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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 15 KB, 512x512, 1441140032679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2719054 No.2719054 [Reply] [Original]


Is this anon still around? Is he still adding other consoles or is the project dead?

>> No.2719086

Who downloads single Atari VCS game images when the full set is just a few MB large?

>> No.2719165


Oh wow, didn't think if find a thread about this that wasn't created by me lol. Yes, I'm still here. Didn't think a whole lotta people were using it, so I kinda shelved the project for a while.

>> No.2719176


I could just offer compressed packs as well. Personally for me, when I look for Roms, I look for specific games rather than packs. That was my idea when creating the rom depot. It's supposed be like you're browsing a shelf full of games.

>> No.2719178

I feel bad because it's a lot of effort, you're getting bills for it but there's very little pay off with the exposure and usage of this site. But I was wondering if you were going to expand the collection to PS1. The problem is if you start doing a PS2 collection, it's going to destroy your bandwidth. I was curious if you would differetiate img/ccd uploads from bin/cue uploads, because RetroArch for example only accepts img/ccd.

>> No.2719183


Currently on my to-do list:

>Make the site mobile friendly
>Add a game request option (to help fill in some missing ones)
>Add more consoles
>Add some new features (things other than roms. Maybe game manuals or something)
>that's about it in the foreseeable future

>> No.2719186

>Didn't think a whole lotta people were using it

Don't know about other people, but Ipersonally already have full rom sets on a usb flash drive so It's not often I need to find a rom to download.

Perhaps if you provided a service that noone else is offering, it would be more popular.

>> No.2719187


You know, I actually had a few hundred ps1 roms but actually could not to upload them because of hard drive space. I need to look into getting more storage, which is a shame considering I just bought a new hard drive for it a few months ago. I do plan on it, it's just a matter of time, money, and support (not necessarily financially)

And I'm actually not too concerned with bandwidth right now considering traffic is quite low. Maybe 100 views a day.

>> No.2719192


Well, I kind of had an idea that would involve a program that would have many emulators built in and it would connect remotely to the depot, giving a large list of roms without having to download them individually. Gamesaves could even be stored locally or on the depot to play anywhere. I'd try to do it as elegantly as possible, but I'd still be at the mercy of the emulator developers. Maybe if I talked to some of them, they would be willing to help pitch in and help make this program possible.

>> No.2719197


Or maybe I could think of a simpler solution. Like write a program that would list the roms on the depot, then place them into the correct from folder (which you'd unfortunately have to select yourself once), and automatically launch the emulator with the game. At least then you wouldn't have to worry about putting the files in the correct folder yourself every time you download a game. It's the closest and easiest "click n play" idea I can come up with.

>> No.2719201

>involve a program that would have many emulators built in and it would connect remotely to the depot,

Sounds good. Seems like it would be a big project though.
Years in making to get a program like retroarch up and running with help from emulator writers.

>> No.2719242


Yea, and unfortunately I'm only pretty good at programming. Not excellent. But with some help, it definitely seems possible. Making it interact with the depot is the easy part, integrating the emulators elegantly is the hard part

>> No.2719246

>Look at site
>Eh, just another ROM hosting place, but hey, it's got a damned clean layout and no ads, so that's cool
>Jaguar, Dreamcast, and Saturn ISOs
I'm really wishing I had paid attention to this thing sooner. Good going whoever is behind it.

>> No.2719280

I second the game manuals, that would be useful

>> No.2719303


Well thank you, I'm so glad to hear people appreciate my hard work.

>> No.2719392

Yeah it's great, thanks anon.

>> No.2719395

Suggestion: add an update section to the main page so people know if the thing is dead or not and the addition of new content.

>> No.2719408 [DELETED] 
File: 2.61 MB, 1897x1074, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh boy, here we go.

>> No.2719413
File: 2.79 MB, 1897x1074, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, here we go...

>> No.2719418

I ain't using no emulator named "The Rom Depot" tbh fam smh

>> No.2719424


It's not an emulator, it's going to be multiple emulators packaged into 1. It's just the rom depot, but in program form and launches the emulators for you. So rather than download 20 emulators for each system, you just download this 1 program and that's all you need. All your emulators and roms in 1 place.

>> No.2719432

I don't like the name, I mean its fine for a website for roms, but eh. I don't like the name Retroarch either though, so whatever.

Also, could you just find some shitty open source NES emulator and try to link it with your program & website to it how you planned? How long would it take you to make a prototype to see if this is a good idea or not?

>> No.2719443


Oh boy, I just realized this is gonna be some work. Don't get too excited yet cause I'm gonna have to do quite a lot of playing around with this. I'm gonna keep working on the depot because honestly, it needs some work first, but I'll keep working on my to-be-renamed program in the meantime.

>> No.2719454

I wouldn't expect it to be usable for months, wasn't thinking you were going to code one right out tonight. lol.

> to-be-renamed program
Eh, don't do it on just one guys complaint.
I'm autistic for names. Normal people don't really give a shit I don't think.

>> No.2719470


Turns out, after doing some more research, I should technically have a prototype done here in a few days. That's assuming all goes well.

>> No.2719476

Fuck that, it's an awesome name. Don't change it because one anon has shitty taste.

>> No.2719557

theromdepot is fine, leave that as is.

Japanese/Famicom roms are a necessary addition.

>> No.2719561


Working on it now.

>> No.2719575


continue doing gods work.

>> No.2719582

Been going to your site for roms since you first posted about it.

Would you consider adding ScummVM roms like King's Quest and Monkey Island? Just wondering.

>> No.2719586

Well, hurry up nigga

>> No.2719587


Woah there, it takes some time for these things.

>> No.2719590


Sure thing. Gimme some time and I'll do my best

>> No.2719605

Thank you based anon.

>> No.2719615


No problem bruh. It'll be maybe an hour but i should be up soon.

>> No.2719624


Famicom should be done here in about an hour as well

>> No.2719632

I went to download All Night Nippon Mario Bros earlier today and it wasn't there. :(

>> No.2719721

Hey, any plans to add the original xbox to your list of consoles? Love the site, can always use another clean and helpful place to recommend.

>> No.2719739

Why not just download the entire romset from a private tracker and upload all roms so they can be downloaded individually

>> No.2719872


Thanks! I hope to, but I'm afraid I'll start getting into some real copyright trouble there. I can honestly get away with pre-1995 games, assuming I'm not monetizing anything, but I can definitely see companies starting to crack down if I get into that territory. I'll consider it though. I'm just already pushing it more than I should right now. It would be some time before that anyway. I need to upgrade my storage before that.

>> No.2719873

Sorry guys, Famicom and ScummVM are taking a bit longer than expected. Famicom is done, it just needs to be organized.

>> No.2719880

Just want to say I have been using it for getting a few roms on my tablet. Really great stuff, I absolutely love the site.

>> No.2719882


Thanks! Glad you like it. I'll be sure to keep updating it now I know people are enjoying it.

>> No.2719930

Famicom [should] be up now. Let me know if you guys have an issues with it.

>> No.2719940


Thanks for the suggestion, just added it. I'll leave recent changes up for maybe a week before removing them, just to preserve the simplicity of the site.

>> No.2719943

Don't remove them, it defeats the purpose of informing people. I can't imagine this is a site that people will refresh everyday. Just have 1 update at any given moment.

>> No.2719946


Alright. Will do.

>> No.2719951

Any other ((easy)) changes I can make real quick? I'd like to save any drastic stuff for Tuesday, my only day off work.

>> No.2719954


Went ahead and got rid of a few useless icons on the bottom. They didn't really serve much of a purpose.

>> No.2719958

I'm also concerned with how complete each system is. I did my best, but I know there's still quite a few missing. If you guys see anything I don't have, you can either request by email (or here), or upload it yourself if you have it.

>> No.2719967

If you guys want, you can suggest some "slogans" too. They're only there to keep the site at least a tiny bit different every time. They provide mild entertainment too.

>> No.2719974

I can browse that shelf in form of an archive on my computer.

>> No.2719980


Well, I'll go ahead and do my best to accommodate. I suppose I could just create a torrent for each system and offer that as well. I'd like to wait until I have a more complete collection though

>> No.2719982

Be careful Nate.

>> No.2719991


Will do

>> No.2720002

Well, definitely do what's best for the depot. Don't get yourself into needless trouble.

>> No.2720005


I don't think I'll get into any actual trouble. If I did, I wouldn't be doing this. I'll just get hit with a cease and desist if anything. It'd still be a shame though. I just think as long as I choose my systems wisely and don't monetize, I honestly think they'll look the other way. Not like they have any way to make money of 20+ year old games anyway.

>> No.2720016

Thanks for all of the updates and the additions, by the way. Just saw the famicom uploads, and I'm impressed. You're doing a great service.

>> No.2720021


Hey, no problem. As it says on the site, I'm a true enthusiast. I don't do it for money or fame. I do it because I want to help fellow retro gamers like myself. This is my personal rom heaven, so people are going to have to understand why I do things the way I do and if they don't like it, well, sorry I guess. I always try my hardest to make things work best for everybody, but I must admit, I'm not amazing at programming, so that has it's limitations. I've been doing it for years, but my real passion is networking, not web design/program development. I get by though, but I'm really just pretty good, not great

Thanks for using the site though, additional support helps me keep going.

>> No.2720052

>Just saw the famicom uploads, and I'm impressed.
How the fuck are you impressed by that? He labelled all of the Famicom games as "Famicom Disk System" games. Stupid fucking retard. And he calls himself a "true" enthusiast? There aren't even any actual FDS games there. What the fuck?

>> No.2720057


Ouch. I didn't actually rename anything, I only had the current games in the NES folder, nothing as far as japanese games go.

>> No.2720059

So are you going to fix the problem, or what?

>> No.2720062


No, because I don't owe you anything. Emulators don't know the difference, and that's what these roms are meant for. Maybe if you addressed the issue in a different manner, I would have. I've taken everybody elses advice because at least they weren't pricks about it.

>> No.2720068


Actually, for the sake of keeping an accurate archive, I will, but this will do for the time being. He was impressed because it took all of 30 minutes to do. Most webmasters don't listen to their users.

>> No.2720070

So, you don't care about the fact that your website has blatant errors about it? You call yourself a "true enthusiast" of retro games but apparently you don't know much if you think normal Famicom games are "Famicom Disk System" games. For the record, your site doesn't actually have FDS games on it. Stuff like Metroid, Zelda, or Doki Doki Panic.

>> No.2720072

Get in touch with the devs working on Lakka maybe. Cloud-stored, complete ROM collections with the ability to save for offline access would make for a perfect machine. Well, perfect once they add NullDC/Dolphin support.

>> No.2720078



More complete collection to come

>> No.2720079

Wow, your emotions are just running wild now. First, you get all frustrated because someone actually pointed out an error on your site instead of sucking your dick. Then you childishly refuse to fix the mistake out of spite and then immediately change your mind once you realized how retarded that is. And now you're just sitting here. bragging about how you're a "true retro enthusiast" (despite knowing jack shit about games) and how you're an awesome webmaster (big deal, you created a website that hosts roms. there a million others like it that actually have everything labelled correctly).

>> No.2720080

>Most webmasters don't listen to their users.
Yeah, we get it. You're a lonely nerd who's so desperate for validation that you need compliments from strangers for making a website that hosts ROMs. What do you want, a fucking medal? Sorry I'm not sucking your dick for making a ROM website that's somehow worse than the million others out there.

>> No.2720085


You insult something I've spent many many hours and a lot of money creating, and you expect me not to get upset? That logic in itself is crazier than me "letting my emotions run wild". I realized after making my post that it does make the archive less accurate, and as I previously posted, that is a concern to me. That's why I corrected myself.

>> No.2720093
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>> No.2720098


>You're a lonely nerd who's so desperate for validation that you need compliments from strangers

Yet I didn't make the thread, nor did I ask for anybody validation. I do however appreciate it, so of course I'm going to get defensive when you fucking rain on my parade. The parade I didn't even ask for. I just kinda went with it. I may not be a "true enthusiast", but at least I am enough to go out of my way and create something like this. It's literally months into the making, while other sites have been around for years and years. Why don't you let me work on it a bit before bashing me because you're obviously just as lonely as me

>> No.2720109

Anyway, I'm going to bed now, so this thread will probably be gone by morning. Thank you to everybody who has supported me on this and I hope to slowly add more and more to make this a truly comparable and respectable site in the future. And thank you to anon who donated, I'll be sure to put the money towards replacing one of my dead power supplies for the server. Night guys

>> No.2720117

dude, this is /vr/ not /v/ chill the fuck out with your nerdraging about teensy shit.

>> No.2720120

why did you oblige this faggot?

>> No.2720121


^seriously, it makes you look like a sperglord

>> No.2720126


Because as rude as his post was, he has a point. I posted conversions rather than actual FDS roms, which I corrected for the sake of keeping the archive more accurate. Not that emulators really know much of a difference. Now, off to bed. Night

>> No.2720127

True, he had a point but I would have procrastinated for a month to be a dick about it, myself.

>> No.2720135


I was considering it lol, which is why I made my first, but I realized it was a few clicks away from getting a small rom pack from emuparadise. Yes, i know it doesn't make much sense downloading files from my "competitors", but I'm not claiming to rip all these roms myself. Some of them I have, but these are all obtained from various locations and many of them are tested before upload. This sites advantage to others is simplicity and organization. It still has many flaws, but it's still only a few months into development.

>> No.2720140

Ps: scummvm coming tomorrow afternoon

Over 20 gigs

>> No.2720143


like I said in the other thread, this site is convenient and easy to navigate. I like how all the roms are on one page instead of several. it's fine, all it needs is expansion and polish. but this is 4chan so naturally people are dicks.

>> No.2720162

japan/famicom, nice.

to improve more: manual scans, title screen shots, more rom hacks, and even more coverage (you've got the vast majority, but you're missing stuff like gimmick! for NES and jelly boy 2 which was unreleased for SNES).

>> No.2720232

I went on a binge a few weeks back getting isos and I just wanted to say thank you for doing this. I had my collection stolen earlier this year so I've been focusing more on emulation and modded consoles and this has really helped.

>> No.2720451

Oh, the threads still up. Cool, I guess I'll be able to reply periodically throughout that I'm hoping to start a mobile friendly version maybe tonight or tomorrow.

>> No.2720461
File: 26 KB, 309x283, samson DO IT FAGGOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"All the games, none of the horse-shit. RomDepot."

Also throw some PS1/PSP stuff up there. I've been using the site to bulk my n64 collection now that I got a USB controller adapter. Keep the site alive anon, I enjoy it. pic unrelated

>> No.2720465


Will do. Gotta get some more storage space soon though unfortunately

>> No.2720481

This is the best rom site since arch nacho & tortilla godzillas qualityroms.

>> No.2720792


who /shillthread/ here?

>> No.2720952


>> No.2721013

Hey OP, or should I say Mr. Depot.

>> No.2721152


Not OP here, but Mr. Depot. I work every day 10 - 8 except mondays when I get off at 4. That wasn't me. I don't exactly care if you believe me or not because I know the truth and your opinion doesn't matter to me.

>> No.2721153

ScummVM has now been added.

>> No.2721167

why dont just do this
Ive got ~200GB of roms just doing this
You could use a bash or python script to categorize them depending on their name [(U), (J)....]

>> No.2721175


That's essentially what I've been doing, but from various sources. If anybody comes across any romsets that include a lot of games I don't have already, feel free to send em my way. Either through here or email.

>> No.2721178

Working on some new stuff, so if the site looks wonky, check back in a few and it should be fixed.

>> No.2721186

try applying to pleasuredome

>> No.2721193


Doing it right now. Thanks

>> No.2721223

>I know the truth and your opinion doesn't matter to me.

Shut the fuck up faggot. my opinion means EVERYTHING to you. That's why you make these threads you worthless worm.

>hey guys help me develop my website because I'm not creative enough to roll out a site on my own with unique ideas

>hey guys famicom disk is the same thing as famicom carts,

Now im going to make sure your site gets shut down fuckboy

>> No.2721227


God damn, leave me alone. Go troll some other board or something

>> No.2721231 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2721234


Implying I don't already have precautions for this...

>> No.2721236

>Implying you havent already said your site is based in the USA

>implying you're not going to get your shit pushed in soon by yours truly

Dream on friendo.

>> No.2721241


It is in the US. I never claimed it wasn't.

>> No.2721248


And the best part is, I'm legitimately not the one who started this thread. I posted about it twice a few months ago and was browsing vr at work when I saw somebody posting about it.

>> No.2721256



>> No.2721368

The site's not working, what the fuck.

>> No.2721437


Try again friend.

>> No.2721459

Thanks for the Scumm roms, looks pretty exhaustive. :)

>> No.2721503

Damn wtf just got a FBI warning when opening the site, fuck that

>> No.2721536


>> No.2721552


No you didn't.

>> No.2721556
File: 449 KB, 630x473, FBI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shows this for me too.

>> No.2721560



>> No.2721564
File: 1.81 MB, 1024x685, ind-gunlc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uploading pic-related. Enjoy!

Gunlord (CDI RIP) (REGION FREE) [unlicenced]

>> No.2721579


Baby's first troll.

>> No.2721584

>click link
>Avast blocks 41 pop-up porn windows
Gee thanks for nothing OP.

>> No.2721587


Right click and look at source code. You'll see there's nothing regarding advertisements.

>> No.2721592

Everyone please move to my new thread.

>> No.2721601


Not op or Mr. Depot. I am the literal depot. Just shut the site down. Thanks guys...

>> No.2721603

>Some guy makes a rom site with a clean layout(rarely exists anymore) and no ads
>Some autistic shitposter is sperging out about it

What amazing faggotry.

>> No.2721607

If this is true, are you sure you don't have a virus that redirects you when you click links?

>> No.2721609

And in an even more amazing show of faggotry...
>guy gets so butthurt over a single shitposter he SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN

So it was all a troll then? Thanks for wasting our time OP.

>> No.2721612

i went on the internet once, they were mean

>> No.2721616

An OP is apparently somewhat retarded on top of it. He shuts down the site...by disabling the front page. Everything is still there.

For fucks sake OP, stop huffing carbon monoxide. Jesus christ.

>> No.2721618

This is fucking hilarious.

>> No.2721620 [DELETED] 

Is this literally your first day on the Internet?

>gets mad over a single shitposter

>> No.2721632

>If you're visiting from 4chan, know that literally NONE of the posts being made are made by me. I'm not actually shutting the site down. Its ALL shitposters.

Lying sack of shit trying to save face now

>> No.2721643

Yeah, guess he forgot that he had the same page saying "I'm shutting it down due to trolls" just a few minutes ago, and that there was no page even related to the subject yesterday.

I'll point out again : >>2721616
He "disabled" the site by changing the front page. OP is really this dumb. He isn't just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.2721693


>> No.2721698

For what? Does the FBI even give a shit about ROMs? I thought most copyright cases relating to downloads were lawsuits initiated by seedy copyright troll lawyers who monitor torrents and/or upload their own honeypots.

>> No.2721725
File: 186 KB, 297x365, Hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you get a web developer so angry he changes his website and ragequits

>> No.2721935

Server is off for maintenance. I'm only running off one power supply right now and it's getting toasty. Everything will be back up in a few hours.

>> No.2722196

You need to organize things better dude
Genesis has some 32x games inside it, yet there is already a 32x folder; also, where does Mega CD go?

>> No.2722564


Reorganizing stuff now. Don't have CD yet, but I'll work on getting it here pretty soon.

>> No.2722567

Oh great, the trolls are already trying to pretend to be me again.

Alright, this is my official tripcode people.
Don't believe anyone else that tries to pretend they are me.

>> No.2722572

Real guy, add your tripcode on your site to avoid things like this

>> No.2722576


I already did

>> No.2722585

This guy is a fake.

>> No.2722594

epic comment /b/ro where do i le upboat ??1? xd

>> No.2722618

bruh.. do you even CRT? :D

>> No.2722621

First order of business is to reroute nmap queries to an off-base server. That way I will never be pinged by hackers trying to down my rom horde.

Then I will add some more games. Some truly epic stuff like PS1. FFVII is the best.

>> No.2722630 [DELETED] 

Does anyone have some truly good suggestions for my website? I'm thinking of starting a patreon so you can all donate for my cause.

Maybe even a facebook and google+ page!
I will expect you to subscribe and like of course as consumers of my service.

>> No.2722676

No it doesn't, fag. Stop trying to troll.

>> No.2722696

Alright I feel bad for OP, even though he tried talking shit and got his shit rekt.

I'll stop ruining his little project. I don't want some guys suicide on my hands.

Pretty sure he is a redditor with how weak he is though.
deserved it tbh.

>> No.2722705


Not op

>> No.2722706


But thanks

>> No.2722897

All these epin little baby dick trolls. Jesus.

>> No.2722905

>little baby dick
If that's honestly the best thing you could come up with, >>>/reddit/

>> No.2722916

Hey depotanon, could you fix the typo on the homepage? (it's "believe").

Also it's kinda tacky to even have that message to begin with. Just type "Owner: (tripcode)" and call it a day.

Is having manuals available a feasable idea?

>> No.2722928


Fixed. Thanks

I want to get a decent game collection going first before I start working on extras like manuals. It's definitely on my to-do list though.

>> No.2722971


How's it look now? I just spent 3 hours straight renaming every file

>> No.2723165

very nice
pleasuredome has manuals too iirc

>> No.2723190
File: 100 KB, 980x474, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.2723201


Awesome. I started doing it yesterday but got distracted with other things. I'll finish signing up with them soon. I'm trying to iron some bugs out first and that'll be next.

>> No.2723331

Bumping because this is the most interesting thing on /b/ in a while. Beats the hell out of "what's your favorite Fungal Fantasy?"

>> No.2723347


Do you mean /vr/?

>> No.2723350


>> No.2723389

Spent all day making changes. Fixed some bugs, redid the helpdesk, reorganized all the rom names, and tweaked some minor stuff. Next I'll look into adding game manuals and more content.

>> No.2723404


On probation now. I'll have to wait a while before being able to get the rest of the files.

>> No.2723483

o.O What's that mean?

>> No.2723493


I have to wait before it'll allow me to download their torrents. It only gives me MAME right now.

>> No.2723497

ah. cool. Thanks for the awesome site man. It's got so much potential. It's so nice, clean, and uncluttered.

>> No.2723501


Thank, glad you like it

>> No.2723505

Hey, thanks for the site man. Really good selection of DOS stuff, and registered versions too instead of the shareware stuff I only ever seem to find.

>> No.2723507


No problem. I'll do my best to add more content throughout the next few days.

>> No.2723564

Unless you plan to monetize in the future, give up now and save yourself the time and money.

You could be spending your time on a project that may one day not be up in smoke.

>> No.2723569


I don't ever plan to monetize. I'm just doing it because I like programming and old games.

>> No.2723579

Nothing wrong with finding advertisers to cover server fees. Just nothing overly intrusive that an adblocker won't handle.

>> No.2723584

For example you can get advertising within a captcha to verify a download and prevent attacks. I keep seeing progressive ads on emuparadise. As long as you don't turn the site into an eyesore like that I think it would still be nice.

>> No.2723592

Hey man thanks for your hard work i appreciate what you'r doing .

If i could make a request though could you please put Mr bones for saturn?
If you can't right away i understand , you have so much HDD and bandwidth and leisure time and all so take your time no rush.

again thanks for everything man you are doing god's work.

>> No.2723593


a few banner ads are fine. the problem is when ads are everywhere with fake download links.

>> No.2723603

> fake download links.

oh god.

>> No.2723604


God I hate those. I visited emuparadise once and forgot my adblocker was turned off. Even on that site is a mess. Off and it's hell.

>> No.2723606

>i didn't start using adblocker until last year

>> No.2723607


Sure thing. As soon as I have some time I'll look for it. I'm currently working on making it more mobile friendly. I've noticed if you have a smaller screen, it doesn't look too good.

>> No.2723610

remember to avoid bloat as much as possible, is not just a /g/ meme
you can see how emuparadise is right now for adding retarded features everywhere

>> No.2723613


lol yea that shits the worst, trying to decipher where to click. and if you make a mistake, you get sent to the purgatory of popups and dialog boxes.

adblocker helps alot, but still.

>> No.2723615


I actually work a second job just to keep these servers running. I don't mind doing that because no matter what, I'll always have these servers running. They host other things besides this site so I don't think it'll be necessary to add advertisements. I hate ads so much, it wouldn't feel right putting them on the site I've tried so hard to keep clean.

>> No.2723617



>> No.2723618

Yeah, but if it catches on traffic and bandwidth costs will add up fast.

>> No.2723624


I pay a fixed price each month. I have business internet so I have no data cap.

>> No.2723626

If you guys are still running adblock you'll no they stopped preventing youtube ads. Adblock Plus just acquired adblock so that's neither is optimal. I've been running uBlock Origin and it's awesome. It uses less memory and blocks youtube ads. You can even use adblock lists with it if you want but you won't need to.

>> No.2723628


But you're right, if traffic does get to the point where I'll need to redo my setup a bit due to speed, I might need to pay a bit extra to keep up with things.

>> No.2723630

Sorry for my grammar. Drunk atm.

>> No.2723632

>poisoning yourself

don't do it fam
you have so much to liv for
quit glugging and chugging,
star praying to jesus christ our lord and savior

>> No.2723639
File: 3.23 MB, 300x225, 1443850122765.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I'm poisoning myself. This is the first time I've been drunk since new years. I've got 2 weeks off but a dead refrigerator and transmission kind of stole my vacation this year. I mean I could still go but I'm not going to mess with my savings. This week is going to be nothing but brews a night or two and gaming :)
>This is when you try to tell me I'm in denial for getting drunk a 2nd time this year and that I've got a problem... :)

>> No.2723651

It's funny how drinking is interpreted by different people. I come from a long line of functional Irish alcoholics. I don't drink so much myself but it would be considered sacrilege if I showed up to a wake and didn't get pissed. The last 4 wakes I've been to had at least one drunken scuffle. We all drink differently and we all mourn differently. By the end of the night it's all drunken I love yous and cousins/brothers hug it out. Weird culture I know. Also oddly matriarchal.

>> No.2723656

was just fucking around.
alchohol does taste like poison though. and feels like it the next day too.

>> No.2723665

Depends on what you drink and how you imbibe. The cheesecake factories mojito recipe for example doesn't use top shelf booze yet tastes amazing. 2 parts cruzan citrus rum (like $13 a fifth, 1 part simple syrup, one part lime juice(bottled shit like reallime, nothing fancy). Lightly muddle a bit of mint in the bottom without overly bruising it. Shake over ice. Pour in glass and top off with club soda. It tastes amazing but yeah you're going to feel like shit the next morning because you can't taste the alcohol at all.

>> No.2723679

I love you dude. A rom site that I don't need to unzip the file and one that I won't get a virus from.

Is there a way I can donate to this shit?

>> No.2723687

That's another decent thought. I'll donate once the catalog expands a bit. There's nothing more annoying than unzipping with 7zip, then using ecm to convert a bin file to an iso. It's cumbersome. I could live with just the unzipping personally. But the converting with ecm really ticks me off. It might be a necessary evil to keep ads low on the site though. ECM does save a ton of bandwidth.

>> No.2723691


Sure, if you feel obligated to, there's a donation button at the bottom of the page :)

>> No.2723693


It has begun.
Abandon ship.

>> No.2723695


Nobody needs to donate. It won't make a difference. I'm going to continue hosting and working on the site whether I get donations or not.

>> No.2723696

Are you retarded? There's nothing wrong with developers getting paid for their work. It's only when those means become shady it bothers me.

>> No.2723698

>retarded because I don't fall for blatant shills

Looks like you are the retard.

Same hook line and sinker every time for any product.



>> No.2723701
File: 115 KB, 531x471, 1444117668617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2723703

I see you've discovered /pol/. Have you even looked at his site. It's clean and nice. I've been trying to convince this guy he should do more to make money off his efficient, simple, and beautiful creation. He doesn't want to. This individual is the exact opposite of a shill. A truly great mofo. There's nothing wrong with a little bit of advertising or donations. He isn't your slave.

>> No.2723706


I put a smiley face to show my appreciation. I'm flattered that anybody would want to give me money, especially because I'm broke all the time. I've been doing this for months without getting a single penny and I'm still doing it afterwards. I just really want to make something that people will use and enjoy.

>> No.2723709

>wanting to pay people for their work
Nothing wrong with that. I like and respect the work this guy does, so I would give him a token of my appreciation by donating. Don't start this shit

>> No.2723715


I honestly don't really care if he makes money, but I've seen that same exact exchange many many times. Even including the smiley. Triggered me hard.

Continue on.

>> No.2723720
File: 106 KB, 676x676, 1443732446150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK what dark dirty holes of the internet you come from but we don't get triggered around here. I don't like reddit but if it's what you want to pay for then that's your business. I hope this guy at least decides to cover his costs. A little profit never hurt either. It's when you've got fake links or pages that are only advertising that it bothers me. I'm looking at you emu.

>> No.2723723

You will need to implement a human verification system at some point for your downloads. The minute one of the larger sites feels you're taking some of their market share you will get attacked. They'll shut you down fast by simple attacks and eating bandwidth.

>> No.2723726

>inb4 "muh precautions" (no offense depot man)

>> No.2723728

You're posting on a site where they are necessary. I don't get your objections. You think companies really have a problem with fucking their competition when it's easy?

>> No.2723730

I'd like to how many hits he's gotten since this thread has been up 2 days.

He said it was like 100 previous to this.

>> No.2723731

I'm not objecting.
I'm saying he usually just says "I have taken precautions to prevent X"

>> No.2723732


I plan to write (or find) a program for my servers that monitors bandwidth from specific IPs and if they show strange patterns or are simply far too high, they'll automatically get blocked. Of course I'll have to put a lot more thought into it when that time comes, but that's the basic idea.

Ignore everything I said before that whole wiggidy-whack went down yesterday lol. I do actually have plans for stuff like that, but I do need to work on my defense when I'm not home.



>> No.2723734


I expected more.

>> No.2723735

The problem is bot networks. SImple ideas take off fast. Look at googles search page versus yahoo. People wanted something simple to search. Not a bunch of crap. I think you'll take off faster than you realize. There are no simple and clean rom sites atm like yours. It's going to be a bot network when that attack does come(many and varied ips). It makes a verification system all the more important.

>> No.2723737

a 1 time captcha, that says "confirmed" with a cookie could prevent a bot net right?

Does google allow that?

>> No.2723738

meant *stays* confirmed. (meaning won't need to input it again unless cookies cleared)

>> No.2723740


You're probably right. I've just never made anything that has actually had a following, even as small as this one. I always just planned on managing everything manually, but there's no way I can do that with how much I work. Todays actually my only day off, which is how I was able to get so much stuff done (even if it doesnt seem like it). I'll need to look into some kind of defense. I'll have to do some research and implement it when necessary. I won't apply it unless needed though.

>> No.2723747

Unless it's one of those malicious permanent cookies (like from an isp *cough verizon) a bot net would simply delete it specifically out of the history each time and start again.

There is one thing emuparadise does right that I feel would cover all costs of running the server. They include an advertisement in the captcha. The ad gets guaranteed clicks from people seeing it with every download. So long as that click does nothing malicious, you could keep your site otherwise ad free and paid for just with that. The beauty of advertising that way is you can determine the frequency that ad pops up on the captcha to cover costs. Advertisers guarantee their ads are seen and you determine the frequency at which ads are seen. Tweaking the settings on that will allow you to adjust for varied costs from month to month. I've been doing web security for a while. That's just my opinion of the best solution for keeping a clean download site. If people only see this ad during one out of 5 downloads you'll likely cover the hosting costs.

>> No.2723751

Wouldn't each zombie need to solve the captcha for them to access the files though?

Isn't monetizing a site that contains other peoples copyright illegal though? I think emuparadise and all those shit sites run in overseas countries.

>> No.2723756
File: 1.43 MB, 3264x2448, server.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's an interesting idea. I don't know how much money that would rake in. I don't even know how much I'd need to cover. I have to pay extra for my internet each month, plus I pay extra for a static IP. That's an extra $45 on top of what I'm already paying. There's also electric costs. I have 2 HP ProLiants with 6 PSUs total. That's a LOT of wattage to be sucked through my walls all the time. I'd say it increases my electric bill by about $40 each month.

>> No.2723759

Replied to wrong guy.

>> No.2723760
File: 1.54 MB, 3264x2448, server2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These are actually old picture. They're in another room now. Had to drill a hole in my wall just to fit 4 ethernet cables through lol

>> No.2723762


Yes I did, whoops

>> No.2723767

Ues. That's the whole purpose of the captcha in the first place. Incorporating advertising into is just a boon.

You would need to run it overseas, but... I've never seen any legislation on retro game downloads. Typically neither the company or the developers are making money on them. They'll have the odd retro rerelease but it's been tweaked for newer hardware/systems and different people are generally making money. I haven't read about emuparadise or a single person that downloads from them facing any kind of litigation. I do look as I use the site myself. Morally I don't feel downloading those roms is wrong since they're no longer making the games. There's a gray area in plenty of countries as well. Something can be illegal as a concept but also illegal to prosecute. That sounds murky but the netherlands are like this. Hosts are not required to maintain records/logs. Lets face it though. This isn't the pirate bay we're talking about and there is no offensive illegal content hosted on it. I'd watch the news but unless there is a drastic shift many countries aren't required to identify who operates their site and who downloads from it. If you were hosting cheese pizza then all bets are off and I hope they get your ass :) A retro gaming roms site is safe though.

>> No.2723771


See, if I received a DMCA notice and I ignored it, I believe the worst thing that would happen is I'd simply be removed from google. I'm not going to pull the plug because I get an email, so that means somebody would have to have a lawyer / police officer physically come knocking on my door and forcibly disconnect it. I highly doubt any company would take it that far to stop somebody from hosting games that aren't even capable of making money anymore (except for a few re-releases that don't even make that much profit)

Not sure, but it definitely seems like it would cost them way too much money to do all that. Especially because I don't live on the coast and it would be harder to get to me. Just too much work for them in general.

>> No.2723776

Those notices are generally meaningless as they are rarely enforced. I did forget one consideration in a previous post. Which country is your hosting service is based in? If they are located in a country like the US they may have foreign servers but will likely comply with US law. You want your service provider to be located in a country that is more friendly. A company owned in the netherlands has no incentive to cooperate and therefore they don't. A concept can be illegal while the enforcement of it is impossible due to other laws. That disclaimer aside. Research it for yourself. There has never been a single prosecution for retro gaming downloads. IIRC there has only been one prosecution for illegal book downloads that came out of canada. Unless you're hosting movies regardless of where you are you're likely safe. The MPAA doesn't play around. There's no profit in it for other stuff because they don't have the resources to pursue such litigation.

>> No.2723782

Everything you said was essentially correct.

>> No.2723787


I am in the US using a service provider that simply relays messages, they don't give out any personal information. They may if lawyers get involved, but like we said, that's so unlikely, I'm not worried about it. Not to mention, I have a lawyer myself to go to to minimalize damages.

>> No.2723793


Though DS games are still being sold, that could be a concern. I would probably remove them if I got a notice. And for the record, if this site ever gets taking down for some strange reason, I'll rehost it under the name "http://depot.endurehosting.com/" and I'll whitelist only currently visited users until I could figure something out.

>> No.2723798

You're honestly safe. I said earlier I'm a wee bit intoxicated but I'm not wrong. Last year I was working for a major lawfirm doing IT. They were approached by random house regarding illegal book downloads. That one person that prosecuted was a case study we referenced. The prosecuting company lost money on that litigation. 200k in lawyers isn't going to pay off when the person you're going after doesn't have that kind of money laying around. Books are constantly reprinted and released. Games aren't. If it's not profitable for random house to pursue litigation over content they still produce then it isn't cost effective for companies with retro games which no money gets made off of. There are legal possibilities but the profit in pursuing them simply isn't there. That's why they don't. Movie litigation makes money because it is profitable. The companies often upload the illegal downloads themselves and go after the downloaders. They upload onto servers they monitor and keep records of. This should be illegal but it isn't. It's generally entrapment if you ask me. Long story short. You're safe because you are a costly unprofitable endeavor to pursue. I've never seen litigation on ds games either. It's less costly to prosecute individuals in the country you live and even that can be costly.

>> No.2723804

Random house didn't prosecute that person. He was just a case study that was referenced. They were shown it wasn't profitable and only lost a consulting fee.

>> No.2723809

Until Nintendo or Sega goes the X-Art route and hires a copyright troll lawyer I wouldn't think you'd have much to worry about. I'm of the impression that a lot of those lawsuits are to make money, so, unless there is a history of people getting sued for ROMS (you'd have to research this since I dunno) and the cases going to court you're probably fine.

>> No.2723810


Well that's good to know. I'll just watch what I upload and hope for the best. Do you think I should try original Xbox and PS2 or is that too much? PS1 at least?

>> No.2723813

I know emu does ps2 fine with no issues but I really wouldn't mess with microsoft too much. They go after free releases of linux for little or no reason at all. Microsoft has brought lawsuits against companies that wouldn't sell to them to ruin them and buy them cheaper. Microsoft is it's own beast. I wouldn't fuck with them.

>> No.2723815

That being said. You aren't emuparadise and don't have their traffic. Like I said you aren't a cost efficient endeavor. I'd still stay away from xbox/microsoft products though. That's a hostile company if there ever was one.

>> No.2723818


Okay, I'll try ps1 and maybe ps2, but I'll avoid Microsoft. Need more hard drive space first.

>> No.2723821

I do like xbox games but microsoft isn't a bear that should be poked. I only know I wouldn't... until at least bigger sites are doing it regularly.

>> No.2723823

Is Xbox emulation even a thing now? It used to be that one console without any good emulators.

>> No.2723829

People like me download Xbox isos so you can stick them in your 360 HDD and play them.

>> No.2723831

Yeah... this

>> No.2723901

Gonna shut the server down again for a couple hours tonight. Still running off 1 power supply since my other one died a few days ago. I'm having trouble keeping temps down. Don't want the other one dying on me while I'm on single redundancy. If that happens, I'll have to switch over to the big server which is crazy loud and uses even more power.

>> No.2723905

I think you should remotely host. Set a cap for your bandwidth and adjust advertising accordingly. Regardless of what you do it will still be cheaper and cleaner than the other rom sites if you don't get greedy.

>> No.2723923


I've already spent far too much money on these servers to do that. This normally isn't an issue. I normally have maybe an hour of downtime every month just for general maintenance and updates. I'm buying a new PSU here in a few days so things will be back to normal soon.

>> No.2723947
File: 1.24 MB, 3264x2448, 4L_j47CnqzL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to see, but this plastic piece has been blown in 2. Smelled something burning a few days ago and took out both power supplies. The other ones fine, but this one was scorching hot. Gonna buy two new ones in a few days.

>> No.2723960
File: 233 KB, 1242x2208, 4L_WvszPfzx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually, I was able to find them crazy cheap online. They normally run at least $40 - $80 used. Thanks again to the anon who donated. You bought these for me

>> No.2723965


They actually had like 40 of these 2 days ago but the price has been raised a bunch and they only have 3 left. Luckily, I added one to my cart before they raised it so I was able to get them for the original price. Should have bought the last one actually, but I actually plan to upgrade the server by the time these ones die. They are used, so I have no idea how long they'll last. I have an entire backup server just in case with 4 PSUs in it though.

>> No.2724026

Hey I know a place where you can get some cheap server for web serving, nice bandwidth too.

>> No.2724036

Wow. The other PSU just died... I'll have to transfer everything over in the morning. Sorry guys

>> No.2724038


I am actually studying for my certification in networking and they preferred to manage everything on my own. It's just a hobby.thens though.

>> No.2724039

What is the site's backend language? PHP?
If you're paying $60 to $100 already just in power you cna get a cluster of at least 5 different servers with a diverse enough geo-location lay out.

These are self managed machines.

>> No.2724040


On mobile, ignore the typos

>> No.2724042


They just use php. I like to keep things simple

I also enjoy physically messing with them. I love hardware and networking and it's just enjoyable to try to new ways to make them faster.

>> No.2724046

well if you wanted you can also put the server you have at home into the cluster of machines as well.

>> No.2724048


I'll look into it. It's 5 am though and I'm gonna head to bed lol. I'll have the site back up in the morning. Just gotta pop the hard drive out and reconfigure my network settings and I'll be good to go.

>> No.2724050


Actually... Gimme a few. I'll get it running on the new server first, then I'll go to bed.

>> No.2724053

look into the stuff archive.org is doing. They've got some java applet emulators and shit, why not check into that? people could play the games right in their browser.

You could even do full links to the roms in the applet so you can allow people to download the applet itself and run it on their computer

>> No.2724072


Okay, servers /should/ be fully functioning again. This time on the big server I never use because it's crazy loud and uses a lot of power. Should be a significant performance increase though. Let me know if you have any issues.

>> No.2724084
File: 1.03 MB, 3264x1660, 4L_boq26ZJB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what I have running now. Not as loud as I remember fortunately, but I still have to sleep in the same room as it. It's got 4 Xeons and weighs 90 lbs. I love it, but never use it. This'll be its first time getting any real use other than game servers (the actual reason I got it)

>> No.2724086


I was considering that. I'll have to look into it once I get some more games up. That'll definitely be the smarter easier solution.

>> No.2724542

Just got off probation for Pleasuredome. Gonna start working on filling content now. I'll have it going while I'm at work and if all goes well, should have some new stuff up by tonight or tomorrow.

>> No.2724550


Damn. I'm going to need a LOT more hard drive space for this. This may need to wait a week until payday. I'll run up to Microcenter and buy a few drives.

>> No.2724556

I don't know if it's doable or even a good idea, but I thought it might be cool if the front page's background was the cover art of some random game, and every time you went to it the page would pull from a collection of game covers and display one at random.
I don't know, I am not good with computer.

>> No.2724575


Oh easily, and that is a good idea. I'm just afraid a non-soft background would look good. I always have trouble finding backgrounds, but if anybody has any they want me to try, feel free to send them through the help desk or here.

>> No.2724590

some covers here, but looks like it'd be a bitch to download them all individually, will keep looking for a better collection

>> No.2724628

Got some manual up. Not a whole lot now at all, but I have work in a half hour. More should be uploaded some time tonight.

>> No.2725357


>> No.2725409

May I recommend adding the hacks listed in this thread? >>2684606
I pretty much only emulate hacks recently, and was sad seeing that empty hacks folder. It wouldn't hurt having another host for them.

>> No.2725504

That would be awesome

>> No.2725537
File: 603 KB, 320x240, 1443666319643.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're looking for complete and clean romsets.

search for nointro on the internet archive.


>> No.2725565


it's easier to just grab the torrent but this is what's in it.

Atari - 5200.zip
3.5M Atari - 7800.zip
112.0M Atari - Jaguar.zip
10.9M Atari - Lynx.zip
104.4M Atari - ST.zip
151.5M Bandai - WonderSwan Color.zip
93.6M Bandai - WonderSwan.zip
8.6M Casio - Loopy.zip
35.7K Casio - PV-1000.zip
1.9M Coleco - ColecoVision.zip
225.6M Commodore - 64 (PP).zip
102.0M Commodore - 64 (Tapes).zip
6.7M Commodore - 64.zip
3.0G Commodore - Amiga.zip
481.8K Commodore - Plus-4.zip
1.6M Commodore - VIC-20.zip
2.5M Datset.zip
187.5K Emerson - Arcadia 2001.zip
14.7K Entex - Adventure Vision.zip
443.1K Epoch - Super Cassette Vision.zip

>> No.2725567


75.7K Fairchild - Channel F.zip
8.4M Funtech - Super Acan.zip
221.2K GCE - Vectrex.zip
201.8M GamePark - GP32.zip
91.5K Hartung - Game Master.zip
120.1M LeapFrog - Leapster Learning Game System.zip
400.8K Magnavox - Odyssey2.zip
21.7M Microsoft - MSX 2.zip
20.4M Microsoft - MSX.zip
91.3M NEC - PC Engine - TurboGrafx 16.zip
2.4M NEC - Super Grafx.zip
7.8M Nintendo - Famicom Disk System.zip
11.6M Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (e-Cards).zip
12.3G Nintendo - Game Boy Advance.zip
652.5M Nintendo - Game Boy Color.zip
186.3M Nintendo - Game Boy.zip
11.3G Nintendo - Nintendo 64.zip
59.0M Nintendo - Nintendo DSi.zip
274.0M Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System
5.8M Nintendo - Pokemon Mini.zip
90.7M Nintendo - Satellaview.zip
4.4M Nintendo - Sufami Turbo.zip
2.9G Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System.zip
11.1M Nintendo - Virtual Boy.zip
168.8K Philips - Videopac+.zip
7.5K RCA - Studio II.zip
59.8M SNK - Neo Geo Pocket Color.zip
4.4M SNK - Neo Geo Pocket.zip
89.4M Sega - 32X.zip
83.2M Sega - Game Gear.zip
62.5M Sega - Master System - Mark III.zip
1.1G Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis.zip
214.0M Sega - PICO.zip
2.9M Sega - SG-1000.zip
7.3M Sinclair - ZX Spectrum +3.zip
8.5M Tiger - Game.com.zip
108.9K VTech - CreatiVision.zip
320.0M VTech - V.Smile.zip
1.3M Watara - Supervision.zip

>> No.2725568


Downloading it now. Thanks

>> No.2725569

No worries.

>> No.2725570


I definitely will at some point. I'm going to work on getting a more complete archive of official games first then I'll start working on hacks. People can always upload their own in the mean time though.

>> No.2725726

I like it simple and clean. I'd just give it a dark background like the tomorrow style on 4chan. A game cover would just clutter things up. That's just my opinion though.

>> No.2725783 [DELETED] 

Working on adding more ROMs. By the time I'm done, it should nearly be doubled and more organised.


Thanks again bro. Very good archive.

>> No.2725784

Working on adding more ROMs. By the time I'm done, it should nearly be doubled and more organized.


Thanks again bro. Very good archive.

>> No.2725815

What are your thoughts on your plan of action for Playstation?

Will they be bin/cue or img/ccd?

Will you perform quality assurance where games that use CDDA music are ripped correctly (proper CD mode, cue sheet present)?

>> No.2725824


Well, I have to get more hard drive space first. But once that happens, PS1 will be one of the first things I do. I haven't given it much though and haven't done any research, so I honestly can't say. If you have any suggestions, please tell me. I will make sure they come from a good source like Pleasuredome or another private tracker with good rep

>> No.2725830
File: 1.21 MB, 946x604, library.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Speaking like browsing a shelf of games would it be possible to actually display the box art like it is an actual shelf

totally useless, but could be cool

>> No.2725836
File: 3.72 MB, 347x244, 1442424871257.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you man. I love what you're doing with your site. I've got all these downloaded but the truth is you can only play one game at a time. I don't carry around entire romsets on my laptop or tablet. When I want a new game away from home I go to emu. The truth is the emu site is cancer. I hate myself every time I use it. You're doing good work anon. :)

>> No.2725839

I use the moon reader for books on my android devices and it does this. Totally cool. I like the library feel to what you've suggested.

>> No.2725848

You know, that would be awesome. It really would. But unfortunately, the amount of work that would take would be insane. It's just not worth it to be honest. I'll definitely keep it in mind though, and if I can figure it out some day, I'll do it.

Hey, don't mention it. I just really want to make something people will enjoy. I've always made stuff like this my whole life just to scrap it half way though because I didn't like it. I'm just happy people can see and appreciate what I'm trying to do here. When I say I am enthusiast, I didn't mean so much with retro games. I meant more programming and development. Don't get me wrong, I do love retro games. I don't like modern games and what they've turned into and there's something about old games that makes me feel cozy. So simplistic yet so functional. Kind of what I had in mind when designing this site. Glad you like it anon and I'll keep working on it as much as I can because I really do want to make a unique site that doesn't jerk you around.

>> No.2725854

Okay... Serious question. Do I add the LeapFrog Leapster Learning Game System? I have all the games, I just don't know if it would be pointless to add them

>> No.2725859

What are some of your other sites? I'm just curious. I'd like to give them a look. I'm working on my own site to host my resume atm. It scales and changes it's interface for whatever device it's on. I cant really atm as I'm supposed to be working but if you want I can link some resources that will help make the page more dynamic and tablet/phone friendly when I get home.

>> No.2725861

It is work but it's not going to hurt the site. Those files won't get much love but since you've got em why not? The only real question is whether or not you want to deal with it. No harm in not posting links to something you and most people don't care about.

>> No.2725862

Redump PSX ISO's are available on Rutracker.


Also a bunch of JP-exclusives that aren't part of Redump.

>> No.2725865



That is a site a few buddies and I mostly use. It allows you to host files on my server without any login. I recently just added a private upload feature that will create a folder associated with your IP and even does a check to make sure unallowed IPs can't access your private folder. It's actually pretty convenient to be honest. I made it to replace Dropbox, which makes you either sign in or download their client. I also wrote a little program that'll let you press the 'insert' key and it'll take a screenshot, send it to the server (either publicly or privately) and copy the link to your clipboard. I call it Packlemore lol.


Sure, I'd love to take a look. You can actually upload the resources to the box as well. You can do it privately, I can still view the files.


>> No.2725869


It isn't actually much work to add them. I've done it 10 times tonight already lol. I just don't think it's worth cluttering the page even more if nobodys gonna download it. I think I'll leave them off there for now unless anybody really wants em lol

>> No.2725880

It's the kind of thing most sites don't offer. You'd probably fill a niche.

>> No.2725884


Okay, you convinced me. They'll be up in a few.

>> No.2725894

Oh, and for the record, these newest roms I'm uploading are not tested yet. I'm sure they work, but just keep in mind that they are not verified atm. I'll test them once they're up and they'll be removed immediately if they do not work. I'm just doing this because I'm confident they'll be fine.

>> No.2725917

Not really related but gamefaqs has save files for a lot of their games. I wouldn't know where to download these in bulk but that might be worth looking into. Not everyone who plays gran turismo on an emulator wants to spend hours upon hours to get all the cars. I know it's cheating but I've done it more than once. Games can be interesting and still not be that interesting.

>> No.2725920


I'll keep that in mind once I've finished the archive. It's a good idea. There's been plenty of times I've just wanted to go around in GTA killing people and driving cars but not wanting to do the entire story just to get new locations and weapons.

>> No.2725936

Just finished adding about 10 new consoles. They /should/ be complete collections too.

>> No.2725938


Plus BIOS files have been added for a few consoles too.

>> No.2726126

Since you already have non retro stuff on there, do you plan to add 3ds roms?

>> No.2726149

Nintendo is not going to like that. Have you seen how hard they try to kill homebrew?

>> No.2726157

Bin/cue forever, all emulators are compatuble with it and its easy to burn into a disc

>> No.2726391


You know, I haven't decided yet. Since they're still produced, I'm not sure that would be such a good idea. I'm already kind of pushing it with ds games honestly.

>> No.2727334

I definitely wouldn't.

>> No.2727412


Yea, maybe I'll wait a little while until it becomes less relevant. I'm already staying away from anything Xbox because it just isn't worth the risk.

>> No.2727601

Finally fixed a very annoying issue where you literally had no scroll bars. Took me weeks to figure out, but it should now work better on those with smaller monitors.

>> No.2728751
File: 29 KB, 512x512, 4L_vn96htmB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think I should add a dedicated magazine icon next to the cartridge icon that'll take you straight to the magazine/manuals? I'm not sure if it'll make it look worse or better? I'll admit, it's a bit boring so I'm all for adding new stuff as long as it looks nice, but I'm also afraid it'll take away from the barebones design.

Thinking of using this icon since it matches.

>> No.2728769

Well your whole front page already looks bad anyway. Bad in that it seems like some dudes personal blog homepage or something.

Doesn't really scream ROMS/VIDYA.
I hate that font used for the "THE ROM DEPOT" also.

It's clean, but dosent feel right.
Just my opinion.

Just add it.

>> No.2728802
File: 26 KB, 480x269, 4L_lpHwWagj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can see that. I just chose what looked nice in the moment. Not really following a theme. It's a bit harder than it might seem. I had to choose a background that was relatively easy on the eyes. That's why I chose a flat smooth blue one. I thought the font looked classy and simple. Maybe I should change the logo to something a bit more fitting like in the image? As for the background, I have no clue. I even looked last night for a bit and couldn't find anything. If it has even the slightest amount of clutter, it won't look good. Have any ideas? I'd still like it to look modern and clean, but you're right. It doesn't look like a rom website at all besides the cartridge.

>> No.2728821

Don't know about that font. You just have to test out shit and get feedback I guess.

I'd definitely leave it until last as a priority, as functionality > aesthetics.

But yeah, the front page could nice with some pixel art style perhaps. It will be hard work to do right though.
Will look cheap if you're lazy

>> No.2728961
File: 39 KB, 267x400, 1443678761855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it looks nice. Compare it to the other sites that do this. Emu? Coolroms? It looks brilliant by comparison. I think you're just not use to such an utter lack of advertising.

>> No.2728971
File: 837 KB, 160x160, 1443235976724.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had an awesome idea. What if you made the front page look like the start page from a specific video game? Or just like a videogame title screen in general. I think that would be absolutely bad ass. Maybe some kind of collage of various gaming characters with a "start" or "New game" button.

>> No.2728996

dreamcast leaves a lot to be desired. Looks like they are shitty rips and not gdi images

>> No.2728997

Or even one of those animated back ground screens like you find on some games. Maybe in time you could make the title screen game background switch randomly

>> No.2728998


That could be done. Ill work on that tonight. I get off in a half hour so I'll probably have a test page up at http://theromdepot.com/test.php

Bear in mind that anything you may see there is purely for testing and will most likely not work well (or at all) and will be changed frequently. So frequently in fact, you could basically refresh the page every 3 minutes and watch it update. I like to code live so I know exactly how it'll look in a real environment. You guys are free to give me feedback at any point though. I'm thinking about making a generic nes looking title screen and you'll have menus that you can click on or scroll through with your keyboard, at least until the directory page which I don't really want to change too much. Really don't know if all that will work though to be honest. Just gonna try it.

>> No.2729002


Okay, I'll look into getting that fixed.

>> No.2729003


>> No.2729005

I was thinking the "start' or "new game" option could just lead to the directory page. Maybe even add a "continue" button that appears for repeat visitors. Idk, It's your site and I think it's already awesome :)

>> No.2729013

if you want to fill a niche then download the entire redump psx from rutracker which isn't found anywhere else

>> No.2729016


Will do. I'm at work right now though and have to close up. Can you tell me how big it is? If it's under 300 gigs, I can have it up tonight or tomorrow. Otherwise, I'll have to wait until I buy some new hard drives. I'm about to spend my whole paycheck this Tuesday on new drives. Thinking about 6 TBs. At some point, I'd actually like to have one of the most complete collection out there. At least the most complete without torrents. Not sure if I'll even come close, but I can dream.

>> No.2729020


Well thank ya. Part of me still likes the modern design though. I like the modern meets retro thing I have going, but I'll still try that out and maybe just make it an alternative theme. I've already spent more time than I'd like to admit in this page and it would hurt to just scrap it.

>> No.2729024

648.51 GB for japan, 824.9 GB for europe and 455.77 GB us

>> No.2729026


What a shame. I couldn't even do just the U.S ones. If I had only a hundred gigs more I could do it. I actually have another drive that would get me there, but I'd have to reinstall my OS since I have RAID configured in my server. Id rather wait until I have all new drives so I don't have to do extra work.

>> No.2729039

Did europe get way more releases or was there something they did that made the files so much larger? Like maybe for video standards?

>> No.2729041

Hey man "Mr Bones" for saturn , requesting again incase you forgot :)

>> No.2729046

What type of raid do you use? At least 1 I hope. I'd hate to see all of this die because of a single disk in raid 0 dying.

>> No.2729048

Unless you have a good backup server then just ignore me. I'm all about the redundancy though.

>> No.2729051

oh ya and get trurip saturn roms

>> No.2729052

Nintendo nuked CoolROM right around the time they started talking about 3DS emulation. So definitely dont touch it.

>> No.2729053

I also like the changin message at the bottom of the front page. It reminds me of that message that changes everytime you open minecraft.

>Yes I've played minecraft but it lost it's novelty fairly quickly. Don't give me too much shiza guys.

>> No.2729060

Well I actually only have 1 drive now, so it doesn't matter. I have to use raid for it to even work though. I'll do 1 probably when I get more drives but it'll depend on the capacity and how many I get. Haven't decided yet. Just gonna go up to micro center and get some.

>> No.2729065

Get a backup drive asap anon. I'll cry if this site dies. :(

>> No.2729075


Will do. The set itself is backed up nightly on a separate dedicated backup server. The roms are not though. If get them again, but it would be a huge bummer. The hard drive I'm using is brand new though so it should be alright for now. Tuesday is when I plan to get the other drives.

>> No.2729076


Thanks lol, that's exactly what I was going for. I threw in a few relatable things, mildly entertaining phrases, and some inside jokes for friends. Just to keep it a tad more interesting than just a static page

>> No.2729081
File: 1.90 MB, 170x238, 1444378170035.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe an emulation resources page. I'd send out some feelers and see if other web developers would let you link to their sites or githubs etc. Maybe just a subpage dedicated to these resources. Possibly link to pet rock blog, specific emulator developers, etc. Maybe see if you can link to the emulating wiki on the sticky on /vr/ or create your own.

>> No.2729087


Good idea. I'll at that. I'll link to specific dev pages.

>> No.2729104
File: 544 KB, 483x439, 1443420488957.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more of a linux guy myself. This page lists all the emulators they use for each system on the retropie. It's by no means complete but this list might be a good place to start for a list of emulators that are working well for specific gaming systems.


>> No.2729107

It also links to where you can get each of the emulators.

>> No.2729109

Finally home and off mobile. Feels good mang


Thanks. I'll definitely use this. I'll only link to emulators for systems currently on the depot.

>> No.2729125


I'm going to add this now. Keep checking the page and let me know what you guys think. It'll be really broken for a while, but I'll let you know when it's done. Won't take too long. If it looks bad, I can just scrap it. Not a big deal. The I'll add that emulation page. I'd work on more games, but not much I can do right now with no hard drive space.

>> No.2729132
File: 138 KB, 365x256, 1444278337206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've actually inspired me. I'm going to get started on a project of my own and create something neat. It won't be a retro gaming site or anything because yours is just fantastic and getting better every day. I'm trying to think of what to create atm. My current job doesn't have me doing any web development :( The one I had that was years back was all just filling in standard templates. No real room for creativity.

>> No.2729152


I'm flattered! Be sure to let me know when you got something together or if you need help. You can use the help desk for pretty much anything. Doesn't even have to be depot related. Just an easy way to contact me. If you need development help, I can do that too.

>> No.2729161
File: 1.17 MB, 272x300, 1443334104945.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll definitely let you know. I'm reasonably capable as far as we development goes already (always room to learn though). My current job has me coding J2EE and Python. It's honestly pretty boring but it beats digging ditches so I shouldn't really complain.

>> No.2729171


I work at a furniture store and have no real formal training. I've always googled everything and watched videos for hours until I had a decent knowledge. Now I have some books I read every night.

>> No.2729173

omg we have that same battery backup at my job and it works like shit. We get five minutes tops just running a router, modem and phone.

>> No.2729176


Sounds like your battery is done in it. I've run these for 20 minutes with no problem. And that's powering a 1500 watt server

>> No.2729182 [DELETED] 


2 of them

>> No.2729191

I went the tech school route myself early on then got my masters at a more credible uni. The truth is we're all self taught :) A decent portfolio is very important. Yours is coming along nicely. I'll look over your page source later. I've probably got 15 years of bookmarks stacked up on all kinds of development. I'm sure I can find you some great resources in all of that. If you really want more mobile capable pages I'd start learning html5.

>> No.2729196

Some boilerplates on github and other sites would probably get you started if you're interested in html5.

>> No.2729204

html5 would let you get rid of the scroll bar on the front page and just scale it to the device. Everything there already looks reasonably easy to click. You could keep most of your source on the directory page and just set it to display differently on mobile with more fat finger friendly links.

>> No.2729228

Alphabetized directory links and sorting based on genre would help with mobile.

>> No.2729291

>Special thanks to /vr/ for being pretty cool guys

You're welcome anon. Start a new thread when this one dies. I'm really enjoying watching how your site is coming along. I'll help in any way I can. Do you want me to post some links to help make the site more mobile friendly? If you don't then I won't bother. It's your project and it's coming along splendidly. I'll be using it myself. You've already made something better than the alternatives.

>> No.2729295

To the shitposter calling this "shilling", I'm beginning to see this as an actual board wide contribution effort, even if they are mostly suggestions and guidance, and the owner is doing the heavy lifting.

>> No.2729296

Well, I got it working. I'm aware of the glitchy animation right now. Working on fixing it. This is essentially how it'll look though.


Will do. You guys are my only good source of feedback. And I'd love those links actually. I'm going to need them here pretty soon.

>> No.2729297

shill detected

>> No.2729303


I want this to be a community thing. It'll suck if it's just me and my ideas only. I want everybody to throw in their 2 cents because you guys are going to be the ones using this.

>> No.2729306

Back to /pol/ with you. Your definition skills need work.

>> No.2729309

buttmad redditor shitposter shill detected

>> No.2729317
File: 2.87 MB, 1920x1080, datass2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will get no more replies from me troll. I'd rather see useful content in these posts.

>> No.2729330
File: 232 KB, 67x100, 1443134729181.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously start here:

This will get you actually working with it and seeing it implemented fast:


These will get you started. Post any specific html5 questions you have and I'll see if I can help you out. I'm learning it myself and plan on following these threads for the duration. I mainly do backend work these days but like I said earlier you've inspired me to actually create something artistic again :)

I've got some more links I can post but these have been the most useful by far. I'd start here and if you're looking for more I can bog you down with a long list in no time.

The best part of the boilerplate project is that it allows you to select and create your backend very easily.

I'll email you sometime soon with my project once I figure out what I want to do and give it a good start. I've created a few templates of my own so far but don't really have a direction I want to take them yet.

>> No.2729338


Thanks a bunch, I'll take a look at em here pretty soon. Gonna fix this really annoying animation glitch with the site first.

>> No.2729342

What's the glitch? I'm looking at your site atm but I must be missing it. I'll take a look at the source if you want. (kek, you disabled right clicking on the front page. That's ok its easy enough to view regardless. I'm just lazy. Actually making me type view-source:http://theromdepot.com/ grrrr...)

>> No.2729356
File: 2.26 MB, 1920x1080, datass3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not related but another easy way to learn the boiler plate project is to host a template from your google drive. It keeps the development process off the server and lets you see changes in real time. They'll let you do this until August of next year but I'm sure some other free cloud service will or has picked up the task. You're site looks very nice. This personally helps me to easily prevent breaking stuff while I work.


>> No.2729359

*To learn html5 or whatever.

>> No.2729362


lol, you can press F12 too if your own chrome.

Roll your mouse over one icon, then move it to another. It fades out and fades back in quickly. It looks bad and I want to make it not do that. I'm making food right now but I'll fix it when I get back.

>> No.2729371
File: 2.91 MB, 1920x1080, datass1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, I was raised on the command line though. My first computer was a Commodore 64. When I need something I type. Just habit really. :)

>> No.2729407
File: 50 KB, 500x336, 1443656607773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see the fade but it's not fading back in for me. It looks perfect. I just checked it in safari and chrome on my macbook. I've got the gf's chromebook in front of me and no issue there either. I'll check it on opera and firefox if you want but I'll need to run upstairs and grab my windows/linux laptop since it's already got them installed. I'm just not seeing it. Did you fix it already?

>> No.2729412

Maybe I'm seeing something but it might just be my imagination. Does the unselected icon fade back in to half of it's selected darkness?

>> No.2729418

only seeing the cartridge do it though.

>> No.2729424

I suspect the issue lies here.

<!--Image Fade-->
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#slogan").animate({opacity: 1}, 400);
$("#recent").animate({opacity: 1}, 400);

document.getElementById("archivetext").innerHTML = "View The Archive";
$("#archivetext").animate({opacity: 1}, 400);
$("#slogan").animate({opacity: 0}, 300);
$("#recent").animate({opacity: 0}, 400);
$("#cartridge").animate({opacity: 1}, 200);
}, function(){
$("#cartridge").animate({opacity: .9}, 200);
$("#archivetext").animate({opacity: 0}, 400);
$("#slogan").animate({opacity: 1}, 300);
$("#recent").animate({opacity: 1}, 400);

document.getElementById("archivetext").innerHTML = "View The Manuals";
$("#archivetext").animate({opacity: 1}, 400);
$("#slogan").animate({opacity: 0}, 300);
$("#recent").animate({opacity: 0}, 400);
$("#manual").animate({opacity: 1}, 200);
}, function(){
$("#manual").animate({opacity: .9}, 200);
$("#archivetext").animate({opacity: 0}, 400);
$("#slogan").animate({opacity: 1}, 300);
$("#recent").animate({opacity: 1}, 400);

>> No.2729430

Just glanced it mind you. I don't see any real problems.

>> No.2729437


Yes, it's definitely in there. I'm trying to put in a check to see if the opposite image is hovered, and if it is, don't fade any of the effects, just change the text. Right now, it fades out quickly and fades right back in and it looks bad. Not smooth. I'm going to try to redo that check and see if I can get it working.

>> No.2729438


Now go take a look at the site. This is how it should look, except now when I roll the mouse off the icons, the stuff doesn't fade back in, even though it should.

>> No.2729445

So you want the opacity to fade out then back in on the not selected icon?

>> No.2729458


No, it has to do with the text fading. If you roll your mouse over 1 icon, the bottom text disappears like how it should. But if you move it immediately over to the next icon, it fades back in for a split second, then fades back out. I would like to do stay hidden but only change the text that says "view the archive" to "view the manuals". I don't want the fade in between.

>> No.2729465


Got it! I had to stop the animations currently playing. This will actually fix a lot of other bugs. Go check it out now and you'll see how smooth it is.

>> No.2729467

I just refreshed on chrome on the macbook and looked but I'm not seeing it in the text. The fade was there before but it stopped. Did you change something?

>> No.2729469

ah nvm. Nice and clean. I think it looked alright before but if it's solving other problems then yay.

>> No.2729472


There we go, got it working now. Had a little bug just now but think I squashed it.

>> No.2729474


Do you see what I'm talking about though? Now when you change icons, the text on the bottom stays hidden, rather than fading in and fading out right away.

>> No.2729484

What specific software do you use for development if any? Like I said I haven't done front end in a while. I've been messing with bluefish for linux.

I definitely see it now. I completely misunderstood what you were talking about earlier and was focused on the icon descriptions. The rotating message and thanks stay hidden now? I hope that's what were talking about lol. I did notice the fade disappeared from your icon descriptions as well. They just blank in and out now.

>> No.2729489


Yep, that's what I meant. They now stay hidden when rolling your mouse over a bunch and the animation has been smoothed out a little bit. Still gonna try to fix the issue where if you roll your mouse between the 2 a ton, it will continue animating even after you stopped.

I just use Notepad++, that's all.

>> No.2729495

Notepad++ is fantastic. It's better to learn what you're doing by actually writing the code. I've been playing with bluefish and even considered a subscription to the adobe suite for more intensive stuff. I always come back to notepad++ myself though. A few plugins if you need and whatever you see gets highlighted accordingly.

>> No.2729502


Yea, I learned Dreamweaver in school, which doesn't really teach you a damn thing. Just drag n drop. Sure, I suppose it's effective for those who aren't entirely sure what they're doing, but I feel any serious web developer should do it by hand. This way they know their code in and out. Mine isn't overly complicated, but at least I understand it completely. Bear in mind, there's PHP code you're not seeing either. That plays a huge part too

>> No.2729506

I'll dig more into your site in coming days :) I mainly just want to use the adobe suite because the difference btw photoshop and gimp is night and day. I agree it's better to just write what you need. I want to move back out of backend into frontend though. It's less money but my current work honestly leaves me miserable. Not having kids and living comfortably changes everything lol. They always want fast results and the software like bluefish helps with that. I mainly just want to learn it as a supplement. You can't supplement anything if you don't have the actual knowledge though.

>> No.2729514


There's no shame in using front end software by any means, that's not what I was trying to get at. I think it's perfectly fine to use if you know what you're doing, but I definitely wouldn't learn on it.

Also, go check out the site now. You can roll your mouse over the icons as much as you want and it won't do that weird thing where it keeps animating afterwards. It actually stops when it should. I've had that glitch for a long time and I'm glad I finally fixed it. Looked so bad.

>> No.2729521

I genuinely laughed at the message "disregard women, acquire currency" so true.

The site is definitely looking good. I do see the difference in the icons.

>> No.2729528

This is new right?

$(this).stop().animate({opacity: 1, height: 36, width: 36}, 100);
}, function(){
$(this).stop().animate({opacity: .2, height: 32, width: 32}, 100);

>> No.2729534


I'm currently working on that part. I'm changing how all the animations work. That opacity isn't going to stay the same, I'm just using that so I can tell if it's working or not.

>> No.2729550


$(this).animate({opacity: 1, height: 35, width: 35}, 200);
}, function(){
$(this).animate({opacity: .95, height: 32, width: 32}, 200);

That's what it is now. Works essentially the same, just a bit cleaner

>> No.2729604 [DELETED] 

Just reworked the entire site. Doesn't look like a lot has changed, but I adjusted the way animations work, making everything look smoother and run a bit faster. I fixed a bunch of minor bugs and reorganized the entire code, saving some space. Plus I resampled some images to help save space. About half a megabyte actually.

>> No.2729607
File: 99 KB, 1914x1039, sohotsoclean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just reworked the entire site. It doesn't look like a lot has changed, but I assure you, it has. I adjusted the way animations work making everything look smoother and run a bit faster. I also reorganized the entire code and resampled some images to help save space and fixed a lot of minor bugs. Let me know if anybody has any issues.

>> No.2729616
File: 47 KB, 500x636, 1443405954006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see the difference in the code but not the functionality on my end. If it's solving problems for you then it's the obvious choice. I'll go ahead and load a previous source to see if I experience a difference on my end but it seems the same. I did expect to notice more of a difference in the opacity between .95 and .2 though. Maybe I just missed it. I'll give it a shot here shortly both ways.

>> No.2729618

I dig the disclaimer that pops up when you hover over your contact icon. I'm no lawyer but it's good to cover your bases.

>> No.2729620


You shouldn't notice much of a difference. I changed very minor things that most people wouldn't notice without looking. It does work better though, promise! Also, I don't know if you saw my previous post, but that .2 was just for testing purposes. It's set to .95 now.


Thanks haha. I know it's not bulletproof, but at least it'll probably stop me from being sued. Just a slap on the wrists if I comply. Which I won't unless there's somebody actually at my doorstep with a court order.

>> No.2729621

Never mind I updated the source and think I missed an edit. :)

Still looking great.

>> No.2729632
File: 2.04 MB, 1781x815, new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this new font? I'm sorry, but I really like this modern look, even though it's a site for retro games.

>> No.2729637


Also, do you think I should add a dedicated button for uploading roms, or just leave it in the bottom left? I don't want to add too many large icons, but I think I could fit 1 more. I don't want people to miss the option to upload files.

>> No.2729638

>game manuals

>> No.2729641

Font looks better.

>> No.2729643


I think so too. Flows better.

>> No.2729648

I wish someone would make a website dedicated to just DVD director/cast commentary tracks.

>> No.2729649

I would want to have like a full collection though.
Every site I have found just has a small assortment. Never movies I want like Return of the living dead 2 or something.

>> No.2729660
File: 76 KB, 1290x817, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Y'know, I wish there was too. Just because I like seeing those kinds of things exist. I'd do it myself but unfortunately, that's just not my thing. If anybody ever wanted the source code to the depot though, I'd be happy to give it to them so they could modify it themselves and make their own archive. It's actually a pretty efficient system. All I do to add games add a folder into the 'roms' directory, making sure everything is named correctly, and the directory lister takes care of the rest. I also have to allow certain filetypes onto the upload form, but that's about it. If you ever get a decent collection, I'd even host it for you, assuming I have the space.

>> No.2729667

>I'd even host it for you, assuming I have the space.


>> No.2729672

NES manuals are uploaded

>> No.2729681

>nes manuals
nigga u my god damn hero

>> No.2729684


You're my hero too bruh.

>> No.2730692

>Browsing Dreamcast isos
>No House of the Dead 2
What the fuckitty fuck? Uploading now, why the hell wasn't it already there?

>> No.2730794

>Uploading seems to be broken
Or not.

>> No.2730850
File: 1.00 MB, 500x281, 2265.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to integrate your site into my tool if you're okay with that:

>> No.2730853

Not using you're tripcode anymore OP? How can I trust these anonymous posts.

>> No.2730889


Whoops. Not sure what happened. I redid a ton last night so chances are something could be broken. Was there any error or anything? Did I say successful but just not upload?

>> No.2730890


On mobile and haven't bothered with it. It's not really a problem anymore.

>> No.2730908


Can anybody else having issues with it right now? I'm at work and I'll be home in about an hour. Should have it working pretty quick after that. I didn't even mess with the upload code so it's probably a simple fix.

>> No.2730973


Is* my bad

>> No.2730994

Lemme try again, the problem last time was it just kept saying "sending request to blahblahblah" then it timed out after doing nothing for a while.

Yep, stuck on "sending request" again.

>> No.2730998


How large is the file? Sounds like a server config error

>> No.2731010


Actually, I know that's a server side error. Not the code. Driving home now then I'll take a look

>> No.2731028

requesting you implement a search feature. just simply match names to search. that way we can find different platforms of the same games or forget which platform a specific game is on.

>> No.2731041

o.O this. Brilliant.

>> No.2731058

Hey man you'd be my hero too if you could upload Mr. Bones for Saturn.

>> No.2731061

Check back in about 5 - 10 minutes.

>> No.2731064


It's up

>> No.2731068


I will work on it soon. Possibly tonight. It does need to be done though

>> No.2731073

Could we host rom hacks on this site? Especially a few of the older ones pre-2007

>> No.2731079
File: 181 KB, 565x301, hacks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure can. There's an option to specify hacks on the upload page.

>> No.2731081


Okay, pretty sure I found the issue. I went through every possible thing that could be limiting uploads. A lot of stuff was set to time out in as little as 120 seconds which isn't good for large files or slow connections. I also beefed up the upload limits so everything /should/ be working at the moment.

>> No.2731082

Also working on completing the GBA collection.

>> No.2731085
File: 1.08 MB, 1315x863, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just tested a 500 MB file and it worked just fine for me. Let me know if you have the same issue. I'm going to add a loading icon too

>> No.2731104

I'm sorry. Who ever uploaded Megaman Wily\'s Conquest 2 v0.71b, the file got deleted by accident. I'm currently working on updating the upload form so stuff has been kind wonky

>> No.2731120

I know you secretly hate megaman. Don't lie >.<


>> No.2731124

I like that the mods have let the reply count get so high because they recognize how open you are about your project and everyone's interest in it. They usually die off just over 300. Props to the mods. If this thread does die I hope to see another. Great site anon.

>> No.2731127


Well actually, I didn't even delete it. I saw the NES folder, but nothing was in it. I'm not sure if it was because of a glitch or because I've been editing live code this whole time. Maybe try again here in a half hour?

>> No.2731130


Thanks! I'll be sure to start another one after this. I didn't even start this one, let alone expect it to get this big. The next one will be a dedicated discussion / suggestion thread. It's my only source of feedback actually so I kind of need it.

>> No.2731143

Trying to upload again, I'll let you know how it goes.

>> No.2731262


Got it!

>> No.2731316


great font

>> No.2731330

Yep, got upload successful that time. Gonna dig around and see if I have any other games that aren't on the depot.

>> No.2731348

>Doesn't have the original uncensored prototype of Maniac Mansion for NES
Just uploaded it, it's the first copy of Maniac Mansion made for the NES, the once that got reviewed in Nintendo Power(with the statue and other stuff). See the following link for more details:

>> No.2731378
File: 1.53 MB, 1799x881, makeover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got a makeover

>> No.2731379


And yes, I do realize this doesn't look very retro. I don't know what kind of look I'm going for, but I think this looks really cozy and would like to keep it.

>> No.2731441

Oh no... The text at the bottom is harder to read.

>> No.2731442


>> No.2731447

It looked so much better before. It even somewhat matched the front page for your endure hosting site as far as simple themes go.

>> No.2731463

Shoulda used the firewatch wallpaper http://i.imgur.com/ZVVBRAR.png

>> No.2731470


Changed it back. Just trying out some new things. I really want to change it, I just have no idea what.

>> No.2731473

Have a playable Mario bros emulation running in the background

>> No.2731578

there needs to be a system where you can upload multiple files at once

>> No.2731601
File: 3.69 MB, 1429x1429, Gunlord[DC](Unl).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic-related has been uploaded. Took about ten minutes.

>> No.2731616


Thanks, added to the archive.

>> No.2731618
File: 12 KB, 640x448, 1434363269779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got your email reply, and I re-uploaded that particular ISO as well (much earlier today). Now get some sleep, Rom-Anon!

>> No.2731626


Eh, I probably should. It's almost 3 AM here and I've had a few drinks, but I have a bunch of manuals I'm uploading. I'll head to bed after that.

>> No.2732352

I get off early tonight so I'll have plenty of time to work on the site. I want to add the emulation page tonight and complete some more systems. I'm going to look into tweaking the directory browser and allow you to change themes. Probably just a light and dark theme. I know I need to work on adding a search feature, but that'll take some time to get worked out, as well as a multi upload form. What else do you guys want to see added?

>> No.2732357

I didn't even know about this. Are they all clean No-Intro roms?

>> No.2732361

Any way to add game translations?

>> No.2732371

I don't claim to have ripped them all myself, but they were all obtained from various reliable sources and many have been tested before upload. I have removed most duplicates and alternatives because this archive is intended for the most basic copy's of each game. If you're looking for hacks and alternatives, they will be uploaded either by the community or me in the hacks / homebrew folder. The archive has a few complete systems, but some of the larger ones are still lacking, mostly due to only having a 500gb hard drive. I will be dropping a good portion of my paycheck this Tuesday on more drives and hope to get it up to a few terabytes to start out.

>> No.2732372


If the source I got it from included translations, I included them, but I'll look into adding more when I start completing more collections, which should be fairly soon. Since I'm low on drive space right now, I'm kind of just focusing on the functionality and features of the website.

>> No.2732419

Holy shit dude, did your mom forget to pick up your mtn dew today? damn son take your ADHD meds and chill dog.

>> No.2732452

Don't make me rape OP again

>> No.2732460

More like embarassing yourself

Now, Depot Man, there are 2 Megaman romhacks I uploaded but I messed up with the region tags. Rockman 3 Claw should just be a (J), not an (All), Megaman 3 Improvement should be a (U)

>> No.2732484

>embarassed myself

Im anonymous you stupid fuck.

I made this guy cry and almost quit his project and put paragraphs upon paragraphs on his front page.

>> No.2732493


Being anonymous doesn't make you any less of an asshole

>> No.2732497


Okay, thanks. I'll correct it before uploading

>> No.2732498

>I made this guy cry and almost quit his project

I'm pretty sure he doesn't care you exist and is progressing along just fine.

Did you run out of Ritalin or something?

>> No.2732502

Im pretty sure you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.2732504

general question:

is there a complete or near complete collection of every genesis/megadrive and snes rom out there?

I want to stock up before TPP

>> No.2732514


They've been changed in the pending folder but I'll have to wait until I get home to test them before adding them to the official collection

>> No.2732518

you really think TPP is going to have an effect on ancient video games?

well anyway, you can get no-intro sets on archive.org easily

>> No.2732527

redditors who missed the fallout detected

>> No.2732587

Absolutely love your project, OP. Mind if I put up a link on my website?

>> No.2732598


Sure, please do. I could use the views

>> No.2732608


Still not op though lol

>> No.2732615

Sure I am bitch

>> No.2732631
File: 238 KB, 1242x2208, 4L_ivuHAgms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually, here's the screenshot I took of the thread after I first found it to send to my coworker. Why else would I have done that?

>> No.2732641

Thanks! My bad, I'll spread the word.

>> No.2732647

Any chance of you putting ads up? It would help fund the site and anyone who doesn't like it can just use adblock.

>> No.2732656

Sure, I could use the money

>> No.2732662

Nope. I work a second job to pay for everything. If I really wanted to save money, I could just host it somewhere else, but that gives me less control. And by hosting it myself, I can be sure that I am the only person able to shut it down. I don't want to be at the mercy of other companies. I also just enjoy the hardware and doing everything myself by hand. It's a hobby.

>> No.2732665

Gotta go back to using a trip I guess

>> No.2732669


On mobile app and can't use trips. Ignore le trolls xD

>> No.2732676

I named my website after the home depot because I am a beaner

>> No.2732934

Nathan Kinlough

>> No.2732968
File: 12 KB, 256x256, Fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nathan Kinlough
Googled that and a bunch of fedora pictures popped up


>> No.2732986
File: 9 KB, 333x208, OGRE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2733027

he's a fellow puppy-killer.
>must be a cool dude

>> No.2733045


That picture is 5 years old.

>> No.2733048


I'm not hiding my name. Hell. Look at my email address

>> No.2733054


And I'll be first to admit yea, I as sperg meister of the country. But hey, we all make mistakes

>> No.2733056

I still appreciate the site OP, but ugh @ the fedora, even if it's not recent. being a fedora at any time is like being a juggalo - it leaves you tainted.

>> No.2733057


Sure does. Which is why I'll forever be ashamed.

>> No.2733060

So you're 21 now?

>> No.2733065



>> No.2733073

Holy fuck I was kind of taking the piss

>> No.2733089

At least you didnt try to deny it.

>> No.2733127

We all make mistakes OP.
I wore my hat sideways like a G as a white guy which is arguably worse

>> No.2733137


I stopped wearing them the moment I realized how terrible it was. I still have 2 of them in my closet covered in dust.

>> No.2733167

Why isn't the statement, "I have two of them at my local landfill covered in rat shit?"

>> No.2733170

>fedora fag makes a shitty site for roms when there are multiple better sites with much better quality control
>thinks he is cool because he is listening to /vr/
how does it feel knowing your site is pure shit entirely garbage and a waste of space
you should go back to hosting minecraft servers sperglord

>> No.2733176

>fatass who does nothing all day shitting on someone for doing something

I like how the mods just completely ignore every single last report they get.

>> No.2733180

There are so many better sites for roms, this site is just garbage incarnate
and i have done something, i coded my own emulator to run dos games so stfu

>> No.2733190
File: 4 KB, 123x116, STOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet you actually donated your shekels to this jew scammer, you all know he is going to take your money and run in a month or two
this is your warning

>> No.2733191

but have you released this emulator in any way? have you allowed other members of your community to give their own input and then actually take that input and apply it?
i mean shit, hooray for free speech and all but /v/ is usually where such negativity and shitposting goes, not /vr/.

>> No.2733195

Please refer to this post


>> No.2733196

very related

>> No.2733203

rused ya prettey good didn oi mayt

>> No.2733219

>Upload House of the Dead 2 for DC
>It's not under [Pending] so I figure it's good
>It's not under Sega Dreamcast either
You fedora-wearing mook.

>> No.2733230


Shit, sorry. It must've gotten lost when I was working on the upload form. The form is working now so it shouldn't happen again. I'll go ahead and get it myself so you don't have to do it again.

>> No.2733235
File: 22 KB, 396x400, 1441562925441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fedora-chan is his propper name thank you very much

>> No.2733248

Why didn't you just delete the pictures off myspace at least. jesus.

m pretty sure I've seen these a long time ago also. might of been on /b/.

>> No.2733251


Might have. I don't have the login information and those pictures are about 8 years old. I figured anything anybody has done 8+ years ago is pretty much excused.

>> No.2733257

>Lost the Maniac Mansion Uncensored Prototype as well
Damnation man! Reuploaded.

>> No.2733259

No it's up already

>> No.2733263

Welp, the canister of autism has spilled into /vr/.
Instead of giving someone positive feedback for their service we now have to assume they're a shill and find information to call them out as a ledditor

Yeah it's been kind of annoying how many threads this website has had recently, but holy shit it's appalling what's happened to /vr/ in the past year

>> No.2733267

I always knew hitler was not that bad, should have trusted /pol/ before

>> No.2733273
File: 5 KB, 90x98, anonylesexfaic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2733275


There's been 3 to my knowledge. I started 1 about a month and a half ago and it 404d after a half hour. The next one lasted a day or so, and now there's this one that I didn't even start. I just want to make a website that hosts roms because I didn't like the way the others did it. It's just a personal project that I'd like to get feedback on but now I have people digging into my personal life from 5+ years ago. I realize I was the spergiest most autistic shit who existed. I know that. If you hate the site, that's fine. Just don't use it. If you like it, cool thanks. I'm going to keep working on it because it's what I enjoy doing. If you wanna scour the internet for shit I did years ago, I can't stop you.

>> No.2733278

Thanks for the website, guy. This is pretty awesome.

Yeah I haven't gone on /vr/ in the past year or so but now that I've returned it seems like there's a lot more shittery from the other boards leaking in. it's a shame.

>> No.2733313

I will never understand people who complain about threads. You can filter shit in like 5 seconds.

>> No.2733324

Says the guy that probably reports any thread thats not retro

>> No.2733325

could you fix the posters/inserts/maps section?
That shit is really hard to find.

>> No.2733327

Sure. I'll do my best.

>> No.2733338


>> No.2733340


Sorry lol, I thought they were old. Didn't bother checking the upload log I don't care what ends up on there, I just like to clear out public files every few days.

>> No.2733342
File: 109 KB, 658x1024, 2010GW3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2733343


I looked at em. Just thought it was someone shit posting from a few days ago. I'd even put em back if I could.

>> No.2733345

>dat pointy foam ass

>> No.2733346

quick post steven universe

>> No.2733350

Touch pointy foam ass

>> No.2733357


the box is actually really fun to check every once in a while just to see whats on there.

>> No.2733358

I know I'm having a giggle looking through it.

>> No.2733379
File: 77 KB, 556x679, 1436371407618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[DC] Gunlord (Unl) should be here with Volgarr The Viking:

Home / [Homebrew] / Sega Dreamacast

^your typo, not mine :)

I have a few books about the history of videogames/the industry, if you would be interested.

>> No.2733382

Sure why not. If you upload it, I'll put it on there.

And fixed the typo, thanks

>> No.2733383


Just go ahead and upload it under the helpdesk and I'll put it on there.

>> No.2733384


>> No.2733390


Fixed, theres a really weird problem with having +'s in the url name. I'm going to look into fixing that now.

>> No.2733393


Okay, I got it working.

>> No.2733405

I hope you all have DLed Big Bad Beetle Borgs from Endure Box.

>> No.2733412


I'm gonna watch it

>> No.2733416
File: 48 KB, 500x375, 51sk7-YrQ2L._SX940_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other half is being uploaded now. You won't regret the BIG BAD BEETLEBORGS

>> No.2733430

>Endure Box
The opening theme song was so remarkably cheesybadgood.


>> No.2733432


that shits got me rolling

>> No.2733436

Beetleborgs is truly a remarkable piece of cinema. Nothing has a catchier theme.

>> No.2734419


>> No.2735035


>> No.2735216

If you are still in this thread, look over here:

>> No.2735248

I do what I want.