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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 167 KB, 640x480, descent_title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2764128 No.2764128 [Reply] [Original]

With Descent: Underground coming I figure now is a good time for a Descent thread. Post favorite moments, screenshots, powerups, game in the series, etc.

Also if anyone can help, I can't find the old port of Descent to the PSP and I've been craving it on the go. (please no android)

>> No.2764139
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Also post favorite song tracks from any game/any version of any game.

This area of the first game made me absolutely NOT want to go through that red door.

>> No.2764178
File: 9 KB, 241x182, REEEE material defendies leave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, did you want those shields?

>> No.2764204

These fuckers. Hitscan weapons on enemies are annoying but I guess it's fair since you have the exact same weapon though.

Also this set the mood for me for the whole game. Made me instantly love it.

>> No.2764212
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wow descent thread
descent underground looks like garbage i'm alot more interested in Sol Contingency (they're releasing their free multiplayer demo thing very soon)
also sublevel zero is neat
i know there is one descent ripoff mobile game there was never a psp version but d1 and maximum (a different version of d2) are on ps1 and you can convert them to work on psp but obviously playing pc with rebirth is the way to go
fuck interplay btw
love the redbook soundtrack
imagine booting up d2 for the first time and getting this

>> No.2764217

Every time Descent music comes up I seem to be the only one that likes the bleepy bloops of the MIDI soundtracks and not the redbook. The redbook has too much guitar and sounds like the kind of shitty industrial rock imitations people were churning out after Nine Inch Nails got popular.

>> No.2764221

Same here... I'd much rather hear MIDI and Soundblaster synths, than the crappy school shooter music you hear in Quake and other games from that era.

>> No.2764225

There was a homebrew port of Descent for the PSP, that's what I'm looking for, all the links I can find for a DL are dead.
Also I haven't heard of Sol Contingency, thanks!
Sublevel Zero seems pretty hollow. There isn't much meat to the game.
I love the MIDI tracks so fucking much.

>> No.2764230
File: 80 KB, 640x480, 1440226316911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bleeps and bloops are very descent-ish and some of it comes through in the redbook versions i justthink they are better put together than the more minimal midi versions
didnt know about the homebrew version
there is also a modern sourceport of forsaken which is free
its worth checking out the n64 version aswell which is completely different and surprisingly good

>> No.2764293

Damn, I'd also like to get my hands on that Descent port for the PSP.
I played the shit out of the first game on our first computer, was one of the few games we had. I'd love to play the original again. Might even get this new one, maybe it won't suck, worth $25 for the gamble.

>> No.2764347

>maybe it won't suck
i'm not so sure

>> No.2764354

I only care about the singleplayer, so that's pretty useless footage for me.

>> No.2764394

that trailer is supposed to lead into what they plan for sp but when they announced it it wasnt even going to have sp at all they caved of course

>> No.2764495

aww what, I'm in this for the single player too. If it's an after thought screw this game. I just found Descent 1 and 2 for my PC, Ima play that instead.

>> No.2764572


>> No.2765806
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>> No.2765995
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>> No.2766032

the cover art for that game is so misleading or rather it doesnt tell you a single thing about the game

>> No.2766102

ya know, for all these years ive never even looked at the gameplay for this exact reason and now i'm interested. thanks

>> No.2766104

You're welcome, anon

>> No.2766143


>> No.2766146


>> No.2766156

Oh daaaaaaaaaaamn.

>> No.2766161

someone should test descent out with the new xbox elite controller. I believe that would probably be the best controller for it with the paddles on the back for doing bank turns and such.

>> No.2766167

I just use the bumpers for banking and the triggers for shooting. Left stick is forward back left right, right stick is aim up down left right, X and Y go through the primary and secondary weapons, A goes up, B goes down.

>> No.2766171

No the best way would be to have accelerate, reverse and slide left, right on the left analog. Then turn left right and pitch up and down on the right analog. Then have slide down and slide up on left trigger and right trigger. Have primary fire and secondary fire on bumpers. Then have bank turning, map, flares, bombs or whatever else on the back paddles so you never have to move any fingers off anything.

>> No.2766174

If you say so. Sounds a bit overkill these games aren't that complicated.

>> No.2766176

if you want to trichord or quadchord then it gets complicated

>> No.2766201


>> No.2766219

Don't 100% agree with all the synth choices, but still a pretty great job. This is the kind of music and quality I want in a new Descent game. What was the last game that had decent, original electronic music? It's all orchestral stuff now.

>> No.2766275

geez that reminds me of that awful original trailer for the new game

>> No.2766280

>Not Hellbender

>> No.2766835

Maybe you guys can help me clear up a fuzzy memory.

I have Descent II on CD-rom. I could swear up and down the CD audio soundtrack only played one tune per level on my old Windows 95 machine. The computers I've had since just play the music straight through, moving right on to the next track after one finishes, even if I haven't cleared the level yet.

Am I just remembering things wrong and It's always been that way, or what?

>> No.2767625
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can't remember the dosbox options but it should be one track per level rebirth has some extra options for music

>> No.2768569

I've never played the PlayStation ports, though I've been thinking about it forever. Getting those up and running seem like less of a hassle than making the PC versions run on modern machines.

Are the PS1 versions any good?

>> No.2768582

Descent 1 & 2 have source ports. Descent Rebirth is a MUCH better choice than playing the PS1 version, and it's not a hassle at all.

>> No.2768697

I know man. And I can get source ports working. I'm not a TOTAL tud. But popping a CD into a retro console and just having it go is still objectively quicker and easier. (Downloading and burning or hunting down a legit copy aside)

It was an afterthought anyway. I guess all I REALLY wanted to know was:
"How are the PS1 versions?"

Faithful ports? Any original content? Worth looking into for any interesting quirks/ideas that set them apart?

>> No.2768735

>popping a CD into a retro console and just having it go is still objectively quicker and easier
I dunno, I bet I could download DXX-Rebirth, copy the game files, and start it before the PS1 version finishes loading.

Anyway, I know the PS1 version of Descent 1 has an animated intro, mine escape, and voiceover for the briefings. That's new. And it has dynamic lighting for projectiles which didn't exist on the PC until Descent 2. I never used the redbook audio on the PC so I don't know if the CD music is new. Otherwise it's a standard port that runs and controls a lot worse. I think it has some extra levels? I dunno.

>> No.2768752

>and controls a lot worse

They were pre-Dual Shock, huh?

>> No.2768951

Welcome to the 90s, bro!

Look up a SNES game called Phalanx. That one's also infamous for unrelated cover art.

>> No.2768956

Just get the gog version then.

>> No.2769159
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>> No.2769285

>(Downloading and burning or hunting down a legit copy aside)
mate it's all here >>2764212
d1 is pretty faithful and i think it has a couple of extra levels maximum is completely different than d2 because the ps1 didnt have enough memory they rebuild all the maps and they are generally less complex you can play both console games have horrible lag though it's just not worth bothering with and you can play maximum on pc anyway http://www.enspiar.com/dmdb/viewMission.php?id=962

>> No.2771373


Oh look it's l22.

>> No.2771382

although that was the third Quake game, so you'd know what to expect

>> No.2771708

You'd think, but don't forget that Quake 3 was a different animal than 1 or 2.

>> No.2771765
File: 21 KB, 498x640, 2266897-1038153183_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm... no not really >>2771708

This also.

>> No.2772031

how is projectx compared to the original forsaken? It seems like mostly the same. Was it open sourced or something? https://github.com/ForsakenX/forsaken/wiki/Quickstart

>> No.2772037

no descent on psx has support for the analog flightstick letting you use dual analogs

>> No.2772086

>was it open sourced

>> No.2772401

These are not even close to being on the same page as Forsaken's random-ass box art and title.

>> No.2772915


I used to play its deathmatch mode on Kali, it was great fun