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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 58 KB, 1280x587, Praystation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2668348 No.2668348 [Reply] [Original]

Post what your playing and how your liking it.

>> No.2668352
File: 86 KB, 579x599, FFOrigins_PAL_boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK. Final Fantasy Origins. I don't know what it is exactly, but it's so much more engaging than the FF1 port on PSP, which is as dull as dish-water.

>> No.2668390

really? i loved the psp version of 1,them sprites mang.

>> No.2668402
File: 115 KB, 1024x768, gfs_42011_2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threads of fate is fun, although I'm having issues with the guardian..I give the game 7/10

>> No.2668406
File: 977 KB, 2048x1639, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replaying FFIX for the fourth time but the first time in ~6 years. At the opening credits and the memories are coming back.

>> No.2668413

I'm playing Rayman 1 and it's torture.

Actually I've dropped it at 'Space Mama's Crater' with a couple of lives left and no continues on my save. It's fun but can be ridiculously punishing.

>> No.2668415

im trying to decide what to start up,leaning toward ps1 rpg,but not sure which to fire up. torn between something ive never played before or something i have,like chrono cross or ff7 [which tbh i never played front to back myself] or ff9.

as far as unplayed,suikuden 2,legend of dragoon,vagrant story.

>> No.2668425

I really need to get back to Panzer Dragoon Saga.

I was also playing Sakura Taisen, but looking back and forth between the screen and the .txt translation file is a pain in the ass and takes forever. Specially when I have to compare the squiggly lines on one screen to the squiggly lines on the other screen.

>> No.2668445

Playing final fantasy tactics right now for the first time

Its hard but fun. If anyone has some tips they would be greatly appreciated, I just got to the town past the forest with the bombs in it and I got fucked over

>> No.2668446

With the male character you can just spam his down axe combo and auto win the game.

Mint on the other hand is a fucking pain and to this day I still have not finished her side of the story.

>> No.2668451

Mint has the same aerial kick attack. It's a pretty easy game either way.
Her story is more amusing because the dialogue is actually funny.

>> No.2668460

Play FFIX with me

>> No.2668463

It's a much better game to learn yourself. People on here will just teach you game breaking tactics.

>> No.2668471
File: 81 KB, 640x617, saga-frontier-2-ps1-cover-front-48492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm slowly getting the hang of it. Although I've played several other SaGa games, the flow of this one is a little difficult to get used to. Sometimes you break away from conventional dungeon exploration and have to engage in tactical battles with other political powers.

Character development is confusing because there are so many generational shifts. You never know when a character is going to die off, or you're going to be thrust into a scenario that takes place decades later with a completely new cast. You may waste time grinding with one party only to find out that you never get to play with them again. Thankfully, any skills you unlock carry over to other characters.

>> No.2669191

Wrong thread

>> No.2669491
File: 2.56 MB, 700x526, 435.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to pick up Aconcagua again now that my japanese skills are decent.

>> No.2669515


>> No.2669530

Playing through grandia, my first RPG in about 15 ish years.

bretty gud

>> No.2669538
File: 78 KB, 800x600, Ace-Combat-2-PSX-Playstation-Screenshot-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ace Combat 2. Moving onto AC3 once I've got 100%.

>> No.2670565

playan with your mums poon OP top kek

>> No.2670595

been playing through AC2 myself
on the last mission of Operation "B"ellisima right now
Last mission I did was that one where you had to escort a rescue convoy while protecting the downed plane they were coming to rescue at the same time, I'm not particularly great so it was kind of hard.

God, I love AC. Well, AC1 is kind of naff (also, I giggle a bit when I realize that they tried to get away with not drawing the ground, just using the background for it and some overlaid mountains), but other than that I love Ace Combat.

>> No.2670671

I remember playing this in a kiosk at gamestop forever ago when I was a kid. All I could remember is a girl in a forest with hula hoops in her hands. Thanks anon, you couldn't have picked a better screenshot.

>> No.2670678
File: 143 KB, 600x600, Nightmare Creatures [U] [SLUS-00582]-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm liking it so far. The combat is a bit clunky but atmosphere does more than enough to keep me immersed

>> No.2670704

dumb bitch forgot to put on both her shoes

>> No.2670906

Those boss fights tho

>> No.2671407

I still own the demo disc for that. Good god is it fucking terrible.

>> No.2671417
File: 52 KB, 576x843, Wil_Knights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You may waste time grinding with one party only to find out that you never get to play with them again.
You said you played other SaGa games, you should know that grinding is a no go unless you know what's going on in the game.
By the way, Wil is the only character you get to play with for all the generations on his side, so invest on him, if you need other info or tips come in the SaGa thread, explaining things in detail need quite some long posts and this isn't the place for that.

>> No.2671429

I recently played "Fear Effect 2" and came buckets on the lesbian scenes. The game itself I'd rate 7/10, but the visuals 9/10.

>> No.2671515

Was it your first or second playthrough? On the second play (Extra planes) you should have the XFA-27 by that mission. Makes it a whole lot easier.

>> No.2671545

One of my favorite games growing up

>> No.2671570

Playing through Star Ocean 2 for the first time here after finishing off the original again the other night. I've probably spent more time resetting so characters started with the Originality talent than actually playing so far though.

If you don't already know, Disc 1 of the Japanese version of AC3 has been translated so far, if you ever want to play with all the stuff that was cut from the English release.

>> No.2672101
File: 106 KB, 720x486, SuikodenIIworldmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you play Suikoden II right fucking now

>> No.2672120

Play vagrant story omg such a good game but it has to be played through 2 times to get the good sword

>> No.2672129

If you are planning on stealing equipment, make your thief a female. It raises the steal rate against males, and most enemies are male.

Don't put any points into charge attacks.
From the Knight job, only learn Speed, Power and Mind break.
If you are using any casters, be sure to plan ahead using spells by checking the turn list.
Time Mages can be extremely helpful later in the game, especially if you plan on stealing from important enemies and to out speed a lot of them.
You should probably grind for JP at the beginning, or at least learn JP Boost, +1 Move, and Auto-Potion.

There's a lot more here that you can check out, but these are some that come to mind:

>> No.2672396

I'm starting the Syphon Filter series, I've only played the third one back when it was released

>> No.2672504
File: 61 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing this. It's ok.

>> No.2672526
File: 56 KB, 500x449, ffchronicles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started up Final Fantasy IV the other day because I was unable to finish it as a kid.

I started with the PSP remake but was pretty turned off by how ridiculously easy it is. From what I understand this version offers a bit more challenge. 3 hours in and I'd say its comfy/10.

>> No.2672540
File: 69 KB, 600x600, Blasto! [U] [SCUS-94412]-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2672548

Oh man, this is another one I never finished as a kid. I always get stuck on that level with the sand dunes.

>> No.2673121
File: 71 KB, 500x496, 61GBK4ERRWL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Valor. Heard about it in another thread gave it a try its pretty fun. The only spell I use though is heal.

>> No.2673123

Persona 2. I am so lost and its basically the beginning of the game. It is my first time playing persona but I know the basics... So far I am pretty uninterested.

>> No.2673460


Every version besides the snes version should be the original difficulty. I'm at the end of the psp remake at a higher level than I've ever finished the snes version and I'm sweating bullets in every fight. Sylph cave, bahamut cave and core of the moon are ball busting.

>> No.2673837
File: 36 KB, 350x350, kool aid man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rayman. I played pretty much every other game in the series but never the first one. It's a good game, very colorful, nice music. It's a lot harder than the new games.

>> No.2674584
File: 76 KB, 450x450, Medievil_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgot i had this guy, replaying it for keks and nostalgia. Good stuff

>> No.2674587
File: 74 KB, 500x500, BreathOfFireIV_PSXBOX_US.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play it on the vita on my way to work and back home. It's pretty cool I'm liking it so far.

>> No.2674591

That is still the only one I havent played. I own all of them on my vita. I started with 3 on the psp, completed 4 on vita, then played a good chunk of 1 on the vita, but never started 2.

>> No.2674668


holy shit this game. hard as shit for me when i was a kid.
I could never make it past episode 4, but I could watch my dad play this game for forever.

>> No.2674986

Guardian is a cakewalk. Run around til the Guardian gets tired and begins to flash. Jump kick him with Mint. Master the jumpkick.

>> No.2674993

I love ME1 so much

>> No.2675668

I have been told that 3 is far better than 2, and 4 better than 3. But... I own only the second one and it was given to me by a buddy.
I am going to try to buckle down on it this weekend. If I can't get into it by Sunday I'm done with it and will try 3.

>> No.2675689
File: 142 KB, 600x589, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2676428

My Nigga's.

I might play spyro later

>> No.2676660

I liked the second one too. The PSP remake not so much.

>> No.2676687
File: 123 KB, 600x600, Sentient [U] [SCUS-94110]-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished another round of Armored Core, now I'm giving this a chance.

Anyone know how you're supposed to find your way around?

>> No.2676689

We played Crash Bash co-op with my friend yesterday
shits pretty cash but the balling levels are still hard as fuck

>> No.2676690

>Suffering through through those ugly ass polys.

PS1 games have aged like spoiled milk.

>> No.2676691


loved this game and the atmosphere but I guess it just isn't a well designed game.

>> No.2676695

>aged like spoiled milk
How much worse could milk get after it's already spoiled?

>> No.2676726

by turning into fine ass cheese

>> No.2676730

I'm not sure what this even means. SNES and Genesis had their fair share of games with ugly ass sprites and use of their sound chips. Xbox 360 and PS3 had a run in ugly ass games. It comes down to how developers utilize the hardware.

>> No.2676753

>muh spoiled milk

Would you shitters pick a new phrase please?

>> No.2676761

I'd play it over and over if you could speed up battles somehow.

>> No.2676780


PS games are ugly as shit.

>> No.2676845

> 2015 still thinking graphics are the main reason to play a game.


>> No.2676850

Feel free to leave this thread any time.

>> No.2676870
File: 86 KB, 256x240, Xenogears_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got imprisoned in d block.

Really wish there was a text speed option, it feels slower then most RPG's.

Also even for RPG standards this game is pretty easy so far but still enjoying the story and mysteries.

>> No.2676923

So, like almost any other 5th gen 3D game? You can't say the graphical capabilities of the N64 (aside from the textures being perspective correct, but still suffer from being slightly to wholly blurry due to the texture cache) and Saturn were any better. 5th gen 3D in general was shit, but I still find that it had quite a charm to it, especially the old PS1 games even despite the slight jitteriness in a few parts.

>> No.2677093

I'm playing the same PS1 game I'm always playing...Rival Schools

>> No.2677121
File: 55 KB, 500x466, vang[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty predisposed to like this game just on aesthetics and music. The gameplay is just fine, nothing really special in that department. The battle animations are alright. Everything is top teir though, just never loved strategy games.

>> No.2677123

Fuck off back to /v/ underage.

>> No.2677131

>aside from the textures being perspective correct
and textures not being pixelated...and polygons not jittering...and polygons not being drawn in the wrong order...

>> No.2677159
File: 155 KB, 600x601, Guardian's Crusade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babbys first RPG but it really was great.

>> No.2677174

300B21D6 0001

if you playing on an emulator, use this code.

I dropped the game eventually because it was unbearable shit, but without this code I wouldn't have gone as far as I did

>> No.2677368

>textures not being pixelated
Funny, I liked that about the PS1. Kinda gave the games a rather "sharp" feeling.

>> No.2678970
File: 114 KB, 1010x1000, PS1_JUMPING_FLASH_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2678985

Simultaneously playing Ocarina of Time and Super Mario RPG at the same time. I'm enjoying the shit out of both of them.

>> No.2679483

Seriously, one of the best tips is to check the turn list. There will come a time where your success will hinge on you planning properly (hence 'Tactics'), especially will spells/summons.

I'm bouncing between Diablo and I.Q.
Never done a Wizard character, and trying to beat my personal best of 307 (after a handful of plays) in IQ.

>> No.2679493

These days I only play PS1 games on my PSP, but I currently have Megaman Legends and Parappa The Rapper loaded up. Just random stuff mainly.

>> No.2679502
File: 171 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys have any friends to play your retro games?

I find myself playing old fighting games like Darkstalkers and Marvel vs. Capcom exclusively in single player because I can't find anyone interested in retro games anymore. The AI in these games are quite terrible.
LAN parties for Unreal Tournament, Age of Empire, Quake and more are especially hard to find as well.

It used to be much easier in my area, even without looking on the internet, but now everyone seem to have moved to Dota 2 and Hearthstone.

I miss LAN parties and staying until midnight in some dude's basement to play Marvel vs. Capcom, Darkstalkers, Bloody Roar, Virtua Fighters and more.

>> No.2679550

Look up fightcade

>> No.2679680

mostly pop in Ridge Racer Revolution
I'm not brilliant, and the fucking Extra courses are killing me.

Also, is there any technique I'm missing to exit drifts faster? I lose a fuckton of speed just due to how long it takes to exit a drift sometimes.

I started playing Rage Racer as well, but the handling is a bit iffy and the collisions are hilariously bad. Really fucking cool courses and slick visuals -- it's blatantly running on an updated version of the 1/Revolution engine and nowhere near R4 pretty, but the game oozes style. The announcer's voice is so smooth and sexy. Screaming around The Extreme Oval is a joy.

oh, and I'd played Bubsy 3D recently
the game is ass in ways I didn't even imagine before having played it
I got to the first boss and stopped playing, maybe forever. I was starting to get used to the controls, it was horrifying. They're really bad, made for a game with far, far more open levels.

I have some buddies I play KOF with.
and not much else, but I could probably get them to play something

couldn't get them to play Quake with me though
wish I had a PS1 multitap so I could play CTR and Quake II in 4player (and Quake II runs really damn well on the PS1 in 4p splitscreen, hot damn)

First playthrough.

I heard. I also heard the plane handling is a bit different, apparently (they made it easier in the US version). Will probably give it a go at some point.

they've got a certain charm

>> No.2679753

Here's a PS1 game that has a shitload of warping on the walls. Skip to 6:56 to see the in-game graphics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnjie2G7_gQ Even with the warping, it still looks miles better than anything I've seen on the N64.

>> No.2679756

RR4 does some post processing effect to make everything look blue. Kinda neat.

>> No.2679795

What's the best PS1 emulator out there? RetroArch seems to be great to be besides the lack of internal resolution upscaling.

Is there anyway around that or am I forced to fiddle with epsxe or PCSX-R for this?

>> No.2679814

>am I forced to fiddle with epsxe or PCSX-R for this?

If you want HD - yes.

>> No.2679815
File: 102 KB, 600x616, Harpoon!!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replaying and having fun.

>> No.2679824

I got a question about metal gear solid. I'm just getting started playing twin snakes for the gamecube, is the remake worth playing? This is my first mgs game.

>> No.2679898

The lead programmer of World Driver Championship for N64 said his engine pushes double the polygons of R4, in addition to no jittering polygons or warping textures. Also slightly more sophisticated lighting. Here's video of the actual console output. Notice how unlike R4 you can actually see more than one opponent car at any one time.


But I still think R4 looks better, but it ain't for technical reasons. It's for artstyle reasons which is a way nicer artstyle than WDC which just looks generic.

>> No.2680770

beetle-psx-libretro and the standalone Mednafen psx module it's based on only display at native resolution using software rendering.

Aside from the usual plugin shit, there is a PCSX based libretro core that's going to try to take Exophase's NEON-based software renderer and port it to x86-64 PCs. Right now it only uses the pure C codepath on PC so it's slow when using more than 2x internal res, but eventually a SSE2 codepath would be added to make if fast enough to run fullspeed on most machines.

>> No.2680790

Make a run using only samurais and ninjas.

Breath Of Fire 4 or 3 if you can

>> No.2680794

The remake isn't worth playing unless you've already played through the original PS1 game.

>> No.2681038

how long can a playstation memory card last till it dies on you?

>> No.2681043

Had one of those since about '02, still works for me.

>> No.2681120

My first one was bought on 1996 and it still works.

>> No.2681336
File: 381 KB, 742x605, METAL GEAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing Metal Gear solid with PCSX emulator(Linux MInt OS).

>> No.2681383

I bought a copy of Mega Man Legends to play on my PS3. It runs fine, but no matter what settings I mess with, I can't use the left stick. I've tried on two different controllers too.

>> No.2681427


This was the first playstation game I ever played when I got PS1 for christmas in 1998 or 1999. The controls are a bit stiff but not as bad as you'd think. I just love it for nostalgia sake

>> No.2681434
File: 55 KB, 640x619, tomb_raider_2_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot picture

>> No.2681465

Tomb Raider 1 & 2 are stll great games, even without the nostalgia factor. People these days seem to think it was only popular because of a big titted heroine (though that did happen a bit latter). For people who hyped the games back then it was basically the 3D Indiana Jones we always dreamed about.

>> No.2681475

>texture filters
anon pls

>> No.2681503
File: 56 KB, 500x498, yee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its bretty decent

>> No.2681510

Megaman Legends isn't analog stick compatible. It came out long before the Dualshock.

>> No.2681534


but, in windows, emulator EPSXe is the best choice:


>> No.2681576

Oh shit, that's right.
Guess I gotta suck it up.

>> No.2681612

Nice HUD filtering faggot

>> No.2681615

>It came out long before the Dualshock.
Nope, originally came out just one month after the release of the DualShock controller, and a few months after the release of the Dual Analog. Capcom was just lazy and didn't added it in in the final stages of development.

>> No.2683609


i still stand by the opinion that dali is the best jrpg town/village ever

>> No.2683620
File: 64 KB, 636x640, 1302919-wild_arms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time playing this since '96, anyone else here who's played wild arms?

>> No.2683625

Final Fantasy 9. I like it, but not as much as 7 or 8. 8 is my favorite. I've actually never beaten 9, I always get to Disc 4 and stop

>> No.2683641


I've been thinking of replaying Wild Arms for a while now. Haven't played it since around 2001 and never finished it.

>> No.2683709

I actually really like ps1 graphics, they have a certain charm too them, also vaporwave

>> No.2683726
File: 2.72 MB, 3138x3047, Gekioh Shooting King - PlayStation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this today what are some good shmups for PS1. I only have this and R-Type complete.

>> No.2683749

I like this thread.

Therefore, I bump.

>> No.2683812

Raiden Project is apparently a great conversion. Also Einhander and Dodonpachi.

>> No.2683813

Oh I forgot to mention I have a saturn and a lot of the ones on both systems I have the saturn version. I got gekioh instead of shienryu cause it costs 5x as much on saturn. I am looking for a good priced copy of raiden project though. Not in a huge rush as I can get my Raiden fix playing super raiden.

>> No.2683878

Can you play japanese titles? If so Gradius gaiden is an absolute must play and all the konami packs are available to so thats gradius,parodius and salamander series. Harmful park is good but expensive, sonic wings special is good and as stated einhander is amazing also. For something slightly difeent but immensely fun and cheap to get i'd recommend Sanvein it's kind of an arena shmup with an amazing soundtrack.

The port is kinda broken in the scoring department so i'd only recommend this to people looking to just play for any reason other than serious scoring.

>> No.2683895

I can play Japanese games. I don't own any yet but I was thinking of picking up gradius gaiden for sure.

How accurate is the saturn version of DDP if you play it tate? Not that it really matters to me cause I am not that good at those games and play them for fun. My brother came over once and his mind was blown when I flipped my TV on its side and we played some Strikers 1945 and Dodonpachi together. He is worse than I am but we still had a lot of fun together.

>> No.2683903

Neither are perfect tbh Mame is still your best option for ddp but that said the issues really only effect high scoring players so maybe take that into consideration. Gradius gaiden is way more fun anyway and also has 2 player for you and your bro.

>> No.2683917

You can cheese this game super hard by using the 255 item trick on the apples to raise all your stats to 999. You become functionally immune to pretty much every enemy even bosses.

>> No.2684023

You obviously meant Mednafen

>> No.2684028

What fun. Might as well just watch it on YouTube then.

>> No.2684065
File: 14 KB, 480x360, smallsoldiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was playing this and finished Canyon Village recently; boy was it brutal. The gameplay gets a bit repetitive yes and the controls are a bit wonky (especially when it come to strafing) but it makes up in terms of challenge and level design. I think it's better played with a DualShock/Analog controller.

>> No.2684067

Just replayed :

>Megaman Legends
Awful first hour but the moment they let you explore, it's pure magic. Kattelox is one the most comfiest place in video game.
>Megaman Legends 2
Don't take the S rank license before doing the Nino/Glyde fortress. It turns the game into a nightmare. The whole section around the second key is utter nonsense, the rest is pretty enjoyable. Legends 3 never.
Way too easy but the magic is still here. Remake will never get what made the game original game popular right.
>Crash Bandicoot
One hell of competent platformer. Lack of analog can be annoying.
>Crash Bandicoot 2
Don't go after gems from the beginning, it murders the fun. Just have fun with the levels and then come back for 100%. Tons of fun.
>Crash Bandicoot 3
Mini games shit for more than a third of the game. Lame designs, lame music, lame characterization, shit replay value. Better bosses than 2 I guess aside from mute your TV NGin.
>Rockman X4
Massively overrated. Controls feel heavy as hell next to the Snes, level designs is ridiculously bland and uninspired. Bosses are nonsense with half of them spending half of the time away from the screen.
>Rockman 8
Japanese version since US is untolerable. Solid but too easy. Hard mode required.
>Jumping Flash
This game really was made to promote 3D. Comfy but the collect carrot gimmick greatly limits the interest of replay.
>Robbit Mon Dieu
How to kill a franchise by doing stuff no one wants or asked for.
>Spyro the Dragon
A neat collectathon. It's nice to relax.
>Spyro the Dragon 2
Like Spyro 2 but with fetchquests galore. Fun is replaced by chores. Could have been great, ends up annoying.
>Dino Crisis 2
RUN. SHOOT. ARCADE. So much better than the first.

>> No.2684071

FF9 gets less and less appealing with each CD. By the time you hit CD4 the plot has been utterly derailed.

>> No.2684109
File: 1.34 MB, 765x1562, peesone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I have in my collection, any suggestions for new games?

>> No.2684127


>> No.2684131

Oh yeah I want that one I have my eye out for it always!! Good suggestion though thanks

>> No.2684134


Jumping Flash 1 and 2

>> No.2684138

>Like Spyro 2 but with fetchquests galore.
Eh. Still enjoyed it nonetheless personally. I could understand why the fetchquests and minigames and shit would annoy some people AND admittedly some of them were rather eh but the ones that were executed well did offer a bit of variety the first game admittedly lacked. I also liked that they added more to Spyro's moveset which helped improve the level design itself in some ways. 3 is where they really shat the bed though.

>Megaman Legends
I thought it was decent but the combat system and camera were pretty awkward and I found some of the dungeon designs rather bland. The story, visual style and some of the characters were rather neat though Never played 2 but would look to see if it improved on things in the the future. Overall I thought 1 was okay but it was clearly dated in a few aspects.

>> No.2684153

A great game if you start to think about every little thing that happens. I get teary eyed every now and then throughout the game.

>> No.2684540

R4 in practice does get 3-4 cars on screen (including your own), but it's pretty damn rare.

never ever seen more than that ever in R4
Fun fact: there's pretty noticeable texture issues that happen in all of the pre-R4 Ridge Racer games on PS1 when you get too many cars on screen, this usually happens during the Extra races. Some of the scenery will have garbage textures until some cars leave the screen. IIRC, it's running out of VRAM for everything.

>> No.2684553
File: 192 KB, 298x309, 1421329164158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have my eye out for it always!!

>> No.2684565

i've never seen more than 3 cars in R4 at any one time (including your own car)

i wonder if it's possible to jam the road somehow to force more cars into view

>> No.2684589

Syphon Filter 1

>> No.2684639
File: 147 KB, 238x238, Bubsy_3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play this game on ePSXe
>Like it
>Feel strange
Still trying to complete it since fucking March.

>> No.2684660

>have very few friends
>most play CoD/Halo exclusively because they are terrible people
>one friend into retro games, played together recently
>takes one look at Contra and declares "fuck that"
Funny, I have access now to more games than I ever have before, yet nobody to enjoy them with. Is this what drove Scrooge Mcduck to become a bitter old man?

>> No.2684668

Don't fucking do this. The game isn't all that difficult, and you'll just get bored and quit.

>> No.2684746

Were you talking with me or with the other guy?

>> No.2684758

There are too many exceptions for this not to be a dumb recycled meme spouted by poorly informed idiots.

>> No.2684792
File: 261 KB, 480x360, crash1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> People shitting on the PS1's graphics

> Yet its early game lineup had this graphically unmatched beauty on it

Fine, MOST games on the PS1 look pretty bad, but you can say exactly the same about the N64's lineup.

For the ugly games, it comes down to personal taste.

Detailed and varied, but pixelated and glitchy polygons and textures, or perspective corrected 3D, but with low poly count and blurry and repetitive textures? Pick your poison.

>> No.2684801


nice console war b8, but this is a playstation thread, nobody is shitting on its graphics, we're just posting games.

>> No.2684804

I don't think they look bad. You just gotta get used to it and use a blurry enough filter. Also cartoony games aged better than realistic styled ones.

>> No.2684836


You talking shit about the N.Gin boss fight in Crash 3? One of the best fights in the series.

>> No.2684841


Of course games with some artistic flavour will always age better. Realism in games is nothing but bad design.

>> No.2684852
File: 92 KB, 1176x704, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started Aconcagua,i'm liking it so far.

>> No.2684853
File: 82 KB, 640x648, 303231_1618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There you go.

Playing this. Really wacky, kinda ugly, relies heavily on memorisation and has a bit too many loading times. I still really enjoy it.

>> No.2684856

My Ascii Sphere 360 finally came in the mail so I decided to test it out with my PC via an adapter.

The joyball does not work as intended, unfortunately. But the buttons feel nice and so does the d-pad so I'm keeping it.

>> No.2684858

playing ape escape. Love it honestly

>> No.2684962

Mute your TV.

>> No.2684971


I don't get it.

>> No.2685225

who cares about polygons when the textures look like smeared shit

>> No.2685240

Beautiful, no doubt. Now if only N64 games had this PS1 level of texture mapping all over. The polycount here is beautiful, but it can't carry all of the graphics. I remember I bought Forza 2 for Xbox 360 and was absolutely shocked at how ugly the game is, despite having obviously more polygons. I just came from Gran Turismo 4, which was arguably photorealistic for a PS2 game, and Forza 2 was plastic all over.

>> No.2685259

But in the case of that game, they don't.

>> No.2685260

you should
the stage design is raw ass, ignoring the fact that the controls are terrible

I like the idea of it though, I just want a pretty ordinary fully 3D platformer, just get to the end of a bunch of levels.

>i wonder if it's possible to jam the road somehow to force more cars into view
now I'm curious to see this myself

Original Contra?

it's an somewhat easy game, but it gets stupid really quickly in co-op (mountain stage in 2p is the worst, even when you're actively trying not to screenkill your buddy)
like, I'm pretty sure all the issues I had with it as a kid were entirely from playing it in co-op all the time

Ape Escape is wonderful.
that soundtrack is the coolest damn thing, the dynamic channel system always impressed me

>> No.2685265
File: 869 KB, 1280x960, RetroArch-0912-010600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing Grandia.
Pretty good. My only gripe is the loading times, but I guess that's an issue with every Playstation RPG

>> No.2685273

>the stage design is raw ass, ignoring the fact that the controls are terrible
The graphics also look ass as well, even for its time. Everything was ass in that game. It's fucking amazing this game shared the same dev studio that would later make the Syphon Filter (which while not for everyone admittedly, was pretty enjoyable to me).

>> No.2685278

um yes they do

>> No.2685292

>muh filters

fuck off shill

>> No.2685297

I don't even have any filters on. Are you retarded or just a shitposter?

>> No.2685298
File: 2.17 MB, 1280x960, RetroArch-0916-191440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad bro

>> No.2685304

scanlines aren't that visible on a crt through component. I play my playstation 1 games on component and they don't look like that lol. You can barely see the scanlines actually

>> No.2685307
File: 1.60 MB, 1280x960, RetroArch-0916-192035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2685335

it's upscaled bilinearly

my TV has pretty visible scanlines
maybe not as intense as that picture, but pretty close
I also play like, 2 feet from my TV, so that's probably a factor.

if there's one thing I don't understand, it's wanting display curvature

>It's fucking amazing this game shared the same dev studio that would later make the Syphon Filter (which while not for everyone admittedly, was pretty enjoyable to me).

I did not know this, what the fuck.
also, I should go back and play Syphon Filter again, it's been ages and I dropped it kind of early on last time

>> No.2685471

Crash Bandicoot cheated though. Because the levels are linear, the developers realized the game doesn't need to calculate polygon/texture visibility in real-time (because the camera's path through each level is the same every time). So Crash isn't truly real-time 3D.

Mario 64 actually had to calculate everything, all in real-time because of the freedom you got to go anywhere or look in any direction.

Now I'm not disparaging Crash's graphics, they look great and it was an ingenious technical idea, but considering no N64 game uses the same "cheating" technique, it's apples and oranges to suggest comparisons.

>> No.2685482

my TV has scanlines too when playing on composite or svideo but component you can barely see them.

>> No.2685495

Tons of N64 games used limited view to cull polygons. The ñ64 had hardware specifically for this. It's a modern rendering technique. Even games now do this and have a dedicated data spool process. Are you stupid?>>2685471

>> No.2685503

No, I don't think you seen to understand. That visibility cull is still a calculation that has to be performed on the hardware (and it's fairly intensive for an older 3D system).

Crash Bandicoot bypasses the calculation all-together by streaming pre-calculated visibility data from the CD. You can ONLY do this with linear levels, because otherwise how could you pre-calculate based on unpredictable viewing frustums?

>> No.2685513 [DELETED] 

Please don't ever post about technical subjects again.

>> No.2685519

Kill yourself anytime.

>> No.2685538
File: 288 KB, 500x375, RidgeRacerType4-3-e1298679795414[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.2685570

does R4 run in hi res?

>> No.2685634

It's like you didn't read what I said at all.

>> No.2685720

>it's cheap if it isn't open world
>it's cheap if it uses LOD
>it's cheap if it uses culling
>it's cheap if it is prebaked
I know you are suggesting that is not comparable, but when anyone start to go into this direction, it makes me a little upset. Well no fucking shit things are not or don't need to be rendered if they won't be a part of the player's viewport. How is this laziness or suggesting the opposite of craftsmanship? It isn't. Everyone is just acting spoiled by taking what we have now and retroactively using it as criticism.

With consoles back then, for every positive, there is a setback. Super Mario 64 had fantastic true 3D roaming, but implementation of the camera fought against this design. With that freedom comes a hefty price, the texture mapping was absolute ass, the blurry ass thumbnail-for-a-skybox was visible most of the time, levels were just floating structures, had no context of a boundary unlike Crash where it was properly dressed up.

tl;dr "real 3D" isn't objectively a positive, at least not during that era of 3D capabilities

>> No.2685730


Literally spoiled milk.

>> No.2685764



>> No.2685774

Because it was irrelevant. Other PS1 games, N64 games, and modern games actually calculate visibility in real-time. CRASH DOES NOT. Visibility was pre-calculated on Silicon Graphics workstations, so while the calculation process itself was probably quite similar to N64 (its GPU was made by Silicon Graphics after all), the actual process was absent on the PS1 itself.

> it makes me a little upset.
There's no need for emotion in a discussion about technical facts.

>How is this laziness or suggesting the opposite of craftsmanship?
Nobody said or suggested it was. Only that you cannot compare games that involve pre-calculated visibility with those that calculate visibility in real time.

It's almost as bad as somebody pointing to FFVIII's FMV intro and saying HAHA WHY CAN'T DO THE N64 DO 3D OF THIS QUALITY LOOK ITS RIGHT THERE ON MY PLAYSTATION

>With that freedom comes a hefty price, the texture mapping was absolute ass, the blurry ass thumbnail-for-a-skybox was visible most of the time, levels were just floating structures, had no context of a boundary unlike Crash where it was properly dressed up.
That's because Mario 64 prized gameplay innovative over graphics. But I digress, this is irrelevant to a technical discussion.

I'll copy some choice quotes from the Naughty Dog blog to help people understand where I'm coming from.


>It is easy to underestimate the value of the pre-occlusion and vertex animation hacks. But let me tell you, this was everything. The occlusion meant more polygons in the background, and more polygons meant we could do the levels. Without it we NEVER could have made the world look as good as it did.


>Mario 64 couldn’t be open and any more detailed than it was. Miyamoto-san had chosen open and that meant simple.

>> No.2685791

Yes, it's true that Crash, or Playstation, had a convoluted way of achieving "3D graphics" by using hacks and a degree of illusion under the hood, meaning not an illusion to fool the end user. So you can't really say this invalidates PS1 because it wasn't "realtime" 3D graphics. Honestly I think comparing hacked rendering to prerendered FMV is cheap as fuck. One is a hack to help push as much detail from the machine to the display, and the other is premade stuff to look like original CG assets from a PC, with the intention of fooling the end user, not the machine. Of course nobody bats an eye at say, Mario 64 or Mario Kart using prerendered frames to give the illusion of perfectly round bob-ombs or even the entirety of the karts themselves. At least CTR only used this trick for the wheels only and the kart body still used polygons.

Both cheat, and neither should be shamed because they used tricks so these potato machines could draw serviceable graphics.

>> No.2685792

Grinding at the end of Dragon Warrior 7.
Gotta get those better classes, man.

It's taking a long, long, long time. So long that I took a break for several months and played other games, so I could hop back into it refreshed. Since I'm at the end of the game I don't need to worry about forgetting where portals lead and shit.

>> No.2685798

>So you can't really say this invalidates PS1 because it wasn't "realtime" 3D graphics
Who the hell has been saying it invalidates the PS1? Or Crash for that matter?

Naughty Dog did the right thing by pre-calculating visibility/occlusion for their corridor platformer. It would have also been the right thing to do had that game been developed for N64, or even Saturn. It was a decisive technical trick that took advantage of the linear nature its level.

But that still doesn't mean you can use it to technically compare wth non-linear games that don't rely on so much pre-computed data.

>> No.2685802

wow n64 fanboys are seriously butt mad

>> No.2685807

Playing through this for the first time myself. Never had a ps1 because my parents were poor.

I like the game but it does drag on sometimes. I do like how you really get to use all characters without being specifically forced to use any of them.

The skills are not really clear to me though. It's very hard to predict if spell A will do more damage than spell B. For example, Vivi's Bio is usually a better choice than the elemental spells, even against enemies weak to them. And status effects like Doom and Heat seem like such bull shit. Aside from that I'm enjoying the game, though. It'll be the first FF I'll bother finishing. I got pretty far in VI, too, not sure why I stopped with that one, but maybe the next one I'll pay will be V since I like the class system.

>> No.2685837


>> No.2686313

You guys have to stop. My backlog is getting massive.

>> No.2686350

How is technical discussion over the rendering processes of two games being "buttmad"
all of a sudden?

>> No.2686363

>tfw in only a matter of months I will be playing Crash Bandicoot 2 on my PS4
Backwards compatibility is an inevitability.

>> No.2686624

Are there any real differences between playing PS1 games on a PS2 as opposed to an actual PS1?

>> No.2686641


Are there any other games that are as tailor made to look good on a specific console as Crash Bandicoot is to the PS1?

God of War 2 to the PS2, maybe?

>> No.2686660
File: 128 KB, 1280x960, RetroArch-0917-072223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hifi gran turismo

>> No.2686662
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>> No.2686664
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>> No.2686703 [DELETED] 

>using RetroShill(tm) ever

Kill yourself.

>> No.2686724
File: 786 KB, 837x1077, psx10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ps1 top 10. how casul i am?

>> No.2686729


>SOTN instead of Chronicles
>FFT instead of Ogre Battle

casual with good taste

>> No.2686732

>Dino crisis 2

Mah nigga

>> No.2686741

ogre battle not looks fun as fft

it's really good action game tho

>> No.2686748
File: 93 KB, 500x500, Warhawk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to finish Warhawk right now. Really fun game. What are some other good fliyng sims on the psx?

>> No.2686749

I meant that, it's a great game.
Playing on hard is a real challenge also.

>> No.2686751


No Crash, no cash.

>> No.2686753
File: 55 KB, 640x445, Poochy_(Simpsons_Official_Site).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Crash sucks

>> No.2686758

If you prefer Super mario 64 over any of the crash games, you're a dirty casual.

Not that you said that tho, I just never understood how Super mario 64 got so much praise, actually I think it's pretty boring.

AmI weird?

>> No.2686761


Nobody mentioned Mario 64.

>> No.2686764

I fucking love this meme.

But he didn't bring up Mario anywhere.

>> No.2686765
File: 45 KB, 512x512, Wild Arms 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really enjoying it so far after beating Wild Arms 1 last week. FP system took a little getting used to but after a while I started to really enjoy it over the standard MP system.

>> No.2686768


I prefer any Jumping Flash over any Poochy Bandicoot game.

You are the casual, anon.

>> No.2686771

Not that anon, but while Jumping Flash was an interesting experiment, I prefer Crash in the long run.

>> No.2686790

jumping flash has a better ost

>> No.2686791


We've been through this multiple times. Crash is fuckall like Poochie, and you're a tasteless failed abortion.

>> No.2686793


No shit, Crash Bandicoot is a solid, classic platformer that doesn't try to reinvent the wheel completely, like games like Mario 64 and Tomb Raider did. In return, it's far more playable today.

>> No.2686812

>We've been through this multiple times

Maybe you have, I'm not a sperg that lives on an internet board.

>> No.2686828



>> No.2686857

>stop using what I don't like

Fuck off

>> No.2686858


It's an insane shitposter with a vendetta against anything with "Retro" in its name, report and ignore.

>> No.2686872

FFV, and some Mario hacks. All good.

>> No.2687127

that's not bad

my top 10 would probably be (no particular order, too lazy to rank them, too lazy to go make a picture of it)
>Ridge Racer Revolution
>Wipeout XL
>Ape Escape
>Armored Core
>Ace Combat 2
>Omega Boost
>Street Fighter EX2+
>Silent Bomber
>Tales of Destiny

There's a couple. Some games will slow down at different points on the PS2, and there's a very short list of PS1 games that have major issues.

Jumping Flash is way too easy by an order of magnitude. Neat game, probably the first good 3D platformer ever, but it's not as satisfying to play as Crash.

>> No.2687139


Crash is pretty easy too.

Also I found Jumping Flash 1 and 2 more satisfying to play then any Crash.

>> No.2687210

Are you in Seven Sisters HS? You have to talk to the teachers, then try to find the Principal in the courtyard outside (main floor), then shit hits the fan and it's monster time

>> No.2687525

Just found my Spyro disc. Been playing a lot of that and Crash Bandicoot over the last few days.

Also have one of those adapters that plays GameBoy games through the parallel port, it's pretty fun for the games that support it.

>> No.2687539

MGS to wash the taste of MGSV out of my mouth.

>> No.2687540

I don't know if this is the right place to ask this, but what would be the best way to go about playing some PS1 games on my old Sony PVM?

>> No.2687545


You mean via what connection? As far as I know the PS1 doesn't output component but does output RGB so SCART is an option. If you're using a PS2 it does output component and these cables are easy to come by.

>> No.2687552

Well I have a female euroSCART to BNC cable. So, all I'd need is Sony Playstation RGB Male SCART cable with CSYNC or sync over luma?

>> No.2687553


Pretty much.

>> No.2687556

And would that setup work with the PS2 as well?

>> No.2687561


Should do.

>> No.2687635

Crash 3 blows.

>> No.2687690
File: 88 KB, 600x600, Tetris Plus [U] [SLUS-00338]-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely fantastic to play with a friend.

>> No.2687727

aw shit nigga you are in for something truly great that plays well even today. prepare for some actual challenge too.

>> No.2687851
File: 10 KB, 296x300, Nightmare2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh man, love that game.

By the way, just in case you didnt know (like the majority of people who played the first game, ironically) theres a sequel. Check it out; many say that its not as good as 1 but I did enjoy it quite a lot.

>> No.2688015
File: 2.51 MB, 3840x2240, Namco-GunCon-PS1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy guncon so that I can finally play Ghoul Panic properly
>hand starts to hurt after hour of playing

Also what other good guncon games are there for ps1?

>> No.2688068

Time Crisis and Time Crisis: Project Titan are awesome, also literally the only video games my dad ever played.

Point Black was also good, and I think the PAL version of RE Survivor works too with the GunCon.

>> No.2688167

Eh. I find the Crash games more satisfying to play in comparison. The JF titles are really interesting on paper, but I found the gameplay too disorienting to be fun. But hey, if they float your boat, then so be it.

>> No.2689403
File: 522 KB, 2560x960, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem n64 textures lol

>> No.2689663

blurry vs pixelated aside, n64 version is superior since ps1 version had simplified levels(and a lot areas are missing) because it couldn't handle them, also one entire level is completely missing too. And dreamcast(and pc) are only versions that actually runs 60fps.

>> No.2689683

dat no textue filtering superlol

>> No.2689707
File: 374 KB, 200x112, 1372091342513.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those warped textures on the bottom left

>> No.2689795


There are a couple ESSENTIAL tricks/grind methods to this game. Some guy made out elaborate guides to this game. I forget where they are but if you search, you'll find em soon enough. Final boss is hard as hell, but fun. Good luck. Have fun.

>> No.2689816


The textures are completely different, it's about resolution in this case.

>> No.2689819

Hey, can anyone recommend me some games to play? To be honest, I played only Crash, Tomb Raider, Spyro, Tekken, Bloody Roar and Pandemonium, Medievil games as kid. Not sure what I missed, what are PS1 hits and such...

>> No.2689821


It's not a bad game, it's a different one.

>> No.2689824

persona 2 eternal punishment.

the battles are odd since its my first time playing this series and grinding can be a chore at times but other than that im digging the story and the music is great.

>> No.2689838
File: 23 KB, 350x262, Jersey-Devil-PSX-NTSC-US.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2689848
File: 24 KB, 320x240, SLUS_011.58_13092015_000426_0089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.2689870


you are one of the reasons /vr/ isn't a good board anymore.

>> No.2689889
File: 29 KB, 500x328, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>emulation being used for console war screenshots

>> No.2689930

Alright, so the PS1 version has better textures.

Here's what the N64 version has
-Much larger areas with more complex geometry and special effects (and therefore, actually more texture variety overall)
-Rayman, his friends and some enemies use more polygons
-More elaborate lighting
-Significantly more use of transparency
-No jittery polygons
-No texture warping
-Filtered textures (that also aren't dithered)

If you wanted to find a multiplatform game that was shit on N64 you could have picked something like Mega Man 64, but instead you picked Rayman 2 which is massive downgrade on PS1. All it offers are largely empty rooms with decent textures.

>> No.2689935


Eh, Mega Man 64 also has its pros and cons depending on the version. Capcom did a lazy port and it could have been much better on the 64, but it still has overall more consistent graphics (the PS1 version has a lot of weird camera angles with invisible walls that were fixed on 64).
The only real complaints I had for Mega Man 64 was the butchered voice clips and the (slightly) shorter draw distance (anyway draw distance on ps1 is also shitty).

Sadly there is no definitive version of Legends. PS1 is the original but has a lot of glitchy/jittery graphics, N64 has the sound and draw distance issues and the PC version, which looks the best of the 3, has awful fucked up cutscenes with out of synchro audio

>> No.2689943


FF1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 13, and Type 0.

They're good, I'm going enjoying them.

>> No.2689949

I don't know retroarch, how do you do that?

>> No.2689973
File: 2.80 MB, 480x360, Monster Rancher 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just tried this. really enjoyable so far

>> No.2690026

We have pretty similar taste, only game I didn't play from your list is Final Fantasy
While Metal Gear was awesome I ended up liking RE3 more in the long run.

>> No.2690078

>Silent Hill

Everything is good as long as you have this on there.

>> No.2690161
File: 3.28 MB, 4128x2322, IMG_20150919_143259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these today. Medal of Honor controls oddly but it's fun/

>> No.2690184

just play the dreamcast version

>> No.2690212

man, I still need to finish Innocent Sin before I start on Eternal Punishment
but battles are so fucking slow holy shit

the story is really cool, it's just fighting is slow and I've been able to auto-battle my way though most everything

this x1000

man, I should play that
just looked up a video, the graphics are kind of weak (was this a launch release?), but holy fuck those missile trails make my dick hard and it looks like fun

>> No.2690231
File: 48 KB, 600x593, ST_USA_Cover_Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easily one of my favorite games for the system.

>> No.2690256

i'll never get what the fucking point of that is.

>> No.2690261

Ain't no tunguska!

>> No.2690269

I recently started replaying Driver, emulated on my PSP. I don't know what to think of it yet. The car handling is worse than I remember it to be, and the mission design as well as the general game design are pretty haphazard. But it's still alright I guess.

>> No.2690446
File: 128 KB, 256x256, Oddworld_-_Abe's_Exoddus_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorites

>> No.2690539

What's the appeal of Oddworld games? I never understood it.

>> No.2690590
File: 2.86 MB, 700x538, nekketsu oyako.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your favourite niche PS1 game? Pic related for me.

>> No.2690742
File: 21 KB, 250x247, 250px-Tailofthesun_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely. but probably not played that much ps1.

>> No.2690765

For me, they're very neat cinematic platformers with great art direction.

>> No.2691043


hadn't heard of this... it looks awesome!

>> No.2691459


>> No.2691465
File: 89 KB, 640x551, 4732_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing through pic related right now, it isn't the FF7 killer I expected it to be but I still like it.

Also playing through the Sonic games on the Genesis, just started a Knuckles playthrough in Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

>> No.2691509

>Medal of Honor Underground

Firing a HMG at a tank caused it to explode. Good times.

>> No.2691554

Crash only speaks two words in the entire PS1 trilogy ("Uh-oh!" and "WHOA!") and other than his appearance is nothing like Poochy. Heck, Sonic has more in common with Poochy than Crash does.

>> No.2693185

Playing some THPS2 on my ps3 and fuck this game was awesome. 90's all over again.

>> No.2693187


Sonic doesn't talk in his Genesis trilogy, like, at all.

>> No.2693202
File: 28 KB, 256x255, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOAT rpg.

>> No.2693203

Talking is ultimately what killed him, at least in the games.

>> No.2693210

yea talkin was the only thing wrong with the games. it was just the talking. that's right.

>> No.2693305

Spent many, many hours going through every CD I could find with my friends when I was young. That moment something awesome pops out.

>> No.2693312

I think it was the FF8 killer, not FF7.

>> No.2693374
File: 668 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_1222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing through the FF Chronicles version of Chrono Trigger. Just got Marle the Iron Bow, still gotta get her new hat and armor, got Chrono fully upgraded.

Earlier this year I beat FFVII and a couple weeks ago I beat Megaman Legends. This has been a great PS1 year for me!

>> No.2693480

I see your point but even that's debatable, though personally I'd go with LoD since I detested almost everything about FF8. I see more comparisons of it with FF7 for some reason despite coming out 3 years later.

>> No.2693483

slow loading times are slooooooooow

>> No.2693643

you people always have to find something to complain about
it's 20x cheaper than the SNES version and better than emulating.
I think waiting a few seconds here and there isn't a big deal... it's not that slow.
Ever tried playing Morrowind on Xbox?

>> No.2693654

CT is really the only one on PS1 that has really really bad loading times. I think its mainly because CT's battles took place in the same screen, so it was really fast and there wasnt really a transition.

I played 4 5 6 recently on PS1 and while its better on SNES, its definitely playable. CT is much worse, and its playable, but you know, CT had amazing pacing and it was really fast to play, so when the loading times start slowing it down, it kind of sucks.

I agree that its a nice alternative to the SNES version, but it is definitely an inferior version (outside of the neat animu cutscenes)

>> No.2693672

Even still, you play it on a ps2 or ps3 and it cuts those loading times right down.

>> No.2693685

Threads of Fate was the shit. Only thing I hated were those minigames with Fancy Mel.

>> No.2693704

It's the PSX. How can you have a ps1 before a ps2? No.

>> No.2693769

Darkstalkers 3
Legacy of Kain
Rayman 2

>> No.2693770

I hope you get banned

>> No.2694408



Eh... only if you really want to add something for your PS1 collection and you don't know what, otherwise there's better versions of these games in other consoles.

>> No.2694427

What's the X for then?

>> No.2694464

riginal king's field with english patch, people faces has no features, and it weights 30mb

>> No.2694476

>How can you have a ps1 before a ps2?
Simple, 1 is the number that comes before 2.

>> No.2694490


Not him but the actual, official abbreviation of the first PlayStation is simply PS. Not PSX, not PS1.
I don't know why people need to write PSX or PS1 when it's actually simpler than that.

In the west, anyway. Japanese overlords do use the correct PS abbreviation.

>> No.2694498

Just started playing FFVIII for the first time since it was new, I remember beating it back then but having no clue what the fuck was going on story wise.

Let's see if adult anon can comprehend this shit. Just gotten up to the first mission in Dollet.

>> No.2694795

The only load time that particularly sucks is when you open/close the menu, it's a good 5-6 seconds of black screen. Just have to put up with it though, I don't care for emulation and the SNES version of CT is more than $100 now.

Hey, is it worth it to keep grinding to get 4000 gil and buy the Lode Sword off the blacksmith at the fair? I get 48 gil every time I kill three Hecates, I'd have to fight about 80 groups of Hecates to afford the Lode Sword.

>> No.2694804

Sorry bro but you were better off not knowing that god awful fucking plot

>> No.2694831

Bushido blade

>> No.2694960

Playing FFVIII on pcsxr with a DS4. Feels pretty good.

>> No.2695081

Sort of not /vr/, but RetroArch got ported to Vita, however the Mednafen PS1 core has not been ported yet. I'm really stoked to play PS1 games on it since I missed the 3.18 PS1 exploit boat.

>> No.2696039

Mednafen PSX is more than likely too slow to run fullspeed on a Vita, especially if the Vita only clocks at 400mhz.

PCSX-ReARMed is more likely option there, since it has a 32-bit ARM dynarec

>> No.2696362

Solid choice. Just finished replaying it last week. Stands the test of time.

>> No.2696654
File: 517 KB, 1427x1412, Time Crisis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been revisiting my lightgun games. Been playing a lot of this, along with Point Blank 1-3, on the TC/GunVari collection on the PS2.

It's a lovely set of games... The port from arcade of Time Crisis especially.

>> No.2696913

So to preserve the life of my copy of MGS1 (which is already in rough shape), I got the PSN edition of MGS1 via PS3. Now, suppose I was some schmuck who didn't know that you need the case for a codec number and also didn't want to cheat with a walk-through. Would the theoretical person be fucked? What about switching controllers for Psycho Mantis? How the hell is this supposed to work?

>> No.2696956

This game is so bad ass. The arrange mode where you shoot through some fancy mall place was bad ass.

>> No.2696969

In terms of physical games, well... SnoCross Championship Racing. Only because I seem to not get how to burn PSX games.

But the game's a solid racer. Features Yamaha snowmobiles.
But really I want to get more games and not thrift store it just yet.

>> No.2697223


I feel you, but the entire ROM scene, which is much more established than just your opinion. would disagree. It is referred to as PSX.

>> No.2697227

Because when there are sequels, a 1 is needed to differentiate between referring to first installment, or the series/brand.

>> No.2697432

My of FF8 disc 1 is getting stuck at a FMV anyoen got tips to clean disc. I think I am pretty much fucked at this point.

>> No.2697501
File: 137 KB, 600x600, 37472-Resident_Evil_[U]-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First Resident Evil I play, didn't want to bother with the REmake since it would take some time to download.

Liking it so far, not as spooky as Silent Hill, but I like exploring, finding out where to go next and solving puzzles.

>> No.2697647
File: 161 KB, 1600x900, resident_evil_2_by_pun_ko_matt-d3a17kd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really enjoying it, I started again though because I had no ammunition left for the creature during the self-destruct sequence just before the platform elevator. I really should have minimized the use of my weapons. Now I've been playing it a bit more strategically. Avoiding groups of zombies can be really tough.

>> No.2697738

Blind run of sorts? I wonder how do people who play RE2 for the first time in 2015 perceive it. I just hope you are somehow playing it on a real console/CRT tv.

>> No.2698234

There's hidden ammo in lots of places as well. Try checking things like lockers, cupboards and in the shadows and you'll frequently find more stuff.

Which character/Scenario are you playing?

I've not even started on the arrange mode yet. Trying to work out how to beat the default best times on the arcade mode - I manage to be minutes ahead by the end of the last boss but I'm always way behind before that. I've no idea what's going on.

>> No.2698274

Nice. Truly nothing else out there like bushido blade.

>> No.2698276

That seems to be a common problem with ff8. I managed to pick up two copies in a row that both freeze during the intro fmv.

>> No.2698281

You did well by playing this before remake. When you do get to remake, you'll realize why it is so awesome

>> No.2698287

You should be able to kill that last boss with 8 or 9 magnum shots on normal...at least that's how I usually handle him.

Just found out my original re2 copy is busted, it freezes after picking up chief irons diary in the Claire scenarios. Going to have to get another copy and that makes me sad. May go for the dual shock version.

>> No.2699040
File: 138 KB, 256x254, Front_Mission_3_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing cuz muh nostalgia. Still just as fun as back in the day, definitely liked it more than the new ones.

>> No.2699048
File: 63 KB, 491x500, 01123832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing Mary Kate and Ashely Crush Course.

Because when I think of Playstation I think of games like this one.

This game defines the original playstation.

>> No.2699139
File: 83 KB, 496x710, Pull_the_trigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally retrieve PS1 from parents' house
>mountain of games and a three day weekend ahead
>play a race in Gran Turismo (actually win for possibly the first time ever)
>decide to switch to Crash Team Racing
>"Please Insert Playstation CD"
>try Crash 2, loads fine
>Google the issue, read about spindle breakage being a common problem
>open lid, check spindle, one tab is broken off
>tfw all that excitement slowly drains away as I have to wait for a new spindle to arrive
>tfw the motor will probably go soon after

>> No.2699157

I never got this meme, are you implying that Sony consoles are the only ones with licensed shovelware? If so you're flat-out wrong.

>> No.2699185

It's a joke, /v/ was rigging an online pool trying to elect mary kate and ashley as the most important PS1 game or whatever.

>> No.2699245

Oh. Well everyone knows online polls are bullshit anyway so I don't see why they'd waste that much effort.

>> No.2700092

Crypt Killer (need to patch it to support guncon)
Rescue Shot
Elemental Gearbolt
Point Blank 1-3
Time Crisis games
Project Horned Owl

>> No.2700128

Play for the story, not the gameplay. Get ready for a wall of text on disc 2. But fuck what a story.

>> No.2700154

Anyone know if its possible to play PS1 backups on the PS2?

I don't want to use swap magic or software emulation. If I have to use a modchip that's fine.

Was also looking into the backwards compatible PS3s, but it seems like they're ticking time bombs.

>> No.2700175

If I were to get a modded Playstation, would the SCPH-5501 model be a good pick?

>> No.2700291

yeah that's probably the best one.

the biggest problems of the earlier models are fixed on it and it still has a parallel port if you ever get PSIO ( http://ps-io.com/ )

the 100X models supposedly have audiophile quality parts that rival 4 figure CD players. but the lasers are so old now and tended to fail so you'd probably have to get a new laser.

>> No.2700302

Oh yeah, so today my PS-X-Change came in. After testing my previous two burned games, I realized I had made coasters instead. So I burned Pac-Man World and made sure it started up at least.

Needless to say, it's still nice. Then again, it feels weird with no Dualshocks. But eh. I think I'll beat the game first.

>> No.2700450
File: 26 KB, 256x256, 256px-Brave_Fencer_Musashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brave Fencer Musashi. So comfy, fun and lighthearted. Feel good kind of game. Plus mad nostalgia.

>> No.2700863

Yeah it is a blind run. I don't have a CRT unfortunately, I play it on my laptop.

Yeah I'm always checking for ammo, I search high and low for it but I think I just used it a little too freely. With this fresh run I've been saving ammunition when I can and trying to kill multiple enemies in one shot with the shotgun. I'm not really sure what is meant by scenario, I think it is A though because whenever I save it comes up with 'Leon A'.

Foolishly I did not pick up the magnum when I could have, I regretted not doing so when I had an abundance of magnum ammo and the magnum parts, I don't think I was able to go back to the station to get it though. I wasn't sure how exactly Leon's and Claire's playthroughs worked out together, I know it says you can save the uzi for Claire, but that's what I was thinking about when I left the magnum.

>> No.2701070

Muh nigga
1st rpg on the ps1

Sony should fucking fund a neq one
They can shill it as "keeping the ps tradition"
I mean From and souls games are bankable rn
First person rpgs are popular i.e. skyrim
"Its skyrim souls!"
....i just want a new kings field man

>> No.2701187

PS2PSXe can play PS1/PSX backup on a PS2 using the USB ports, but is it any good?

I'm not too fond of Swap Magic as it damages the disc drive (or so I've heard)

>> No.2701195

I used OPL with two ethernat cable, one for the modem and the other for the pc with the iso. It didn't worked with PS1 games but I'm sure that there's something similar for that too, the usb is tricky because it's slower

>> No.2701337

>Anyone know if its possible to play PS1 backups on the PS2?
Yeah, with a modchip.

>> No.2701515
File: 88 KB, 500x375, 22CART7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has this been discussed? what do you think of it? i just found it and i was amazed. thinking of buying one when its getting released

>> No.2701525

I just finished chipping mine so I've been trying out things recently. Today I tried out "Alice in Cyberland" a Japanese adventure game (the kind with lots of text). We'll see if I'll continue through with it.

Otherwise I tried Rockman DASH (Megaman Legends) recently too, but I haven't gotten anywhere yet.

A game I've actually gotten somewhere with is Tail Concerto, which I actually own the disk for (Japanese disk so cheap as fuck, provided you don't mind reading moonrunes).

Otherwise for 2P stuff I've been playing Bushido Blade and must say it's a very interesting take on the whole weapons-based fighting game. It almost feels "realistic" and surely very samurai movie-like. Especially since I'm normally used to Soul Calibur/Soul Edge (love that series. Shame they didn't make any game after 2 though *cough* *cough*).

>> No.2701531

swap trick also works, but that stuff is violent.
personally I've only tried it for running a legit copy of a JP game on a PAL PS2 though. Although NTSC games on a PAL console with the swap trick ends up being slowed down and gives you a black border at the bottom, so it's not recommended at all really.

>> No.2701537

With FreeMCBoot, you can do it, but it's a swap, and games that use CD Audio (Rollcage, the Wipeouts, Ridge Racer and Ridge Racer Revolution) won't play the right songs (which is the only issue).
Enable "disc control" in ulaunchelf's settings, swap when the disc stops spinning, and then launch the game from there. There's also psxlauncher.elf if you're so inclined, you don't need to look for any settings (but you do need a DualShock to start the game simply because it doesn't understand the older protocol for no apparent reason).

I have a swap lid on my PS2, so it's fine for me. The disc stops moving, so it's a 100% safe swap.

otherwise, look into modchips

>> No.2701539

>when its getting released

yes, when

until its out for people to buy and review we will assume its bullshit

>> No.2701547

POPS is a better option if you are going to play isos on your PS2

>> No.2701549

"bullshit" meaning
>its a ripoff, won't work and they are lying
>its garbage


>> No.2701556

its been in "development" for like a decade
with lots of shady stuff concerning the people who run it

>> No.2701558

>It didn't worked with PS1 games but I'm sure that there's something similar for that too

there isnt. its impossible to run ps1 iso's natively on a ps2 using a hard drive or usb
you need to use an emulator like POPstarter which is the best but not 100% compatible with all games

>> No.2701765

is Popstarters 240p or 480p?

>> No.2701840

Popstarter has no gui front end
You need to manually prepare each iso and start them from ulaunchelf

>> No.2701853

alright thanks
ill get it on my ps2 slim

>> No.2701867
File: 1.18 MB, 1079x771, IMG_0554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got one of those PS2 TVs, would the freemcboot or swapmagic or a modchip work for me? If so, how would I go about doing it. I'm interested in playing my collection of Japanese PS1 games on it as it cleans up games nicely.

>> No.2701912

In order to load freemcboot onto a mem card you need to do a disc swap and you need a legit copy of 007 agent under fire

To do the discwap you need to block the lid sensor so the ps2 thinks the lid stays closed while you swap the disc.

>> No.2701936

>I'm not too fond of Swap Magic as it damages the disc drive (or so I've heard)
unless you didn't buy a swaplid, you have to do no such thing

swap magic stops the drive so you don't have to fuck with anything
and if you have a swap lid, you just remove your original lid and replace it, no jamming sensors or anything

I didn't even know this existed. Chipping it might be different if the board is particularly different from a normal PS2. FreeMCBoot and Swap Magic should work as long as you can get the PS2 to not notice the disc cover is open.

>> No.2701985

I've been playing Digimon World. The game is fun, but the glitches make the progress a bit problematic sometimes.
Afterwards, I will give Vagrant Story another shot, for some reason I stopped playing it back then.

>> No.2702003

I've been playing Valkyrie Profile after finally learning a way to emulate a 2 disc game. Can any of you recommend some other JRPGs? The ones I liked to play when I was a kid were Vagrant's Story, BoFIV(I finished it some years ago, but it's a good game that brings me sweet memories), BoFIII, a bit of legend of dragoon and something else I'm probably forgettting right now.

>> No.2702086

PS1 JRPGs only? Grandia, Jade Cocoon, Suikoden, SaGa Frontier and Wild Arms are worth checking out.

>> No.2702162
File: 57 KB, 350x240, Valkyrie Profile (Disc 2-1)-0006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm feeling nostalgic and PS1 is my favourite console. I also don't want to plan on playing too many games, the list you gave me is already big enough, thanks

>> No.2702180

Tales of phantasia(with fan translation) and Destiny II(Aka etarnia).

>> No.2702220

I don't know, man, I just play ps1 and n64 games to have a good time.

>> No.2702231
File: 2.10 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few of my last purchases

>> No.2702234

How dare you! No fun allowed!

>> No.2702240

How much did you pay for all

>> No.2702243

Rival Schools was $40 but the game is mint, perfect no scratches and complete.

The rest ranged from $10-25. Overall about $120 total. Worth it for me IMO.

>> No.2702253


I can appreciate the story and anime elements because Im a fan of the "escaped psychic patient going on a killing spree" genre but its got some pretty obvious imperfections.


>> No.2702257

Fuck you. I never had a memory stick, I couldn't finish it. I got to the end of Disc 1 and actually teared up since I could go no further. And yeah, I was that poor back then.

>> No.2702608
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They're both fantastic.

My friend got a PS1 a couple months after it launched, that night we rented Air Combat and Jumping Flash and stayed up all night playing them. I'm playing it for the first time in 20 odd years, and it's just as fun and bizarre as I remember it.

>> No.2702624

I had the same experience when I first got my PS2, I had Destiny Islands memorized because of that.

>> No.2703510
File: 446 KB, 1920x1080, fft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing FFT for the first time ever. It really looks like a fun and deep game, but currently I'm just struggling to understand the basics of the game mechanics. Like when the thiefs come, for the first time I went into battle with Ramza and that other guy. I was surprised that I can actually put more people in my party when I restarted the whole thing from the beginning.

But I keep on going. Can't wait to fill my group with cute mage grills. I hope there will be someone who can learn fireballs.

I'm playing with the PSP version, btw. The manual is in German, so I can only enjoy the pretty images.

>> No.2703518

I remember IO fucking sucked at this game as a kid and couldn't pass the second map. Is it worth replaying now?

>> No.2703562

As a first timer, I say yes. It is like nothing I have ever seen before. We have some boardgames with a similar style of gameplay, and I know some browser games have this kind of battle system, yet it still feels very unique.

I'm currently reading this translation of the manual, maybe it'll help you, too (but don't get me wrong: I'm not assuming that you are a complete moron like I am): http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps/197339-final-fantasy-tactics/faqs/3863

For the story part, it's kinda confusing, and there are a tons of names and events and historical stuff that you should remember, but I've read it'll be all clear later on.

>> No.2703583

Playing through Spyro 2, Legend of the Dragoon and Megaman Legends 2. Been 9 years since I've played these and the memories of simpler times keep coming

I love these games

>> No.2703704
File: 3.00 MB, 960x540, gran-turismo-2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly my favorite PS title. I could play it for hours.

>> No.2703986

>For the story part, it's kinda confusing, and there are a tons of names and events and historical stuff that you should remember, but I've read it'll be all clear later on.
You know, I started the game and went to the bar to read the rumours, and holy shit that fifty years war one took me by surprise by how lenghty and convoluted it seems to be at first, but I like how "realistic" it sounds for a middle ages setting. It'll take some time to understand all of that walltext though

>> No.2704324
File: 120 KB, 1280x960, RetroArch-0926-213434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is the port of xmen children of the atom so terrible?

>> No.2704330

all ps1 2d game ports suffer because of low memory for sprites

so tons of frames need to be cut and altered
thats why saturn ports were always better, and saturn also had the memory expansion port for fighting games

>> No.2704336
File: 174 KB, 600x587, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never gets old for me

>> No.2704351

look at those poly's jiggle!

>> No.2704352

Yeah, recommend him the RPG where he'll get roflstomped a thousand times. Good one chief.

>> No.2704354
File: 45 KB, 620x349, 1377030299352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good story I think, it actually hints at a ton of stuff that's happening/is going to happen throughout the game. It is also no more batshit crazy than most RPGs when it comes down to it.
Wanna fight?

>> No.2704356

Are you using a ps2 slim to play it? They usuallly read discs way better for me.

>> No.2704725
File: 478 KB, 1246x927, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it looked cool too.
But then I found out its supposed to cost $100+ and it requires you to do some very fine soldering work on the motherboard to even get it to work. it isn't plug and play like you'd think, being an expansion cartridge and all.

>> No.2704924

My nigga, I fucking love this game. Ruin path is so much fun.

>> No.2704979

I just finished the original Spyro again. Easy as balls but that's not surprising for a children's game.

The best levels in the game were the flying ones and the two levels in the final world.

Some of the levels in the mid game, especially in the Dream Weavers world are annoying as fuck to 100%.

>> No.2704986

Oh yeah I forgot to mention the game is fucking beautiful. The masterful use of LOD specifically. Hard to believe it's a PS1 game.

>> No.2704995

that's pretty simple soldering work. considering ps1s are like 10$ .. definitely gonna do the mod

>> No.2705175

As far as X-Men COTA is concerned, the Saturn port was shit as well. Lots of cut frames and downsampled voices. Saturn was of course much better off, but it is still far cry from the arcade original. The game also seems to run at 30fps on the Saturn, not sure about the Playstation.

But to be fair, the game had so hardcore animation that they actually had to remove some frames in the arcade sequels too.

>> No.2705467

it's actually the opposite for me. the male character felt like such a hassle after her hilarious storyline.

>> No.2705470

Most people have very low tolerance to lolis.

>> No.2705474

Klonoa. Great game but not as good as Lunatea's Veil, wish I would have played them in order.

>> No.2705529

wipEout series, anyone?

>> No.2705532

An amazing ps1 title.

>> No.2705536

There's this game called "Sheep Dog N' Wolf", and it is amazing. Looney tunes cartoonist gameshow wide world sheep puzzle antics.

>> No.2705743


Did Jumping Flash get a jewel case release??

>> No.2705993
File: 1.05 MB, 1919x1079, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know why I followed this guide. How do I fix this?

>> No.2706012
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, sh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got a copy of Silent Hill 1, and playing it now, hadn't played it since 2001.

Finding it underwhelming compared to SH 2 and 3...and Siren. I feel like I am walking through the fog, waiting for an enemy to pop up.

>> No.2706037
File: 418 KB, 1919x1079, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I fixed it

>> No.2706050

>linux mint
sudo apt-get install mednafen
[copy bios to ~/.mednafen/scph5501.bin]
mednafen /path/to/mgs.cue

>> No.2706056

Crash, Spyro, FF VII

my childhood :'D

>> No.2706128
File: 28 KB, 250x237, dragon warrior vii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a goddamn fucking nightmare.

>> No.2706541


Nope, it's a custom cover I threw together in Gimp.

Some of those Longbox only titles aren't really worth getting complete unless you're a diehard. Jumping Flash is one of the better ones, and loose discs are pretty cheap, while complete copies go for silly prices.

>> No.2706827
File: 57 KB, 500x670, 1439821582814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Write your top 5 PS1&2 games and be judged by your /vr/ peers!

>> No.2706829

Just started Suikoden 2 after beating Suikoden 1 a couple days ago. Every quality of life problem has been fixed, the translation is better and the difficultly seems more balanced. Really liking it so far.

>> No.2706832


Crash 1
Crash 2

>> No.2706837

Two lists or one list?

>> No.2706842

1 list

>> No.2706848

You absolute madman

MGS2 would be on it, otherwise I couldn't even begin to make that. Maybe Crash Warped.

>> No.2706850
File: 362 KB, 506x614, 1441474429903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine, you can make 2

>> No.2706860

Thank you anon.

SMT. Nocturne or DDS
Silent Hill 2
Yakuza 2

Crash Warped
Parasite Eve
Dino Crisis 2

Gun to my head I guess this is what I'd say.

>> No.2706873

It's just that I finally found a good emulator(EmulationStation/rertroarch) for playing these games so I'm building up a PS1&2 library to always have something.

Modern games are getting too much to fire up and tbh they aren't interesting at all.

>> No.2706875

There's a million great and/or interesting games in both libraries. The PS1 in particular had so much experimentation going on. Unfortunately most of the really weird shit never left Japan.

>> No.2706945

>parasite eve
my nigga

>> No.2707345

Breath of Fire 3
Spyro 3
Final Fantasy 9
Legend of Mana

Shadow Hearts 2
Shadow of the Colossus
Final Fantasy 12
Suikoden 5

>> No.2707416
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>Rumored to be 80 bucks

I bought this shit for 20 bucks in 1997 and works like a charm.

>> No.2707427

Yeah, but won't your thing wear down the laser?

Its nice to be able to have a large collection without having to burn discs. But the PSIO does require an internal mod AND the dev team/managers seem like scammers/idiots.

>> No.2707480

Playing Shining Force on GBA SP.

So far I'm not too impressed with some of the changes. I don't really care for the addition of the card system and i fucking HATE the main character's new color scheme in his battle cut scene.

Other than that some of the new cut scenes are okay. I'm too far along to drop it i guess but in hindsight i wish I'd just downloaded an original version somewhere.

>> No.2707491

Aaaaaand I realized i posted this here in a ps1 thread instead of the Sega RPG thread that I meant to.

>> No.2707505

That shit ain't retro

>> No.2707515

>But the PSIO does require an internal mod

Huh, no you don't. There's something called "switch board", but this looks only to easiely switch between the PSIO and the PSX-OS if you want to play from normal disc after switching. Atleast that's how i understood it.

>> No.2707568

>Yeah, but won't your thing wear down the laser?

I don't know, it works pretty well almost 20 years later, way better than my PS2 reader.

Also, isn't the internal mod required only for PS without parallel port?

>> No.2707587

i didn't care about that. that character simply had funnier storyline, and i liked the fighting mechanic more.

i should probably wrap up the male character story someday.

>> No.2707591

vagrant story for the n-th time, and i still fucking love it.

>> No.2707608

Source: http://ps-io.com/faq.html

Are there any modifications required for PSIO to work?

Yes. An internal modification is required. The modification is a small printed circuit board (PCB) with a logic gate array based integrated circuit (IC) that detects whether a PSIO cartridge is plugged in or not.

Source: http://ps-io.com/switch_board.html

How hard is it to install the Switch Board?

The soldering required isn't too difficult, but it is very fine based work.

If you have a soldering iron with a good tip and steady hand, it is possible to do quite easily.

You will be required to cut three (3) traces. One on the Parallel Port, and two more on the back of the mainboard.

You will also be required to scratch with a knife six (6) vias and solder to them.

The website also "offers" to allow you to send them your hardware and for them to do the mod for you.

This thing is far from convenient.

>> No.2707617

tried to play through it twice and got bored after about 2 hours after, does it get better?

>> No.2707765

Playing Resident Evil for the first time, never played it when I was younger.

I'm not very far into it, but I'm kinda not enjoying it. Perhaps I was just not in the correct mood when I first turned it on, but it is kinda boring me.

>> No.2707776

Perhaps you are just a faggot gaylord.

>> No.2707810

Then stop playing, that's all I can recommend.

>> No.2707965

Dad just dropped off my old modded PS1 and a storage tote of games, mostly copied. I haven't played a majority of them in years, thinking of starting with all the classic RPGs and both Mega Man Legends and then moving onto some of the old racing/fighting games like GT and Bloody Roar.

Only problem is he could only find 1 memory card that was still plugged into the system when he put the stuff away.

>> No.2707968

is this trolling
the loading times of the FF ports for the PSX are atrocious

>> No.2708094


Zombie over-saturation. Back then, there weren't many zombie games. Now there are like a bazillion zombie games. So you're not going to appreciate the zombie aspect as much as I did when I first played it in the 90s.

>> No.2708106

Not on origins. Actually it's only chrono trigger that is truly fucked.

>> No.2708307
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Every male named Ashley seems to be a badass.

>> No.2708403

I love you anon!

>> No.2708426
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I'm probably the only other person on the planet that likes ex2. I uses to rent it all the time. Granted I'm a huge sf2 fan.

>> No.2708616

I can imagine it's hard to see the appeal if you weren't around when games like Prince of Persia, Another World and Flashback where a thing. At its core it's a mash-up of the platformer and adventure genre, basically the antithesis of Sonic's "gotta go fast"-approach. Every screen has to be carefully examined and everything can (and will) kill you. They can be really frustrating but also very satisfying once you get the hang of it.

>> No.2708664
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I fucking love it. I saw the movie first on accident, and decided to hunt this gem down. I have no regrets

>> No.2708674

fuck off with this meme, it was only CT that had those problems being a port from the SNES. Was FF1&2 ported over from the SNES? Stop being a fucktard

>> No.2708812

Why does his pants not cover his butt? I always wondered that as a kid

>> No.2708841

Except Ashley Ketchum.

>> No.2709572

well, you gain new abilities and weaponry on the way, so if you got a good grasp of the battle system, you should be fine.

if you don't like it already, i don't think it gets any different later.

also, new game+ mode unlocks new map locations and stuff.

>> No.2709614

Or just emulate and watch them disappear all together.

>> No.2709757

If you haven't, play Innocent Sin when you're done.

Story's so fucking good.

>> No.2709825

Damn, you must have been one stupid kid.

>> No.2709830

maybe he just got bored, dude. dont h8

>> No.2712012
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Why this game is considered bad?

>> No.2712018

Why did you think it's good?

>> No.2712358

>Buy ps1 off craigslist with controllers/games
>no memory card
>wait a week to get memory card
>memory card doesn't fit in slot
>inspect slot and bit of broken plastic in the way
>remove plastic with tiny screwdriver
>memory card now fits in
>controller ports no longer work

hold me /vr/ i just want to play THPS2

>> No.2712385

get retorarch

>> No.2712428


also first for partyhats

>> No.2712453

I don't, I just never played it

>> No.2713948

Has anyone here had any sort of luck with those chinese lasers they sell on ebay? both my PS1 lasers are dying, and the guy developing PSIO is taking his sweet ass time.

>> No.2714317

Saiyuki, I'm playing it PSP and it's very fun mobile but I'm stuck at Asura and can't grind cause, well I'm in heaven. Debating going back to a pre-heaven save.

>> No.2714323

Incredible Crisis is also a great game on the go, it's like harder more rewarding albeit less creative Warioware. Less creative in the sense that there's some rehashing.

>> No.2714324

Nothing, mine's fucked now and I don't know what's wrong with it.

There's a whining sound from inside, could be caps.

>> No.2714360

I recently completed C 12. Was kinda meh because although the scenario is quite interesting and full of potential, there was nothing there to make it cool. Hardly any music and if there was then boring one, no tactical fights, crappy camera.
I thought of getting Crash Team Racing and Dino Crisis. How does DC fare in terms of feeling right on the scene?

>> No.2714648

>really want to play breath of fire 4
>english version is censored
>refuse to touch anything that has been censored in any way
>japanese isn't good enough to play the original

no happiness

>> No.2715041

Mah nigga
the last levels are so hard to get

>> No.2715065
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I bought this game not too long ago and I have no clue what I'm doing.

>> No.2715152
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I was actually replaying Final Fantasy Tactics about a week ago, but a few hours in my playstation finally died - it seems to have completely stopped reading discs.

I'm a Brit-Bong too, FFT never came out here, so I needed to import it and play it on my modded Playstation.
Thus, I can't just play it on my PS2.

>> No.2715163


>> No.2715192

Just replace the laser, muh man. That's probably the problem. Or if you don't want to, you can do:

>> No.2715193
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I really enjoyed Xenogears over all, but really couldn't stand the sewer section.

>> No.2715226
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Try to avoid giving magic spells to anyone with Faith below 60, and until you feel genuinely comfortable, keep a Chemist, or at least 1 character with Item & Throw Item handy.

Also, in that battle(the one in the Dorter Slums, I think) I usually send my entire force up the building after that archer. The guests usually bump him off before I get to him, but I prefer that position for taking on the rest of the enemy. Careful not to group your troops too close together either, or they'll all get pounded by the same spells.

>> No.2715264

I haven't played it since before 2000, but I did like it back in the day.
I played a dodgy pirate copy though, that eventually died on me. I think I was fighting the final boss at the time.

I remember getting stumped on one bit for a long time, where you had to think outside of the box and use the rat in a different way from normal.

>> No.2715276

Christ, I had the same exact experience, more or less, and I had no idea why.
One of my friends bought the game, and each time he beat a disc he lent me the next one.
When he got to Disc 4 though he practically lost interest and just passed the disc to me.
I still played it but all my enthusiasm seemed to simultaneously vanish for some reason.

I still beat it mind you.
I can't really put my finger on any particular thing that put me off, though.

>> No.2715282

>letting your principles get in the way of your enjoyment

>> No.2715331

damn ramzas ass is tight. i bet his boi pussy is too

>> No.2715332

Oh and you just do whatever you want all the time, then, tough guy?

>> No.2715447

I really didn't understand Tactics backstory when I first played it, but replaying it later and delving into that stuff a bit more, I quite liked the politcal background and setting of the world.
I don't think I've ever taken to the main plot in any major way, though.

I quite liked the setting's lack of non-human sentient species(outside of the Lucavi, who're demons rather than a race).

>> No.2715464

My pals and I were really fond of EX2 back in the day as well.
I practically vomitted blood when I first saw Street Fighter EX, but then I was an ultra-2D purist gobshite back in the day, and when I did actually give it a shot, I started to really like it.
I continued loving the series wirh EX2, but the magic wore off oddly with EX3.

>> No.2715473
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I don't really feel like emulating it, I prefer playing it on the telly, and I like having old games as something to do when I'm away from my computer.

>Just replace the laser, muh man
I've been meaning to look into that, actually. I'm slow to do things though, and it only just broke.

>> No.2715482
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>damn ramzas ass is tight
He knows it too, most of his outfits seem partly designed to show off his ass.
I'm disappointed I've never been able to find the official art of the image they use to introduce Ramza when they ask you for your name at the start of the game, where it looks like he's coated his ass in orange rubber.

>> No.2715632

expertly missing the point there

>> No.2717179
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Is this the best console for hori shmups or what?

>> No.2717190

I can't pass through the 3rd fucking level.
FUUUUUUCK that game.
But I like it.

>> No.2717217
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Not looking to start a console war - I recently just bought a PS1 and a few games alongside it: Metal Gear Solid, Bomberman World and King's Field. Overall an alright haul.

Understanding that the PS1 was the N64's rival I was hoping for lots of "open" adventure games. By that I mean free-travelling 3D action games with some level of platforming and exploration, MGS had this to an extent but as I'm digging around online I'm having troubles finding games that fit this sort of category. I really have been enjoying King's Field as well but it really sits in a different niche than this.

I mean I really enjoyed the N64's offering of Super Mario 64, the Zeldas, Banjo/Conker/DK64, even Bomberman 64 The Second Attack had this feeling to it. I played through Mega Man 64 (Legends) on the N64 as well and it felt quite like this.

Whats the equivalent? Spyro looks pretty close to what I'm looking for I think, is there anything else as well? Crash looks very linear/narrow in scope compared to what I'm looking for

>> No.2717252

There's Ape Escape too.

The hardware is not really geared to open world 3D so there's not a lot of it.

>> No.2717256

>Spyro looks pretty close to what I'm looking for I think

It is. There's also Crock and Gex (and probably more which I don't know). Crash is indeed pretty linear and "narrow", still a good game though. You could also try Tenchu.

N64 is probably the better console for that stuff though.

>> No.2717283

I'm glad to see I'm not the only newfag currently playing FFT for the first time.

Game is fantastic but I'm having a hard time at the end of chapter 2. I feel like I'm not playing it right.

>> No.2717931

Make sure to get Ultima for Ramza. You only get one opportunity in the game iirc. and be sure to unlock cloud just so you know how it's done. On a first playthrough you likely won't have a chance to use him cause you'll be leveled high enough to just beat the game at that point.

>> No.2717932

don't do this. its just a stupid sidequest and bogs down the rest of the experience

>> No.2717934

Tomb Raider 1-3 maybe. Not sure exactly what you're asking.

>> No.2717938

pft. Cloud is awesome. I recommend just beating the game and going back to an earlier save to unlock him. Once you know how to unlock him you're second playthrough will be much faster. You'll actually get a chance to use him at that point. He's really easy to level fast.

>> No.2717984

Vagrant Story and SaGa Frontier II seem up your alley. Also, the PSX Armored Core games are pretty good.

>> No.2718225

it tends to help if you picked up the accessory that protects you from sleep and death sentence, as that's the boss's nastiest trick.

if you're talking about Ultima, then you're right, it's a bit of a pain and it's not really useful.
If you mean Cloud, I'm not as sure.The subquest's a lot of fun, and you get some pretty great characters along the way.

>> No.2718596

I love doing sidequests in my jrpg.

Learning Ultima sounds like a pain in the ass though.

>> No.2718774

Soviet Strike - I like it but the game has severe ADD. Everytime I'm doing a mission, i get interruped with another side misson. Happens like every 5 mins.

La Puculle tactics - Good stratagy game, reminds me of Disgea. Lvling is too slow and the magic builds don't seem very powerful.

>> No.2718869

Technically they exist, but they look like shit whenever someone uploads a webm because they're emulated with high resolution, which worsens the jittering.

>> No.2719198
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Not really. You just have to make sure Ramza is a squire for a specific encounter. Once he gets Ultima cast on him he learns it. Easy peasy.

>> No.2719996
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It's rather dependent on the enemy actually using Ultima on him, and not one of their other, numerous attacks.
Then there's also that Ultima isn't actually useful.

You could always just making Ramza a squire for the relevant battles, and proceed as you would, leaving it up to chance whether you learn the spell or not, rather than really going out of your way to get it.

One thing I would say about subquests is that you should probably keep 2 save files at the end, one where you go straight onto the final battles, and another where you take on the Deep Dungeon.
The final battles aren't very hard, but if you try them after the Deep Dungeon they end up laughably easy.

>> No.2720095

Playing Sled Storm. Wish there was a much more recent version of this.

>> No.2721749

I was thinking about picking up a charging cradle and component cables for my pspgo so I could play some ps1 games with an actual controller, but I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this as far as video quality goes.

Basically I am asking, which looks better, pspgo with component cables or an actual ps1 with scart?

>> No.2722434

Was just playing this the other day too. It feels great being an undead knight.

>> No.2722506
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This might be the wrong place to ask, but I brought up my playstation not working int this thread, so I thought I might as well.

Does anyone know what the weird-headed screw thing is?
I had my playstation chipped years ago to run import games, and it looks like they put this weird thing in the place of the final screw.
Anyone recognise what kind of screw/whatever it is, or know how t get it out?

>> No.2722516
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I think what you're looking for is a "security bit."

>> No.2722589


>> No.2723336

theres one on ps2 fam

>> No.2723343

there are several different types make sure you look at the head and it matches. some have a pin in the middle

>> No.2723345
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>> No.2723434

>point and click with a controller

>> No.2723448
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How do I git gud?

>> No.2723453

Play defensively. The amount of resources you have as well as the number of enemies that exist in the game are both fixed. Kill as many enemies as possible while taking as little damage as possible and you'll eventually be stronger than them.

Also check for secret walls, that can make things a lot easier, if you get some excellent loot somewhere.

>> No.2723503
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Who here doesn't buy Greatest Hits games? I won't buy a GH version even if it's significantly cheaper than the black label. The black label just looks nicer. I'm not this way with other systems though, I have a lot of GH Gamecube and PS2 games.

(though I buy the game to keep on my shelf then burn a copy and play it so I don't scratch the disk)
Also any recommendations on what I should get next? I was thinking about getting Klonoa or Castlevania Bloodlines.

>> No.2723528
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being a poorfag growing up, a lot of my PS1 games were used GH versions. There's green all over the place in my collection.

>> No.2723532
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>though I buy the game to keep on my shelf then burn a copy and play it so I don't scratch the disk

>> No.2723538

>not wanting the version with the bug fixes

>> No.2723543

My parents were still buying me and my brother SNES games when the PSX and N64 were out. It's the reason my PSX collection is abysmal and my SNES collection is fucking huge.

I have the auts I guess, don't know why. Ultimately I shouldn't give a shit but I do. It's only with PSX games too, the labels have to be in great condition and the disk as well before I buy it.

>> No.2723562

These days I dont give what version the game is, at most time I just want to play the damn game and not stare my "collection" all day. That aside thankfully PAL platinum games dont look nearly as bad as the NTCS green ones.

Although ever since I modded my ps1 I've been burning all the games and haven't bought single one in last 15 years.

>> No.2723585

I don't think I actually encountered any of the bugs in Spyro 3, unless you were talking about any of the other versions

>These days I dont give what version the game is, at most time I just want to play the damn game and not stare my "collection" all day.
I definitely agree with this since I have a shitload of the platinum xbox, yellow GCN, and red PS2 games but the green looks so fucking bad I can't bare to have it sitting on my shelf

>> No.2723664 [DELETED] 

The story of /vr/ with any game non-retro

>> No.2723669

Anyone have an answer to this? I would be interested in knowing this as well.

>> No.2723670

The story of /vr/ with any non-retro game.

>> No.2723879

it's all explained in the manual. If you haven't got it, it's easy to find it online.

>> No.2723880

Man, I really like the game but some boss fights are really bullshit.

>> No.2724370
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Nuclear Strike

>> No.2724647

I'd fucking kill to have large multiplayer with that game.

>> No.2724726

Is it much better than 4? I bought 4, but decided to emulate 3 first. Really enjoying it even though I'm only a few missions in. The fact that you can eject from you mech is amazing hope I can use it to pull off crazy stuff later.

>> No.2725476


i'm a /v/ tard and what is this?.

No, for real, what is it?.

>> No.2726229
File: 39 KB, 300x258, hoarding-7-300x258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know a good site which has a comprehensive list of all PS1 games? Something like HG101 but better.

I'm currently hoarding PS1 ISOs since I've pretty much depleted my PS3's library.
I'm trying to build a complete PS1 library of all the games that potentially interest me.

>> No.2726278

it'S RIDGE RACER...RIdge racer

>> No.2726359

My first PS1 game. Kids are truly dumb, we would play that awful awful game for hours and hours, knowing there is no save feature.

Is a game bad if you have fun with it?