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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2772868 No.2772868 [Reply] [Original]

What is it about emulating games that just feels so much less fun and fulfilling than playing games on their original platform?

>> No.2772871

A mental illness

>> No.2772873

it's difficult to play four games at once
no fun when you handicap yourself like that

>> No.2772874

I don't have that problem. Emulating is very enjoyable to me. Maybe your just a nostalgia filled faggot?

Or you just don't commit to it. Many people hoard tons of roms and don't really take their time to enjoy the games they play. They also tend to abuse save states, I know I did. Some games definitely benefit from save states, but if you put up one before every jump in Mario, your not going to have much fun.

Plugging a cartridge in is also a very satisfying feeling.

>> No.2772880
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>> No.2772881

Oh it's this funposter again.

>> No.2772895

Your personal opinion

>> No.2772908
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>Photoshop CS2
>AVG 7
>Macromedia Dreamweaver 8
>Windows XP

>> No.2772914

Playing with a keyboard.

>> No.2772939

It's because you have instant unlimited choices for what you can play. That enormous selection waiting for you can make it more difficult to commit to a single game. This applies to many things not just video games. Restaurants for example will limit the choices in their menu so the customer has an easier time picking something and is less likely to regret or be confused wondering if he made the right choice causing anxiety. A huge library of Roms could also make you play a particular game less so you can hurry and move on to the next game and as a result not get as much enjoyment out of it as you could have.

Getting a video game as a child was always a big deal for me as I know I won't necessarily get another for a long time so I would play the shit out of it. I'm sure playing games on their original platform helps evoke happiness as often we have great vidya memories in our past and want to reexperience that good feeling we've had.

You may have experienced those fond memories many people had of playing multiplayer games with friends in a sleepover or chilling playing games while friends/family watches on the couch.

>> No.2772952

Your own nostalgia

>> No.2772956

This, when you have a ton of roms you become spoiled for choice. The key is to just pick a game and smash through it.

>> No.2772983


1) Get the most accurate emulator you can find for each system to get pass the 'authenticity' distraction. If you can't you have to stick with real hardware sadly (not vr but I still use a real PS2 because of rampant 'minor' bugs still present in that space ).
2) Get some kind of gamepad frontend like retroarch to stop emulation being half windows explorer menus - the height of fun.

Can't get the exact kind of fulfillment from real-hardware, but it balences out with the new kinds of fulfillment you can get when emulating - easily screenshoting/recording defining moments, save backups, an organised digital library that will long outlast your failing carts, and general happyness about finally getting out of that ebay trap that dust-collector's and resellers have created.

>> No.2772987

I took inspiration from Game Center CX/ VR Gauntlet and give myself a non-real time three day limit before moving on to something else.

>> No.2772995 [DELETED] 

>first game in Horten
>everyone already turnfighting me

>> No.2772996

Stop trying to play four games at once

>> No.2773029


for me it`s the controller feeling off and the constant fucking around in the setting, also some emulators like visual boy advance and Project 64 have a tendency fuck up your saves or not save at all. Emulators in general can be a fucking hassle for everything past 2D. Dolphin is the only decent one and one of the reason I play wads through it, rather than go for other emulators dedicated to their systems as retarded as that may seem, it`s surprising how accurate most of the games are.

>> No.2773126

The answers are "higher latency" and "uneven frame timing". These are caused by bad hardware and incorrectly configured emulators. If you get it right (CRT, RetroArch + KMS) it's indistinguishable from the original.

>> No.2773131


>> No.2773140

What does KMS stand for?
>Get some kind of gamepad frontend like retroarch to stop emulation being half windows explorer menus - the height of fun.

Even better, hack a wii (they're like 50 bucks now) and plug it into a crt. It's got accurate NES, SNES and Genesis emulation, plus some good N64 VC games.

>> No.2773157
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well there is tha satisfying click whan you put the cart in , or the disc getting loaded feels good

>> No.2773203

I have no idea. I like emulating better, not having to play on a CRT and with original hardware only improves the games in my opinion.

It sounds like your enjoyment of classic games is wrapped up in nostalgia. So to enjoy them the most, you have to recreate the setting you originally experienced them in as closely as possible.

Personally I just like the games themselves and always felt the hardware was holding them back, so emulation is perfect for my preferences.

>> No.2773208

This, and failure to cope/deal with change.

>> No.2773216

>What does KMS stand for?
Kernel mode setting. Linux feature, allowing sending graphics directly to the graphics card with no windowing system or anything like that.

>> No.2773218

>tfw getting nostalgic about a screenshot from 2005

>> No.2773298

Especially when you can buy a toaster laptop that will do all that for dirt cheap these days.

I still have an XP machine that runs my original version of PS 5.5 I got in 1999 because it's fast and clutter free. No tears here.

>> No.2773350

It kinda feels like browsing on Netflix or something and going wow there's fucking nothing to watch when there's actually plenty. I don't know, something about getting a cart off the shelf, plugging it in and flipping the switch and seeing the real thing just feels nice. It really is nostalgia, you've got a nice comfy game with all the lights off, the glow of a crt and a controller wire running across the floor. It just feels nice.

>> No.2773354

>stop emulation being half windows explorer menus - the height of fun.
Do you have a problem with 16 bit Windows or Mac games?

>> No.2773363

For a brief time I tried going the emulator route, but something was always just wrong. I tried every single SNES emulator that I could find and the scrolling seems wrong for every single one of them.

I even had a Super Nintendo controller adapter so it felt fine, but games I had muscle memory in just felt really off, I would always be messing up and I'm not really sure what it was.

>> No.2773369

>It's because you have instant unlimited choices for what you can play.
>It kinda feels like browsing on Netflix or something and going wow there's fucking nothing to watch when there's actually plenty

Is this a real thing? Some people seriously see a lot of choice and just shut down? One of the greatest things about ROM sets and things like Netflix is having everything right there. I love just flipping through and checking out something never heard of before just to see what it's like.

>> No.2773371

Yeah this happens all the time. Ever heard someone turn on the cable box and go holy shit nothing to watch even though there's like 1000 channels?

>> No.2773389

I find it hard to identify with because I always had far more games than I could ever play.
TV is a different matter since none of the channels tends to broadcast what I want to watch.

>> No.2773576

What kind of GPU has composite, svideo, or component output for a CRT TV?

>> No.2773602

I just wish the Wii had the memory to play more recent arcade games. Though I guess you could always get a Raspberry Pi or something more powerful than that.

>> No.2773640

I have to say that I like emulation, it's really neat but I personally don't like playing that way. It just feels... hollow. It just doesn't cut it for me, if I beat an emulated game it's less of "Woohoo! I beat the game, right on!", and more of "oh, neat. alright then." Victories just seem mediocre. It's like the same feeling when you beat a game with cheats on.

I can certainly see the appeal in it and how others don't get the same feeling of cheapness, and that's cool, but I like the satisfaction of holding a controller and knowing that I'm playing with the original hardware. And sure, it's all subconscious placebo probably, but that's okay. Play video games how ya like.

>> No.2773713

Not the person you were replying to, but I've seen those kinds of outputs on older GPUs (Win 98/Win XP era)

>> No.2773725

I've heard anecdotes of it but always assumed those people were either exaggerating or too stupid to walk.

>> No.2773759

it's an illusion. it's like showing sd content on two separate screens, claiming one is hd, people will say the hd one is sharper. it's the same with emulation and real hardware. It's all a mind jerk.

>> No.2773767


>> No.2773984

You're doing it wrong. Try on a CRT with the correct controller. It's not 100% but a lot closer than the shit way you're doing it.

>> No.2774015

Well certainly a large part of it is purely subjective and psychological, but I think another part is the difference between a monitor and a TV, and the fact that a lot of people will be sitting in computer chairs instead of a couch.

>> No.2774037

I can never play games on a computer because I associate the computer with porn. Even if I wanted to emulate vidya I lose interest and look up naked people instead.
What's the Freud term for this conditioning again?

>> No.2774041


do you mean pavlovian?

>> No.2774058
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I associate the computer with work now, so I try my best to avoid excessive use of pornography and games on my PC.

I do programming, video editing, Game development, and 3D modelling and animations so my computer is definitely capable of playing anything under the sun.

I just prefer to sit down on my couch and play on my TV though. Its how its always been.

>> No.2774480



Take your pick. There's plenty more on ebay too.

>> No.2774486



This can also be true if we're talking about later consoles.

>> No.2774493

its called being a teenager/young adult. your dick will rule your every move until you get until your late 40s. even then it will keep trying to take control every chance it gets.

>> No.2774494

nah, it's called being a porn addict

>> No.2774516

This, and the lack of struggle.

Classic gaming on original hardware means acquiring the cart/game, hooking it up to a CRT, etc, and sitting down to play it. Plugging in your Xbox controller to your laptop and playing the game with savestates and a gamefaqs guide open isn't the same.

In short, to enjoy emulated games you have to commit to playing them. Make time for them, and treat them like a real game experience instead of something you pirated for free.

>> No.2774794

Maybe for you but not for everyone. Certainly not for me. And I've been at it a long time.

>> No.2774802

Why don't you just play eroge?

>> No.2774810

When I use to emulate a lot it killed my interest in playing games for a while because i had so many roms to choose from, play it for a few mins and just ended up getting bored and not playing at all

>> No.2774932

How is that different from having a box of copied floppies, burned CDs or a Flash cartridge full of ROM images?
Piracy is not exclusive to emulation.

>> No.2775106

To this day it's fucking magical to have a SNES game pop up on my computer screen.

>> No.2775117


I know, right? :)

Back when I was a kid emulators had such a bad name it was said they'd rape your mother and kill your dog if you even so much as _looked_ for them. Then once worked up the courage and got the motherfuckers there were all these gotchas on game compatibility....

We've come a long way since then. :D

>> No.2775135

why is windows xp so much better than vista,7,8 and 10?

>> No.2775172

Personal hangups.
Non-accurate emulators.
Bad setups. (why aren't you connecting your emulation box to your TV with HDMI and using a USB-version of the original controller?)

>> No.2775178

I still find it shocking that people like this really exist. It seems so strange that someone would literally be paralyzed by too many choices and end up just not playing anything.

All I get is a wide eyed joy of everything there is, and I either boot up an old favorite or give something I've never heard of a try either way it's fun. If you get bored trying out new games you might want to look into another hobby. Could be you're just hanging onto gaming because it's familiar, not because it's a passion.

Also very, very much this.

>> No.2775471

Just got tired of digital stuff. Got digital games and digital movies. Got tired of not owning anything. I won't to own physical stuff.

>> No.2775852

>I won't to own physical stuff.
I'm betting you won't

>> No.2775862

want lol.

>> No.2776024

Running accurate emulators with a controller, in fullscreen mode output to a CRT with correct resolutions and refresh rates is no different than using real hardware.

>> No.2776027


Those are all shit that often is forced to 480i. Outputting RGB through the VGA or DVI-I port is the only good way to do it.

>> No.2776039

I only really had 4 snes games for a good portion of my childhood, and I still enjoy playing those games with their original controllers and such. It's a more focused experience.

>> No.2776276

It's definitely because of the choices. First time I tried emulating I downloaded 30 or so SNES roms and ended up finishing none of them because I was going through to try them all.

It isn't just a problem with emulating either, I bought around 10 PS3 games in bulk last year, and only finished 4 and tried 7, mainly because I bought them all at once. Did the same thing with PS2 to.

>> No.2776384

My USB gamepad never works right in dosbox, unlike my old Gravis gamepad that was hooked up to my sound card's joystick port (ca. 1994). That one worked perfectly. But even after in-game calibration, the USB thing never works right, it always behaves erratically. It works better in other emulators, but there is some strange input lag in UAE for some reason (that wasn't present on real Amiga). The weird thing is that it works fine on native games, so I know it's not the gamepad or OS fault.
The rest of the stuff has some convenience, like being able to easily add memory or hard disk, compared to buying those. But still, I'd rather the original machine because at least I know it will work the same every time, whereas emulators (along with modern OS and libraries) are constantly in a state of flux. And a lot of that just feels like change for the sake of change to me. Sure thete are some improvements, but also new bugs and different ways of doing things that aren't necessarily better. For one thing, I never liked any widescreen resolutions. I was really happy with the old 4:3 screens, but that change really caused a lot of problems with accurate emualtion. Anyway fo rme it was useless change, I still have no use whatsoever for widescreen. Just an example of pointless change and why original hardware makes it easier.

>> No.2778247

>people seriously see a lot of choice and just shut down
Yeah, it's a recognized psychological effect. I can't remember the name, but it's also linked to buyers remorse and such. We live with more choice than we've ever had in buying products, but all we do is worry that we bought the wrong one as a result.

>> No.2778471

emulate games and platforms is a good option
like this

>> No.2778486


Decision paralysis

>> No.2778513


Another thing is that a consolve won't break the immersion. You just switch it on and BAMM you are playing, and just with a simple press of a button, you are free again. It's actually gametime when you play on a console (or at least on an old one). With emulators, you usually have to fuck up some time to set the resolution, the speed etc. Also, if you are a casual, you will always keep selecting save states and so on. You're Skype or Facebook or whatever people use these days may beep and break your gameplay. If you are stuck, you just give up after 2-3 tries and alt-tab to the webs for a sullution. The list goes on. You can and will get distracted if you emulate.

>> No.2778524

its a psychological thing. i emulate games but only if i cant buy them for a decent price. i have problems staying focused (doctor says its ADD or something) but i also like playing really difficult games. therefore, when i emulate i keep switching games as soon as i die, but when i buy a game cartridge i can stay focused because buying another game takes time, effort and money. when i play games on an emulator i usually turn the wifi off because otherwise ill just tab out and watch youtube, read tvtropes or download other games. that said, when i was into jrpgs id emulate ff and dq on my phone during the morning commute!

>> No.2778532

It's not "official"

>> No.2778546


1. The setup is wrong. Sitting by a computer screen, bunch of programs to click through. The setup should be living room + tv.

2. They don't look good on LCD screens at all. CRTs can just play them right.

>> No.2778575

>doctor says its ADD or something
>when i emulate i keep switching games as soon as i die

Sounds like an accurate diagnosis. I feel bad for you, friend. Doesn't sound like an easy thing to live with.

>> No.2778881

yeah he told me only two weeks ago. its not that bad altho itd explain why school was hard. but yeah its that and i also like collecting physical cartridges, same with movies and such

>> No.2778890

I love emulating. I'm not paying some morbidly obese, bearded cocksucker for over priced games.

>> No.2778918

If somebody tells me they beat a game, I always ask them if they used an emulator. If they say "Yes", then I tell them they haven't beaten the game, period. Yup, I'm one of those guys.