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File: 88 KB, 600x300, mortal-kombat-vs-street-fighter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2691285 No.2691285 [Reply] [Original]

Pic says it all, which camp did you side with as a kid in the early 90s?

I was an MK kid but I can't even really remember why. I think it was probably the lore. I do remember reading the character descriptions for all the MK2 cast in Nintendo Power and thinking how cool it was someone took the time to make up all these backstories for everyone. When all I had was Mario up until that point it was really fascinating seeing anything deeper than "Here's a guy, he saves princesses, go do it".

The SF crew has backstories too but NP never seemed to cover that angle. They just showed pages of complicated looking inputs which scared me away. Plus it was Capcom, which I already knew had a reputation for making really hard games because of Mega Man. I always thought SF looked really pretty but I only got to rent it once or twice and naturally without putting any time in to git gud I got my ass handed to me so it didn't encourage me to want to ask for it ever. I remember on one of those rentals really struggling with Dhalsim I think because I couldn't get the quarter/half circle stuff to work on the SNES D-pad. Meanwhile MK's were literally back, forward, Y so I stuck with it.

>> No.2691294

I was a Fatal Fury/World Heroes/King of Fighters kid.

>> No.2691305

I used to love the secret fatalities as a sort of provocation to your opponent. Like a taunt to get people salty for the next match. But now with the internet you can just look everything up with a command list or on a video on youtube, it kinda lost all meaning.
Also the two games play nothing alike, unless you're playing at high level where MK gets blown out the water it boils down to personal preference. Whether you'd prefer to hold back or a button to block, things like that. I liked how execution time seemed easier in Mortal Kombat and throws were done with a button.

>> No.2691312

I really preferred MK. Sub-Zero was so cool. His little ice patch on the ground slip move. Was never good at pulling off fatalities, or combos in Killer Instinct.

Nowadays I'd pick any MK from Trilogy or before over SFII and its games, but after that I'd go with Street Fighter.

>> No.2691318

I was an "all of them" kid.
I owned Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Mortal Kombat 2, Samurai Showdown and Killer Instinct for SNES.

I played a lot of Street Figher 2 when it came out in arcades and made fighting games super popular, then Mortal Kombat became a big thing for a couple of years, and all kids in primary school talked about fatalities, babalities and all those things, but when Mortal Kombat 3 was released it wasnt as popular as 2.
In the mid 90s I prefered the Alpha games and the SNK fighters to Mortal Kombat.
I havent played Mortal Kombat since I was a little kid.

>> No.2691328

i liked mk because i sucked and still suck at sf series

killer instinct was fun too

i had clayfighter and ballz on genesis also

>> No.2691416

In the 90s, SF > MK

Nowadays, MK > SF

>> No.2691442

It's funny how I played too much MK when I was a child and nowadays I mostly play SF (only play MK versus friends in some all night gaming session). Never had that thought about "MUH GAME IS BETTER THAN YOURS" when I was young, had fun with both. In a gameplay sense I'd obviously put SF2 above MK titles though.

>> No.2691451

Had both growing up, but always liked SF more. I think it had to do with the style which appealed to me, both art and moves (I found things like the hadouken so cool, I got into "japanimation" not much later in life so that might explain that).

>> No.2691467

I was decidedly Mortal Kombat. I played some SF but when MK2 came all the kids and myself included creamed ourselves over the gore.

Also the movie was a pre-teen's ultimate violence fantasy and so great to watch with friends while eating chips and drinking soda.

Then we took pictures of our dicks with polaroid cameras. :3

>> No.2691502
File: 18 KB, 259x194, download (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh game is better than yours
Yeah I don't ever remember really anyone saying "mk sucks, sf is way better etc back in the dayat least not until I started browsing /vr :^) . Everyone had/played both.

I think a lot of the charm with mk was all the secrets which wouldn't work now in this internet age. For quite awhile me and my friends didn't know all the moves. Hell it was awesome just to see the cpu perform a fatality on us since we couldn't do it ourselves. Oh and trying to decode what reptile was hinting when he would randomly jump down b4 a match. Good times.

>> No.2691621

I used to like both, now I can't stand MK.
MK seems like something created for children BY children. Edgy with a ridiculous convoluted lore and shit gameplay, because who cares about MK gameplay if there's blood?

>> No.2691641

>Edgy with a ridiculous convoluted lore

But that's why I love it. The storyline and characters until the six gen games felt like something I would have thought of after watching a bunch of kung-fu and sci-fi movies in fourth grade.

>> No.2691706

Well Boon is basically a big child, at least that's how he acts on twitter.

>> No.2691758

Don't ever mention mortal kombat and the snes in a sentence. Playing mortal kombat with green blood defeated the purpose

>> No.2691793

MK because it was more fun, had better eye candy, shitload of secrets, and the killing moves weren't straight up ridiculous until 3.

No one actually played fighting games "competitively" at the time.

>> No.2691868


Street Fighter, but I played more of Fatal Fury, Samurai Shodown & King of Fighters when I was young.

>> No.2691907

Sounds like you played the Euro or Jap version, anon. The glorious US version of MK2 has red blood on the SNES. Same can't be said for MK1 unfortunately.

>> No.2692347

Sheeva, and later Reptile, had canon green blood.

>> No.2692382

What does Sektor and Cyrax say when they run? It's some phrase or only a random sound like SOO-REE-DOO-BOO?

>> No.2692414


>> No.2693006

I played every fighting game from that era, I was in love with the arcade.

>> No.2693098


I played all fighting games I could get my hands on. I preferred SSF2 more than any MK games, but MK2 still holds a special place in my heart.

>> No.2693114

As a kid, I was all about SF. I'd toy around with MK, but really just buttonmashed when I played it.
did that too with SF, but at some point I learned its inputs and took off with it
was absolutely years before I got better than absolute scrub tier with it, and literally only in the last two years have I really gotten to grips with the charge input characters (learned that counting 1 mississippi, 2 mississippi works every time -- in KOF, it's not even a whole second to charge -- it's supposed to be 70 frames (just over a second) in SF, but if I let go any sooner than counting out 2 whole seconds, it doesn't always come out)

>Yeah I don't ever remember really anyone saying "mk sucks, sf is way better etc back in the dayat least not until I started browsing /vr :^) . Everyone had/played both.

Yeah, I first saw that sort of talk start appearing around 2004 or so. Before then, most people I knew would play both and not say shit about the other.

looking back, I kind of wish I was more into KOF as a kid
part of me looked at it as a SF clone back then, and I was also influenced by my brother who still looks at KOF like that to this day, he says it's for Mexicans (but he's an idiot, should have discarded his shitty opinion -- he's school smart, but otherwise a total idiot)

At least nowadays, most of my friends play KOF as their main game.