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File: 195 KB, 802x727, shit characters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2670278 No.2670278 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2670328

Ash at least is decent to play as. Bao is beyond shit.

>> No.2670332

Ash because he was the new protag and shoved down our throats for many years.
Bao was kinda just there.

Also, Momoko is worse than Bao.

>> No.2670338


He was just really really shit.

At least Ash was quite fun to play as.

>> No.2670636
File: 208 KB, 161x216, hugo-bao-poison-intro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I play Bao in 2000 and 02UM. He's fun as fuck and is pretty much "try to approach me you faggot, you aren't even being zoned, you're just walking into shit." He's also cute. TKing his body ball attack is a thing of beauty (and doing it when not TKing is hilariously bad, it's got like a year of recovery time)
don't play 99 or 2001 much because those are bad games so I can't remember how good/bad he was in '99, and he's hilariously bad in 2001 from what I played of him unless I'm missing something
would be nice if they didn't tie him to Kensou for no fucking reason, I'm pretty sure that's like 60+% of why people don't like Bao, all the games where Bao is any good, Kensou is weird and shit

And Ash? He's fun to play. His '03 art was ugly as fuck, though (I distinctly remember asking, "who is this ugly chick?").
his KOF13 moveset is very reminiscent of Kain's from Garou, and I fucking love that.

and then he wrote himself out of existence so w/e

>> No.2670721

Bao has shitty themes

Ash has great themes

>> No.2670790

Ash's XI theme was pretty slick. I don't like Bao more than Ash but I feel Ash's heavy push made him more damaging to the series. At least Bao could usually be ignored.

>> No.2670860

>implying anyone stopped playing KoF games because of a character

>> No.2671585

The gay(er) looking one.

>> No.2671587

best grills

>> No.2671630


>> No.2672195


really nigga? ash

>> No.2672209

Neither one damaged anything. Both characters are in games that are considered top tier KoF games.

Bao in 2000 and Ash in XI.

Please don't tell me you're a storyfag that cares more about what happens to the characters than the actual gameplay.

>> No.2673079

Ash due to really really awful story line.

Bao, never played as him and often forgot he was even there.

>> No.2673089 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 708x595, 3g6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ash was at least gay and sexy as all fuck.

>> No.2673110

>I don't like these characters, so they basically killed an entire franchise

You melodramatic fuck.

>> No.2673126
File: 26 KB, 250x550, homo faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


KoF died with the NESTS saga.

>> No.2673137

They're both shit only liked by trapfags but not the worst

>> No.2673298

KOF was already dead when they were created.

>> No.2673454

Bao appears in Saigado doujins.
so I'm gonna say Ash, because Saigado is why I play KOF

>> No.2673601


Ash by far.

SNK created Bao, saw the negative reaction and let him fade into the background a bit during the NESTS Saga.

SNKP created Ash, saw the reaction the negative reaction... And decided to shove him down fans throats for 4 straight games (KOF XI, MIRA, XII & XIII).

To put it into a bigger perspective, pre-Ash when I would talk about KOF with my "Normie" friends, they'd go "Oh, you mean the other guys from CvS2?" Now, they go "Oh, you mean the game for faggots?"

>> No.2673804

The hard ass moveset and combo executions are what killed KoF

>> No.2673805

Sounds to me like you just suck.
Combo execution isn't even hard in KOF.

>> No.2673809


What were they thinking with K?

>> No.2673825

Neither, you fucking drama queen. Pachinko killed KOF.

Bring back Fatal Fury, Chinese SNK. ;_;

>> No.2673839


>> No.2673843

We all do, anon.
At least until the straight ones figure out that he's a guy.

>> No.2674050
File: 39 KB, 638x465, 1430242666806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being straight on 4chan
>in the year of our lord 2015

>> No.2674186

other than K' as a character being kind of shit, his design and moveset is cool as fuck and he's pretty popular overall

NESTS saga hurt KOF like a motherfucker though. 99's bad. It's really not that good, although it's still a playable game. 2000 is good, but not 98/97 quality in the slightest. 2001 is hilariously bad -- not the worst fighting game I've played but it's still obnoxiously poor. 2002 is solid.

actually, the horrible fluctuation in quality hurt the most, and it's not good to be having quality issues at a time when 2D fighting games were busy dying
like, from 94-98, KOF got overall better every year, maybe excluding 96 a little just because Leona is hilariously retarded
and then 99 happens and gets worse, 2001 happens and is a trainwreck, 2003 happens and it's LITERALLY UNFINISHED (also, poorly designed tag system), the brand is damaged, and new players aren't coming in

and then post-/vr/, XI is an okay game but I really never thought of it as anything special
and then XII is literally "give us money to finish the game"
and then finally XIII is amazing

this thought passes through my head far too much.

>> No.2674193

96 introduced all of the main series gimmicks like rolling, hopping, running jump and super jumping.

>> No.2674365

I remember when some faggot said that 2003 was the best KoF in the series.

>> No.2674512
File: 195 KB, 845x588, may_lee_kof_um_by_orochidarkkyo-d62md3n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I preferred to focus on how Awesome May Lee, Whip and Vanessa where than one or two bad characters.

KoF has a lot of characters in every game they can afford one or two misses

>> No.2674521
File: 303 KB, 600x833, vanessa 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so cool

>> No.2674527
File: 54 KB, 389x440, maxima_kof-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maxima's pretty great too

>> No.2674612

but 96 is a relatively glitchy game and SNK definitely seemed strapped for time when making it, and it suffers as a result
note the word relatively, since KOF is pretty solid usually

96 has a special place in my heart for being the first KOF I spent any significant time with.
and Leona really is that dumb -- she's in this perfect spot where she's not banworthy but she's still hilariously overpowered

>hard-ass moveset
KOF inputs aren't even hard.

You. I like you.

man, I feel bad for that guy
maybe he mistyped or misspoke?
It'd be forgivable if he said 2002 (which is wrong, but it's a popular opinion)
but 2003 is casually bad, almost in the same way that fucking SVC Chaos is

mah nigga
But fuck Whip -- I love her design and think she's pretty cool (and her MAX2 in 02UM has her fucking shoot you with a gun, holy shit) but I hate fighting her.
I can't talk shit though, I play Bao, and he's fucking annoying to fight (and lacks the cool factor, being a weird-ass little kid).
would be nice if I could pick up playing May Lee, but she's so damn weird

KOF's got some really great character designs. Everyone goes on about how plain they are, but I always liked how muted they were, made 'em seem more real. Vanessa is so god damn cool. Same with Seth.
there's no reason to hate on the NESTS era character designs, they're cool

>> No.2674634

>The great debate
>it's not great and no one has ever heard of it

>> No.2674834
File: 3 KB, 93x166, maylee-super.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no reason to hate on the NESTS era character designs, they're cool

well you can hate on the plot and I think K9999 deserves the criticism being the lazy Tetsuo knock off he is but the characters themselves are fine and the plot was already a bit off the rails to start with.

May Lee's a blast once you get the hang of her, so Id say practice. She's weird but it's so cool once you get her mastered. Id love to see her team up with kims Kids in a future title. Though sadly her voice actress died of cancer

>> No.2674848 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 700x1000, 0f04011e2b9d6b8e378914f3f642b53a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hating on NESTS
We got the best tits in the series and a lot of great characters like Vanessa, Kula, Maxima, Ramon and Seth.

>> No.2675243

Yeah well that guy honestly believed that 2003 was the best KoF. At least SVC Chaos had charm to it and I feel like if they were not stupid with the Capcom license and made like 3 card games they could have made a sequel to it and that could have been good.

>> No.2675271
File: 33 KB, 90x111, angel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when emphasis is on ass

>> No.2675302

when they go as far as hiring Tetsuo voice actor, and then in 2k2 have Kusanagi being voiced by Kaneda actor, and they made a similar "KANEDA !!" special intro, it enters the realm of a tribute rather than knock off

>> No.2675310

Angel is both ass and tities.
and cookies

>> No.2675652

The emphasis is on my dick
Angel best FemKoF

>> No.2675681

But K9999 was not in 2002.

>> No.2675692

He was. Not in 2002 UM though, in that game he was replaced by Nameless.

I'd like the NESTS characters better if they originated in their own franchise instead of KOF.
They're cool and all, but they're a complete departure of what kof was before 99, plus they're "futuristic" guys in the middle of a lot characters that scream 90's, making them more awkward.

>> No.2675697

>He was. Not in 2002 UM though, in that game he was replaced by Nameless.

Oh, I haven't played the original in ages.

>> No.2675810


They designed Ash to mess with people, and it was an acceptable sacrifice considering they moved away that was the NESTS sci-fi story to something closer to the Orochi story from the earlier games, which had more to do with ancient powers and legacies.

>> No.2675814


Pachinko kept SNK afloat, the company just generally suffers from chronically bad business choices.

>> No.2675930


Bullshit motherfucker, as soon as I saw Bao I sent SNK a snail mail letter telling them all to get fucked

>> No.2676284

bao sucks as a character and literally does nothing important

ash sucks as a character and hes the forefront of every game hes in

>> No.2676298


Ash, I thought it was a girl for the past 10 years until this thread.

>> No.2676518


the use of masculine pronouns didn't clue you in?

>> No.2677362


Bao has a role in dragon power subplot Kensou's been developing since 99 - his role in that might have ended by now though.