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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2623207 No.2623207 [Reply] [Original]

As you collect, you acquire more and more games, and even if you heavily favor quality over quantity, your collection will grow organically. Mostly due to space limitations, and trying to make room for games I'm more interested in, I'm trying to curate my collection, and reduce it. I currently have roughly 450 games across all systems (13 total), from NES to modern.

I'm not even super significantly reducing it, maybe getting rid of 20-30 games and peripherals. Some duplicates or different versions of the same game, maybe on different platforms. Theres also the whole HD re-releases and compilations (DMC1-3 for instance) and that makes downsizing while maintaining your library easier. Others, I just realistically have no interest in, or will never get to as I've deemed them really low priority in my admittedly large backlog. Theres also the games that are just plain bad, and the novelty of having bad games has simply worn off.

Theres also the issue of back up consoles and controllers, and I'm trying to get rid of extras so that I have console minimums, while still maintaining cool stuff (I'll keep my SNES and NES Advantages for instance). Realistically I'm probably never going to use an NES four-score or the infared wireless adapter, I have NES controller extension cords. I have 2 extra SNES' I got in bundles that I think its time to get rid of, I kept them as parts systems but I think my SNES is a trooper, and if push comes to shove I'll just get another one.

For the longest time I wanted mass, but the older I get the more I want a clean setup, full of games I'm excited to play, not just games that I thought "meh, looked decent" and picked up for cheap. My tastes and tolerances have also changed a shitload from since I was a kid.

So I guess what approach do you guys take? How often do you go through and purge, or at least re-evaluate?

inb4 emulators/roms. You guys can go shitpost somewhere else.

>> No.2623209

My collection is extremely small at the moment, I only started making my own Mega Drive collection a couple of years ago but already own all the games I wanted, which are pretty much all the ones I played as a kid together with the ones I never owned.

I never owned or even played on an NES so some day I will buy that and start building that collection, as well as the SNES, GBA, etc.

But if I ever reach a collection so big that it's time to get rid of some of it I'll simply sell them online or put up a garage sale or something.

>> No.2623272

I only buy games I absolutely love and just play the rest on stuff like flashcarts or emulators. The stuff that's been taking up the most room for me are peripherals, I got a huge boner for that shit and something like the Japanese Sega Saturn Virtual On controller in the box takes up a hell of a lot more room than a few video games.

>> No.2623293

Yeah I know this pain.

Arcade sticks for every console, on top of the max allotment of controllers and potentially any variants (4 regular NES, 2 NES dogbone, 4 N64 controllers, 4 hori minis), and other peripherals (lightguns, silly wii peripherals like pro controllers, remotes, a steel battalion controller, a racing wheel for ps3, etc) and it takes up a shitload of space, mostly because its awkward and doesn't fit nicely together like the games do.

Still, hard to get rid of them. Steel Battlion is nothing without the controller (unplayable even) and its always good to have a few spare controllers just in case, but they're hard as fuck to store.

>> No.2623294

This is why I use flashcarts. Stop wasting your time and money on this shit and spend more of it on just playing games.

>> No.2623346

I like collections but really this

>> No.2623394

That's why I use flashcarts. They're expensive, but much cheaper than collecting. I still buy merch though, since it's useful for decoration.

>> No.2623395 [DELETED] 

i really enjoy seeing entire collections on ebay/craigslist these days when people realize they wasted so much time and money.

>> No.2623404
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>inb4 emulators/roms. You guys can go shitpost somewhere else.

Not shitposting, but this is actually exactly why I moved to using emulators and roms primarily. I kept most of my handheld stuff including a Nomad and handful of my favorite Genesis games.

But other than that, I purge as much as I can and buy digitally whenever I can these days. I just want the games, I have no desire for the physical clutter that comes with them anymore.

>> No.2623425

If flashcarts are so great why the hell do you guys spend all your time shitposting in threads about physical copies instead of just playing games?

>> No.2623430

I dunno, if physical carts are so great why do you guys have an aneurysm any time someone casually mentions that it's not how they choose to play games? Why not just play games?

>> No.2623436

>tfw cancer
>its not looking good
>don't want to burden my family with dealing with my shit
There are sometimes other reasons for selling collections anon.

>> No.2623438

>casually mentions

Being antagonistic and casually mentioning flashcarts are two entirely different things anon.

>> No.2623447

Stay salty, poorfag.

>> No.2623459

Do flash carts support save states?

>inb4 butthurt

I'd kinda prefer if they didn't, that's why I ask

>> No.2623464

I don't know about the others but the Mega Everdrive kinda has them. It's more of a proof of concept thing that is differs from each game on how well it works. If you even try to open the menu for the save states in Mega Turrican for example the graphics end up exploding on screen.

>> No.2623468

If you don't enjoy your stuff enough to devote some space to it then there's no reason to have it. I also have 500+ retro games and 200-300 modern games and the games themselves take up less space than just my trade paperbacks and gaming book collection. If you have a problem displaying GAMES then you might want to liquidate.

SYSTEMS on the other hand are more of a bitch to display and I love collecting them too. Considering all the flash carts, mod chips, and drive emulators becoming available this was probably a good choice on my part but they require actual cubicles to properly display and they're dust magnets. So far I haven't constructed the appropriate shelving or sourced clear plastic cubes to make real detailing of the consoles not a waste of time - just expensive.

I used to have a friend who could get me scrap plexiglass I could have maybe built doors out of but not anymore.

Controllers and basically anything with wires are pretty ugly. I saw one guy on here with a pretty nice controller display stand but it looked like a lot of work. I thought I might be able to modify a Goodwill wood VHS rack but I'm still deciding on that.

ALL of that shit lives in my mancave/game room area though. I'm married with a 2 year old and he's hard on my stuff but at the same time I enjoy building up his interest in games. I tend to set up small rotating displays featuring a single console on the PVM 13 I keep in the main living areas with a few games. People actually play something like that instead of just being impressed/intimidated by a huge well organized collection. My kid has some flashbacks.

>> No.2623469

Not him, I'm this guy >>2623404 but poorness really has nothing to do with it. My current house is a decent size, but I don't want to have to devote an entire room so I can have access to the games I want to. That was what started the purge and it just continued from there. Even with new games, if it's possible to buy it digitally instead of physical I go that rout every time now.

I don't know, I've never used them, but why does it matter? Can't you just ignore them if they do?

>> No.2623475

Its not so much that I don't want to display them, its just I already have a good portion of wall filled, and don't really want to fill the rest of it. I probably will end up at some point as like I said, I try and buy quality, and you end up getting a lot of quality games over time.

I do respect the single console thing. I'll probably only have my PS3/PS4 on my HDTV, then just rotate through my retro consoles on my smaller CRT.

I think individual cubicles/units for consoles is a good idea and will probably do it at some point.

>> No.2623485

Once you've devoted part of a wall to bookcases you might as well devote the whole thing to it. You're not going to get any additional use out of that 15-18 inches of floor space beside the shelves anyway.

>> No.2623491

>My current house is a decent size, but I don't want to have to devote an entire room so I can have access to the games I want to. That was what started the purge and it just continued from there. Even with new games, if it's possible to buy it digitally instead of physical I go that rout every time now.

And if that works for you, great. Storage is definitely an issue, and its easy to tie a lot of money up in a bunch of stuff you never touch because no one spends all day every day playing through their collection and then restarting once they're done.

The problem is you get emulator/everdrive folks dropping in to collection threads shouting "FAAAAAGS" any time someone tries to discuss the very real logistics of handling a collection. It shits up the thread and it shits up the board.

>> No.2623495 [DELETED] 

>you get emulator/everdrive folks dropping in to collection threads shouting "FAAAAAGS"
They heinous cause they anus

>> No.2623513

Yeah I'll cop to that, but to be fair three people it seems in this thread mentioned alternate methods, and only one was actually rude about it and not even he went so far as to use expletives.

>> No.2623515

>So I guess what approach do you guys take? How often do you go through and purge, or at least re-evaluate?

I haven't purged yet, and I don't think I ever really intend to. Extra copies of things just end up on ebay. It would be nice to figure out something to do with all those controllers and peripherals though.

>> No.2623532

Can we have a single physical-retro thread without emulator/flashcart people trashing it? Please? Once?

>> No.2623535
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I went through the ultimate purge on everything, games, consoles, anime, manga, DVD's. Pic related: That small cupboard contains all the physical media I have now.

As I'm hitting 30 in a few years, I decided enough was enough and that my vast collection of stuff was taking up too much room. I appreciate and enjoy games, but often have very little desire to play them more than once.

I'll trawl eBay once in a blue moon and pick up a reasonably priced Saturn game if I can find one, but aside from that my collecting days are over.

My Vita's the best console ever for digital games, you can have a great catalogue of games on the memory card with no need for physical copies ( depending you don't go over 8Gb, or its rip-off memory cards).