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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 86 KB, 800x517, quest64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2721676 No.2721676 [Reply] [Original]

>Anon? Why aren't you playing the new game I got you? You d-don't like it? Don't you l-love me?
>Sure Mom, I was actually just playing it a minute ago! Heh ;-;

Which game was it, /vr/troopers?

>> No.2721875

It was none, because I played every game I got a lot no matter how bad it was.

>> No.2721892

I can't remember. I think I rented Rise of the Robots as per Mom's suggestion and feeling bad about how easy it was or something. Memory is a bit hazy.

I legitimately liked most all of the games I got as a kid, in part because I tended to specify what I wanted. On one instance when I believe I took a shot in the dark at a Sam's Club, I picked up RC Pro Am II (which I think I was almost entirely unfamiliar with prior to purchasing). Loved the shit out of that game. Still have it with the box and manual.

I think I may have been a bit disappointed or confused at receiving MegaMan 6 as a kid since I was mostly familiar with the X series at that point, but that was just stupidity on my part.

As for OP's game, I rented Quest 64. About all I really recall was playing it with a friend and being amused by going into people's homes and taking their bread.

>> No.2723303
File: 22 KB, 260x263, 51MBu+ZllAL._SL500_SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got Exodus for christmas one year...

>> No.2723328

>Quest 64
>A bad game

Quest 64 was one of maybe 15 good games on that POS.

>> No.2723360

Dude my mom played this with us when it came out, I remember her giving us permission to swear to tell her what we thought of it. She agreed when we called it a horrible piece of shit, then we went to play Super Mario Kart.

Anyway, I remember doing that with oh, I think it was FF8. I just remember she said she had to drive like three towns over to get a copy. Took me over a week to start it, just didn't have any drive to play or do anything with her. Wound up going to the doctor and found out I had gotten tapeworms, so I felt less guilty.

>> No.2723373

What a twist ending.

>> No.2723487
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Asked for xmen but got this bad boy instead.

It actually turned out to be a solid side scroller that was quite gory.

>> No.2723508

Funny, my parents were not big fans of video games or me having consoles but when they got me my super nintendo they gave me A Link to the Past and then a year later got me Illusion of Gaia and maybe Uniracers (which was fucking fun as shit). I think they got me zelda Oot when they got me an n64.

>> No.2723681

Home Alone on GameBoy. Why would I ever want to play that?? I wish they'd just donated that money to charity instead.

>> No.2723694

Spot goes to Hollywood.

>> No.2723763

I thought this game was kind of fun when I rented it. I obviously didn't get very far though.

>> No.2723773

That snes platformer where you play as a blue blob.

>> No.2723875 [DELETED] 

Luigi's mansion.
Actually a sad story. Threw the game out.

>> No.2723882

>Threw the game out

shortly after getting it or years down the line?

>> No.2723904
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>Hi Anon, I found you a game, it looks pretty nice
>Silent Bomber, Vagrant Story, Crash 3, Rayman, SaGa Frontier 2 and Star Ixiom

My mom is patrician as fuck, it helps that she actually plays games too though.

>> No.2723926

Fucking benoit. I could never beat that game as a kid because of the fucking chess battle. I got past it once and then benoit pushed my shit in himself. Great fucking game though and I spent a lot of time in the versus mode.

>> No.2723940

Benoit is easy as long as you keep moving fast and have good reflexes, granted that the first time he destroyed me too fucking clones and hologram squeeze.

>> No.2723993

Putty Squad Or Smart Ball?

>> No.2724186

Are they mutants or did they used to be and aren't anymore?

>> No.2724189

Thanks anon. Been on a huge Sega Genesis/Megadrive binge lately and this looks really cool. Looks like you accadently stumbled upon something awesome their when you got this.

>> No.2724219

I think the weirdest thing my folks bought me was Xexyz, that was the only time they just bought me a game without me asking for one. And it was actually really cool, just bizarre as fuck.

>> No.2724221
File: 193 KB, 600x593, Smurfs, The [U] [SLUS-01008]-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only game my parents bought without asking me first. It's a 2D platformer, a lot like Super Mario. It wasn't that bad actually, just very easy, short and unoriginal.

>> No.2724529
File: 109 KB, 640x908, 10600_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Older sister bought me this trash.

>> No.2724551

I think they used to be, you killed actual mutants in a post apocalyptic world iirc.

>> No.2724574
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Gameboy E-reader

>> No.2724604

is this nigga serious

>> No.2724713

The e-reader was boss though.

>> No.2724725
File: 34 KB, 225x350, 197629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>silent bomber

awww ye

wait why the fuck is it so expensive

>> No.2724783

if they got me a game. i picked it out. so only blame myself.

>> No.2726547


My older sister used to get me drunk and dry hump me when I was in middle school.

Guess you should have beena better brother.

>> No.2726550

lol if it was the other way around it would be considered rape

>> No.2726559

Guess what, it still is.

>> No.2726571

are you fucking high
it was literally the most repetitive shit ever

>> No.2726585
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Someones mad they didnt get to spend an entire summer being their sisters boyfriend.

No wonder you got shitty ps2 games instead of titties in your face

>> No.2726590

What the fuck

>> No.2726617

males can't be raped you silly

>> No.2726692

Why do you enjoy it?

I can't think of a worse game to play high.

>> No.2726703

He doesn't seem mad.

If you enjoyed it that's great. I probably would if I had an attractive sister that did that.

However, you were still sexually abused. No amount of "BUT I WANTED IT" will ever change that.

>> No.2726732



I wasnt sexually abused because someone two years older than me got frisky with me. The age gap is not very large and there wasnt some weird power dynamic where I would have been harmed or neglected for not participating.

It was a natural development that teenagers that are in an isolated location with free access to alcohol and without supervision get into something like that. We are both married now (to other people obv) and still fool around sometimes at family get togethers. The only legitimate problems it ever gave me was being an early alcholic and an incuarable lust for women that are taller than me.

>> No.2726742

I never said anything about age.

It was abuse because she got you drunk to do it. How old you were and how much you guys enjoyed it is irrelevant. It honestly sounds like you're in denial.

Also, fuck you for cheating on your wife. Why did you even marry her? And please don't tell me "fooling around" isn't cheating.

>> No.2726748 [DELETED] 

Not retro. Reported.

>> No.2726792


You ever have a joke or story that you and your siblings have had since you were kids that will make you laugh for ten minuets but nobody else would get?

Its like that except with necking and lots of heavy breathing. When we give eachother the look its as impossible to resist as it is impossible not to laugh about that time your aunt walked into a sliding door or whatever a joyless person like you fondly remembers.

>> No.2726801

Fuck everything about that game.

>> No.2726808

wtf is up with turning this into an incest thread??!!

jesus christ 4chan is all the same.

>> No.2726814

So you're attempt to avoid shame is convinvcing yourself it's impossible to resist a sexual urge? That's pathetic.

Look, if you want to fuck your sister go right ahead, but if you're at least honest with yourself you won't regret it as much later in life.

>joyless person
Because I've never fucked my sibling? Your perspective must be pretty fucked.

>> No.2726839

Ha. I was coming here to post something just like this. Mom hit 60 last year and still plays.

>> No.2726841

Is she cute

>> No.2726862

OK, so if another dude knocked you down and fucked you up the ass against your will, that's not rape?

>> No.2726870

hello newfriend

>> No.2726884

>regret it later in life

When would that be?

If it gets much later there wont be much time for me to regret anything. It sounds like you want my life to be bad and for me to be some tortured person that cant look at themselves in the mirror. I am afraid that just is not so.

Besides that we dont fuck, never have. Heaviest it got as kids was showering together and groping around. Now we both get laid so no real reason to push things any farther. We do tell eachother all about what we have done and have a fap or a schlick about it later though

>> No.2726905
File: 121 KB, 271x278, 1418719116969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"here anon I got you this cool game"
>why would I want to build rollercoasters?
>mfw still playing RCT 14 years later

>> No.2726908

I don't want anything like that for you. I don't even know you, it wouldn't matter to me if you won the lottery and got blowjobs every day or if you died next month. I wonder why you're getting so defensive.

The only reason I the things I did is because your posts make it seem like you're in denial.

>> No.2726910

Objectively? Sure. She stopped dyeing her hair years ago though.

>> No.2726913

I'm not sure you understand what objective means.

>> No.2726916
File: 49 KB, 720x720, 1417048998147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really what OP is asking for but

>wanted Mega Man X bad when i was eight years old
>single mom comes home after a hard day of work with a SNES game out of the blue
>it's Plok and not Mega Man X
>cue 8-year-old me throwing a bitch fit of epic proportions

The most ungrateful and shameful thing i did in all my life, also the reason why i learned to love Plok, though i never beat the last level. Got Mega Man X on my 9th birthday.

>> No.2726939

One of us doesn't, that's for sure. If I weren't her son, and a lot of sons think mom is the most beautiful woman in the world, I'd think "boy, she's attractive for an older broad."

There are dictionaries you can download or tons of resources you can find online in the future.

>> No.2726964

Beauty is subjective.

>> No.2729679

>only males can rape

>> No.2729687

I've... Actually never felt this feel.

My mom did get me The Jungle Book game for the SNES, and I told her that I wouldn't like that because it was a "baby game".

That thing was hard as fuck! I sat up all night, that night. And I was like, 9.

>> No.2730151

>Why do you enjoy it?
>The gameplay
>The dialog
>The atmosphere
>The battle system
>The magic system
>The story line
>The slight challenge
>How it doesn't let you stack 99 breads and just mosh through
>How you get most/all items for free, as it should be if you are the HERO
>The graphics are comfy
>The level design makes sense
>The music is good
>The sound effects fit the atmosphere

It's really frustrating that emulators can't play this game correctly.

>> No.2730163

>How you get most/all items for free, as it should be if you are the HERO
If someone came into your store and demanded free stuff, would you give it to them because they were screaming about how they're going to save the world? No, you wouldn't. Learn how to look at things from the perspective of other people, you dumb fucking retard. What kind of hero goes around stealing goods from merchants who need to make a living, anyway? You're a fucking idiot. But I don't expect much from some moron who uses the word "comfy" to describe a video game.

>> No.2730167
File: 28 KB, 464x421, rocko3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a teenager
>rented the shit out of Lufia 2, every weekend for months
>mom ends up getting me my own used copy for $50 from Funcoland for my birthday
>the cart was a little defective and would sometimes lose all saves

Th..thanks, mom.

>> No.2730169

>James Pond Operation Robocod
>It was the DS port

I beat it on christmas day in one sitting and never played it again.
My mum was usually pretty good at selecting non-garbage games, like one year she got Metroid II and Axelay for me.

>> No.2730173

No, but if it was widely known across the land that this boy, the freaking King's SON, was trying to save the world I'd sure as hell come off a loaf of bread.

>> No.2730178

It's only really worth it for the SMB3 remake. And even then half the cards weren't released outside of Japan.

>> No.2730186 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 640x905, 6345464654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Th-thanks my mom. (fuck me sideways)

>> No.2731283

When I was really young I hated RPG's. Figured it was because I was too young to understand them so a few years later I decided to give them another shot. I rented Quest 64, hated every second of it, and assumed I just hated the genre.

This is why I ended up loving Final Fantasy X. It was the very next turn based RPG I played, and by comparison, it was a masterpiece.

>> No.2731374

I was always grateful for shit even though I was spoiled but aside from butt ugly martian toys I think army soldiers for the n64 is the worst piece of shit i ever played.

>> No.2731383

The only thing I recall from renting Quest 64 were how weird the battles were for me. After a.. barbarian animal hide man in a cave that guarded a treasure or something (I forgot the exact details) Kept fucking my shit. I learned I can hug the edge of his arena and he wouldn't notice me. Got the plot item from the chest and tailed it out of there. Queue me learning to hug enemies' scan range to skip most fights and getting bored of the game before I returned it.

>> No.2731412 [DELETED] 

>dad offers to buy game
>ask for Jak 3
>gets me sly Cooper 1 and robotech: battlecry, two games I'd never even heard of at that point.
>Sly Cooper wound up being one of my favorite platformers ever, and I STILL don't remember what the hell robotech was about, just that you piloted a mech that transformed into a jet and that was fucking awesome

>> No.2731416


>> No.2731587

you only got various loots im pretty sure you had to kill the boss for the plot item

>> No.2732637

Damn, that's some bitching cover art. What's the game actually like?

>look it up on youtube

That actually looks kind of awesome. Like a crummy gauntlet if you're shooting the word of God while playing as God/Moses while fighting Satan(?) and doing Bible study between levels.

>> No.2732654

Seems like you're the one in denial, like you absolutely HAVE to convince this guy it was sexual abuse and you WILL NOT accept that he doesn't see it that way.

>> No.2732831

I don't understand your point. It was sexual abuse because she got him drunk. That's a fact, it doesn't matter how he sees it. And yes, I accept that he enjoyed it an all that like I've already expalined so what exactly am I denying? Or are you just trying to accuse me of denial without actually knowing what it means?

>> No.2734141

Not either of those anon's, but I agree that it was sexual abuse. He was abused into believing he enjoyed it. It's like those bitches that get kidnapped and over time develop feelings for their kidnapper.

>> No.2734527
File: 150 KB, 640x894, 47449_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This steaming pile right fucking here. Wanted, BEGGED for Mortal Kombat II. Instead ended up with fucking Gadget Twins.

Honestly, I'd rather have had my sister rape me.

>> No.2734771

i truly don't understand why anyone under the age of 12 disliked this game when it came out
you get to use combinations of elements to create spells! how could you not enjoy that? music is comfy, too
whatever, just go back to your collectathons, then

>> No.2734785


stinkers -

Forsaken (n64)
Young Merlin (snes)

>> No.2734889 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 320x240, 965576-vyce_thumbsup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes over to grandmas house
>She literally has no knowledge of games
> "Anon i got you some games for your ps2
> how did you know i had a ps2?
> hands me a bag
>Capcom classics collection , bloody roar, and megaman x collection

my love grows strong for her ever since that day.

>> No.2734903

Kids don't like boring games, especially if they're confusing.

>> No.2734991

Alright I get the frustration of wanting a Mortal Kombat game and then getting this, but the game wasn't THAT bad, was it? It looked sorta fun to me.

Again I get that you wanted to rip heads off and stuff like that but yeah

>> No.2735283

when i first got my 64 this was the first game we went out to rent. my sister and i agreed it was the worst piece of shit ever, and it made me think the n64 sucked in general for a while. we still bring it up every now and then and shudder.

>> No.2735762

In most countries thats the legal definition, yes

>> No.2735795 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 250x365, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mom asks me what kind of game my older brother would want since his birthday is coming up
>Hear him talking about Final Fantasy VII
>Say that
>Mom comes home with pic related

>> No.2735915

Is the game still good? Or is it when Final Fantasy stopped being Final Fantasy?

>> No.2735919

It's got voice acting, which is arguably one of the things that contributed to FF becoming shit.

>> No.2735946

it's still the most popular FF title in Japan. this was first one I ever played and immediately. fell in love with it

>> No.2735963

No. It's absolute fucking garbage, especially if you've played 4-9.

>> No.2736497


Anon with the frisky sister here

No it wasnt. Something that I enjoyed then, enjoy to this day and have no ill thoughts about is not abuse. I am starting to think that other anon is correct and you guys really just want it to have been abuse.

Btw I showed her this thread and had a snort laugh at "hurr cheater scum" guy.

>> No.2736498

I really want to go back and finish that game once before i die.

>> No.2736501

Her tits or gtfo.

>> No.2736535

I should probably give it another shot. Probably won't though. Aero the Acro-Bat got more play in my house.

>> No.2736538

I'll throw in 4 whole internets for a full frontal shot.

>> No.2736547

I want some pics of this sister too.

>> No.2736569


>> No.2736574

While I'm a bit wary of this sort of sexual behavior and would generally conclude it was abusive, I think this anon has made it quite clear that it's not, so that's great.

>> No.2736582
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>> No.2736585 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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She has put on some weight since she got married and had a kid but we've been at it for 10 years so it dosen't bother me much. I only wish she didn't end up being a womanlet, I miss the power dynamic of her being taller than me.

Your move, faggots.

>> No.2736595

Those are indeed some rockin' tits. Well played, anon.

>> No.2736696

Of course you don't understand my point. You're in denial.

>> No.2736725

Shoe on tits with timestamp.

>> No.2736774

Keep lying to yourself, bro. You sound like one of those women who let's their old man beat them on a daily but justify it like retards.

>> No.2737286
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scooby Doo Mystery for the SNES
It was really hard for me back when I was 5, it even scared me (maybe that's why I dislike Scooby Doo too).

Although, I remember I almost finished the third level, but the game glitched. I felt guilty as fuck for not completing the game, I thought I failed as a son back then. Nowadays, I have a huge backlog, so I don't have that issue anymore.

>> No.2737291

And I missed it. Fuck.

>> No.2737305

If it makes you feel any better he probably got banned for it.

Anyway, on topic, the game would probably be when my mom got me a Sega Genesis and, like, 12 games for my 8th birthday. I was actually very pleased with it.

>> No.2737348
File: 29 KB, 563x364, 4684684345237886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Christmas 1998
>stayed up all night in secret the night before christmas, too giddy to sleep
>me and little brother run downstairs and unwrap gifts
>Gameboy Color, the purple transparent one
>brother got the same one (parents are too retarded to think to get different colors)
>squealed like a little faggot with excitement
>next box
>Bug's Life for Gameboy Color
>brother got Link's Awakening
>mfw 11 years old, and won't be getting another game until my birthday in a few months

>> No.2737352

>little brother got LA

...and you, being the elder brother, got A Bug's Life?

>> No.2737362

You're off of /b/ right now,
You cantake it easy with the whole calling your parents retarded and saying "faggot" constantly thing.
We're all friends here

>> No.2737370

At least you didn't get Antz.

>> No.2737732

You're on 4chan, dumb ass. Seriously, what's with you newfags acting like little bitches lately?

>> No.2737745

Kids today take being politically correct seriously and don't understand that it needs to be joked about to disperse the tension

they're all wound up and ready to go for fights they have no chance of winning because they don't yet realize how much humanity as a whole doesn't actually care about anything in particular

>> No.2737747

Link's Awakening has multiple save files, doesn't it? Was sharing not allowed in your household?

I remember begging for Sonic 3D Blast and being kind of disappointed with it, but it wasn't that bad of a game so I've been kind of lucky. One year I got Stimpy's Invention, which is a bad game, but at the time I loved it because it was Ren and Stimpy and it made me laugh. One time I got an awful gameboy game called Hunchback's Quest or something, but by that point I had a circle of friends that shared games, as well as my brothers, so I always had good stuff to play and wasn't too upset.

>> No.2737759

I've never seen someone put it so eloquently.

I agree though. If nobody got offended by anything nothing anyone said would be offensive.

>> No.2738272

So why has no one reposted those lovely tits I wanna see them too.

>> No.2738906


>> No.2738945
File: 257 KB, 350x197, vyse_thumbs_up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here, have a gif.

>> No.2738959

I missed them, but they were probably just something found online since, well, y'know.

>> No.2739013
File: 22 KB, 256x224, trunkoff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christmas one year, brand new snes.
>Grandma is visiting and I know there's a game under the tree.
>Hoping for a mortal kombat, or a castlevania, basically anything with lots of violence.
>it's Joe and Mac
>T-thanks Grandma
>Start playing
>Actually kinda fun
>Bosses are horrifically maimed when you hurt them
>Mammoth's trunk torn off its face as it wails in agony
>pretty good Christmas

>> No.2739124

Yea but one can hope.....

>> No.2739567

Maybe you should fuck your sister, faggot. Then you'd stop being such a sour asshole.

>> No.2739570

So let's say you and your wife get a little drunk one night and you fuck her. Is it rape and/or sexual abuse????

>> No.2739719

/vr/- Incest and rape counseling

>> No.2739741

No because they're both drunk. And it's only a little drunk anyway.

When you're married hopefully you have a pretty good understanding of each other and when it's appropriate to fuck.

>> No.2739745

What if you get sloshed with your wife? Is it okay then?

>> No.2739748

That's just wishful thinking and a useless thing to say though. Of course that would be ideal but if some asshole I don't know comes up to me and makes fun of my dead dad or something I'll probably get offended even though I know it's not the best solution.

>> No.2739751

Probably. It's your wife so you should have that understanding with each other about where and when is appropriate without necessarily verbally communicating.

>> No.2739753

Don't you think that siblings (at the assumed teen age) know when it's appropriate? And don't you think that if anon didn't like it, maybe he'd tell us that he didn't like it?

>> No.2739761

I think you're underestimating the naievity, irresponsibility and stupidity of teenagers by quite a bit. Not really comparable to a marroed couple.

And if he enjoyed it that's great. If you're a horny teenage boy you'd be hard pressed not to. The problem is she purposely lowered his inhibitions in order to do sexual stuff with him. I don't deny he liked it, but it's abuse either way.

>> No.2739763

By the way, he already admitted these experiences turned him into an alcoholic at an early age and he still cheats on his wife. Don't understand why people are jumping to his defense saying "b-but it felt good! he says so!"

>> No.2739765

Anon also said he does not regret what he has done.
Having a swig with your sis and then getting to touch her in the shower does not sound like abuse to me.

>> No.2739768

Red Herring isn't going to work here, my man. Get back on topic.

>> No.2739771

Thay was just a digression, my previous post was on topic.

So whether someone regrets an experience or not is the criteria for whether a situation was abuse? I don't think that's the case.

Also your description of the events is an assumption that is clearly biased

>> No.2739795

Mate, what I'm getting at here is that although giving alcohol to your younger brother in order to have your way with him is indeed a deceptive act, it is more or less justified by our social norm. In our culture, many people believe that men cannot be sexually abused by women. I highly doubt that when anon was getting intoxicated, he was worried about getting raped by his sister. In fact, getting touched by a woman (the controllers of breeding in our species) is not a bad thing at all in a man's eyes unless he is a total weenie. That's just how we as a culture have developed.
I completely understand where you're coming from in terms of your thoughts on abuse because technically, you're correct by definition, but I don't think you and anon are on the same page in terms of abuse. Anon doesn't feel it was abuse because he liked it. You think it was abuse because of his sister's sly attempt to touch. Like I said, you're right that his sis did something she wasn't supposed to, but as I also mentioned earlier, anon did not perceive it as abuse. At the end of the day, I think it is up to anon to decide whether or not he was abused considering he is the one who was directly effected by the situation.

>> No.2739810

what if his parents found out?

>playing playstation with sister
>asks me to go to options
>"rumble test"
>dad walks in

>> No.2739813

>technically, you're correct by definition
And that's all I'm saying. I'm not disputing that men see abuse differently.

For example when you hear a hot teacher fucked a 15 year old dude you don't think "That's fucking sick, she took advantage of a kid just so she could get off." You think "I wish that happened to me when I was 15."

I'm not stupid, I understand the sentiment. I would've loved to fuck a few of my teachers when I was younger.

I'm just arguing that while this double standard makes sense it isn't exactly healthy for a modern society in my opinion. Social norms don't necessarily justify behavior.

I think we disagree fundamentally about ethics in general though. For example I think slavery is fundamentally immoral. However is someone wanted to be a slave because they enjoyed enslavement it woukdn't matter to me, I woukd still see it as an immoral act. How woukd you see it?

>> No.2739818

Also I hope that people who think women can't abuse men are becoming more of a minoroty these days.

Some men are stronger than women. Not all men want to be fucked without their consent. I know that may seem insane to you but maybe you should do some reading about abused boys and whether they think it was a good experience or not later in life.

>> No.2739824

Should read "some women are stronger than men"

I'm on my phone as you can see

>> No.2739839

>while this double standard makes sense it isn't exactly healthy for a modern society.
>Social norms don't necessarily justify behavior.
The way I see it, everything is situational. Sometimes, a double standard just works best for a certain set of conditions. I'm pretty sure it was Socrates that said in terms of government, you need to find what's best for the people. I apply that to social behaviors as well. For example, a girl can hit a man because he is tough and can take it, but a man cannot hit a woman because he may actually cause some damage. It just works. Maybe in the future, girls will mutate into bigger creatures. The social norm will change to accommodate that.
>How woukd you see [voluntary slavery]?
I didn't personally see it, but I heard it happened a lot in the 17th century when poor people wanted to come to the New World. "Indentured servants" they were called. I also see an example of it today called BDSM (the D portion of that). Look for some submissive porn and you'll see what I'm referring to.
As for a real example of slavery, if someone wanted to have their rights revoked voluntarily, I suppose I wouldn't really have a reason to protest.

>> No.2739874

>For example, a girl can hit a man because he is tough and can take it, but a man cannot hit a woman because he may actually cause some damage. It just works
Here's the issue I have with that. At first glance, it seems to make sense but when you analyze this it falls apart. For example. Are some women stronger than some men? Can an MMA fighter who is a woman hit some fucking nerd who's never lifted in his entire life? Can a 30 year old woman hit a 14 year old boy? How about nobody should hit anybody, doesn't that make more sense? Even if women are generally weaker than men, shouldn't it be equally discouraged because nobody should be able to get away with physical violence just because they're weaker than the person they're hitting?

By that exact same logic, I should be able to hit most dudes because I'm 5'6" and weak as fuck. I'm weaker than them so it's fine, right? I'm the same size as many women where I'm from so I should be able to deck them in the fucking face whenever I want, right?

I know, I'm being pedantic and these are just exceptions, not the rule. The reason I'm picking this apart is because it shows how outdated and useless these social norms are. They're easy to say but it just ends up harming everybody. Shouldn't we be able to move past that by now? It's the same with many double standards.

>Look for some submissive porn and you'll see what I'm referring to.
False equivalance. I don't think you're being serious here but I can't be sure.

>I suppose I wouldn't really have a reason to protest.
Ok, I was just making sure. We disagree fundamentally on ethics and I don't think there's anyway we can come to agreement here.

>> No.2739891

People shouldn't hit people, but we're animals and we refuse to stop, so I'll say this. There's a different set of rules for each situation. Big girl shouldn't hit little boy. Little boy shouldn't hit big boy.

About the sex thing, people voluntarily get strapped up and whipped. What it does for them isn't my business, but it's just a weak example I was making to show that it doesn't matter if people want to put themselves into lower positions in life.

General rule of thumb on all debatable things ever: As long as it doesn't affect other people negatively, it's not a big deal.

I think we should get back to talking about video games now. I'm turning /vr/ into a shit hole by typing fucking ten pages worth of sister-fucking material.

>> No.2739901

>There's a different set of rules for each situation
That's was my entire point and it's why using social norms to justify behavior is silly.

>it doesn't matter if people want to put themselves into lower positions in life.
The reason why that's a poor example is because in their mind they aren't in a lower position in life, they're in a lower position sexually and temporarilly. Outside of the BDSM, the dom doesn't actually think less of the sub as a human. If that were actually the case then a lot more people would have an issue with the practice.

Yeah, this is seriously off topic but I think it was worth discussing anyway.

>> No.2740072

>Don't you think teenagers know when it's appropriate to have sex?

HELL. FUCKING. NO. Is that seriously your argument? That teenagers know when it's okay to fuck?

>> No.2740087

I have a heap of educational shovel ware from the mid to late 90s. At least they tried

>> No.2740130
File: 10 KB, 344x264, 1428729818617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask for a super Nintendo for christmas 1998 (We only had the Nes and asking for the n64 was too much for my parents.)

Get it with 2 games
A random shitty broken hockey game

Next year I get Super Mario, and nothing afterward.

At least I had friends who lent me their good game.

>> No.2742026

PLEASE let this become a meme.

>> No.2742036

Every game I had as a kid my father bought and bought for himself to play as much as me. So really I didn't own any shit games I didn't want to play, dad knew what he was doing.

>> No.2742037

Forsaken is actually one of my favorite N64 games... The music is pretty trippy and the full 360 combat was fun with my bros...

>> No.2742595

This game has a great OST

>> No.2742674

holy shit dude shut the fuck up you retarded white knight faggot. Go argue with this internet stranger about morals on reddit, not fucking /vr/.

>> No.2742683

Yeah hold on a sec, the other guy got banned for delivering. Let's make the other guy deliver, see how much of a fat fucking piece of shit he is.

>> No.2742937

>rc pro am II
Pics fgt

>> No.2743226

>ask parents for Metal Gear Solid
>they get Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions
>didn't say anything, knowing that vidya are a significant sacrifice to them

>> No.2743286

Not that bad of a deal, really.

>> No.2743305
File: 140 KB, 600x586, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dad into games
>he buys himself die hard trilogy and silent hill
>not allowed to play either
>instead they get me this

T-thanks, guys.

>> No.2743319

Yeah, you get a lot more gameplay out of that and it's genuinely awesome.

Also, ninja mode.


>> No.2743345

That reminds me of my friend's mom and grandma. You see, they all lived together and were all into games, but there were a handful of games they wouldn't let us play at the time like D, Leisure Suit Larry, et cetera.

>> No.2743438
File: 705 KB, 640x444, quakeII_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact my father was a fan of Quake and bought it to me so he could play it. I wanted Majora's mask...

>> No.2743449
File: 2.37 MB, 1528x2100, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t-thanks mom!

>> No.2743491
File: 10 KB, 189x266, imgres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides pic related, when we first got a computer at home, my mom expected it to be an education machine so she bought me a ton of edutainment games. On the bright side, that included Jumpstart 3rd grade.

>> No.2743518

thats a good game though

>> No.2743556


>> No.2743562

I liked this game a lot as a kid

>> No.2743605

But why

>> No.2743609 [DELETED] 

I remember Quest 64 got really bad reviews at the time of release[1].

[1] - A letter to the editor in EGM accused them of not finishing it, and they published a screen capture showing completion. Granted, of the three reviewers they'd typically assign to a game, it shows that only one actually finished it. I fucking wish I didn't recycle a huge stack of EGMs ~10 years ago.

>> No.2743617

I remember Quest 64 got really bad reviews at the time of release[1].

However, the Quest 64 defenders on /vr/ have gotten me worried that I'm missing out on something with potential. The screencaps and webms posted here are very intriguing, they look comfy af to somebody like myself who's into that aesthetic. That's fucking it, I'm going to play Quest 64. Wish me luck on my Quest quest.

[1] - A letter to the editor in EGM accused them of not finishing it, and they published a screen capture showing completion. Granted, of the three reviewers they'd typically assign to a game, it shows that only one actually finished it. I fucking wish I didn't recycle a huge stack of EGMs ~10 years ago.

>> No.2743686

I don't really care I just wanna see jugs.

>> No.2743696

Yeah it's decent but i never was very fond of first person shooting games.

>> No.2743918


I want to fuck your mom fam.

>> No.2743927

am I on bizzaro /vr/? usually this board has nothing but praise for this game...

>> No.2743930

why are you even on this board?
don't you have a /mu/ thread to troll?

>> No.2743959

Chessmaster ruined my childhood

>> No.2745010

It must be all the emulation cucks who are forced to play with shitty purple bleeding around everything.

I really wish I still had this game and my memory card.

>> No.2745041

>not repetitive garbage
idk smh tbh fam

>> No.2745052


Quest 64 was never praised, but calling it shit wouldn't be right either.

it was clearly a rushed game with potential.

>> No.2745053

>hating luigis mansion

nigga u dumb

>> No.2745589

>It was clearly a rushed game with potential
I'll give you that. There could have been more, but what was there was bretty gud

>> No.2745695
File: 264 KB, 628x890, us_solarjetman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amongst others, the others being any NES game I had except Mario bros 3 and when i could get a loan of Super Mario and Duck Hunt. My bundle came with Dr Mario and it was such a fucking disappointment though I never let on. I also got Shadowgate with it and I'd never played a point and click before and couldn't get past the first screen until I gave it to my uncle who figured it out.

>> No.2745791

I have a confession to make.

I love this game.

It was the first rpg with magic my ultra-conservative christian parents let me play.

Telling them the quest was about killing a demon sealed the deal.

>> No.2746013
File: 56 KB, 357x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this with RE4, Mario Party 10? With the microphone, double dash, and another game. My father would always ask, "you try that cool looking helicopter game yet?"

Never tried it once. Wonder if it was any good.

>Mfw my dad said it just looked cool and he felt dumb for getting it

>> No.2746020

>Mario Party 10?

Mario Party 10 is a Wii U game. I think you mean 7, I think 7 was the only one with a mic unless 6 had one and I didn't know about it.

>> No.2746163

Quest 64 is a good game because it's comfy and creative if you can stomach the constant random battles and annoying lack of build variety. The camera is horrible in town but comes through when you need it in major fights. The game doesn't instruct you, the plot is nearly non-existent and the secrets are obvious.

But the atmosphere and music and endearing colour scheme somehow save it. I fucking love the opening song.

>> No.2746184

Not a lot of people played it I think, but judging from the three reviews on metacritic it probably wasn't awful. You should've played it at least once.