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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 212 KB, 650x419, Dreamcast PAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2618420 No.2618420[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How many games do you have in your collection?
What's your favourite Dreamcast game?

>> No.2618428

Maybe 50. It's hard to pick a favorite, probably Shenmue but I also really love Frame Gride and since it's more obscure I'll say that. Seventh Cross is another one I really love that doesn't get talked about very much since it's pretty unpolished.

>> No.2618435

Oh and D2 also Toy Commander is sick. There's so many great Dreamcast games its actually hard to go wrong.

>> No.2618460

About 60 or so.

Shenmue II is the only game to touch me on an emotional level, it was like I was really in Hong Kong and really knew these people. It was incredible.

Also Jet Set Radio.

>> No.2618470

I don't know how many, maybe 2 dozen. I don't feel like counting. Favorite is real hard, it's a toss up between Bangai-O, Ecco Defender of the Future and King of Fighters which is my favorite fighting series and I like it best on Dreamcast (I have '98 - 2002 in import) love them all except '99/

Can you guys hip me on how to have fun with Shenmue? I've tired many times over the years to get into that game and it feels like pulling teeth for some reason.

>> No.2618472
File: 212 KB, 640x360, 18jnxzj0oliy5jpg_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have about 20 ganes. Dino Crisis is one of my favorites. I'm trying to get into Cannon Spike but I suck at it.

>> No.2618476

Play the undubbed version for a start. Honestly Shenmue is good but Shenmue is where it really gets great.

>> No.2618480
File: 61 KB, 1024x576, CMn2GDLWoAA70Oq.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but Shenmue
*Shenmue II

God fucking dammit

>> No.2618487

I just bought mine so I only have 4 right now. Maybe once I have some more money I'll invest in it heavier.

>> No.2618496

The dubbing wasn't much of an issue for me (though I do tend to like japanese voices more) it's that I find the game pretty dull overall. Is story the big draw of it? That could be why. I'm not really into story games.

>> No.2618504

It's the immersion. You really feel like you're in 80s Japan and that's a neat feeling.

>> No.2618506

30-ish? Though most of 'em are pirated

As for a favorite? That's tough. Maybe Cannon Spike? Grandia II? House of the Dead 2? Sakura Taisen?

Also, I love the Dreamcast arcade stick in all its green-buttoned glory.

I was playing that, but I'm stuck on the two frogs boss fight. The evolution system is confusing. I also need to get around to playing Frame Gride.

>> No.2618507

It's pretty story driven. It's really about the atmosphere of being in 80's Japan. I know it's a cliche to say this, but it really felt like a living breathing world. It's obviously okay if you're not into it bro, not every game is for every person. At least you gave it a chance.

>> No.2618518

Cool, well perhaps on my next try. I'm certainly not getting rid of it.

>> No.2618531

>The evolution system is confusing
You bet it is. I recommend reloading of you waste your resources on creating a shit part.

>> No.2618532

I bought mine for Ikaruga, still suck though.

>> No.2618542

I recently set up a Dreamcast emulator and I've only played a couple of games. What an underrated system. The fighting games alone BTFO of the other systems from that era. Much more arcade oriented from what I can tell.

>> No.2618551

A lot of the games are great arcade ports.
The arcade games in Shenmue (Outrun, Space Harrier, etc.) are near-perfect ports.

>> No.2618574
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, 010671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15 or so.

Jet Set Radio is my go to game.

>> No.2618587

Look at that fucking game. Has there ever been a game with more style? I could stare at it all day.

>> No.2618638

>How many games do you have in your collection?
Probably 20 legit, and many more which aren't, not to mention all the homebrew discs as well. The Dreamcast is more my homebrew machine than anything. I found it more fun to collect legitimately for the Saturn.

>> No.2618730

16:9 on a dreamcast, for realz?

>> No.2618743

You're gonna love Killer 7.

>> No.2618751

Nope that's a screenshot of the HD version.
The best resolution that the Dreamcast can natively do is 640x480.

>> No.2618770 [DELETED] 
File: 430 KB, 640x480, 1427590090154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have about 20, they were cheap as hell around 2000, nobody wanted them. Even the "rare" ones were $20 tops.

DC has so many good games, but I have to rep for Ilbleed. It's my favorite game on the system, and definitely in my top 20. I'm a suckers for B-movies and "so bad it's good" stuff, so Illbleed really scratches that itch for me. It's legitimately hilarious, which I can't say for many games. Brainless Randy during the Killerman stage had me in tears. If my house burnt down and I could only save one DC game, Illbleed is the one.


>> No.2618778
File: 430 KB, 640x480, 1427590090154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have about 20, they were cheap as hell around 2000, nobody wanted them. Even the "rare" ones were $20 tops.

DC has so many good games, but I have to rep for Ilbleed. It's my favorite game on the system, and definitely in my top 20. I'm a suckers for B-movies and "so bad it's good" stuff, so Illbleed really scratches that itch for me. It's legitimately hilarious, which I can't say for many games. Brainless Randy during the Killerman stage had me in tears.


>> No.2618835

Some beer, a pizza, a good buddy, and Soul Calibur never fails to make any night good.

We do a ton of co-op and vs on a lot of classic systems, but always seem to go back to Soul Calibur.

>> No.2618841
File: 673 KB, 2592x1728, IMAG0073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my Dreamcast collection, I have gotten a couple more since I took this picture.

>> No.2618867


Actually Rayman 2 supported 16:9 on Dreamcast.

>> No.2618868

inb4 mods randomly delete the thread again because they forgot DC is retro

>> No.2618875

It's my third favorite game behind Shenmue II and JSR

>> No.2618897 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 200x200, b37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2618918
File: 874 KB, 1422x1409, Tech%20Romancer%20PAL%20DC-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be buried with this game.

>> No.2619248

I think I have about 20 dreamcast games.
Since Racing games for the Dreamcast were dirt cheap, (but also usually really good), my younger brother got loads of racing games for it. If anything my Dreamcast collection consists of mostly racing games. (Though I'm really reluctant to use real discs since they've been quite heavily used and are pretty scratched. Some like Crazy Taxi and Soul Calibur are dead. But I guess that's what backups discs are for)

Also anyone used a VGA box before? I have a chunky old Sony Bravia HDTV in my room that has a VGA input and I plan on using a £20 vga box I bought off ebay (the silver one that's quite common in Europe. I heard it's not the best but its pretty good still) since the only video cable I have for my Dreamcast is an aerial cable.(The shittiest kind of cable out there)

I hear VGA compatibility is pretty good and the box has S-video and composite output as well to cover the rest of the games that don't work with it.

>> No.2619331

Here's my list: Quake III Arena, PenPen (GOAT game), Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour, Re Volt, F1 World Grand Prix, Capcom Vs SNK, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stunt GP, Sega Rally 2 (dead disc?), Fur Fighters, F355 Challenge, Crazy Taxi (dead disc), Rayman 2, 4 Wheel Thunder, Tokyo Highway Challenge (also GOAT), speed Devils, Hardcore ECW Revolution, Racing Simulation Monaco Grand Prix, Sega GT, Soul Calibur (Sadly dead), Sega Bass Fishing + Rod, Rush 2049, Sonic Adventure 1 +2, Dayton USA 2001, Virtua Fighter 3tb (dead), WWF Attitude, Tomb Raider The Last Revelation, Chu Chu Rocket, Vanishing Point, Aerowings (might be dead as well. A lot of my old early Dreamcast games don't work since my literally autistic younger brother used to leave them lying around and not put them in the damn case), and the worst Dreamcast game of ALL TIME: Soul Fighters.

Why did I ever buy that crock of shit?

Also anyone know of a good way to restore old discs? Mine have loads of surface scratches.

>> No.2619467

>Also anyone know of a good way to restore old discs?
Build a time machine.

>> No.2619507

Very funny.
What I meant to ask, is there a disc buffer/cleaner as good as the professional grade ones you find in game stores.

>> No.2619605

I heard Toy Commander had 16:9 and 720p output

>> No.2619686

Like 5 or 6, then I realized I could just burn them.

>> No.2619714

>How many games do you have in your collection?
A little over 100

>What's your favourite Dreamcast game?
I was born long before the DC came out so I outgrew that concept long ago

>Limey spelling and blue spiral
PAL60 is fucking awesome init

>> No.2620258

>this blatant off-topic non-retro thread isn't deleted
Am I on bizzaro /vr/?

>> No.2620260

le epic shitpostan trollan XD

>> No.2620431
File: 722 KB, 851x777, mJXROM9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I lost my collection in a housefire a while ago. Shit sucked.

Got a GDEMU a while ago. It's fucking amazing.

Right now my collection is five official games and around 70GB of .gdis

I actually have as many VMUs as I have actual pressed Dreamcast games.

My favorite game is probably PSO v2. It's a game I can fire up and play whenever and have an absolute blast no matter what.

>> No.2620434
File: 71 KB, 640x619, 1680518-dynamite_cop__box_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So ridiculous, but so much fun.

>> No.2620436
File: 76 KB, 500x448, 61625SJ0AXL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my favorite, but certainly one of them.

>> No.2620437
File: 122 KB, 500x495, pwrstnf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And also part 2.

>> No.2620442
File: 618 KB, 1782x1373, shenmue-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2620445
File: 792 KB, 1425x1409, Skies of Arcadia PAL DC-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]