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File: 219 KB, 800x600, blood1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2653305 No.2653305 [Reply] [Original]

Blood remake in Quake 3 engine when?

Seriously, that engine is *the* best for recapturing that awesome atmosphere and it's free.

>> No.2653339

Why didn't you already start making it?

>> No.2653340

Idk if they could pull it off m8. There's a certain vibe and atmosphere that can only come with that 2.5D look and sprites. Like that Life Leach in the pic would look corny as a 3D skull. Blood's art style is really fucking good. Converting it to 3D just wouldn't be the same thing at all.

There has never been a 3D shooter that ever captured the feel of the original 2.5D shooters anyway. They feel really different for some reason. Blood especially would be a really hard one to get right.

>> No.2653343

>Like that Life Leach in the pic would look corny as a 3D skull.
*unless you had really great graphical fidelity, but that requires a top AAA dev (and a talented art team), and they're not gonna make a good Blood game over some military shooter that's guaranteed to sell 10x as much.

>> No.2653387

>but that requires a top AAA dev

Not really, you need this >a talented art team.

It's possible, but you need a cohesive group of people willing to work on it, the biggest problem is that most groups rip apart after a short time.

>> No.2653463

wasnt someone making Blood in Quake 1? i remember watching a match of bloodbath

>> No.2653468

do we really want a source port? bmouse and dosbox is all you need, fam

>> No.2653472

Considering the modding options source ports for Duke and Doom have created (plus smoother controls and better graphics in general), yeah we really do need a source port for Blood.

>> No.2653506

The real question is: zdoom support for Blood when?

>> No.2653512

The Build and Doom engines are very different things anon.The closest anyone's gotten is a Blood themed TC that doesnt exactly get it right.

Being a Blood fan is suffering. Redneck Rampage has a source port at least, but from what I know it hasn't been maintained in ages.

>> No.2653526
File: 93 KB, 589x547, 1440742632911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you crush my dreams?

>> No.2653545

What's up with Blood and shitty fan remakes? There is like a DOZEN projects to remake Blood, and all of them suck. Even the one in EDuke32, which uses the same Engine, is terrible.

I can play the game just fine in 800*600 in DOSBOX, at steady 60fps, and WASD+mouse and with bMouse. There is very little difference between 800*600 and higher in Build anyway, so the only thing that I really miss would be widescreen support, but i can live without that. Oh yeah, the other advantage would be fixing the game's glitches.

So why would I want a remake or a port that doesn't even support expansions, usermaps and mods ?

> Redneck Rampage has a source port

It doesn't. Redneck Rampage's sourcecode was never released. There is a fan made recreation done in EDuke32, but it's just like the EDuke32 version of Blood: it's a recreation made by Russians, all coding were done from scratch and is terrible, and they call it a sourceport.

>> No.2653551

No wonder it ran like shit.

RR was a pretty unique game. Needs a bit more love.

>> No.2653601
File: 546 KB, 1440x900, capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a top AAA dev

>> No.2653880
File: 78 KB, 620x476, blood_ue402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just saying you need the budget of a top tier AAA dev to get the graphical fidelity you need to make a 3D skull that looks as good as the 2D sprite in OP's pic.

Imagine if someone made a 3D Life Leach skull with the graphical fidelity of Quake 3. There's no way it wouldn't look corny in comparison. To make it even half as good you'd need a damn good engine, great shaders and a high polygon count. Of course you need damn good artistic direction, too, but you most definitely also need the tech. I don't see a highly artistic team reproduce a Life Leech that looks anywhere near as good as OP's image with just the equivalent of the unmodified Quake 3 engine alone.

That's only one example, too. The entire 2.5D look, feel and atmosphere of Blood will be very difficult to transition successfully into a fully 3D engine with IDTech3 alone.

Pic related, look how shit this looks compared to the original.

>> No.2653896
File: 13 KB, 206x232, B2_life_leech_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean shit. Look how bad it looked even in Blood II compared to the original.

Blood II also felt nothing like Blood.

>> No.2653903

I think the problem is that our brains process 2D/2.5D in different ways. Two dimensional sprites leave some space to our imaginations, in a way thst lets us unconsciously imagine the tridimensional features of the sprite. It's hard to build a 3D model that doesn't include unwanted/unexpectedly/uncanny features from the viewer's point of view.

That's of course my two cents, as I never found any 3D rendition of a 2D object that satisfied me.

>> No.2653948

I agree. 2.5D and sprites for some reason have a very different feel to a full 3D game.

>> No.2654304

Remakes are nostalgia pandering for "fans" that are too lazy/picky to appreciate the original game and think it needs to be "updated." Also, if someone actually is competent is enough to do, it would be a gross misuse of their talent.

Seriously what a huge waste of time. If anyone was actually going to sit down and recreate all of Blood's levels and mechanics from scratch, they could have spent that time on giving us an entirely new set of maps to play instead.

I'd like a decent sourceport for performance reasons, like any other Blood fan, but people that talk about remakes in completely different engines have awful taste.

>> No.2654372
File: 68 KB, 500x500, 1384030377547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw atari finally dies
Seriously, I hope we get that goddamn source code when it happens. Fuck atari.

>> No.2654948


never, the cunts won't release the source code. it may not even exist anymore

>> No.2654952
File: 94 KB, 589x547, roflbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2654978

Blood runs on BUILD you moron.

>> No.2654986


No shit. The only reason Duke got any sourceports is because the devs released the source code. The same is not true for Blood, look it up. Source has never been released.

>> No.2654990

Yeah so since it runs on BUILD it will never have anything to do with ZDoom in the form of a source port. You retarded m8?

>> No.2654996


Perhaps, but a bit less retarded than anyone who thinks access to a game's source code would not allow them to port it to another engine.

>> No.2655025

It wouldn't work. Quake 3 engine has better graphics, but lacks the interactivity of the build engine.

>> No.2655036

You can't 'port' a game from one engine to another you complete shithead. That's a recreation, not a port, and it already exists in the form of ZBlood. You're going to keep arguing now because you're a fucking idiot that has literally no idea what he's talking about.

>> No.2655045

There is absolutely no need for that kind of foul and language and the negative tone.

If you insist on behaving in this manner, I would kindly suggest you go >>>/v/

>> No.2655047 [DELETED] 

Fuck off mom.

>> No.2655052

>You can't 'port' a game from one engine to another you complete shithead
Well you could, if the game is ported from a previous version of the engine to a more advanced version of it. BUILD and IdTech1 are unrelated though. Also Doom engine lacks many of the effects and features present in BUILD.

>> No.2655074
File: 2.99 MB, 640x480, blast shit blood 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transfusion, yeah. They said they were working on SP but then just gave up. Like every other project.

Fuck off, dipshit. The Build engine used for Blood is vastly different from the same one used for Duke. To reverse engineer it would be nearly impossible. All that we can do is wait for a source code.

I agree, we don't need a remake so much as a reboot, similar to Shadow Warrior. I'd fucking love something akin to a Blood reboot with the exact same atmosphere and universe and with the gameplay of a Call of Juarez game, but more fast-paced and exploratory.

Achieving the original's godlike art design can definitely be done in 3D with the right textures. I just haven't seen it done right.

>> No.2655096

>Fuck off, dipshit. The Build engine used for Blood is vastly different from the same one used for Duke. To reverse engineer it would be nearly impossible. All that we can do is wait for a source code.
Lmao. Apparently you're incapable of following conversation. Well done you fucking asshat.

>> No.2655867

GSC Game world (STALKER) + Doom 3 engine = great Blood remake.
Search your feelings, you know it's true

>> No.2657137

I think the atmosphere and art design of Blood might be impossible to recapture, just as it would be impossible to recapture the same atmosphere and charm of golden age horror films using modern film techniques.
As much as i would love a Blood 3 I feel that it would be destined for disappointment.

>> No.2657169

This started as a Blood remake for the Dreamcast, but they got a cease and desist letter from Atari and tried to turn it into something more original.

>> No.2657183
File: 69 KB, 429x204, 1415473265742.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gamma high as fuck
>Non 16:10 resolution
>Taking 2 hours and wasting ammo to kill 2 cultists

>> No.2657191

Blood always looks so much more fun in WebMs than it actually is.

>> No.2657201
File: 2.93 MB, 640x480, asda (01).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because it IS fun.

>> No.2657216
File: 2.86 MB, 640x480, 1425950783583.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga Blood is always fun. /vr/ needs sound webms already.

>> No.2657415

thats fucking madness! I just passed duke and shadow warrior and this looks way more fun.

>> No.2657616

Well, some "ports" are recreations. Duke Nukem 3D and Quake on Saturn are considered ports, and they are recreations.

So you could call the EDuke32 or even Doom versions "ports", just not a sourceport.

>> No.2658839

>Duke Nukem 3D and Quake on Saturn are considered ports,
...by people who don't know what ports are, yeah. Doesn't mean us educated types should accept that.

>> No.2660941

You might be onto something

>> No.2661042


The best solution for Blood should be an hybrid 2d/3d engine like Exumed/Powerslave with 3-d levels and 2-d sprite caracters/weapons.

Hell, I bet it could be done way way better than the 90"s fps and run fine even with integrated graphics in nowadays's notebooks.

>> No.2661186
File: 247 KB, 1680x1050, 2014-10-31_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone can use 2D sprites in a 3D engine. Like I don't know, GTA 1 or 2?

But honestly, I don't think that works really well. When you play Doom, Duke or Shadow Warrior or a sourceport and use a true 3D renderer, all the sprites look incredibly flat, especially when viewed from underneath or above, which is not as much the case in 2.5D.
Plus, you can look further up and down in 3D engine than in 2.5D, which makes matter even worse. People complain about how the screen doesn't tilt like it should in Build when you look up/down; but imo that's a much much smaller curse than the eternal fate of flat looking sprites. I mean just look at this pic, it's so wrong.

As a result your mind doesn't process sprites the same way, ironically with a true 3D engine you can't make your mind pretend the sprites are actual 3D figures just as well as in 2.5D because of that. They all look like cardboard pieces, like you're playing Paper Fucking Mario.
For me you need a 2.5D engine for sprites to work.

It works in GTA because the angle of the view never changes. Hell, most people don't even realize GTA2 runs is in 3D.

>> No.2661338

lmao holy shit that looks like ass.

>> No.2663448

I actually like Blood II alot but it's flawed. Rushing the dev staff is never a good idea.

>> No.2664928
File: 347 KB, 1920x1080, POSTAL-2-Paradise-Lost-screenshots-02-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arent unreal engine can do better? splats and more bloody materials variations
You want jewel like BLOOD be same graph like FAKK2:Heavy Metal?

Postal 2 imho is closest game to Blood, especially last levels of Paradise Lost Expansion

>> No.2664938

>Quake 3 engine
>implying you know anything about game engines
Yeah no.

>> No.2664942

>Anyone can use 2D sprites in a 3D engine. Like I don't know, GTA 1 or 2?
Yes you can.

Handling full sphere sprites is mathematically pain in the ass. I made a tech demo that does that and I'm making a full 3D doom-like.

>> No.2665225

Is postal 2 fun? What is the game even about? Just looks like the whole thing is LOLSORANDUMB.

>> No.2665761

sucks too because i remember reading up that they also had the community for advice and suggestions, one being if there should be story modes for every character or just caleb

>> No.2665769

Postal Dude has menial tasks assigned to him each day for a week, monday to friday
along the way shit keeps happening that puts him into deadly situations
Returning a book? Book burning extremists burn the building and you gotta get out
Go to confession? Muslim extremists invade and shoot up the place
Buy some meat? Store is empty so as you go to the freezer to get some yourself you see too much and have to shoot your way out
along the way you can just do whatever in the town, kill people, find little caches of ammo or weapons, just goof off.

>> No.2666848

A heavily modified version for all the voxel shit among ither features. Someone got in touch with the dev or something a while ago but he mentioned fucking Atari is squatting the IP and won't release it.

Can't be arsed to dig up the link.

>> No.2666957

Do you use the predetermined controls or do you usually change them? Arrows or wasd?

>> No.2666973

Too used to wasd at this point to return to arrows.

>> No.2667034

do you aim with keyboard or mouse? i never played comfortable trying to aim with the fucking keyboard.

>> No.2667079

Mouse. Never managed to get free-look on Blood to work properly so I only used it to turn horizontally, though.

>> No.2667080

so should i play it with mouse and auto aim or how do i do to look up and down?

>> No.2667083

Turn on freelook with the U key.

>> No.2667315

Relevant to this thread


Modified Q3 engine looks great, it actually looks way better than original Q3

>> No.2667387

Why on earth would anyone just accept default settings when they already know how they like to play? That's just stupid.

>> No.2667416

>tips fedora

>> No.2667505

to be fair, he has it on the absolute lowest graphical settings

>> No.2669869

didnt one of the dudes that worked on this game say he wanted to release the source code but something was stopping him?

>> No.2669998

Jace Hall. He had the sourcecode but didn't want to release it. He wanted to make his own, closed-source, sourceport, his "vision", but Atari who currently owns the rights to it didn't let him.

>> No.2670191

dat music at 4:05

>> No.2670559

does anyone else find blood maps to be extremely confusing?

>> No.2670663


>> No.2670670

trying to make blood maps is pretty hard because it clots so quickly you could just make a bigger hole but then i'd be too worried about the hole to keep making maps