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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2623776 No.2623776 [Reply] [Original]

Come here to mourn the games you'll never physically own because resellers are greedy gatekeepers.

Pic related. Last one I saw was at a local used game store for $90 USD. To think, it's been sitting behind that counter for years collecting dust because no one in their right mind is going to pay that kind of money for a game. Meanwhile the reseller thinks they're sitting on some kind of cash cow.

>> No.2623809

inb4 that one guy comes in again with his story about the shop that still has 80s inventory

>> No.2623813

>Meanwhile the reseller thinks they're sitting on some kind of cash cow.
he does if you looked at it, wanted it, couldn't afford it and got so mad you came here to cry about it.

he won, you lost.

>> No.2623819

I'm sorry you decided to jump on the retro games bandwagon a little too late.

>> No.2623820
File: 114 KB, 768x1080, Contra_Hard_Corps_-_1994_-_Konami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Contra Hard Corps
>Castlevania Bloodlines
>Alien Soldier
>Panzer Dragoon Saga
>Burning Rangers
>Dragon Force
>Deep Fear
>Guardian Heroes
>Castlevania Dracula X (SNES)

Hold me, /vr/ ;_;

Slowly I'm considering just buying repros:

>> No.2623823

I've made over seven figures eBaying and the number of bitter messages evincing similar things I've gotten over the years is easily in the tens of thousands. Just because you won't (can't) afford it, doesn't mean it won't sell at that price. Nor does appropriate pricing based on supply and demand make one "scum".

You can't afford it. That's sad, but there's no need to take your own failure and disappointment out on the seller.

>> No.2623827

You could have bought a loose Gargoyle's Quest 2 at my yard sale ten years ago for $5. It still had the tag I put on it when I shelved (no one bought it for $5)

>> No.2623841


Butthurt reseller detected. Just because you can't get a real job doesn't mean it's okay to go around systematically screwing people over. You may as well take a job in a call center, that way you can annoy a far greater degree of people with less effort.

>> No.2623854

Sounds like you need a better job.

>> No.2623861

Emulators are a godsend

>> No.2623867

>foolish goyim!

Yeah yeah that's great man

I'm not paying more for anything than it was new, regardless of whether I can afford it.

>> No.2623869

Why do you hold such hatred for people who perfectly legitimately make money by trading? If there's a high demand for a game obviously you're gonna sell it for a higher price, do you expect everyone to pander to your idea of what a game should cost? You can emulate and play this stuff in variety of ways, owning old games is clearly a luxury. If it's too much then don't cry about it and spend your money responsibly.

>> No.2623872

Because it isn't legit. They make a living on fucking you over and considering your tone, I expect that includes you.

>> No.2623893

>Why do you hold such hatred for people who perfectly legitimately make money by trading?

Because they make a "career" out of bottom feeding? They're no better than loan sharks or telemarketers. That's not a career, it's plain and simple exploitation.

>> No.2623908

Doesn't matter what you'll pay. That's not how markets work.

>> No.2623915

maybe... look other places than shitty game stores and ebay?

>> No.2623919

>tens of thousands

>> No.2623920

Risking one's capital to invest in the creation of a used game store (an extremely dangerous venture) and then attempting to make a profit based on supply and demand is not bottom-feeding. Do you waltz into rare bookstores and rant at them for not selling you first edition Silmarillions for $5 with the rationale being that's the price listed on the cover? You're being ridiculous

>> No.2623921

>They make a living on fucking you over
No they don't, because I don't buy games.
Don't complain about the resellers when the people who are ruining things are the collectors who actually spend the prices you think are absurd. Resellers don't create the market, people who buy do. Collectors aren't going to pass on their games to you whether they pay 5 dollars for the game or 500.

>> No.2623926

Yes, you read that right. Literally tens of thousands of morons complaining about prices because they're too myopic to understand how markets work.

>> No.2623928

Matters to me. Plenty of 10/10 games run $10-$20 or so, bidding wars over Megaman and Earthbound aren't my concern.

>> No.2623929

>Risking one's capital to invest in the creation of a used game store (an extremely dangerous venture) and then attempting to make a profit based on supply and demand is not bottom-feeding.

Risking one's capital to invest in the creation of an auto shop, then attempting to make a profit by marking up the cost of parts by 300% of retail is not bottom feeding.

>> No.2623935

>I've made over seven figures eBaying

>> No.2623936

Huh. Didn't think people really went out of their way on eBay to let others know that their prices are "wrong".

>> No.2623937

>I don't understand the nature of business
Yes, you read that right.

>> No.2623938


>> No.2623945

>They make a living on fucking you over
Are you this hyperbolic about every financial transaction in your life, or just the ones involving the secondary market?

How do you feel about used bookstores or second hand record shops? What about pawn shops? Should no one be allowed to sell used items?

>> No.2623946

You could too, if only you could fathom pricing things at what people will pay rather than what you think is fair :)

>> No.2623947

what a quality post with depth and meaning, you have added so much to this conversation, you deserve a pat on the back, truely a gentleman and schollar

>> No.2623952

Are all you poorfags communists or something? What the fuck.

>> No.2623957

Honestly, it would be better if games were widespread and shared (Which they are thanks to emulators) then resellers AKA you trying to fuck the market

>> No.2623960

Hopeless manbabies who can't accept reality.

>> No.2623964

>physical collections

Kek. So pathetic. And to be bitching about those who profit off of you dumbasses as well. Why are collector fags so hypocritical and in self-denial? Don't you realize when you buy your pieces of plastic you are assessing their monetary value in your head? You do the same exact thing as resellers but you choose to keep your plastic for a little longer amount of time, as a sort of investment, rather than selling it right away. You are the same people that buy games for $5 at a yard sale and brag about the deal you got, then turn around and cry when a game you want is on eBay for more than what you can afford. Fucking kill yourselves.

>> No.2623968

People are willing to pay the price so prices rise. It's not that hard to figure out. There's plenty of ways to get it cheap, you can watch out for good deals, emulate, use a flashcart, ect. Sometimes even switching to another language will save you a shitton. Super Famicom games are a good example, they're WAAAAAY cheaper than SNES games most of the time.

Would you rather these old games be lost to time in someones garage and turn to dust or be in the hands of sellers that make good care of them and make them readily available?

>> No.2623976

>or be in the hands of sellers that make good care of them and make them readily available?

What a crock of shit.

Fuck you for even implying that is the case. First off the reseller doesn't give a shit about the condition, he just wants money, secondly, readily available would mean handing them out for free like the emulator scene.

>> No.2623979

Wow, the samefagging from the same troll is pretty intense right now. Don't you have an eBay business to run instead of posting in this thread?

>> No.2623983

Man it's not the sellers fault everyone totally willing to pay like 250 dollars for a fucking Earthbound cart. Just because you cant afford it doesn't mean someone else can't. What do you want them to do, give them out for free? Sell them for 10 dollars?

Come on now be realistic, they own a shop. They have expenses to pay for that are more important than you throwing a fit because you dont wanna pay the price.

>> No.2623987

>P-p-people aren't saying what I want m-must be samefag

Back to Reddit with you

Probably the only rational post itt

>> No.2623992

>doesn't understand that the timing of posts is also giving away the samefagging
>Also copied some comments verbatim from the "greed" thread

>> No.2623994

>Sell them for 10 dollars?
That's actually a fair price for retro games.

>> No.2623998

Man, I'd love making money by selling obsolete media to idiots. My dad is a bigtime comics reseller. If some weirdo wants to shell out $20 for a somewhat rare comic, why not take advantage of it? Obsessive collectors are the ones who create thia ridiculous demand.

>> No.2624001

Because its immoral. Resellers aren't human and thus don't deserve to be treated as humans, humans don't take advantage of other humans

>> No.2624002

>responding to replies to my posts is samefagging

>> No.2624003

says the people acting like spoiled children

>> No.2624004

No it's not, it may be for some games, but for the more in demand games it is not. By the time you spend the time finding the game at a garage sale or something, paying for it, the gas you spent, the packaging materials, the time and gas it takes to go to and drop it off at the post office and the ebay fee, 10 dollars is not going to happen.

Now if you'd like to do that yourself you are totally welcome to, but this is the price of convenience of being able to buy a game off the internet at any given time.

>> No.2624009

This tbh.
Not a reseller btw, just how things are. It's what people are willing to pay. I don't like it anymore than anyone else here, but that is the truth, and the quicker you accept it and stop living in 2001, the better it'll be for you. Don't like the prices, simply don't pay and seek an alternative

>> No.2624010

>What the fuck is a local BST

>> No.2624015

games should be priced by how rare they are, not how "in demand" they are, it is NOT fair to price a game with tons of copies all over the place at $100 dollars just because it's become popular among internet hipsters with too much money

>> No.2624016

But thats exactly how stuff is priced in reality. Havent you ever been to the store?

>> No.2624023

>humans don't take advantage of other humans
You're funny

>> No.2624024

no it's not

>> No.2624028

>humans don't take advantage of other humans
I hate unfair resellers as much as the next person but this statement is just plain stupid

>> No.2624029

Just like how humans that kill other humans are no longer human, humans who take advantage of other humans are no longer human

>What is a moral compass

>> No.2624035

He must be 12 with mommy telling him there's no bad people in the world.

>> No.2624039

Those our two separate things of two separate intensities. Killing? Sure, that's bad, but taking advantage means you're not human? I dunno about that, sport.

>> No.2624046

Can confirm this, yeah. What you pay when you want to buy a game from a reseller is a service, not just the game. The amount of time that goes into making sure you can cozily click your ebay purchase essentially becomes a full time job. If you want cheap games, find them yourself.

>> No.2624048


>> No.2624054

>humans who take advantage of other humans are no longer human
taking advantage of other people is simply part of human existence, we all take advantage of other people every day, the way it's done is the problem, not the act it's self, if you think all forms of taking advantage of people are horrible and any one who does it is scum then I'm not sure how you even function in life.

>> No.2624057

>What is a moral compass
Something that has absolutely zero bearing on business.

>> No.2624059

Depends on the business.

>> No.2624061

It honestly counts on the weight of the event

Asking for a glass of milk is fine so long as you do something in return

Reselling games isn't okay.

>> No.2624065

This. Civilization is built on the blood, sweat, and tears of others. Altruism is not an intrinsic part of human nature, and ideologies that attempt to put it in action fail miserably when implemented in society.

>> No.2624067

>I don't understand the nature of business

Nice rebuttal

>I'm going to claim you have no idea what you're talking about, and that makes me right

This is the kind of logic you'd expect from /pol/, not /vr/.

>> No.2624071

>Asking for a glass of milk is fine so long as you do something in return
again, how the hell do you function in life? do you not sleep at night because you couldn't do something for that person that held the door open for you at a resturaunt that you will never see or hear from again?

>> No.2624074

If a waiter does something nice for me, I give him/her an extra tip, that simple

>> No.2624075

>go to bakery
>hungry, wanna buy a sandwich
>despicable reseller scum asks me if I'm okay
>scream incoherently about taking advantage of sandwich eaters
>exit bakery and post on the internet about these subhuman slime

>> No.2624079

oh, and by the way, I'm not defending dishonest resellers (all resellers are evil now? what?) I'm saying your comment was unreasonable and niave

>> No.2624081

What is the nature of business, in your understanding?


>> No.2624084

I'm talking about a random person that you will never see again, not part of the wait staff

>> No.2624090

I reply thank you, maybe give them a cent or two

>> No.2624092

ok... tipping random people for doing something nice is just weird... no... that's really fucking weird... and most people would be weirded out or offended by it even

>> No.2624096

I just consider it being a nice person, someone does nice thing, they should get rewarded for it

>> No.2624101

it's not being nice when you fucking offend the person that was nice to you with your own "nice" deed, you don't get out much do you? god, fuck, I can't believe people like you actually exist, did you grow up in a fallout shelter or something?

>> No.2624104

just buy an everdrive, sure they are expensive but considering how they play almost all games(in most cases) it pays itself back quickly, plus you can play hacks, translated stuff and other stuff.

>> No.2624105

>Give someone something that cannot possibly hurt them
>It offends them
And exactly what bizarro universe did you come from

>> No.2624110

>all resellers are evil now? what?
Apparently video games are sacred and reselling them is a cardinal sin.

>> No.2624114

god fuck, you have to be trolling, there is no other explanation for this, I give up, dear god. If you are actually fucking serious and just retarded I hope you do this to the wrong person one day and they punch you in the fucking face.

>> No.2624162

Of course not everyone who resells stuff is scum. Without resellers I'd hardly have any of my imports. The problems are the ones who embrace shady tactics to try to alter the market (pump and dump, shill bidding, and so on), and the prideful idiots who sit on their overpriced games and act indignant toward anyone who offers a reasonable price that they deem to be too low.

Newbie buyers are also a problem, those who fly into the market, wallets open, overpaying on things without understanding the market.

I'm sure I'll get called a butthurt newbie poorfag or some shit by a defensive reseller, but I am in no way new to collecting old games (heck, I think I started importing Japanese games with dad-money when I was 13 or so in 2001-2002) . I'm willing to spend a lot on a game if it is actually rare, but not on "Earthbound-rare" games (as in, not really rare) or whatever some YouTuber declares as a hidden gem.

>> No.2624164
File: 2.74 MB, 1336x867, gargoyles fester.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op needs to stop crying and start hunting

it's funny that you actually thought you would find a deal at a used game store...

>> No.2624179

it's really sad that youtube videos have this effect, I love a certian youtuber's hidden gems videos, but then people get pissed off at them even existing because then dishonest resellers use them as a jumping off point to scam people. The youtubers are not to blame for this yet they always get the blame anyhow, especially here, though for some reason /vr/ seems to just want excuses to hate youtubers anyhow, which is another thing I don't quite get.

>> No.2624187

I stopped buying older video games sometime around 2008 because the prices kept jumping higher. Thank god I've already got EB,CT,SMRPG and KSS on the SNES from back when I was younger... or I'd be upset trying to find a decent price for them.

as somebody who grew up when all of these older games were released, it makes me fucking sick to see how much shit like Hagane costs now just because AVGN's friend mentioned it in a video.

>> No.2624194

So I was looking in a Facebook BST group. Someone was offering a game for $15 complete that usually goes around $40 online. The reseller scum swooped in, with his whole squad and got her to come to his used game store. When I go out garage saling I keep hearing about another used game store owner swooping in and buying out all the games moments before I show up.

Now I still do alright when hunting but how do I combat the reseller scum? Lets stop throwing pity parties about these twats and start actively fucking with them.

I've been saving pictures from craigslist threads, garage sale threads and have amassed a fucking huge folder of bait. My plan is to start using sock puppet accts to post on BST groups, craigslist and where ever Resellers trawl the waters. Then sending them on fucking dummy missions to God damn no where. My plan is to send them out of the way during my garage saling hours. I've also considered making fake garage sale signs, different sizes and styles to send them in circles or out of the way.

Is this too extreme? I haven't done it yet...but I've heard "OH THE GUY WITH THE GAME STORE WAS JUST HERE AND BOUGHT US OUT" one too fucking many times. And the kikery of resellers in BST groups swooping up deals may have been the straw that broke the camels back.

>> No.2624204


>> No.2624207

Sounds like someone needs to get out every once in a while and go to yardsales, thrift stores, flea markets. That's how I get all my inventory to sell on eBay to people who are to lazy or autistic to go out and get it for dirt cheap. Its no different than any given store who knows how to buy cheap and sell high. If you don't like the middle man then become one yourself. Otherwise stop bitching everyone has the same opportunity only some choose to seize it.

>> No.2624209

>start actively fucking with them.
just make a fake add with a bunch of r@re games for next to nothing, and when you start getting scum offers ask them if you can come drop it off. Once you have a few addresses of resellers you can start sending other resellers to their homes to get said r@re games.

>> No.2624214

That's a whole lot of effort for a whole lot of butthurt you have.

>> No.2624216

do yard sales, flea markets, thrift stores, seller conventions, etc, not exist where you live or something or are you just lazy?

>> No.2624225

>people better at getting deals than me are reseller scum
>I'm going to concoct a ridiculously time consuming reverse troll scam
maximum assblast

>> No.2624228

this isn't /b/

>> No.2624235


>> No.2624238

What about people that use scripts

>> No.2624291
File: 12 KB, 250x297, harold-bloom-youngRESIZED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, /vr/ is full of idiots.

>To Resellers:
You are not intelligent or innovative for finding people that don't know what they have and taking advantage of them. You are scum for doing that. You are a bad person if you find someone selling Panzer Dragoon Saga for $10 and don't tell them what they have. You are stealing from those people.

>To Complainers:
That said, most people know that used game stores will give you less than market value and charge more than market value for games. People are paying for the convenience. If you don't like it, you can use ebay. Ebay has market prices on everything if you take the time to wait.

You are not entitled to cheap games. The bad thing about resellers is not that they sell things at or even slightly above market value. The bad thing about them is that some make a living by taking advantage of people.

>> No.2624293 [DELETED] 
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>One butthurt reseller trying to do this much damage control

>> No.2624298
File: 22 KB, 500x333, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 of them are my posts and I am neither a reseller or defending them

>> No.2624310

What's with the despicable anti-Semitism?

>> No.2624313

>now going to name calling

You know you've won an argument when the opposition must resort to name calling

>> No.2624324

Reseller here. I don't steal from someone if i give them exactly what they want for it. It's not my fault if they don't know market value nor is it my job to tell them and 98% of the people I buy from at yardsales or thrift stores or wherever dont even have a clue how to sell it or where or who would buy it that's why it there for so cheap. But I do so I give what they want for it. I get what I want and who I sell it to gets what they want usually cheaper than the average price. And this is wrong? Btw I'm a collector too wanna get pissy about that?

>> No.2624326

Ignoring your non sequitur, again: what's with the anti-Semitism?

Casual slurs AREN'T acceptable here.

>> No.2624327

Need I remind you that this is the same site that hosts /pol/ which anti-jew is commonplace

>> No.2624342

>Come on now be realistic, they own a shop. They have expenses to pay for that are more important than you throwing a fit because you dont wanna pay the price.
That's the shittiest excuse I've ever read. Brick and mortar shops are doing fine selling used PS1-2 games for 5$.
Those people selling Genesis cartdriges over eBay for 80+$ are just greedy scumbags.

>> No.2624345
File: 165 KB, 713x1125, Screenshot_2015-08-19-17-38-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice tinfoil hat. As I said before, back to reddit with you

>> No.2624347

if you actually read the post, he is obviously not talking about people like you

>> No.2624350

Example of a brick and mortar retailer that's doing fine selling games far below what people will pay for them?

>> No.2624353

Are you retarded? What is supplying and demand?

>> No.2624354

that's nice and all, but this isn't /pol/, different boards have different cultures, bet then again if you understood concepts like different things are different than I guess you wouldn't be a /pol/ moron.

>> No.2624358

There's also /b/ and /r9k/. Even /v/ hates jews

>> No.2624360

well this isn't those boards either

>> No.2624361

If you're going to buy a repro why not just get a flash cartridge?

>> No.2624362

/vr/ is one of the little brothers of /v/, like /vg/ and /vp/

>> No.2624373

>you forgot inb4 MAH WAIFU AND ME

>> No.2624374

this, personally I think repro sellers are scummier than resellers, not only are they selling things for ridiculous prices, they are using copyrighted works, that they have no rights to use, and sometimes other people's in the retro community's hard work, such as translations and hacks.

>> No.2624380

Not surprising that manchildren who spend their income on plastic cartridges in the age of emulation and flashcarts think that prices just come out of thin air

>> No.2624381

fuck off, we don't want your kind here, got it?

>> No.2624382


>> No.2624383
File: 276 KB, 700x700, 14114277152107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought /vr/ was the older brother.

>> No.2624385

inb4 he accuses you of using proxies simply to avoid being called out as a samefag.

>> No.2624396

Okay, then why don't you go to those stores to buy your games, if they're so much cheaper?

Right, they don't have them. Supply and demand, man. It sucks, but if you have a product people want and most other retailers don't you can charge what you like. I don't like it either, but these are collector's items, especially if they're in good condition. You can download and play retro games for free, nobody's stopping you. You can even buy virtual console games if you like supporting the people who hold the copyright - owning the physical copies, though, is for collectors,that's why it costs a lot. A lot of anime figurines aren't worth the hundreds of bucks people pay for them either.

You don't have to like it, but this is how the world works.

>> No.2624398

>all those games i bought YEARS AGO from jewbay before people like me raped the scene
>The HI-FI Photo Bait that Speculator sellers post to attract hipster with phones!

You know resellers, you are just now portentously derailing threads on purpose so that we, your victims, don't want to call your shit so that you keep reeking ans spreading, well fuck you!

>> No.2624403

>Trowing Megaman X1 into the pile

>> No.2624410

Please curb the antisemitism

>> No.2624415

>Okay, then why don't you go to those stores to buy your games, if they're so much cheaper?
But I already do.

In my last trip in one of them I came back home with Medievil, Colony Wars Vengeance and 2 PS2 games ( IIRC it was PoP and DoA2 ) plus a PS1 memory card. All of them in a very good shape ( asides from CW's case ).
Total paid : 50$.

And in the case it's not obvious, those games aren't manufactured anymore, so please stop with your "muh supply and demand", you guys are just jews.

>> No.2624417
File: 19 KB, 300x354, confused-science-reader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Supply and demand! Can't you understand simple economics?!"
>Trolls flea markets to horde dozens of copies of a single game
>Not artificially inflating the price at all

>> No.2624420

Plus time cost. An adult with a career might easily find it worthwhile to pay a $50+ premium per game to just get the item without time or more work than is represented by the cash value. No more antisemitism

>> No.2624423

>made 7 figures on eBay
>implying selling retro games
You would need to be one of the top eBayers, selling exclusively high-end games for 100% profit with no overhead to be able to make a claim like that. Six figures might have been believable. You just got greedy.

>> No.2624427

/vr/ is the little brother, but /v/ is that older brother who's doing jack shit with his life, while /vr/ is more mature and can actually hold a conversation.

>> No.2624442

>/vr/ is more mature and can actually hold a conversation.
You have never seen a Castlevania thread on /vr/.

>> No.2624443

Neither will discuss 128 gen

>> No.2624446

Saw some. Better than memeing. As someone who's familiar with Castlevania, I eat that shit up.

>> No.2624476

Maybe he's counting the decimals

>> No.2624478
File: 62 KB, 851x233, 1440014788306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sitting on three copies of Earthbound
>one is shrinkwrapped
>can't move them
>people won't stop trying to lowball me

>> No.2624484

fuck off with your pepes

>> No.2624485

Again, please stop being an idiot and at least make your claims believable. It's like kiddy-troll hour in this thread.

Earthbound was never wrapped

>> No.2624517

It's the truth regardless of your belief -- something the anti-reseller crowd has difficulty with concerning many things, it seems.

>> No.2624524




>> No.2624525

In the end, I don't care what the idiot portion of resellers do and what the idiot portion of collectors do. I will just hoard my undumped games and be happy with that.

>> No.2624537

If you give so few fucks that you've had "tens of thousands of butthurt messages" then you should have no problem telling us your seller ID. Of course you won't, even though you could tell us any seller ID that we could look at and calculate anything even approaching a 7 figure profit in the entire history of eBay as a site but I doubt you'll even do that because I doubt it's possible.

>> No.2624541

>hoarding undumped games
See now THIS is some fine trolling. 8/10.

>> No.2624548

You made that joke already.
You're right, I'm not doxxing myself here because you invoke le fifth grade psyops. Fact is, I've been eBaying for longer than you've probably been alive and I'm very good at it :)

>> No.2624565

Just ignore him. His "trying to be irritating" use of emoticons is evidence that he's just trying to get a rise out of people so that he can get an engorged ding-dong.

>> No.2624578

(And I'm actually telling the truth)

>> No.2624587

So answer the question. 7 figures meaning MILLIONS or 7 figures meaning TENS OF THOUSANDS?

>> No.2624614

tyvm. I tried hard to craft an excellent post and it's nice to be acknowledged.

>> No.2624653

I just feel bad for the poor kids.
They're never going to get own a fuck load of games for dirt cheap on old consoles.

>> No.2624710

but you can pick up PS2, PS3 and 360 games (the games those poor kids grew up with) for dirt cheap now.

>> No.2624746

Kinda makes me wonder why I should hustle into the newest gen instead of waiting it out then scooping it up when the consoles aren't almost 400+.

>> No.2624747

>You would need to be one of the top eBayers, selling exclusively high-end games for 100% profit with no overhead to be able to make a claim like that. Six figures might have been believable
Not that guy, but I made over $130,000 in 2014 selling used games, bd/dvds, and cds. I have between 15-30 sales a day, with items usually selling between $7-19, with my highest items at $39. Prices are automatically calculated according to going market rate plus some other hoohah; I don't have to ability to manually manage 2,000+ items.

I'm sure if I had an employee or two, I could break $500k, but that's something I don't want to do right now. Seven figures would a pretty hefty sum for an individual or small business to do just on eBay -- the large majority of my sales are actually on Amazon, most prefer it over eBay these days.

>> No.2624751

I won an auction for Gargoyles Quest 2 for 50-60 usd not too long ago on eBay.

Don't lose hope OP.

>Wall of PS2 games
>Not nearly as much /vr/ street cred as a wall of cart-based games

I love the PS2 but common man, print runs of PS2-era games were huge, outside of a few exceptions (like Rule of Rose had like 15,000 or something in NA). They simply will never be as desirable or "collectible" (as much as I hate that term) as older stuff.

>> No.2624754

If you can go without online components then its always been universally better to wait.

The Game lifespan is always:
>Initial high price
>Starts to lull or be marked down
>New console comes out and most stock is liquidated
>May return to being a higher price due to being "collectible" or adults who had them as a child go back and purchase them

Its pretty much accepted fact that adults often want to get things they had as kids, either for novelty factor or to genuinely use them again. Its happened with comics, and its happening to games.

>> No.2624760

The weird thing is that with the exception of the Wii, games are still being released to last gen. And the online component still kicks on for a good few years until kaput...or that's what I'm gonna assume, seeing how Xbox Live for 360 is still alive.

>> No.2624764

What software do you use to make those automatic calculations? Does it list too?

>> No.2624783

It's called Monsoon. Yes, pretty much everything is automated. I can implement various pricing rules, ignore certain buyers or sellers, different shipping setups, etc. I export everything via a CSV file and mux it in an Access database I made for daily reports and inventory adjustments. It takes some time to set up and fine tune everything, but once you get it going it's pretty sweet. Works for multiple markets and foreign countries, too -- Amazon, eBay, Half, Rakuten, etc.

>> No.2624791

>Contra Hard Corps
>Castlevania Bloodlines

So glad I got these 10 years ago.

>> No.2624828

> implying print runs of SNES games weren't huge
> implying PS2 games are as durable as SNES games

>> No.2624837

Did something happen recently to make Hard Corps get expensive? I got mine on resale for like 17 bucks a year or two ago.

>> No.2624849

shhh come on, megaman x is just popular enough but not a licensed nintendo game so it's crazy enough to work... I bet this game's price spikes 20-40% in the next year.

>> No.2624860

I was looking for Castlevania Bloodlines everywhere as a kid and couldn't find it period.

>> No.2624963

Stuff starts to die down really heavily before its finally unsupported basically.

Demon's Souls was active as fuck from like 2009 to 2011ish, then theres usually an influx of people playing after each new iteration gets released, like Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, and even Bloodborne. Also whenever someone popular decides to stream it with online on.

SNES games were not printed on the same level as PS2 games.


Yes, the "top sales" numbers are comparable, but the average PS2 game had a much higher print run then the average SNES game.

Megaman X is commonly like 40 now.
X2 and X3 depending on condition are going for around 70-125.
X3 is apparently a cursed game and incredibly prone to label damage.

>> No.2624981
File: 29 KB, 325x475, harold-bloom01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends about what type of person you are.

Here's a hypothetical for you to figure out if you are reseller scum or not:
You find Earthbound at the stand of someone at a fleamarket.
He's charging $5 for it

Your options are:
1. buy it from them for $5 and make a 4000% profit
2. Tell them that its worth a lot more than $5 and offer them a reasonable price for it.

HINT:If you don't choose option two, you are scum and should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.2625018
File: 39 KB, 475x344, hue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A robber pulls a gun on you in a dark alley and demands your money or your life.
He wants $20.

Your options are:
1. give him $20 and go on to make much more money in your lifetime
2. Tell them that its worth a lot more than $20 and offer them a reasonable ongoing payment plan for it.

HINT:If you don't choose option two, you are scum and should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.2625030
File: 137 KB, 466x492, 1434593538369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jewing people and threatening their lives with a gun are the same thing

>> No.2625038
File: 200 KB, 880x565, moral levels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completely different non-analogous situation and you know it.

The fact that you posted an image of Ayn Rand is telling.

How's that pre-school level morality treating you?

>> No.2625041

What's with the out-of-control anti-Semitism ITT?

>> No.2625046

First day?

>> No.2625067 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 616x800, 144918_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Butthurt Jew reseller samefags literally all day long because he doesn't have a job, then he summons the Jewish Internet Defense Force to derail the thread with claims of anti-Semitism

Someone should archive this.

>> No.2625071

How is buying things, marking up the price, and reselling them not a job?

How is the repeated posting of anti-Semitic slurs not anti-Semitism?

Is this some sort of ruse or are you serious?

>> No.2625078

>make a living on fucking you over
That is how capitalism works tbh.

>> No.2625080

You disillusioned fucks don't know how economy's work, part of the reason I barely come here anymore is because of this dumb shit, even though this easily is the most knowledgeable community on one of my favorite mediums, yall niggas is retarded

>> No.2625085

Anon, the morality of it has already been established.

>To Resellers:
>You are not intelligent or innovative for finding people that don't know what they have and taking advantage of them. You are scum for doing that. You are a bad person if you find someone selling Panzer Dragoon Saga for $10 and don't tell them what they have. You are stealing from those people.

>To Complainers:
>Most people know that used game stores will give you less than market value and charge more than market value for games. People are paying for the convenience. If you don't like it, you can use ebay. Ebay has market prices on everything if you take the time to wait.
>You are not entitled to cheap games. The bad thing about resellers is not that they sell things at or even slightly above market value. The bad thing about them is that some make a living by taking advantage of people.

Just pay people reasonable prices for their games. A ~50% margin is fine and reasonable. You can push it to 100% if you're really desperate for cash. anything over 200% is borderline theft.

>> No.2625086

>part of the reason I barely come here anymore is because of this dumb shit

Nobody's stopping you. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

>> No.2625089

which is why modern capitalism has laws specifically made to defend the consumer

>> No.2625090

Serious question, where did you come here from?

>> No.2625096

I read that post already and didn't care about it then any more than I care about it now. Also, morality is objective maybe you were thinking about ethics which can be community-determined?

What's not objective is reasonability. That's completely dependent on case. A HNWI will consider prices for some goods "reasonable" that an adolescent whose sole income is an allowance or part-time job might. Limiting profit margin based on subjective "moral" concerns is insane, idiotic, and has never worked in practice!

>> No.2625102

I posted on /vr/ on the first day. I've been a user of the site since 2004. I originally came here because of a Slashdot comment. Why do you ask?

>> No.2625104

> A ~50% margin is fine and reasonable. You can push it to 100% if you're really desperate for cash. anything over 200% is borderline theft.

Final Fantasy VI goes for about $60
You're asking me to invest $45 in something to make $15 off of it, Are you insane? How is that worth my time?

>> No.2625107

at least until a trade agreement nullifies them

>> No.2625114

Yeah, no one believes that.

>> No.2625120

I'm just sayng, if you go and buy someone's foreclosed on house for 30% of it's market value you may not be doing anything illegal but you also shouldn't be surprised when someone gets the idea that you care more about money than people.

Is that really so hard for you to accept. That's way more than any margin a company makes on capital investments.

>> No.2625123

My post to /vr/ on the first day of its existence was about Roberta Williams and used an image of Softporn Adventure. It was deleted and I got a 3-day ban for it.

>> No.2625126

>copy of Power Blade on NES at local pawn shop, cartridge only
>figure I'll pick it up if it's $20
>guy says he wants $80 for it with a straight face

hahaha fuck off mate

Same store has a boxed copy of Metal Gear NES with a $350 price tag on it

>> No.2625130

So you've been on this site for 11 years and still get this worked up over"anti-semitism"?

>> No.2625139

On /vr/, yes. On /n/ or /new/ or /pol/ or /b/ it's par for the course but it should be contained in those free speech zones.

Anti-Semitism does not belong here and it is hurtful and wrong. No Good Contribution ever contained anti-Semitism.

This is supposed to be a work-safe board! And, have you read the site's rules?

>> No.2625140

My post on /vr/ from 1996 was about Dragon Quest V getting a US port on the SNES and I was banned for an Off-topic violation because it wasn't retro at the time. What's your point?

>> No.2625148 [DELETED] 

just go back to reddit

>> No.2625156

>ironic anti-semitism is wrong
>paying people pennies on the dollar for their property is just good business.

Reseller morality is the true slave morality, isn't it?

>> No.2625157
File: 61 KB, 413x395, 1433439116502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is supposed to be a work-safe board! And, have you read the site's rules?
My boss is totally going to flip his shit if he ever sees the word "jew" on my screen.

>> No.2625158

Nice /new/ namedrop bro. Us oldfags right?

>> No.2625161

Nobody types like this.

>> No.2625164

What exactly are you getting at, here?

>> No.2625168

>and I was banned for an Off-topic violation because it wasn't retro at the time
moderate kek

>> No.2625171

You really did have something going there until you said this board was work-safe.

>> No.2625181

I'm just saying us Oldfags have to stick together, you know?

Remember when the N64 was called the Ultra 64? Crazy times!

>> No.2625187

Why is there an apostrophe? You're like Jaden Smith .

>> No.2625202

>Deep Fear
So get the japanese version? All the voice acting is in english for fuck sakes and the menus are easy enough to figure out.

>> No.2625207

this is 4chan the happy merchant isn't just a /pol/ meme you PC liberal reddit pussy.

>> No.2625241

>reseller scum are literally happy merchants

>> No.2625246 [DELETED] 

Make me, reseller kike

>> No.2625257

>Megaman X is commonly like 40 now.


>all the reek

Why is it that these scumbags want to rewrite history and moral and make it seem like their way has always been the be all!?

>> No.2625282

>Implying Reddit doesn't have places way worse than /pol/

>> No.2625305

Conker's Bad Fur Day. Even Live and Reloaded is overpriced at $40.

>> No.2625323

>resellers are taking advantage of people.

Literally every retailer is "taking advantage of you".

Fucking Grocery Stores. Theres no way that Ground Beef should be 3.99 a lb? They get it for way cheaper then that and electricity is dirt cheap.

Man, fuck Liquor stores. I can make Beer for way cheaper then they charge. They're gouging me.

Fuck hardware stores. Wood isn't worth that much! I can get it from trees outside. ITS LITERALLY FREE.

This is how you sound.

I don't resell that much, and lately I just offload at the local store, get shit cash value but I often try and line it up so I can do or almost do a direct trade with them for something I actually want.

Its a shitload easier and faster then making an ebay listing, then waiting for some cunt to pay you for potentially weeks after an auction ends, then packing it up and taking it to the post office, only to find they aren't satisfied and want a return, or some other bullshit. Or dealing with retards on craigslist.

Getting mad about scalpers or resellers or literally anything else is fucking retarded. They are literally everywhere. For whatever reason you guys just get BTFO because you don't wanna pay 30 bucks for a cart game.

I'll let you in on a secret. If its selling for 30 bucks. Multiple copies have sold for similar prices, and all the current listings are for similar prices. Chances are, its going for exactly what it should be going for.

>> No.2625337 [DELETED] 

Stop misrepresenting the argument and read the fucking post you're responding to.

>Most people know that used game stores will give you less than market value and charge more than market value for games. People are paying for the convenience. If you don't like it, you can use ebay. Ebay has market prices on everything if you take the time to wait.
>You are not entitled to cheap games. The bad thing about resellers is not that they sell things at or even slightly above market value. The bad thing about them is that some make a living by taking advantage of people.\

Jesus, you're acting like an overly defensive child that only knows how to converse in ad homenims and strawmen.

>> No.2625347

No, you're a fucking shock collar.

>> No.2625353

Wow, it's like you basically suck dick or something.

>> No.2625363

At least I can read, anon.

I don't know what kind of angst you have today or what personal stake in reselling you have but really, just read things before you respond.

It isn't that difficult.

>> No.2625365

Nice argument.

>> No.2625387
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>> No.2625392


i'm not the original guy you were arguing with. i'm telling you this because i'm feeling bad now for some reason. i'm sorry. i just jumped in. i hope you have a good night.

>> No.2625397

Is that cashies at knox? That place is a joke

>> No.2625489

I'm a bad goy Sclomo.

>> No.2625490

You drive around the country all week looking for deals at flea markets, then, if there's a game you need. Nobody is stopping you.

Here's how to fix the situation :

Convince everyone that emulation is a much better way to spend your efforts than to buy cartridges. Resellers won't be able to sell anymore and prices will go down.

That's how I feel already anyways. You don't buy olf games to play them because you could just download them. You buy them because you're a collector, and being a collector of anything is expensive

>> No.2625509

Happens to me all the time. Been selling and buying at flea markets for years and buy stuff for next to nothing. Not my job to tell people what they have.

>> No.2625512

What kind of dip shit browses any 4chan board at work? Get it together Sclomo.

>> No.2625538
File: 163 KB, 640x480, 20150820_030801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these for a dollar each.

Gonna sell them for a nice profit.

>> No.2625545

How much?

>> No.2625586

If you check the link he provided, you can see the prices are very affordable and they clearly tell you they're selling repros. The real problem is when thay try to fool you into thinking it's the real thing and charge you top dollar and beyond.
Honestly, I think repros are a good alternative.

>> No.2625789

What's fair?

No manuels except wild arms

Minor scratches

>> No.2625894

He gets what he wants and I get what I want. Sounds like your just butthurt because you miss out on deals.

>> No.2625913

I got the exacts same thing b4 except I paid 2$ each and instead of wild arms it was grandia

>> No.2625940 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 800x313, le hate speech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is perfect

>nothing wrong with 10000% markup
>oy vey why are the goyim so antisemitic

>> No.2626049

$1 since you have single disc cases for multidisc games so you're probably missing 7ish discs.

>> No.2626061

I have a well paying job where I ride around all day and have a lot of free time so I stop at yardsales or thrift stores everyday. One thrift store lets me go in back and look around before they price stuff I get a ton of great stuff for almost nothing and they know I resell. Example: once got tloz collectors and baiten kaitos for 1.50 each. Things like example happen to me quite often I have a very large inventory/collection worth tens of thousands that I have gotten this way and flea markets. Not to mention the tens of thousands I have already made in the two years I have been reselling.

>> No.2626074

No it's multi disc cases and all the discs are there.

>> No.2626137
File: 28 KB, 252x346, Panic_Restaurant_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love to get my hands on this, though it goes for $300+ for the cart alone. Must have been extremely limited, as Nintendo were stressing Super Nintendo when this was released.

>> No.2626165

Who's that sultry carrot?

>> No.2626169

>Conker's Bad Fur Day. Even Live and Reloaded is overpriced at $40.

That game is still worth $40 today, so I don't see the problem.

>> No.2626249

Agreed Im a reseller and I even paid 40 for this game. Now I own 3 copies one cost 40 one cost 18 and one cost 4. All In mint.

>> No.2626269

If you're selling them together let's say all of them cost like twenty dollars each, which is about the approximate if I recall. So 100, but if you want your deal to standout, then 80.

>> No.2626382

Any thrift store will let you in the back if you ask nicely... with Yards sales, people will let you inside their house/garage if you ask nicely. One guy I remember didn't want to go up in his attic because he had mice in it before he called orkin. He gave me a bandana and a bottle of water, and told me whatever you find in there we'll make a deal.

1 hour later I left with 5 plastic tubs full of boxed gi joes/transformers/thunder cats/jem figures/dolls. 2 tubs with a cdx and boxed/loose Sega games. 1 tub with a Nintendo and games, and 1 tub with a bunch of loose n64/master system/Snes games and controllers.

I offered him $200 expecting him to say no when he said "give me a number" but he said yes. His ocd was my gain. He was freaked out by the mice droppings on top of one of the tubs(which I just threw the top away) that he didn't want to touch thousands of dollars of stuff he had. I even offered to clean his stuff and give it back(some of it), but he was so disgusted by two mice turds on top of one box.

I always ask if i can go into the back. Even at goodwills. Sometimes they don't care and let me dig through their unsorted stuff. I found a cdi like that once.

>> No.2626456

To expand upon this many thrift stores will give you shit for volunteering. You just need to find the ones where they don't price match shit on eBay.

>> No.2626462

I find deals similar to this as I do the same as Orkin but nothing that good. I did once get 25 games for 15$ most weren't worth a whole lot but there were some that I banked on like castlevainia 4, dkc2 and biker mice from Mars. Your right all you have to do is ask.

>> No.2626479

>over seven figures
>8 figures

>> No.2626491

Sadly scummy sellers who overcharge are just as bad as collectors who collect games to look at the piece of plastic on the shelf.

If you buy carts and don't play them you are a cancer of retrogaming. You are the people who forced the high prices into these games because "muh perfect collection".

>> No.2626512

Since when is selling used goods at (supposedly) inflated rate, at all comparable to someone loaning you money at a highly inflated interest rate and who will injure and/or kill you, then possibly rob you, if you didn't meet his deadline?

>> No.2626534

>I don't understand market value or supply & demand
Something like Little Samson has the value it does because it generally is what people are willing to pay for it on the market.

If you think games are too expensive for you, then I'm sorry, emulation and ports are your best option.

>> No.2626539

That sounds fair.

I got them so cheap and I want to price them to move. Maybe even 70 bucks, not trying to get top dollar.

>> No.2626546

>You are the people who forced the high prices into these games because "muh perfect collection".

Collectors aren't the once forcing the prices up. It's just reseller scum trying to gouge their customers. Nothing to do with the number of copies available, for that matter. Series like Mario - of which copies exist in the millions - are being priced up to an excess of $30 to $50. Even games that were pack-ins with their respective consoles are becoming overpriced.

>> No.2626547

I used to volunteer, but working skeleton crew at my job killed that. Luckily I get out so early to be there first at yard sales or at swap meets(flea markets).

I've had the opposite happen though asking. I asked a lady once if I could dig through her garage once. She said yeah because some video games were in there. As soon as I was looking through boxes this baldie cholo holding a toddler busts in and yells "Aye Foo why you in my garage foo" fucking dude living with his grandma or aunt totally tried to assault me while holding a baby lol.

>> No.2626556

I know a particular scumbag who sells Dong 64 for $20 but doesn't tell customers they need the expansion pack, which he sells for $40. He doesn't except returns either.

It's a textbook b8 and switch

>> No.2626559


fuck I'm tired

>> No.2626562

That's my biggest fear. That I'll have permission to be somewhere and some asshole will come and get aggressive with me.

>> No.2626563

How are they fucking you over?

>> No.2626579

For Earthbound? Not really, there's not a huge quantity of those carts compared to other games on the system.

It's a product which hasn't been made for years, and which didn't sell a whole lot back when it did, demand outstripping supply, that's why it's expensive.

Something like Super Mario Bros. for the NES is worth roughly 10 because there's a shitload of them, everyone had them.

All items on a collectors market are NOT equal.

>> No.2626586

Once went to garage sale and they brought out a lot of boxed genesis games that had price stickers where they had looked them up on eBay luckily for me the woman didn't think the prices were fair and her son who had priced them was gone to get lunch I left with the whole box for 50$ had titles like ranger x, battle toads double dragon and gauntlet Iv lots of other mint titles cib I'll bet son was pissed when he got home with lunch

>> No.2626591

Demand absolutely determines price.
I can homebrew some bullshit game on a system and demand a $1000 for it because it's a one of a kind, but that doesn't mean anyone is going to give me that money, because nobody wants it.

>> No.2626595

I run a used game store in the Midwest. We do literally all games, PS4 to Intellivision. I sold a copy of Earthbound for 190 2 weeks ago, and that was a low offer.

The market on retro games is very strange. Different things can make a game exorbitantly high price (see: grey cart Turok Rage Wars). And even in my small town, I see a good number of collectors coming from all around to scout for rare stuff. Most of our business is in games 10 bucks or less, but that steady supply of small transactions lets us take chances on big money sellers like SNES Hagane or PS1 Misadventures of Tron Bonne. My customers fucking love me, and if I didn't price higher demand rare games at their market value, I'd be sitting on 400 copies of Snes Madden 95 (which I already am anyway)

>> No.2626598

>Just like how humans that kill other humans are no longer human
That's a rather blanket statement to make.
What about accidents?
What about justifiable homicide?

The word you would be looking for is murder, as in, unjustifiable homicide, with intent.

>> No.2626604

>I'd be sitting on 400 copies of Snes Madden 95

make a mosaic out of them and sell it as a modern art piece critiquing rampant consumerism

>> No.2626606

I have to disagree on that part, humans are inherently capable of altruism to some level, some more than others.

Now, trying to make people act on altruism by the means of a system which coerces them to do so, that would be a different story.

>> No.2626609

My friend actually bought about 80 copies of Top Gun on NES so he could make a self portrait by blow torching them for his exhibition at University.

>> No.2626610

I sell expansion paks for 20$ and price system only 15$ higher if they already have one

>> No.2626617

You sound cool, seems like the good retro shops sell normal stuff low and gouge retards on "collector's items", not even mad about $200 Demon's Crest when I can ignore it and get Super GnG for $20 or so

>> No.2626625

You're cool anon. I seen FF7 go for over 60. To be fair, this was at a con and the game was about 30 at the time? I'm guessing it fell in value since I'm seeing it for about 20 now.

>> No.2626628
File: 122 KB, 417x322, Capture du 2015-08-20 20:38:50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to have a laugh ?
Also 180CHF is 190$


>> No.2626635
File: 187 KB, 404x561, Capture du 2015-08-20 20:42:29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It get better and better

>Tetris and Doctor Mario : 160$

Also it is Switzerland

>> No.2626648

Their game prices sounds like they suck dick.

>> No.2626661

To the people that think that popular retro games should be sold for cheap:
Would you sell your games for those cheap prices? If not, you're the same as a resellers.

>> No.2626667

Same store owner here. I'm willing to tell you guys what my prices on things are if I can remember off the top of my head. I'm curious to what random /vr/ peeps think.

>> No.2626670

If they're good, can you ship?

>> No.2626674

Not the guy who complains about prices, but personally I would sell my NES for the fraction of the price then you see on Ebay or Amazon. I would wanna help a guy out. So maybe 30 dollars? Assuming Amazon still is selling for 50.

>> No.2626676

I'd pay $30 for a copy of Dong 64 WITH the expansion pack accessory.

They were originally packed together and they should be sold together as well

>> No.2626679

>$10 for SMB1

Are you High?

>> No.2626680

dang I'd pick that up

I've been meaning to get an NES

>> No.2626687

Do you go out looking for inventory or do you count on trade ins?

>> No.2626709

Well buying them at the flea market for a dollar each I can pass the savings along. The guy I bought them from had price stickers that were all different but he didn't care, he wanted the space in his garage he said. My old lady tries to get me to keep every videogame I get, she hardly plays retro either. She is bigtime into Skyrim and the weird part is she wants me to get rid of all my vinyl records. Well most of them, the bulk and honestly I do have too many. Been thinking of trimming it down to my favorites, the retro games too. I have alot that I just don't play anymore.

>> No.2626718

Mainly trade ins. There's too many other people scouting flea markets and garage sales in the area.

>> No.2626720

It boggles my mind that smb/duck hunt is at the price it is. I have like 5 copies but I haven't sold any of my nes stuff since the 80's. Guess now would be the time to do it before the price comes down.

>> No.2626726

Depends on the item and if it's worth the hassle.

>> No.2626728

Do you even keep an inventory?

The biggest gripe I have with used gamestores is they never have an inventory list.

They all expect you to come in an peruse. I've called several asking for certain games I'm looking for and the answer is always "Come in and take a look".

A google spreadsheet takes literally seconds to manage. Buy a game? Fill in a new row of the spreadsheet in the appropriate tab.

I'd be interested but it totally depends, at this point I'm mostly looking for pretty rare-ish stuff like Wild Guns, Hagane, EVO and the like and I'm on a bit of a reproduction kick as well.

>> No.2626731

I usually do 20 on dong 64, and 15-20 on an exp pack depending if it's Nintendo brand or generic.

>> No.2626732

Logic would dictate that if you wanted to have your store open 7 days a week you simply cannot go hunting.

>> No.2626736

Absolutely. My POS is nicely integrated with my databases.

>> No.2626739

Whenever I do sell anything on amazon I sell it cheaper than anyone else so it doesn't sit long. I'd rather get the shit gone, give someone a deal and be done with it. Also when I'm out Garage saling I don't buy shit unless its something I actually want or I'm looking for it for a friend.

I tell all my friends to give me lists of shit they're looking for that I add to a Google docs spread sheet. I sell it to them at cost or some times give it to them if it was really cheap.

>> No.2626752

Got a viewable link to it?
Are you willing to ship?

>> No.2626764

Here's the problem. The first question you ask is "Do you have xxxxx?". They say yes, your next question is "how much are you asking for it?", next thing you know its a price negotiation over the phone with some guy who may or may not show up at the store and then may take issue because they didn't ask what condition the cart was in. If they say "no, we don't have that in stock", you never show up and maybe see that other thing you didn't know you were looking for or didn't ask about.

They want you down at the store, so when you have to decide if you're going to pay sticker price or not, you've already invested time and gas in to the trip and they can make the sale right there without having to wait for some nebulous person to show up.

The larger problem is how many stores keep carts stored where you can't see them and then don't have any sort of display to let you know what's in stock once you get there.

>> No.2626771

It's only a tenner bro, if I want Mario, and it's priced as such, it's not something which will put me off and make me grab my wallet in fear.

>> No.2626796

I would leave my sexy wife to run store while I hunt.

>> No.2626810

Yeah, which is why most local game shops are a fucking waste of time.

Anything good usually sells instantly or is left in the graveyard that is the display case. The sports games go out to pasture in the bargain bins to create the illusion of good inventory.

So why would I even waste my time to find nothing? I can find shit on eBay that gets delivered in a couple days and I never have to leave.

>> No.2626818

>>never have to leave

And you sir are the kind I capitalize on

>> No.2626827

Jokes on you I rarely buy games anymore. I've got most of the older system games I'm interested in. Its mostly just modern stuff now.

I usually just browse for auctions and set my max if theres some retro or peripheral I want and forget about it. If I win, great, if I lose, whatever, there will be more.

>> No.2626831

I'm the one who gets out finds the shit for nothing and auctions it off

>> No.2626863

get an everdrive you cucks

>> No.2626979

I HATE resellers and think they are scum but just wondering, what is with all the anti-Semitism in this thread?

>> No.2626980
File: 211 KB, 270x370, Crusader_of_Centy_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good thing I have an Everdrive. Half the reason I bought it was to play this.

>> No.2627040
File: 111 KB, 640x885, 47095_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Crusader of Centy man. This game is fucking gold. LoZ for the genesis.

If you're into this, make sure you give Beyond Oasis a try. The graphics used are superb and it's a pretty awesome RPG, though it feels short.

>> No.2627042

A moment of silence for the hardcopy of Earthbound I'll never have

>> No.2627056
File: 22 KB, 400x400, pro8-superdrive1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I suspect most of us do use Flash carts. Some are a bit overpriced, but I think I'd rather make a one-time payment to whoever produces these things than give an upward of $50 per game to a bunch of unscrupulous reseller trash.

>> No.2627062

Earlier store owner here.

SMB with Duck Hunt is $5 here
With world class track meet is $6
And the standalone SMB cart I do $8 because it's a little rarer.

>> No.2627065

>the standalone SMB cart I do $8 because it's a little rarer.
fucking piece of shit

>> No.2627078
File: 31 KB, 400x263, Pocky_&_Rocky_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it kinda sucks I cannot find pocky and rocky for under $120 anywhere. some people even want over 200 for their crappy copies.

>> No.2627081

I'm sorry.

>> No.2627161

Broke ass

>> No.2627336

Are you seriously this upset over EIGHT dollars?

>> No.2627627

Hells yeah. That's like 2 weeks allowance for me!

>> No.2627646

I got a CIB copy off ebay 3 or so years ago for 50. It is staggering how expensive this game has gotten in such a short time.

>> No.2627950

It's like that for a chunk of games

>> No.2627956

I made a thread the other day.

>Bought Dragonseeds on PS1 for 10.50
>Bought Master of Monsters Disciple of Gaia for 10.50
>6 months ago
>Dragonseeds is apparently asking 50 bin
>My auction sold for 36.99

I made money, but probably broke even after ebay takes their cut.

Its pretty insane how prices can fluxuate.