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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2731987 No.2731987 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else find emulating retro games on computers so utterly depressing that you can't play for more than a few minutes?

It doesn't happen at all on consoles. There's just something really soulless about playing non-PC games on a PC.

>> No.2731993


>> No.2731994


>> No.2731998

Yes :-(

>> No.2732002

I think a lot of it has to do with the rigid way that you sit at a computer desk. Also I think my brain has been conditioned to go into a cynical mode when I'm at a computer from all the porn, 4chan, studying and runescape I've done in my time.

>> No.2732003

The only problem i find in playing old games on emulators? They are free and downloadable in few seconds, so basically i have the whole console library in my hand, and skip through it without paying much attention to many games.

>> No.2732005


>> No.2732008

I think this is a factor too also all the other low effort sources of entertainment (websurfing, netflix) competing for your attention can be distracting.

>> No.2732083

This is the truest answer. Especially the when the Runescape part applies.

>> No.2732091

>Also I think my brain has been conditioned to go into a cynical mode when I'm at a computer from all the porn, 4chan, studying and runescape I've done in my time.

Damn, this is actually true. Never played runescape but the rest applies to me as well.

>> No.2732116


>> No.2732121

Honestly? Emulation is how I've played games most of my life, only recently I'm starting to get physical consoles and games (except for portables), so nope, can't say I feel like that.

The real deal feels better but... eh. If I enjoy the game, that matters more than the platform I'm playing it in.

>> No.2732151


>> No.2732152

Playing handheld games on anything not a handheld is not great. So playing gb games on pc isn't very fun but on a phone i'm happier with it (if it has buttons or the game is not action oriented), but console games are more platable. I played the enrire of ff5 & 6, as well as chrono trigger, castlevania and loads of other snes games on my pc with no issue.

>> No.2732201
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No. You just don't really like the games. You like the "idea" of playing retro games, but that's it.

>> No.2732214

Only because I realize I'm not having as much fun as I did as a kid and I'm essentially wasting my present reliving the past and ignoring my future.

Thankfully I can play all old PC games without problem because I grew up with a genesis and snes.

>> No.2732223

Maybe your PC setup is depressing somehow? I like being at my PC so I never had that problem. I can also play emulators laying on my bed so "rigid chair" is not a problem.

>> No.2732259
File: 24 KB, 400x309, sxZEQkRl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon is right, your computer needs to be more fun

>> No.2732391

I'm on my PC sun-up to sun-down and beyond so I sit in a recliner. There's no difference between using the computer, playing a game, or watching TV for me. Living the dream.

>> No.2732462

I completely agree with this, actually. I can play arcade games on PC, but that's about it. If I can sit down with a game, emulating it on a console (like a dreamcast or a Wii), then I can play for ages, but playing retro games on pc just doesn't feel very comfortable to me, and never has, unless it's an arcade game.

>> No.2732539

then don't emulate on PC, go grab a PSP or something along those lines

>> No.2732563

Game Boy games looks like garbage on an OG Gameboy

no backlight, blurry af, on a small screen and clunky handheld

>> No.2732593

It's not the emulator, OP. You just grew up. You still suffer from nostalgia so you think you find joy in playing your old consoles from when you were a kid, but the nostalgia isn't there when you're playing games you never owned.

>> No.2732603

I agree. But then again I dislike playing on a PC in general except some selected genres that can't be played on a console like RTS. The idea of playing a JRPG on my PC is fucking alien to me.

>> No.2732613

>having autism this bad

>> No.2732628

This is like not feeling comfortable listening to music digitally after getting used to vinyl.

You may enjoy vinyl more and that's fine but not being able to play an album on foobar and enjoy the music itself should tell you something about why you're listening to music in the first place.

Unless you can take a step back and specifically say what's souless about it, you might just be a moron.

>> No.2732649

>Playing handheld games on anything not a handheld is not great
What's your reasoing behind this? What's inherently different about handheld games that makes emulating SNES games fine but not GBA? Same with NES and Gameboy.

Super Metroid? Cool. Metroid Fusion? Nah. Link to the Past? Fine. Minish Cap? No way?

>> No.2732679
File: 62 KB, 578x455, GBA_SP_NES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, OP isn't missing out, it's a small, monochrome greenish screen which is hard to see in a lot of lighting conditions.

You REALLY are better off enjoying your Gameboy games on the following setups:
>Super GameBoy in an NES, hooked up to your TV, you can even have the Dogbone, Max, or Advantage controllers plugged in and play with those
>On a GameBoy Advance SP with the backlight on, if you actually want to play it on the go like in the old days
>On an emulator on your computer, with a gamepad that fits in your hand decently and with responsive buttons
>On an emulator on your phone, if you think touchscreens are somehow suitable for playing videogames (ProTip: They aren't)
You just have way better options today.

The originals had the dial to adjust the contrast, which certainly did help a lot of the time, but they were only so good, sometimes you'd still not see anything anyway, I remember many summers where the glare of the sun would leave me with hardly a good idea of what was going on in the game.

There was also a special variant of the Pocket model, which had a lit screen, it was quite good, it would light the screen up so it was rather visible, having less of an olive green tint, and more of a neon green glow to it, however, this would eat more of your batteries. Not released outside of Japan, to the disappointment of many.

I'll say though that the monochrome screen with adjustable contrast is probably one of the many facets which made the success of the GameBoy, allowing it a much longer battery life than competitors like the Sega GameGear and Nomad, or the Atari Lynx, despite them having full color, and backlit screens, a set of batteries would well last you a car trip with a GameBoy, typically not so with the Atari or Sega handhelds. It was also fucking hard to see what was going on with your Atari or Sega, their screens were NOT as clear as in their advertisements.

Oh, and fucking Pokémon and Tetris, those were gangbusters, big hits.

>> No.2732685

>Playing handheld games on anything not a handheld is not great.
I beg to differ, I've enjoyed these titles through Visual Boy Advance:

>Dr. Mario
>Duke Nukem
>Metroid Fusion
>Link's Awakening DX
>Mother 3
>Castlevania Harmony Of Dissonance
>Castlevania Aria Of Sorrow
>Advance Wars

>> No.2732687

Never thought about it this way... but fuck, it makes sense. Whenever I draw shit on my Wacom it feels like a chore and it's uninteresting. But regular pen and paper gives me a vigorous creative boost.
Whenever I emulate, it feels so hasty and boring, but when I'm lying on my bed with the controller on my hand and the CRT glowing upon my face, I feel like a kid again and play for hours on end.

Great post my man.

>> No.2732689

>talks about screens
>posts the classic themed SP

99% of those suffer from a manufacturing defect where the LCD very noticeably doubles the image at a slight offset. You have to replace the screen to fix it.

>> No.2732694

>Forgetting the Gamecube Gameboy Player
Literally the best way. You can even use a Gameboy Advance as the controller with the cable.

>> No.2732704

Because the GBA was basically a Super Nintendo, and a lot of the games on GBA were very good.

Classic Gameboy and even Gameboy Colour usually meant that the quality of the games suffered (compared to home console) due to hardware limitations. We put up with inferior games for teh convenience and enjoyment of bringing games with us or playing in the car or whatever.

Gameboy Advance basically changed it. The GBA, DS, PSP, etc all have really good games (although still -usually- lesser then their home variants if applicable).

>> No.2732805

What about other handhelds? Gamegear is basically an improved Mk3/SMS.
Or are you not counting them as portable due to the battery life?

>> No.2732813

What the hell are you guys talking about? Do you guys also have trouble watching movies and playing PC games while sitting in chairs? If so then there might be something seriously wrong with your backs and/or chairs. If not then it's all in your head.

>> No.2732836

The only thing I do in an office chair is work (on a computer) or stuff (on a computer)
For real vidya, movies, and books it's always the sofa or the bed or any other comfy zone.
I dunno about you but I agree 100% with the guy early on the thread that cynical mode activates immediately when I push my ass to an office chair.

>> No.2732842

What's keeping you from playing from your bed?

>> No.2732850

You need to get yourself a comfy chair.

Also this.

>> No.2732852


HDMI cable + Windows controller
There's no reason to live any other way

>> No.2732864

Nothing? I always play on my bed. Unless I do some emu stuff on the computer. And using the computer requires sitting on a shitty chair in front of a desk.
Maybe I should get a comfy chair though.

>> No.2732882

I think he's saying what's keeping you from playing on your bed while using an emulator. Maybe by doing something like this guy:


>> No.2732891

Well, my bed is in my bedroom. My computer is in another room. It's simply impossible unless I construct an elaborate mirror setup.

>> No.2732894

>My computer is in another room
That's just disgusting.

>> No.2732905

>Classic Gameboy and even Gameboy Colour usually meant that the quality of the games suffered (compared to home console) due to hardware limitations

I can't say so unless it is about Donkey Kong Lands. With 4 shades of grey it looks like a pixel mess. I didn't own in the time these games, though.

>> No.2733937

My brother had one and it didn't have that problem, guess he was lucky.

Felt really good in the hand with the textured surface on the front, and I liked the red A and B buttons, it felt... 'right' somehow.

>Dr. Mario
>Duke Nukem
>Link's Awakening DX
None of these are GBA games and I had great times with them.

>and a lot of the games on GBA were very good.
No arguments here, I love the GBA.

>Classic Gameboy and even Gameboy Colour usually meant that the quality of the games suffered (compared to home console) due to hardware limitations
True, to a degree, but original Gameboy probably saved a lot of space on being monochrime and not having any colors, or, I'd wager it does, since images would have been drawn with only some shades of gray.

You couldn't fit an NES game 1:1 on a Gameboy cartridge, but you could make a game for the Gameboy which played like an NES game, hell, you could remake an NES game for the Gameboy and it wouldn't be too difficult.
If you wanted a sidescrolling platforming adventure, there wasn't any reason you couldn't put that in there, if you want a roleplaying game, that's easy, if you want a racing game or a puzzle game, that's doable too.
It wasn't AS capable as the NES but you could still make games for it which played like NES games for the most of it.

Then there was the Gameboy Color which was basically an NES which ate it's vegetables and could fit in your pocket, 8-bit plus a little bit extra. Screen could still be murky, but it was capable of some remarkably impressive graphics, Resident Evil Gaiden comes to mind, not a fantastic game, and would have some slowdowns when running on the original system, but check it out on an emulator, it's amazing that this could fit, and even run, on a portable system, and it's in full color!

>> No.2734196


I agree. There are only a few C64 games I enjoyed playing with an emulator for the first time ever, like M.U.L.E and... well, there must be another...

>> No.2734223

>spawn of unholy hipster-emo union detected
No. I prefer to play on original consoles but when that's not feasible I have no issues emulating.

>> No.2734242

therefor, use a second pc for gaming.

>> No.2734252


Pretty much as >>2732201 said.
Also, there are things you can't emulate, like how your library was limited, so you played all your games and gave them time to "grow on you". You didn't have that much to do, especially without a pc, so you had to learn to like them or just move onto a different hobby altogether. You have to really go to great lengths to enjoy those games now.
Here's a hint though, you'd be better off emulating hand held games on a hand held platform. It'll feel a lot better. If you're not having fun, don't push yourself, or you'll become like all those "I'm-a-retro-gamer" poseurs.

>> No.2734406

Autism. Stay in your CRT containment thread.

>> No.2734435

Nope, I finished lots of games I wouldn't even buy in the first place, specially arcade titles.

>> No.2734456

You want your youth back, not your games.

>> No.2734465

What kind of faggot likes shitty old videogames anyway?

>> No.2735350

>the GBA was basically a Super Nintendo
Oh fuck you, asshole

>that the quality of the games suffered due to hardware limitations
Oh fuck you, asshole

>> No.2735354

>original Gameboy probably saved a lot of space on being monochrime and not having any colors
GBC uses the same 4 shades data per tile. The palettes are stored and referenced extra. Since you tend to keep the same palettes throughout the entire game, you add a couple dozen bytes to the size of the rom by providing these palettes, that's it.

>Gameboy Color which was basically an NES
Oh fuck you too, asshole

>it's amazing that this could fit, and even run, on a portable system, and it's in full color!
You're clueless, but still an asshole

>> No.2735470

It's more on getting used to staring at a CRT TV back then that made it seem off to emulate it on a PC.

Except Gameboy games, thank devs for the screen adjustment.

>> No.2735479


this so hard

>> No.2735481

Don't forget about a DS lite with Gameyob. Looks great and retains the proper size/portability.

>> No.2735483

This makes a lot of sense.. back in middle/high school I used to love playing games at my desk on PC, now I just have a second computer hooked up to my TV with a 360 pad for modern games. Sitting at a desk just doesn't feel relaxing.

>> No.2735756

Donkey Kong Land was an awesome series of games on the Game Boy, especially 2 and 3. You're fucking crazy if you consider them bad examples of GB games

>> No.2735863
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A little bit of this sort of. For me PCs have always mostly been about work and I do my gaming on consoles.

I'm big into portables though and that's my most preferred way to play games. I also absolutely love how great old games look when shrunk down onto a smaller screen.

>> No.2735868

That is a rad fucking setup. Perfect for a conoisseur of retro games.

>> No.2735879

>Whenever I draw shit on my Wacom it feels like a chore and it's uninteresting. But regular pen and paper gives me a vigorous creative boost.

You sound like a hipster and a terrible artist. Every medium has different strengths and weaknesses, but it's all fundamentally about creating an image. If you only feel inspired when working on a physical medium then it's not the art itself that's inspiring you, it's the idea of it.

>> No.2736098

I think it's simply because you've subconsciously linked playing these games with the fact of holding a controller while sitting on your couch. Playing bent over a keyboard with your face close to a rather small screen doesn't emulate the joyful times of your youth.

>> No.2736105

>sit in front of PC
>immediately think "I got nothing to do, all games suck, what am I doing with my life"

You're actually right, anon. I feel a bit sorry for myself for becoming a slave to my computer.

>> No.2738584

Yes OP, but for me it's a matter of comfort. I don't play console games much at all aside from my NES. SNES and newer I just don't touch, I prefer handhelds. And the feel of emulating handhelds on PC doesn't feel right, I can play them on my PSP or Xperia play but on PC it's just souless and feels wrong.
>Inb4 muh nostalgia
I actually didn't grow up with any of these so nope.

>> No.2738697

>ITT things non artists say.
Ask any artist who actually puts effort into their work and they will have a preferred method of getting ideas down. I pretty much exclusively use ballpoint pen for my sketching, roughs, and drafts but I can render in photoshop, ink, graphite or even cante if I need to.

>> No.2738701


>> No.2738771


A meaninglessly vague term, I think its all in your head

>> No.2739283

>things autists say

>> No.2739290

This whole thing sounds very much like a self fulfilling prophecy to me.

>> No.2739331

It depends on the emulator OP.

I get that feeling with PSX and N64 emulation but not other stuff.

>> No.2739375

>All this salt,
I honestly can't grasp why people are so concerned with how others play retro games. It's not a contest. Honestly I haven't been to /vr/ in a few months but if I didn't know better I would think I accidentally ended up on reddit with all the self righteous assholes and emulator-fagging.

>> No.2739379

>Does anyone find eating food standing up so utterly depressing that you can't eat for more than a few minutes?
>It doesn't happen at all with carnival food or when sitting down for a meal, there's just somthing really soulless about enjoying a sit-down meal standing up

>> No.2739406

>doesn't real the thread
>thinks he's replying to people talking about the thread subject

>> No.2739663
