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2571532 No.2571532 [Reply] [Original]

BACK FROM THE DEAD EDITION with thinly veiled RomaSaGa 2 Patch never.

Thanks to those Anons that contributed the albums in the last thread.

Romancing SaGa 3 Patch FAQ
FAQ for people new to the series

>> No.2572816

just bought a copy of ffl and a super gameboy this past weekend. i'm embarrassed to admit i didn't get that i needed to make my own team and that they weren't the usual
>go here and initiate an dialog event to add character x to your team.
i find the change refreshing

>> No.2572846

>with thinly veiled RomaSaGa 2 Patch never.

If I'm not mistaken, the translator behind the recent RS1 patch actually had translated the script for RS2, but AeonGenesis never got around to finishing (or even starting?) the hacking, so the whole project is probably in an indefinite hiatus.

Maybe the hacker she collaborated with on the RS1 patch will be able to use her existing translation to produce a patch for RS2, as well.

>> No.2572856

>go here and initiate an dialog event to add character x to your team.
>i find the change refreshing

And you can swap out dead characters for new members anytime you want. (Except for the main character - he or she always has to remain in the party)

In fact, the characters you recruit from guilds found in later worlds start out with higher stats, stronger items or stronger abilities.

>> No.2572919

I'm not totally clear on the skill/lvl up process listed in the faq of op. Mostly because it focuses on the later titles. So that said what I inferred is:
>the more often you use a given weapon/skill in battle the more proficient your character becomes with them
>the growth of the character is influenced by this and new skills will be unlocked
I've only progressed as far as the sword dungeon so I haven't seen this really take effect just yet, my mutant f has learned a couple of gas based attacks thus far if that's any indication

Also, I don't fully understand the different character classes. For example I've figured out that feeding monster meat to my monster characters will potentially change their type accordingly. I remember seeing in a previous Sa.Ga thread that human characters increase stats by purchasing them, tbh I didn't pick any; 2 mutants 2 monsters. So how does it function for mutants? I have seen that their stats have improved but don't fully understand because I didn't get a manual with the game.

>> No.2572954

>the more often you use a given weapon/skill in battle the more proficient your character becomes with them
>the growth of the character is influenced by this and new skills will be unlocked

These aren't true of SaGa 1. Mutant stat growth in SaGa 1 is totally random. It's not even influenced by what actions you take in battle. Same for the abilities they learn.

>2 mutants 2 monsters

That's actually one of the quickest parties to finish the game with. You're probably on the right track. Humans can become utter powerhouses, but generally aren't worth all the grinding you'll have to do to pay for their equipment and stat boosts.

>> No.2572972

Ok, well that's mildly irritating but I can resist the urge to let it bug me. So in summation:
>humans buy their stats
>mutants are lol randum
>monsters change type by eating meat*

*is there anything else to them? or is random like mutants

further if my local retro shop hasn't sold it already; does ffl2 also follow the above, or did they mix it up?

>> No.2573037


You're spot on about character growth. The reason why I say two monsters in the party makes things easier is because they climb the evolution chart pretty quickly by the time you get to the second world, so they can quickly out-perform other characters with little effort on your part. They're not so great in the end-game, though.

Something I forgot to mention about FFL1: Humans can't increase their Def or Mana. All you can get is Def boosts from whatever armor you're wearing. Mutant Def can and does increase randomly after battle, though, so Mutants can have a lot more Def power than humans.


In FFL2, humans and mutants gain stats automatically (instead of randomly) depending on which weapons and skills you use. If you use strength-based swords, your Str will go up; if you use agility-based weapons like rapiers, then your Agi will go up; if you use spells, then your Mana will go up. HP and Def generally go up as a result of taking hits. Unlike the humans in FFL1, humans in FFL2 *can* get Def and Mana increases after battle, so they can use spells just as effectively as mutants.

Monsters are identical to their FFL1 counterparts in all respects.

FFL2 introduces a new robot character race. They don't level up at all. Instead, they gain stat bonuses from any items you equip on them. For instance, they gain HP just by equipping armor, and Str by equipping swords. The game doesn't logically restrict how many duplicate types of items you can equip on a robot, so a robot can in fact be loaded down with several suits of armor, if you want to give it a huge HP boost. What's nice is that staying at an inn causes all equipped robot items to regenerate their uses.

>> No.2573063

I can dig it. I've planned on getting an everdrive at some point in the future because tbh I'm only really nostalgic for GB titles for collecting purposes/I want to be able to play romhacks and translations. I know there's Frontier and Romancing, but in lieu of research for the sake of conversation which ones were localized/translated for snes?

>> No.2573073


None of the Romancing SaGa titles on Super Famicom were officially localized, but there are complete fan translations for RS1 and 3. The RS3 translation is a bit shoddy, but the RS1 translation is very accurate and well polished.

RS1 was also remade for PS2 (and localized) as Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song. It's vastly expanded upon compared to the original version, though.

If for some reason it's relevant to know, RS1 was ported to WonderSwan Color, with no major changes to my knowledge. (And there's no fan translation of this version yet)

>> No.2573087

So Romancing was released for snes, and later ported. Frontier looks like the psx titles if I'm not mistaken, per some quick research, I'll just emulate those if I really take a liking to the series. I think I might have tried Romancing 3 a while ago but dropped it due to impatience with the unexplained mechanics. Now that I better understand how these games work I will try again.

>> No.2573089

A general rule of thumb about SaGa games: Unlike its sister series Final Fantasy, SaGa has status spells and instant-death spells that actually work most of the time. By "most of the time," I mean they're heavily exploitable and you can usually coast through the entire game just by spamming instant-death on things.

>> No.2573096

But I left ff due to the somewhat tired press a to win/keep grinding mentality. I wouldn't want to break it to win.

>> No.2573098


SaGa Frontier 1 is for PS1. It's mechanically almost identical to FFL1, actually. You have a lot of the same races, characters gain stats after nearly every battle, characters have personal inventory slots you can place anything in, etc. So if you like FFL1 and 2, Frontier will be right up your alley.

SF is considered the easiest game in the series, so it may actually be a better place to start than FFL1. The only thing you may not like is the extremely open nature of the world. You can go literally anywhere at anytime. There's even an immediately accessible transportation system to take you to any world you want to visit. There's more sidequesting than there is storyline.

>> No.2573103

The entire SaGa franchise is objectively shit. Aside from the GB games.

>> No.2573124

>SaGa Frontier

Oh, and I should probably warn against starting Lute's scenario first. With Lute, the game just drops you in the middle of nowhere with no explanation and says, "Go!"

From there, it takes only a few seconds (literally) to waltz straight into the final dungeon and let the final boss hand your ass to you, or you can spend several hours recruiting random allies and grinding until you're strong enough not to have your ass handed to you, at which point the scenario is inexplicably over.

Of course, the other character scenarios actually do have their own respective storylines. I guess Lute was just thrown in there for the extremely masochistic, or people who otherwise never get tired of grinding.

>> No.2573125

you misspelled subjectively.

not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: an objective opinion. intent upon or dealing with things external to the mind rather than with thoughts or feelings, as a person or a book.

-existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought (opposed to objective ). pertaining to or characteristic of an individual; personal; individual: a subjective evaluation. placing excessive emphasis on one's own moods, attitudes, opinions, etc.; unduly egocentric.

See how those are different? I understand how you might get confused as people often abuse word meanings in order to make flawed arguments.

>> No.2573561

>monsters change type by eating meat*
>*is there anything else to them? or is random like mutants
What they change to depends on the current "sub-type" they are, the level of the meat (bosses usually drop higher level ones) and the sub-type of the meat.

That being said, if you aren't using an FAQ, there's no way you were ever going to figure out how Monsters work - it might as well be random for an unspoiled playthrough

>> No.2573651

You're going to love the later games then Anon, there are all sorts of different ways to recruit people and build your party.
True that, problem is that while they work really well on monsters in general they work just as well on you if you haven't the equipment or skills to deal with them.

>> No.2573789

The entire SaGa franchise is objectively the best.

>> No.2573914
File: 73 KB, 599x676, Asellus Sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost finishing my last run of RomaSaGa 2, I've almost got everything in order before the last generation, I'm still a bit nervous even though it's like the seventh time I finish it.

I think I'll do a Last Emperor Skip next, haven't tried doing it yet and I want to see how long I'll last using legit strategies before I'll need to powerlevel or use dirty tricks, if I'll ever manage to win it I'll probably ascend to a higher dimension or something.

Have a nice sketch of Asellus.

>> No.2576189

I've been wondering, did anyone try the incomplete patch for RS2?

>> No.2576359

It just translates all the menus and items/attack names into English. Also the first 5 minutes starter dungeon or so which is like 3 or 4 lines of text?

If you can read Japanese, it's actually a bit of a detriment because it also turns the rest of game into Cavespeak gibberish. I suppose if you can't, you might as well use it since the FAQ that you're probably using to play the game then uses the fantranslation names.

>> No.2576405

Oh no I already played the game, I just remembered there was an incomplete patch around for a few years and have been wondering if anyone tried it out.

As a matter of fact I'm tempted to do a full RS2 FAQ with general quest plot translation for the thread since all the available English guides are either incomplete or not accurate enough, I'll think about it though.
I'm not sure whether people here are interested enough in reading a guide while having the game in moonrunes and the amount of work is rather high.

>> No.2576415

If it helps, I would totally read it.

>> No.2576427

Well, my intention was to make a comprehensive guide with al the mechanics explained in details, for instance how generation shifts or facilities work and also having all the quests explained in terms of progression, since most of them can be completed in a few different ways, and with a general translation of the dialogues including some explanations, like the Cumberland quest or the Eilunep Ruins quests with Rocboquet.

If I get enough feedback from the people in here I'll gladly do it, but again, considering the amount of stuff I'll have to write I'd prefer not to waste time doing something that will probably be never used.

>> No.2576452

Romhack of RS1:

>> No.2576650
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Update on Imperial.

Imperial SaGa started a collaboration with Arslan Senki, complete the new Event Quests to draw characters from the new anime series based on the novels.

Privateers from Romancing SaGa 2 have been added to the game.

Commander function has been added to the game, add a character as Commander to your party to receive special bonuses.

A new character Gacha has been added, this one will give you higher tier character in exchange fro crowns(and I'm gonna bank on those so hard right now.)

General Menu Layout has slightly changed to accomodate Commander modes and minor tweaks.

>> No.2576679

>A new character Gacha has been added, this one will give you higher tier character in exchange fro crowns
Just noticed I forgot to type, those higher tier characters are uniques, that means event mission characters.

>> No.2576694

Oh, they've also added Molemen and Female Free Mages from RomaSaGa 2.

HD remake when?

>> No.2577586

I stopped playing Imperial because it's been freezing on me recently while loading when it never did in the past.

Looks like its hasn't changed in that regard, sigh

>> No.2578202

>Looks like its hasn't changed in that regard, sigh
Yeah, it still is a bit unstable, I'm kinda irritated they don't give quest boost items back if the game freezes on you, I lost quite a few Imperial Banners on Story Quests for that reason.

By the way, I decided to do that RS2 Faq, I'm afraid it will take a while but stay tuned, I'll post rough drafts once in a while to get some feedback.

>> No.2578694
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>Checking on spark types for the FAQ
>mfw I'll have to make huge tables for more than 100 characters

Guess I'll put links to those, rewriting all that shit ain't feasible.

>> No.2578864

That would be incredibly rad

>> No.2579357

I've been writing some stuff since I got home, but it's late now and I'm kinda busted.
I shall post a rough draft tomorrow when I finish clearing up what little I did.

It's gonna be a long document though. I believe it will be around 15-20 pages.
So far my objectives are:

In Depth Explanation of mechanics such as;
Facilities: Magic Research Center, University, Blacksmiths, Heroes' Quarters, Dojo.
Generation Shift: When, how and why this happens
Spark Types: What are spark types and how they influence the game
Magic, Magic Fusion and Dark Score
Classes:Where and how to get them plus a short review of each class+unique characters
Stats and Stat growth

A compendium of all the quests with plot synopsis and detailed explanation on how to trigger quests and all the ways to complete them with all possible outcomes.
Boss Battles FAQ

An Extra session that covers:
Item Info
Monster info
Monster Drops
Waza and Jutsu compendium including unique built in Waza
Known bugs and glitches
General Q&A

I guess I'll be able to cover up anything the game has to offer, of course I'll use both Kana and Romaji so people will be able to at least navigate the menus easily enough.

>> No.2579683
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>> No.2580912
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>Page 8
Jesus, these are /vr/'s official 404 generals.
Working on the FAQ as I'm typing this.

The amount of work is staggering, I've written 31 Wordpad pages already and I barely covered one fourth of what I'm supposed to do, and it's all a rough version...

Wish me luck

>> No.2581404

Ok, so far I've almost finished the following sections:

All Facilities are explained and the section is 100% complete, I'll double check stuff from the Wikis to see if there are mistakes but I doubt it.

Generation shift section is 100% complete

Classes and Uniques are almost 100% covered in details but need some slight corrections

Began working on Magic Section but still need to make a table with all spells and explanation+Dark Score

Began Spark Type section

Covered all the quests up to Gerard's last quest, need to check out the Jap Script to correct eventual translation mistakes.

I'll call it a day now, working on your pc all day with an average temperature of 37C° isn't a good idea at all.

>> No.2582867
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Rise and Shine people.

I'm spellchecking what I did so far.
For today I think I'll concentrate on finishing the sections I've begun, cover the Cumberland quest and a few small others like the first Mine quest.
If I'm not killed by the heat I'll also cover the South Rongit quest line.

I also wanted to mention that the login bonus for the current Arslan Collaboration in Imperial give you free Uniques and they're also pretty good, the designs for the new anime are pretty fujo though, what the hell.

>> No.2583009

Just cheering you on

>> No.2583064
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Keep it up anon.

>> No.2583067

is the Arslan franchise really popular? I know that Koei is making a dynasty warriors type of game based on it.

>> No.2583081

It's a cult novel series, like LoGH or Vampire Hunter D.
There was also a Arslan SRPG for the NES if I'm not mistaken, it's pretty much a classic fantasy series on the same level of Lodoss.

>> No.2583161
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Small update.

I'm halfway through the Waza section.
Work is proceeding smoothly, I'm spending more time than I thought on translations though, certain waza names need some explanation and some of the fantranslations around are either wrong or imprecise.

I've also decided to make a different section for the embedded waza instead of dumping them in their respective weapon's sections.

Magic Section is next!

>> No.2583285
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>Translating waza
>mfw trying to come up with a good translation

Fucking Moonrunes, how the fuck am I supposed to translate something like 短冊斬り without explaining what a 短冊 is?

>> No.2583326

Has there been precedent in other localized SaGa games? Like I'm fairly certain the tech names might have been reused in Minstrel Song which did get localized?

>> No.2583331


If you're cramming the translations into a ROM, you'll have to take some liberties.

If you're doing a translation guide / walkthough, I suppose you could just outline the meaning of each kanji, like so:


(Perhaps this would be interpreted as "Double-Negative Sword"?)

>Has there been precedent in other localized SaGa games? Like I'm fairly certain the tech names might have been reused in Minstrel Song which did get localized?

That's also an idea, although I imagine the English version of Minstrel Song didn't try to use literal translations for the game's more eloquent skill names.

>> No.2583349

Some of those were officially translated, yes, but others aren't, I'm currently checking the translations from other games.
乱れ雪月花 for instance is Tres Flores in SaGa Frontier, but it's an almost completely made up translation, the fan made Chaotic Flower Fall is the closest thing you'll ever get so I put that as well.
>(Perhaps this would be interpreted as "Double-Negative Sword"?)
Yeah, that's the common fan translation choice.

Luckily most martial arts are English names in katakana, but still, some Great Sword or hammer waza are problematic.
短冊斬り for instance is translated as Short Tome slash but a Tanzaku(短冊) is actually a piece of paper in which prayers or wishes are written, I opted for Paper Charm Slash but it's really hard to properly convey the meaning.

Oh well, I'll do what I can anyway, at the end of the day it's mostly flavour text so you can get at least a vague idea of the japanese meaning.

>> No.2583356


I took a jab at the strings you posted, although my translations are not very eloquent (and take some liberties)

Short Vertical Slash
Double-Negative Sword
Upheaval of Snow, Moon and Flower
The Brutal God's Existential Shockwave
The Existential Truth Will Banish Evil

Maybe you can play around with those and get some inspiration?

>> No.2583372
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>Maybe you can play around with those and get some inspiration?
I'll try, thanks for the help Anon.
Almost finished the Spear section by the way, Rapiers, Bows, Martial Arts and unique Waza remain.

I really thought I could do some quests today but all this double checking took a lot more time than planned.
Oh well, Magic is 90% Katakana so at least that will go down easily.

I guess that the FAQ will be ready by the end of this month if all goes well.

>> No.2585590
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crossover bump

>> No.2588357
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page 10 bump

>> No.2589269
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Gee, these threads sure are lively.
Guess most anons prefer to go to the beach instead, not that I blame them.

I'm fucking pissed we didn't get a JoJo collaboration for Imperial, that shit writes itself.

>> No.2590156

>Gee, these threads sure are lively.
Haven't played SaGa in a while, I guess.

Should we be worried that VITA SaGa still hasn't has any real previews out or anything?

>> No.2590192

Not like it is getting out of Japan.

>> No.2590346

Fans will figure it out, obviously they have in the past.

>> No.2590351
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>Gee, these threads sure are lively

Maybe because some anon keeps appropriating these threads into a personal "Let's Play" of the untranslated PSP SaGa that no one cares about, so the thread just ends up being hidden.

Most of us wanted to come here to discuss retro SaGa, not read some guy's personal blog about a non-retro game. If you can find some way to keep the thread on topic, that would be great.

>> No.2590716

It's on the Sega CD. I actually tried it once when I was really into SRPGs, back in the early 00's.
Amazing music and sprite-based animated cutscenes, but I can't remember much of the gameplay, honestly.

>> No.2591012

There may be new info at the Tokyo Game Show since that's more jap focused

>> No.2591032

>Most of us wanted to come here to discuss retro SaGa

At least he's writing something. I'm one of the biggest SaGa fans on this board and I barely even bother to come into these threads anymore because there's so little to talk about. Besides, remakes are cool to talk about here.

>> No.2591043

They're still working on it, so there's hope. We just have to be patient.

>> No.2591049

is there any translation happening for for aabeta or bokuno?

even just like a bare bones make it playable type thing, a text document to open up beside the thing or something

memorizing new kanji gives me such a headache

>> No.2591153

I dunno, I guess it just doesn't seem necessary to have a general thread for this when they've been consistently dead for months. Make a new thread when there's something to post about, but having a general is kind of silly; maybe you should just move it to /vg/ so you can include the non-retro games.

>> No.2591179

I don't see much of a reason for this thread as well. A more spontanious thread is better than an on going one for this series. The Final Fantasy Legend thread and Final Fantasy II threads were faster than the recent SaGa generals because it was mixed with new players and people that liked the games. You can only talk about so much about a series with a small amount of people.

>> No.2591181
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Still working on the RS3 translation, but the script sure is difficult to work with. I wish I could jump around to all the different scenes in the game to see how dialogue is supposed to play.

>> No.2591208

>of the untranslated PSP SaGa
What are you even talking about?
There's no PSP SaGa game.

>> No.2591585

the person translating RS3 said they might do it after. When RS3 gets a new translation is still a mystery

>> No.2591602

Before RS2 for sure

>> No.2591782

Oh boy, oh geez. It's been a long time since my last SaGa game... and Romancing SaGa 1 might have not been the best game to resume.
I'm shamefully stuck in the first area with Sif and considering a restart with a different character.

>> No.2592029

If it's similar to minstrel song you have to kill the monsters in the cave and go back to the village elder

>> No.2592982

Kill the monsters in the cave and report to Gato.

>> No.2593478

Progressed far enough to have a hand on everything. It's still a bit hard to keep track of what I'm doing when all I can rely on are single phrases from NPCs.
It's also pretty annoying that I need to sell items to get a gem, I keep forgetting to buy a throwaway salve just to start gathering gold again.

>> No.2594595

Two steps forward, one step back.
It's REALLY hard to avoid the endless hordes of enemies so I quickly got to the higher ranks of monsters. Every now and then there's a few monsters that instantly wipe me out. Particulary the one red skeleton that's super fast, casts Phoenix and deals ~650 damage to the entire party. Geez.
Then again I probably should start investing in armor, which I neglected entirely.

Also a bit annoying is that some "quests" mentioned in the fact won't trigger at all. I hope they're not 100% missable.
For instance I was supposed to rescue a woman being attacked by two bandits, which then opened a path in a different town. I did the saving, but the lake won't dry out to reveal the bit of stairs. Bah.
Pretty fun, anyway. I really shouldn't be aiming for my standard JRPG completion in a SaGa game.

>> No.2595038
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The first Romancing SaGa is really archaic and some things are not really that good anymore, the hordes of monsters really take away the advantage of not having random encounters since they're so many it's almost impossible to avoid them in most dungeons, same with the waza system which is really grindy and annoying.
> I really shouldn't be aiming for my standard JRPG completion in a SaGa game.
It's literally impossible to get a 100% file in most SaGa games, the only exceptions are the calssic trilogy and Frontier 2, all the others prompt you to choose between different "rewards", you better forget about it.
On the other hand they're so full of options compared to most of the JRPGs of their time that you still will have fun finding out different quest endings or hidden stuff.

>> No.2595095

I really should relax and cruise ahead as far as I can, but there are some things that end up being suspicious and there's no simple way to check how they work.
Something about "CURSED boots" sounds wrong, but they have such a nice boost to defense!

>> No.2595147

Oh don't worry, the games won't even tell you if certain items are cursed until you equip them anyway, a certain ring in RomaSaGa 2 is probably the worst offender.

I really wish RPG went back to being dickass like he old days, I was replaying through Gothic a few weeks ago and that game too is full of trap items, like the Teleport rune for the Fire Mages...
Call me a masochist but I like when games have surprise rape.

>> No.2595729

Knowing the game is a bit broken helped me relax when doing some quests apparently broke others.

A town that was saved was suddenly overrun with monsters again.
And a different town was attacked by monsters, which opened up a path to that secret entrance that wasn't triggering. I got outside... and ended up in the middle of a lake, unable to move anywhere. Good thing I saved.

>> No.2596071

Ah, such good memories from Romancing SaGa 3, my first game. I also invested a lot of time and care in that game, only to realize that the final boss was absolutely unbeatable with the party I had formed.
Back to the beggining, I guess.

>> No.2597246
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I wish I had more time to go back and play these games. The only SaGa game I've had any real experience with in my youth was SaGa Frontier, and I loved it. I never did finish all the scenarios in that game, though. I only got through Blue's, T-260G's, and Emelia's. I don't think I ever fully grasped how combos worked when I was 12, so I ended up getting stumped during the Ring Lord fight in Riki's scenario. I also hated how much space the saves used on memory cards back then. I only had one to work with most of the time.

>> No.2597508
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I love White Rose cosplay. Frontier made for some really lovely costumes, especially Asellus and her entourage. I'd post more but I don't think it's especially welcome on this board.

>> No.2597510

>only to realize that the final boss was absolutely unbeatable with the party I had formed.
Eh, I guess we all went through that.
Combos work on a attack type chain system, basically all waza have a certain property, like charge, link, down, up etc. you have to learn which property comboes with another, a common way to bypass most of the difficulty is using link waza, like Fist to make easy combos as Link is universal and even combo with itself, if I'm not mistaken even charge waza combo with themselves if Dragon Knight is not an exception.

>> No.2597520

>don't think I ever fully grasped how combos worked
To be fair, it's never explained in the game and the mechanics concerning it aren't especially strict. You should try replaying with Asellus, it strikes a really good balance between gameplay and plot.

>how much space the saves used on memory cards back then
The despair of a Playstation owner; kids today just don't know the pain of realizing you don't have enough blocks to save, or struggling with which games to delete. I do miss those cute little icons, though.

>> No.2597551
File: 196 KB, 352x500, 71VZSYSCKQL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kids today just don't know the pain of realizing you don't have enough blocks to save
>All those games that needed 3 blocks for a single save file
>only 15 blocks on standard memory card

At least after a while we got these bad boys, but yeah, kids don't know how frustrating it was back then, at least back when we had SNES cartridges we kinda had it easier, a pair of savefiles but they where pretty much guaranteed by the mid nineties, then the playstation came and memory cards blew my mind.

>> No.2597673

>I am a Hipster pretending I know shit about pre-Xbox vidya

Dude you just look like a fucking tool. Compressed memory cards had such a high failure rate that nobody would ever dare try trusting a save to it. The only third-party cards worth a shit were the Performance 15-block cards. And even then you didn't want to trust your RPG's to it, it was earmarked for things like Jet Moto.

>> No.2597683

I had one of those and never had any problems with it.

Try to fit in somewhere else.

>> No.2597691

Now you're just making shit up to save face. clam down.

>> No.2597693

Is there some reliable site with information about the development of the SaGas and why they're all so broken, unfinished or made out of discarded assets from other games?

>> No.2597695
File: 37 KB, 320x240, 29373_320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slow down, chainsaw. Take a breath.

>> No.2597697

>hey're all so broken, unfinished or made out of discarded assets from other games

>> No.2597703

>Now you're just making shit up to save face.
Listen, unlike you I've been too long on this site to bother about fitting in to whatever board's cred, I had one of those, though not the same model in the picture I've posted and to this day it still has the files from almost 15 years ago, I never ever had a single problem with it, if you seriously think I care about posing in a thread of a niche videogame series on an anonymous board, you have serious social problems, this isn't /v/.
>why they're all so broken, unfinished or made out of discarded assets from other games?
Don't you have anything better to do?

>> No.2597716

It's a loving insult. I'm honestly interested in knowing the history, because it kinda looks like (at least the early games) were side projects with shoestring budget... for Square.

>> No.2597728
File: 123 KB, 354x472, His Smile and Optimism Gone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always assumed it was because Square secretly hated Kawazu after the whole FF2j debacle and always relegated his projects to their B-team. Even now he barely ever gets the chance to direct anything. Lord knows what assets he got for the Vita SaGa game. I can't help but feel bad for the guy, as he always seems to have neat, albeit flawed, ideas.

>> No.2597736

What debacle? It sold well, more than FF1.

>> No.2597747

SaGa only began to be half assed with Frontier, the other games are fine and don't really have many problems except some bugs, but all Square games were full of bugs anyway.
> it kinda looks like (at least the early games) were side projects with shoestring budget
The classic trilogy on GB didn't require much budget, they were gameboy games after all, yet SaGa(the first FFL) was actually the first game from Square that sold over a million units.
The SNES trilogy wasn't a side project at all and if you've played the games you could easily tell because they blow away the FF SNES trilogy in technical terms.
Frontier had it rough because they've worked on it when Square already invested a lot of money in FFVII, the budget was not that great and the team didn't even know what to do with the game, initially it was even supposed to be the fourth chapter to the SNES trilogy but the staff changed their minds a lot during development, the game suffered severely from cut content as a result.
Frontier 2 suffered the same fate.

It's the usual management problem Square had, they invested a lot of money in FF and yet the cousin series was technically speaking years forward, they began working on new series like Xenogears only to decide to shift manpower and funds in the middle of development because of FFVIII, and worst of all, they published a lot of games in the same year as their bigger series and then wonder why they didn't make as much money with those.

tl;dr, Square's management always sucked.

>> No.2597770

Thank you, this kind of information is what I was looking for.
SaGa stands out for being a concept that came out of Square, the masters of the vanilla JRPG.

>> No.2597798

>I always assumed it was because Square secretly hated Kawazu after the whole FF2j debacle

Kawazu is still one of their most precious assets, he's one of the few old Square members still in the company and he's a big name in general.
Even without his name in FF he directed, collaborated or made a great maount of classic Square's RPGs, not to mention that he was the one who came up with boh FF and FFII systems.

If anything, they know Kawazu won't be bothered to make straightforward games and he's a super hit or miss director, his games either sell well or don't sell at all.
>the masters of the vanilla JRPG.
That title goes to Enix though, can't get more vanilla than DQ, so much vanilla that they don't even try to be different in other RPGs they published, if you're interested, take a look at the Seventh Saga series, with the exception of Brain Lord(which is a Ys clone, but a pretty fucking good one) and maybe Maboroshi Gekijyo, they're basically all DQ with a different template.

Also, there's is a little thing about the SaGa series' cut content, while they couldn't do much about it on the technical side they always gave a lot of attention to the lore or the cut parts of plots, the Ultimania guides are kind of huge tabletop game manuals with pictures and in depth lore explanations, not to mention that in the case of Frontier and Frontier 2's cut plot they made short novels with all the missing content they couldn't or didn't put in the game, which is at least a decent way to apologise.

>> No.2597803 [DELETED] 

>I always assumed it was because Square secretly hated Kawazu after the whole FF2j debacle

Kawazu is still one of their most precious assets, he's one of the few old Square members still in the company and he's a big name in general.
Even without his name in FF he directed, collaborated or made a great maount of classic Square's RPGs, not to mention that he was the one who came up with boh FF and FFII systems.

If anything, they know Kawazu won't be bothered to make straightforward games and he's a super hit or miss director, his games either sell well or don't sell at all.
>the masters of the vanilla JRPG.
That title goes to Enix though, can't get more vanilla than DQ, so much vanilla that they don't even try to be different in other RPGs they published, if you're interested, take a look at the Seventh Saga series, with the exception of Brain Lord(which is a Ys clone, but a pretty fucking good one) and maybe Maboroshi Gekijyo, they're basically all DQ with a different template.

Also, there's is a little thing about the SaGa series' cut content, while they couldn't do much about it on the technical side they always gave a lot of attention to the lore or the cut parts of plots, the Ultimania guides are kind of huge tabletop game manuals with pictures and in depth lore explanations, not to mention that in the case of Frontier and Frontier 2's cut plot they made short novels with all the missing content they couldn't or didn't put in the game, which is at least a decent way to apologise.

>> No.2597817

>I don't care

Except you're posting about it, so you do care.

>> No.2597910
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>> No.2597950
File: 6 KB, 251x219, ss (2015-08-08 at 09.04.15).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides everything pointed out so far, it's worth noting that the RS series and Frontier (and I think even an unrelated Satellaview game) were made with the same type of modular RPG engine. All of the cutscenes and dialogue in the games are part of a simplistic RPG maker style script system. This is part of why those RS3 hacks are so elaborate, because it's relatively easy to modify and add to the script. Pic is a script sequence in RS3, you can see that there's not much to it.

So compared to Final Fantasy and other RPGs, SaGa comes across as somewhat disjointed and strange because its engine is very simplistic. That of course has its advantages and is no doubt why the games are so packed full of quests and have multiple protagonists, because they can theoretically put together all of that stuff very quickly. I'd assume that means much more development effort goes into the battle engines because of that as well.

>> No.2600043

That's pretty interesting, wonder how much different is the typical SaGa engine from a standard FF.

>> No.2601681

Does anybody know whether Genocide SaGa can be found somewhere?
The only like I've found to the game is long dead and I'd love to play that little game.

>> No.2602693

one of the earlier threads someone posted about it but couldn't link it due to spam.

>> No.2603747
File: 117 KB, 600x371, 1947462_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I'm itching to play that little game, I found some nice Pixiv art about it too.

>> No.2605057

the original website is gone so waybackmachine works, dunno if this is the latest version.

>> No.2606205

Many thanks anon!

>> No.2606803
File: 17 KB, 256x224, RomancingSaGa-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now that Romancing SaGa is finally translated, how many of you are enjoying it? How does it compare to Minstrel Song?

>> No.2606813


What's the context of this?

>> No.2606840

>How does it compare to Minstrel Song?

Very poorly honestly, it's also pretty different since Minstrel Song added a lot of new mechanics the original didn't have, don't expect to combo or do any fancy surge reverse, there's no LP and formations mechanics work quite a bit differently, it's based on the old front rows/back rows system so people in he back can't be attacked or attack unless you use magic/bows/spears.
If you want to know how the original was play it at your own risk, but it's very clunky and archaic, don't expect a Romancing SaGa 3, this was the beginning of the trilogy and a lot of things are quite a bit annoying to say the least.
To give you a rough idea, if you played the SaGa 2 and 3 remake on the DS and the originals on the GB, the difference in terms of contents and mechanics is more or less the same.
It's a mod quest where you can get Sherah, Death and Saruin and fight Elore to get your revenge as the Dark Gods.

>> No.2606976

It made me want to play Ministrel Song, which I still haven't played.
It was fairly enjoyable, but the endless hordes of monsters are REALLY too much. And a few encounters once you get to the top tier are just randomly murder on your party.
It made me miss the LP system as it was a chore to buy a shit ton of salves so I could heal after every battle. Characters 'revive' with 1 HP after a battle so I could also run around like that, but it was tempting fate.

>> No.2607001
File: 677 KB, 640x480, Lesser Star Platinum.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It made me want to play Ministrel Song, which I still haven't played.
Damn Anon, you're missing out.

>> No.2607025

Just play Minstrel Song, there are so many mechanics introduced from all the SaGa games it isn't even funny. Field skills, sparking, combo attack, and event ranks. I really have no incentive to play the original version due to the fact of the copious amounts of monsters on a map making it tedious.

>> No.2607138

I'll see if I can... "get" a copy. Sounds awesome.

>> No.2608304
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>> No.2608965

Be wary that while it is somewhat strangely full of informations about most mechanics it's also very easy to fuck your playthroughs with the event ranks, so you should really avoid fighting at all costs in the beginning if you want to play smoothly

>> No.2610136


Have any of the games in this series been completed?

I love me some SaGa (like most people, I got started with Final Fantasy Legend) but like, every game I've seen in the series feels like it could use 6 more months of development

>> No.2610152

>Have any of the games in this series been completed?

I have no idea what you mean. Final Fantasy Legend had a terrible translation, but the game was very much finished. Maybe if you played the Japanese version it wouldn't feel so awkward.

>> No.2610156

Is Destroyer canonically the strongest character in the series? He's an embodiment of Hell's power and whatnot.

>> No.2610234

>Have any of the games in this series been completed?
Is this going to be the dank meme of these threads?
There's nothing canonically stronger than anything in a series that thrives on parallel dimensions and multiverses, Hell Lord is the ruler of Hell, the Creator is literally the god of his world and created everything in there, Genocide Heart commands a huge spaceship powerful enough to destroy worlds and possibly travel through dimensions as well and so on.

>> No.2610281

that always made me wonder if Saruin was so strong, how come some of his creations like the jewel beast or the elemental lords rebelled and he never put them in line?

>> No.2610352

>if Saruin was so strong

Saruin wasn't that strong, iirc Sherah was the strongest of the siblings as she was not just a evil goddess but the one who actually created all magic in Mardias, that's why Elore sealed her memories away, Saruin is the weakest of the siblings, Death is more or less as strong as Sherah.
The misconception that Saruin is the strongest fella out there is that he's the main boss of the game, story wise he's the most dangerous because unlike Sherah and Death he wants to destroy the world and Elore but even gameplay wise he's only strong if you give him the Fatestones, in his normal form Jewel Beast, Death and Sherah walk all over him in terms of difficulty.

>> No.2610398

Do the legend games fuck anything up severely in terms of localization, etc? Thinking about picking some of 'em up locally.

>> No.2610538

I know there's a part in II that deals with opium smuggling that the localization changed to be about banana smuggling.

>> No.2610548

Lots of censoring, but there's restoration patches for all 3 games.

>> No.2610587

Saruin is strong if you give him the Fate Stones because those contain Elore's power

Elore himself basically admits that making the Fate Stones was a mistake, so destroying them along with Saruin is probably the most "heroic" option

>> No.2610603

Minstrel song is a gigantic Elder Scrolls tier timesink that will steal like 240 hours of your life if you try to beat the game with all the characters.

Literally there are 8 characters and one play-through takes like 30 hours on average because of how relaxed the pace in the game is and how slowly the battle rank goes up.

Which is fine. It's fun. I want to play it right now.

I just can't because I have no time.

Contrast to Saga Frontier where a skilled player could finish every character's story in a weekend.

>> No.2610847

That is a "SOLD" statement to me. And I was already sold!

>> No.2611309

>Contrast to Saga Frontier where a skilled player could finish every character's story in a weekend.
I guess the design was different in concept, after all they even made special Time Attack section in the Frontier Ultimania.

>> No.2611594

It really doesn't matter, it is a Gameboy RPG so it is light on text along with being a SaGa game which often aren't text heavy games. It is straight to the point.

>> No.2611602

Reminds me of the Soul Eater quest line. Honestly it seems like Death became really chill and didn't care for anything other than taking in more souls and guiding them into the afterlife. He really despised the Soul Eater. I wonder why Saruin made the Soul Eater when it undermines is brother Death. I never even fought Death as well due to the fact that he seems like a decent guy, regardless of his past.

>> No.2612346

>Death became really chill
Death was the neutral brother, though not that neutral to not turn a blind eye to the Minions' doings, after all the whole mess with Darque and Aldora was caused by a Minion with the explicit permission of Death.
Sherah is the lawful sibling, as the eldest of the trio and creator of magic she also willingly chose to seal her memories away making a pact with Elore, even though she is the strongest among the Evil Gods she's also the one who respects the world and living things the most.
Saruin is the dickass chaotic little brother, if I'm not mistaken he was born out of Saiva's hatred and is more of an embodiment of destruction than anything.
>He really despised the Soul Eater. I wonder why Saruin made the Soul Eater when it undermines is brother Death.
Saruin doesn't really give a shit about his siblings, unlike Death and to a certain extent Sherah, honestly, if he didn't create Soul Gutter(though its original name is Soul Drain) maybe Death wouldn't have taken an almost completely neutral postion towards his little Brother.
That said, yeah, Death is pretty much one of the most decent gods in Mardias, as long as you're willing to pay the right price he'll give you what you seek, but he also warns you about what you have to sacrifice and he cares a good deal about the souls of the dead and their transmigration.

>> No.2612525

Hey, guy who wanted Genocide Saga, I found it in one of my Hard Drives (I think), hope it works for you.


>> No.2613179

Much appreciated Anon but another Anon already gave me some links.
Played a bit of it yesterday, it's pretty fun for a little indie game.

>> No.2614316

Hey can anyone provide info on the different Romancing SaGa hacks?

>> No.2615035

all the Romancing SaGa 3 hacks are in the pastebin complete with explanations.
Mind that those hacks are JP only so you have to read moonrunes.

>> No.2616642

Hm, they have updated Imperial again.
They added Female City Fighters and Mu Herders.

There's also a limited event quest with the 4 sacred beasts.

>> No.2618043
File: 10 KB, 256x224, Romancing SaGa (J) (V1.0) [b1]_00000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone provided a Mod to reduce enemy encounters and add running by holding B SNES RS would be much better.

Interesting thing, I have a ROM that literally has most of the characters with all spells of specific classes from the start along with a great deal of items. Sadly using the English patch makes that ROM very Buggy. I also have an RS2 ROM where all Waza and Jutsu cost 0 WP and you have 99 of all weapons and armor in the Vault, including Iron Will (Moleman specific gear).

The filenames are this for the record if one wants to find them:
Romancing SaGa [b1]
Romancing SaGa 2 (J) [b1]

Example is pic related, Diana is able to use this spell as soon as you recruit her as Albert.

>> No.2618057


The WonderSwan Color port adds dashing, but there isn't a translation patch available for that version.

I'm not sure about the number of enemy encounters in that version, but dashing makes it a lot easier to avoid them.

>> No.2618071

>If someone provided a Mod to reduce enemy encounters and add running by holding B SNES RS would be much better.

Unless you played Minstrel Song first, but yeah, too many enemies on the map.

> I also have an RS2 ROM where all Waza and Jutsu cost 0 WP and you have 99 of all weapons and armor in the Vault

That's cheating anon, you wouldn't cheat your way through RS2 now, would you?

I guess the only mod RS2 really needs is a patch for the bug in the Item Drop Rate and a few codes for fixing the bugs in the spark table.
Those are the only "big" problems.

>> No.2618494

I only did it to get the sprites from the game.

Yes I am the guy who extracted all the playable characters from all 3 RS Games:


However that was years ago...

I would love to play it legit provided it gets translated.

There is only one real problem with RS1 and RS2 is that they are bugged in a way. RS1 has the above mentioned problem of too many enemies. RS2 has an encounter issue of locking yourself in a high enemy rank if you run into a Nosferatu early on. Even if you retreat from that, all enemies are locked onto that rank.

>> No.2618536

>RS2 has an encounter issue of locking yourself in a high enemy rank if you run into a Nosferatu early on. Even if you retreat from that, all enemies are locked onto that rank.
Never heard of that, aren't Nosferans rank 3 or something? It might be more useful than anything though, iirc Nosferans are the toughest monsters in their ranks so even if the game locks you at that level everything but Nosferans should only give you more chances to become stronger rather safely, if you do have Exorcism you can even try to fight them anyway.

>> No.2618657

I've done about four quests, and overleveled my characters to the point I can't send anyone from my party. Is there a way to send them back? The bartender keeps telling me that I've got a tough comrade, and I just want to get a second mage...

>> No.2618748

I take it you can't play this game without knowing japanese and without jumping through hoops?

I'm learning, but I've only been at it for two weeks now, and I don't really know if a game would be playable.

kanji now or later? I can read all the kana but man I hate hitting kanji when I try reading stuff, it's like "I can read this if I knew what this damn bunch of lines meant!"

>> No.2618763

Doesn't matter, Vita is region-free. Sony knows how to play the game these days.

>> No.2618783

>I take it you can't play this game without knowing japanese and without jumping through hoops?

For bare gameplay you need at least some basic knowledge, if you want to read all the crossover stuff and dialogues you need good knowledge of course, I'm pretty much a beginner myself so I still have some problems here and there.

If there's anything you could do is persevere, try to be regular in your studies and always read or listen to something regularly, Kanji are hard anyway you look at them so bite the pillow and start memorizing them.
As long as you have some real drive you'll learn at least what you need to play through games, but it really depends on how much motivation you can muster.

If I can give you a suggestion, try playing some games with furigana, DQ usually have those, they'll make your kanji learning a bit less painful and keep your kana and grammar in shape.

One other thing, do buy yourself a dictionary, a paper one preferably and learn how to recognize and search Kanji, I take you already know about radicals and all that jazz, it will help you immensely, I personally bought the New Nelson, which is considered the best Jap to Eng dictionary available and it's in fact very good.

>> No.2618792

Oh and I almost forgot, NEVER EVER go to /jp/ for help, just leave those subhumans alone.

>> No.2618805

>untranslated PSP SaGa

How did I never hear about this through my readings about the series?

>> No.2618806

>which is considered the best Jap to Eng dictionary available and it's in fact very good.
The Kodansha set is also very, very good. Kinda pricey but immensely useful for reference.

>> No.2618808

Because it doesn't exist.
I still don't know what he was talking about.

>> No.2618817

I sort of get what you mean.

If you're asking why the games are often clunky, I'd say it's because the series is wack. Like, this series does not give any fucks if the product they release ends up being incomprehensible. Usually it leads to a sequel which fixes whatever glaring issues were present in the first, and after they get bored of the series in its current state, they say 'sub-series over, new series now' and change everything up again.

I'd say SaGa is like Todd Rundgren, you never know what you're gonna get, but that's part of the fun.

>> No.2618826

I didn't see them as being very helpful, no. I've just been going through website guides and practicing daily with podcasts and kana writing to really make sure I have them down.

I've considered doing Heisig, is that a reasonable option for kanji learning? I know it doesn't teach the spoken version but it does teach you the meaning by my understanding.

I don't know anything about dictionary ordering of things in Japanese so that is likely a good plan. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.2618849

>I've considered doing Heisig, is that a reasonable option for kanji learning?
Can't help you on this because I've been mostly doing standard exercises with my schoolbooks.
> I know it doesn't teach the spoken version but it does teach you the meaning by my understanding.
Sounds useless, you'd want to hear pronunciation as well, it helps you a lot to actually associate the pronunciation with the kanji, even though homophones are a huge problem it will still make you memorize things easily.

Though really anon, if I must be sincere, you need a lot of drive to learn such a language, the grammar is not as complex as German or Finnish, unless you begin to thread in dangerous grounds like all the variation in register like Sonkeigo and stuff, the huge wall is the written language, and for certain people some sounds.
Just keep on trucking, don't expect to be able to play games like Moon after a few months or even a year though, unless you're a neet.

>> No.2619048

>this series does not give any fucks if the product they release ends up being incomprehensible
Hellooo, Unlimited SaGa.

>> No.2620946

To be fair, Unlimited isn't that obscure compared to other games, for starters you get to see basically every kind of stats or bonuses in the menus opposed to most other titles in the series, the manual, albeit the jap one, explains a fair amount of stuff and it's generally a fairly sharp game, there's no weird quest triggers or obscure, hidden stuff.

It's just a VERY complex game.

Frontier or Romancing SaGa 2 are much more cryptic than Unlimited, like who the fuck would have thought it could be completely legit to get straight into the final dungeon after literally 5 minutes or having four of five different ways to complete a quest, none of this happens in Unlimited unfortunately.

>> No.2622935

I'm not sure how I feel about either. Since in Unlimited you could literally take a quest you couldn't possibly complete and die as a result,

>> No.2622942

Unlimited Saga had a contest when it came out asking players to figure out it's byzantine game system and answer 20 questions before anyone else to win some kind of rad prize

I'm certain it's made that way on purpose.

>> No.2623402
File: 99 KB, 640x833, Kawazu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm certain it's made that way on purpose.
You don't say?

>> No.2623449
File: 81 KB, 640x617, saga-frontier-2-ps1-cover-front-48492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really understand the progression of this game. It seems like I can select some events out of historical order, but I often end up in areas where I'm severely underpowered, especially those events involving wars.

I can't progress Gustave's scenario due to being too weak, it seems there's no way to back out of that event and select something else. At most, I can play one of the Wil Knights scenarios, but I don't know if grinding with Wil Knights will somehow make Gustave's party stronger.


>> No.2623505

>but I often end up in areas where I'm severely underpowered
That's weird, what is the scenario you're having problems with?
Bear in mind that the whole game isn't easy going like most other JRPGs, if you're fighting a strong enemy like a Griffon there's no way you can overpower them with brute force, you just have to play smart.
>I don't know if grinding with Wil Knights will somehow make Gustave's party stronger.
Nope, every character is separated so you won't get power ups, actually, at one point in the game you get the contrary for good plot reasons though.

>> No.2623524

Anyone got a link to the Romancing SaGa 2 English patch?

>> No.2623534

There isn't one, unless you mean the old, incomplete patch.

Bear in mind that this translates only Items/Commands and the Menu, and also the very first dialogues in the beginning of the game, all the rest is not translated.

>> No.2623542


I don't remember the name of the scenario, but Gustave has to go to war with his own brother for succession of their father's kingdom.

The battle takes place on a small map, and it plays out like a tactical RPG. You move units into enemy units, and have to engage in several battles. The problem is that every enemy group is overpowered.

I don't remember there being any other (Gustave) scenarios I could select at the time, so I have no idea how I could have grinded enough to be prepared for this scenario.

>> No.2623546

You think I can get through the game while understanding the story when it's in moonspeak?

I know someone has the 100% patch! You torment me, good sir!

>> No.2623587

I don't remember anything from Gustave's story being too hard to just waltz right through outside of the Battle of South Moundtop (and for that, you just need to switch over to Wil's stuff and you can eventually skip it automatically), but there is one small favor the game does for you in that learned arts are shared between ALL characters. What this means is that if you're having trouble, sparking arts in another scenario with completely unrelated characters, as long as they're using the same weapon types, can indirectly power the characters up in the unrelated scenario.

Also, try to keep multiple save files. There's a lot of bullshit in SaGa Frontier II that comes from constant points of no return that'll disallow your going back to easier areas to grind and explore or whatnot. While it is mostly not as hard as other games in the series, it has a plethora of missable crap and you'll probably want to play with a guide to make sure you're not screwing yourself.

>> No.2623654


I guess I'll continue to play through Wil's scenario and spark some new techs. Maybe that will help.

By the way, I heard there's a New Game+ feature. What carries over into a NG+, and can I do NG+ as many times as I want? If it allows me to keep my character stats, that should make subsequent playthroughs a lot less hassle.

>> No.2624018

Sorry for the late reply
>The problem is that every enemy group is overpowered.
Nah, not even close, the battle of South Moundtop is way worse than that, you'll see, and outside of Gustave and Kelvin you can't even grind as units have predetermined stats.

The trick is to trim off the enemy's numbers, just literally use the elemental arts for your soldiers, like Wood Spear and you'll easily win, not to mention you have Gustave's Steel Troops that can rape anything in that segment, or you can even go directly for Gustave's XIII's troop and kill them off.
Remember that you'll win an encounter anyway if you inflict more total damage than the enemy's troops, at the end of each turn units will regenerate one lost member if you have reserve soldier, Gustave will rape anything he touches so do use his unit against the tougher ones, also, for each consecutive encounter the max HP of the units that sustains the offensive will diminish by a 25% factor for each encounter up to 2 times iirc, having an archer units adjacent to an attacker will make the attacker's side start off with a special support attack that will damage all enemies for free at the beginning of the first turn.
>I know someone has the 100% patch!
Sounds fishy honestly, if such a thing truly existed we would have got a hold of it in no time.

>> No.2624038

>What carries over into a NG+, and can I do NG+ as many times as I want?
The things that carry over are

Chip Circulation Value
Sparked techs and magic
All the cleared chapters from the previous playthrough are available
A new plot related main screen background

All the rest is reset though you do have access to every single chapter of the game from the get go, you can even literally go straight to the last boss battle without even going through the dungeon, though that means you'll start with base stats characters.
>If it allows me to keep my character stats, that should make subsequent playthroughs a lot less hassle.
You don't get to keep your stats, but you kinda know what you'll have to deal with in a second playthrough, which is one of the best advantages in the series, think of it as a Batman simulator.

>> No.2624087


Does NG+ let me repeat each scenario as many times as I want? I am hoping yes, so I don't miss anything permanently that I can't go back and get.

>> No.2624097

>Does NG+ let me repeat each scenario as many times as I want?
Nope and also forget about tools, I just rechecked my NG+ file because I felt I've said some bullshit, you don't keep your your tools, sorry.

You can't repeat scenarios because it would be too easy to farm chips I guess, not that it matters when there's the first Wil in the Mines scenario which is pretty damn exploitable if you have the patience to farm Gremlins for hours.

>> No.2624120


Thanks for the advice. Hopefully I'll finish the game this time. I had owned it years ago, and progressed all the way to what I believe to be the end of Wil Knights' scenario before giving up.

There are a lot of things I still don't understand - chips, quells, tools, monoliths, the egg. These seem to be important concepts, but none of it is making sense. If I understand this correctly:

Chips - Another form of currency. I don't know where this currency is used, but I think I get more of it by allowing my weapons to break rather than repairing them.

Quells - Artifacts from a previous civilization, I think. I don't know their importance, or why people are so concerned with finding them.

Tools - Not sure what this means.

The egg - It was vaguely mentioned a few times. Apparently it drives people insane when they come in contact with it, and I believe it's considered a quell / artifact.

It seems like Wil Knights' scenario revolves around finding the egg, whatever significance it has. I have no idea how Gustave's scenario factors into the big picture.

>> No.2624156

Everything in the SFII world contains anima with two meaningful exceptions

The first being the majority of metals. Metal items have no anima. The second exception is certain people are born without any anima, and cannot use any anima either. Anima is said to be closely linked with the spirit itself and such, so they are considered abominations without souls by some, but this is the result of prejudice and the exact nature of anima is not known.

Tools are objects made with materials that contain and channel anima, such as stone, wood, animal parts, crystals, basically everything that's not anima resistant metal. You need a tool to use arts, otherwise you can only use the nearby environment to use anima arts. Everything from kitchen knives to battle axes tend to be made of anima conductive materials, because people use arts for everything in their daily lives.

Quells are ancient tools with limitless ability to channel anima, because they never break no matter how much they are used. This makes them very valuable and they are almost always more powerful than regular tools.

Chips are pieces of broken tools, which can be refined and used to make more tools.

The Egg is a special quell, and saying anything more than that would be spoilers.

>> No.2624163

You're exactly on point
You'll get the answers you seek at the end of the game, in the final dungeon if you defeat a certain optional boss
Tools are basically objects infused with Anima, anything that isn't made out of Steel is a tool basically, the difference between Tools and Quells is that Tools break, are less powerful and there's also a certain plot related thing about Quells.
>The Egg
It is a Quell, albeit a special one, though it doesn't really drive people insane, but you'll discover what it does eventually.

Wil's scenario is the story of his family and the Egg, you'll discover what Quells really are and you'll see the story of untold heroes who fought a great menace, for some parts it's also intertwined with Gustave's story especially during Ginny's generation.

Gustave's scenario is the story of a man without Anima that becomes the most important man of his age through sheer determination and hard work, consider that people without Anima, like Flynn or Gustave, are literally Pariah in SF2 since people believe that Anima is the soul of things, Gustave's story is about a man that falls and rises back from the abyss, it's very touching in its simplicity.
You'll also get a picture of Sandail's political situation as every important noble appears, that complements Wil's scenario quite a bit since most events like wars or political references are only explained in Gustave's scenario.

>> No.2626235

I've been looking at Jap wikis for the FAQ but I've still found nothing about that Nosferan glitch.
Maybe I'll check some other sources, if this is documented I'd like to include it in the Bug section.

>> No.2626862

I appreciate all this Frontier 2 chitchat as I honestly found the game overwhelmingly confusing after Frontier 1 and I didn't have the patience to stick through it back in the day. As soon as I'm done with my current RS3 run, I'll give it another go.

>> No.2627095

It wouldn't be so bad if your party wasn't so constantly in flux. If you're not using a guide, you have no idea who's important and who's not, who's only going to be with you for one scenario and who's going to be with you at the very end of the game, and there's a lot of great gear that makes the endgame a lot smoother that is so easy to miss if you don't know where it is. It's too bad because it's a solid, fun little game underneath all that, and I find the generational approach the game takes to its world pretty damn unique in the JRPG ocean.

>> No.2628574

>I honestly found the game overwhelmingly confusing after Frontier 1
And that says a lot, it's a game that should really be played slowly and you need to explore every nook and cranny because you can only play scenarios once.
The fact that plot exposition takes a super minimalistic approach makes it also kinda hard to follow at times, especially when you have to keep track of three generations of characters and all the things they did, not to mention that a lot of stuff is divided between Wil and Gustave's scenarios.
>and I find the generational approach the game takes to its world pretty damn unique in the JRPG ocean.
Only a handful of JRPGs have a generational scenarios, the ones that come to my mind are Romancing SaGa 2, some Fire Emblems and a Dragon Quest too if I'm not mistaken, it's really a rare and interesting feature, on that regard Frontier 2 predates from Romancing SaGa 2 in that regard, though the latter has a more complex and expanded generation system as it's the main focus of the game.

>> No.2628901

I'm playing ffl. Currently on the ruined world with the Phoenix. I found the rom item. but can't find the other one. I found the 2nd town if you want to call it that. but i'm stuck. i've tried following the tunnels but stay on the same track, i've tried freely exploring the map running from su zaku but can't find the other bit.

any help?

>> No.2629114

Did you exchange the ROM for the Board?
also, you must talk to So-Cho in the pub if you want to do the tunnel part and get the Plutonium.

My memory might be a bit hazy but that should do it

>> No.2629132

change the rom for the board? i tried speaking to the only non-bikers at the bar, unless i'm going to the wrong place or doing it wrong.

>> No.2629151
File: 37 KB, 1760x2688, FinalFantasyLegend-WorldOfRuins-Overworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Head to Ameyoko town, which is marked on this map. In the northeast section of town, there's a small hole where you can walk up and see a hidden vendor. Talk to him to exchange your ROM for a board. At that point, I believe you return to the biker gang and begin your plans to infiltrate the power plant.

You really should consult GameFAQs instead of asking here. There are at least a few FFL walkthroughs posted there.

>> No.2629202

Huh I thought I got that place. Thanks. I think asking /vr/ is more like asking your friends than cheating with a guide. Call me old fashioned. It's a logical fallacy I know

>> No.2629215

As long as you enjoy the game it's fine for me.

>> No.2631414

I've been learning quite a few things from checking the jap wikis.

Though that also means I have more stuff to put in the FAQ...

>> No.2631584

About which games?

>> No.2631962

Romancing SaGa 2.

I've been looking at the spark type tables lately.

Some of those are kinda shocking, like the Male city thief's, I've always wondered why I got so many different waza from them, turns out they have the most varied spark type roster around, too bad it doesn't really fit well with their stats.

Some other thing that surprised me is that some waza that I thought were standard turned out to be MAG based, like Air Wolf Sword, which is quite a good thing since you can give that to casters like Holy Orders for a super effective ranged 1 WP waza.

It's like they've opened me a new world really.

>> No.2633101

Another interesting piece of info.
Some people tried to gun for the final generation straight after obtaining Gerard, you basically have to kill each character over and over again until all the recruited ones have become Emperors, the game will then jump to the Final Emperor due to the generation system.

Fun thing is, the game won't count any year lapse, you effectively start the final generation as soon as Gerard's generation starts, opposed to the usual span of 1000-2000 or so years depending on how fast you play.
Yet, even though you basically cheated the system quests are still available with the exception of the Mermaid quest, if you do take that quest with the Final Emperor, it's game over once you complete the quest...but if you don't take that you can legit complete the game.

Also, since generation shifts occur in a certain way over normal playthroughs, they STILL occur in this kind of challenge run, though the time span is drastically reduced to 3 or so years for each shift, meaning you can still get facilities or even teach waza and fund Magic Fusion in a completely legit way.

It's astounding how flexible the system is for a console JRPG from the early 90's, no wonder it's considered the best title in the series, it's mind boggling.

>> No.2634658

I think SaGa is way more like Judas Priest
Kinda gay but they rock anyway

>> No.2634743

Priest isn't just kinda gay, dude. I mean, "Jawbreaker", come on.

>> No.2635935


SaGa series is perhaps considered the Black Sheep of Square Enix.

You know the kind, the weird relative who is estranged from the family but is rather interesting than the rest when you get to know them better.

People never played the games because of more popular franchises but then play it out of curiosity and wonder what they have been missing out on.

>> No.2636069

>Kinda gay
It's not gay when it's fabulous.
I wonder what would have happened if we ever got the SFC trilogy, or even if the GB trilogy was called with its actual name rather than being a victim of marketing tactics.

>> No.2637464

>I wonder what would have happened if we ever got the SFC trilogy, or even if the GB trilogy was called with its actual name rather than being a victim of marketing tactics.
Some modestly increased degree of variety in JRPGs. One would dream.

>> No.2638694 [SPOILER] 
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>Some modestly increased degree of variety in JRPGs. One would dream.

I don't know about that, it's not like we didn't get weird JRPGs, we got stuff like Sorcerer's Kingdom which was kind of a predecessor to Chrono Trigger's battle system for some things but nobody remembers it, then there's Vantage Master, Brandish, Vandal Hearts, Valkyrie Profile, Koudelka and even a Metal Max, albeit not a retro one, we actually got a fair amount of "unusual" JRPGs.

What I'm thinking about is that maybe, just maybe, having the SFC trilogy would have kind of stimulated the early western audience in a different way, though I don't know how to be honest, maybe I'm just overthinking it.

Also, next Imperial SaGa collaboration is Shingeki no Kyojin, I'm not sure how I feel about this honestly, it was alright when they did Mana and FF cameos in Emperors, but this and Arslan Senki is getting a bit too far.

>> No.2640512
File: 205 KB, 1400x787, sample-7e501039e78972a3d0f45ba6e3b7a602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After 2hus, Kancolle and SaGa crossovers are beginning to appear.

>> No.2640564

So not sure if you guys care but I did find a guy who's in the middle of let's playing RS2 in Japanese but translating what story he runs into during play to English. He's doing it blind though so lots of deaths and shitty play.


That's the first video. It's something at least.

>> No.2640581

>He's doing it blind though so lots of deaths and shitty play.
Wonder if he'll muster the strength to actually complete it then.

>> No.2642943
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Hey, don't die on me now.

>> No.2643987

I just wanted to say Legend of Legacy looks, sounds, and plays like shit and SaGa 2015 can't come out fast enough.

>> No.2644204

Oh really? I was excited for it too

>> No.2645742

You can read a bit about it here:

God what a fucking let down.

>> No.2645794

It's a SNES Romancing SaGa lite clone, what did you expect?
At least the designs and music are good.

What surprises me is that a lot of people that worked on that are former Square employees.

I use to joke on Kawazu all the time but I guess it's true that without him putting people on a leash the games come out even more half assed, you can't go half way with SaGa clones.

>> No.2645808

>It's a SNES Romancing SaGa lite clone, what did you expect?
Not even close to lite. It's almost barebones in comparison to even the first RomaSaGa.
>At least the designs and music are good.
No. And fuck that goddamn pop-up shit.

>> No.2645829
File: 85 KB, 600x600, My little digger can't be this cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, calm down bro.
Here, have some Ginny.

I still like the character designs though

>> No.2645842
File: 1.11 MB, 1200x1800, 47001835_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm serious.
How the fuck can one even be so brash as to call themselves a SaGa successor when you can only ever use three characters in battle and the only characters you can recruit are the starter sets?
Three fucking character battles, and they don't even do much with it. I mean, hell, even Breath of Fire 3 had more inventiveness with similar limitations.
Sure, other aspects are there like stat ups and sparking, but parties being made up from various people and even some being exclusive to the routes of some characters was a big deal in most of SaGa.

>> No.2645869

Whats up with this dude?
Which game is he from?

That sword some special shit?

>> No.2645870

Well, maybe they'll expand the system in further installments? Who knows, problem is they were very explicit in catering to the SaGa fanbase, on one hand they had to please people who were accustomed to a very unique and complex system, on the other they couldn't just rip off the originals and call it a day.

They put themselves in a catch 22 if you ask me, and they further ruined the hype by having a lot of people like Kobayashi or Hamauzu that already worked on SaGa, it's only natural most fans were disappointed by the game.

I think a few features, like the map exploration are kinda neat though, it's a bit diificult to reconcile the pop-up stuff in the map with any kind of exploration in SaGa, you either had pseudo sandboxes and a map like RomaSaGa/RomaSaGa2 or Maps and exploration like SaGa/SaGa Frontier.
The Battle system is a very simplified version of the standard SaGa system, not bad but not satisfying either.
The characters are too few, that's a very bad point, especially since as you said, one of the best things in SaGa is the huge cast and finding out who can be recruited or not, limiting a cast in a game with seven main characters to...well, just those characters is very lame.

I don't know, I hope they will eventually make a better sequel or new title because I love SaGa's design and there's way too few games like it.

>> No.2645875
File: 790 KB, 1280x1024, Battle with Kyuujinshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is Kujinshi/Kzinssie from Romancing SaGa 2.
He's the most famous nemesis in the franchise together with Apollo and Metal Black.

He also has one of the most badass battle theme in the series.

His sword can eat the soul of people with Soul Steal, which eats up all the LPs of the target.

>> No.2645921

Sounds like a real badass

>Soul Steal

I liked the idea of :
Nothing-Nothing-Sword or Double Negative Sword

>> No.2645947
File: 129 KB, 801x750, Kujinshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sounds like a real badass
He's actually a bit of a miserable character story wise since he's literally bullied by everyone, has an unrequited love etc. and not even difficult to fight but he's got character and Soul Steal is so OP you need a plot armor mikiri waza for it.

Double Negative Sword is a bit of a bitch for many reasons, it's just a mid tier waza, not very accurate, chooses the target randomly and you need it to spark another high tier waza.
Sounds badass though.

Have more Kujinshi.

>> No.2645956 [SPOILER] 
File: 99 KB, 640x852, 1440776247972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the giant girl skull his unrequited love?

I assume hes from the game thats not yet translated?

Pic Related, its my unrequited love

>> No.2645961
File: 702 KB, 730x1000, 30d4c389370452fb35e9d221e60e2a97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is the giant girl skull his unrequited love?
No, this is.
>I assume hes from the game thats not yet translated?

>> No.2645971

A shame, I saw a lot of the art work from that game and it looked super interesting.

Oh well, I think I'll just go see if Biggy ever finished his LP of Unlimited Saga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8QVGqZacZs&list=PLE7F78D1D25291183

>> No.2646015
File: 389 KB, 700x681, Lesbian half blood mary sue&Moemoe princess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, considering how many signs Imperial is sending you can at least hope the remake will be localized before the translation patch is out, which is very possible considering Gideon is doing it.

>> No.2646060

>which is very possible considering Gideon is doing it

No. Just no. Half the projects on Gideon's site are dead. He's notoriously unreliable.

Someone else actually decided to release a translation patch for the WSC remake of Makai Toushi several years after the fact, because Gideon basically said fuck it.

Why anybody idolizes Gideon as some kind of savant of ROM hacking is beyond my comprehension.

>> No.2646090

>Why anybody idolizes Gideon as some kind of savant of ROM hacking is beyond my comprehension.
Probably has to do with his track record. Dude's released a lot of shit, much of it excellent.

>> No.2646147

>Why anybody idolizes Gideon as some kind of savant of ROM hacking is beyond my comprehension.
I don't know either m8, fact is he's the only one that he's doing a patch for RomaSaGa 2.

>> No.2646252

>Dude's released a lot of shit, much of it excellent
>Dude's release some good shit, some of it excellent

FTFY. I'm not saying some of his projects aren't well polished, but you have to wade through dozens of dead / abandoned projects to find the few gems he actually has finished and released to the public.

>fact is he's the only one that he's doing a patch for RomaSaGa 2

No he's not. It's dead.

The team who recently translated RS1 will probably end up putting out a patch for RS2 long before Gideon could. His RS2 project was announced years and years ago and hasn't seen any updates since.

>> No.2646406

There is a trick to avoiding enemies in the first RS. It's kind of hard to explain but after playing it for a while it becomes pretty easy to predict their movements and walk past them.

I know I'm the minority here, but I really don't like what they did with Minstrel Song. I compare it to the later remakes of the original NES FF games. Essentially they made it "easy-mode" (if such a thing exists in SaGa) to fit in with the mechanics present in later entries in the series. They also fucked up the aesthetics in an unforgivable way - everybody looks like a character in Code Lyoko or something.

I'm not saying Minstrel Song is bad, I just personally did not like it as much as Romancing SaGa. I probably have a bit of lingering Stockholm syndrome from obsessively playing it in my early 20s, but to me RS was a classic, on par with the original Final Fantasy.

>> No.2646436

I really did like the game in general, but I'm still a bit salty about being completely unable to take down the final boss.
I'm aware that this happens in these games, but it was still a cold bucket of water after being away from them for so long.
I'll still mantain that quests getting bugged (or seemingly bugged) is a big point against RS1.

The lack of LP make the HP-regen a chore, specially after a fight in which that one random enemy decided to randomly use a powerful 500-700 HP attack to the entire party.

And the fact that you can upgrade every stat means there's a lot more room for "grinding" and endless pop ups to indicate which stats each character gained.

But I'm still repeating myself. Again, salty.
I'm bound to try a second run soon. Perhaps a different main character will help.

I also still need to fix my problem of not using magic. At the very least I need one or two dedicated healers.

>> No.2646448

> Essentially they made it "easy-mode"
Oh come on, Jewel Beast is a joke in the original RomaSaGa and Saruin gets raped by Tiny Feather, it's just that the normal enemies have slightly higher stats and it takes much longer for you to actually get decent given how the system works, Minstrel Song didn't drop the difficulty at all, if anything it made most bosses even stronger and balanced the game so you don't have to slog for hours sparking skills and getting enough money for magic and equipment.
>They also fucked up the aesthetics in an unforgivable way
Blame Naora, those character models are his fault.
I do agree that Kobayashi also fucked up big time with some redesigns, the worst offender is probably Farah, though she also made existing characters much better, Galahad, Jean and Raphael are all much more charming than the originals

>> No.2647474

He should have known better than to try to flow-ah the Noah.

>> No.2648067
File: 39 KB, 300x230, I've got the spookiest boner right now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man can you blame him?
I sure don't.

>> No.2648168
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Yeah, but
>thinking he can beat the power of crazy jap incest

>> No.2648204
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But Rocbouquet wants Wagnas' D, not Noel's.
I agree that Noel is kind of a Siscon but he's not that extreme in the game.
Even the other games like Emperor's or Imperial only show him super protective and her swooning over Wagnas.

That said you can only wonder how many dickings she got with a whole village made up entirely of men of all ages, just imagine, the whole spectrum going from /ss/ to Faceless Old Men. It's kind of kinky, and considering the obsession of the SaGa team with monster girls to boot...

>> No.2648218

>wagnas' D
I can see where this could be a problem?

>mobile version has some extra stuff

>> No.2648289

>mobile version has some extra stuff
It's just 2 new classes and another version of the Queen as extra boss.
They've fucked the audio beyond reason though, worse than FF GBA remakes.

>> No.2649940

Wish someone would hack the SNES version to backport those 2 classes.

Reading the Wiki, it sounds like they add some more variety (especially for Dark casters?)

>> No.2650391

I think it's strange they still didn't do that considering how much they've modded RomaSaGa 3 you would think they'd bother to make a patch for 2.
Maybe those 2 classes are shit, who knows.

>> No.2652401

Hi Ryan.

I tried messaging you on YouTube but it didn't get though. Touhou A Live has been updated and I was wondering if you could upload all of the soundtrack, which you can get from VGPerson's website.

>> No.2653168
File: 10 KB, 256x224, Welp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play Treasure Hunter G for the first time because a friend as been bothering me with it for months
>Protagonists are named Red and Blue
>Red has blue spiky hair
>Blue has blonde, long hair

Kawazu ripping off characters from a Sting game, confirmed for talentless hack

No really, the resemblance to Frontier's Blue and Red is uncanny though, could have been a subtle reference?

>> No.2655319
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>> No.2655403

Isn't that an extremely common theme?
That game sucks, anyway. Half finished and it shows.

>> No.2655635

>Half finished and it shows.
I'm just at the beginning and the combat system seems nice except the non existent difficulty so far.

>> No.2657665

Boy is this place dead.
Doesn't help that it seems there won't be any SaGa at TGS...

Anyway, I'm still working on the RomaSaGa2 FAQ, don't lose hope guys.

>> No.2657693

Some day I shall brave the stormy waters of that game. But I am currently still intimidated by its supposed difficulty... and the moon.

>> No.2658105

Been playing RS2 for the first time lately as well. I can speak and read moon so it's not that bad. I'm a few generations in. Was getting my ass handed to me at some parts but managed to find the ones that are more my level.

>> No.2658795

>But I am currently still intimidated by its supposed difficulty... and the moon.
I'll take care of both without spoiling the game for you anon.
That's cool, where are you now, how do you like the game?

>> No.2659256

Outside of maybe the last boss without abusive strategies, to be honest there aren't really that many difficulty spikes outside of a few bosses.

Granted, like in every SaGa game you basically have to quicksave after every battle because they're potentially lethal, but after you get wiped it's really highly likely that you'll win after you reload and go all out (I usually lose when I try to conserve resources on a fight where I shouldn't)

>> No.2659302

Just got Comrun Island to join after taking care of the volcano. Was getting my ass handed to me by Rocbouquet before that at that temple because I had a 4 dude party and was also there a bit too early probably. At the moment I'm in the ant cave, though. I've been doing a lot of exploring around trying to find out what it is I'm supposed to do really.

Also way earlier I went and got that one bird's nest but I have no idea what to do with it.

Mostly the difficulty for me comes from exploring and not really knowing a good order of doing things. Also ran into Nosferans in the Ludon cave early in and they just handed my ass to me. Good thing I didn't win, seeing as you guys mentioned the bug with them earlier in this thread.

>> No.2659437

I guess the real difficulty spikes are basically the Queen, Wagnas if you fight him early, Noel and maybe Subier if you trigger his second form, Dantarg is kind of a wild card but not that hard if you know how to counter him, the rest should be fairly easy if you're used to the general Romancing system, even the unforgiving LP system shouldn't be much of a problem if you play carefully.
The Seven Heroes are hard if you don't cheese them with Quicktime, if they decide to be dicks and get constant 5 or 7 actions per turn they can devastate you in 2 or 3 turns unless you've grinded for hours and hours to get top tier stats and equipment to kill them before they do.
My last party was a female city fighter/female Holy Order/Last Empress/Pirate and Coppelia with 20-ish stats as a handicap and they literally raped me two times before I won, granted I gimped myself with no Quicktime/No Phantom Fighter/Wraith Form, they're very tough.
Well, seeing you went in Toba and got the bird's nest you can put it in your storage or go to Mermaid and trigger the Mermaid Quest, you'll have to beat the Queen in ant cave to complete that though as you'll need one of the molemen to make you another item for that quest, you also need a male Emperor to trigger that quest to begin with.
Take your time, there's not really anything you're supposed to do, you can explore the world as you see fit, you can also not fight Rocbouquet if you want, granted that you'll have to once you get to the final boss, enjoy the freedom of choice.

>> No.2659476

Freedom of choice is my favorite part of SaGa, so I most certainly am enjoying what I'm going through at the moment. Also thanks for letting me know about what to do with the nest. I should have assumed it had something to do with mermaid and/or that same area.

>> No.2659491

No problem, another thing you should know is that there is a kind of subquest which is very easy to mess up and consists in collecting musical instruments you'll find around, once you get them be sure not to trash them because they're unique items, a few of those can also be missed, there's one in Zemio on Komulune Island for instance that will disappear if you didn't take it before starting the Dark Magic subquest.

Those items are used for a subquest to unlock the Iris class but the subquest to collect them doesn't even have a real start since some of those are available since the beginning of the game while others are only unlocked by triggering that "quest", you'll know when that happens by the time you'll get to Yu Yuan in the east kingdom since you can read moon, I won't spoiler you anything more because the hunt for items is very enjoyable for me.

One last thing, while this game is probably even more non linear than the first, you also should remember that th extreme freedom of exploration also means that it's very easy to miss or screw up quests, save often if you're not following a guide, most quests can be completed in a lot of ways, even by failing them or losing to a boss, that of course gives you different results, some are bad, others are simply another way to begin another quest, being charmed by Rocbouquet in the tower of Eilunep brings you straight to the Sentinel in the ruins to continue the Rocbouquet quest(granted that you haven't already defeated the Sentinel, in that case you simply lose), it's a very interesting system.

>> No.2659518

Yeah, mostly my first time playing any SaGa game I go in with the idea that I'm going to fuck up royally no matter how hard I try to get things right. I try not to look at too many guides or FAQs unless I get completely stuck without any options that I can see. Makes the game and the results feel much more like I did something right, or something horribly wrong. RS2 has so far been pretty rewarding on that front though I'm not that far in really.

>> No.2659537

>my first time playing any SaGa game I go in with the idea that I'm going to fuck up royally no matter how hard I try to get things right.
Yeah man, that's exactly how I feel too.

Guess that's the Frontier syndrome.

>> No.2660419

>Once you get them be sure not to trash them because they're unique items
Can you actually trash items permanently? I thought they just went into your Kingdom's storage when you do.

It's actually one of the tricks involving the Stone Boat - just trash it and you won't have to do the annoying "slow walk" out of the jungle

>> No.2660974

I guess you can, in one of my early playthrough I managed to lose one of the bard's instruments somehow even though I collected them all and I don't know about any bug related to losing items.

>> No.2661523

Guy potentially might play Sa-ga here, what should I know about the first game? Seems complicated af.

>> No.2661591

FF Legend 1? Which "first"?

>> No.2661615


The series starts with Final Fantasy Legend on Game Boy and its two sequels. Final Fantasy II is considered a sort of spiritual predecessor to the SaGa series, so it may be worth starting there instead.

From there, there were three games on the Super Famicom entitled Romancing SaGa. The first one is fan translated and there's an enhanced remake for PS2. The second one has yet to be translated. The third one has a fan translation like the first.

After that, there are two SaGa Frontier games for the PS1, both localized.

From there, Unlimited SaGa on PS2, also localized.

>> No.2661631

I already played ffii, but apparently for legends there's more to it then just exercising stats to gain stat boosts?

>> No.2661640

>apparently for legends there's more to it then just exercising stats to gain stat boosts?

Yes. Different character races have different types of growth systems. Mutants gain stats randomly in FFL1, then humans and mutants both gain stats automatically based on the skills they use in battle in FFL2.

FFL1's humans have their stats increased by buying vitamins and using them. Monsters mutate into other, stronger monsters by eating the meat left behind by defeated enemies.

FFL2 introduces robots. They don't gain any permanent stats, but any items you equip them with will boost their natural stats for as long as they remain equipped.

>> No.2661723

To add on>>2661640, the GB SaGa also introduced special race abilities, Espers/Mutants can learn abilities randomly at the end of battles while monsters get new abilities by eating different meats.

One other important thing you should know is that the GB games have weapon durability like Fire Emblem, except a few weapons each attack included magic and martial arts has a durability counter, there are lso a few gimmicks to that counter too, martial arts for instance grow stronger the less durability they have, Esper's abilities don't break and can be recharged by sleeping at an Inn etc.

>> No.2662905

Should I assume that the only complete guides for Romancing SaGa 1 are in moon?
The available walkthroughs in english were rather incomplete or didn't account for a lot of important quest information.

>> No.2663108

Pretty much, keep in mind that the SNES Romancing SaGa was in moon only till a few months ago and the fact that they made Minstrel Song made a lot of people lose interest in it.
Are the english FAQs that bad? I gave them a quick glance a few years ago and they didn't seem good enough but I don't know if anything changed.

>> No.2663367

The list of quests was fairly "complete" in the one walkthrough, but it was missing some triggers that block you out or start them.
Some towns seemed to get random monster invasions, I did quests related to them which cleaned them out... but then they got invaded again wihtout rhyme or reason.
And in a second run I was still unable to advance in the Elders quest line because a lake that was supposed to be drained still refused to do so.

>> No.2663719

I see, well, I suppose I will try to do something about it once I finish working on the RomaSaGa 2 FAQ, I suppose having the game in english now will mean more people playing the game.

>> No.2664503

What did you guys think of the War minigame in Romancing SaGa 3? How would you improve it?

>> No.2665101
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It was pretty neat for its time, especially in a series devoid of minigames.

I think maybe having more unit types would be better, formations and special orders are already good enough to keep the game interesting, maybe make more battle events for people other then Mikhail since he's the only one who makes that minigame worthwhile.
Having some rewards for those would be nice too, like some kind of salary like RomaSaGa 2 in the case of Monica/Mikhail since you're basically annexing territories or getting special items for other characters, there's a lot of room to improve it really.

>> No.2665289

I'm not sure how well known it is, but after playing the odd sidescrolling adventure game Valdis Story last month, the first thing that struck me about it was how much the character artwork reminded me of the odd giant heads of Minstrel Song. The art almost turned me off from playing MS in the first place, which would have been a real shame since the game had a lot of memorable elements to it.

It was nice that it was simple enough to not have to be a chore to learn it, but pointless enough that there wasn't a real need to have to learn it really well. The ruling minigame that went along with it and Mikhail was much more of a pain, though. Didn't it give you some kind of non-combat solution for one of the abyss gates or something? I always ended up quitting and going back to a Katarina game anyway, I suppose.

>> No.2665423
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>The art almost turned me off from playing MS in the first place
I know how you feel, one of the biggest turn offs for me is when I don't like the art direction of a game, which is pretty silly but I can't bring myself to play games that have art or characters I don't like, one of the biggest reasons why I'll always enjoy more Chrono Cross than Trigger.

>> No.2667240
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Seems Imperial has been an inspiration for some nice crossover fanart.

Now if only it was an actually good game...

>> No.2669592
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>There was a new Re:Birth album by Itoken
>I didn't know it
>mfw listening to it

The Re:Birth arrangements are always fucking amazing but this time Ito and Masaru made the impossible.
This blows the last Re:Birth album away and it was a mighty good album in its own rights.


>> No.2669615
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The new album is:

Re:Birth II -連- /サ・ガバトルアレンジ

List of tracks:

燃える血潮〜Save the world メドレー (Sa・Ga2 秘宝伝説
>Burning Blood/Save The World Medley from SaGa 2
パイルアップ・スタック〜ホールド・アウト メドレー (サガ3 時空の覇者 Shadow or Light)
>Pile-Up Stack/Hold Out! from SaGa 3: Shadow or Light
全軍突撃! (インペリアルサガ)
>Full Army Assault! from Imperial SaGa
バンガード発進! (ロマンシングサ・ガ3)
>Vanguard Take Off! from Romancing SaGa 3
Battle #4 (サガフロンティア)
>Battle #4 from SaGa Frontier
Last Battle -Red- (サガフロンティア)
>Last Battle -Red- from SaGa Frontier
Last Battle -Emilia- (サガフロンティア)
>Last Battle -Emilia- from SaGa Frontier
A Piece of Courage (ロマンシングサガ - ミンストレルソング-)
>A Piece of Courage from Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song
死への招待状 〜The Battle with Death ~ (ロマンシングサガ - ミンストレルソング-)
>The Battle With Death from Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song
熱情の律動 (ロマンシングサガ - ミンストレルソング-)
>Passionate Rhythm from Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song

Ren and Emilia wedding scene in the cover By Kobayashi as usual.


>> No.2670924


Any mp3 downloads of it?

>> No.2671376

Didn't find anything but I didn't have the time to search carefully.
I'll look around a bit today.

>> No.2671472

I think it is weaker than the first ReBirth.

With that said, "Save the World" sounds great on it. I don't dig most of the other songs on it.

Like this is bad ass, and that bass in the Romancing SaGa 2 battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZxJbjuDFE8

>> No.2671489

My only problem with this album is that the scat singing is a bit redundant in some tracks but I'm very pleased by all the arrangements and the fact that they've decided to do tracks other than battle themes is great.
Emilia's Last Battle theme is a perfect rendition even though it has a slower tempo than the original, Passionate Rhythm has great percussions and the guitar is just as great as the original and I was surprised to see SaGa 3 songs, given that the original weren't composed by Ito I though they'd not do anything with it but I didn't consider that the remake music was effectively done by him.

Here's hoping we get T260 -Last Battle-, Lute -Last Battle-, Battle#3 and some other BGM like Booby Trap, Koorong, Melody of Time and The Ultimate Weapon in the next albums.

>> No.2673141
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>> No.2673170
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Album Cover Art

>> No.2673309
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I know this seems a bit random, but aside from Asellus, where there any other examples of LGBT characters in the SaGa universe? I ask because I always thought it was interesting how Kawazu created worlds where so many different character races and archetypes coexisted and even intermarried, so I was wondering just how diverse SaGa's characters actually get.

Also, I notice there's some overlap between the mechanics of SaGa and the mechanics of Final Fantasy II, possibly because of Kawazu's involvement with both. Are any SaGa fans also fans of FF2?

>> No.2673325
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The only thing that comes to mind is Aldora/Dark in Minstrel Song, but it's not really LGBT, it's just a soul of a dead sorceress put inside the body of a male assassin for shit and giggles, it's noteworthy that you can choose which personality becomes dominant throughout the game by developing her/his stats accordingly, developing INT gives you points for Aldora(female) while developing DEX gives you point for Dark(male), there are not many remarks about their sexuality though, Dark himself is rather asexual and Aldora only mentions that she was in love with a warrior when she was alive, that warrior eventually turns out to be the legendary Mirsa, you also don't know that Aldora is actually female until late in the game.

There's also a lot of characters without gender like Yousei/Yukidaruma in Romancing SaGa 3, Platyphillum or Anzam in Unlimited and basically all monsters in Frontier and the early SaGa trilogy, and all the robot characters besides Coppelia.

>possibly because of Kawazu's involvement with both. Are any SaGa fans also fans of FF2?
Kawazu was literally the father of FF, he designed the entire battle system for FF and most of FFII's design, both battle and character management/game progression, he's also the one who introduced the concept of elemental weaknesses to JRPG, SaGa is his most precious brainchild and a successor, or better yet, a further elaboration on FFII's design as a whole.
I guess many of us appreciated FFII even if it's very archaic, it's basically the Proto SaGa.

>> No.2673326

I think it's sort of implied that Ellen in RS3 is gay

I can't think of any others off the top of my head

Mystics are typically all bisexual

A lot of characters have a pretty dykey vibe (Barbara from Minstrel Song springs to mind)

I'm not sure about gay dudes, I've heard people claim that Fuse or human version Leonard are gay but I don't know about that.

It's somewhat implied that Gustav gets gay with (possibly) Flynn, most assuredly with Bart, and almost certainly with Johan. His female love interest is named, well, "Leslie" and it's probable that they had a "we'd be lovers if we both weren't so gay" type relationship.

The SFII book shits all over the plot of the game for whatever reason, but it contradicts every gay implication and kills off my waifu, so I tend to not take it very seriously. The plot is a lot more interesting when you think of the real reason Gustav being rejected by society because he's homosexual and the anima thing is just a strawman that lets the game actually get developed and published instead of getting shot down by conservative execs.

Modern Japan has been pretty restrictive on their depictions of homosexuality in general, it's really only in recent years that it's emerging in popular culture as something other than a serious taboo, so even if the characters are gay it's depicted very vaguely.

>> No.2673330 [SPOILER] 
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>I think it's sort of implied that Ellen in RS3 is gay
It's a bit extreme to think that just because she doesn't want to fuck with Julian though.
>I've heard people claim that Fuse or human version Leonard are gay but I don't know about that.
Don't believe PIxiv's fujos

>> No.2673334

isn't she a bit smitten when you recruit her with Katrina though?

>> No.2673371
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Not really, she just says her name.
You won't say that Sarah is in love with Harid because she has an exclamation mark in her speech baloon when you talk to her with him to recruit her.
And that's the same reason why you shouldn't think seriously about all those gay vibes in Frontier II, Gustav falls in love with Leslie when they were young, it's also heavily implied when he ignores both Flynn and Kelvin at the party and goes to eat with Leslie and the girls.

Flynn and Gustav share a special relationship because they had no anima, Gustav explicitly says that only Flynn could understand how he felt because they were the same.

Kelvin is out of the question too especially because he actually marries Gustav's sister Marie.

Johan's has enormous respect for Gustav, but mainly because of the reasons that are implied in the game and further explained in the novel, because he has no Anima and is the only person he can feel at ease with due to that, Johan is a broken shell of a man and only staying near people drives him insane due to his guilt, when he's with Gustav he can be at peace because he can't sense any Anima and Gustav never judged him and never cared about his past as an assassin.

Gustav can only be at peace with Leslie because she, much like Gustav's mother, doesn't care about people without Anima and loves Gustav for what he is, the fact that they are seldom seen together is because both Leslie and Gustav knew that if their relationship became public Leslie would have been targeted by Gustav's opposition and would have been probably killed, that's also the reason why they never had children, Gustav explicitly says that if anything happened to Leslie he would probably become a vegetable or kill himself.

If anything, what's interesting about Frontier II cast is that Cielmer and Sophie kind of ended up as lovers once Sophie and Gustav were banished.
Cielmer was pretty much an Anima supremacist asshole until he met Sophie and fell in love with her.

>> No.2673381
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Also, character chart of Frontier 2 again because we all forget who's in love with who and who had which children, keep in mind that his chart refers to the novels, that's why Wil is married with Labelle instead of Cody.

>> No.2673429

>Ellen in RS3 is gay
Doesn't she get a bit jealous when Julian decides to go with Monica?

>> No.2673456

Wait there are SaGa novels? Why the fuck wasn't I informed of this. Time to look for them.

>> No.2673640

On that note, I'm just about to pull the trigger on 4 different guide/info books about Romancing/Unlimited SaGa. Fuck I wish I'd never run into the series, now it's my favorite and I'm buying all sorts of shit related to it that I don't need.

But I do need it.

>> No.2673720

Looking to get into other Saga games. I've played and beaten Saga Frontier with all the characters and was curious about which would be the next best Saga game for me to start?

>> No.2673743

I highly recommend Romancing SaGa 3, as it is the most similar one.

>> No.2673751

Thank you. I'll definitely look into it

>> No.2673790

see? people who like the novels are retarded

>> No.2673854

So, I've never played a Saga game before. Where would be a good place to start?

>> No.2673879

Romancing SaGa 3 or SaGa Frontier

The next best one would be Minstrel Song but that one is really a lot better if you already have an idea of how SaGa games work.

>> No.2673915

For Romancing SaGa 3, would that be using the Mana Sword translation?

>> No.2673917


>> No.2673919

I should add that the only thing in that patch is that you shouldn't rename the characters or anything since it will mess up the text widths

>> No.2673928


Thanks, but what about the first Romancing SaGa? I see that it is fully translated and was just wondering if there is a reason to play the third game before the first?

>> No.2673947

literally it's just not as good or as easy to get into for the reasons that it's an older game with less refinement, and you might get bored of it because it's not as pretty looking or good sounding and it presents less of a varied and well balanced experience.

>> No.2674016


>> No.2674679
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Anyone know anything about our have read the manga adaptation of Romancing SaGa 2? Seems to be a pretty straight up adaptation of the story from the game. Only managed to find scans of the first volume so far. Pic related.


Looks pretty decent honestly.

I also found out there's a Frontier SaGa 2 short that is two chapters long and no scans anywhere. Also it came out in a magazine called ファンでら in 1999. I'm trying to dig up more about it but information seems to be scarce.

>> No.2674727
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There was a official novel for Frontier 2 that basically included all the cut storyline content from the game, there's also a short official Frontier novel regarding Fuse and his cut quest as a MC in Essence of SaGa Frontier.
They both explain a lot of things and make the storyline for the games much more clear, especially in the case of Frontier 2 which expands the background of characters like Johan, Leslie or Cielmer quite a lot, both were written under the supervision of Kawazu so they're the closest thing as canon storyline you can find, which of course made the fujo community rage a lot.

>> No.2674752

Fukken neat. Anything that enrages the fujo community at large is worth my time and is generally amusing. I'll have to get myself some copies.

>> No.2674770
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You can get Essence of SaGa Frontier in the Download Pastebin, unfortunately the document I've found has a few pages missing in some sections but the Fuse novel is complete, the quality is so so but until someone uploads better scans you'll have to make do unless you want to buy the volume.

>> No.2674779

Not bad quality at all. Saves me a little money to buy some of the other SaGa-related books I've been looking at.

The Wonderswan Romancing SaGa guide to match my Makai Toushi SaGa one. The 600+ page Complete Unlimited SaGa book, and the Romancing SaGa Ultimania book. Was also thinking of picking up the older RS2 guide but that might be too much of my money already.

>> No.2674790
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Yeah they're pretty costly, especially some of the older ones, well at least they're literal bibles and they're very good books, most of the times they're worth the money you'll spend of them.
Also, the Romancing SaGa Time Weaver artbook was uploaded on Sadpanda some time ago and the quality is pretty good

>> No.2674805

I am hoping for Castle of Needles, the Tower Theme from the first game, the Talon Theme, and Battle Theme EX.

Final Fantasy II is alright. While an old game it gets a lot of things right. I originally played the GBA version and didn't think it was great but didn't think it was bad either. Heard that the NES version is much worse but found out it is an exaggeration and was surprised how well paced the game was compared to Dragon Quest I and III which I ended up dropping because I felt that at times I had to grind a little out of town to either get my HP up or money for some gear to cross a bridge. FFII had surprisingly proper pacing for a NES JRPG as long as you actually specialized in skills rather than making everyone a terrible Red Mage.

Final Fantasy Legend 2. Starts you up with the mechanics of the series with no level ups or experience points along with races developing in different ways but it is easy to progress in the game due to your objective and how to complete it is clear compared to later SaGa games in which many people tend to get lost. Actually it is expected that you are in the dark fumbling around until you find something new to obtain a new quest or to finally find the destination of one of the quests you picked up. Final Fantasy Legend 2 is also a short game at about 12 hours to complete it so it will give you a great introduction to the series along with not eating too much time up.

>> No.2674810

I forgot to mention.

There were big updates in Imperial and more to come.

Now the game has:

A note function that reminds you of the current events such as gacha bonuses, events and collaborations.
SaGa related event quests like Seven Heroes, 4 Elemental Lords and others are now permanent quests that will shuffle around periodically so people will now always have a chance to draw SaGa special Event cards like the Seven Heroes.
The fourth gacha introduced with Arslan Collaboration will now host special SaGa gacha events on rotation, until 10/14 for instance there will be a special gacha for characters using swords, bows and spears, Last Empress from RomaSaGa 2 is also featured in this.
Daily Mission function has been added, by completing a series of objectives like completing 3 Battle Quests you'll receive bonus rewards like gacha tokens, Varque tokens or items for various facilities.

Next big updates will be the Dark Emperors route and Frontier characters! A big implement and update in mechanics has also been mentioned but no particulars have been given.
>Battle Theme EX.
Isn't that one of Unlimited's battle themes?
That's not by Itoken so he won't include it in a Re:Birth album.

>> No.2674816

He didn't do FFL or FFL 3's themes as well but he had some FFL 3 themes in there. Heck I don't think "Save the World" was done by him and he did it in that new Re:Birth.

>> No.2674820

Note that FFL3 is explicitly based from the Shadow or Light remake where he arranged the soundtrack, he doesn't do anything that doesn't have his name in the rights, that's why there's no chance to have him do Frontier 2 soundtrack again.

>> No.2674821

Fair enough then. Wished there could have been a FFL one with that Tower Theme but makes sense.

>> No.2674825

I want them just as much as you do trust me, but his SaGa Re:Birth series is specifically only his stuff, that's the same for his Mana Re:Birth album.

By the way, you do know that Hamauzu also did a Frontier 2 arrange album? Maybe he will do some arrangements of his Unlimited stuff in the future.
So far there's his Vielen Dank album, which has some Frontier 2 pieces and a lot of unrelated stuff made by him which is great if you're into classical piano compositions.
Then there's his Frontier 2 arrangement album Rhapsody on a Theme of SaGa Frontier 2, which is downright amazing.

>> No.2674864

>grinding in Dragon Quest
The ultimate JRPG sin.

>> No.2675667

>>2674679 here

Okay so I've ordered a copy of the May 1999 issue of Fan DX, might take a while to get to me but I'll scan the SaGa Frontier 2 chapter when I get it and post it. Still need to track down the April 1999 issue, but that's not looking good. I know someone has it because it's the same magazine the Cowboy Bebop manga was serialized in and I'm pretty sure that was scanlated at some point.

Also went ahead and ordered the Romancing SaGa Ultimania and Complete Unlimited SaGa, though I probably won't be scanning those due to number of pages and not wanting to debind or ruin them.

>> No.2675717

I could do a lot of other far more profittable activities, but maybe I should pull the "learning moon" one out of the backburner. It's been there for 15 years, after all.

>> No.2675728

>I probably won't be scanning those due to number of pages and not wanting to debind or ruin them.
That's a wise choice, it would be a pity to ruin them.
Learning Moon is very profitable, especially if you play videogames and even more so for retro stuff, it's a good choice Anon.

>> No.2676405

Anyone here waiting for their copy of the Imperial SaGa OST? I pre-ordered mine and got the first press bonus, which I believe includes slim Robin of the middle rarity (the one between red and purple, almost pinkish).

It says it has 36 tracks, so does that mean 36 original tracks, or the ones that are from other games too that are present within Imperial SaGa?

>> No.2676707

>or the ones that are from other games too that are present within Imperial SaGa?
I don't even think Imperial has 36 original pieces of music so it's probably this.

>> No.2676758

Considering they still have to implement stuff I wouldn't be surprised if they've already registered all those tracks, but yeah, it sounds kinda fishy, it doesn't help that there's no info on the track list, I've been waiting to order mine because of that, I already have the other OST and I don't really care about the extra Robin card.
Still mad they're giving the legit highest rank Last Emperor free of charge to those who go to TGS.

>> No.2678636
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So, out of curiosity I looked at Famitsu's scores for the series.
They're pretty baffling.

SaGa 2>33/40
SaGa 3>29/40
Romancing SaGa>31/40
Romancing SaGa 2>26/40
Romancing SaGa 3>34/40
SaGa Frontier>31/40
SaGa Frontier 2>35/40
Unlimited: Saga>31/40
Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song>32/40

Now, not that reviews are any important but it's pretty weird how most of those scores are in stark contrast to the fanbase popularity scores, especially Romancing SaGa 2 scoring the lowest when it's one of the top three with Romancing SaGa 3 and Frontier.

>> No.2678728

Probably got their Casual butts kicked in RS2

>> No.2679095

To be fair I kinda understand how it could get a lower score than other titles, it's more difficult and cryptic than most of the other titles, but the lowest score out of all the games?
And Frontier 2 getting the highest score together with the first SaGa or Minstrel Song only having 1 point more than SNES RomaSaGa is puzzling to say the least.

It's weird, it seems like the more non linear and not straightforward games get the worse scores, which is kinda expected considering the japanese trend regarding JRPG and linearity, but to see such major dissonance with the actual fanbase...
On the other hand it's nice to see that people didn't care about ratings that much even in 1993.

>> No.2680512

So, while writing stuff for the Romacing SaGa 2 FAQ I came across an interesting thing which I never quite considered.

For people who don't know about it, as the game's divided into classes with characters having fixed stats there's usually a few top tiers characters in each class, one of those characters is Koumei, a Tactician.

Tacticians are a class unlocked in a sidequest, they're basically the strongest mages around in terms of pure INT ratings though they suck on basically anything else but speed.

Koumei is the only character in the game who has a native whopping 25 INT, followed by the Last Empress, which is a unique and a much better character than Koumei in terms of anything but due to the fact that she comes very late in the game and you can also choose the get the Last Emperor because of his STR rating Koumei gets a bit of precendence.

Now, Koumei is probably the only character in any SaGa game besides maybe Blue that makes magic actually more than viable as a pure offensive tool, I used him a few times casually and he was pretty good though I found out that some people tried to do a do or die INT build on him by loading with equipment that while shitty by itself grants INT bonuses, Koumei's INT ratings skyrocket to more than 30 depending on the pieces of equipment you got, as I made a little test the other day with a build of my own, a Galaxy with light proficiency at 39 and the 30 INT build does around 5000-6000 to ALL ENEMIES, I haven't tried spells like Solar Flare but they should do just as much if not more on a single target AND lower magic defense as well, considering that only a few enemies have more than 5000 HP in the endgame this is making me want to make a pure magic run really bad just to see how much Koumei could do at maxed proficiencies.

Romancing SaGa 2 might be really the only game besides maybe Unlimited where Magic only runs are viable and not extremely tedious.

>> No.2682187

Well, those people who wanted SaGa showing up at TGS finally got their wish.


>> No.2682203
File: 270 KB, 700x700, 51469705_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah.
The loli looks cute, though not as cute as Ginny.

Guess this is the return of the SaGa Frontier 2 formula with its Free Scenario system unless Kawazu has some surprise for us.

I'm not too enthusiastic about it, I would have preferred the classic 7/8 MC formula and more exploration but considering it's a brand new entry it's still better than nothing.

I don't think many people here liked the Free Scenario system either.

>> No.2682351

Those no-gameplay trailers always bother me.

>> No.2682376 [DELETED] 

I just ordered this book. Who'd be interested in some photos when it arrives? It apparently has around 30 pages of manga about the two series in it.

>> No.2682378
File: 208 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ordered this book. Who'd be interested in some photos when it arrives? It apparently has around 30 pages of manga about the two series in it.

>> No.2682380
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>> No.2682381

That's a pretty famous book is it?
I recall seeing a few scans about it some years ago with some old ass fan art of Romancing SaGa in it, at least if that's the book I think it is.

>> No.2682515

Good point. We still don't know how it's supposed to play like - GB? Romancing? Frontier?

>> No.2682520


Not sure. Seems like there are a fucking ton of saga books out there.

>> No.2682538
File: 50 KB, 426x640, SaGa2015Loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kawazu said that it's going to have an elaboration of the Free Scenario system, which means basically SaGa Frontier 2 system, though RomaSaGa2 and Unlimited also had a very similar system.
Other than that he said that the world of Scarlet Grace is based more on the Romancing series' concept rather than the GB or Frontier games, he also mentioned that this game will be a departure from the classic gameplay in terms of sparking skills and other things such as formations, apparently those features will be less important compared to the previous games.
Shilliconera has a short recap of the Famitsu interview here.
There sure are, I'm curious about it though, I'll be waiting for your pics Anon, usually fan books have some fun stuff in them.

>> No.2682556
File: 74 KB, 472x640, SaGa2015coolguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude also didn't appear in the trailer for some reason.
I hope the blonde dude in the trailer won't be some Gustav wannabe

>> No.2682940

I wish I didn't have to get a Vita for this. Come on, Squenix. Toss that shit up on Steam. You know you want that delicious PC gamer money.

>> No.2683942

>On PC

Consider yourself lucky if this new game even comes to the west, and we already had a miracle with Last Remnant, all you're gonna get on PC is FF games.

>> No.2684184

B-But Imperial SaGa!

>> No.2684189

Feels great that the only current gen handheld/console I have is a Vita.

>> No.2684215
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Silly anon, free web browser kusoge don't count.
>mfw spent all the money I ammassed in hope of getting the Last Empress
>Got 3 Albert, 2 Hawke, 2 Car, Cielo and Enrique instead
>all 3 stars

Fug, I didn't even get the 5 stars Emerald card, my waifu will have to wait ;_;.
On the bright side the game's a lot better than before, now if they give us the possibilty of choosing the targets instead of lolrandom targeting it will even stop being a kusoge and upgrade into a not so shitty game.
I was a bit worried when Kawazu made that tweet about being interested in the 3DS some time ago, with that thing being region locked and all...at least I don't have to import a japanese console to play the game.

That said, I wonder how the game will look, I wouldn't mind something with the graphic style of Unlimited, without Naora doing the designs of course, though something in the vein of Minstrel Song with pastel colours and SD models wouldn't be bad either.

>inb4 it turns out to be realistic graphics like Last Remnant.

>> No.2685812
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>> No.2685845
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>dat oldschool cecil and rosa

I would.

On a related note, I have the SaGa Frontier 2 perfect works book, does anyone know where I can find a translation?

>> No.2685853

>I have the SaGa Frontier 2 perfect works book, does anyone know where I can find a translation?

I don't think there was a translation for Perfect Works considered the bulk of info, you might want to try on Biolab but I don't remember seeing anything about it, the site itself is more of a mod community for the first Frontier game but there were occasional offtopic threads about artbooks iirc.


>> No.2686234
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Threadly Reminder

>> No.2686432
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I googled around everywhere.

I found that at some FF7 board they bought the book and 3 years later gave up on translating it.

I found another site, where English was probably their second or third language talking about things the book says for three whole posts.

Maybe I'll drag it to /jp/ or throw it at someone I know who translates stuff.

>> No.2686520

>Maybe I'll drag it to /jp/
You do not want us to get raided by /jp/ do you?
They've already killed a few generals on /vg/, I don't want this place to be infested by those degenerates.

>> No.2686760

I'm pretty sure that is a copypasta

>> No.2687149

Those faggots you're talking about are homegrown. They don't come from /jp/.

>> No.2687603
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I've been thinking, Orlouge's being overhyped as a very powerful mystic is something that I guess it's widely accepted, after all he goes down like a bitch and doesn't even have all that power outside of his charm ability.

Even so, why aren't other mystics like Virgil/Vardjouel, Time Lord and to a lesser degree Furdo as feared as Orlouge?

Considering most mystics know about the whole Lord status in their society it's strange that Orlouge is the only one they mention all the time when Virgil and Time Lord are much more powerful than Orlouge.
Is it because Orlouge is a huge dick while all the others are relatively chill and not interested in what happen outsides of their territory?

>> No.2688929

Is that the Egg?

>> No.2688941
File: 4 KB, 74x85, wil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryan!!! Pls post the rest of the Touhou A Live OST! I can't do it 'cause I suck dicks. :(

>> No.2689597
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Bokuno hack new version released

>> No.2689669

What did they do?
Rebalance stuff or new content?

Also, tomorrow there's going to be a Imperial SaGa event at TGS or something, if I'll have time to follow it I'll see whether they say something reegarding eventual remakes using Imperial's assets like a lot of people thought.

>> No.2689681
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They even put new music for redone boss house (development office)

>> No.2689693
File: 22 KB, 512x448, b10b2001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new Zhi Lin sprite
Damn son

It's smaller version update. Doesn't look like anything big but I doubt my google translate skills. There's some change in Devil King event if you defeat Destroyer before him

>> No.2689697

That Zhi Lin looks nothing like the original artwork, why did they change her?

>> No.2689703

I think Virgil actually created the Master Ring which is a sentient reality warping object that can create and destroy entire regions, and he basically did it just for fun.

Orlouge's power seems to be something akin to sheer force of charisma. Literally so dominating that he controls the actual minds and bodies of other mystics and can throw them around like ragdolls just by wanting them to do that. However, on his own, he's not very powerful. His only meaningful power is controlling others.

Virgil and Time Lord seem to be capable of ignoring his influence, while Assellus actually takes his subjects away from him in addition to having an expanding power that can make her individually stronger.

The main reason I think that Virgil isn't feared or worshiped like Orlouge is because nobody understands him in the first place.

>> No.2689727
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It's titled Emperors Saga version

>> No.2689741
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>> No.2689804

Does anyone have the Imperial SaGa OST yet? I can't find it anywhere

>> No.2689817

> is because nobody understands him in the first place.
The usual thing of being lonely at the top? Could be, after all he "fights" you out of boredom.
Makes sense now, thanks.
An anon here preordered the OST, if he'll rip it I'll put it in the download pastebin eventually.

>> No.2689823

Nice, I'll give the thread a watch, thank you!

>> No.2689835
File: 378 KB, 600x600, 52220408_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better thank the anon that will rip the stuff, not me.
A lot of people have contributed albums and scans already, the best thing you can do to thank them is to keep the thread's quality high.

Also, a chunk of Imperial's big updates whould be right at the end of this month if all goes well, they're supposed to begin implementing Frontier's cast in the game and some other little things, the Dark Emperor route with Adel's new children will also come out soon, wonder if we'll get to fight Elore instead of Vadagara as a final boss.

>> No.2690168

That anon who ordered the OST here. It arrived in the mail 2 days ago. I have both discs in .flac on mediafire since I've never used MEGA. Should I switch to MEGA?

>> No.2690303

MEGA is fine, I've used it before. Seems pretty quick and efficient.

>> No.2690340


Okay, reuploading to MEGA

>> No.2690402


Alright, here you go:


I've never used MEGA before, tell me if it works.

>> No.2690406

Downloading now! Seems to be working fine so far. Thanks again anon, you're a lifesaver.

>> No.2690417


It was also my first time exporting to .flac, so I hope it sounds good. I followed a guide that put emphasis on quality and accuracy.

>> No.2690418

Cool, once it's done I'll give it a listen and let you know.

>> No.2691394

OP here, thanks for the quality rip Anon, I won't be around much today because I'm busy with work and other stuff but I'll put it in the pastebin once I get some time.

>> No.2691410


You're welcome, glad it turned out alright. I really wish it had that brass band version of Seven Heroes Battle from the event. Maybe they'll release a second album with the event music.

>> No.2691531

Considering they said there's going to be the cast of basically every single SaGa game it's very likely there will be a second or even third set of albums, the might want to implement more routes as well.
Also, as I suspected they did in fact put the music for the Dark Emperor's route even though it's still not in the game, Ivan and Olga are the names of the children in the Dark route.

I've been listening to a few tracks very quickly and the quality seems indeed very high, good job Anon, why does the first album lack proper track info though?

>> No.2692132


I. SaGa album anon here, the first album lacked proper track info completely when I looked at it, yet the second one had it all there from the start. I didn't add any info myself because I wanted it to remain how it was on the disc, sort of like a "pure" rip I suppose I was going for.

>> No.2693549

>the first album lacked proper track info completely when I looked at it

I see, kinda lazy on their part.
I'll see if I can find the track list myself, it's kind of confusing as it is now and my OCD won't allow such a terrible thing.

The album is pretty good, considering this is a web browser game the quality is surprisingly high, Ivan and Olga's version of the battle themes are a bit of a hit or miss because the melody itself doesn't lend to somber arrangements, maybe they should have changed the root note.

>> No.2693612
File: 2.48 MB, 1200x1600, Alkaiser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, we're indeed getting all Frontier's MCs this week and the Dark Emperors route.


Wonder if they'll implement guns and other stuff for Emilia and T260G, probably Red and Alkaiser will be separate characters given how the game works.
I for one am ready for a 6 man Alkaiser team for MAXIMUM JUSTICE

Also, considering we got playable characters that were NPCs in the old games will most probably mean we'll get to play with people like Hawk/Alkarl, Virgil, Ciato and most probably even the main antagonists like Orlouge or Mondo.

I'm pretty hyped, I've always wanted to have Alkarl as a playable characters.

>> No.2693623

Why can't Imperial just be a damned app and not a browser game? I mean, I know I can make a bookmark and play it on my phone like that or something but I'd prefer it to be a dedicated app that I could launch. Then I might actually play it.

>> No.2693637

I wish it was an app too, I don't know if there's actually any advantage in managing a web browser game instead of having a dedicated app, I'm not too familiar with that subject.

Maybe in the future they'll rerelease it as a small app, who knows.

>> No.2693971


A bit of a hopeful request here from I. SaGa album anon, I really want Armic from Unlimited SaGa to be implemented so I can finish my team~ chipmunk power

>> No.2693997


I think we'll get to Unlimited in a year or so, depending on how fast they implement stuff.
I hope they'll keep giving out free character slots because the roster will be getting fuck huge now that they're also making NPCs and antagonists playable.
In the case of Unlimited I hope we'll get Yun Crimsonrain, Jeanne and Basil Galeos, make Clyde playable too so we can have him tag along with Iskandar and make things even more crazy.

Gee, if this was something more than a web browser game it would be absolutely crazy.

What's your team now Anon? Waiting for someone other than Armic?

>> No.2694037


My team right now is Muse, Tatyana, Coppelia, Last/Final Empress, and Guella Ha. Armic will eventually become my commander in place of the Robin I got from the album's campaign code.

>> No.2694053

Nice, Still haven't got Muse or Guella, how is the Final Empress? Been lusting for her since the beginning, I thought Iris would be a good substitute since she has all her poses and the same story role but she grew like shit.

Right now I'm on a second playthrough and my standard team is Barbara, Tiwa, the special Katarina from the 4 Elemental Lords campaign, Leon and Sophia/Cat, Commander is Barbara/Katarina depending on the mission.
I'm waiting for the next update to speedrun through the Dark Emperors route now, having played with Iris I want to try out Ivan since both use rapiers.

I'm still a bit confused by the card ratings and weapons, like, 2 stars Rocbouquet uses rapiers as it should be but her definitive version has Axes...It's very strange if you played the old games.

>> No.2694070


I don't read Japanese, so what's Iris's deal? I noticed she has Final Empress's poses, but the butterfly motif of Wagnas.

Do some characters have random weapons? My 2-star Rocbouquet uses martial arts instead of rapiers/epees.

>> No.2694074

>I don't read Japanese, so what's Iris's deal?
She's basically a carbon copy of the Last Empress, that's about it really, same poses, same role in the story as last heir to the throne, only the ending is different because Adel is actually brought back to life and she passes the throne to him once he gets back to Altamenos.
She's also a dadcon of some sorts I guess, at least judging from what little dialogue she has with him in the end.

Also, I just rechecked my card, she has indeed martial arts, Kujinshi's the one with rapiers on 2 stars, his 4 star card has greatswords.

>> No.2694081


Also, to answer your question about Final Empress, I like her a lot. I pretty much like any character that can hit all enemies at once considering moves like those are absolutely mandatory at later star ranks. Her growth was alright, but I never figured out if the stage rank affects the growth potential aside from that rainbow charm thingie which influences more stat bonuses after each battle.

Also, what's the point of some characters having casting poses but are unable to learn magic? Do rarer versions have magic capabilities, or is it mainly for the imperial flag item?

>> No.2694094

She's a sword user right?

Well, 残像剣 and all the other waza like Blade Roll are pretty OP and as you said it's a must for 4 stars mission onwards.
I haven't figured myself if stage rank means anything but I don't think so since my characters growth rate seems the same even at 2 stars missions.

Regarding casting poses, it's as you say, higher ranks usually can cast at least one school of magic, I really hope they change this and give them a damage bonus like the older games instead, also because most magic as it is now is completely worthless.

>> No.2694119


Yeah, I've never seen any real use for magic. Unless there's some magic that targets every enemy, it's quite useless right now. I don't think there's even any healing magic. Magic-based characters kinda suck at this point and only serve as combo extenders if they have a weapon that allows for multi-target skills.

Which sucks, because I really like Rocbouquet and Wagnas. If only you could influence stats further.

>> No.2694128

>Unless there's some magic that targets every enemy
There is but it's very weak, I'm at grade 4 now and Heat Wave has barely more than 100 damage and costs 13 points, it's pretty shit unless your spellcasters have terrible STR, which is very rare anyway, one thing I did notice is that the characters who died or I sacrificed usually grew stronger than their previous version, my second Leon is much stronger than the first one, same with Gerald, but it might just be RNG, I've seen some characters from other players hitting 70 in certain stats though, can't fathom how they even managed that.
Also, I forgot to tell you, once you finish the game you'll get one gacha coupon and the two characters who became emperors before the last generation will return as normal characters.

>> No.2694159


When I first beat the game, I was worried about choosing a non-default emperor/empress because I didn't want to lose them permanently. That's why I never used them to begin with because I know they'd just poof after each arc.

I wanted to make my red-rarity moleman my emperor too, haha. I did find out they came back after beating the game, although the main character's growth resets.

How does one get a gold emblem though? Do you need to dismiss a gold-rarity character?

>> No.2694441

Characters with 王/帝 ranks will give you gold medals once converted, all the rest will give you standard medals, but honestly, it's better to sacrifice them for your building upgrades as you can't buy anything wortwhile with standard medals and upgrading buildings will give you better advantages in the long run.

>> No.2695374


What about the growth reset charm thingie? Don't those cost 300 silver medals? Also, what's with the dailies rewarding a single silver medal?

>> No.2695456

What sort of rarities are you guys running in Imperial Saga?

I have one of the highest rank (Aisha), second highest is the free Grey you get for signing up and then the rest are Reds but I just feel too weak to take on 4* missions and above unless I never split up the party, which prevent me from getting the Crown rewards.

Guess I'll pull Gacha when the SaGa Frontier guys get in

>> No.2695494

The Reset Orb resets all stats to the original ones, it's worthless as it is now, if you noticed fucking no one even bought it, if the growth system wasn't randomized there would be good reasons to invest in those but right now it's a complete waste of time.
Daily rewards gradually get better as long as ou keep completing them, and by completing them I mean every single one of them each day, if you skip a day they go back one step though so be careful, I made a 5 day chain and the token reward went up to 500 with 5 silver medals, I guess that the highest rank will net you one gold medal, but you'll never know.
>I just feel too weak to take on 4* missions and above unless I never split up the party,
Once you cap good 3 stars characters like Leon, James or most MCs you'll be able to tackle 4* missions easily, though you'll need some good 4 stars characters for rank 5 and above, even as I am now with capped three 4 stars I still have difficulty clearing most 6* missions, you'll need 5 stars/帝 rank characters with good stats to do that I'm afraid.

One thing I suggest you is to invest in the Dojo, the one with Sekishuusei, the bearded guy, so you can power up your waza, it takes some time but it's totally worth it.

I too am holding out for this week's update because I really want some Frontier guys in the party, Red/Emilia/Asellus/T260G are the ones I'd like to have but eh, gachas...
I can't wait for the later updates when we'll get the rest of Frontier's guys so I can have the whole Gradius and IRPO dudes all in one team.

>> No.2695546

>One thing I suggest you is to invest in the Dojo, so you can power up your waza, it takes some time but it's totally worth it.
Did they FINALLY make that worthwhile? Last time I played, it usually dumped huge penalties in one aspect of a Waza while giving you negligible bonuses in another.

>> No.2695557
File: 240 KB, 1027x592, Leon Zanzouken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trick to that is matching weapons, characters sharing the same weapons have improved chances of getting all the benefits and none of the bad effects like losing accuracy or power, and even then if the weapons matches the dowgrades will be mitigated severely, much better than the normal system.
I trained Leon two times with matching weapons lately and this is the result, doing it regularly makes waza pretty powerful and there's always the option to lower SP cost on top of that.

>> No.2695715

Is Imperial better now? I stopped playing because my guys had max stats and couldn't beat missions anyway

>> No.2695730

Let's say that it's less painful to play than a few months ago since they fixed a lot of stuff though the system in itself is still meh, for the retro value it keeps getting better each week, more and more characters are getting in, more quests with crossovers between series and more event quests with bosses from the series as well.

Even with all the questionable changes to the gameplay you'd still be better off playing the Bokuno patches for RomaSaGa 3 though Imperial has way more characters and better crossover content.

Also, this Thursday we'll get the Frontier MCs as characters.

I also forgot to mention that in mid october they'll implement a seemingly similar system to Minstrel Song's Deities system where you can get the protection of certain deities depending on your alignement and other stuff, don't have the faintest idea of how that will work in Imperial though.

>> No.2696529

How do I grab the main character of Emperor SaGa? I know you need a campaign code, but I don't know how to download the game.

Also, what's the code you get for playing Imperial SaGa? I tried using it on my own but got nothing. Is it a referral code?

>> No.2696782


Oh wait, that's probably the code for Emperor's SaGa, nevermind.

Also, I figured out how to get the Emperor's SaGa code for Imperial SaGa.

>> No.2697503

>he goes down like a Bitch

He is a lot more powerful than the Mystics subjugated to him and freely commands their loyalty despite all of them seemingly have planned to backstab him at some point.

It just sort of seems natural, that a race of beings who revolve around Pure Charisma(its even the only stat they can raise outside of HP, WP and JP.) End up with a Charisma Monarch and they all lounge around in the gloom.
Which is something even Time Lord did. Every Mystic seems to have their own innate power of some sort, and if its not something that drives you to solitude like Virgil and Time Lord then you just end up crashing with the biggest Charisma Mystic.

I believe the Doctor Nusukan(sp?) was also supposed to be a big deal powerful mystic, but outside of Mystic Body he's not really any different than any other Mystic you can get. I think the Mermaid is probably the most useful.

I think its mostly for comedic effect that such a serious and dramatic character's conclusion is getting arrested for a traffic violation and kidnapping by IRPO

It's my Head-Canon that Orlouge found a Wife then immediately ignored her and found three other powerful Mystic Women to fuck, then absorbed them into his various Mystic Weapons. They are "Mistresses", I think in the adultress sense. Wouldn't surprise me if an immortal needs his balls stepped on though.

>> No.2698772
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Legend of Legacy demo out for NA 3DS if you care

>> No.2698837

>The ultimate JRPG sin.
Uh, why?

>> No.2698996
File: 41 KB, 543x640, LoL_Fami-shot_09-24-14_011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really a butt man anyway.

Also Bianca seems to be the more popular waifu of LoL anyway

>> No.2699023
File: 135 KB, 267x529, asschaser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not really a butt man anyway.
Shame on you Anon.
>Bianca seems to be the more popular waifu of LoL anyway
She's apparently a top tier character, that of course propelled her into top waifu position too.

>> No.2699115

From the demo alone, I think the tiers, at least for me were, from best to worst.

Based Baron Owen (mad fucking gains, and some of the best starting stats and weapons)
Garnet (lots of defense and HP, along with SP, fairly nice starting stats and weapons)
Bianca (somehow got a lot of techs really fast, stats were almost as fast, but far too little each time, absolute shit starting stats and gear, save for her rapier)
Filmia (literally middle of the road with everything regarding techs and gains, though he starts out a bit above decent as well)
Meurs (almost had the middle spot, but he dies too much early on and his starting stats and gear are lacking, especially for a "protector", gets decent gains and techs, but man, that early-game beats the shit out of him hard)
Slutbag (decent-ish starting stats, but shit starting gear and lacking in gains and techs)
Liber (shit all around in terms of gains, techs, and starting gear, and holy shit those starting stats are terrible)

This is solely my own personal experience and I was slogging through the thing anyways. Didn't care for it, and I'm sticking with SaGa.

>> No.2699123
File: 97 KB, 640x852, card_l_524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baron Owen
Ossan are master race characters in SaGa, Hawke, Harid and Gen are some of the top characters in their games, LoL isn't any different.
Seems the jap have been making Owen&Harid money jokes too.

>> No.2699130

Dat greed tho

>> No.2699213

If you find yourself grinding in Dragon Quest you're probably doing something wrong.

>> No.2699228
File: 172 KB, 600x480, 31929256_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Harid is a pretty cool guy unlike Fullbright who's only in it for the money.

>> No.2699238

Oh. I thought you meant as a mechanic it was bad.
Also, grinding becomes necessary to a point depending on where you are in the game; but, I do agree that, really, you don't typically need to be much better than the level that you learn the last spell (the exception being DQ8) to beat the last boss in most DQ games. That extra experience and maybe one or two levels after that point of "last spell" end up coming from traversing the last dungeon anyways.

Seriously though, if someone told me they beat pic related without any grinding whatsoever, I'd know they were either A) savescumming or 2) full of shit. Or, by some miracle, extremely lucky.

>> No.2699239
File: 24 KB, 425x329, mad knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.
Also, it applies a bit more so to the arranged ports, since the original bosses were about as strong as their normal enemy counterparts.

>> No.2700710

Time to wait for Maintenence to be over in Imperial SaGa

The additions are going to be:

(戦)(帝) Ranks

(上兵)(王) Ranks

Fingers crossed that I draw at least a 戦 class unit for them.

Also apparently Mystics and Monsters will be receiving their absorption abilities, wonder how it'll work out. Would be kind of pointless if we are still unable to actually target our damn attacks though

>> No.2700713

And yet harids greed level is way higher to the point that it effects quests... Hmmm yeah no your wrong.

>> No.2700787

>Would be kind of pointless if we are still unable to actually target our damn attacks though
That's the biggest problem with the game right now and I don't even want to know who the fuck came up with such retarded ideas.
The only real problem with Harid's greed counter is missing Wod's quests and consequently the whole Ice Galaxy subquest, not that big of a deal unless you're a completionist.

I also don't see how he isn't a good man because he wants people to pay for his services considering he's a living legend, he's the one who comes up with the whole plan of bringing Monica to Mikhail again, he says to Mikhail to be a good brother and even refuses further honours such as titles as a noble, he's on good terms with pretty much everyone but Tiberius(and for good reasons) and is the one MC who helps the most in the prologue overall, Harid is one of the most decent old men in the series.

>> No.2700995

Imperial is online
If you have 3600 crowns for a 11 draw you get a special Red card for free!

>> No.2700998
File: 237 KB, 1027x559, dat fucking face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just Got Emilia

Guns have been added.

I don't have enough money for other draws though...

>> No.2701001
File: 1.10 MB, 1025x581, Emilia chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ren might indeed be a playable character.

We might get the whole IRPO team guys!

>> No.2702263

>red card
Nice try, Messi.
I'm not falling for that shit again.

>> No.2702673

Is it just me, or did attack accuracy get -worse- in the recent update?

>> No.2702723

It's true though :^)
Haven't played much but it seemed to me it's all the same.

>> No.2703145

Do you guys know where I can find most (if not all) of Imperial SaGa character sprites?

>> No.2703167
File: 197 KB, 590x516, Sad Keanu_Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to the SaGa Famitsu wiki at the characters page, each character has every single sprite available for you, they're constantly updating them so maybe certain characters like the Seven Heroes don't have their sprites online but eventually will.


>> No.2703706

I. SaGa album fellow here, I uploaded a recording of the arranged Seven Heroes Battle track from Imperial SaGa, since it wasn't in the album:


>> No.2704534


God damn, Google Images is completely useless now.

Source on that image?

>> No.2704669
File: 322 KB, 800x533, 11657761_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An anon here made it, I guess it's from Pixiv since most of the Rocbouquet stuff comes from there.

>> No.2704685


Yeah, it took me a minute or so to find it there:


>> No.2704691
File: 349 KB, 559x556, 46591719_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of those are really funny.

There's also a few good artists who do really cute stuff

>> No.2704936
File: 174 KB, 1037x580, 2015-09-27 16_22_38-Imperial Saga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'm back to playing some imperial. This is much easier than I remember back then, guess they really changed some stuff

>> No.2705014
File: 86 KB, 1042x602, 2015-09-27 16_59_50-Imperial Saga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice memes you have here

>> No.2705038
File: 800 KB, 1027x607, Parrybot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how they know pretty much every single meme the community came up with.

I think it's nice they're kinda in touch with the fanbase.

>> No.2706542

>Going through all the quest triggers for Romancing SaGa 2 in the FAQs
>Nobody's still even sure of all the triggers for certain quests

I guess Kawazu was right in saying that his games are unique in the sense that he's the only one who can understand them.
Oh well, free scenario JRPGs tend to do that anyway, I remember going through the same for Uncharted Waters and Zill O'll.

>> No.2707225
File: 1.10 MB, 1027x577, 2015-09-28 17_45_43-Imperial Saga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to get enough gold for 11 cards draw. Let's do this

>> No.2707229
File: 1.19 MB, 1024x578, 2015-09-28 17_46_56-Imperial Saga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asellus everywhere!

>> No.2707528
File: 83 KB, 522x626, 1417074510185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 Asellus
Shiiiiit nigger.

>> No.2708762

Since we rarely discuss about the music in the series, what do you guys think about Frontier's canned tracks?
Like the alternate T260G final battle theme?

Having unreleased/canned versions of a game's OST released officially is pretty rare even today, I wonder if they even keep all those tracks anyway...

>> No.2708813

>Hate gamefaqs because maymays
>Hate spoilers because autism
I think you're just retarded.

>> No.2710271

Man, I'm put in a weird situation because I want to use the Frontier characters I drew but my stronger Purple/Emperor tier characters are all RSaGa 2.

Also I really hate training up Foil users - they don't get good early Techs

>> No.2710436

There's going to be a crossover event again, this time with Sengoku IXA, if this was translated right.

>> No.2710581
File: 1.58 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some books came in the mail todaaay

>> No.2710654

RomaSaGa 2 characters are so many that the gacha pool is severely unbalanced in their favor, I hope they'll give us separate gachas in the future because as it is now 90% of the time you'll get some RomaSaGa 2 character, which isn't bad if you're a fan of the game but even so I'd like some RomaSaGa 3 or Frontier card all the same.
>Sengoku IXA
Meh, poor man's Musou designs, they should at least make those crossovers relevant and put retro Mana characters, the last Mana games had Guella-ha, Rocbouquet and the Queen as characters in the game, why can't we get something like the Seiken Densetsu cast since the remake is almost out?
Noice, do take pics.

>> No.2710668
File: 942 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_20150930_025513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be book delivery day today, because these just came in the mail today for me.

>> No.2710673
File: 2.97 MB, 200x180, 1437660447834.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my, so thick
How much do they weight?
Considering the paper's quality you got two literal bibles right there.

>> No.2710680

The two thick guys weigh in at ~500g each with ~650 pages each. I'll never finish reading either I'm sure. But what I will do is take pictures of and translate the short stories in them when I get some free time in the coming weeks.

>> No.2710704
File: 1.59 MB, 1028x611, Mirsa Spaceship 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>~500g each with ~650 pages each
Man, that's the weight of culture.
>t what I will do is take pictures of and translate the short stories in them when I get some free time in the coming weeks.

MinSon Ultimania does have all the story about Saiva and Mirsa right? It should also have what can be considered the canonical stories of ever MC route if I'm not mistaken, don't have the faintest idea whether the Unlimited one has something similar, though I imagine it would be something related to Iskandar and the Wonders anyway.

I also forgot to mention, but the Dark Route in Imperial has you fighting Mirsa instead of Saruin as mid boss, he's pretty fucking strong too, stronger than Saruin too.

>> No.2710829
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>> No.2710831
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>> No.2710879

Who's that faggot wizard and why does the Cygnus manage to look so goddamn stupid every time.

>> No.2711001


I personally want to see a crossover with SE's other titles, like Live-A-Live, or they could crossover with an outside title like Phantasy Star Online 2.

>> No.2711087

>like Live-A-Live
God, that would be so fuckin' awesome.

But even Square themselves acknowledged that Live A Live is ridiculously obscure even in Japan

>> No.2711106
File: 147 KB, 600x702, 1366405532718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure pal, you go remind them about their own game though.
>Phantasy Star Online 2.
>Fullbright is replaced with Dudu for the duration of the campaign

>Nora's percentage of breaking accessories skyrockets to 90%
>Gacha always draw a 2* Zeno
>PSO2 Mace users get a special Adaman sprite for their weapon

>> No.2711110


You know how easy it would be to do the characters and bosses? It's pretty much foolproof. Pogo uses bludgeons, Oboro uses normal swords or rapiers, and it doesn't have to be limited to the main characters, you could do some interesting stuff like Ryoma being a sword user but having some gun waza.

Imagine being able to recruit the Xin Shan Quan students and they have the ultimate technique of that instead of the final martial arts waza. Sundown having Hurricane Shot might be a bit broken though.

But yeah, all the chapter bosses could be easy to recreate and made into their own missions, and the final one would have Odio's Face as a midboss and Pure Odio as the mission boss.

>> No.2711118



It's not much, but I think they still know the game exists.

>> No.2711120
File: 253 KB, 1136x640, lil03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They put LAL bosses (Odio Face and Oersted) into one of the recent FF mobile games, so maybe it's not as forgotten as we may think

>> No.2711358

Well, colours me surprised.
>People remember LaL
>Rudra no Hihou will never be relevant
>Maybe not even Kawazu remembers it

Bloody hell, it had its glaring problems but that was such an interesting game.

>> No.2711376

Rudra is on my list of things to play eventually. I've tried a bit so far and it seems really cool.

>> No.2711390

>such an interesting game.
Not in any other way.
I wanted so hard to like it, but it's just very forgettable.
Though, I'd be glad to hear a different opinion. Haven't thought about it in the longest time.

>> No.2711460

It's a pretty cool game that is brought down by the non existent difficulty and an amazing albeit extremely overpowered magic system.
The narrative choice is also pretty unique and manages to make a rather stale story engaging through its gimmick.
Well, I won't deny that the game could have been much better and there's a very good reason why it's forgotten.
Except the visuals, which are very probably the undisputed best ones for turn based RPGs on the SFC, a magic system where you write the spell name and the game creates it based on the sillables you used is simply incredible and I don't know whether there's anything like it to this day, granted that once you get the language algorythms used to elaborate spells you can create really OP spells from the get go and cruise through the game with little problems.
While the characters aren't memorable and some of them suffer from atrocious characterization(looking at you Surlent), the gimmick of choosing to progress through the story through 3, and later 4, different parties acting all at the same time in the same world is great and refreshing, knowing what and why certain characters are doing while you encounter them with one party and then playing their own story was a nice touch that makes the rather bland story a fun puzzle to compose, though admittedly it really falls flat in the finale.
The world is pretty well crafted, there's a lot of variety and places to see and some of the battle themes and music are pretty damn good, Strange Encounters and The Spirit Chaser are amazing.

In short, it suffers from a lot of execution problems and would have needed much more polish regarding spell balance and certain battle mechanics, but all in all, the amount of novelty stuff, great visuals and atmosphere in it makes it very worth playing, at least in my opinion.
It's also pretty short and straightforward so you don't really have to lose more than, 15/20 hours on it I suppose?
What do you think about it?

>> No.2711481

Well, my opinion is pretty close to yours, actually! Only it averages on a negative impression more than a positive one.
The ending falling flat is what I remember most as something really disappointing. That can really kill a game for me.
And the spell system, yeah. It's a very cool idea to just play around making up spells out of random words, for fun. But if you do it "right" then the possibilities are much more limited and make the game slightly unbalanced as you want cheap spells that deal a lot of damage.
I probably should give it one more try one of these days.

>> No.2711507

>That can really kill a game for me.

I guess that's the big difference between us, I don't care much about the story in general so even when it's really bad it's not that big of a deal for me IF the game's system is engaging enough, and in this case it was.
If something really bothered me though was the characterization, especially Surlent's which made no fucking sense at all.

>Be disciple of one of the world's most powerful and wise hermits
>Supposedly wise as weel
>Fail all of his assignments
>Let thieves steal precious and dangerous artifact right under your nose
>Meet them later
>"hey man, how about you let me see that artifact, just see though, we totally promise not to make anything strange"
>Trust them
>Get your shit stolen countless times
>And it's not even comic relief
>So fucking dumb you actually die not once but thrice and have to beg the one who oversees reincarnation to lend you spare bodies
>Again, disciple of the world's most renowned and powerful hermit

I was so mad it made little to no sense for the best magician in the game to be that much of a moron, and I was even more mad because he had my favorite party members and part of the story.
If only we could get a remake out of it with better writing and a more balanced system it would be pretty cool, but it bombed even in Japan so the possibility is pretty much non existent, as far as I know it's not even considered a cult title like LaL.

>> No.2711970

Can anyone help me out here, I read the new entrant FAQ but I'm still finding it hard picking a game to start with.

I've played all the Final Fantasy Legends, 2 is my favourite by far. Reading the FAQ might have just made it worse though, I'm looking for a non-bullshit re-entry into the series.

Just one where I can pick it up and enjoy it without having to crack open a guide, or avoid every random encounter once I hit a certain level.

Bonus points for a large cast of recruitable players, but that isn't very important to me. It'd just be nice to know I can go in fresh, without meta-gaming being a requisite for enjoyment. Does any one game leap to mind? Oh, I should mention I'd like the game to be in English, so that probably narrows down the selections.

Thanks a lot for the help, I've played FFL2 so many times over, I want to enjoy the rest of this series, finally.

>> No.2711979

As it was said earlier in the thread, by the sound of it I'd go for RS3 or SaGa Frontier 1

>> No.2712658

Well, Romancing SaGa 3 might be what you need right now, Frontier is more relaxed for some things and more reminiscent of the GB SaGa but it really has some mean traps along the way and most quests can screw you over if you don't pay attention.

I'd say play Ellen's, Thomas' or Katarina's quest in Romancing SaGa 3 first, they're perhaps the better MCs for beginners since they don't have weird personal quest triggers that might suddenly lock you in a dungeon or screw your quest lines unlike Julian, Harid or Monica. Harid and Julian are perhaps the better MCs together with Katarina in terms of stats but both have some gimmicks that might be a bit tricky for beginners, Julian's personal quest locks you into a dungeon where you're required to win with a few characters and Harid's notorious for his Greed Counter that can easily lock you out of many quests if you're not careful in the beginnning of the game.

Once you have enough with RomaSaGa 3, move onto Frontier, Emilia's great for beginners since her quest line doesn't activates automatically like other characters, you can always choose when to progress in her story, T260G would be nice too since Mechs in Frontier work almost exactly like they did in the GB SaGa titles but since most of his important(and unique to his quest) recruitable cast is made out of Mechs you should really get a hang of those.

In any case, if you have any problem I'm sure someone here will be able to help you out, both are very popular titles and most of us here played them inside out for years.

>> No.2712696

SaGa Frontier is the best choice if you like Final Fantasy Legend II since it has the openness of the Romancing SaGa games with the various races of the Gameboy games.

>> No.2713471
File: 523 KB, 1029x610, Flynn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, Flynn and Gustave are already in the world of Imperial.
Guess they'll implement Frontier 2 at the end of the year.

>> No.2713487


How does one access the dark emperor route? Is it on new game+, or does it require certain emperor choices or dialogue choices?

>> No.2713610

I can't promise many people will use this, but I'm so very thankful for the RomaSaga3 project because that game was sweet. Thanks for your efforts, you're doing what many others simply cannot.

>> No.2714641
File: 792 KB, 1028x610, Ohhh amazing Metal Black, even though you're a mecha you truly have the soul of a weeaboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can choose to enter the Dank Emperor route by choosing the second option when Adel talks to Elore after defeating the Seven Heroes in the third chapter.

The other choice you're prompted to make usually open new questlines in the game.
I went with Ivan and the new Dark Route quests are pretty fun, though they're surprisingly comedic in nature, there's a quest with Fuse where he and the IRPO guys try to convince Virgil to help the Empire and go through all kinds of hilarious stuff including Mei Ling and Doll catfighting, puns with Asellus and Boston and offering Emilia to a Water Dragon as a pure, beautiful maiden. The dialogue is really hilarious at times and they really nailed the characters, when I'll have some time I'll screenshot and translate it for you guys.
I'm proceeding at snail pace due to work and another project with people on /m/ but I like to think that having a complete japanese to english guide to the game will somehow stimulate people to play it even though it's in japanese, I know quite a few people here are itching to play the game and I want the community here to grow and appreciate what RomaSaGa 2 brought to the series, it's really a shame that the second most popular title in the series isn't accessible to people here.

That said, I hope you like to read because I'm counting 42 pages already and I still have to finish the Quest section, begin Item and Blacksmith Section and a general FAQ and Strategy section, luckily the Waza/Jutsu/Facilities and Unique Mechanic sections are 90% done, they just need some polishing and a second round of spellchecking, but I'm afraid you'll have to wait some more, I want to make a really comprehensive and accurate document here, no matter how long this will take.

>> No.2714680

>The other choice
I've been unclear here.
I was referring to the other choices in other questlines, like common quests, though choices in story quests also affect the questlines in other chapters.

>> No.2714790


Hmm, the other choice that Adel could've made was grayed out, like I hadn't completed something yet or made too many "light" choices. I either figured that, or Dark Route was on a subsequent playthrough.

Since I don't know Japanese, I always chose the second choice in a conversation.

>> No.2714856

It was grayed out at the time because they didn't implement the route contents, now the route is available so on a new game+ you'll be able to choose that and follow the Dark Route.
Mirsa is quite a bit more dangerous than Saruin though, be advised.

>> No.2714876

I made my account after the update though, and it was grayed out still.

>> No.2714897

I see, then it's probably new game+ only I guess.

>> No.2715072
File: 1.10 MB, 1028x585, 2015-10-02 19_37_30-Imperial Saga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a new building?

>> No.2715106

Yeah, it's a special Gacha that comes around during Collaborations Events, you can draw special collaboration cards from it.

>> No.2715683


I'm kinda disappointed with the collaboration this time. I thought they were going to include the notable characters from Samurai IXA.

I've seen some of the portraits of the characters, and some of them have firearms. It would've been a great excuse to add more gun users to Imperial SaGa instead of just the SaGa Frontier cast

>> No.2716058

I'm the guy from >>2712695
Started playing Romancing Saga 3 as Thomas. Any advice for a series first timer to not fuck up?

>> No.2716060

Don't level up too fast by fighting all the monsters you see right away.

You want to fill up your party and make money so you don't get #rekt as the difficulty adjusts

>> No.2716106

Anyone knows the fastest way to fulfill the criterias for Sengoku IXA so I can get the special Albert card in Imperial?

>> No.2716525

Can I ask you what class and weapon you gave to Thomas?

He's kind of a tricky character and it's easy to make him messy stat wise.

Other than that don't fight too much stuff, the Battle Rank in Romancing SaGa 3 is based on you HP pools, basically the higher you HP the stronger the monsters.

You might want to do Fullbright's minigame as it's important for Thomas' storyline and gives you some good money if you don't want to exploit the Holy Ring bug.

A party I like to have with Thomas is Muse, Sharl, Tatyana and Fullbright because it's kinda related to his storyline but it's hard to manage for a first timer even though Sharl is a very good character.

Harid, Sharl, Wod, Nora and Julian are very dependable and easy to develop characters, so if you feel you're not packing enough power with your team consider getting them.
Also, Romancing SaGa 3 has "fixed stats" so grinding isn't gonna help you overcome difficult battles, you want to either invest in the Blacksmiths in Pidona or go looting places, but since you're a first timer looting is out of the question as most of the good stuff is HEAVILY guarded, therefore get all the blacksmiths around the world and go develop stuff, if you choose to make Nora a blacksmith she'll give you more choices than normal blacksmiths or Ken but she's also a very solid party member, that's a choice you'll have to make.

Lastly, keep a party slot open and focus on developing only 5 characters as a functional main party that can work well since you'll be forced to have another member for the last dungeon.

Other than that enjoy the game, don't worry about getting wiped out frequently, it's normal, SaGa is more brutal than the average JRPG, but it's rarely gratuitous, once you get a hang of the system you'll be able to play around with a lot of stuff and overcome tough odds.

>> No.2717531

I appreciate the advice. I had given Thomas the Broad Sword for the point I was playing to. Unfortunately Retroarch didn't seem to make a file of my hours of progress and I have no idea why since I've played dozens of SNES games to completion on this core, so I'm currently unable to play the game at all. I guess I'll have to start over with save states or something.

>> No.2717559

Thomas is typically best as a Spear user or a Magic user

He can actually be pretty great at both

>> No.2717568

This may be a really stupid question, but how do I use magic? Is it just the scrolls? I got saves to work somehow which is good.

>> No.2717574

You have to look up teachers in bars and buy spells from them. There's one for every element.

>> No.2717580

Ah okay. Thanks.

>> No.2717706

Did they make Imperial Saga better? Just wondering if its worth going through the trouble of signing up.

>> No.2717721

from what I understand, it's a pay2win browser game designed for the sole purpose of shilling to fans of this exact series who will dump money onto it while playing on their phones on the way to work

by my standards it's barely even a videogame at all, it's worse than pachinko

>> No.2717757

I don't think you can run it on phones.

All of us who played it agree its not very good mechanically.

If you can read Japanese fluently though, the events are pretty fun to read through.

>> No.2717828


One thing that would dramatically improve the game would be allowing the player to select targets, but that in itself is quite powerful and make things too easy.

>> No.2717845

RS3 guy here, I accidentally got a girl named Bavarois in my party. I already have 5 and I want to drop her off, but ever pub I go into just says "No." when I try to leave her.

>> No.2717879

Tatyana (her real name) will automatically leave the party if you take her to Librof

She was supposed to have a sidequest but it was cut from the game

>> No.2717949

Great, that worked. So there's nothing I can do about all the people there asking about her? Weird.

I've just unlocked the merchant minigame and am rather overwhelmed by it. I didn't seem to find any relevant overviews online, any tips on that? I don't want to mess something up.

>> No.2717981

>I didn't seem to find any relevant overviews online
I actually haven't messed around with that minigame, but that should be enough info to work with.

>> No.2717994

the merchant game is actually really well done, I really liked it, though I probably couldn't give a great strategy off the top of my head

basically you move around imaginary money, stock interest and confidence in your company essentially, so that you can buy up new businesses and increase your monopoly. You get better results by say, buying up a brewery or something, then buying the business that produces the grain that makes the liquor

you do stuff like this, aiming after companies small enough for you to eat, by baiting your major competitors to waste money on trivial stuff, buying out the suppliers for their production businesses, and eventually getting together a coalition of businesses that are allied with you or get absorbed into your company hierarchy, and negotiate for them to invest some huge amount of capitol into your major bids against your serious competition. Amidst all this you play out your trumps, like a card game, where you try to wheel and deal and ply your target with drinking parties, badmouthing your competition and such to get them to make a deal with you instead. Different tactics work differently on different kinds of business owners.

I think there are 3 stages to it, by the end you get something like 30000 or 50000 gold from Fullbright

or whatever the unit of currency was in this game

Its a great way to pad out your wallet and doesn't really take much time after you've gotten the hang of it. Fullbright is a pretty great spellcaster too, IIRC he has a good chunk of LP and does great with Earth Magic, which lets you use Super Gravity, probably the single best attack spell to use in a boss fight, since it does really respectable damage and is a status debuffer, which is a pretty big deal in SaGa games, most of the time.

>> No.2718057

More or less, defeating the Dophore firm involves buying out the businesses it uses to make money.

Shit becomes extremely easy once you get the groups Jungle Fever (Ake) and Naj Hot Blood (Divine Tower) unlocked. They become your go to for bidding. You could literally buy up assets in an instant.

>> No.2718301

It is much better, but it's still a kusoge, I play it for the dialogues and cute sprites.
Eh, I'd like it more if it was that simple, problem is even by paying you won't be able to fool the RNG, not to mention that you can get a powerful character and he can still grow like shit, there's a reason not a lot of people could 100% 9* missions, it takes more luck than dosh.
This Anon>>2717994 explained how the system works perfectly, I will add that you shouldn't rely on asking stock money to your allies like Claudius or other firms, mostly because the amount of money is worthless in the long run and also because repeatedly asking them funds will kill them off severly impairing your revenue as a result, they're really good for the early game when you need to buy small firms or companies but later on you shouldn't even touch them and only rely on your company's revenue.

>> No.2719110

Alright I made it decently far in the merchant system, hit the 100 million G. One other question, how do I raise MP? Raising my magic levels doesn't seem to help much, even Thomas is stuck at a measly 5MP.

>> No.2719139

You mean JP?
JP can only be raised by using spells, there's no other way.
Good news for you, the basic spells cost only 1 JP and they're relatively solid for a long while.
Bad news, JPs grow very slowly and the most powerful spells costs quite a lot.

That's why specialized runs with offensive spellcasters aren't viable unless you want to grind a lot, and even then I don't think anyone but Thomas with his Master Magician setup can win the game using only Magic.

>> No.2719142

It should be randomly rising as you use magic in battle.
If you focus on rising magic points or technique points, you'll eventually get a "crown" that cuts down the costs of either in 1.

>> No.2719153

Hmm okay. I'm trying to do more of the merchant game but I'm having a problem where sometimes I can only add 100m at a time despite having over 1o (not sure what those equate to). Makes it impossible to compete with firms that from 600m at a time.

>> No.2719160

To add on this Anon's post, Crowns can only appear if you have a difference factor of 40 points to 1 point between WP and JP or viceversa, I might be mistaken on the ratio but it's around 40-something points anyway.
You can't have both crowns.
Most characters are geared toward WP proficiency but can theoretically get a JP Crown, some like Undine or Fullbright are the opposite, some like Tatyana or Muse are almost neuter type so it's easy to get either Crown because they start with very little WP and JP, others like Sharl are borderline impossible to get a Crown with.

>> No.2719382

A bunch of characters are pretty bad in the demo because their biggest skillset advantage is missing (Eloise basically has nothing but Staff/Martial because Fire/Wind don't exist in the demo).

Meurs is a huge jack of all trades and is passable anywhere.

>> No.2719393

you need to use skills to sandbag them and then snipe them when you get the opportunity by using "request group"

what you can also do is let the other firm win on one bid, and get them to spend a lot, then when you ttry to bid on the next thing that you -really- want, they won't have as much available to compete with you

>> No.2719409

I'm also kind of confused on another thing: how do I interact with the business associates in different cities now that I'm a merchant? Am I just locked out of those sidequests? I tried giving up being a merchant to do those quests but then couldn't find a way back into it.

>> No.2720036

If you gave up being a merchant you won't be able to continue your quest.

You did finish the first part of the quest right?
After some time passes and you complete some events Fullbright will ask you to help him again against the Dophore firm and the Dark Ring alliance, iirc you should have sealed at least one chaos gate for the second merchant quest to start.

>> No.2720623

Yeah I finished the first part of the quest. Alright then once I seal the first gate I'll go ask Fullbright.

>> No.2721370

I haven't noticed before because I'm unsure, but do you lose your current crowns in Imperial SaGa if you start new game+?

>> No.2721541

Alright, how the hell do I beat the boss of this Abyss Gate? I can't seem to last more than a few rounds against him.

>> No.2721547
File: 3.12 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_4401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My team as it stands

>> No.2721626

well anon you can either git gud or you can try making sure you have some healing on your characters and maybe train a bit so you can learn some stronger waza

I'd recommend finding out where some of the other abyss gates are while you do that, and maybe collecting some nice treasure from them in the process

>> No.2721642

>formation: free fight
Check other formations to experiment with the stat buffs you can get from them. I don't think you have access to Tiger's Cave with that setup, so you might want to consider recruiting a sixth character temporarily to get access to it.
It cuts down the damage you receive, it's pretty great for the boss fights.

Healing Canes if you found one or two are great for healing since salves need to be equipped and are only one-shot.

Look up wazas to figure out if you need to use one specific waza to spark a better form of it, so you end up with the stronger wazas.
Specializing in a single weapon type is a good idea at this point.
Most likely Ellen should be trained with Axes, Wood with Broadswords, Sharl with Spears/Magic. Poet is a jack of all trades and it really depends on which weapon type you picked. Martial Arts is a pretty good option, IMO.

You need to either figure out how to win the damage race or how to get enough control in the battle through magic effects/healing.

>> No.2721665

Ellen is good with Martial Arts and Wind magic as well as axes, so consider those as another option if you had her doing something else.

One thing you can try if you can't win a fight normally is to use commander mode, which is to put your main character into the 6th slot and have your allies fight automatically. It's something that you have to try to really understand how it works.

>> No.2721889

>exploit the Holy Ring bug.
Wondering, what is the Holy Ring bug?

>> No.2721905

Sell the Holy King's Ring in a specific shop, forgot which. Buy a "Pretty Ring" back from the same shop for 10G. It turns into the Holy King's Ring.
Sell it again.

>> No.2721959

Nope, you don't lose anything, you even get back the two characters you used as emperors after Adel dies.
Since you're up against Arakes I suggest first of all to change your formation, Tiger's cave or also Desert Lance can suffice, do put your tankiest character, in your case Wood or Sharl, in postion one(the member who stays in the front) as it will be targeted more often.
Arakes can also be a dick and use his All move which is ranged on top of being pretty strong, it will hurt you for 250 easily, good thing is that you can master a Mikiri Waza for that and avoid it completely for the rest of the fight so keep a few waza slots open just in case, have one character act as a dedicated healer, Healing Canes are the best option right now so get at least one.
Arakes is kind of aggressive and geared towards physical attacks so having gears like armors or full plates would help you mitigate some damage but forget about tanking, it's not viable at all in SaGa games.

One last thing, Arakes, like all the Noble Demons regenerates 999 HP each turn if the field becomes attuned to his element, which is earth in this case, you must not let this happen for any reason as you won't be able to win the battle given that you've already had troubles as you are now, if the field becomes Earth based either reset or try desperately to override it with any other element by casting magic.

Other than that, I guess Sharl and Wood are your best physical attackers right now, focus on keeping them alive and smash Arakes' face in, he's the easiest Noble Demon so consider this as a training for what's to come later.

>> No.2722392

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