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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 43 KB, 480x360, kids react to Gameboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2660445 No.2660445[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


On a scale of 1-10, just how much are you raging right now?

>> No.2660447


>> No.2660480

I think these kids are more actors than "reactors."

>> No.2660483


No more than I would rage about somebody saying a dot matrix printer is shit tbh. It's literally inferior technology OP

>> No.2660494

What's there to rage about?
Kids of the latest generation don't get or are dismissive of stuff when I was a kid? Like every goddamn generation ever?

>> No.2660495



>> No.2660504


>> No.2660508

I was never dismissive of older technology. I think their reactions go hand in hand with idiocy.

>> No.2660513

>kids react

that kid in the green shirt with long hair is not a fucking kid. he's 15 or 16 at least. he should be on Teen's React NOT on kids react. I'm maad as fuck. fuck you OP for making me rage about this

>> No.2660525

Didn't we have this thread a month ago?

>> No.2660528
File: 56 KB, 498x500, 1375550400422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v please leave.
Stop answering to that retard.
After the "who dthought this was a good idea hurr durr" we have this shit.
Leave us alone you piece of shit.

>> No.2660540
File: 5 KB, 306x247, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop viraling you little fuckup

>> No.2660541

Pretty annoyed that people are posting complete horseshit clickbait on what used to be a great board and that the shitty moderation is virtually non-existand/10

>> No.2660583

They still use DMPs for point of service and things like that.

>> No.2660590

Kids are stupid. People who have no respect for their elders or older forms of entertainment are stupid.

Who cares...

>> No.2660595

You seen the shitposts on /tv/ when Lauren Bacall bit the dust.

Lyl who's that old hag

lyl who cares gb2 bed gramps

lol way before my time dude

>> No.2660614

While I'm from the generation that grew up playing with that first GameBoy, I also can't allow myself to rage, because I'f you had asked me at age 10 if I liked the toys from 20 years earlier (with the exception of wooden building blocks, Lincoln Logs and the sort) I would probably say that shit was boring as hell. I definitely felt that way about old TV shows. Howdy Doody could have kissed my ass a child. You young one may need to google Howdy Doody, but you get my point. Off to play some more vidya. Enjoy life...

>> No.2660626

That is actually what is happening. Reality TV for YouTube.

>> No.2660628
File: 48 KB, 960x960, 11953018_946640682060730_4214037968871654415_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are raging about this you obviously have a psychotic problem. i feel sorry for you man

>> No.2660630 [DELETED] 

>autist detected

>> No.2660634

Two things saved that video for me at least:

That based asian kid with the glasses

That qt with the thick eyebrows

>> No.2660636

>blaming children for not knowing about old technology
top autists detected

>> No.2660637


OP please leave. We don't want this kind of shit here. Or just lurk more. You are going to learn things.
Thankfully summer is over.

>Posting a cumdump and two faggots, to make his point. GTFO.

SAGE and SAGE again.

>> No.2660643 [DELETED] 

But he's right. Life doesn't stop for anybody. You live in a bubble. Sorry mate. You're rage is embarassing. This is 2015. Don't act like an old fart.

>> No.2660650

But he's right. Life doesn't stop for anybody. Sorry mate. You guys live in a bubble. Your rage is embarassing. This is 2015. Don't act like old farts, time to move on and let the world be.

>> No.2660653

Howdy Doody traumatized an entire generation of children.

>> No.2660659

I have two uncles. One of them is like 80 and he's a blast to be around. He loves talking about the latest celebrity gossip. The other tuned the world out sometime during the Carter years. He does nothing but watch old B&W shows on TV land and old movies.

>> No.2660662
File: 76 KB, 1148x764, reggie-fils-aime-shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a declaration that their mission in life is to steal everybody's original Gameboys and Gameboy games and then destroy them out of sheer hatred of all retro games?

No? Then I don't care.

>> No.2660663

Kids are getting stupider. Seriously, could the 7 year old of today figure out how to get Day of the Tentacle running on the family PC by editing part of the CONFIG.SYS file?

>> No.2660664
File: 138 KB, 900x675, 1440707758761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up with the Gameboy. I didn't know nothing about NES or stuff like that. I occasionally saw a SNES but didn't much worry about that. N64 was my console.
Now that I'm 24, I start to dig up the gaming past and learn and appreciate older consoles like NES because there interest me. I would never expect little children of today to know that I grew up gaming with a Gameboy when I was child. That is so fucked up. Only autists would expect that kind of audacity from little children. Yall should be embarrassed of yourselves! If you teach your children about old consoles and gaming devices that's fine and cool, but don't expect the majority of children to know about these things.

>> No.2660689

Eh, everyone knows by now these shows are just about the kids making funny faces and whatnot. For any kind of actually interesting comments from them, we have to wait for them to grow another 10-20 years so they can start to form their own opinions.

I would love a dot matrix to go with retro computer. Just haven't seen any in recent years.

Actually the last printer I bought was a black & white HP Deskjet 500 in mid 90's. Pretty nice workhorse printer that lasted me many years. Eventually replaced it with some lame "all in one" inkjet that are common these days, and overcomplicated junk that are hard to find Unix drivers for. That thing was a PITA to setup and use, and some of the functions didn't work at all (but it was a free hardware someone gave me when they upgraded, so whatever). I also had a big office laser postscript printer that was nice, but sucked up tons of power, and sometimes the pages didn't feed correctly.

Overall I was much happier with the design and just dead simple parallel port interface of the old faithful dot matrix printer. They were easy to fix too, if something mechanical went wrong.

Really? I only saw thermal printers. But I never paid much attention...

>> No.2660714

>I'm so surprised that some kids that have never even seen an iPod mini don't like/understand 26 year old technology

Oh wait I'm not. Reported for not retro.

>> No.2660732

I actually found some of that kinda cute.

>> No.2660753

lol the fat fuck

>y no apps????
>you have to press buttons and things it sux

What an iFag.

>> No.2660763

Stopped when the kid thought the gameboy was an Iphone case.

>> No.2660835

I hate the Fine Brothers, I really do.

>> No.2660843

>could the 7 year old of today figure out how to get Day of the Tentacle running on the family PC by editing part of the CONFIG.SYS file?
Is that even necessary? I had the CD-Rom version and didn't need to do any of this shit

>> No.2660848

I had the flippin' CD version!

It didn't run because EMM386 had the NOEMS tag set up and DOTT required an EMS frame for its audio. Remove the NOEMS line and it worked.

>> No.2660857

They don't have to know what you did 20 years ago. They discover this unknown world because they are kids. You'll probably blame kids that don't know how to use a CD or how to plug a USB stick in the computer in 20 years.
It's not late to discover them old technology, though.