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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2701039 No.2701039 [Reply] [Original]

Any other House of The Dead fans on /vr/?? What was your favorite game in the series? What editions/games do you own?

>> No.2701041

The House of the Dead 2 on Naomi can be fully emulated with Demul now, so you don't have to suffer the shitty Dreamcast/Windows ports.

>> No.2701053

This. Once you play the Naomi original, you can't go back to the inferior Dreamcast port.

>> No.2701054

Ohhh... I'll have to check this out.

>> No.2701057

I liked the first arcade game. I was never any good at it but. But that didn't stop me enjoying it.

>> No.2701058

Same goes for The House of The Dead 1 on Model 2. Got emulated years ago, remember actually buying a dual core cpu so I was able to play it at 100% I've never went back to the fucking baaaaaad console/pc ports since.

>> No.2701059
File: 78 KB, 652x393, The_House_of_the_Dead_Zombies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the enemies/zombies used to terrify me as a child and I literally wouldn't be able to walk further down the game aisle at the arcade if I saw the cabinet.

the designs do look pretty cool though.

>> No.2701062

1) what's wrong with the DC port

2) what's wrong with the wii port

3) what do you shoot with

>> No.2701063

>1) what's wrong with the DC port
>2) what's wrong with the wii port
Input lag.

>> No.2701067

the dc port had a gun though

>> No.2701069

That's right, except it didn't.

>> No.2701072

1) Horribly compressed textures, lighting's bad, lots of gore cropped out (heads don't fly off, blood doesn't spray everywhere). Soundtrack has subtle differences.

2)The Wii port is the PC port of 2 with all of the abnormalities of the dreamcast version except the textures are even worse, complete with loading screens where there weren't, has input lag and blows the game up to a 16:9 stretched ratio.

co-incidentally the Wii port of House of The Dead 3 is the best port there is of that game.

3) An aimtrak, perfect windows lightgun.

>> No.2701073
File: 44 KB, 500x402, $_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then what the fuck is sitting on my shelf behind me?

>> No.2701074

They didn't officially release a lightgun controller in the US due to concerns over the columbine massacre.

>> No.2701075


oh god, could you even call that a light... gun???

>> No.2701078
File: 62 KB, 500x497, 2065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally the best pinball lightgun game ever.

>> No.2701081
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>> No.2701083

>An aimtrak, perfect windows lightgun.
It's an IR "gun" the same thing as Wiimote and has as much input lag.

Much more accurate than calling an IR pointer thing a lightgun.

>> No.2701085


the benefit is you're playing the actual arcade versions of the game and not the inferior ports, the input lag of the aimtrak is literally 0, i'd pick it over using a wiimote with an awful shell any day.

>> No.2701091

i had one, i'm in 'murica... wtf are you talking about?

>> No.2701094

Only calling it superior to the version which uses actual light gun controller is ridiculous.

>> No.2701102


>arcade version
>emulators give full support for mouse/lightgun controllers
>still not believing they're the superior way to play

wtf is wrong with you anon.

>> No.2701103

So what I'm getting out of this conversation is that the only truly viable solution is to buy an arcade cab

>> No.2701106

>lightgun controllers
He suggests using PC wiimote though.

>> No.2701109
File: 35 KB, 582x476, 45731005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have an unofficial one (Mad Catz). The official one, pic related, never ever was distributed in the US. Plus, "most NTSC-U Dreamcast games refuse to work with the controller, meaning the user must rely on imported software".


>> No.2701114

As a PAL player, I really enjoyed playing the Dreamcast version at 60Hz with both the official lightgun (P1) and a surprisingly nice Mad Catz clone (P2). I never saw any significant difference between the arcade version and the home version.

>> No.2701116

imagine giving a shit about the method of input and not just wanting to shoot the fuck out of zombies

>> No.2701123

You can do whatever you want, doesn't change the fact that calling it superior is retarded.

>> No.2701134

>shitty Dreamcast ports
Dreamcast has a literal perfect port.

>> No.2701137

refer a to b

>> No.2701161

the US isn't the entire world, son.

>> No.2701167

I have the DC port with the madcatz gun and love it. Been years since I played the arcade version so I can't really compare tho.

>> No.2701710 [DELETED] 

Yes they did. You're mistaking the lack of a controller release with the Virtual On twin stick controller and the Columbine stuff with Resident Evil Survivor.

>> No.2701714

Nevermind I'm a retard who spoke before reading the rest of the thread.

>> No.2701745

I have a The House of the Dead arcade cab, the model that has the pedestal sticking out for the gun holsters.

>> No.2701804

>Horribly compressed textures
I'm pretty sure he's confusing DC with PC
>Lighting's bad
>Lots of gore cropped out
I'll give you that
>Soundtrack has subtle differences
It has both soundtracks

>> No.2701805

Mad jealous of you

>> No.2702070

HotD2 for DC.
It never fails to make me giggle and it's fun to play.
All the console ones except PS3

Sucks to be you burger boy

>Mad Catz
Better than the original in my opinion

>> No.2702171

suffer like g did

>> No.2702175

Yeah, I like having it. Loved it in the arcade as a kid.

>> No.2702357

HOTD 1 and 2 were great-mazing, HOTD 3 was also fun, but it's environments largely felt less interesting.

Played HOTD 4, once, for like 15 minutes.

>> No.2702843

House of The Dead 4 was the last great arcade shooter.

>> No.2703298

fucking agreed, I recall trying to beat it with my brother for a month straight and spending over 20 dollars whole on a single playthrough. Shit was fun as fuck. The boss fights were fucking solid 10/10.

Definitely missed the gore though. Having SMGs was definitely cool but the novelty wore off quickly due to the zombies not blowing their shit all over the places when shot.

but on the other hand, grenades


>> No.2703305

>credit-feeding to beat a game

>> No.2703384
File: 132 KB, 602x960, 1443245916152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally agrre with your first statement.
HOTD 4 is a pretty solid game, I really enjoyed it. (The only downside being that it has almost no gore)

>> No.2703436


>> No.2703475

I like HOTD 4. Kind of wished I played it more when there was a cab nearby. One of my buddies was getting pretty good at it, he could almost 1CC it, he'd start fucking up late-game.

>> No.2703526

it's hard to not fuck up when you reach the second last boss who is pretty much The Magician 2.0. The best part about the later half of four was that it pretty much revisited THOTD 2 and even remixed the music from 2 as well.

game's dirt cheap on PSN for PS3 if anyone wants to pick it up, not retro, but it's just too much fun to pass.

>> No.2703530

It's available on psn.

>> No.2703538

Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm... People of the AMS, I am Goldman.

>> No.2703543

To protect the life cycle!