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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2629428 No.2629428 [Reply] [Original]

Are the King's Field games worth playing?

>> No.2629439

This is triggering my trypophobia for whatever reason.

>> No.2629454

just go emulate.

>> No.2629456

King's Field was essentially a precursor to Dark Souls, and probably the closest thing early consoles had to something like Elder Scrolls.

Yeah, they're definitely worth playing, if the dated graphics style doesn't bother you.

>> No.2629469

>precursor to Dark Souls

Fucking what?

>> No.2629471

>precursor to Dark Souls
Maybe that's Shadow Tower, but King's Field was also a precursor of Shadow Tower, so it makes some sense.

>> No.2629478

Not going to go super into details because it's /vr/, but it's a From Software game with exploration, a dark brooding atmosphere, little handholding, and a stamina based combat system.

It's also atmospheric as fuck, in spite of having fuckawful graphics. And I was legitimately scared of Shadow Tower which is a literally dark game with creepy enemies.

>> No.2629480

it's basically the great great grandfather of it

that said, i have never played dark souls, hate games like these etc. but i played for quite a few days straight a couple months back and enjoyed the fuck out of king's field.

>> No.2629617

Fun fact: "trypophobia" is a made up condition. I mean it. Go look it up in actual psychology journals. And while you're at, it go back to Tumblr.

>> No.2629627

Wow, who gives a shit.

>> No.2629634 [DELETED] 
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I know it's not a real thing but holy shit tell me you don't find these pictures unnerving.

>> No.2629636 [DELETED] 
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This one is real.

>> No.2629638 [DELETED] 
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Not that one. I mean, this one.

>> No.2629641 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2629647
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I'm feeling made up repulsion right now. I just need to remember it's not a real thing that I am feeling.

>> No.2629652

that dog is in a sTICKY situation.

>> No.2629658

They're interesting to see from a historical perspective and fun if you have the time and patience for it. Dark Souls is objectively better and still carries most of the atmosphere, but there's an atmosphere that's especially haunting in King's Field considering everything is first-person. More immersion I suppose.

>> No.2629668
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>> No.2629672

That goes here;

Thanks god you can hide posts in this imageboard, that shit was disgusting.

>> No.2629674

It's not a real PHOBIA, you idiot. You can still feel normal disgust.

Are you one of those Tumblrinas who likes to defend your self-diagnoses with "It's in the DSM, see?" Well, guess what? The DSM also says not to use it if you're not a trained professional.

>> No.2629675

Yes and no.

They are hard. They are not hand-holdy. The control scheme like many early PS1 games and other FROM games (Armored Core for instance) is pretty fucking atrocious and has a learning curve.

There really is no middle ground with these games honestly. You either love it or you hate it.

It very much is the grandfather of Demon's/Dark Souls in that theres a heavy element of exploration, its very difficult, and the setting obviously, knights, and sorcery, fighting undead and other monsters.

If you can get past the flaws, its definitely a rewarding experience. Admittedly its difficult to get over its flaws.

>> No.2629684

It doesn't have the same atmosphere at all. King's Field is pretty relaxing with its slow pace, somber/lonely mood and rewarding grinding. Plus the level design is more interesting if you look past the empty square rooms.

>> No.2629687

Fucking stop you faggot, I didn't come here to see this shit

>> No.2629695

The pacing is totally different, I'll agree. You can outrun a hell of a lot more enemies in KF than you can in DS. But they both share a very lonely, somber, dead mood that's almost trademark in most of From Software's games.

I actually do prefer King's Field to Dark Souls though. I find the combat much more rewarding than Dark Souls' "everything takes a hell of a lot more time than you wanted it to" approach, instead focusing a lot more on magic and stamina conservation.

>> No.2629716

I think it also goes after something different from Dark Souls, Dark Souls wants to be more like Castlevania in a way while I see Kings Field as a more conventional RPG.

>> No.2629724

I think a big part of what makes King's Field so relaxing is that the difficulty is more up to you. If you're ever having difficulty you can always just grind money, buy potions and use them as life support. Also the combat is so slow paced and the enemies are so dumb that you really have to do something stupid/reckless to die in most cases.

>> No.2629761

The first time I walked forward under a dark sky immediately after starting a game of King's Field was the day I learned to observe the environment around me.

The first time I got annihilated by a kraken-squid-crab was the day I learned to die.

The first time I got impaled on a spear-trap at the beginning of King's Field 2 was the day I learned to love dying.

You have nothing to lose by trying them. They are dark, dangerous, and dreamy. If you don't like the 1st, try 2 instead. I just ask that you give them a fair shot before shitcanning them.

>> No.2629798

FYI, there was a promotional game in Japan called King's Field III: Pilot Style. Although someone translated it, it's really not worth the download. The game is quite short, and by short, I mean it's something like three areas. I don't even think the game gives you any option to save your progress. It's just a quick interlude between KF2 and 3.

>> No.2629842

>I just ask that you give them a fair shot before shitcanning them.
This. I have seen casuals who wouldn't touch these types of games normally get into King's Field and have a lot of fun. It's really something that's far better than it looks.

>> No.2629880

KF may be slower, but I don't know if I'd call it relaxing. The vibes give off a certain amount of dread.

>> No.2629891

Remember that Kings Field (US) is actually Kings Field 2, and Kings Field 2 (US) is actually the third game.

>> No.2629932

They're still some of the best exploration-focused games I've encountered. They have some obvious flaws, but the environments and atmosphere are hard to match.

Yeah, and though most enemies are easy to out-maneuver, it's still really easy to die. The protagonist is extremely fragile at the beginning of every game in the series.

>> No.2630607

you do you special snowflake

>> No.2631065

The first time I played The Ancient City, I walked forward, fell into lava and died.

Yup, I'm home.

>> No.2631405
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>King's Field was essentially a precursor to Dark Souls
Oh my fucking GOD will you nerds stop saying this about every slightly-challenging RPG?

>huh huh huh, it's like the Dark Souls of the 90's

>> No.2631459

Why? This example is more valid considering they share a similar tone and atmosphere, not to mention the same developer.

>> No.2631480

I played through King's Field (US version) in its entirety on PS1 and thought it was great. Highly recommended.

I haven't even looked at any of the sequels/prequels/whatever yet, though.

>> No.2631493

ive tried the first one on my psp. i liked the atmostphere, but i hated the repeated textures everwhere.

it didnt help that it was so damn slow. whats the point of hitting a non-movable slime twenty times before it dies?

and if theres a monster that finally attacks, youre dead in two shots.

>> No.2631505

>Same developers
>Most of the same core ideas
>Inspired the game that inspired Dark Souls

>> No.2631535

Except for this game actually applies you shit lord.

>> No.2631539

Jesus christ this board sucks.

>> No.2631560

>King's Field series
>Shadow Tower
>Eternal Ring
>Evergrace series
>Souls series
>Anything I may have forgotten

Yeah, not like they're related or anything

>> No.2631574

I really want to play Shadow Tower Abyss. It looks fucking awesome. But I'm a poorfag with a shitty PC and can't emulate PS2.

Wish it just had a western release. Could just play Shadow Tower for PS1 I guess.

>> No.2631575

>"In 2008, From Software announced Demon's Souls, which was described by producer Takeshi Kajii as a "spiritual successor" to King's Field, stating "I am a fan of FromSoftware, but naturally that also means there are parts of their games I'm not satisfied with, too [...] If this was a new King's Field game, there would be areas we wouldn't be able to touch since they're part of the series; working together like this, we can try to make something really new.""
You dumb faggots better check yourself before you wreck yourself

>> No.2631581

I think they got the picture actually.

>> No.2631607

Definitely do play the original Shadow Tower, it's fantastic and probably my favorite between the KF/ST series.

abyss is great too but i got stuck on it and don't feel like restarting

>> No.2631641

I just beat King's Field 1 (JP), and I'm thinking about playing King's Field 2 (JP) / King's Field (US).

The problem is that I absolutely hate drawing maps. It's just a pet peeve of mine. I also would've gotten totally lost in King's Field 1, except that I found a map online. No such luck for the sequel.

Can I play King's Field 2 without maps, or is it kind of mandatory?

>> No.2631651

There are in-game maps in KF2/3.

>> No.2631714

KF1 had a in-game map though

>> No.2632225

I hate when older games have that

>> No.2633857

You'll have to memorize where a bunch of places are in the beginning, you'll be going back and forth between them enough that it shouldn't be a problem, you do find maps eventually though the first ones suck and only show limited areas.

Don't let this scare you away from KF2, it's amazing and better than the first one in every way.

>> No.2633898

All of psychology is made up anyway.

Source:I'm a self proclaimed psychologist.

>> No.2634810

actually, no.
Echo Night 1 and 2 are worth playing. King's Field is terribly tedious. Even Shadow Tower is less tedious.

>> No.2634816

it's fucking idiots from /v/. ignore them. they all just want to push their "dank souls amirite?" agenda.

>> No.2635849

You seem triggered

>> No.2635872


jesus christ underage please gtfo

>> No.2635903

Do you mean Echo Night 2 (the ISO that just got the translation patch) or Echo Night: Beyond.

I can safely say that Echo Night: Beyond is way better then Echo night tbh.

>> No.2636105
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/vr/ is just one disappointment after another. Are most people here 14 or are people just trying too hard to shitpost?

>> No.2636118

How am I suppose to know? Where would I have known this before?

>> No.2636120
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Maybe look it up before you make an ass out of yourself?

>> No.2636137

Please fuck off

>> No.2636149

I am the liquor etc.

>> No.2636152

That's still no excuse for being an ass.

>> No.2636161

There's no cheeseburgers for you here.

>> No.2637071

Why do you ask such a vague question?

>> No.2637393

How is that a vague question?

>> No.2637443

Cheeseburger walrus

>> No.2638130

Frig off Randy.

>> No.2638275

Because we have no fram of reference of what kinda gameplay OP likes.

>> No.2639803

its painfully fucking slow, but interesting i guess

>> No.2640343

>its painfully fucking slow
i like it that way honestly.

>> No.2640361

yes. KFIV is especially bitchin. being on the PS2 means that it has a lot more variety in its level design and geometry than the square rooms of the earlier games, even if it's still just as slow. its world map is very interconnected and full of shortcuts you open, feels like the closest predecessor to DkS level design.

>> No.2640382

Yeah, apparently its more of a common revulsion thing. Its like getting grossed out by rotting meat and claiming that you have a phobia of rotting flesh, its like no shit, nobody likes that

>> No.2640396
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>> No.2640681

I never found the groundal sword in KFII.

I hope you can find the Dark Slayer in DSIII

>> No.2640760

Fuck off fatass faggot go prostitute yourself for a cheeseburger