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File: 7 KB, 286x176, gen3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2641693 No.2641693 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone owned a Sega Genesis III?
How does it compare to the previous models?

>> No.2641723

I had one back in the day, it seemed to work fine. It's basically just a GOAC made under license by Majesco. Shit audio, no cd or 32x support, some games don't work right (gargoyles and virtua racer) I would avoid it honestly just get a high def graphics model 1.

>> No.2641726

The main issue with the audio is that it can't do stereo at all.

>> No.2641727


>> No.2641731
File: 2.41 MB, 3466x2599, DSC01094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, I just keep mine in its box.

>> No.2641742

That /is/ a pretty swanky box other than Sonic shitting it up.

>> No.2641747

The main issue with your post is that it's shitting up the board.

>> No.2641752

Apparently it could be purchased new as late as the year 2000 for the low price of $20

>> No.2641757
File: 28 KB, 500x491, 0e6c12e42465076d0afce605098fc4aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never heard of the Genesis 3 before. Neat.

>> No.2641759

You mind elaborating?

The Genesis 2 has stereo output and the Genesis 1 has stereo through the headphone jack. As far as I'm aware, the Genesis 3 doesn't have either.

Judging by this comparison, the actual audio quality is better than the 2:


>> No.2641761

The Genesis must have the most console revisions and versions..

>Model 1
>Model 2
>Model 3

Thats 5 versions of the same console. Granted the Nomad is kind of an anomaly since its technically a handheld as well, but its still a Genesis.

>> No.2641783

Very lightweight and kind of flimsy. The controller weighs more than the console, so it's easy to jerk the console off the shelf by mistake. It's not compatible with Virtua Racing, and possibly a few other titles with special enhancements. I believe the sound is mono output only, but I could be mistaken. I think the new controller unit supplied with the Genesis 3 isn't compatible with Gargoyles because the game's control scheme actually relied on a bug in the original Genesis controller design, which the Genesis 3 fixed.

IMO, stick with the model 1 or 2. The Gen 3 may be deceptively attractive, but you're sacrificing some functionality.

>> No.2641791

>Mega PC
>Dozens of TecToy/AtGames versions

There are a lot of PC Engines too though. It was a good generation.

>> No.2641856

Weren't they going to make a model that combined Genesis, 32X and CD functionality?

>> No.2641904

I had one, it got the job done well enough. Dad trashed it because it stopped working right on a TV for whatever reason. Likely it was on the wrong switch or whatever.
Agreed, it was a nice-looking box. I liked seeing the illustrations of games on the back, even if it was just the usual kiddy stuff plus games like Vectorman.

>> No.2641929

>The Genesis must have the most console revisions and versions..

Not really, PS1 and PS2 had shitloads of variations too. PS3 had so many I stopped trying to even bother to keep track of it (different hdd sizes, different amount of backwards compatibility - hardware, software, half-hardware, whatever).

>> No.2641935

There's also the Laseractive Megadrive module, too.

>> No.2641958

Has anyone ever tested out the LaserActive MD for real? Or at least gave it comparisons to a normal Genesis console?

>> No.2641969

I don't know everything surrounding it, but that was going to be the case at one point - they would have called it the Neptune. I believe production was halted because of the Dreamcast.

>> No.2641983
File: 15 KB, 500x300, Sega-Neptune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was called the Neptune and was only going to be a Genesis and 32x combined.
>I believe production was halted because of the Dreamcast.
Actually it was because of the Saturn.

>> No.2642015

>Shit audio, no cd or 32x support, some games don't work right (gargoyles and virtua racer) I would avoid it honestly just get a high def graphics model 1.
It actually has some of the cleanest audio (and video) of all the revisions, but is limited to mono without modification. 32x support as well as restoring some of the compatibility with certain games can also be done with modifications, so the only thing you're really missing out on explicitly is CD support.
A good Hi Def Model 1 is still probably the better choice, but for casual play the Model 3 is perfectly fine.

>> No.2642107

Some were sold, so someone out there has tested it. I sure as hell don't have one. I have a regular LD player, it unfortunately can't play Mega Drive games.

>> No.2642336

Probably 200 million people in South America. SEGA should have just stuck to selling outdated hardware to third worlders and left the video game market to people who actually know what the fuck they're doing.

>> No.2642345

Nah, they were just sort of ahead in that aspect. All kinds of versions of Gen 7 consoles, with many variants promised for gen 8.
Of course there's always Nintendo's need to release a new alternate Gameboy/DS/3DS.

>> No.2642474

There were a shit ton of versions of each revision model too. I think there were at least 5 different model 1's

>> No.2642482

It's what I had as a kid. I loved it at the time. It played all of my games and looked and sounded shitty on my shitty tv. The controller was perfect for my kid hands, but it's "spongey" compared to a normal one. I used to get mad at everyone I played with because just tugging on the controller cord would move the tiny thing and make the a/v cord come loose.

>> No.2642487

absolutely disgusting

this is the shit you saw at the flea market/swap meet circa 2000 and completely ignored because it was nasty

>> No.2642490

that shit woulda been so sexy ugh

>> No.2642496

Its pretty pointless though. There's hardly any 32x games. CD combo units are actually useful because of how large and fickle Sega CDs are.

>> No.2642509
File: 76 KB, 525x565, genesis301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unless you are an obsessed collector who must own every classic console, don't bother with it.

>> No.2642513

After the Genesis was discontinued, Majesco Entertainment released the Genesis 3 as a budget version of the console in 1998.

>> No.2642515

thus proving nothing good can come from NJ

>> No.2642516

that doesn't mean it wouldn't be sexy

look at dem curves, like a muscle car

>> No.2642523
File: 28 KB, 580x259, blazefire2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<---------- Anyone have one of these?

>> No.2642525

It does have the benefit of having a slightly different-shaped cartridge slot. You can play MD games in it without a game genie or region adapter.

>> No.2642526


>> No.2642527
File: 933 KB, 2000x1500, SegaGenesisFirecore-1-vgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<--------- Or how about this?

>> No.2642530

In 2009, AtGames began producing two new variations: the Firecore, which can play original Genesis cartridges as well as preloaded games, and a handheld console preloaded with 20 Genesis games.

Numerous companies, including Radica Games, have also released various compilations of Genesis and Mega Drive games in "plug-and-play" packages resembling the system's controller.

>> No.2642534

From what I've seen on youtube, every single one of those devices have crappy audio. The genesis 3 was really the only good genesis rehash.

>> No.2642538

I heard the same thing from other sources too.
I'm guessing they couldn't get the original audio chips?

>> No.2642541

They could have, since mega drives from what I understand never had that issue. But saving money and whatnot.

>> No.2642542

Ignore my post to you, sorry.

>> No.2642543

Just poor emulation I believe. None of the newer machines are hardware clones. Genesis sound emulation is always problematic.

>> No.2642661

I don't own one but I saw one at a local store yesterday. It is smaller than other models but it's bigger in real life than you'd expect.

>> No.2642669

Shit will fry your games if they accidentally get put in backwards, which is possible with that system.
Not that I think anyone on this board would do that, but I'm sure many can relate to having that one dumb friend that would probably manage to fuck it up.

>> No.2642674

The Genesis 3 was the last real hardware.

>> No.2642695

VA2, VA3, VA4, VA5, VA6, VA6.5, VA6.8, VA7
and thats just for the model 1

>> No.2642830

I've seen Asian Model 2's that have a lot worse video/audio quality than the Model 3 because of no RF shielding.

>> No.2642842
File: 182 KB, 1024x1009, S3stIAb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also shoved it into a fucking boombox.

>> No.2642991

Genesis/Mega Drive model 2 had this shitty power plug that would really easily break off from the solder. I have two of those and they both have the same exact fault.
How does the model 3 power plug look like?

>> No.2643282
File: 198 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leaving out the VA0

>> No.2643286

I'm not sure about how it compares internally, but the model 3 can use the same power brick as the model 2.

>> No.2645082

Is that a prototype or did units actually ship with that weird little daughterboard?

>> No.2645110
File: 47 KB, 500x374, sega_wondermega1box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2645113

Is that why it's called the "Firecore"?

>> No.2645139

What's the best Genesis model besides the Model 1? I prefer a console with RCA stereo out, like the Model 2, though I heard the Model 2 sound quality is pretty shit.

>> No.2645146

Model 1 has stereo sound, the rest don't.

>> No.2645158

Out of the front headphone jack. The model 2 has stereo as well, but it doesn't sound quite as good.

>> No.2645165
File: 51 KB, 625x445, SEGA Genesis 32x Cd Back no cable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mod or get a Sega CD?

>> No.2645183
File: 42 KB, 600x429, Gen2SM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2645185

Are you asking a question or making a statement?

>> No.2645193

Making a statement, but I added a question mark because I don't know what you should do, it's up to you.
You wanna get a mod, or get a Sega CD?
You would think that stereo sound would be a common thing, even the NES had it.

>> No.2645196

I'm pretty sure every type of Mega Drive has stereo except the 3. The model 1 just has a weird setup where it only outputs mono from the A/V output, and you have to use the headphone jack on the front for stereo.

>> No.2645198
File: 48 KB, 800x556, 800px-Multimega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just find a Sega CDX.
Also known as the Sega Multi-Mega.


>> No.2645202

True that.
So I guess the only way to get stereo sound, besides the jack is to mod the thing or hook it to a Sega CD...otherwise get a modded Model 2.

>> No.2645208

The way I have mine setup, I need to use the headphone jack for audio anyway, so it is handy as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.2645210

But you want something more convenient than that, right?
Other than weird imports like the Wonder-Mega, I have no clue what other options would be out there.
Well, there is also the CDX, I suppose.

>> No.2645215

I have a CDX, it is really cool. Unfortunately, one of my favorite games that I've been playing a lot of recently is Hellfire, and it only outputs its audio at the proper speed on a Model 1. Maybe once I beat it, I'll plug my CDX back in. Model 1 sounds better, but not THAT much better on most games. More just like a slightly better mix.

>> No.2645220

You don't need a mod on either model 1 or model 2 to get stereo sound. You seem to be incredibly confused about something very simple.

>> No.2645272

Got any sources to prove that? Not that I don't believe you but I really wanna see this with my own eyes.

>> No.2646678
File: 513 KB, 1128x635, CDX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Power Base Converter also fits on a CDX without issue.

>> No.2647602

All the original PlayStations prior to the PSone have the same basic design though. Same thing with the PS2 prior to the SCPH-70000.

>> No.2648118

Model 2 has stock stereo from the A/V output, that's why it needs its own cable, different from the Model 1s.

>> No.2648560

I recall it being released in 1999 or do anyways. I bought mine at a KB Toys in 2004 or so for $20 new along with Kirby's Block Ball brand new for $10. That's around the time the chain was going out of business I think.

>> No.2648592
File: 115 KB, 640x911, segavania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

game genie doesn't work for shit on gen3. other than that every game i've tried works perfectly.

>> No.2648598

its also the most expensive and hard to find.

>> No.2648964

Off topic but this is the only genesis thread.

I just got cables for my model one instead of using the antennae cables, and it looks worse to me. Less sharp but no "white noise" type fuzz artifacts. Is this normal or is my cable just shit?

>> No.2649028

Bought one at KB Toys in middle school. It was my first and only Genesis. It feels cheaply made, but it works.

>> No.2651812

I bought a boxed one off a second hand market stall for £50 back in 2003. Sold it a few years later because I never played it, regretted it once I found a copy of Snatcher.

>> No.2652242

They actually did ship out like that from what I can gather. I haven't been able to find much about this revision though.

>> No.2652515

Pros: Space saver, really fun and easy to mod, still pretty cheap and easy to track down compared to the good Model 1s. Has comparable video output.

Cons: Feels cheap and flimsy. No LED. Not compatable with a few games and the add ons.

>> No.2652540

According to Wikipedia that isn't possible, the accessories aren't compatible. Take that apart before you put yourself on fire.

>> No.2652742
File: 126 KB, 239x273, GooeyGumDrops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I kinda want one.

>> No.2652787

That blue genesis controller is sexy as fuck.

>> No.2653271

and the tera drive

>> No.2656440

What a beauty.

>> No.2656450

This is probably the worst clone and the vilest pile of crap you can ever get.

>> No.2657526

Model 3 is the worst one. Model 1 is the way to go, but there are Model 1 Gennys with bad audio quality.

Here's an in depth explanation of the differences.

>> No.2658170

You need to use the jack to hook it up to a Sega CD anyway.

>> No.2658262

KB Toys didn't go out of business until 2009, when Romney decided he wanted to run for president in 2012 and needed campaign funds.

>> No.2658264

Does this thing have a cartridge slot?

Because that would officially make it the coolest genesis model.

>> No.2658403

I understand that only the very first models without the BIOS screen can run those initial unlicensed Electronic Arts games.

>> No.2658428

Virtua Racing doesn't work because it exploits a hardware bug that was fixed on the Genesis 3.