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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2720484 No.2720484 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite handheld games?/vr/ pic very related

>> No.2720490

But that's not even /vr/

>> No.2720497

Name some key differences between this and let's say oh snes jrpgs

>> No.2720498
File: 640 KB, 1128x1644, wiseguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Different processor architecture
2) Not retro

Stop being a faggot.

>> No.2720501

It came out after 1999.

>> No.2720502

Snes rpgs were good. Also >>2720501

>> No.2720504

The real only real difference is that it's better than most

>> No.2720512

>guaranteed replies.jpg

>> No.2720514
File: 28 KB, 322x290, fishing8276-gfs_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golden Sun felt like it was designed from the ground up to be the most generic boring RPG ever. And then it ended without even ending.

Not being retro is only one of the reasons we shouldn't bother talking about them here.

>> No.2720515

So was most of the dreamcast catalog. A lot of gbc ps1 n64 games where also released after 1999

>> No.2720517

It's all about the year it came out, retro isn't a style no matter how much indie devs want you to think otherwise. You can film a clone of The Maltesse Falcon in black and white right now, but it would turn into a classic movie somehow.

>> No.2720519

> retro isn't a style
Actually it is. Look up the word, that's precisely what it is.

> You can film a clone of The Maltesse Falcon in black and white right now, but it would turn into a classic movie somehow.

Classic is not a synonym for retro. You're correct that it wouldn't be a classic movie, but by definition, it would be a retro one.

It doesn't matter. This board is devoted to games made for systems that were released up to the year 1999. GBA isn't one of those, so under the current rules it's not appropriate for discussion here.

>> No.2720520

but the platform they came out on came out before the cut off date.
Why is this concept so fucking hard for you retards to understand? The rules are pretty fucking straightforward. I don't really give a fuck if you agree with it (and that's not to say I agree with it) but that's how the rules are.

Now there's two outcomes here, you're either-
a.)Retarded and can't understand the very basic rules for what this board considers retro
b.)You're a massive fucking retard, and on top of that a colossal faggot continuing to try to push your stupid fucking shit even though we have a very easy to follow, very basic set of rules for what gets posted on this board.

/vr/ is for discussing retro video games, or games released on platforms released before the new millennium, not somewhere for you to dump discussion that /v/ moves to fast and cares too little to discuss.

>> No.2720523

There was a direct sequel that continues the story of the first. Unlike faggot fantasy the story was actually good enough that they don't have to start a new story line every game. Also you do more than just walk talk and fight you have psyenegry powers to interact and solve puzzles.

>> No.2720528

None of the puzzles were interesting though. The whole game felt like filler and I found it so hellishly boring that there was no way I was going to slog through another one just to have the story wrap up.

If you liked it then good for you I guess. That doesn't make this the right board for a topic about it though.

>> No.2720540

(Op here) whys everyone so focused on pic related and not posting your favorite handheld games like the post said? If you don't like gba or don't feel it's retro then don't post a gba game it's simple this is a handheld thread not a gba thread but it so happens that my fav handheld is gba

>> No.2720545 [SPOILER] 
File: 50 KB, 460x481, 1444059366718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the thread is going to be deleted soon anyways for starting off with a non-retro game. Everyone knows GBA isn't allowed here so this is obviously either shitty bait or a thread by someone genuinely too stupid to read the sticky. Either way, why take it seriously?

>> No.2720559

I hope everyone in here remembered to sage, if only to keep this shit from getting bumped.