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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 199 KB, 1024x768, resident evil sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2767103 No.2767103 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, a lot of people remember old tomb raiders fondly. And a whole lot remember legacy of kain franchise as well (granted, it went downhill on the ps2, but it is still well remembered). Why no one remembers fear effect? I remember it being fairly popular and even spawning its own image comics mini series.

>> No.2767897

Motha. Fuckin'. Fear Effect.

I occasionally watch longplays of both games just to appreciate how good they were. The cross between future-tech, chinese triad syndicate stuff, and the supernatural - especially chinese myths and legends. It all blends together so well.

Throw in multiple endings and a couple of twists and, much like Hana, you got a tasty pair.

Damn shame about Inferno though. Not to mention it wouldnt survive a reboot or being a classic survival horror, not today. RIP.

>> No.2768001


It's anime Resident Evil on 4 discs.

>> No.2768007

w/ lesbians and autoaim

>> No.2768023

hat game was good shit, fam. I never got to play the sequel tho...

>> No.2768043

Because the marketing made it known as "that game with the lesbians" even though there was a lot more to it than that.

>> No.2768598

difficult riddles/puzzles and mexican stand off.
i had fun with that game.
fights could be difficult, if you didn't get the hang out of it

>> No.2768607

They were pretty shit tbh.

>> No.2768632

I don't think anyone knew about this game at the time. I've never heard about it till later. So there you go. It wasn't marketed well and nobody cared.

>> No.2768658

Only gripe with this game is that there are a lot of QTE style deaths if you don't stand at the correct spot in a scene. So you better save constantly.

>> No.2768673

Fear Effect 2 was easily the best looking PS1 game.

>> No.2768747

The artstyle and pre-rendered backgrounds make it hold up fairly well even today.

>> No.2768761
File: 47 KB, 584x800, ME0000016900_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a pretty huge fan of the series. Really regret Inferno getting the shit can

>> No.2768772

Gameplay is pretty bad. Lot's of trial&error shit, especially in FE2.

>> No.2768798
File: 253 KB, 824x1078, inferno1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2768804
File: 359 KB, 850x1084, inferno2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2768806
File: 377 KB, 850x1100, inferno3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2768807
File: 343 KB, 850x1065, inferno4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2768810
File: 374 KB, 848x1070, inferno6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last page

>> No.2768862
File: 2.22 MB, 1112x1589, fear_effect_1____poster_by_feareffectinferno-d6lifkh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can;t help but whatever happened to the Kronos guys

>> No.2768947
File: 609 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2015-10-30-17-26-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only played 2 but this face always cracked me up at the beginning.

>> No.2768949

>anime Resident Evil
wtf does this mean when the art style in RE was anime based as well?

>> No.2768958

Stan Liu seems to be a sports photographer that seems to specielize in the sort of bland ultra cheesy stuff that usually ends up in stock photo collections...

not sure about the rest.

>> No.2768970

it was 90s cgi based, and only in RE2 and ownards, the first one looked like a cheesy b-movie

>> No.2768993

you are literally retarded

>> No.2769075

>it was 90s cgi based, and only in RE2 and ownards, the first one looked like a cheesy b-movie

That doesn't even make any sense. What were you expecting from a ps1 game? A fucking 1080p 60fps real time high res textures?
And even back in the day the survival horror genre was getting repetitive and lame, that game brought a new atmosphere that blend blade runner asian-futuristic atmosphere with heavy supernatural, mafia etc.
And you went full retarded saying it is "anime resident evil". The game was developed by western people and the artwork was HEAVILY influenced by, hmm, guess what? WESTERN COMIC BOOKS from that time.

>> No.2769078
File: 876 KB, 500x709, tumblr_mw0b5beUfW1sl7r8bo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ps1 game
>able to render and show human characers with facial expressions

Seriously, chrono cross ain't got shit on these graphics.

>> No.2769118

That's kind of an apples to oranges comparison, anon. Fear Effect is a focus on characters, Chrono Cross is a focus on settings.

>> No.2769457
File: 499 KB, 400x198, tumblr_m1028cCjph1qfa1jdo1_r1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2769461

Much like everything else in the game, this is just an animated texture. It's not actually rendering the facial structure.

>> No.2769565
File: 655 KB, 1024x640, fear_effect_retro_helix___wallpaper_montage_by_feareffectinferno-d68hu6b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah. the team actually cheated in pretty much every regard but hey results is results and at the end of the day the game did look very good.

Hell you more or less had to cheat back in the PS1 era

>> No.2769568

That's the beauty of low res graphics, you put a bunch of non descript random dots together and when you look at the bigger picture bam, you have perfect a wall texture.

>> No.2770236


yeah when you really learn how to play with the limitations you can make some awesome shit

>> No.2770249

I masturbated a lot to her pictures as a teen

>> No.2771801 [SPOILER] 
File: 338 KB, 800x600, 1446415707001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep. that was thing

>> No.2771835

does the model have nipples and a vagina or is it just a barbie doll?

>> No.2771975

>Gameplay is pretty bad. Lot's of trial&error shit
>Lot's of trial&error shit
How does that make the gameplay bad whatsoever?

>> No.2772750
File: 493 KB, 500x250, tumblr_ls4811szEl1qcq2vho1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't imagine they'd have rendered the full nudity if it wasn't necessary.


Go easy. He probably grew up on gamecube or something

>> No.2772760
File: 75 KB, 1024x768, rain-and-hana-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually wonder if the creators would ever express interest in a kickstarter or something to get Inferno off the ground

If freaking Battle Chasers can come back this shit can too

>> No.2772763

You knew damn well what she meant and are just trying to show your retro gamer cred by being a bunch of cunts. Fuck off.

Hey girl I'm sorry about those horrible posters you had to deal with but don't worry baby we all ain't like that. Hope you stay on /vr/ and discover there are nice posters as well~

>> No.2772771

I refuse to come back to this game until there is some sorta update to the shitty ass controls.

>> No.2772774

>I occasionally watch longplays of both games just to appreciate how good they were.
I'm surprised that sentence went 3 days on /vr/ without causing a tantrum.

>> No.2772787

Lots of stand in the wrong place/use the wrong item and you're dead.

>> No.2772789

It's clearly someone who had already beaten the games before. Grow up, Youtube is a thing.

>> No.2772792

Like the bomb defusal puzzle at the end of the first mission. Chances are you're gonna die your first time there.

>> No.2772805

Come on man I like Fear Effect but you're delusional if you think the game isn't filled with deaths that are totally unfair the first time you play it.

>> No.2772848

Replaying Fear Effect/Retro Helix after you've beaten them several times, it kind of loses its charm. You know the solution to all the puzzles, and any that are "don't step on this tile" aren't exactly difficult.

I don't blame an anon for watching a longplay to reminisce without going to the trouble of replaying.

>> No.2772903
File: 41 KB, 640x480, 233480-fear-effect-2-retro-helix-playstation-screenshot-aghh-rats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being afraid of dying in a game

come on man there has to be some kind of challenge and penalty for loosing.


I just don't think that's really so much a problem is all. I did die a metric shit ton of times but never the same way twice.

Plus a lot of the death animation where pretty sweet.


It was just the style of the time.

>> No.2772927

Man, so many /vr/ tier games had dozens of unique - and unapologetic - death animations. I miss that in modern gaming.

>> No.2772934


No kidding. For all the YOU'LL DIE A LOT hype that games like dark souls and its ilk get the actual deaths are rather underwhelming

>> No.2772937

>come on man there has to be some kind of challenge and penalty for loosing.

No one is arguing against challenge and penalty retard. There's a difference between dying because you fucked up and dying because the game is filled with one hit kill traps the player would never suspect during their first run.

>> No.2772940

>the game is filled with one hit kill traps the player would never suspect during their first run.

there really isn't as many as those as you seem to think there was. Or at the very least it's pretty obvious when you shouldn't be sticking your neck out in front of a gun ship

>> No.2772943

You're probably right I haven't played the game in like 15 years and was actually thinking about giving it another go a little before seeing this thread.

>> No.2773459

Just do it.

>inb4 unfunny shia leboef meme

>> No.2773728

the glorious rolling game. you just roll your way through it, no one can hurt you.

>> No.2773731
File: 191 KB, 849x428, well not with that attitude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2773763
File: 28 KB, 400x361, red panda fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>TFW you learn how to properly stealth kill

>> No.2773798

rolling + stealth kills ftw.

>> No.2774728
File: 95 KB, 755x1350, 1411965042634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2777312
File: 93 KB, 1134x756, hotad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a shame the game was advertised so poorly. I though Hana and Rain's relationship was actually kind of nice towards the later half of the game

>> No.2777315

it's still hormonal teen bait any way you look at it.

>> No.2777332
File: 310 KB, 640x480, oni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no place to discuss oni

>> No.2777336

Did the same guys behind fear effect make this?

>> No.2777351

Oni was made by Bungie

>> No.2777353
File: 86 KB, 1024x768, oni 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's still hormonal teen bait any way you look at it.

Well, kinda. you're not wrong but at the same time it's very hard to call a lot of the stuff in the games gratuitous. The characters of Hana and Rain are very sexual by nature and the game and the world don't shy away from reflecting this. Yes Hana and Rain flirt and get hot and steamy with each other but that's kind of something couples do and by the end of the game you do really get the sense that they're actually a real couple.

There is more to the setting than just fap bait even if the game wears it's fap bait on it's sleeves.


Nope. Bungie. Would you believe.

>> No.2777356

Then why the hell did you even bring it up? Oh wait, I know, you're trolling.

>> No.2777363


teh fuck. It was a pretty innocent question guy. Both FE and Oni are more than a little inspired by the same anime, I wouldn't be shocked to see if they where by the same guys

>> No.2777364

no, it's just a case of similar aesthetics and advertising (read: erectnippling the mc).

>> No.2777372

Next you're gonna start the mind gymnastics to get PS2 discussion allowed on this board. No so fast, troll. Back to >>>/v/ with you.

>> No.2777398


He just asked as simple question. Really why don't you go yell at someone on /a/ for asking for a suggestion.

>> No.2777414

Not that guy, just answered a question. Though he seems to have answered back to you anyway and you're being an elitist dick about it.
To digress a bit from this thread topic for your "amusement":
The fact is that as time goes, the lines of what's considered retro are gonna be stretched a bit. I don't see why PS2 can't be included here since there's a clear line between that generation and next one when digital distribution and HD resolutions really took off.
Also PS2 and its games see as much discussion on /v/ as /vr/ "approved" consoles and games do i.e. almost none unless it's some series with recently released games.

>> No.2777430

western? nigger are you dumb? shit was going for that faux anime look to it. even the creator mentioned that on some old as game mags.

>> No.2777434

oh shit some of those are gruesome in the third part

>> No.2777512

>Really why don't you go yell at someone on /a/ for asking for a suggestion.

Retards who can't use google belong on /v/.


>> No.2777601

I knew you were gonna pull the ps2 will soon be retro card.

>> No.2777659

I still have a Fear Effect T-Shirt.

I work in the industry and we had a day at work where they wanted everyone to wear their most obscure game related clothing. I guess I'm too old because literally nobody recognized my shirt or said anything. This was a couple years ago but I was disappointed how nobody that works in games, at least where I work, recognized it.

>> No.2777678


It's weird to think of the game as "obscure" I know it wasn't exactly MAIN STREAM but it made more than a few covers and had plenty of adds

>> No.2778747


>> No.2779035


Huh. That's interesting. Hope that means someone wants to bring back Inferno.

wouildn't say no to another Gex either, Dana Gould can't be busy

>> No.2779046


>> No.2779072

>tfw you lose an arm and your firepower is reduced by half

>> No.2779894


he was still ahead of Deke. Man shit went to hell in that game hard.

>> No.2780510

This is the best looking game on the PS1, right?

>> No.2780546

Pushed it to limit for sure. I was playing the dreamcast more at that time, and I remember thinking this is just about as far as they can take the PS1. Chronocross was one of the later PS games that was really good looking too, though a bit of a disappointment otherwise.

>> No.2780796

>This is the best looking game on the PS1, right?

one of the better ones certainly

>> No.2781267

Guys, I'm playing this game right now and I fucked myself. I saved right before a boss with my health in the red, I die from one hit. Is there any way to regain health aside from at scripted points or do I basically have to start over?

>> No.2782540


Roll. Roll a lot.