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File: 57 KB, 325x243, even by crash bosses standards this guy is pushing it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2655681 No.2655681 [Reply] [Original]

Pushovers that don't deserve to be part of the climax.


>> No.2655686

I personally find the Sonic 1 boss to be pretty disappointing. I think the other games are a bit better. 2 has a hard boss(never had a problem personally), and 3&Knuckles has more of an epic feel.

>> No.2655710

I'm not going to bother googling a screenshot, but Symphony of the Night Dracula is pretty huge. Especially if you're using the Shield Rod, you can kill him in about 10 seconds, taking no damage and getting healed and more hearts the whole time.

Also, Legend of Mana. Boss levels don't scale, even in Nightmare mode. I killed the end boss in two hits from a flail that wasn't even maxed out.

>> No.2655786


One of my all time favourite games.

The final boss had potential, started off really well, then ended after 10 seconds.

>> No.2655889

The final boss for Tales of symphonia was pretty underwhelming compared to the ones before it. I just stun locked it to death.

>> No.2655896

>the Shield Rod,
broke the game, and there is a sword that does the same thing as it but with more attack power in the upside down castle. of course that isn't even the best sword in the game

>> No.2655910

There are so many ways to break the game, that's why it's great. Not that it matters, anyway. actually sticking to the starting knife or your fists does not make the game any harder, you can clearly tell when facing a reused boss from Rondo of Blood that nerfing the equipment doesn't make the game any more challenging, the AI just isn't there.

>> No.2655915

Back when i cared about crash 2's "climax" i still sucked enough to struggle with that part.

Now it's piss easy but a kinda cool little stage

>> No.2655937

FF3j's final boss had like... one spam attack, right?

>> No.2656283

One not retro.

Two,. Mithos literally just sits there in his final phase and spams spells. Kid of like how dhaos did in phantasia

>> No.2656290
File: 3 KB, 90x90, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a cool idea on paper, and only if you don't know about it, which is hard with the rabbid EB fans spouting fetus theroies.

If you didnt know what to do it would be an interesting reveleation, but knowing before fighting completely ruins the experience and the suspense.

>> No.2656292

What is this, An alien overlord for Titanic Ants?

>> No.2656303
File: 33 KB, 512x446, boss_motherbrain2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final bosses in Nintendo games are all style no substance.

>> No.2656325

Despite the rest of the game being solid, Dino Crisis had perhaps the most limp-dick, boring boss of any survival horror game I've ever played.

You just shoot it. You don't even need to run around that much. I honestly expected more from the game. I hear the sequel is bonkers though.


>> No.2656362
File: 8 KB, 320x200, time_soldiers3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 7 years old me
>play Time Soldiers on Master System with my best friend
>we get our asses handed to us
>we keep trying but never reach the final level
>be us 20 years later
>play that game in coop again
>finally reach the last level
>it's ugly and empty
>there are like 10 enemies total with 3 million hps each
>you can just skip them so we reach the end of the stage with ease
>final boss pops out of nowhere
>pic related, it's just the static sprite that appears in the intro
>it slowly moves all around the screen and recycles some of the previous bosses' patterns
>kill it without any effort
>the screen turns black right as the final blow hits the boss because it has no death animation whatsoever
>"CONGRATULATIONS" is written in plain white text on the black background
>credits roll
>back to the title screen
>me and my friend look at each other as we can't believe what has just happened
>get some mixed feelings that hover between relief and disappointment
Man, I've waited twenty years for that shit. Those fucking japs are such lazy bastards.

>> No.2656375

>There are so many ways to break the game
Halfway Alucard get pretty much invincible anyway.

>> No.2656385

>I hear the sequel is bonkers though
It's a Playstation must have, no more inane survival nonsense, it's pure arcade fun. Also if you hated the T-Rex, this game will please you.

>> No.2656402


It still has great shock value for what is otherwise a rather kiddy looking game (I know nothing about Earthbound, so correct me if I'm wrong)

>> No.2656427

Does Tyson count?

>> No.2656431

I guess it's an exception.

>> No.2656435
File: 946 B, 220x148, Ganon-ALTTP-Sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2656437

yeah, the Crissaegrim.
For reasons, I would grind to fuck to get 2 rings of varda and the Crissaegrim.
At which point, the only bosses that break your stride are Beelzebub and Galamoth. Beelz because he just has so many hitboxes you have to clear through, and Galamoth because he actually is that tough. But only barely, he still won't finish a single cycle.

>> No.2657138

FFX Final Boss was a trainwreck of stupid.

>> No.2657494

Crash 2 is one of my all time favourites and I've beaten it quite a few times, but I still don't entirely know how the final boss works.

>> No.2657648

3 forms can't save Majora from getting beaten into a pulp.

>> No.2657667

You know fine well Braska's Final Aeon is considered the final boss.