now it's problematic. Same shit.

>> No.2774873

Freedom expression is important if you want video games to be taken seriously as an art form. Some of the greatest paintings, sculptures, movies, novels, etc. of all time contain sex, violence, and religious imagery.

Nintendo is the main reason video games are seen as children's toys and not art.

>> No.2774874

Certainly the Saturn had the capabilities, but I'm more meaning a specific sort of game. One that has millions and millions of $$$$ put into pretty videos and advertising. Sony put a lot of money and support into those 3rd parties, too. This sort of push didn't exist for the Saturn, at least in the US. Even if Panzer Dragoon Saga exists, it wouldn't have become a hit like FF7.

Oh, I know. They still have their kid friendly image, after all. But something like Resident Evil 4 would never had made it to the states in the NES era. I said they were more lenient, but certainly not accommodating.

>> No.2774876

Oh and also, I don't think Sega would have dared to try and sell another CD add-on in the west.
The tech isn't at fault, history was.

>> No.2774882


...Was the MPEG module a CD-based add-on? 0-o

I thought it was simply a dedicated video decompression module. Regardless, Sega would've fucked it all up. They'd have found a way.

>> No.2774884

>Was the MPEG module a CD-based add-on?
Sorry, I don't know where I got that idea. Just any sort of significant hardware add on (not counting controllers). Yeah, the saturn was probably too far gone to make it work, anyway.

>> No.2774886


I still say they should've supported it another year or two before officially hopping to the Dreamcast.

Can you imagine how many Sega loyalists that they completely alienated by dropping it so soon?

>> No.2774892

Most of them? After all the 32x and such bullshit I'd be pretty disillusioned with them after abandoning the saturn.
What sort of life span did the saturn have, anyway? It can't have been more than a few years. According to support from sega, anyway.

>> No.2774897


I think it was a little over three years in the US. Then Stolar did his "We're abandoning the platform." speech at an expo (E3 I think) and after that Sega could have wrought Jesus Christ himself out of raw silicon for their next console for all the fucks many former Sega fans probably gave.

>> No.2775089

>This sort of push didn't exist for the Saturn
I would like you to meet Sakura Taisen...

>> No.2775109

I am still filled with an indelible anger at the thought that games like Lunar and Grandia that were originally Saturn releases only got English versions of their Playstation ports.

>> No.2775112


Nobody would've had a fuckin' clue stateside.

Which is quite a shame.

>> No.2775162

Extra reminder that Nintendo used to run a love hotel chain (which claimed their CEO was their "biggest customer"), as well as hosting annual gambling tournaments.

>> No.2775186


You know what this guy's doing nowadays? He's still in the industry, mind you. I laughed when I found out.

He works for basically a Steam ripoff company no one has ever heard of, which has a few exclusive Genesis/Saturn games on its catalog. I think a few were remade in HD. The website looked tacky as fuck, too.

>> No.2775390

>They became more lenient

Fatal Frame and Xenoblade X disagree with you

>> No.2775393
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Thanks for reminding me that Bernie Stolar exists, OP. I was having a good day too.

>> No.2775394

Remember that time a rap artist shittalked him on their album?


>> No.2775419

Why hasn't the gaming community tied him up and stabbed him with dull pencils until he dies from infections or lead poisoning?

>> No.2775424

>I highly doubt Yamauchi was Yakuza

Gee, you think? What about the seven demons, was that a lie too?

Thank god we have such trustworthy anons here, who aren't afraid to step on anything resembling humour like the autistic fucks they are.

>> No.2775425


I've always hated censorship, but I understand why nintendo did it back in the day. they were covering their asses. keep in mind also that in the late 80s/early 90s, there was this backlash against video games "corrupting the youth", and the overall culture was sensitive to anything deemed offensive. it was also the era of frivolous lawsuits.

with that said I think nintendo went too far with censorship, especially after the NES era.

>> No.2775435

I find it hard to care about censorship, especially when it comes to video games. What people label as censorship was really just rebranding with the hopes of making the game more appealing to the audience they were planning to market it for.

There's nothing wrong with that, Nintendo is a seller of games. Their goal is to sell as many as possible. I don't see it as fundamentally all that different from translating the language from Japanese.

>> No.2775445

It depends on the game, time and market.
Some games needed censorship to sell, while others really didn't.

>> No.2775448


In any case I think pretty much anyone can agree that an M rated game shouldn't get censored or have content altered to not offend people unless it's something that can raise the game's rating to AO (which is borderline impossible since it isn't like a standard release for a console game in Japan can have anything that would go that high on the US side of things anyway.)

>> No.2775449

True, but even if Nintendo decided to alter something that may not have had much impact, it's still not really censorship. It's just them making their best guess at what would help the game sell best. Not all guesses are perfect.

>> No.2775450

Not everyone can agree to that. If I was working in Nintendo's marketing department and thought that by changing a game to bring it from an M to a T rating would allow it to sell twice as many copies I wouldn't agree with you at all.

>> No.2775451


I think people labeling various things as censorship is usually going too far and just using buzzwords since it's easier to get people riled up over changes that way, but I do personally hate seeing games get messed with in such a way in general. I'm a firm believer that any good translation is a (very light) localization but it seems like companies these days either are too stiff and do things like using stock phrases every other line or even leaving in honorifics, or they go to far and basically rewrite the whole script. I tend to think of changing things like costumes as being the same kind of "rewrite" problem that I hate. It's like I'm getting something completely different from Japan or whatever other country, and that's not what I signed up for when I bought the game.

>> No.2775453


Bringing it from a M to a T, sure (while I don't like the idea of doing that I can fully understand it) but if it's going to be rated M anyway (for a recent example look at Fatal Frame V) it just seems pointless and kind of insulting to the customer's intelligence.

>> No.2775457

>I'm a firm believer that any good translation is a (very light) localization

I used to agree, but I don't so much anymore. I used to have the impression that the original was better by default, but I think a good translation can make something better.

> It's like I'm getting something completely different from Japan or whatever other country, and that's not what I signed up for when I bought the game.

That's a fallacy. You didn't sign up to buy the Japanese game, you signed up to buy the English port of the Japanese game. It's your assumption that the translation should be minimal and change as little as possible, but because that's your preference. The company is doing what they think will be best for the game in the market they're putting it into. Just because you like a minimal translation with only minor changes doesn't mean that opinion is universal or the best course for the game.

Not that changing things is always good, Working Designs is classic proof of that. But changing them isn't necessarily bad either. And if you're very concerned with getting the most original Japanese experience you can, playing important and learning the language is an option.

>> No.2775458

Yeah that does seem like an odd decision, but I'm not familiar at all with the Fatal Frame games so I can't comment more than that.

>> No.2775491

it was gonna get banned in australia and germany, that's the reason. ratings have nothing to do with that

>> No.2775493
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>That's a fallacy.

>> No.2775506
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>tfw SMT Devil Summoner almost got released in the west but was probably shot down by Bernie/SoJ

>> No.2775535

I'm sorry, did I use a word you didn't understand?

>> No.2775536

We got that super sweet 3DS port eventually though so it's all good.

>> No.2775584

You know what I meant.

>> No.2775585

>But something like Resident Evil 4 would never had made it to the states in the NES era.
Adventure games in the 80s and 90s were very over-the-top in their violence. Then again that was PC games.

>> No.2775594

Honestly, I sort of do and I sort of don't. I assume you mean I came off pretentious or something, but really I was just using a word that fit the context.

>> No.2775621

Well they have enough fans that they're afloat at least. Personally I'm not completely alienated by them yet, I like my Wii U, but I'm going to have to wait and see how the NX turns out, I'm hearing some things I really don't like about it, seems like they want to capture the mobile games audience.

>> No.2775625

That's the sequel, the first DS has no Engrish version.

Time to go back to studying those moonrunes.

>> No.2775632

I think they should combine their portable and console efforts. Just make the next system a handheld like the 3DS that you can sync to an HD screen.

>> No.2775637
File: 182 KB, 560x223, Bernard-Stolar-Dreamcast1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the Saturn.

>> No.2775641

That's pretty much what the NX is rumored to be. I don't like it honestly, you're either going to get a gimped console or a really expensive handheld, I can't see it working out to be both good and cost-effective.

But this isn't retro so I'll stop.

>> No.2775653

The way I see it, the 3DS is almost powerful enough to use on a big screen already. Nintendo has already stopped trying to make their consoles compete on a power basis with MS and Sony, so what they bring out is going to look underpowered compared to them anyways.

So why not just make the new handheld that little bit more powerful, combine efforts into one system. I think it could work really well.

>> No.2775658

>the 3DS is almost powerful enough to use on a big screen already.

Not really, look at the loading times on shit like Smash 4. The N3DS fixes that issue but nobody is making anything on the N3DS and it might as well not exist.

>> No.2775670

I haven't played Smash 4, but the 3DS is one of my favorite systems. It handles MH4 beautifully. Even if NX was just an N3DS with a dock, I'd probably be happy with it. I don't need Nintendo consoles to be on the bleeding edge of the tech curve.

>> No.2775701

So why not just censor the PAL versions?

>> No.2775710
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>The Saturn didn't really have an analogy of it.

Panzer Dragoon Saga looked better in-game than FF7 did in its fmv cutscenes.

>> No.2775749

>And your weight is the main reason you can't waddle to the fridge to get the mayo to dip your cheese in.

>> No.2775752

That's pretty cool

>> No.2775759

Don't mind that guy you won and he can't handle it.

>> No.2775803

Panzer Dragoon Saga also had only 30,000 total U.S. copies compared to FF7's 10 million total PS1 copies.

You can't sell what doesn't exist.