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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3 KB, 320x200, rogue_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2720576 No.2720576 [Reply] [Original]

So at least a few of us are currently playing Rogue, and there seem to be enough around here regularly to have an ongoing thread about Rogue and it's offspring.

Pretty much any retro roguelike is open for discussion. Hack, Moria, Nethack, Angband, ADoM etc up to ToME. On the console side we have the Mystery Dungeon games like Shiren the Wanderer, Dragon Crysal, Fatal Labyrinth and we might as well include Toejam and Earl, Azure Dreams and similar.

Updates? Fun deaths?

>> No.2720583


>> No.2720606
File: 39 KB, 308x272, ro92215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they mostly talk about new roguelikes, no one there really cares about or plays Rogue. Also there's constant infighting. This is just to continue the discussion of /vr/ related ones.

I just got cornered by a Centaur, woo!

>> No.2720713

>Also there's constant infighting.

It's called being tsundere, mom.


>> No.2720738

Well you're welcome to post there if you like, for my money the Rogue topics we've had around here recently have been a lot better than rlg

>> No.2720937
File: 93 KB, 256x255, Diablo_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite

>> No.2721095

who /alwayskillsizchak/ here?

>> No.2721275

Rogue with mouse support and a better story.

>> No.2721394

You guys are trolling too hard for your own good

Rogue is still the best.

>> No.2721779

I legit kill Izchak whenever possible. What, I'm supposed to forfeit some protection points' worth of gold and wands out of superstition?

>> No.2722013

Rogue is the first roguelike I ever played, and still my favorite. I like Brogue a lot too. Is there anything else like them out there? I've never been able to get into Angband, Nethack, Dungeon Crawl, etc.

>> No.2722089

Mines of Moria is where the genre peaked.

>> No.2722182

>Rogue is still the best.
>trolling too hard for your own good

DoomRL and Infra Arcana are simple but not too pleb

>> No.2724216
File: 16 KB, 513x385, powder roguelike Levelup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Powder. It's overall one of my favorite roguelikes. Like Rogue it's a straightforward dungeon crawl to the bottom, get the item and get back. It has an interesting class/deity system as well where every class is represented by a god and they all judge what you're doing that makes it a lot of fun.

Rogue was my first roguelike as well. One of my first games actually. Our first computer was in the mid 80's and a friend of the family gave us a bunch of disks with games on them. It was my introduction to a lot of great classics, but Rogue was the game that really stood out. I was only about 10 at first and barely understood what I was doing but would play it obsessively.

It wasn't till one of these recent Rogue threads that I went back and started playing it again. It's a strange experience because on one hand it's quite a nostalgia trip and I'm really enjoying the game. On the other hand it really is very bare bones and I can see why it was iterated on so much.

>> No.2724364

Azure Dreams. All day every day.

>> No.2724412
File: 26 KB, 512x448, shiren17951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I actually almost included Diablo since it is in a similar vein but we already have regular topic about it.

Have you tried Shiren the Wanderer? It's a great roguelike with boatloads of charm. The Super Famicom version is a little nastier which adds to the fun, but there's an english DS port as well that's really good.

>> No.2724420

What's Brogue, is it Rogue translated to Scots?
Because if it isn't, it should be.

>Ye see a kobauld. It strikes ye fur 10 damage. Ur ye gonnae tak' 'at frae a damn lizardman?

>> No.2724442

Ye have been slain by a wee beasty!

>> No.2724469

Ye find a scroll. Writ on it are th' runes:
A C H !
Ye dinna ken whae it means, boot ye hae a scroll o' identify in yer sack tha'd do nicely.

>> No.2724532

We need to make this a reality!

>> No.2725461

Serious question, is this considered shitposting or good contribution?

>> No.2726123

It's considered typical goofing off on 4chan. Good natured and not trolling, it's not exactly quality contributing but it's not shitposting either.

Also I would genuinely love to see Brogue with a thick brogue accent patch.

On topic, I tried to run from a Griffin and got cornered by another Griffin, the pair of whom gang raped me to bits. Back to the start!

>> No.2726152
File: 301 KB, 835x798, sigmund gank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup forever and ever. I've been playing for years and I still haven't beaten the fucker. Got real close a few times. Last funny death was by a named monster named Norris. Obviously supposed to be based on Chunk Norris. His first attack confused me. My second step sent me right into deep water where I promptly drown.

I've been confused and fallen down stairs and broken my neck.

Ported to the abyss 5 times from the same monster getting out each time until the 6th time which killed me.

Spawned inside of a room with no exits where I had two choices, starve or leave the dungeon.

Mutated to death many many times.

Int drained until I was too dumb to breath. Str drained until I collapsed and couldn't move. lvl drained until I was too weak to kill anything anywhere.

Damn that game, I can't stop.