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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 61 KB, 610x457, Pass-The-Controller-610x457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2681421 No.2681421[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Been a long time since we had an asshole friend thread. Things that people have done to you or your games that still leaves your jimmies rustled. Maybe they didn't wash their hands like in pic related. Or did they borrow your games and return them in a ruined state? Or perhaps just never returned them at all? Share those heart-wrenching stories, /vr/.

>> No.2681448

P1 friends who skip through all the dialogue/scenes/story in a co-op game.

I guess from the other end there are people who don't like when their friend makes them watch all the scenes in a game with a crummy story when they just want to play.

>> No.2681502

Your buddy playing a game single player only when it had coop.

He was a dick

>> No.2681505

when they pause whenever but if you wanna pause you're a dick or you're player 2 and they're like no not yet

>> No.2681507
File: 13 KB, 175x157, gillian_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visiting mother in law for Christmas
>wife's friends visiting too
>exchange presents
>wife's friend finds extra present for us
>"I opened it for you!"
>Super Smash Bros w/ box
>mother in law: I remember you used to have that when you were younger
>later learned she bought it sealed in box
>fw realizing friend completely opened game without telling us that part

>> No.2681514

Sounds rough, I'd probably punch him but also thank him for the gift

>> No.2681516

>friend challenges me at Killer Instinct
>I've never played it so I ask him to let me check the controls
>he doesn't want to and just starts the game
>I can't do shit while he just rapes me
>still brags about it
Thanks, asshole.

>> No.2681521
File: 19 KB, 282x300, His Smile and Optimism Gone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visiting family

>younger cousins are complete fucking brats who swear, hit people, steal shit and scream their lungs out just so they can laugh when people get upset

>uncle and aunt (their parents) completely fucking ignore the behavior

>the one time I ask what's wrong with them, uncle acts like I just insulted him horribly out of nowhere

>the one older cousin I have is a 300lb manchild who does nothing but smoke weed all day and spergs out if anyone says a single thing to him because he was never socialized at all

I'm glad my mother did a decent job at raising me.

>> No.2681554

>whined about PC gaming being a "rich man's hobby"
>exalted the X-fat as the "common man's gaming platform"
>tried nagging me to get a console, specifically a PS2, and to celebrate my first paycheck by spending it on gaming.
>scoffed at linux, mocked gaming on linux

Fucking gamers.

>> No.2681567
File: 77 KB, 959x721, 1442067506966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who opens other people's gifts?!

>> No.2681582

I can't play fighting games with my brother. He takes any kind of defeat as a personal insult, and god forbid if you try to banter with him. I'm not allowed to use any move (or series of) too much or too effectively against him or else he gets pissed off. I have to hold back and pretend like I'm off my game and let him win sometimes just so we can play longer than half an hour.

He's a cool guy, but a bad loser when it comes to games.

>> No.2681602

Your brother sounds like a sore fucking loser.

I command you to kick his ass.

>> No.2681614

>want to use your main character
>"This is bullshit, you always pick him! Pick someone else!"

>> No.2681621

>Winning at a game
>friend says "Let me use your controller, mine is broken"
>Still win
>you're cheating!

>> No.2681625

So...video games?

>> No.2681635

My (at the time) asshole college roommate made off with the following PS1 games:

Suikoden 1 and 2
Vanguard Bandits
Valkyrie Profile
Vagrant Story

He admitted years later that he did it because he thought they were going to be expensive in the future, but sold them far too early before any of them appreciated in value.

I rebought all that were available on PSN, and he has subsequently funded several debauched trips to casinos and higher-end clubs as he's kind of a big shot now, so I'd say it's all water under the bridge now.

>> No.2681641

Is your friend a Jew?

>> No.2681645
File: 20 KB, 315x236, EG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I have friend like this, he gets visibly upset whenever he starts losing, takes the games so seriously it stops being fun after a while.

Coincidentally, my "story" is about him.
He borrowed my copy of Elemental Gearbolt and a few months later when I asked him about it he just casually told me he lent it to someone else and that his friend lost it. Never apologized or anything

It still bothers me because I spent about a month and a half saving up the money for that, and the packaging and manual were amazing.

>> No.2681651

He's an investments guy, but clearly Catholic.

In terms of financial shrewdness, sure, he's Jewish.

>> No.2681658
File: 23 KB, 500x295, logitech_netplay_controller_ps2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Here's your controller, bro"

>> No.2681670

>the one friend that sucks but demands controller time in a group of five
>the one friend that bitches and moans when he loses Mario Kart or Smash
>people that lose games that you lend to them (the fate of a third of my N64 collection)
>people that you lend controllers that come back broken
>people that don't finish games you lend to them

That last one is my own autism, but I swear to god I've lent every 3D Zelda game to my brother and he hasn't finished one.

>> No.2681678

you're the bitch if you don't want to give "controller time" to the guy who isn't playing at the time in a group of 5.

>> No.2681698 [DELETED] 

I have a friend that can't accept criticism of anything he does because he's never met with much personal defeat in his life.

>He was valedictorian
>He graduated undergrad summa cum laude
>got into harvard law
>finished first year in top 20%

Meanwhile we're playing Smash Bros and the fucking guy cannot accept that I'm beating him at smash brothers.

We're playing madden and he refuses to play as anyone but the seahawks.

Refuses to play any games he's never played before with me.

Hell, we're in a fantasy football league and he can't accept that I think my team is better than his.

And I'm sitting there in my head like:
>dude, you're going to make like 200k a year after leaving harvard. Just accept that you can't be the best at literally everything.

>> No.2681701

My brother and I made it a tradition to open and "test out" each others games on x-mas eve. It all started when he got me Beavis and butt head for the snes

>> No.2681703

That first one is autism too. Is there a sign saying "You must be THIS good at video games to play with us" hanging in your mom's basement?

>> No.2681712


This is much worse depending on the game. Mario Kart is awful because that person does nothing but throw blue shells and use lightning. FPS' and fighters aren't as bad

>> No.2681715

That's not really their fault other than not being good.

>> No.2681717


Yeah, I guess I'm confusing what's annoying with what's deliberately bad. Sorry

>> No.2681723

No problem, you monster.

5 is an awkward number of people. I'm picture 4 people playing Perfect Dark or Mario Party or something and one person has to spectate. Bummer.

>> No.2681729
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When that happened, we did a king of the hill scenario. We play a match, and the person with the lowest score passes the controller.

>> No.2681735

Me too but I usually did the opposite, winner out.

>> No.2681736

Then what's the incentive to win if you have to stop playing?

Do you just dance around going "You guys suuuuuck, I'm the beeest" or something?

>> No.2681742

>what's the incentive to win
To win I guess, which in most things is a good feeling? Do YOU just win to gloat?

In most groups I find there's one best person though who will win almost every time, and the real battles are the ones for 2nd/3rd place.

>> No.2681756

>Disk games
>Nigger grabs the fucking thing and leaves fingerprints all over the side that reads data.
>Whenever they switch games they dont put it back in the case. instead just throw it on the table

>> No.2682058

The guy with full health takes the pizza
Playing a co-op side scroller and the other player doesnt advance far enough and you get killed by something that comes from offscreen.

>> No.2682072

Nigga I win to keep playing like almost everyone else who understands that losing carries consequences and winning implies rewards.

You're the weird one in this conversation.

>> No.2682147

>when that nigga sells your power wrist and won't let you go back and get a new one

>> No.2682154

When me and my friend play TMNT, when we accidentally take a pizza from someone who needs it, the person who needed it gets first dibs. We dispute over who needs the pizza more then just get it without breaking the pace.

>> No.2682189
File: 8 KB, 259x194, lunar2Rubi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorite games that I ever got was the special edition of Lunar 2: Eternal Blue when I was 12 or 13. Cool little stand up figures, kick-ass gold pendant, naked lady FMV's; everything that could satisfy my young gaming desires. Now I also had a degenerate 7 year elder sister who's dip-shittery could fill 10 E.T. landfills. She asks to borrow my Lunar Game and accessories as she has nothing to do. I (thinking no harm could ever come from my family) hand over my precious, along with Tomba! and Crash 2 because she bitched at Mom.

They mysteriously get lost and her Boyfriend now has paid off tickets and rent.

I had quite the collection of N64 games: Gold carts for both Zeldas, Pokemon Stadium 1+2, Banjo-Kazooie and Tooie, etc. Stolen and sold for somewhere between $100 - $200.

Now I'm pretty much passed the whole incident what with PSN, Arcades, and ROMs, but it will always destroy me thinking my games didn't even get hocked at a decent price.

>> No.2682190


>> No.2682191


The same fucking friend who when we were playing 360 I told him to switch the Hard Drive to his Hard drive and he promptly began forcibly ripping my Hard drive out while the console was still on.

Fuck you Millan you fucking asshole.

>> No.2682192

Doing 20 hit super-moves, trapping someone on the side of the screen then doing repeated low kicks, doing nothing but the same special moves over and over = not fair play.

>> No.2682227

Kind of the reverse rage but
>Friends with kid who wasn't rich but had lots of video games
>Every time I spent the night I'd take a game without permission
>Unlike other assholes I actually returned the game when I finished beating it
>Usually hid it under their couch

I'm still friends with the guy and I told him about it years later. He said that he always knew and I should've just asked to borrow the games. Now I feel like an idiot even though I was only eight at the time.