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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 52 KB, 600x384, 16fc_hyperkin_retron_5_gaming_system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2693621 No.2693621 [Reply] [Original]

I bought a Retron5 and I love it!
HDMI and save states are the best.

Do you think I'm a sucker?

>> No.2693653

I sure do.

>> No.2693656

>playing retro games on an HDTV

>> No.2693660

Who cares what you think?
What does the wife have to say?

>> No.2693668

Anon, the Retron5 IS the wife.

>> No.2693669

Last time my thread got deleted when posting about the Retron5. I'm still interested in getting one though - despite the borderline retarded controller - so I'm monitoring this thread.

>> No.2693675

>Do you think I'm a sucker?
Of course not. I love playing mine with my wife.

>> No.2693682

I use a SNES controller on my Retron5.
It's the best controller of its era.

>> No.2693684

What about all those s-video or component mods then?

HDMI is the closest to pixel perfect quality.

>> No.2693686
File: 62 KB, 600x433, retron-5-compatibility-chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own every sort of cartrigdes that the Retron5 can read except for NES (have some Famicom doh)

>> No.2693716

Although people mock, the RetroN V has a huge support base - Mike Mateii from cinemassacre is on board and works alongside the company, and it's a solid piece of kit. I'm not going to mention my personal life anymore, but I'm a huge retro-ite and my family and I love the RetroN V.

>> No.2693717

>ctrl f

achievement unlocked

>> No.2693726

Picture of Retron with ring or I don't believe you.
If you want to troll /vr/ at least spend the under $100.

>> No.2693728


Personally I always loved the Megadrive controller, but I'll try and get one of all of 'em if I really end up getting one of these.

>> No.2693731

>HDMI is the closest to pixel perfect quality
That's precisely the issue. Those games were literally drawn to take advantage of scanlines. With RGB mods, yes the point is to get crisp pixels but you're still keeping the CRT idea.

>> No.2693736
File: 43 KB, 337x191, how the developers intended it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is these things don't even give you the best quality. It's shitty 1280x720 that then has to be upscaled to 1920x1080 or whatever.

>> No.2693749

I was thinking about getting one of these but I'm afraid the controller would suck. Plus, Nintendo should make more SNES controllers. I'm not paying those Craigslist prices for a dirty used piece of shit.

>> No.2693783

I caved in and got one so my wife would have sex with me again.

>> No.2693786


>> No.2693790

>tfw the only memes /vr/ has is Trevor, Retron5 wife and the doom babies

You guys need to step your game up.

>> No.2693791
File: 23 KB, 300x400, penn_jillette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no slot for SMS cartridges

>> No.2693797
File: 27 KB, 986x860, 1436301052188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>save states

the wife will love those! No self-respecting husband would use them though, right?

>> No.2693856

We don't have many memes, but they're long lasting.

>> No.2694004

How much are they? Do they do perfect n64?

>> No.2694028

PC emulator have better functions, these days there is no reason to play 16 or 8 bit games on origina hardware or clone console, because all 4th and 3th era console are emulated well.

>> No.2694050

What's the Retron 5 wife meme about?

>> No.2694079

They cost $140 in new. They don't even try to emulate N64 officially and if you hack it it's going to be like all other weak ARM devices.


>> No.2694171

Maybe it'll take a Powerbase Converter?

>> No.2694182

It's making fun of all the betas whose wives made them get rid of their consoles and replace it with a retron 5. Or, at least that's a selling point of the system.

>> No.2694194
File: 1.59 MB, 325x235, 1440413299403.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these days there is no reason to play 16 or 8 bit games on origina hardware or clone console

>> No.2694210
File: 128 KB, 648x4800, vr on retron1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2694214

>ugly ass hipster beard
>emulates like a peasant

Far from radical, brah.

>> No.2694219

>paying for a shitty emulator to play your overpriced original carts
fits well with the collector/hoarder fag mental disorder

>> No.2694224

I'm actually pretty curious if this would work- iirc the power base adapter is just a passthrough- there's no unique hardware in the damn thing. I guess the two questions are a.)Whatever emulator they ganked for the setup properly emulate the sms hardware and b.)does the harrdware physically fit

>> No.2694228

I agree with him to a point, personally I don't see a reason to go out and buy a physical SNES and pay lots for say, Earthbound, when I can emulate it on my computer or buy a port.

Now, if you have the physical objects already or if you collect, then that's different.

Again though, personally.

>> No.2694232

grats on buying an emulator ;;:;:^o)D

>> No.2694517
File: 962 KB, 500x210, 1442530699784.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Should have bought a pi2

>> No.2694572
File: 21 KB, 526x297, 526x297-LRI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I heard this comes with a wife magnet. Where is this installed?

>> No.2694624

Do I get a free wife with the purchase of Retron 5? pls answer thx.

>> No.2694626

>retron 5
>that shit which looks like Jaguar

Which other shills do we have here and I'm forgetting?

>> No.2694631


Just get the OG hardware and a framemeister, nigga.

>> No.2694678
File: 169 KB, 310x325, 1440394673732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and a framemeister

>> No.2694687

the PSP emulation one

>> No.2694714

it's hard to shill something that's free. If you already have a psp, yeah, use it for emulation. It's a nice platform for older games. If not, you can buy one for cheap on ebay.

Retroarch is a cool piece of software. and it's free. what's not to like?

>> No.2694715

I actually really dig the controller, the clicky thing reminds me of my Neo Geo Pocket Color.
Yeah really, we need some more memes. Step up people!

>> No.2694904

No. But everyone who replied to this bait is

>> No.2694993


>> No.2695021

that makes u a sucka brah