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2639316 No.2639316 [Reply] [Original]

This guy is the hardest thing in the entire game.

>> No.2639321

If someone posts Yellow Devil I'm gonna explode a fucking building.

>> No.2639350

He's not harder than the end boss. But Shadowdancer's end boss is worse, even though the rest of the game is pretty easy.

>> No.2639362
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> Wario's Castle

>> No.2639365

Which one?

>> No.2639368

Yellow devil is the textbook definition of a meme boss

Most people can buster only him on the first or second try, only 12 year olds who repeat what their YouTube idols say claim the yellow devil is difficult.

The bubble boss in Wily stage 3 and elecman are significantly harder (assuming be buster only)

>> No.2639390
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>playing Metal Gear Solid on extreme difficulty
>Hind D fight comes up

On every difficulty but extreme, the Hind D is about middle of the road difficulty-wise for bosses.

But on extreme it's the hardest in the game bar absolutely nothing

>> No.2639419


>entire game is comprised of short, simple stages
>except for the final level which is a gauntlet with a three-stage boss at the end
>and no checkpoints whatsoever

>> No.2639548

I burned through my hoard of extra lives and had to switch to easy mode to beat all that shit.

>> No.2639623

Shinobi 3 was really easy until the level where you have to keep jumping on the falling rocks. But that's more from me being an idiot who still can not get a hang of the double jump mechanic more than a difficulty spike.

>> No.2639625

Not sure if too recent, but Jak 2 was bullshit all the way through.

>> No.2639679

Which youtuber has said yellow devil is hard?

>> No.2639698

Don't bother asking. Blaming Youtube is just the trendy thing to do when you disagree with someone but don't feel like bringing up any valid arguments.

>> No.2639705

I love how everyone seems to have this story about Mario Land 2.

>Oh yeah, I got to Wario's Castle with 99 lives.
>How many did you have when you beat the game?

I don't think the Yellow Devil is hard, but he had that reputation before Youtube was even popular.

Cmon, son, if you're really /vr/, you would have remembered those discussions on the internet. Hell, when Mega Man Anniversary Collection came out, threads about it popped up.

>> No.2639709


Not at all, you probably just sucked as a kid.


^ This is where the difficulty spike happens.


Rest of the game is moderately challenging, nothing too bad. The last boss isnt difficult, hes just unfair.

>> No.2639713


Come on, just master your double jump and win.

>> No.2639718

Stage 6 of Ninja Gaiden. Everything else is pretty easy, then it gets frustrating.

>> No.2639793

You can literally just kick this guy to death. Pretty sure there is a free man at the top of one of those goo walls too.

>> No.2639804

>free man

It's called an extra life.

>> No.2639812

>extra life

It's called one up. ;)

>> No.2639813

>one up
It's called extend, n00b

>> No.2639976

Nah man. It's called Borrowed Time

>> No.2639983

Nope, it's called Extended Play.

>> No.2639990
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>> No.2639998

Come on, man. We were doing a thing here. Way to ruin it.

>> No.2640010

>being so mad you shopped in a lie

>> No.2640021

everyone knows lives are called marios

>> No.2640030

Maybe in Italy, in the rest of the civilized world we call them Jesus.

>> No.2640063

Until Jesus came along, everyone called them Persephones

>> No.2640415
File: 60 KB, 550x385, shinobi3_19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding me? That boss is really easy. The difficulty spike happens at this boss.

>> No.2640439

>that boss
Kabuki is only difficult if you don't know how to block.

>> No.2640448

Not really, the final stage, now that was on an entirely different level of difficulty.

>> No.2640449

Don't forget ypu can use your ninja magic thing to jump really high.

>> No.2640456

Shinobi 3 on expert wasn't as hard as Revenge of Shinobi on Normal

>> No.2640459

You cannot block all the attacks by that boss, especially if you're trying to counterattack during the short moments when you can damage him without being damaged yourself. What makes it more difficult than the other bosses is lack of screen space and the traps/objects thrown about when fighting him.

>> No.2640461

revenge of shinobi has coin-muncher design, with too many bottomless pits setups. Gets tiresome after a while.

>> No.2640463
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>> No.2640465

learn 2 dash attack through everything

>> No.2640467

Good thing Shinobi 3 is more fun and has more fluid gameplay. I guess if you like walking everywhere slowly and awkwardly platforming Revenge of Shinobi might be your thing.

>> No.2640468

That game is just ruthless. Owned it for 20 years and never finished it, i just lose my shit after a while and have to play something else.

>> No.2640469

Dash attacking is a good technique, but it's not some unstoppable move. Stop saying stupid shit, faggot.

>> No.2640470


>> No.2640472

>le faggot argument

>> No.2640475

Map02 in Thy Flesh Consumed.

>> No.2640479

git gut

I like the better challenge on Revenge, the enemies are actually lethal instead of pushover. My only complain is the bullshit jump on Round 7 we all know about, it can get a bit annoying.

>> No.2640481

I don't use the powers because seeing that 0 at the score screen makes me feel empty inside.

>> No.2640495

I know it's only about getting gud, but i just lose my nerves way before that. Still really great game, wouldn't change a thing.

>> No.2640506

>implying I can't perfect Shinboi 3 on its hardest mode with 0 shurikens with little effort
They were just asking for a boss that ramps up generally boss difficulty which does not expressly mean that it's hard in the grand scheme of gaming, just harder than the other bosses in the same game. You tryhard. You're so desperate to whine about Shinboi 2 in comparison to 3, fucking pathetic.

>> No.2640516

Why the fuck was Shinobi X such a massive step back from this game?

>> No.2640518 [DELETED] 

>full defense mode because of dumb reasons
That's actually really pathetic, are you autistic of what?

>> No.2640520

>being this defensive for retarded reasons
That's actually really pathetic, are you autistic of what? can't handle a conversation decently? grow the fuck up.

>> No.2640521

I beat that stage like twenty times when I was on vacation.. Took me a lot of time to git gud at it though.

>> No.2640536

Meh. I only beat MM1 for the first time a couple years ago, it took me about ~20 tries. I was drinking the entire time and between each tries though.

And no, a 'meme' boss would be Bowser: three hits to kill.

>> No.2640541

Dang bruh no need to be so upset over getting BTFO OUT!

>> No.2640543

Whatever you please spergfriend.

>> No.2640548

That's hilarious coming from the guy who got so pissed being called out he had to delete his post.

>> No.2640549
File: 20 KB, 320x224, I_do_remember_too_that,_how_hard_this_final_boss_was.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fuck is so annoying if you don't get to it with the power up.

Same for final boss.

Now that's one hell of a difficulty peak.

Learn to block.

Fuck. This. Shit.

>> No.2640550
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>> No.2640552

Sonic 2 is weird with its difficulty. It's possibly the easiest game in the entire franchise right until Metropolis Zone where the difficulty takes a dramatic spike upwards.

>> No.2640554
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On Game Gear.

>> No.2640556

Nice reverse troll.

It's not even me.

>> No.2640558
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Why'd you have to remind me?

>> No.2640561
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Must happen around stage 4-6.

>> No.2640563
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>> No.2640565
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Pretty much every time you face Death in Castlevania.

>> No.2640568

I swear my skills are reverse aging in odd ways. Most people say you're supposed to lose skill as you get older but I'm gettin better. I went back and played this and this boss used to wreck my shit as a kid, now I can beat him without gettin hit.

Megaman x6 as a whole still wrecks my pooper

>> No.2640569

I just rewrote it, see, you are being the autistic one here caring about shit like that.

>> No.2640570
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>> No.2640571

Says the guy caring so much about his posts that he deletes them when he screws up to save face on an anonymous image board.

>> No.2640572
File: 62 KB, 800x600, gfs_40425_2_32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Most people say you're supposed to lose skill as you get older
Literally who? This is the first time I heard that.

>> No.2640573

I personally think death wasn't a challenge until metroidvania's. There was always some ultra simple method to beat him. I mean, yea...in castlevania 1 he can be a headache, but once you learn the way around the sickles he aint shit but a moving hitbox.

Death in SCIV is way too easy honestly, I mean yea sciv is generally easier but cmon.

>> No.2640575
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>> No.2640576

Are you saying Death didn't wipe the floor with you when you got to it the first time? And the 10-20 following ones?

>> No.2640580

I'm generally pretty good with learning patterns and movements, I probably lost a whole lot when I was younger (if we're talking about Castlevania 1) it's why I do good in fighting games despite not training myself into the ground.

If we're talking about SCVIV I cant remember the last time I died to it, I musta been 8.

>> No.2640582

He's not hard you spastic just hit his eye then spam the down jump kick on his head to dodge the hand rinse repeat.

>> No.2640584

Jesus christ you cunts and your excuses for being total shit and refusing to learn or improve is shocking. Hurrr its da game fault it haz coin muncher artificial difficulty anti spastic designz therefore is bad.

>> No.2640585

Which jump, that one over the sea in the first section? That was probably the hardest part for me in the whole game.

>> No.2640586

Cool assumptions there, anyway keep crying blood just because someone said Shinobi 3, i'll just silently chuckle.

>> No.2640589
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>> No.2640590

No he's a piece of piss especially if you have 3 crosses and if not you can just stand next to the block holding the whip up and no projectile can hit you.

>> No.2640591

Bet you didn't even do it on 1 credit or normal difficulty or higher, plebs gonna pleb.

>> No.2640593

Revenge is actually not too hard to do with 1 credit or normal difficulty or higher in 30 minutes when you know the game well.

There's just that one bullshit jump in the harbor.

>> No.2640594

maybe. watch out for that ulcer tho. being so sour isn't good for your health

>> No.2640596


I seriously thought Yellow Devil was one of the easiest bosses in the game because his pattern was easy as fuck to follow.

>> No.2640597

I know it isn't that hard that's entirely my point.

Not at all just bored of seeing countless tards in these threads using bullshit terms and excuses which all amount to them just being shit.

>> No.2640598

kek well played

but seriously what is with this shinobi II shitposter ITT??

>> No.2640601

Yeah that one, funnily i had no problems with it the first time i beat it, but then it became a problem.

>> No.2640602

RoS fanboys can't stand their precious game being criticized for some reason.

>> No.2640603

>Cool assumptions there

There is no assumption, only fact.

>> No.2640605

I never figured out the trick to Giga Gaia in Chrono Trigger. I don't know if I was just underleveled or what but he hits like a fucking truck and I never seem to tear down his arms in time to prevent his best attack.

>> No.2640606

>RoS fanboys can't stand their precious game being criticized for some reason.
Except the discussion started because of this shitlord talking crap about RoS.>>2640467 >>2640506

>> No.2640608

crono/ayla falcon slash then crono/frog spire

>> No.2640609

15 are we sir?
>but seriously what is with this shinobi II shitposter ITT??
shinobi II is the japanese title for 3 btw and he's talking about revenge of shinobi.

>> No.2640610


That has got to be the most retarded sounding insult out there. It makes me think of something a first grader would say after discovering they can get away with swearing when adults aren't around.

>> No.2640615

>conveniently ignoring the posts they are replying to where you're trying to lord over everyone because you like RoS
And he has the nerve to call others shitlords!

>> No.2640618

There is nothing wrong in Shinobi 3 being an easier game, unless you want to go full autistic about it like the Shinobi 3 shitter (you) did.

>> No.2640621

This whole derailment started when >>2640456 came in and starting waving their dick about how hard RoS was for no reason. That post has absolutely no relation to the topic at hand and was just made so they can imply that OP sucks at video games.

>> No.2640626

Bro you're the biggest shitposter in this thread and everyone knows it.

>> No.2640641

>waving their dick
>difficulty has nothing to do with the topic
>imply that OP sucks at video games
Holy shit your paranoia is taking this shit way too personal.

>> No.2640647

The topic is difficulty spikes not the overall difficulty in the game. If that poster mentioned a difficulty spike in RoS then you would have been right about Shinobi 3 fans shitting up the thread but instead the RoS poster just brings up that RoS on normal is harder than 3 on expert which is an obvious jab at OP for claiming that boss in 3 is a bullshit difficulty spike.

>> No.2640648

Don't bother with him. No amount of logic or proof works on shitposters.

>> No.2640658

Both Shinobi 2 and 3 are great, stop this madness.
Hardest parts :
the jump in the harbor in 2, I fucking hate it,
and the moving platform with electric traps in 3.

>> No.2640659

>and the moving platform with electric traps in 3.
That one can be a bitch, but I personally feel that the traps level is harder since it's a constant instant kill via falling.

>> No.2640671

You mean the falling rocks part?
Yeah that's pretty brutal too.
I guess I understimate it nowadays because memorization and ninja secret tecnique of super jumping.

>> No.2640774


Shinobi 3 is piss easy until the last level. The last level is GOAT.

I would recommend Shinobi 3DS. Its very very inspired by 3 and has amazing platforming in the last 3 levels. But that's not retro so....

>> No.2640794


I guess that works if you play with the shuriken count starting at anything past 0.

>> No.2640837

I don't understand it either. I remember buying it, taking it home with some Sonic drive through and beating it that night. It was nowhere near as difficult as the original or Revenge of Shinobi. I still enjoyed it thoroughly and it was the last great Shinobi imo tbh.

>> No.2640849


Anyway don't you have to intentionally set the count to 0? Pretty sure default settings starts you with around 30 or 40 of them each life.

>> No.2640883

Make a video of yourself beating the game this way. Oh wait, you can't.

>> No.2640901

[rolling eyes]
you gain shurikens at the start of each stage.

>> No.2640913

Yeah, it's not retro sadly.

That fucking part with Daxter on the missile though.

>> No.2643240

are you me?? still sits there looking at me when I open my cupboard. I mean I remember the day I beat "Another World". Damn that was a good day, took me 5 years though....

>> No.2643256
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>> No.2643364

The fuck is that even supposed to be? An eggplant?

Early 3D graphics were so shitty.

>> No.2643481
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>> No.2643537

Nah bro, it's a blip blop hobbly pop.

>> No.2643541

found the Brit

>> No.2643606

believe it or not, it's even harder in 1

>> No.2643636

Yeah especially in Simon's Quest, where you just walk past it.

>> No.2643708

Why did Sonic even have to kill that thing? He could've just jumped over it and kept going.

>> No.2643719

technically it dies on its own