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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 719 KB, 1147x594, 54862340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2709496 No.2709496 [Reply] [Original]

What do we think? Compare and contrast these two titles.

>> No.2709498

Inb4 they both suck.

I like both.

>> No.2709501

Both too easy.

>> No.2709507

the pinnacle of games in the pinnacle era of gaming during the pinnacle time of my life before unfulfilled sexual desires ruined my life

>> No.2709513

Each definied its respective platform and is hated on despite being a masterpiece because they became too mainstream.

>> No.2709515

> Compare and contrast these two titles.
One title is small, but the black on white makes it stand out quite dramatically. The other one is a lot larger, and red but closer to the background colour. Also the other text in that one is harder to read because of the dark background.

It's tough to make a decision, they're both decent titles but seem to be trying for different things.

>> No.2709517


>> No.2709521

I can't speak for OOT because I've never cared for Zelda. Nor can I speak to why other people hated on Final Fantasy VII. I certainly don't hate it, but I did find it disappointing and specifically because it was not a masterpiece.

I have come to realize that no game could have lived up to the expectations FFVII had in the days leading up to it's release, but it still didn't help things. It's certainly good, but no masterpiece.

It's popularity did jump start many more Playstation JRPGs being translated than before though and that is a great legacy for it.

>> No.2709524
File: 213 KB, 1182x926, ff7_pal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior title

>> No.2709532

I think the meteor in FF7's logo is pretty cool and stylish, but you can't go wrong with the good old Hylian Shield/Master Sword combo seen in Zelda's logo.

>> No.2709538

I know, it's tough right? The VII logo is very nice graphic design, which I like. But it's stuck up there in the corner... Zelda doesn't read as well, but it's title IS the design.

This one might be the best. Darn Europeans.

>> No.2709543

I think it would have been cool if Link was in OoT's title. I can see why they went with all gold, but it would have been better with some nice artwork.

FF7's has a slight advantage there.

>> No.2709557
File: 65 KB, 953x953, FFVI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This exists too. Shame about the port.

>> No.2709560
File: 647 KB, 640x876, 1-zelda-jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the japanese cover.

>> No.2709561

Ah, that is a lot better

>> No.2709576

Two of the best games of all time.

When I was an edgy kid who never finished either of them, I called them "overrated."

>> No.2709582

Zelda for me.
Final Fantasy remain that very linear "adventure jrpg" with bad english, no choice, and not very deep gameplay. Barely any secrets too.

>> No.2709583

Why? GameFAQs already did every year for like four years straight.

>> No.2709585

>no choice
B-but you can date Barret!

>> No.2709590

This thread is a joke you dolts

>> No.2709601

I think they're both really similar in the way that they aren't the best for their series on their respective consoles, but the ones that are the best wouldn't be if they didn't exist. For ocarina, LOZMM is the better game because it takes risks and it's ultimately much more rewarding because if it but if it were the first 3D Zelda it would be placed because it's too far away from what people knew of Zelda.

Final fantasy IX has a much tighter story and a simpler but more controllable and varied combat system, (and looks like 1000 times better). But if FF VII hadn't come out first and pushed the boundaries of setting and story for a final fantasy game, XI would be written off as more of the same.

So they're both awesome in their own right but even more importantly paved the way for what came after.

>> No.2709604

Notice how the Saturn has no groundbreaking, genre-defining critically-acclaimed game.

>> No.2709608 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, 1443556328465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual answer.

>> No.2709648

Inferior refresh rate.

>> No.2709653

Majora's Mask fags are so fucking obnoxious. They act like it's some super-obscure title even though it's one of the best-selling games on the N64. The only reason it didn't sell as well as OoT is because it came out afterward and is essentially more of the same. If Majora's Mask came out first, nobody would be able to resist the hype of the first 3D Zelda game, despite your retarded theory that it looks "too weird" for those dumb, pleb, unwashed masses.

>> No.2709657

Same deal for Final Fantasy. All three mainline FF games on the PlayStation are already bestsellers to begin with. FFIX would have done even better it it was the first to come out. Obviously the first in a series is going to do the best on a given platform. Sequels tend not to sell as much because people feel like it'll be more of the same and would rather buy something different.

>> No.2709673

I'd never played majoras mask until last year when i got the memory expansion. It's not some secret fan club or holier than thou thing, i thought the game was cooler and more fun. Never said it didn't sell well.

>> No.2709675

Both of them blew my mind.
Playing Zelda, I felt more like Link was actually me. I was amazed out how many different things there are to do in FF7.

>> No.2709681

The games are really only comparable in their reception and legacies. It always struck me as weird that people argue which is better between the games themselves since they're so different. You might as well compare Kirby to Fallout.

>> No.2709684

>what is Crazy Taxi

>> No.2709697

A Dreamcast game

>> No.2709713
File: 399 KB, 1200x1200, VF2_Saturn_JP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Notice how the Saturn has no groundbreaking, genre-defining critically-acclaimed game.

Hi. You're an idiot.

>> No.2709719

Are you high or some shit? This guy has to be baiting. He just HAS to

>> No.2709763

One focuses on story, the other on gameplay.

Since this is a vidya board, the gameplay one wins.

>> No.2709764 [DELETED] 

Both are on auto pilot.

>> No.2709861

They're totally different games/10

I couldn't get into FFVII, and OoT is just alright IMO.

>> No.2710530
File: 1.46 MB, 500x282, 7a753159ccf0152ae3957df3abb0baf076b3b0af.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If FF7 and OoT were two black dudes, I would be covered in cum and happy about it.

Fucking games defined my life.

>> No.2710632

You can't be serious.

>> No.2710672

theyre nothing alike, and shouldnt be compared

>> No.2710689

Never understood the comparison, they're both completely different games with almost nothing in common aside from being Japanese games with horrible fandoms and terrible sequels.

>> No.2710695

>is essentially more of the same

Completely disagree there. One of the biggest reasons why MM is hated is because a lot of people went in expecting OOT 2.0 and got a quite different experience.

I don't think it's the best Zelda game but I admire it for daring to take risks and break the mold, and unlike FF8 it didn't fall flat at every turn.

>> No.2710707

The Saturn was a failure, even Sega thinks so.

>> No.2710775

They're both fantastic games, what's to compare?

>> No.2710782

>terrible sequels
>sequels are superior as well as prequels

>> No.2710795 [DELETED] 

>green text meme
>my opinion is fact

>> No.2710807

>ff7 was not a masterpiece
get a load of this faggot

>> No.2710823

>Sequels tend not to sell as much

That's objectively wrong, though. Look at the sales data. Sequels are consistently some of the best-selling titles of a generation.

>> No.2710876

Majora's Mask wasn't very good and FF8 was rancid dogshit.

>> No.2710957

Define masterpiece. It's just his opinion, man.

>> No.2710958

hot opinions, retard

>> No.2710973

In both images, the sword is pointed in approximately the 7 o'clock position. In contrast, the lettering in the latter is much more pronounced than the former.

>> No.2710985

zelda oot aged better than ff7

>> No.2710992

>hot opinions

Is this the birth of an epic meme?

>> No.2711013

They aren't even the same genre. Nothing much in common except being the most popular game on their respective consoles in 1998.

>> No.2711016

The great debate.

Zelda is pretty special for me.

I played FFVIII before the VII. And i like VI and VIII more than VII.

Both great games, i wouldn't know which one i'd prefer between OoT and MM

>> No.2711042

This game was sooo good!!

>> No.2711056

Both are easy and fun and vastly overratex

>> No.2711256

Reverse image search failed me.
What game is it? Looks cool.

>> No.2711279
File: 48 KB, 1024x768, peixinho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called Outcast.Here's an info:


>> No.2712146


>I played FFVIII before the VII. And i like VI and VIII more than VII.

Same here.

>> No.2712213

i'd go with ocarina of time. ff vii is one of the worst ffs of all time. the story is amazing, i love advent children, it makes me cry, but ff7 is just bleh, no fun. even ffvi which is older is more fun. my favourite ff is ffx and then ffviii and then ffvi.

>> No.2712216

isnt the comet in ff7 the moon in majoras masks? so basically majoras masks is a prequel to ff7 and ff7 is a prequel to ffx since the ruins and the al bhed in ffx are shinra tech.
and ocarina of time is the godfather of all these three games.

>> No.2712672
File: 34 KB, 426x426, 11027943_850663768320288_4421760908775913255_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i love advent children, it makes me cry, but ff7 is just bleh, no fun.
>my favourite ff is ffx and then ffviii

Your awful taste makes me cry.

>> No.2712681

What's with this "FFVIII is good" meme? I played FFVII-X for the first time back to back and everything about VIII annoyed the shit out of me to no end, from the absolutely retarded story and characters to the sloppily executed gameplay. It would easily be my least favorite FF if not for XIII.

>> No.2712691

That's a stale meme that you seem to have gone two or more years without seeing.

>> No.2712950

yours too mate. fuckin old. you sound like you like ffxiii

>> No.2712963

>sloppily executed gameplay

what does that even mean? sounds like you suck at it.

>> No.2712989

i can sayy the same about FFVII. story was good, but gameplay annoyed the shit out of me. I didn't even finish it. FFVIII is better.

>> No.2712994

the i like ff7 meme is annoying.

>> No.2713017

Never played OOT, FFVII is great and my favorite FF.

>> No.2713039

FF7 has been on gamefaqs top 100 games list for 6,206 days, longer than any other game, and currently sits at #35.

now tell me again how liking ff7 is a meme

>> No.2713046

>now tell me again how liking ff7 is a meme
GameFAQs itself is quite literally a /v/ meme circa 2006. It was more or less what Reddit is to modern /v/.

>> No.2713082

that makes it even more so a meme.

>> No.2713085

Everything is a goddamn meme

You're a meme

I'm a meme

We're all memes just memeing on a meme forum about memes

>> No.2713090

ok but this tryhard deflection isnt changing the fact that ff7 is a meme game and oot isnt.

>> No.2713559

>unfulfilled sexual desires ruined my life
this honestly

>> No.2714063

The junction system was badly implemented, it has the same flaw as the materia system in that it turns all your characters into blank interchangeable slates, except your party keeps splitting up and you have to keep swapping the GFs around, and only certain GFs have certain abilities too i.e HP-J. And since your attacks and magic are so weak that against the bosses with tons of HP you have to resort to spamming GFs over and over again. Also the tutorial was shit and couldn't be revisited like in FFVII and FFIX. And the magic system was shit too, you have to either tedious draw magic from enemies or play some shitty card game.

How exactly did it annoy the shit out of you? I'm actually curious as to how you loved FFVIII's gameplay but couldn't stand FFVII's.

>> No.2714282

"Overrated" is a shitty buzzwords that means "lots of people like a game I don't"

>> No.2714285

>meme game

I see reddit is here too.

>> No.2714361


memes kek

I knew this thread would turn to shit real fast

>> No.2714364


seriously dude, a fighter

>> No.2714365


I don't see any mentions.

Really though, the Dreamcast came earlier and well, we had Shenme on that so there's that.

>> No.2714368


>Referring to iteration of a series that was released earlier.

Fucking idiot.

>> No.2714541

Oh so you're an idiot who has no idea what he's talking about and no knowledge of gaming history. Okay.

>> No.2714553

Why do people even bother to compare these games? Despite being released to critical acclaim in close proximity, and involving fantasy themes, these games have almost nothing in common.

They're both good games, maybe somewhat overrated, and inferior to prior iterations in some key ways, but still.

>> No.2714565

They're probably the two most influential games on the MODERN game industry (along with Halo).

I'd say Final Fantasy VII's popularity is directly responsible for "cinematic experiences" and "deep (read: derp) stories" being forced into absolutely every single game these days (the Maddox video elaborates on this more).

Ocarina of Time's popularity was beneficial in the canonization of refined 3D mechanics for action-adventure games but also resulted in a "Why try harder when you're #1" syndrome at Nintendo for the last 15 years.

>> No.2714609

I don't get it either. Maybe next we should compare Ape Escape to Star Fox.

>I'd say Final Fantasy VII's popularity is directly responsible for "cinematic experiences" and "deep (read: derp) stories" being forced into absolutely every single game these days (the Maddox video elaborates on this more).

No that's more MGS's doing. FFVII caused the stagnation of its own franchise. It's a good game, maybe even a great game, but it did a lot more harm than good.

>Ocarina of Time's popularity was beneficial in the canonization of refined 3D mechanics for action-adventure games but also resulted in a "Why try harder when you're #1" syndrome at Nintendo for the last 15 years.

More like the Zelda fanbase is made up of autists who hate change, hence why they were shitting themselves over WW's cartoony style (because Zelda has always been such a serious game for mature gamers right?).

>> No.2714669

It's the hipster option that only contrarians love so they can be against the crowd. If you honestly think FF8 is even close to the being the best in the series you need to be institutionalized. Same thing with Majora's Mask.

>> No.2714846

Nothing like one another besides close release date and fanboyism fueled by platform.

It's nothing but contrast.
One is a light RPG and the other is a third person adventure. The former is a Japanese Cyberpunk-low fantasy hybrid and the latter is high fantasy. Left is about a group of eco-terrorists and self-fulfillment and right is about time travel and destiny.

Every time I came across someone trying to get this argument going, I can't help but facepalm. The sad thing is that even a decade and half later, in the supposedly one of the more mature board of the site, the discussion caught this spoiled bait and keeps going on not unlike pointless flamewar such as Superman V. Goku. I'm disappointed, have my two cents as I fuck off.

>> No.2714878

Superman vs Goku shit is still happening because butthurt DBZtards unable to come to terms with DBZ being the best anything. It is objective fact that Superman along with the vast majority of capeshit characters can easily wipe the floor with Goku or anyone else in the DBZverse, but even with the evidence right in front of them they still refuse to listen.

>> No.2714889

I came in here to make a "you faggots will argue over anything" post since that was obviously OPs point but I'm happy to see that everyone is behaving appropriately. Somehow OP has even managed to get more people with accurate, realistic awareness of the games than people who have typical idiotic reactionary opinions of them which it sadly seems like is most people.

Nice /vr/. You're slow but you're still good.

>> No.2714892


>> No.2714921

>I'd say Final Fantasy VII's popularity is directly responsible for "cinematic experiences" and "deep (read: derp) stories" being forced into absolutely every single game these days

Horse shit. That didn't start with FF7, and it didn't popularize it. That was happening since optical discs replaced chips and developers could fit decent music and non-game engine cinematics in to games. Hell, it was happening BEFORE cds became the primary storage method, but it was never particularly impressive due to how you basically had to draw background layers and use loops and sprites to make anything move.

>> No.2714936

>it didn't popularize it.
Name a story-heavy game released before Final Fantasy VII that was a comparable mega hit.

>> No.2714968

Warcraft 2
Lunar 1 and 2
Final Fantasy 6
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
Resident Evil

Probably a bunch more that don't come to mind.

Don't get me wrong, FF7 did a whole bunch of shit that was an amazing use of technology that blended FMVs with gameplay almost seamlessly, but it was a blockbuster taking advantage of sentiments and experiences that had been building for some time, and blaming it on the shift to cinematic and story driven video games is silly.

>> No.2714990

>Warcraft 2
Just mission briefings.
Not story heavy. Literally had one town.
>Lunar 1 and 2
Not a hit game.
>Final Fantasy 6
Wasn't a big enough hit to even released in Europe.
>Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
Not a hit.
>Resident Evil
I kinda accept this one though. It pretty clearly integrates story and gameplay together in a cinematic way, and was definitely a hit. However, the quality of the story itself was always regarded as a bit of a joke, unlike FFVII which got praise for being like the first game that brought people to tears or whatever.

>> No.2715002

>name ONE
>those don't count
Yeah, fuck you too.

>> No.2715006

The devil is in the details

>> No.2715008

Both are regarded as the best in their series.
Both have better games in their series.

>> No.2715018


They're two of my three favorite games, but I like OoT a bit more. They're very different though and hard to compare.

>> No.2715740

ffx is the best you mongoloid,

>> No.2716056

I also dislike FF8 but you sound like a huge faggot with a stick up your ass.

>> No.2716076

It's somewhat odd that ZELDA is given so much emphasis in the title, it's not even a very representative part of the game itself, Zelda contributes very little to the game and it's plot compared to Link and Ganon's eternal conflict.

It feels like it should be the LEGEND of ZELDA if anything, but it really never is. Why would the legend even be about her anyway? Why isn't it the Legend of Link if he's the hero, or the Legend of the Triforce if anything

>> No.2716102

It's The Legend of Zelda and it's really rad.

>> No.2716108

There's not even a functional world map. It's all warping

>> No.2716112

Those games from Nintendo are pretty bad.

>> No.2716118

terra and that damn pony tail...

>> No.2716254

i would still suck a dick if offered to play ffx with me afterwards. i wouldnt suck a dick for ffvii.

>> No.2716295

Sure you wouldn't gayboy.

>> No.2716318

>My thread got this far

God dammit, I literally wanted people to just compare the logo designs. Some anons picked up on that, but alas, it was inevitable a war would start.

>> No.2716337

lady gaga - loveGame