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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 152 KB, 1440x740, Sega_Genesis_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2759558 No.2759558 [Reply] [Original]

The best shmup on the Genesis is not

Thunder Force 3
Thunder Force 4
Eliminate Down
Musha Aleste
Fire Shark
Twinkle Tale
Gley Lancer

It's none of those.

The best shmup on the Genesis is Steel Empire.

>> No.2759561


okay? My favorite was always Sagaia.

>> No.2759669
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>Calls it Genesis
>Filename says Genesis
>It's a Mega Drive

>> No.2759802
File: 187 KB, 640x900, battlemaniadaiginjou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2759820

The best on the Genesis is Lightening Force

>> No.2759835

It's TRUXTON bitch

>> No.2759869

Lightening Force is Thunder Force 4, a game OP already mentioned.

>> No.2759886
File: 77 KB, 720x540, FB_IMG_1445800269275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

musha, truxton, lightening force

>> No.2759902

You spelled Steel Empire wrong.

>> No.2759904

Mega Turrican

>> No.2759905

Ka Ge Ki

>> No.2759909

you spelled "you spelled Musha wrong"

>> No.2759926

Yeah, if you don't like shmups.

>> No.2759932

Also, your "I'm better than you" list didn't include Biohazard Battle. Troll harder.

Also also, "Thunder Force 4" never appeared on the "Genesis." Only the "Megadrive." You should have said "Lightening Force." So, y'know. Semantics.

>> No.2759938
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Who invited the nerds?

>> No.2759942

Of the great Genesis Shmups, which ones have excellent music?

>> No.2759948

Musha Aleste stage 1 music is probably the best. but the rest of the stages aren't as good

>> No.2759965

Most of them.

4 chan did. Check which board you're posting in man.

>> No.2760015

b-but thunder force iv has the best soundtrack


>> No.2760035

How can you call TF4's soundtrack awesome without acknowledging TF3's also being excellent?

Also, a balls out shred-tastic metal cover? Maaaaaaan. That shit's so done to death for EVERY GOOD VIDEO GAME SONG EVER that it's more challenging and impressive to find a solid vg cover that ISN'T balls out shred-tastic metal.

>> No.2760067


>b-but m-muh metal covers are ruining video game music videos!

>> No.2760094

I never said ruining, you tud. Who's implying now?

I'm just saying they're overused, and that's disappointing.

>> No.2760114

What is exactly wrong with the Diablo one? it's 100% faithful to the original instrument/style.

>> No.2760149

I'm not sure anyone was saying anything was wrong with it.

But back in topic:
Thunder Force IV / Lightening Force and Gley Lancer are my two go-to's right now.

I'll give Steel Empire another shot, but it didn't grab me the way other shmups have last time I tried it.

>> No.2760206

I'd normally agree with you about metal but Thunder Force's soundtrack is deliberately metal as fuck. I mean listen to bass imitating a drum line.
That S.S.H. cover is the best version of the song. It's not the typical 'injecting metal into everything'. It's a metal cover of a metal in the first place song.

>> No.2760249

it's STG

>> No.2760274

How does it feel to be a homosexual?

>> No.2760283


Ask your dad

>> No.2760310

TF3's compositions are less intricate and more technically primitive than TF4's, but much more enjoyable. It's my favorite MD/Genesis shmup soundtrack.

>> No.2760369

overrated. the only good thing about this game is first stage music

>> No.2760438

Word. Steel Empire is probably the best shooting game on the Genesis.

The only thing I hear people complain about it is that you fight some of the bosses twice.

But that's standard fare for a console game of that time. Even something like Super Aleste has multiple repeating bosses.

>> No.2760732

Yeah. You right. You right.
TF4 is a very fitting soundtrack for metal covers. I just heard the extended wankery in the intro and my eyes automatically rolled.

The rest of it's spot on and totally tits.

>> No.2760749


>> No.2760768

Good games, both of em.

Didn't they -through some miracle- both make their way west?

>> No.2760779

The best shmup on the Genesis is on the Mega CD though.

>> No.2760816

I like eliminate down
its like andro dunos but smoother, better paced, better designed and better looking.

I also like trouble shooter just cause the aesthetic design.

>> No.2760828

>Sega CD

I was honestly either expecting Robo Aleste or Silpheed.

Oh shit. That reminds me. I never got around to trying Bari Arm

>> No.2760834

Bari Arm is excellent, my favorite Sega CD game. Great music as well.

>> No.2760837

Musha is overrated tripe that's only praised because of its rarity.

>> No.2760848
File: 1.34 MB, 1600x2176, Gaiares-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside kiddos.

>> No.2760864

here's your (you)

>> No.2760869

>hurr opinions I don't like are bait hurr durr

Fuck off. Anyone who played more than two shmups knows Musha is nothing special and doesn't deserve an ounce of the praise it gets. Go play a real shmup like Zero Wing before you praise that garbage one more time and hopefully you'll realize how much of a fool you are.

>> No.2760890

don't agree but heres a really good interview with the dev http://shmuplations.com/yoshinorisatake/

>> No.2760976

The first did. The second was only available through mail order in a Japanese magazine so it's ulta rare. Shame because the second is far better.

>> No.2761012

You may have a pity reply

>> No.2761040

this lightening force...

holy shit. Im a sega fag so I shouldnt be surprised... but i am. Those graphics and sound... on a genesis is something to be proud of. Nice american box art too.

>> No.2761063

Lightening is a present participle corresponding to the verb lighten, where to lighten is to make light or lighter. For example, we might say that a person who has been losing weight is lightening, or that an aging man's hair is lightening to gray.

>> No.2761148

Don't tell us. Tell the people who made that name change from Thunder Force 4 to "Lightening Force." That's seriously how it's spelled on the box and title screen.

It's a Lightening Force. It Lightens things......... apparently.

>> No.2761156

But... I emulated it over a decade ago, and kinda liked it just because it was a Genesis shmup I hadn't played yet. Had no clue it was rare back then.

I understand how opinions work. Really. But let's be real for a second. There are far, FAR worse shmups than MUSHA that have garnered praise.

>> No.2761163

My fave is Hellfire. I just can't get very far, and I've had the fucking game since the early 90s. I bought a fresh 6-button controller to get better at it.

>> No.2761216
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>no forgotten worlds

>> No.2761464


I won't deny its goodness, but it's kinda crossover genre-ish. I can understand it not being on a strictly shmuppish list.

>> No.2761473
File: 573 KB, 2816x1864, DSCF3446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is of course the right answer.

Musha is rare?

>> No.2762075

I'm not OP

Steel Empire has it all.

First of all, play it on

Hard mode.

More enemies.

and enemies

Take more damage.

This game has great balance

and a lot of variety.

That stage 2 cave scene

Is one of the highpoints of shmups

Even though

some bosses are recycled.

their attack patterns are different

or they're upgraded in some way

You like barrels, m8?

well, the 2nd train boss got barrels

You like?

Play it on hard. Great game. 10/10

The best Genny Shmup is obviously Thunder Force IV

2nd best is Steel Empire.

>> No.2762084

Steel Empire's slowdown is annoying as hell.
>welcome to hard mode
>there's now too much on the screen for the poor genesis to handle
>enjoy your lag

>> No.2762093

the lag isn't that bad though.

>> No.2762190

Even Thunder Force 4 has slowdown though.

>> No.2762590

Dat Blast Processin' dough.

>> No.2762620

The Genesis port is mad overrated. The arcade version still is one of the finest shmups to grace this Earth.

>> No.2762635


>> No.2762813

>the thing I'd mention hasn't otherwise been mentioned so I must mention it in a way that calls attention to the fact that it hasn't already been mentioned or else what's the point of mentioning what I'd mention?
The worst.

>> No.2763771

But I like Zero Wing AND Musha Aleste.
Then again, I like the whole Aleste series.

>> No.2763953

Why hasn't Gynoug/Wings of Wor been mentioned yet?

>> No.2764794

The attitude shump /vr/ fans throw around that you're only allowed to praise a tiny handful of games without being called a casual scrub is one of the reasons I avoid almost all of these threads now.

>> No.2764891

That's the attitude of 4chan in general man. "Be a part of the hive mind or you're out."

/vr/, from what I've seen, has been the most reasonable with turning back into Dr. Jekyll if you call them on their Mr. Hyde bullshit.

>> No.2765535

At the height of my shmuppery, I gave at the very least a few minutes to most of the games in this thread.

Talking about them makes me want to give them another shot.

Fuck yeah, shmups.

>> No.2768714

>Keep coming back to thread because I love shmups.
>Keep coming back to thread because I also love Genesis/Megadrive shmups.
>Thread is deader than a dead dog's dead dog dick.

>Get sad.