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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 293 KB, 1094x373, KingsSouls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2708314 No.2708314[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just how the fuck did Kings Field turn into Souls?

>> No.2708320

Over a decade of evolving technology and staff changes.

>> No.2708323

Sony pitched an exclusive king's field and asked it to be in third person.

>> No.2708324

>fire shitlord programmers/artist from ps1 days
>hire unknown gods to take the world by surprise

>> No.2708346

It didn't. Souls was made specifically so they wouldn't have to make another King's Field game.

>> No.2708347

King's Field had a pretty big fanbase in Japan, I wouldn't call them shitlords.

>> No.2708352

Kings Field was a very early old school style dungeon crawler. A 3rd person camera is a shitload more complex then a first person and you have to deal with shit like camera occlusion and collisions that you don't need to deal with in first person. A -lot- of early PS1 games used fixed camera angles to combat this, since cameras are wonky as fuck at times, even with good programming.

But its all give and take, and learning. Kings Field 1-4 (and other things like Echo Night series, and Eternal Ring) obviously paved a way for a very isolated adventure with emphasis on exploration and conquering tough enemies with a no-nonsense approach.

Demon's Souls also came in at a very good time. Lots of trash was coming out (but there was still good games) and they were all deemed really easy or handholdy, then this monster comes out and its lauded as the hardest shit ever (mostly because people are dumpasses) and has great customization, an interesting story/setting/lore, and engaging gameplay.

Its also just got really similar themes and settings mostly. so its not uncommon to borrow. I mean look at Bloodborne vs. Souls. Its basically just a reskinned version of the same game.

>> No.2708358

Also back on topic with the camera, remember the PS1 controller had no analog sticks, which makes 3D movement, and 3D camera movement much more difficult. Armored Core used the L1/L2/R1/R2 buttons for pitch and left right, which is incredibly awkward.

>> No.2708367
File: 285 KB, 1024x768, wall_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't played it but Shadow Tower Abyss seems to be considered the missing link between King's Field and Souls.

>> No.2708381

By inspiring Shadow Tower which gave Demon's Souls all its ideas

>> No.2708969

King's Fields were amazing.
Shadow Tower was amazing.
I have yet to touch anything past that, including King's Field 4, but I assume they are all amazing.
From Software has always had really amazing designers and programmers, head and shoulders above all the rest, always. God bless 'em.

>> No.2709210
File: 2.54 MB, 854x480, karate.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read an interview with Miyazaki where he said that Demon's Souls was never meant to be a spiritual successor to King's Field. He said that there were influences, but that he never started Demon's Souls specifically with King's Field as a starting point. He basically said that Souls started with Souls, not with King's Field which seems to be a popular misconception.

100% legit but you guys probably won't believe me. I wish I had saved the interview or bookmarked it.

>> No.2709221

Nobody is claiming Souls is "meant" to be a successor to Shadow Tower any more than Shadow Tower is meant to be a successor to King's Field or Bloodbourne is meant to succeed Souls. It's piss-easy to see the progression in design though.

>hurrdurr these games in the same genre made by the same people have nothing to do with one another

>> No.2709229

> then this monster comes out and its lauded as the hardest shit ever

I got so mad at some of my friends over this. When Demon's Souls came they went ape shit for it for finally being something non-handholdy where you're fighting nasty bosses.

Meanwhile I had been trying to get them into Monster Hunter for years. It was only when I described it to them as Demon's Souls with bigger bosses and less exploring that some of them finally tried it.

>> No.2709235

That's because Monster Hunter is a shit game with 5 enemies and 100 recolored enemies that focuses entirely on you grinding the shit out of the same enemy multiple times to get some rare shit to build the perfect armor which does fuck all for you in the end.

Fuck off MH fag. Your game will never be considered good as is.

>> No.2709237

Monster Hunter is Phantasy Star Online which is Gauntlet. Get on board with Dragon's Dogma already.

>> No.2709238

>Souls game
>orignal in the first place

>> No.2709241

>Dragon's Dogma
>any different than PSO with medieval setting.

>> No.2709242

>"King's Field was the beginning of the Demon's Souls project; I wouldn't go as far as to say that we had King's Field in mind while we were making Demon's Souls, but of course I think its world probably formed one of the bases [for the newer game]. However, if you're asking if it's a 'successor', the answer is no. Of course there are parts of the game that are inspired by King's Field but we were very much aware that we wanted to make a new title with Demon's Souls."


>> No.2709245

Just how the fuck did someone think Souls was retro?

>> No.2709251

Calm your tits spergface. We're talking about King's Field and how it influenced games released later in the series. If this bothers you then you really need to get your dick sucked, srs.

Stupid sexually frustrated sperglord poindexters on /vr/ I swear to god.

>> No.2709265
File: 25 KB, 440x640, my waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Software is the best video game developer in 2015 hands down. Yeah their games come with technical hiccups and may not be the most polished but goddamn if it wasn't for Souls/Bloodborne this hobby would have probably died for me by now. Literally the only AAA developer today that extrapolates a 'retro' video game design ideology into the modern age, bringing innovative features with it along the way. I fucking love them.

>> No.2709289

There are clearly many differences but it's also clearly the spiritual successor.

>> No.2709294

Dark Souls isn't that different from King's Field, to be honest. It, in my eyes anyway, is very easy to see the steps taken between the two series. All you really had to do was pull the camera back to third person, and add a few third person friendly mechanics like rolling. The tone and feeling of the series are very similar and it is obvious they had the same stylistic direction.

>> No.2709375
File: 174 KB, 700x446, DSCF6548copy_zps0881c003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster Hunter is so much more than that. It's fundamentally a big boss hunting game. That's what the meat of the game is, and in that sense it's way better than the Souls games and especially PSO.

>5 enemies and 100 recolored enemies
This makes me think you haven't even played the games. Indeed there are some different coloured monster variants, but they typically have different attacks, patterns and weaknesses.

Ignoring the colour variations, the first Monster Hunter had 17 different boss size monsters. The current game has 33. Then on top of that, many of them having different sub species. That's a hell of a lot more than 5.

While you do collect loot and items, the basis of the game is fighting massive, long boss fights. To me it's almost perfect for that. The souls games are neat, but they're no match for MH's bosses.

>Get on board with Dragon's Dogma already.
Dragon's Dogma had promise, but the leveling system killed it. By the end of the game everything was so stupidly easy that it really bugged me. And I was playing solo, no party members and a long dead pawn.

I started a new game and fought the drake at a stupid low level that was a lot of fun, but in general the game doesn't hold up to MH in it's difficulty and that's what gets me going.