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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2764829 No.2764829 [Reply] [Original]

Why are they so based?

>> No.2764838

/v/'s the place to discuss that.

>> No.2764841
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>This shit gets deleted
>Game Sack threads get deleted
>AVGN threads stay up and hit bump limit despite being nowhere as interesting and entertaining as the other people mentioned in these threads

>> No.2764845

To be fair, dislike it as you may, this is the place to discuss youtubers talking about retro games.

And that's coming from someone who never watches youtube gaming shows and doesn't even really understand why anyone does. But I'm not the only person on the board.

I don't know, why are they so based? What does based even really mean?

>> No.2764847

Can we not with the YouTube e celeb threads. /v/ is the place to take this, and anyways you'll get a lot more attention there

>> No.2764849

honestly I think it's a shame that Game Sack threads get deleted, but these threads DO deserve to be deleted, their podcast is barely even /vr/, they just shill a few current "retro" projects and then talk about retarded /v/ anti-feminist and gamergate garbage.

>> No.2764851

it means laid back and not caring about what other people think, which isn't true of these two at all. If anything they care too much about what other people think of them.

>> No.2764852

Explain why if they're talking retro, why is /v/ the place and not /vr?

>> No.2764854

while I don't agree with that guy that all youtube "celebs" should go on /v/, I do think these specific people do belong on /v/ more than /vr/ because of what I said here >>2764849

>> No.2764857

I think it's a safe bet anyone who puts out a podcast of opinions is indeed very interested in what people think of them.

>> No.2764858

Ahh I see, if their podcast is mostly not about retro games then yes /v/ would be a better board. But theoretically, someone having a youtube channel or podcast about retro gaming, this would be a better forum for it than /v/ since it would be more on topic to this board than there.

Despite the fact that the people in the video are *GASP* not old, and using the dreaded social media. It's still retro gaming talk.

>> No.2764859

Why can't we just have an e-celeb board to cleanse it all away

>> No.2764862


Do you want the terrorists to win?

>> No.2764865

you are literally retarded, it's like you didn't even read my post, it has nothing to do with how old they are, though by the way Pat is in his mid-30s and has been doing shitty videos for about as long as AVGN, not sure about the other guy though. It's that their podcast is barely even about retro gaming anymore.

>> No.2764868

Why can't you accept that you're not the only person on the board and not every single topic should be tailor made to appeal to you? There's seriously nothing at all wrong with people who want to discuss this stuff, and if it doesn't interest you, you can easily just not click on the thread.

Almost every thread that gets made now has people coming in to bitch up and down that it's not about whatever aspect of /vr/ they specifically are interested in. Make a topic about emulation, hardware fans troll it. Make a thread about selling, emulator fans troll it. Make a thread about CV Bloodlines, Rondo fans troll it. Etc etc etc

It's pathetic and doing nothing at all good for the board. Unless something is CLEARLY breaking the rules, just hide or ignore it. And in that case just report it and move on. All this trolling back and forth only makes things worse.

>> No.2764872

I was speaking more generally. I don't know about the show in OP's post, but I did agree that if it's not mostly retro then this isn't the place for it.

But for a different show which is dedicated to retro games, then this definitely would be the right forum for it. The comment about them not being young and using social media was just me parroting the usual troll voices around here to try to scream down any thread about podcasts or video series. "fucking kids and their social media" is what the bulk of it all boils down to.

>> No.2764889

ah ok, sorry for misreading your post then. I pretty much agree with you.

>> No.2764906

you forgot make a thread about symphony of the night, everyone trolls it even if they have never played a single castlevania game in their life.
More seriously though I agree with you, this sort of stuff has gotten rediculous, and sadly also the wider 4chan mentality that you should just tollerate this bullshit and that you are somehow weak or "looking for a hugbox" if you stand up against it at all has seemed to invaded this board big time. I guess everything good has to come to an end... :/

>> No.2764908
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You are the problem

>> No.2764948
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> I guess everything good has to come to an end...

That's a shitty attitude to have, and not what I'm talking about. We all have to learn to be a little more accepting of the people who come here that we disagree with. Simply not shitposting a thread because you don't care for the topic is a great way to start.

But also there is a degree of trolling that is bound to find it's way into any 4chan thread. 4chan is basically made to encourage trolling and anonymity which is probably why most of us are here.

So the flipside to not going out and trolling other peoples topics is that when you make yours and the first response is "fuck off hipster" or whatever, just ignore or report. But most of all don't feel them and continue the cycle. Trolls lurk where there's delicious food. Don't be troll food.

>> No.2764954

>Why are they so based?

>> No.2765109

Game Sack is the apex of cringe worthy e-celebs.

>> No.2765119

Does Pat even do game reviews anymore?

>> No.2765129

Based on what? Shit? Because they are huge fucking tools.
Specially Pat just defending youtube red, they can go fuck themselves.

>> No.2765259

It means OP is underaged. Possibly single digit.

>> No.2765332

Or maybe you are. Based is a long standing 4chan term that has been used here for years, become welcome aboard anyway, newbie.

>> No.2765441

>It 's been used since at least last summer
thanks for (not)contributing sport.

>> No.2765787

Only Pat is good, Ian needs to seriously take a long walk off a short pier. Ian only does 3 things on the podcast:

1. Mention he works at Luna while pretending it owns the place.

2. Talk about how he has crippling anxiety disorder and will cry when people he doesn't know talk to him.

3. Complain, complain, complain.

>> No.2766047

I've only seen a few segments of a few episodes, but I could never bring myself to like Ian. I don't know if its the hipster vibe he gives off or what but I can't listen to him talk.

Pat seems like an alright dude. Still prefer Mark Bussler and James Rolfe though.

>> No.2767318

>i know you are but what am i
Well you really showed everyone how mature you are oldfag there didn't you. kek

>> No.2767517

Oh god that was cringe. Fuck your channel OP.

That was hard as fuck to watch. Might as well start posting trypopphobia