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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 40 KB, 600x352, Kithicor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2548391 No.2548391 [Reply] [Original]

lost in kithicor forest edition

>The mission of the project is to create the classic feeling that many had during the early days of Everquest during those time periods, starting with Classic content and releasing the other expansions and content on a similar timeline that was experienced on Live.

What do you mean classic feeling?

>experience penalties for classes
>you die you drop your gear
>you lose experience (and possibly levels) when you die
>playing an evil race/class makes you kos to good-aligned guards and vice versa
>no in-game maps

Helpful links:
>Getting Started Guide
>Torrent Link

How do I actually download this game?

>download titanium client or buy cds ($200 on ebay/amazon, free with torrent)
>follow directions in getting started guide
>see above for torrent link

I've never played EverQuest because I'm a pre-teen and don't know why I'd ever want to.

>no auction house
>lose experience when you die
>take weeks if not months to hit level cap
>90% of the items in the game are trade-able and do not bind on equip or pickup like most modern mmos
>can run on a computer older than the average /v/ user
>it's a social, slow game more than a solo, quick to level, quick to quit playing, game

Google doc for people to put down their name, level, location, whatever details necessary (this is old as fuck so idk if any of these people play anymore):

Guide for what to buy first on on a crack whore budget:

>> No.2549146

Had me with that dank as fuck picture and losing XP + your loot on death.

Lost me with "it's a social game more than anything else"

>> No.2549150

never played everquest because i was playing tibia around that time

what's a good class to start off with

>> No.2549160

Halfling Druid is a great starter choice imo. Druid's have a pretty easy time finding groups and have some solo-ability. I would at least strongly urge you to roll a caster at first as the melee classes tend to be way more gear-oriented. Oh but don't make an enchanter; not for your first character.

>> No.2549161

Derp. Also meant to mention that as a Druid you'll get the ability to port people around the world which will net you a lot of easy money.

>> No.2549243

Just installed it.
Started as a dwarf rogue.
Played for about 10 minutes then uninstalled.

If I had played this back in 1999 I probably would have liked it. But I was too wrapped up in Ultima Online to give anything else my time.

I like how the game looks, I don't like how the camera is controlled though. I couldnt figuure how to talk to anyone though.

Also combat seemed really really basic.
>toggle combat on
>sit and wait

Pretty cool, maybe I'll try again one day, doubtful though.

>> No.2549484

Your first mistake was making a rogue. Not a great choice for a first character if you don't have buddies to play with.
Talking to npcs is context sensitive and the system can be kind of hinky. IU always thought it was kind of fun to figure out how to get them to respond to you but hey to each their own.
If you do decide to try again I would pick a magician for your first char.

>> No.2549495
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Dark Elf SK

>> No.2549662

>"social game more than anything else"
I'd disagree. While you do need to be social since soloing for most classes isn't very viable doing any of the dungeons is challenging and fun. Any mistake can lead to you group wiping.

Melee classes are like oldschool DnD in this game. It works fine for Monk and Warrior since Warrior is preoccupied with tanking and Monks are usually herding packs of mobs around and controlling their agro with feign death. Both of those classes get abilities later too (not nearly as many as spellcasters) while rogues really only get backstab and disarm.

>> No.2549745

Got to like level 18 as a Barbarian Warrior.

Got pretty bored because I can't find groups and there's scarce resources for me.

>> No.2549806
File: 9 KB, 405x344, oh god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bastard, do you realize what you've done? I was into this game so so much. I played so many hours. When I finally broke free of it's vice like grip I was good for years.

Now this shows up and they're finally done enough for me to play it.

You've made worms meat of me.

>> No.2549930

>exclusionary end game
>riddled with undetectable cheat software
>biased admins who give preferential treatment to their own guilds

It's garbage.

>> No.2549956

>>exclusionary end game
Meh. Regular EQ was like that anyway. Hell I dare say that low to mid way in the game it's pretty exclusionary if you couldn't solo everything.

>>riddled with undetectable cheat software
Yeah, I could see that being a problem. Even regular pay to play EQ had that problem too. Not near as bad as project 1999.

>>biased admins who give preferential treatment to their own guilds
This happened a lot on my server, veeshan. A guild called Fires of Heaven would pay GMs outside of the game to spawn certain monsters.

Really though if I could find a group of say, 6 to 10 people I wouldn't even care about going after gods or dragons. Also it seems like if you didn't play on a red server, cheating wouldn't really effect you that much.

>> No.2549960

"citation needed"

>> No.2549968
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>> No.2550309


>> No.2551109
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Anyone know a better way of getting around that doesn't involve druids or wizards

>> No.2551120

i love you op
make love to me

>> No.2551176

Burning the disks since daemon tools won't work on this ancient thing, whats the hardest class to play?

>> No.2551183


>> No.2551192

best race with it? I was thinking about going troll

>> No.2551257

Also how does the wineq 2.0 work? Do I just launch the ever quest via the taskbar or?

>> No.2551270
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Find this file

>> No.2551279

Ranger is probably the hardest since it's a hybrid that doesn't really do anything better than anyone else.
Troll or Ogre now, add Iksar to the list once Vel drops. Not that it matters too much just pick what you like.

>> No.2551287
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speaking of rangers I remember this from awhile back

>> No.2551292

haha, I mean track can be usefull but that's about it.

>> No.2551351

>tfw no idea what to do

>> No.2551498

You click on an npc, and then they ask you what you want said on your gravestone. the end. pretty good game tbh.

>> No.2551509

Daemon tools does work, I just did it. And hardest class, or at least it used to be, was the Troll Shadow Knight. Exp penalty for being a fucking idiot troll and penalty for being a hybrid class.

>> No.2551841

Is there a way to not look like total garbage?
Like I put on armor and stuff and I still look exactly how I first looked when I created the character.

Yet I saw another dwarf player and he had a mask showing and stuff.

>> No.2551856

Also what server does everyone play on?
I started on scars of velious or whatever because it showed the number 400 or so next to it, so I assumed that was players. But for all I know that could be ping.

>> No.2552052

Project 1999 no pvp is what i'm on,
making a new character today if anyone wants to join in with me cause literally no idea what i'm doing.

>> No.2552062

>Lost me with "it's a social game more than anything else"

why? its an MMORPG, unlike modern trash EQ forces you to work with other people unless you wanna have a bad time. and not just for combat/XP, class-specific spells like SoW and ports are something i always thought was kinda awesome.

dont get me wrong, EQ is deeply flawed but in my mind still the best MMORPG ive ever played. i really wish a modern MMO would have taken the good "hardcore" aspects and built on those instead of just casualizing the shit out of everything.

>> No.2552063

I probably wont be switching servers..
OP should have noted a server we should all play on.

>> No.2552064



Well for one thing.. the game is party based apparently (social) but pretty much everyone just walks right past you to go solo shit. Thats what I've noticed at a low level anyway.

>> No.2552067


ive dumped a fair amount of time into p1999 and can confirm that most of this shit doesnt matter and/or wont matter to the average player until theyve dropped ~100+ hours into the game.

the end game is a problem but that's always been the case with classic EQ, it's nothing new really. either way people who play MMORPGs solely for the end game (like you) are the reason that videogames get worse and worse very year.

>> No.2552069

>deeply flawed but still the best in my mind
I'm the retard who couldn't figure out what to do and was left to my own resources. The game doesn't seem that deeply flawed, actually I think the game feels pretty polished. The learning curve is high, but you can figure out stuff on your own.

>> No.2552073


people generally only solo levels 1-10 or 12 or so, partially because there's not a great need for a group and most people breeze through these levels so the population will be transient when you're that "young"

tho starting at level ~6 or so you can easily start grabbing groups in either Greater faydark/crushbone, blackburrow, or east commons (depending on whether you started in faydwer, qeynos, or freeport)

>> No.2552076

I like how you conveniently left out the fact that it's "classic" in that anyone can kill you at any time for any reason so you are just going to get killed by some troll right off anyhow.

>> No.2552080

not if you're on a pvp server

>> No.2552081

not if you aren't on a pvp server*

>> No.2552085

wouldn't having seperate pvp servers make it a non-"classic", in the terms this group is putting forth, experience though? if I remember right, in the original game servers there was no separate PVP server and the entire game was just one big free for all.

>> No.2552090

Is there DAoC (Dark Age of Camelot) equivalent, that game had more sustainable end game in RvR?

>> No.2552092


nope, classic EQ was 90% PvE, with a couple dedicated PvP servers (free for all, and then they added a racial and then eventually deity-based PvP teams)

p1999 blue is as classic is you'll find these days, and it's pretty damn close.

>> No.2552094

idunno, I'm just playing it cause it's fun

>> No.2552259

Doing some grinding as a shadowknight, so far so good

>> No.2552290

60 on Blue and 57 on Red.

Red is really good. It has an exp boost, and it goes insanely fast. Like VERY fast. If you're worried about pvp, I honestly wouldn't. Having leveled to 57 as a Cleric, I have gotten pvp'd probably 5 times.

As for Blue, it's slower and the end game is TERRIBLE. But if you want more people and a sense of community, it's better for that.

I personally still play on both, but if anyone in thread was wondering, I think Red is the better server at the moment unless Velious changes things on Blue.

>> No.2552493

Alright I just spent like 15 hours straight playing only got to level 4 .. I ventured out after a while and ended up in front of a pirates hut with a gang that instant killed me. I had no way of knowing they were aggro, they had blue names.

Anyways they hit for 23 damage each instantly and I can't get my loot so going to uninstall again. What a waste of time hehe.

It was interesting to finally try it out though. even though I didnt get even 1% of the experience most people got with parties and such. W/e.

goodluck to all newbs.

>> No.2552547

High elf cleric, looking for a buddy to level with

>> No.2552643

Anyone near Felwithe, I need a few PP

>> No.2553247
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Only on Red m8

>> No.2553352

What server is everyone playing on? Project1999(1): scars of velius?

>> No.2553447

yes, but all these asshats on 4chan are too busy playing to help out the scrubs

>> No.2553461

no one here is playing your shitty server, good god.

>> No.2553538

Not even that guy, but
Damn, you're a huge faggot.

>> No.2553650

I'm hesitant to play on red since there's usually only ~150 people on it.

Most people seem to be posting about how they tried it and immediately gave up since the game isn't handholding. Everyone is ignoring the excellent wiki link at the top, but I've been trying to actual questions when I can.

>> No.2553774

>tried it immediately then gave up
Yeah I see that, game is fun when you get into it.
>everyone is ignoring the excellent wiki at the top
even then I have some trouble, navigating is one of them, the wiki zone maps kill me, but after going through a town once, I can do it again and again.
>but I've been trying to actually answer them when I can
Appreciate it man.

>> No.2554487
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>> No.2554871

Alright guys, I think OP did a fairly poor job of introducing people to the game so I'm going to try and explain some things.

The most important thing you need to keep in mind is that this is not like a modern MMO at all. It's inspired by oldschool pen an paper rpgs like 2nd Edition Dungeons and Dragons. That pure melee character will only have a handfull of abilities that they can activate and mainly rely on passive skills. While hybrid and pure casters will have many more buttons to press with their wide variety of skills (that being said you can have only a certain number of spells on your bar at a time that you need to memorize out of your spellbook which takes a little downtime).
The majority of classes will also need to group up to level quickly and doing dungeons (which are entire zones) or fighting camps of mobs in the world will be the meat of the game. While there are quite a bit raid bosses since it takes so long to level up that far raiding isn't the sole purpose of the game, nor is it the only thing fun.

Now before you actually start the game READ THIS:

The servers you want to join are the Scars of Velious servers:
Project 1999 Blue (PVE)
Project 1999 Red (PVP)
-now the game was originally designed for PvE, however, the ability to kill other players alleviates overpopulation problems since you can just kill someone taking your mobs. On top of this the PvP server has a higher xp rate. From what I understand the server doesn't allow pvp between players that are above or below 9 levels of you and in the event that you are being camped you can call LnS (loot and scoot) and peacefully retrieve your corpse at the cost of leaving the zone for an hour.

The newbie guide should cover the rest. If you have any question feel free to ask and I'll try to respond. I also wouldn't mind playing on Red if people are interested.

>> No.2554987

Great post.

>> No.2555251

J boots, SoW spells or potions. Being a bard is probably the best way to get around on foot. They get safe fall early and then get a levitation spell that doubles as a movement buff later on in the game.

>> No.2555830
File: 130 KB, 545x647, Qeynos Tunnels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these tunnels just outside the city terrifying to anyone else nothing but cube's of gel & rats

>> No.2556018

I remember discovering those on an alt as a kid. Died down there and never managed to find my body. Avoided them like the plague afterwards.

>> No.2557086

aren't shamans the only one's who can create potions?

>> No.2557754

They are, can buy some from EC Tunnels if you need them though.

>> No.2558231
File: 5 KB, 96x80, GOODS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a list of thinks you'll need if you plan to mess with cooking


>> No.2558247

>I also wouldn't mind playing on Red if people are interested

I'm down anyone want to party up

>> No.2558267

Bard Half-elf in Freeport, Server red, name is Avijan, Level 1.

>> No.2558376

Level 3

>> No.2560246

If anyone wants to go into the karanas or that one cave near qeynos I think it's called befallen or blackburrow look for a gnome

>> No.2560559

That'd be Blackburrow. Befallen is in the West Commanlands and filled with skellingtons.

>> No.2560641

Heh that's where I always lvl my lowbie chars. Roll a necro and have fun!

>> No.2560731
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You know for apparently being close to the ocean you'd think there'd be less of a rat problem in this city

>> No.2560784

They come in on all the ships!

>> No.2560828
File: 250 KB, 1141x865, priceofgoodlooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The price of wanting to play a lizard is everyone hating you and rep grinding.

I just wanted to have tail and hiss at people ;_;

>> No.2560831

How do I get that GUI? is it the velious one?
If so how do I activate it?

>> No.2560846

The velious UI is the transparent black boxes. I'm using the vertUI which you can grab here:


The only thing I don't like about it is it doesn't keep the classic look of the spellbook.
Create a folder named vertui in (EQinstall)/uifiles and extract the files into there.
Then type loadskin vertui (or whatever you named the folder) once you get ingame.

>> No.2560849
File: 20 KB, 388x179, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's not optimal but I love carrying these belts

>> No.2560857

is there any UI's that can help with spell descriptions or is the wiki your only way of knowing stuff onhand?

>> No.2560859

Alright thanks, you playing on red?

>> No.2560875

I don't know of a UI that would do that, sorry. It's just something that you need to get familiar with.

Not currently. I've made decent progress on blue and not sure if I want to sink the time into trying red.

>> No.2560879

xp is more than 3x the rate I think, I'm lonely since no ones on red around my level

>> No.2560896

I'm not sure how much help I'd be though since I'm usually not up this late. =\

Blue has plenty of people without being overcrowded at this hour.

>> No.2560903

Agh, blue is too slow.

>> No.2560920

The meat of the game for me is the dungeons so leveling up quickly to the endgame isn't a huge priority for me.
If you didn't grow up playing mmos like this I can certainly understand your frustration though.

>> No.2560923

I didn't really touch mmo's until WoW, even before then I'd just play diablo

>> No.2560931
File: 43 KB, 588x365, TRAINS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't sweat the slower pace m8 it's about the experience more then anything with Everquest

>seeing your first train

>> No.2561134

>tfw training at level 2 with bard

>> No.2561191

Made an ogre shaman on red. I'm excited to play but I think imma be terrible at it wooo!

>> No.2561447

I can give out platinum to anyone on Blue if you post your name.

I'm mainly on Red, but it's harder to help there due to pvp.

>> No.2561526 [DELETED] 

Anyone interested in trading high end rogue gear for about 30 refined worth of hats and stuff on TF2.

Genuine pip-boy.
Apparitions Aspect
Purity fist
The Katyusha
Grenadier Helm
Macho man glasses (salmon paint)
Gentlemans ushanka
Polar Pullover
Dealers Visor
+ 1 refined metal

Or if you just want to give an idea of what someone might give in platinum or gear for that if they play TF2 and not EQ anymore, let me know.

I made a level 5 rogue, but I started with the wrong stats and probably want a name change too, so thinking of remaking him, but I want to be able to level back up fast with some kick ass gear.

>> No.2561528 [DELETED] 

Anyone interested in trading high end rogue gear for about 30 refined worth of hats and stuff on TF2.

Genuine pip-boy.
Apparitions Aspect
Purity fist
The Katyusha
Grenadier Helm
Macho man glasses (salmon paint)
Gentlemans ushanka
Polar Pullover
Dealers Visor
+ 1 refined metal

Or if you just want to give an idea of what someone might give in platinum or gear for that if they play TF2 and not EQ anymore, let me know.

I made a level 5 rogue, but I started with the wrong stats and probably want a name change too, so thinking of remaking him, but I want to be able to level back up fast with some kick ass gear.

I was playing on project1999 blue btw

>> No.2561531

Anyone interested in trading high end rogue gear for about 30 refined worth of hats and stuff on TF2.

Genuine pip-boy.
Apparitions Aspect
Purity fist
The Katyusha
Grenadier Helm
Macho man glasses (salmon paint)
Gentlemans ushanka
Polar Pullover
Dealers Visor
+ 1 refined metal

Or if you just want to give an idea of what someone might give in platinum or gear for that if they play TF2 and not EQ anymore, let me know.

I made a level 5 rogue, but I started with the wrong stats and probably want a name change too, so thinking of remaking him, but I want to be able to level back up fast with some kick ass gear.

I was playing on project1999 blue btw and am a dwarf

>> No.2561539

Depending on your race, you can turn in bone chips at Kaladim for very fast exp.

Stacks go for about 5-10p each, and you can skip straight to like level 9-10.

This goes for every good race, it's very quick exp.

>> No.2561556

Oh I sold like 50 chips to npcs for copper and stuff during my time. I'm a total newb.

>> No.2561560

Also do you know what npc gives you exp for skeleton chips in the dwarf city? I've talked to alot of people there and never seen anyone say anything about spook scary skeleton hunting.

>> No.2561564


Bone chip quest, then jump over to Crushbone and farm belts/pads can also be turned in at Kaladim for even more exp.

>> No.2561768

Players will often buy stacks of bone chips for 5pp each. I got my warrior almost a full set of twink gear doing this.

>> No.2561889

My name is Nyzm on Blue.
Is there a way to send it via mail in the game or do you have to meet up with the people.


yeah I goofed apparently. oh well.

>> No.2561909
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>not hunting for your own gear

>> No.2561948

No mail system, sadly.
>Easily obtainable low level gear in EQ
As much as I love this game you've got to admit that actually obtaining good gear is incredibly difficult untill you get to 20 or 30.
Especially if you're playing a class like a warrior.

>> No.2562245

Thanks for the platinum man. appreciate it.

>> No.2562705
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>> No.2563263

Is tailoring useful for newbie gear?

>> No.2563272

If you're a caster it's better off just to save money for all of your spells.

>> No.2563412

is there any youtube channels that have guides or stuff related to the game? Also, do we have a steam group?

>> No.2563419

>steam group
good joke, this is /vr/
We should just make an IRC

>> No.2563429

even better anon!

>> No.2563436


>> No.2563440

Alright next thread this goes in the OP, remember this.

>> No.2563463
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>old orc models

Always hated the new ones.

Post your favorite zone and/or city for each continent.

Antonica: Freeport and Runnyeye
Faydwer: Unrest
Odus: The Hole
Kunark: City of Mist
Velious: Kael Drakkal and Velketor's Labyrinth with an honorable mention for Crystal Caverns

>> No.2563487
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Still the steam group is necessary

>> No.2563490

>steam group
If it was for a steam game yes, but it's not

>> No.2563492

Antonica: Kithicor Forest - love how night and day drastically affect the zone.
Faydwer: Kelethin - that comfy music.
Kunark: Trakanon's Teeth - If I'm remembering right you can enter the zone through a steep cave with a river running through it; I always thought it was a cool zone transition as a kid.

>Odus: The Hole
One time while rummaging through my bags looking for the key to Paineel I fell into there and lost all of my gear. Probably the best and worst moment I had on live and it's something that could never happen in a modern mmo.

>> No.2563534

IRC should be up 24/7 now, hopefully, if not I'll have to set times, because atm I don't have a server/extra pc

>> No.2563539

Alright everything seems to be working

>> No.2563547

Someone want to join in to test it for me?

>> No.2563561

I guess not but it's pretty early in the morning

>> No.2563638

go back to wow

>> No.2563649

gotta add this to OP next thread

>> No.2563664


Theres a freeshard with no english speakers playing realms other than albion and 1/3 of the classes are broken. Also most of the RVR wasn't being played, was still broken.

So, no.

>> No.2563849

this is pretty much it until the uthgaard server comes back online

>> No.2564348

How often is the failure rate if your unskilled for crafting?

Can you make something even if you don't have the right amount of points in the trade skill?

>> No.2564735


>> No.2564761

Velious in 1 more week.

Nostalgia levels off the charts. Which is really the only reason to be playing.

>> No.2565031 [DELETED] 

Do rogue disguise masks actually change your appearance or is it just a NPC thing?

>> No.2565408

Antonica:South Ro

Faydwer: Lake of Ill Omen


>> No.2565417 [DELETED] 

Would be better to link it with a proper URL as well.


>> No.2565884

wasn't there an official old school EQ server not too long ago? did it turn out to be shit or something?

>> No.2566627

It died a quite death

>> No.2567248

Does anyone level in The Gorge of King Xorbb or could I hunt there with wild abandon?

>> No.2567304
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I played EQ beta. Forests like that were fucking terrifying. Skeletons you aggroed would not stop chasing you.. ever. There was no leash range. You'd run and run and run into the pitch-black forests and you'd think you're safe and then quietly, in the distance, clop clop clop clop... coming closer and closer.

Also, there was a bug in beta where monsters ignored all collisions with geometry, so if you hid in a house, they'd walk right through the walls to get you.

>> No.2567690


>> No.2567731

>however, the ability to kill other players alleviates overpopulation problems since you can just kill someone taking your mobs.
Clearly not. Given you weren't paying attention to what you said. Kill other player. Guess what, you're not always going to be on the surviving end of that, thus what you've done isn't alleviate the overpopulation problem, but made it worse for a percentage of the population.

>> No.2567732

You sound pretty upset, somebody just take your camp? :^)

>> No.2567752

EQ was never really designed for PvP anyway,it always felt like some long lost sideproject that didn't quite meet quota

>> No.2567804

it remains me of ballista on ffxi

>> No.2569598

Can gnomes see invis?

>> No.2569604

there is this faggot https://steamcommunity.com/groups/vproject1999

>> No.2569865

Seems kind of dead. No discussion and last announcements were like 2011 and like two recent comments. If I jump on is it going to be basically be no one playing?

>> No.2569893

that's really not a good indicator of population for blue at least

>> No.2569903

Sure, but I have no idea of the size and amount of people per zone for EQ. So if there's no one on there and blue has about 2000 players and they're all in lvl 5000 bumfucksville and I log in, there's zero community for me to deal with and figure out shit with. It's an indicator that there's not a sufficient group of /vr/ players who are trying to build up a community. Thus it could 'potentially' mean I'm bothering to jump in and it'll just be mostly empty for the entirety of my gameplay and trying to figure out shit various goofy shit that only spreads by word of mouth or obscure boards.

>> No.2569914

Blue has about 4 times the pop of Red. I've been taking a break from P99 Blue but a few months ago the server was reaching 1.5k+ people on peak hours.

>> No.2569935

does views you threateningly mean they'll attack?

>> No.2570136 [DELETED] 

Depends on the mob.
What it means for sure is it will kick your ass if you try fucking with it.

>> No.2570675

Most of the population is concentrated in the early areas, particularly the commonlands. However unless you're playing at odd hours you'll probably run into at least a few people in most zones.
Also some dude set up an IRC.
Most likely.

>> No.2570881

I wish there was a server like p1999 but for final fantasy xi, every private serve is either empty or doesn't exist the next day.

We should have a new thread with all the info on OP

>> No.2571239

i'd play it

i have the game on steam actually, got it for $1 in a sale but just couldn't get into it. i also remember PlayOnline being one of the worst things ever and i knew i'd never remember my info or have the ability to get it back after forgetting it due to how bad the service was.

but i played XIV and it was okay and it made me wonder what XI was like. XIV wasn't worth a sub so XI might be fine.

>> No.2571326

Nasomi is a good private server

>> No.2571367

how autistic are /vr/ mods? it was released in 2002 so it's just over the line of what arbitrary limit they set for this board. a thread would be nice though, i'd certainly download it and give it a go.

>> No.2571386

Made a barbarian rogue. Awesome high lvl guy hooked me up with full banded so I'm in pretty good shape. Hopefully I'll play some later today and hit up the irc to check if someone wants to group up for blackburrow or whatever

>> No.2571389

Limit is 2000. Two year difference is a big difference

>> No.2571395

lmao no

>> No.2571552

It's been about a year since I played P1999. Did they ever finally release Velious?

>> No.2571553

Eh, from what I'm seeing, there's a handful of people running about and fleeing off to all sorts of other places. It's a shame that P1999 is the populated server given it's the one that's tedious as fuck with getting rid of the other options. Game is kind of already shit and buggy as fuck.

>> No.2571565

The problem with ffxi private servers is, because of the horrible Play Online system, you have to literally spend 12 hours downloading patches as well as download custom programs just to try to gain access to the private server. It's a pain in the ass.

With that said, I would totally play on Nasomi if there was a /vr/ guild.

>> No.2571590

FWIW i'm going to download FFXI and at least try the server out

i'll probably play some kind of non-healing support class

>> No.2571617

It's populated BECAUSE of making it tedious(authentic) I would imagine.

>> No.2571762

I haven't encountered any bugs and it sounds like you just don't like EQ. Project 1999 has the players it does because you can't really get an mmo like it anymore.

>> No.2572317

It's coming on the 1st

>> No.2572459

what is this? a new server launching?
is project1999(1): velious obsolete now?
did I waste my time starting there?

>> No.2572473

It's an expansion being re-released for the servers on p1999

>> No.2572478
File: 1.35 MB, 975x628, Giants or Dwarfs you choose who will live or DIE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the boats won't be crashing again

>> No.2572905

>highest character is 15
>all this hype and disruption for shit that doesn't affect me in any way

>> No.2572939
File: 23 KB, 320x240, 1404765913992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe as autistic as the only fag that is whining about another faggot >>2570881 that just mention a game release in 2002 while mentioning p1999

>> No.2573093
File: 167 KB, 445x367, dogwhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2573543

does anyone know if you absolutely need skinning knifes for tailoring?

>> No.2573557

Only if you plan on messing around with hides (you use it to lower the quality of a hide). If you're just buying your mats I don't think it matters.

>> No.2573580


Craft skills are a huge moneysink in EQ. That said HQ bear pelts (for backpacks) are probably all you need the skinning knife for.

>> No.2573617

want to make an enchanter, where my lowbies at

>> No.2574820

I'm near befallen if you need some bone chips

>> No.2574982

Where is everyone playing? Is the xp bonus worth playing red?

>> No.2574991

is it normal for the screen brightness to be cranked up when i open the game? it's not just the game that's bright, it actually makes everything brighter until i close it

it's kind of shitty

>> No.2575003

yes it's gamma, should be adjustable in the options

>> No.2575195

Hi, I've always been interested in EQ for what I've heard it brought to mmos and am looking to get into it, but I have a question. What makes p1999 better than regular EQ which is still running or EQ2 for that matter? Whats was changed or is different in these that prompted purists to make p1999?

>> No.2575316

I'm not an EQ player, but part of the appeal is that the release schedule for expansions roughly mirrors that of the official game. It's closer to the experience of "classic" EQ, or at least that's the idea.

>> No.2575663

EQ Live have changed nearly every mechanic of the game since classic, everyone is completely maxxed out neckbeard, no noobs at all. I think it still costs $10 a month too.

I played EQ2 for a little while, it was like a better version of WoW but I doubt anyone plays it at all anymore. The music and graphics I remember being really good actually.

>> No.2575867

you can download a program called WinEQ2 which can prevent Everquest from adjusting your desktop's gamma. it's made by some omega cucklord who wants to try to make a living off an extremely narrow utility program so a bunch of shit is being a paywall but it functions on is own. it has some things like an FPS limiter and basically runs the game in a borderless window you can use for free. also it isn't one of those annoyware deals where it constantly bugs you to pay with a banner or popup each time you open/close the program, just the reminder as certain features are arbtrarily locked out (like going fullscreen) by this dumb jew.

EQlive is casualized to fuck and everything is automated. you can get 'mercenaries' which are just NPC player classes so you can solo everything. EQ has none of that. you know how World of Warcraft keeps doing updates to make the game less and less of an MMO? dungeon finding, concentrating eveyrthing into player cities, etc.? EQ has none of that either, you actually have to interact with players at some point to get anywhere. not to say that soloing isn't possible, it is, but classes are all so specialized that at some point you'll probably try asking some higher level characters for buffs or something. also there's no auction house, there's one set location where people peddle their wares so you have to go all the way out there for it. very limited fast travel too, boats go from continent to continent but take hours to go inbetween so you need to find players who are Druids or Wizards to teleport you around for instance.

>> No.2575890

i think another way to say it too is that WoW is basically become about beelining your way to max level so that you can actually do fun things that matter, but Everquest is about the journey. the game is always difficult and there are always new challenges to overcome whereas WoW is so braindead it's made for children. also the philosophy with raids are different, it's not like WoW where you have children stamping their feet like they're entitled to see everything. epic raid content is really epic, only a handful of players see it and everything trickles down from them from the loot to the stories of drama and triumph.

also there's a server community, something else that's been dead in MMOs ever since the advent of automatic dungeon finders. there are heroes and villains and almost always some kind of drama going on so if you're into that the forums are usually pretty entertaining.

>> No.2576128
File: 25 KB, 236x176, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot the most important part

>getting rid of corpse runs

>> No.2576203

Man, the early levels for enchanter are a slog, then suddenly you hit 12 and everything changes.

>> No.2576283

i've tried and given up pre-12 so many times but i'm determined to see this chanter through

>> No.2577054

early on is kinda like a breeze,then you hit 40-50

>> No.2577696

what's going to happen to East Commons now when the expansion hits?

Will everybody jump ship toward a new hub?

>> No.2577829

yup so egregious I forgot

>> No.2579296


>> No.2579594

Is blackburrow a good place to hunt if your looking for early necromancer gear?

Should I hang around Grobb or that one swamp near the troll city?

>> No.2579824

>i think another way to say it too is that WoW is basically become about beelining your way to max level so that you can actually do fun things that matter, but Everquest is about the journey.
Seeing as how you're basically a walking cripple who can't do anything worthwhile and there really isn't much else to do but get to the top. No, Everquest definitely is not that. Most people aren't running around screaming yay more mobs to grind or hey let me deliver this mail! Few people are rejoicing over mostly useless tedious tradeskills to make up for the mostly useless economy. Sure those two guys, the ancient cartography majors, in the corner redrawing a shit ton of maps by hand and saying this shit is great. But honestly they'd be doing the same no matter what MMO they're in more or less.
There's nothing in the middle to really do other than play some craps in the corner for plat or chat with people. Shit even UO had functional checkerboards you could carry around or let you build your own home including a life-size chessboard in the middle of your prefab mcmansion's dungeo or your later customized version. Do you know what people do for fun in Everquest?

It's a barebones grind MMO the same as all the others, more so actually. It's a game that's basically the poster child for why innovation in MMO's is needed. If all you want is a grind, it's got your back just like FF1 or Dragon Quest.

>> No.2580335
File: 241 KB, 376x300, 2gvsqq1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's basically the poster child for why innovation in MMO's is needed
it's not the poster child it's the original. Every mmorpg since EQ is a shitty clone of it.

>> No.2580359

Somebody needs to just redevelop EQ in UE4 or something using all the original assets. Gameplay aside, the client is shit, the UI is clunky, the camera is awkward, performance is abysmal, and it just has a bad feel to it.

>> No.2580383


EQ2 is a completely different beast. It's much closer to WoW or other modern MMOs with the quest grinding, dead zones in all the middle levels and it just really lacks soul. It's a nod to EQ1 on paper, but they basically just slapped all the names and races into a post apocalyptic version of the EQ1 world and called it gravy in an effort to cash in on nostalgia.

You might be thinking doesn't P1999 just pander to EQ1 people and try and cash in on nostalgia?

Well sure, but it's free and the community actually loves playing the game.

The forum is full of faggots and shitlords, but what official game forum isn't?

EQ has a lot of bullshit about it, the interface is ass by today's standards and you can legitimately fuck yourself out of hours, or potentially days or weeks of work quite easily if you're not careful.

The thing is, modern games have cleaned up the UI problems, but lost the soul in the process.

Let's be honest though, if graphics and shit UI are a barrier to entry, /vr/ probably isn't the place.

>> No.2580448
File: 690 KB, 4096x4096, map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's all she wrote gents it's the 1st!

HUZZAH for Giants and Dwarfs fighting to the death & the players going to PoG!

>> No.2580734


also >>2580448 is that Ultima 4? That map seems so familiar to me and it's the only thing that springs to mind.

>> No.2580735

Would be the case if it wasn't just a mediocre cash in on a 3D hybrid of Muds and UO. Capturing neither of their good qualities.
If you took UO and made it fully 3D, it'd still end up being a far better game.
Also, what you meant to say was a better clones. Virtually every MMO released is somewhere between a somewhat less bad and a far superior version of EQ and has something more to offer in nearly every regard. Also, even if it were original that still wouldn't make it not able to be a poster child. Poster child is a stereotype or archetype that fits very or most perfectly. You could hardly ask for a better example of disengaging roleplaying from an RPG with such a sterile environment provided by EQ. It almost makes Daggerfall feel lively.

>> No.2580739


>> No.2580742

I really played the hell out of that as a teen, I recognise the map after not having played it since I had it on my master system.

>> No.2581181

that's just like, your opinion man.

>> No.2581571

Well, no it's not just like my opinion. There's a comparison which is an opinion. But it is what it is, that's a fact.

>> No.2582185
File: 66 KB, 779x611, Freeport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I didn't expect the city to be bursting with people but where is everybody?

>> No.2582306

I actually gave this a shot about a year ago but got stumped halfway through reverse engineering EQ's map. Admittedly, I'm no expert on game development and the structure of map files. I know there used to be map explorer apps and stuff so apparently somebody figured this shit out, but I was never able to find a leaked official spec or anything.

>> No.2582314

Also it's probably not worth the effort for a project that could be shut down with a single C&D order.

>> No.2582363

event fight probably

>> No.2584152
File: 769 KB, 1024x790, cap1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Velious GM event happening now on Blue, gettin real snowy. Giants everywhere

>> No.2584429

Go to the tunnel

>> No.2584945

best trade skill cooking

>> No.2585725

wasn't that the UI for live?

>> No.2585759
File: 72 KB, 640x480, palor_bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk it's the default one that comes with Titanium. The classic UI is best but not available

>> No.2586445
File: 4 KB, 113x56, On The Edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOD that's scary when things get hairy

>> No.2587249

speaking of gear, you know for a game called everQUEST there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of em?

Where's the overarching story for why your fighting in place's like Najena or Lower Guk or just a main quest to follow

>> No.2587712

I made a Erudite Mage, and got to level 4 and bought some of my spells. I have played Everquest since Velious was current, I'd forgotten how challenging the game was, compared to games like WoW. I tried running to Freeport but halfway through the Karanas I gave up, since there was no one around to bind me in Qeynos and I was probably going to die. Is there a n00b friendly guild? A nigga ain't even got a map in this game.

>> No.2587993

>The classic UI is best but not available
Thank goodness.

>> No.2588468

I don't like questing in mmo's. Everyone being the hero of the world gets pretty old fast. I much prefer it when there's a good world to explore and I can just adventure.

>> No.2588475

That's what MMOs used to be like. Even Warcraft didn't have the "You're the hero!" linear story until Wrath of the Lich King.

>> No.2588734

hand around the druid rings if you can,someone will pop up & bind you sooner or later

>> No.2589463

anybody know what the conversion rate is for pp is?

Is 50 copper worth 10 silver?

>> No.2589484

It is easy
10 Copper is 1 Silver
10 Silver is 1 Gold
10 Gold is 1 Platinum

It works in units of 10.

>> No.2589604
File: 357 KB, 618x800, EQOAMapSmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's golden

>> No.2589718


The bank.

>> No.2591563

What's the verdict on weapon-less monks?

Should you go for a monk that doesn't get bonked by weight or are weapons essential even if you go H2H

>> No.2592415

there was someone on the forums who pretty much recreated it perfectly but he went apeshit and deleted EVERYTHING about himself from the web, including all the files for this. some kind of turbosperg.

>> No.2592580

Weight doesnt affect AC like it does in classic.
It's less of a big deal in P99, use weapons if you can find something decent.

Fists are going to be better than most rusty/fine steel shit

>> No.2592582

Daybreak supports P99, IDK why they wouldn't support that project too.

>> No.2592907

There's a big difference between an emulated server which is a legal gray area to begin with, and wholesale ripping off their game assets to create a new client/game. Even if they did decide to endorse the project, Daybreak doesn't seem like the most stable company in the world since they already lost Smedley. It's just a matter of time before the rights get sold off again.

>> No.2593186


weaponless until you get something good like wu's.

>> No.2595242

Wow, I played this game in actual 1999 with my friend, and we lived and breathed it. I've made a necro about 4 days ago, hes level 13 now. Anyone got any low level caster gear they'd sell? Sent a tell to Ozzer. I'm taking this character all the way if I can (I had a 40ish necro in classic EQ).

>> No.2595261

This game seems to have the best community I have seen. Higher level people are quick to help lower level, I sold some bone chips and got lots of gold for my level. I was also given some nice magic jewelry by a gnome who also helped me get through Qeynos (before I had invis). People are friendly and I've not seen one asshole the whole time. Very fun.

>> No.2595349


Yeah that was the same experience I had as well. Played, oh I dunno a year or so ago. The forums was full of faggots though.

>> No.2595419

I've seen some assholes. But yeah people help people help eachother a lot. Probably has a lot to do with the fact that there's nothing else to do aside from griding. So it's a welcome break from the monotony and not having anything worthwhile to do. Plus the closer you are to their level the better is for them since they'll have someone to chat with during their miserable hour long down time.

>> No.2596328 [SPOILER] 
File: 186 KB, 774x1032, 1439016597702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just fought a sewer rat that dropped golden locket, apparently it gives you CHA+3 that's a nice boon right though from all the talk from the forums it sounds like it's not too much worry how much CHA you actually have?

>> No.2596490


I think it only matters for enchanters

>> No.2597806
File: 74 KB, 597x447, Old U I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here something like it at least


>> No.2598093

post your groovy tunes that you go hunting NM with


>> No.2598623

Anyone interested in some noob tips or a getting started writeup?

Thinking about throwing something together for a pastebin but don't want to waste my time if its mostly vets returning or people who'd rather just peruse the p99 forums and wiki respectively.

>> No.2598872
File: 720 KB, 1024x768, EQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer to get as much crap out of the way as possible without losing too much info. Not that it really matters since the spell timers are removed I'm pretty much done with the game.

>> No.2598970
File: 304 KB, 584x783, Ozzer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got any +2 Int rings or +2 Int necklaces? Or earrings, if those exist? My necro is almost level 16 now, and I got a Blackened Crystalline Robe for 30pp. I know necros don't really need to worry about stats until much higher levels, but for some reason collecting gear is always my favorite part of games like this. I have about 100pp now to spend, if you have anything I could use, look for Ozzer.

>> No.2599012

>but for some reason collecting gear is always my favorite part of games like this
Not much else to do anyway. You cut out gear collecting and you lose 60% of the game. The other 40% is grinding mobs so you can get strong enough to collect gear so you can grind mobs.

>> No.2599024

Maybe this
Here ya go.
Drops from level 16 monster at Lake Rathetear

>> No.2599028

Oops, that's earrings you wanted rings or necklaces. Uh, nevermind.

>> No.2599032

No, earrings are good too. Thanks, I had no idea I could get those at level 16. I'm gonna head there later today.

>> No.2599420

I have no idea of the drop rate since the embalmer in the wiki doesn't even list it. So hopefully that's correct. It is also the end of a quest chain that starts in queynos for the aqueducts for minimum level 4 characters. You might need to do it a few times because it'll usually reward Hermatite.
You'll also get this though.

>> No.2599464

I went to kill him and he messed me up. I'll try again a little later. He also commonly drops a +20 mana item, so that's good too. Also just ran all the way to the Lake of Ill Omen to get my level 24 research only necro pet spell. That was exciting.

>> No.2599895
File: 51 KB, 408x554, Venril Sathir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That has to have been a mistake right, why get rid of something so useful?

>> No.2600152
File: 158 KB, 1024x768, eqgame 2015-08-03 12-22-27-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not complaining, that's their view of what the server is. It's not what I find fun so I'm out. I have no bid in 'classicness' personally. I never played the original so it's new to me. I played other MMOs at the time.
Either way I only care about what works for me and they care what works for them and my tolerance of brokenness and tedium has been surpassed, granted it was even extended by the lack of cost or microtransaction blocking in the first place.

Yeah, killing monsters your own level kind of depends on shit. IMHO, white might as well be yellow in that it's a gamble and it's usually best to produce a root/nuke - and like blow it out with everything you have. That means solo, it better be a single pull without interference else a ready zone. Though at level 16 you should have least been on the top of the curve for spell damage. Also at 16 you have feign death, you should be able to effectively death kite the thing now. I dunno about necro though, you should probably be hitting with your skeleton to add that much more DPS so long as you have it taunt so when you step in you get ignored and can just stack more damage with something like a 2H staff, even if you wiff you can stack upwards of 26 damage on them everytime you do hit.

>> No.2600164
File: 145 KB, 1024x768, eqgame 2015-08-01 04-43-26-61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some dwarf rack.

>> No.2600169
File: 130 KB, 1024x768, eqgame 2015-07-31 22-47-33-63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High dicks home.

>> No.2600312
File: 787 KB, 870x430, armor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I happen to have just such a picture of some dwarf rack, though really imagine how awkward that would be when your 6 feet & their 3 ;_;

>> No.2600385

>not awesome
It only that gets awkward when shorter people have a complex about it. Otherwise it's all good.

>> No.2600804

is it possible to win against a red even if your underleveld?

>> No.2600812

I want to believe that this would be enjoyable...but buggy games bother me....please help convince me.

>> No.2600876


There are no game breaking bugs. There is the occasional graphics bug which does not impact gameplay.

Just try it and if you don't like it, no big loss.

>> No.2600950

I'd be less worried about the bugs and more worried about restricted endgames that other players will actively bar you from participating in.

>> No.2600975

How do ither players do that?

>> No.2600998


Fuck by the time he gets there he'll have had months of fairlygreat gameplay. I mean endgame problems, for EQ, of all games is a pretty poor argument.

>> No.2601806

Between killing Misty, getting some hand-me-downs from strangers, and playing the EC tunnel a bit, I've made about 800-1000pp at level 16 after only playing for about a week. The community is amazing, they are generous and eager to help. One wizard named Selenim has helped me with ports and escorted me, even taking me to Lake of Ill Omen to get my level 24 research only necro pet from some guy. This is the best mmo experience I've ever had, if you are even slightly interested, go for it. I bought a full set of Flayed Skin Armor for my necro for almost nothing, because it's basically vendor trash the level it drops. If the end game is competitive, its one tiny problem among a giant number of amazing experiences. Hell, just exploring is exciting and interesting. I don't have much compared to most higher levels, but if you do make a new character, send a tell to Ozzer and I'll try and help you with what I can (Some money, etc).

>> No.2601818


like you said, stats dont matter much til higher levels.

however--and someone can correct if i am wrong--if you really insist on spending dosh on gear early on, you are better of with straight up +mana (or +HP) items as your INT scaling isn't going to be significant enough at level 16

>> No.2601824

You evil motherfucker. I mean, not a bad race/class, but the xp penalties. Also...
scowls at you, ready to attack
scowls at you, ready to attack
scowls at you, ready to attack
scowls at you, ready to attack

(I play Ogre Shaman. Sometimes life is pain. There is regen for pain.)

>> No.2601835


it is a bare bones grind, but the world was dangerous enough that it made exploration interesting & rewarding.

along those lines XP loss + the task of getting your corpse from potentially dangerous places made the risk/reward in EQ a very real thing, and is what made the grind interesting in my opinion.

i realize that the punishment for death in EQ isn't everyone's cup of tea (to me it's a little harsh so I have a hard time going back to it) but on the other hand it's what set the game apart from everything else and made the game so gratifying.

>> No.2601837

Yea, someone in game explained that to me, and I got some Moonstone Rings, Black Tome with Silver Runes, Skull of Jhen'Tra and some other stuff with +mana, and damn it makes a huge difference.

>> No.2601842


in general, there is almost no way to get any sort of gear early on without buying it from someone, and unless you get a handout you won't have the money to buy anything worthwhile for some time (probably early to mid teens).

as a caster like a necro, you don't need gear anyway. you can easily solo naked until you are high enough level to go farm your own gear as a necro. if you were a melee character, then AC, HP + weapon would be crucial hence why melee characters can be a lot tougher for a 1st char.

all that being said, the gnolls in BB will drop medium and large cloth which casters can wear. the frogloks in guk (near grobb) have a chance to drop mesh(or netted? forget which) armor which casters can wear and i believe is a bit better than cloth.

though if i were you, i'd focus on just grinding levels since your ability to make money grows exponentially as you go, and as a caster you want to save every last penny for spells as they will get exponentially more expensive every 4 levels.

>> No.2601846
File: 538 KB, 1024x768, TelfersUI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I should jump in now or wait for Luclin to come out (in 20 years). Velious was probably when the game really picked up and the decline came during LDoN, fully solidified by the time OoW came out. The sweet spot plateau was end of Velious - some time during Ykesha. It was probably PoP for most people, but I am gay for Frogloks. Also, Dulak / Gunthak.

Pic related. My favorite UI during my time in EQ. That character still exists, and it freaks me out man.

>> No.2601850
File: 482 KB, 1935x1449, SpookysSetupLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my setup 14 years ago. I miss those days.

>> No.2601851

I remember getting Luclin with my friend the DAY it went live. We installed it, and were disappointed. I remember wandering Velious and having dragons say "You don't belong here, mortal" and getting chills and shit, and then going to the cat moon just wasn't fun. I remember I wandered to Sanctus Seru soon after Luclin came out and the whole zone was giant and empty and had nothing interesting going on. Kunark+Velious seemed so perfect, I personally thought Luclin was the beginning of the end, when the game began to lose its charm.

>> No.2601868
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Some features started popping up that didn't jibe well with previous expansions (portals/bazaar to name a couple). Luclin models didn't initially go over well either. What really made Luclin for me was the end game for it.

Maybe I should've mentioned that most expansions, I did get to see all of the content. Not first, or even 10th, but I was always doing relevant content.

It was so weird how long places like Ssra lasted too. If you didn't progress up through the expansions, you weren't just dropping in to down bosses in the newer ones. I remember joining a guild in PoP that was stuck there. Nowadays, that shit wouldn't fly.

Sigh. MMOs will never be the same and these classic servers do little to bring back its full magic. I only play here and there to capture a slice. WoW shaped the future of MMOs too much. So weird to think that I almost miss bitchign about Verant or SoE, and that I recognize that WoW's bigger, better deal was just a deal with the devil. They may have cared about things like input from the fans/high end guild masters or making things more accessible/fun, but it created the unbreakable mold.

>> No.2601874
File: 387 KB, 768x432, iremember.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same guy as >>2601868 again.

Ironic that talking about this triggers a quote from a WoW trailer in my mind. One that sums of my feelings perfectly.

"I remember the temple as it used to be..."

>> No.2601889

Are warriors valued characters? I love tanking

>> No.2601941

People like warriors in their party, but do not like playing warrior. Nothing super special about them compared to other traditional tanks in game.

-Best melee damage among tanks
-Feign Death

-Best offensive utility among tanks (DoTs to keep agro, Summon Corpse for wipes)
-Feign Death
-Harm Touch (75 minute CD skill that nukes the hell out of one target instantly)

-Only good if they are acting as both the tank and the healer
-Lay on Hands (75 minute CD that heals one target for a large amount)
-Other healing classes heal better
-Other tanking classes tank better

-Some other class does what you want your Warrior to do, but better

Other gimmicky/strage tanking classes
-Not true tanks, so it might not scratch your itch.

Race also makes a difference here. Troll, Ogre, and Barbarian can all use slam instead of kick for stuns.

>> No.2601958

How exactly did portals and bazaars not jibe well with other expansions?

>> No.2601964

You used to have to rely on other players and forge relationships to sell and port. They removed that with the bazaar and all the portal books and stuff. WoW always felt so hollow for this reason, and classic EQ felt like you part of a server community, and it pays off in so many small ways.

>> No.2601967

So basically warriors suck?

>> No.2601973

But I like being a halfling & bashing mob's left and right! And the throwing axe aren't so bad for ranged options

>> No.2602281

I want to be a halfling necro, tiny ass skeleton running around with pie in his hand.

>> No.2602513

>You used to have to rely on other players and forge relationships to sell and port.
Uh.. wut? All people do is go to EC tunnel or wherever for their server and advertise their goods and people tell them. There's no relationship forging or any of that junk. At best you can haggle. But you're just as likely to pay higher prices due to scarcity.

Also, WoW wasn't the first MMO to do it either. even DAoC had it before WoW was even out and it didn't have any 'hollow' feeling like that.

Having paid for ports and warez from people I can assure you I felt no more like part of a community. In fact, if your on a server that's antibox, you're likely to have as much less of a community because everyone's busy sitting around hawking warez instead of playing and doing things. Having a bazaar also gives the world one more thing to make a more barren world seem less empty and more plausible imho. At least then you can peruse and pick up stuff and people will come and go more efficiently rather than sitting in a giant mob waiting to spam once every thirty to forty five minutes.

Whichever your take is on ports and bazaar, how is that still an issue with jibing with the expansions? It doesn't seem to impact expansions at all. It's impact is largely mutually exclusive from other works.

>> No.2602516

You go up to people, auction, haggle, trade, and make friends. I dunno how else to put it. That's so much more interesting than listing a ring on the AH for 50plat and then going to bed. As a new player, I asked this 50+ wizard for a port, and he even went with me and escorted me. Much better than clicking a book and being alone all the time.

>> No.2602795

guys I'm confused is there line-of sight for mobs?

I was attacking one with a spell and his buddy just stood there like a dodo, did the same thing with another and three of them swarmed me?

>> No.2603205

No, Warriors don't suck. They're just extremely basic.

I just got out of Temple of Veeshan and even the trash mobs have to be tanked with a Warrior using Evasive Disc and switching out between 4 different Warriors.

SK/Paladin cannot tank that type of content.

>> No.2603935


no, far from that. they ARE perceived as being fairly boring to play however, since it is basically just autoattack/positioning, and are very gear-dependent. it is close to impossible to solo as a warrior as well unless you are twinked to high heaven at low levels.

because of that however, i think most people play casters/classes that can solo well on p99. hence there will often be a shortage of tanks at low to mid levels, which means if you have a half-decent warrior you should be able to find a group most of the time which is a benefit in it's own way.

if the idea appeals to you, just roll a warrior and also a solo class; log your warrior first, see if you can find a group, and if it's not happeninng just log your solo class and level that char instead.

>> No.2603949


it can be pretty wonky most of the time. also it's not often/always line of sight, more like proximity.

in general you're better off just playing it safe.


pretty much anyone who was conscious during the early EQ days will disagree with you here bud. how old were you when classic EQ was around?

spamming /auction in EC could be frustrating, but it's stuff like that that made the world feel more 'real' and immersive for a lot of us. e.g. you couldnt just toss up a bunch of stuff and expect to see money in the back immediately; you had to auction, haggle, and sometimes you would find items/deals you werent even looking for. ports and SoWs were an even bigger deal back then too, not having free access to travel across the world in a click made the world actually feel big.

though if someone has to explain this to you, i dont think there's any way for you to understand. i get the feeling you probably tried this game on your older brothers computer when you were like 5 years old or something.

>> No.2604185

>also it's not often/always line of sight, more like proximity.
Sneaking actually is a line of sight thing. http://wiki.project1999.com/Skill_Sneak

Also, if he was over leveled enemies do actually behave like that. Enemies won't attack you if you con higher to them even if you're fighting their friends.

>pretty much anyone who was conscious during the early EQ days will disagree with you here bud.
I don't know what's worse the ad pop or that you use weasel word to section off the people who aren't pretty much anyone to disregard them or the fact that you're speaking as an entire group yourself.

Also, given the very context of this thread you might realize there are servers that are 'classic' legacy etc...
>not having free access to travel across the world in a click made the world actually feel big.
Not really no. Still feels kind of small without it, just more tedious to get around in.
>you had to auction, haggle, and sometimes you would find items/deals you werent even looking for.
Minus the haggling, that's pretty much the same situation as I mentioned. So, nostalgia much? But good job in completely ignoring the economic impact because you like typing /auction. Because scrolling through pages of spam to find that one deal that one time couldn't possibly be matched by perusing an entire wide range of items presented in entirety and sortable by name or price that you could possibly use. Nope. Only reading random spam.

> i get the feeling you probably tried this game on your older brothers computer when you were like 5 years old or something.
I almost get the opinion you're projecting and you think your tedious game that you spent your preteen years playing is magically incapable of actual criticism and that the game could never benefit from improved functionality.
Please, tell me more. Maybe about how EQ's lack of proper parsing made the world come alive.

>> No.2604229

Id play but I cant get it to work in 1600x900 no matter what i do

>> No.2604351

Fighters have always been my favorite so I'm good with position/auto-attack. I played a warrior in FF 11, which was basically the same thing.

>> No.2604427


i'm actually the one who posted >>2552062 and admitted the game is deeply flawed in some ways, so relax.

i am not suggesting that UI issues somehow made the game better. but nice strawman.

however i do think that the bazaar and fast travel killed the game. it was no longer a big multipler RPG, and instead began to desend into an instanced, theme park WoW-style shitfest.

now if you prefer the casual WoW model, fine. but what i've been saying is that a lot of EQ players enjoyed the parts that you find tedious. it forced certain interaction that some people liked. of course i agree that these parts were still flawed and could've been greatly improved. i'm just saddened that modern MMOs just gutted these sorts of interactions altogether, instead of trying to capture the spirit of them and improve on them.

>> No.2604470

can someone post the getting started guide? the site is down.

>> No.2604560

nevermind it's up again. but can somebody help me, is there an option to switch to a WASD key layout easily? Arrow keys are nice and all but it's 2015.

>> No.2604568

Ironic post is ironic.

>> No.2604584

This is driving me fucking nuts I just want to play.

From what I understand it's supposed to default to WASD but when I click default it sets it to the fucking numpad.

>> No.2604615

The guy you are quoting is right. This game is not for you. We get it.

>> No.2604706

Did you try Ctrl-O & messing with the keybinding?

>> No.2604713

I was hoping not to have to do it manually

>> No.2604718

is there a mac client i can play via

>> No.2604915

Is it just me or has daemon tools become a heck of a lot shifter over the years. I remember it being a simple I so mounting program, nkw it's got a bunch of weird nonsense it wants me to install with it.

>> No.2604934

Yeah, fuck that and pirate some Alcohol 120%, best burning and works good with mounting too.

>> No.2604948
File: 163 KB, 1015x762, Firepit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commercialization will do that anon, I never noticed Firepride had a forge in his shop

>> No.2604968

So I played over a year ago but only got around to level 10 on a druid or something before going to finish my schooling. Is it still an alive game and has anything changed to make it not fun?

>> No.2605076

Try wincdemu

>> No.2605173

Velious just launched and lots of people are on.

>> No.2605261

>Is it still an alive game
and has anything changed to make it not fun?

>> No.2605278

Someone want to rundown the essential controls?

>> No.2605350


They aren't going past velious. They will be doing custom content.

>> No.2605402

Really? That could be interesting.

>> No.2605582


Yeah. It could be cool. I think it will be a sorta frankenstein creation of different geographies from all the different expansions. I doubt they'll be able to piece togehter a whole "expansion" sized edition. At least, not anytime soon.

Also, is the /vr/ population dead in p1999? I play live on the TLP server.

>> No.2606084


>> No.2607128

There's no way to share weapons or other things like backpacks on the same account huh?

>> No.2607165

Nope, gotta do a transfer.

>> No.2609227

does anybody know if mobs have priority over NM spawning against normal ones,say If I kill a one mob will it count as a set for it to appear?

>> No.2609237

>no in-game maps

I don't mean to be rude, but why would anyone want that?

>> No.2609261
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because then we wouldn't have gotten these from players themselves being cartography's

>> No.2609271


It ruins the immersion.

>> No.2609316

>My character is really good at cartography, in fact, everyones is!

>> No.2609612
File: 36 KB, 352x247, TIPS & TRICKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had know this before I had spent all my coin!

>> No.2609742

Apparently we can have a market full of magical armor that of enchantments embued by god's own fucking blood, but everyone is incapable of inventing a library containing knowledge or writing books and looks up fucking maps. Even if you had to do it server side. But my character is also extremely good at not eating for five months straight. He's also really good healing from getting an axe in the throat by lounging about for half the night. Real fucking immersion there. Also, there's the whole part where entire civilizations are built upon basically twenty fucking people of each race in little treetops or mountainside cubby holes, also not a toilet to be fucking seen in site. But at least we can rely on the realistic non stop regenerating forces of all the monsters in the world.

In case you didn't get the memo. It's a fucking game. Ironically for someone bitching for classic holdovers you seem to have forgotten that the world is empty as fuck and 90% of your pure bullshit nostalgia comes from imagining all shit that isn't in the game. So for sake of immersion maybe you add the ability of the world to pretend it's trying to interact with the user and when you're sitting on a pile of plat enough to buy out every fucking vendor in a fucking town - except for their magical stocks of everything which they're likely holding in bags of 100% weight reduction, you can afford to hire someone who has the skills capable of rudimentary cartography like it was fucking 276 BCE Greece in non fairy fucking land real life where they could figure out the fucking size of the planet using sticks on the sand and the fucking shadows of the sun to determine the size of the earth to ~99.5% accuracy so they could give that information to their fucking heroes. Nope, this world is absolutely fucking incapable of anything as basic as that so let's just pack up our shit and run at 500mph bard infused levitation off this cliffside we just portaled to and ki blasted to shit.

>> No.2610913

Jesus man, get some joy in your life

>> No.2611295

Impossible. Everytime I try someone says but reelism, besides you have to use your imagination, just don't use your imagination or expect reelism.

In short, go fuck yourself.

>> No.2611428

Might be time to take a few days off from the internet. You're super angry.

>> No.2611515

If I leave an item on the ground how long does it take to despawn?

>> No.2611536

If you're going to drop it for another character, just make sure you're other character is logged in that spot already and you wont have it despawn in the time it takes to log back in.

>> No.2611708
File: 183 KB, 763x647, plains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who thought putting a vast expanse of nothing was such a good idea?

>> No.2611729

SK is a very good place to level (itself and Splitpaw) and has Quillmane you can camp while you level at Aviaks.

West Karana on the other hand...

>> No.2611751

That's my secret captain, I'm always angry.

>> No.2612579

I always liked how massive the Karana maps were. Really gave the world a sense of scale, especially seeing as it was the first 3d mmo I ever played.

>> No.2612984
File: 39 KB, 344x289, Bind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen any of these NPC's around?

>> No.2613375
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There's lots of boring stuff in the big empty zones.

>> No.2613384
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>> No.2613649

I thought this shit wasn't possible on P99?

>> No.2613708

Why wouldn't it be? They can potentially use custom dlls to scan the process list for known cheating applications, but there's nothing they can do to stop unknown applications or apps with variable signatures from reading the client memory.

Well, they could hook Win32 and log every ReadProcessMemory() call, but that'd 1) require users to run the client in admin mode and 2) be horrifically unethical since tampering with Win32 opens massive security holes on the user's PC. And it still wouldn't detect lower level forms of memory access.

>> No.2614428

What's up with the drowned citizen's underneath Freeport?

>> No.2615384

what's a good spot for a lvl 16 to get coin?

>> No.2615897

Yea we all saw that movie but seriously bro...

>> No.2615904

they drowned and are now undead creatures, pretty spooky the first time i was down there

>> No.2616318

what's feign death good for,can I use it to get one mob from a group?

>> No.2616329


Unrest maybe.

>> No.2616332


Yeah you can use it to split camps and also just live if you can't make it to a zone.

>> No.2616905
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guys I'd really like to enter the city of Halas for some R&R but these goblins aren't giving sqake if terms of faction,is there no way to get friendly with the barbarians?

>> No.2618006


>> No.2619187

it's still alive though places like cazic-thule are dead these days from what I keep hearing

>> No.2620291

Do shamans have a spell that cause's your screen to go black? It's happened a couple of time now & it's kinda freaking me out

>> No.2620454


Flash of light I think will do that.

>> No.2620651

Would playing a wizard be shooting myself in the foot for someone who's never played before? I don't mind if they're bad soloers, since I'd prefer to group anyway.

I was also thinking about cleric since I figure it'd be easy to get groups with, but my first choice is for sure wizard.

>> No.2620703

I know a high level wizard in p1999 who leveled fast by soloing all the way, almost. I don't think they are terrible soloers. Doing a 6 minute AFK camp where you just root and nuke would be easy. I would recommend a mage however, as their pets are so great and they nuke, just not quite as good as a wizard. But it's up to you.

>> No.2621648

Any blind will blind you. A few different classes get them, but yeah shaman NPCs love using this at low levels (Orc Oracles mainly)

>> No.2622601

if anyone wants some HQ Large Brick's of Ore meet up at permafrost just shout goblins twice so I know it's you,I'll sell you em for about 20pp a piece

>> No.2624106

I've got my necro to 30, and killing guards which net 10pp a kill, so I've raised about 1k after buying spells. I wanted to play a monk, and was going to get Wu's Quivering Staff, some cured silk or whatever, maybe some 5ac/55hp rings. How high can I level through soloing and some grouping with these items, and maybe a few others? Is this a good weapon? It's very cheap.

>> No.2624152

For a Monk, you can just duo with a Shaman and do extremely well. As for solo, I'm not sure how far that set will take you. After a good weapon, a Haste item is top priority so I would look into that.

Here's a weapon dps chart: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwLk00fzuQQMcElKYTJtaGVsanM/edit

>> No.2624210

Dude why bother. You are already the king of solo. You get a pet that's a monk and can jump kick niggas. What more to do you want?

>> No.2624836
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Strange shit going on in Paineel!

>> No.2625072
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I don't follow?

>> No.2625378
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>> No.2626949

Does hunting in najena sound cool if your soloing will it affect me negatively with the dark elfs?

>> No.2627851
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>> No.2627853

Whats so strange about a feather and ink?

>> No.2627871

Anything wrong with Virtual Clone Drive?

>> No.2627892

I remember wanting to play EQ as a kid solely because of the woman on the cover. Gave me an erection every time I saw it in the electronics section.

>> No.2628376

I know, right? It looks nothing like a dildo.

>> No.2629278
File: 3 KB, 184x17, but it was still alive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that's new

>> No.2630153

My roommate and I were both playing p99 and I farted and he went "Huh?". He answered my fart, so I started calling him the fart whisperer, lol. Welp thanks for reading this.

>> No.2630632

Never played everquest and would like to know some tips and shit for beginners. Currently a dark elf necromancer

>> No.2631817

You should steer clear of the mountains near their filled with lava

>> No.2634108

Anyone know if mezzing an npc can fail if your low leveled?

>> No.2635175
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>> No.2635198


well the easiest source of cash is bonechips, which you unfortunately need. go to east commonlands when you hit 5 or so for orc camps. kill bears and sell the high quality bear pelts and spider silk to people in the zone and try and use that cash to get your spells and some gear.

>> No.2635909


>> No.2635990

Yup. No elf deserves to have such a magnificent rack.

>> No.2635993

It can fail if you're high level as well. I would suggest reading one of the excellent enchanter guides on the p1999 wiki

>> No.2636031


part of a "zombie skin" quest for a very mediocre reward, IIRC

>> No.2636034


problem with mage is that on p1999/classic, if your pet does 50+% of the damage you lose the bulk of the XP. not the end of the world but it does rustle my autism and makes solo'ing a bit tedious with mages.

druids + necros are probably the best solo classes between combat and general utility.

>> No.2636794

I've turned in a quest item in order to raise some faction but it still says "views you threateningly" how many time's will it take before they stop killing me on sight?

>> No.2638653

Can you die by being crushed by your own weight?

>> No.2639964

This was a good read


>> No.2640265
File: 146 KB, 1014x763, good night to die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd this happen?

>> No.2640286
File: 130 KB, 1588x874, sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I raise you this

>> No.2640318
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all these trolls & orgres

>> No.2640347

I want to write some apps like that. Is it hard to make them undetectable?

>> No.2641862
File: 90 KB, 615x451, AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Luclin is a no-go what's going to happen with these?

Some of em were kind of cool like having more breath underwater

>> No.2642071

>what's going to happen with these?


>> No.2642219


Oh shit

I know it's a month later but what guild were you in?

Celestial Tomb represent.

>> No.2643653

Anyone know if tinkering is a good investment?

>> No.2645089
File: 107 KB, 664x563, Cold North of Tunaria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are polar bears just perpetual ninja's I can't find one in these plains, all I've seen are mammoths & orc shamans

>> No.2646926
File: 303 KB, 640x480, 2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here should I make a new thread,what's the bump limit for vr?

>> No.2649607
File: 127 KB, 1013x756, came to the wrong hills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time I've seen npc's fight to the death

>> No.2651778

Which class can make their own mana potions?

>> No.2651836


Enchanter is the closest thing.

>> No.2652781

Alright is it just my imagination or does the night sometimes drag on & on for 20 mins or more?

Sometimes it goes by too quickly others's way too fast

>> No.2655131

What's PvP like?

>> No.2655143

Exactly like pve but with way better ai.

>> No.2655220
File: 92 KB, 1014x761, Qwinn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's something you don't see everyday

>> No.2655254

I was only ever in 2 guilds. Da troll patrol and lost order of akalabeth. I remember CT though. Don't remember ever played with CT though.

Sadly fires of heaven shower up on the p1999 servers. I hope it isn't the same people. Right now I'm rolling with a guild named the kittens to say meow. Good people.

>> No.2656176

Bind at oasis docks, swim to teleport room, get mostly anywhere in 12 min or so if you can cast levitate

>> No.2656804

Thought wizards were the only one's who could use that room?

>> No.2656864

Tried to play this last year and honestly just got frustrated because of no map. I mean, I did just fine playing the souls games with no maps but those areas are much easier to memorize than some huge world. I really wanted to like it though. Any tips to make that aspect less frustrating? I play roguelikes and stuff I can handle the difficulty but man I wish it had a map.

>> No.2656981

go crazy anon


>> No.2656985

I know that sort of thing is the best option here but I just hate alt tabbing to check maps all the time. Isn't the expansion p1999 is on supposed to have in game maps and they just chose not to include them? Thanks for the link though. Maybe I'll come give it another try soon.

>> No.2657260

There is a map, they disabled it. Project 1999 is supposed to be classic eq. Maps just make you dependant and keep you from exploring the zone. Imagine how much shit you miss when you're able to make a straight line across a huge forested zone. If you're going to allow maps why not allow other things too like the bazaar or POP teleport books?

Bottom line: suck it up Nancy.

>> No.2657545

Its not a matter of suck it up, its a matter of I'm 26 and busy as fuck and don't have 4 hours to wander my way across a forest to do a quest. Wanting a map in game isn't the same as wanting to play something streamlined like wow.

>> No.2657628

I'm kind of in the middle on the map debate. Optimally a type of cartography skill where you equip a compass and a piece of vellum to map out whatever zone you're in. Custom stuff isn't on the table until we get through the last few velious patches though.

>> No.2657629

Nope, anyone can use it

>> No.2657660

I haven't read this thread and also did not ever play original EQ. (just wanted to get that out of the way)

But glancing at OP's "bullet points", not having an in-game map seems like a bad idea, think about it; pretty much every rpg game has at least some sort of map system, sometimes you can make your own- but that only works for smaller games..

Imo, the end result of no map on an mmo just means players making custom maps. If exploration is the problem, why not go with the baldur's gate-style black covered map that slowly reveals more of the world as you explore?

just my 2c

>> No.2657675

There are plenty of maps, you just have to alt-tab out of the game to look at them, there are also some map utilities that you can patch on your game to get an in game map. People just like bitching.

>> No.2657740

>There are plenty of maps, you just have to alt-tab out of the game to look at them, there are also some map utilities that you can patch on your game to get an in game map
exactly, so why would they disable them in game when they are still accessible just in a more annoying way? how is alt tabbing every 5 minutes to figure out where I'm going more immersive than just having a map that works?

>> No.2657745

Because shits classic nigger





I could go on about how you're retarded if you insist

>> No.2657746

I thought we were just having a discussion but since you have to go full 4chan and be an overly aggressive faggot for no reason you can fuck off

>> No.2657749

OK firstly we are on /vr/ the board where anon grind through the hardest most repetitive games in existance, and you're bitching about no in game maps.

>at tabbing every 5 minutes to figure out where I'm going breaks immersion

Then don't. I've made it to level 50 without using any maps and I know the zones better than 90% of the players. I can lead your ass to places most players have never seen.

It's the shitty entitled behavior that ruined eqlive

>we need maps because I suck and get lost

>we need static port books because I couldn't get a port from a wiz or druid fast enough

>we need a bazaar because it takes weeks to sell this shitty loot I found that I should have just given to a noob anyhow

>bards and druids solo too well they need to be needed

>corpse runs are too hard

>let us box because it's too hard to find a group

Fuck you and your discussion, you are cancer.

>> No.2657795

If you want to be an argumentative asshole you should go to /v/ with the rest of the angry neets, jesus christ

>> No.2657808

» Welcome
Relive the classic Everquest MMORPG Gaming Experience as it was in 1999 and onward. Project 1999 is a free to play Emulated Everquest Server giving Players the opportunity to experience Classic EQ Once again, currently in the Kunark expansion and a max level of 60, with the look and feel of the old interface and several modifications making game mechanics similar to how the game used to be. Project 1999 is the best and most popular classic Everquest experience.

>project 1999 is the best and most popular classic Everquest experience

It's more populated than any of the live servers, all the little changes Verant made to make the game easier ruined it.

Play live if you want ez mode, the server is full anyhow.

>> No.2658238

Did you know Wahooka?

I used to hunt dragons in the North Wastes with the guy, and did a shit ton of Plane of Mischief Farming with him.

Fucker stole all the cards though. Good times.

I remember those guilds of yours, although it's too far back for specifics.

>> No.2658282


Have any modders made a replication of the classic UI? The experience of playing Classic EQ just wouldn't feel complete without that UI. Ah childhood memories.

>> No.2658410

I did know wahooka. He would take us on safari in the over there when kunark first hit. Jeez that was so long ago.

>> No.2658864

I'm about to get this installed and join the server. If someone experienced could chime in here I would appreciate it. I have a lot of time but not a lot of consistent time so I would like a class that can solo reasonably when I don't have time to find a group. I would prefer a caster, one that's not too hard to gear and bonus points for mobility/travel spells. Hopefully something fits this if not maybe the closest thing. Thanks.

>> No.2658894

Necro, druid, mage. Necros and mage get kickass pets but the druid has teleport. I personally like a iksar necro because of the lich line of spells and the innate regeneration of iksar. But be warned about iksar, everyone hates them. Fucking. Everyone.

>> No.2658902

Yeah an Iksar necro sounds awesome, was just reading about them on the wiki, I think for my first time I'll go with a character that gets easier access to different places. By mage do you mean wizard or the magician? Do people pay druids for teleports? Either way seems like a nice well rounded class.

>> No.2658908

Wizards and magicians are different classes. Wizards are the undisputed kings of direct damage in eq but they're still at the mercy of their mana. Mages get like 4 different pets with different abilities. Earth roots and has the most hps, wind goes invis, fire does the most dmg and I forget water. Use each pet according to situations. Like if you're in a group in a dungeon and you don't want the monster to run off, use earth for the root. And yes people pay out the ass for ports.

>> No.2658910

After reading more about druids and confirmation I can make cash doing ports I think that's the one for me. Thanks for the tips.

>> No.2658920

Wizards also get port and are very desired for raids when you absolutely need to drop the boss quickly. Druids however are great at quad kiting with dots and snares.

>> No.2659040

Having trouble connecting. Getting Error Sp-1, Spells are outdated. I've patched with latest patch (V39) and still getting the error.

Project 199: The Scars of Velious is the correct server, right?

Not sure whats going on. Help?

>> No.2659067

Shit, I dunno. When you put the v39 patch in did it ask of you wanted to overwrite about twelve files?

>> No.2659078

Yeah. I've even tried manually doing one by one. Still getting the same error. Still investigating it. Apparently others have had the same issue.

>> No.2659286


Fixed it. Turns out it was my anti-virus flagging some of the files.

>> No.2659343

Fuck yeah, msg frilbo for a powerlevel/starter Plat if you want

>> No.2659349

I'll be online in about 5-6 hours

>> No.2659356

Well Trakanon was a complete waste of time yesterday.


>> No.2660067
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Does it bother anyone else that we may never see such amazing vista's in another MMO again

>> No.2660128


I don't get it. Did that bassman guy in the beginning fuck up and aggro too early or was it another guild dicking someone over?

>> No.2660146

HK engaging like they think they are TMO, dying. Asgard training poop mountain and conceding. Taken gets a clean shot but dont have the numbers, dying and then Trak going for the shroomed player trains poop mountain again, until finally BDA takes him down.

Just too many different guilds, and all it takes is 1 person to train. Was a complete shit show.

>> No.2660158
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Ah gotcha.

>Was a complete shit show.

Yeah it sounds like ass.

>> No.2660197

Games too flooded with too many people. Near impossible to find a good long lasting group. Got to level 20, painfully, and quit.

>> No.2660276

Too many people? Is it bad in this game to have a lot?

>> No.2660303

Only if you want to level in the most popular areas, the world if fucking huge. There are many zones that never get camped, and many zones with lots of people in them.

If you can't find a group you probably are playing a class that groups dont benifit from much (ranger, druid, necro)

>> No.2660317

Oh, well that doesn't sound terrible. I just started yesterday but haven't had time to really dig in.

>> No.2660458
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Well this seems like good advice for non-casters


>> No.2660475

Try Warrior.

I was always struggling to find groups, and I had decent gear from my guild.

>> No.2660523
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I play a Troll SK life is fucking pain my man.
Looks like i was never meant to leave my swamp....

>> No.2660573 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2660579

I want the xp penalties gone.

>> No.2660592

>Got to level 20, painfully,

Sounds like EQ lol.

Seriously if you want a regular group, play a cleric, maybe an enchanter/

>> No.2660597


To add to this. If you're playing a class that has XP penalties, SK, Pally, Ranger the group shares your XP penalty so thats probably part of the reason you're not wanted. Shit sux, but thats how it is.

I mained a mage so I wouldn't have to deal with that. Ended up with a bunch of unorthodox groups, no healer, or no tank or some bs and it was fine for non-dungeon shit.

Did I spend most of my time making food and water for people? Yes of course. Any class that is worth half a shit is just somebodies bitch. SOW, Crack, Food/Drink, Pulling.

>> No.2660631

You're a mad man...an absolute mad man

>> No.2661097

Ya tanks aren't really necessary until the mobs start hitting hard imo, I had to solo my warrior to around lvl25. Shit was a pain in the ass, much bandaid were used.

>> No.2661101

They should be going away in a month or two

>> No.2661754

was that classic?

>> No.2662102

I would imagine. Nilbog and rogean have stated they want to make the p1999 blue server a museum quality replication of pre-kunark everquest.

>> No.2662301

what makes shamans different from the other mage classes was think of going either Troll SHM or WAR

>> No.2662453

I would like classic to expand a little bit.

Add Orcs, or Gnolls, and give us an Archer class that can actually utilize bows properly.

>> No.2662460

shaman would be better for a first character. Trolls make excellent shamans.

Shamans get the best buff spells in the game.
They also can cast decent dots. Also they can wear chainmail making them them a damn sturdy priest.
Lastly their cannibal line of spells gives them one of the best mana regens.

>> No.2662462

I just wish they would fix the ranger class, either buff up their dual weilding capabilities or like you said make archery a viable method of battle.

>> No.2662473

Well that wouldn't be classic.

I'd say once everything is perfect and classic, they introduce a brand new thing that's voted on by the entire community. Archer and a new race would be it.

I know they had an old poll during classic that had Orc and Gnoll pretty high up.

>> No.2662518

they're talking about making a new server with custom content so classic wont be the go to complaint.

>> No.2662589

Custom content sounds pretty terrifying.
I just want to see maybe one additional classic themed race and class, that fits something you'd see in classic.

>> No.2662594

And an additional note on this, it would take an incredible amount of time and developmental effort to update the models so they could wear armor and helmets, and I wouldn't want to see rushed and botched custom work.

>> No.2664314

Why not just add in custom content gradually in the blue and red servers?

>> No.2664392


>> No.2664438

After all the talk about restoring Habitat to museum quality, I think there's going to be more of that in the future with MMORPGs.

>> No.2664447

arrrg, i meant pre-luclin everquest

>> No.2666059

Why did orgres get the short end of the stick in INT?

>> No.2667858

A weird disease left them retarded pale, and hairless according to lore.

I choose to believe they are gigantic toddlers. Fat, wearing diapers, having runny noses, throwing tantrums and pretty much just wrecking shit.

>> No.2668272

Will messing with gamma make it so things like ultra vision actually matter?

>> No.2668797

That's what i've been told, but it definately isn't working the way it should be. If you aren't an elf night should be fucking darkkkkk.

>> No.2668921

This. In certain parts of the game you would be blind without a torch or some kind of light source to guide your way. One of the many little things that made classic EQ fun and exciting but had to be removed to appease the casuals. The Titanium client doesn't allow the original lighting conditions so messing with the gamma won't really give you the same effect.

>> No.2668994

What's the best race and class combo so I actually get fucking groups?
This Barbarian Warrior by level 18 is insanely hard to find groups with.

>> No.2669000

Did you check out the area maps could just be sparse area's with little grouping that's the problem

>> No.2669004

Yeah, I've tried with this Barb for over a month.

>> No.2669027

where are you grouping?

>> No.2669030

Oasis, Guk, that place with the orcs in that valley... I've forgotten what it's called now.

>> No.2669034

you aren't in cazicthuule now?

>> No.2669036

At 18..?

>> No.2669038

the only lvl 18 barbarian warrior online now is there, have a warrior bracer i was gonna give ya

>> No.2669050

Oh, I'm not even on right now, lol.

>> No.2669053

warriors will be needed once you get to be a higher level and stuff starts hitting hard.

Clerics, shamans, enchanters are easy to find groups with.

>> No.2669058

And all the exp penalties are still in place right?

>> No.2669060

ya, for another month or so they will be.

I'm gonna make a SK as soon as they drop.

>> No.2669069

But racial penalties remain?

>> No.2669105

If I wanted to be completely self-sufficient with armor would I go blacksmithing & tailoring or just smithy my own weapons & buying armor from NPC vendors?

>> No.2669121

Professions are incredibly expensive undertakings and usually aren't done until you have tons of resources and money.

>> No.2669381

This thread has me interested. I used to love exploring around EQ and EQOA.

Do we have a /vr/ guild or group that plays together?

>> No.2669386

Project1999 economy is fucked. The game has spent too many years in an expansion which was only supposed to last a few months, so all the big guilds just farm and stockpile super items and amass giant amounts of plat which trickles down to everyone and allows everyone to get super gear relatively affordably. Save up a little money and someone will even do your class' epic quest for you, which in the old days would generally take you months of work.

Also, since the only people on the server are oldschool enthusiasts, the only real content to do with people is in the meta game. Everyone just ignores most areas/dungeons in the game that don't give the best loot or have exploitable XP items/mobs and classes like Wizard, Ranger or Paladin are all but extinct outside of people's toy alts.

>> No.2669848

They are going to make epics lvl 46 minimum in the next patch, it should help slightly

>> No.2670042

Why are epics so high leveled anyway wouldn't it make sense to have something starting at 25-20?

>> No.2670181

You only spend a few hours going though the 20-30 range

>> No.2670545

Found some high res textures that you can use to spice up city's like Freeport


>> No.2671090

Do they work?

>> No.2671095

What's some good starter Enchanter gear? I just started Everquest again and I'm feeling horrible. Can't even buy my spells.

>> No.2671108

crude stein, if you're a high elf, kill wasps and sell venom sacks for spell money.

>> No.2671119

>knowing I'm a high elf
Dat insanity.

>> No.2672038
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>> No.2672049

What's a good enchanter beginner weapon
Someone said Sacrificial Dagger but my Necromancer friend has one and he said they're 100 platinum

>> No.2672065

Are you the chanter I saw in game last night?

>> No.2672067

Dagger of Dropping if you can fine one for 50pp or less

>> No.2672145

Not sure

>> No.2672352

is it possible to solo raid mobs like Nagafen?

>> No.2672487


100pp sounds about right for an intro weapon.

Could also just do double steins, mogok and crude.

>> No.2672528

You're joking right? In case you are serious no, you cannot. I've seen 100+ people wipe in raids.

>> No.2674337

anyone take a stab at when the last "earthquake" hit the server?

>> No.2676362
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>> No.2676415

Does anyone have any new or old stories they can greentext or tell? I never played EQ and probably never will, but I enjoy reading about other people playing it.

>> No.2676615

What do I do if I'm a cleric
I have no money at all and cant find any decent gear on bees and stuff out here by felwithe

>> No.2677236

Go for the orc's they should drop some decent coin at least to start you off

>> No.2677596

Is there a way to raise my rep with Orcs or like, an evil enemy faction?

I want to walk through crushbone and not be kill on sight.

>> No.2678215

Faydark is such an awful lowbie zone. Once you graduate from wasps and bats there's nothing at all to kill till you can get an orc group or something.

I'd recommend running to Butcherblock and killing decaying skeletons for bone chips. Turn in the chips to Gunlok at the Paladin guild and you'll make good xp and some money.

>> No.2678230

I've been in an orc group for like 3 hours lol.

>> No.2678436

make a dark elf character?

>> No.2678457

Dark Elves aren't kos by orcs?

hmm... yes... more to my theory orcs will be playable soon

>> No.2679379

how about you actually pay attention to at least a fraction of lore instead of coming up with half baked hypotheses

>> No.2679594

I was being dumb.

But yeah, I want to play an Orc or Gnoll

>> No.2679641

I'd prefer kerran

>> No.2679643

I'd prefer the original Kerran models, instead of Vah Shir

>> No.2679736

Just started a Halfling Druid. Jeez, nobody talks.

>> No.2679739

Ogres used to be intelligent and cunning in the service of their Zek god. They were the footsoldiers in a war of the gods, which they lost. The gods struck them dumb in retribution/to keep them subdued.

>> No.2679801

Any tips for making cash in the misty thicket? Almost everything I've found sells for low silver or copper.

>> No.2679926

Skellys drop a cracked staff that sells for 1 pp

>> No.2679935

I've seen nothing but bats, beetles, snakes, and rats. Oh, I saw a goblin once. That was pretty cool. Almost level 4.

>> No.2680026

I made cash as a young halfling looting dead guards near the gate or in RV. People often leave the shields on them that sell for 1 or 2p each. Some people will also pay you to sell the looted spears off guards and return a portion of the money to them.

Undead comes out at night outside the gate. Too tough for a level 4.

>> No.2680046

I saw some necro killing guards out here. Got myself a +5CHA ring. I don't think I need CHA, but something beats nothing

>> No.2680089

I'm in the Thicket on my high elf if you want to group later.

>> No.2680091

Sure, I'm like a quarter of the way from 5. Gonna dip back and pray I've got the cash for spells.

>> No.2680156

There was a necro murdering more guards and he was leaving shields to rot. Anyone starting a halfling I can't stress enough that you snag and sell one.

>> No.2680291

New Tread
