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2598267 No.2598267 [Reply] [Original]

Is Earthbound a hard game? I finished it about 2 months ago but ever since I have been wondering if it is considered to be hard. I did a fair amount of grinding at some points and I was just curious.

>> No.2598270

For /vr/ standards: no

For modern standards, yes, a lot of people struggle a lot with the first mini-boss in the game.

>> No.2598271

Nah man, it's an RPG. If you have trouble all you have to do is grind it out until you're properly leveled. And even if you don't, EB gives leeway in the form of that ticking health meter that gives you time to save yourself from death.

>> No.2598285

you literally cannot lose, if you're wiped out you just lose your pocket money and continue playing

>> No.2598314


And go back to the last save point, pretty much like in Dragon Quest.

The difference is that you only lose half the money you're carrying, the money you have in the bank is still intact.

>> No.2598520

No, it's about medium difficulty as JRPGs go, which is to say it's very, very easy.

>> No.2598650

Fairly smooth sailing. RPGs during the SNES started to become not as grind heavy at this time, as I'm assuming due to the larger space, make games longer as opposed to padding things with grinding.

>> No.2598848

Did I ever need to restart an entire game file? No, so it wasn't a hard game.

>> No.2598992

Really the only parts which were difficult for me was thr Kraken, fuck him, he was harder to me than Giygas.

And that 3rd Strongest Mole, he was annoying.

>> No.2599330

What enemy did you hate the most?

What enemy was the cutest?

Which was the weirdest?

Which made you laugh?

Which scared you?

(all of the games btw)

>> No.2599354

The part where Ness goes into his dream world is hard to me but that's only because the monsters in Ness's evil side are fucking annoying and they're so many of them and the flying man are useless.

>> No.2599361

It's not too hard. Some of the extra equipment and stuff can be grindy, but that's about it.

Mother 1 is "harder", but it's really just grindier. Which is typical of the time.

>> No.2599398


Mother 1 is a harder game. Less OP weapons, Nintendo doesn't use offensive PSI, enemies in general are much tougher, and no HP rolling meter.

>> No.2599476

I see what you did there

>> No.2599567

It's not the sort of JRPG for difficulty, it's one for persistence.

The places you're most likely to die leading up to sanctuaries are filled with the same enemies yet again when you return. As you repeat the process of enemy encounter, you learn to play the game more wisely, avoiding the enemies you can't afford to face and encountering the ones you need for stat gains.

>> No.2599609

What did I do?

>> No.2599613


Not really. It's easy to grind, and easy to play. There are several enemies that "call for help" and if they succeed, the experience stacks up, so with enough patience, you can gain a level per battle.

Dragon Quest IX on DS is the same way

>> No.2599645

The Horseantula caught me completely off guard and scared the shit out of me.

>What's that thing moving rapidly towards mOHJESUSCHRIST!
Hits hard and takes a bloody beating too.

>> No.2600174

>What enemy did you hate the most?
The atomic robots probably.

>> No.2600248


>> No.2600340

Well, I beat it and I suck at rpgs, so I guess not.

>> No.2601349

The fire hydrants in Moonside were assholes.

>> No.2601872

>ever since I have been wondering if it is considered to be hard
Is this seriously the kind of shit hipsters think about all the time?

It's considered one of the easiest games ever made. To even ask that question you must be special.

>> No.2602047

>What enemy did you hate the most?
That fucking Territorial Oak.
Probably the only thing I ran away from constantly because fighting it wasn't worth it.

Also I struggled a bit with the part before Giygas, probably since I am not one for grinding a lot, and there was one enemy who would wipe the floor with me if he randomly decided to do so.

>> No.2602381

Earthbound can be hard if you are with Ness alone at the beginning and you didn't bother to grind a couple of levels, since he's the slowest character, fighting multiple enemies that need 2 clobbers on the head can lead you into insta death

>> No.2602434
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>> No.2602617

there was this robot in the dept store i think that was hard for some reason. the runaway five save you by unplugging it

>> No.2602841

The only hard part is in the absolute beginning.
Once you start leveling up and getting PSI moves the game becomes a cakewalk.

The PSI system in general was pretty broken, Mother 3 handles it a lot better

>> No.2603678

Beat it for the first time last night/this morning. Sidebar: Giygas looks fucking rad on a CRT, to the point where I wouldn't want to play it on a LCD/LED I think.

Anyways, I always fought everything that approached me, the only time I had to grind was the very first boss in the game. The rest of the game was at a comfortable enough difficulty that I had to work for it, but was never in too much danger, and rarely made pitstops to rockets. Even when the game throws some overbearing encounters at you at the end, I managed just fine.

Probably only died 5 times.

>> No.2603692
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Guys, I never played EarthBound before, never even watched any footage of it to be honest, just simple screenshots. I also wasn't really into the idea of starting it until I got a flash cart, except yesterday night I actually dreamed of controlling Ness in some messy room, examining various stuff with and I don't even think he was called Ness but Neion-something. Is the game reaching out to me? Should I play Mother 1 first? I have all the patience in the world, but the setting and characters have to keep me interested and addicted to plyaing.

>> No.2603701

Mother 1 is the "Go Set A Watchman" to Earthbound's "To Kill A Mockingbird". It's kinda similar, kinda different, not as good, and kind of a dry run of the product we eventually got.

Mother 1 just has an insane encounter rate and doesn't have as much humor as Earthbound, so it kinda undersells it and doesn't have enough charm to justify the tedium. There is a patch that makes it more manageable, but the game is more interesting as an artifact in relation to earthbound, rather than it's own merits.

Not saying don't play it. Just that it might kill your interest in Earthbound and Mother 3. It's also never referenced at all in the sequels, so it's very skippable.

I'm sure someone in /vr/ will call me a casual. I just think you need to be the right kind of RPG fan to get through Mother 1.

>> No.2603707

>Giygas looks fucking rad on a CRT, to the point where I wouldn't want to play it on a LCD/LED I think.
TV static really isn't common anymore. At least here, if I lose a signal or whatever, I get some kind of message, rather than the noise/snow/static.

Actually, I'm always impressed by the effects when Giygas dies. There's a lot of warping distortion going on. I mean, I know the SNES has those capabilities, but it's still impressive when Giygas dies and everything goes crazy without any real slowdown.

>> No.2604359

is there something i need to do before being able to get to the hole in the yard of the mall in fourside?
ive been to the dark side of fourside and beat that boss..
some guy says something about turning the light off.. another something about a hidden alley.. that kid peeking through the hole in the wall..

i tried a couple of things but couldnt advance. im 2 bosses and Giygas from beating the game...

>> No.2604367


i dont think "hard" is the right word but for most players it does require grinding in a few specific parts.

most notably through the first town or 2, there is kind of a big difficulty spike with the sharks/giant step, and then again when you have to cross the river to the blue town. if you dont grind some of this shit seems impossible even with lots of food or whatnot. after that though it seems to even out.

once you get big/multi bottle rockets though the game just becomes a joke really

>> No.2604381


>What enemy did you hate the most?
Definitely those HP-replenishing robots in the stonehenge dungeon/in the last area. They aren't difficult but GODDAMMN it is infuriating to need to land 4-5 hits in a row and hope that it chooses to do something except "replenish its fuel supply"

>What enemy was the cutest?
The mad ducks, of course

>Which was the weirdest?
Hard to say, probably the ones in magicant

>Which made you laugh?
Most of the 'people' (e.g. crazy hippies, angry ladies, old people)

>Which scared you?
The mooks (tentacled dudes who use PSI) when i was a kid.

scalding coffee/starman ghosts once i knew what was up and the lights went down

>> No.2604392


yea the first playthrough can be tough because parts will catch you off guard.

the game is absurdly easy once you realize you can just gain a shit ton of levels after beating the sanctuary guardians by getting first hit on the enemies that run away on the way out.

>> No.2604424
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Loved the New Age Retro Hippie

>> No.2604429

I was in the same boat as that anon when I first got into the Mother series.
I'm not a big RPG person so I admit I used the easy ring for a good portion when I heard the game was pretty grindy but I still played Mother 1 first and had a hell of a time.
Playing Mother 1 first made me appreciate the story in Earthbound and Mother 3 by extension a whole lot more.
I think that if you can't appreciate the story in Mother 1 then you aren't going to be getting everything out of the Mother series that you could be.

Without Mother 1 Giygas is just some no name evil entity, with his background information in mind though his story is a lot more tragic and sad.
It gives him so much more weight as a character and as a villain.

The connection to Mother 1 in Mother 3 is arguably much weaker, but hearing Time Passage right before entering the Pollyanna room really makes you put everything in perspective, and it hit me pretty deeply. Also 16 melodies.

>> No.2604483
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>What enemy did you hate the most?
Coffee Cups
>What enemy was the cutest?
Cute Li'l UFO
>Which was the weirdest?
>Which made you laugh?
>Which scared you?

>> No.2604485
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This seems like a good thread to ask.

Has anybody played Eathbound Beginnings?
How does it compare to Earthbound Zero?
Are there any significant changes?

Are people working on ripping Earthbound Beginnings into an NES rom?

>> No.2604493

By all accounts I've heard, EarthBound Beginnings is the exact same as EarthBound Zero aside from the title card.

>> No.2604495

I prefer the fan translation but from what I've seen it's using the same translation as Zero, so Podunk instead of Mother's Day and stuff like that.

>> No.2604624

The thing is that Giygas' backstory doesn't inform a whole lot of the character in earthbound. If anything, it makes the razor thin "character" and ending in earthbound seem pretty random, or at least a hard left turn out of nowhere.

>> No.2604674

Giygas could have been handled a lot better in Earthbound granted, but Mother in general tends to leave a lot things up to the interpretation of the player.
It should have detailed what happened to him in between Mother 1 and 2, but it unfortunately doesn't go into much detail there. IT also would have been nice to know more about the apple of enlightenment.

Despite this, it's still sad seeing how Giygas goes completely mad.
If you didn't play Mother 1 you would have no bond with of feelings towards Giygas.

>> No.2606646

W-why is he getting out a ruler?

>> No.2607006

Giygas was probably the hardest part of the game but I beat it eventually after about 5 tries.

The fact that Earthbound is an RPG is my least favorite thing about it honestly. What I enjoy are the soundtrack, the characters, story, environments, and the atmospheres. The actually fighting was just plain boring for me. I like the enemies, but fighting them was a chore. I blew away every single boss in one try just by bum rushing them with bombs and my best PSI attacks-zero challenge.

It's not a hard game, it has a lot in it though.

>> No.2607113
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>enemy encounter
>motherfucker steals my one Pencil Rocket from my inventory
>500 is a lot by that point

>> No.2607498
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I'm not even a big RPG fan, but the constant talk about Earthbound has got me playing it now... just started 2 days ago... Looks like I'm in for a bit of grinding this week.

>> No.2607505

Yeah you'll be grinding in the beginning, but the game mostly runs smoothly without too much grind at all after the first or second town.

>> No.2608961

Gather hamburgers breh
Lots of burgers, best healing at the start of the game.

Find them in trashcans, buy them at the burger joint, whoop up some Sharks and dig through their pockets.

>> No.2608967 [DELETED] 

no it's entertaining but not hard.

>> No.2609000
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This guys JFMSU

>> No.2609018
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You just gotta grind that mofo.

>naming Jeff 'Susan'
How kind of you, could at least let him keep his dignity.

>> No.2609034


>> No.2609479

I thought it was hard. I played it 7 years ago so I don't remember why, I just remember it was hard around some volcano area or something.

>> No.2609608

you'll really never grind once you're out of Onett.

If you have to grind post-Onett, you've been running away from too many battles.

>> No.2609650
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I'm in Twoson now... Hopefully my grinding days are near over... That damn mushroom on my head had me going crazy for a while there...

>> No.2609653

Perhaps he ran out of space for Susanoou

>> No.2609656

omg change your resolution
that looks horrible

>> No.2609657

mushrooms are great early on

instead of having to pay to get it cured, the guy who cures it for you pays you $50 cause he wants the mushroom

>> No.2609661


Stretched-out full screen is workimg better than the original half-screen size on this handheld for me. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

>> No.2609673


beginning is somewhat hard but once you get some momentum its kind of smooth sailing for most of the game

>> No.2609724

Until you try to beat the Kracken before doing everything else before crossing the ocean.

>> No.2610627


these damn trees. it took me a while to realize it was just better to run than risk dying from these guys exploding.

>> No.2611060

It's better to just kill them last and be quick to go through the messages.

>> No.2611072


ok. just read this now. so they only explode if they aren't the last to be killed... good to know.

>> No.2611076

Yeah, if you save them for last, when they explode, you can tap rapidly to skip text boxes to limit the amount that your health rolls down, so instead of taking those full 100-300 hits you take maybe 30-50 from their explosion.

This is a trick you just have to know when facing the Atomic bots and their upgrade, because those come often with groups of others, unlike the Territorial Oak which is commonly alone and slow enough that you can easily escape them.

>> No.2611080

Absolutely backwards!

They WILL explode, but if they are the last enemy to croak you can quickly tap through the text at the end of the battle to avoid your rolling HP meter from catching up with the damage it actually does to you.

>> No.2611087


gotcha. damn trees. i may just avoid them entirely since i already at level 20 thanks to grinding on those insane cultists.

>> No.2611135

Learn to pay attention to your rolling HP meter, it may seem like a gimmick which doesn't really matter or do much but if you're quick thinking and acting, you can easily flip or prevent a bad situation.

End battke before it finishes rolling on a mortal wound? Character gets to live. Heal them before it finishes rolling? Same thing.
Do the deathknell on your enemy before etc? It'll count it in your favor

>> No.2613019

>For modern standards, yes, a lot of people struggle a lot with the first mini-boss in the game.

So did I, but I never really had to grind afterwards.

>> No.2616465


>> No.2616527

>It's also never referenced at all in the sequels, so it's very skippable.

Wouldn't Sixteen Melodies technically count as one?

>> No.2616993
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>> No.2617018
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>> No.2617053

I just hitched a ride south on Tessie with a monkey... Still quite a ways to go... The game isn't hard, but it's definitely time consuming.

>> No.2619932
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>> No.2619940

But he is standing in front of her.

>> No.2620074

Earthbound is hard or grindy if you treated your status spells like you were playing a Final Fantasy game, otherwise you won't feel the need to grind. You have so many tools for building an advantage, and a character who even has a scouting command to learn without a guide which disabling ones will work on your opponent. Later on Ness is just this immovable wall who practically can't die and won't let his frail mortal friends stay dead either.

>> No.2620610

Why do people sell the cart of this game for $200-300, like wtf?

>> No.2620931


there's this thing called supply and demand, you see... so the real question would be: why are people willing to pay that much for this game? why do you think?? hmmmmm

>> No.2620993


Nigga, I grinded once before Frankie and that was it.

>> No.2621018
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Am I the only one who feels like they missed some beats in Mother 3's story? Earthbound had a solid theme of friendship across the globe, the ties that bind are limitless, that sorta shit. I feel like the theme of "family" or the importance of those relationships wasn't as strong as it could have been in Mother 3. After the intro they don't bring it up much till near the end of the game.

>> No.2621087


>I feel like the theme of "family" or the importance of those relationships wasn't as strong

Hi, son. Wanna save your game? Ok bye.

Oh hello, dear... I'm always too busy to talk, but you're so brave.

yeah... real tight-knit family there.

>> No.2621325

>Mother 1 is "harder", but it's really just grindier.

it's been over a decade since I played it, but I don't remember it being "grindy" at all. extremely high random encounter rate? yes, but I don't remember having to purposely grind in it. .

>> No.2621337

I recall it taking a bit longer to level up in Mother through normal means, so I would have to grind a little bit to level up new party members that started at level 1. But nothing outrageous.

>> No.2621696

Was referring to Mother 3 when I said that, not Earthbound you dip.

>> No.2621706


you said Mother 3 lacked the theme of friendship and family found in Earthbound... which is why i joked about Earthbound to show that the family is pretty distant there as well.

>> No.2621715

Maybe I wasn't being clear. Sorry. I felt that Earthbound had a solid theme of friendship, while Mother 3 had a theme of family, but it wasn't as well executed.

>> No.2624102
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>> No.2626552
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>> No.2627115

inb4 "Dragon Quest clone" guy shows up

>> No.2627128
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Don't make me cry.

>> No.2627162

Earthbound: Squashed-Head Midget Edition

>> No.2627172

The first mini-boss with the gangster was the hardest part of the game for me.

>> No.2627209

It is challenging, primarily because you're low level and by yourself. Same with the fight against the cops.

>> No.2628426

Oh yeah, the cops are actually really hard considering how many you gotta fight and hiw early it is.

>> No.2628539

just passed the 4th sanctuary... i'm officially halfway through the game now... i'm only playing an hour or so a day, so i guess i've still got another couple weeks left...

>> No.2629885
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anyone else here currently playing / in the process of beating the game for the first time?

>> No.2629924

Beat it without cheats for the first time this summer.

I'm kind of ploddling through Mother 3 at the time (though took a brake for some other games).

>> No.2629928

fuck you

>> No.2629935


Beat it without photoshopping or using the transform tool. Was pretty good and didn't even need to airbrush anything.

I can say it was a fun game and worth the time but not $200 software to oh god wtf my eyes are on fire burn your image you son of a bitch.

>> No.2630003

>>>2607498 #
>Gather hamburgers breh
>Lots of burgers,
>Find them in trashcans

Do Americans really do this?

>> No.2630052
File: 1010 KB, 2304x1296, mypreciouschildhoodmemoriescopyofearthbound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parents bought me this Christmas 1994. Now seems like the best time to dust it off and sell my copy. My only regret is I tossed the box and guide because they were too beat up(I did keep them for about 10 and 15 years respectively).

Wish me luck!

>> No.2630063
File: 20 KB, 355x263, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-How much are you going to sell it for?

>> No.2630070

I dunno. I'm considering buying a guide and box separate and then selling it as a package. According to ebay I can triple the price by doing that. Outside of that I'm just gonna look around and gauge what the best price range would be.

>> No.2630098

It's a hell of a great gift they bought you.
I trust you'll still keep it on emulator?

>> No.2630108
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I'm selling mine, too.

I have a bunch, actually.

>> No.2630114

That's like thousands of dollars in that box alone.

>> No.2630119
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Oh yeah. I've played through the game about...10-12 times on the cart and an additional 10 or so times through emulator. Thinking about playing through it once last time.

Yeah it was amazing of them, I asked them to get me Earthbound cause it was one of my favorite games of the time. I rented it like crazy and I figured they thought it'd save them money to just buy it.

Btw speaking of that, since we're talking about the game here...I think the rental copies are different than the retail. I remember the bubblegum monkey having pink bubblegum in the blockbuster copy and grey in my cart. There are sprites of both online. Pink:

>> No.2630124
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>> No.2630126

>Is Earthbound a hard game?

>> No.2630167

You'll be a rich man anon

>> No.2630476

Mother is really the Dragon Quest clone. Earthbound not so much since it tosses out a lot of what made Dragon Quest really tedious.

>> No.2630492

>tfw I've made like 1500 bucks selling earthbound repros to collectors
>tfw I can't help it and its so fucking easy.

Put up asking 150, get a shitload of bites.

I've met multiple people in a day at the mall to sell them.

>Most of them are faggot hipsters who probably never had an SNES growing up

I've even sold a few on ebay. Only one guy claimed it was a reproduction. I just said I was sorry, paid for him to send it back, refunded his money, and mailed him one of my other games for free.

It was also a repro, but he didn't care apparently.

>> No.2630527

"I see what you did there" is an old 4chan meme. It's used as an alternative to "LOL" to recognize that somebody made you laugh with a joke.

They're all the third strongest

>> No.2630528

I've thought about doing this too. do you make your own labels?

>> No.2630530


laughing my fat ass off fam

>> No.2630606


how much do blank SNES carts cost anyway?

>> No.2631128

I know that part you silly goose, what I asked is what I did, because I didn't really intend any hidden entendre in that post.

>> No.2631151

Most hardest parts in the game is the very beginning, Peaceful Rest valley, and the fucking department store.

>> No.2631220

Digging the Runaway Five theme.

>> No.2631404

That long scene with Venus and the Runaway 5 is probably my least favorite part of the game.

>> No.2631567


just passed Lumine Hall... grinding my way through it this weekend.

>> No.2631591
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when I was a dumb kid I was accidentally starving my leveling by avoiding enemies. ("lol what's exp?")

I was stuck on trillionage sprout for like half a year.

I was also later stuck in Moonside since the one warp man is contingent on talking to the sailor dude, and the player's guide didn't mention such a trigger. I put the game down for like a year.

>> No.2631604

>why do you think?? hmmmmm
they're retarded

>> No.2631642


i'd never pay that much for a game cart, just like i'd never pay more than $30 for an LP when i had lots fo extra cash and was collecting vinyl like a madman. but i was just saying that the market itself defines the price, as there is more demand than supply. the craze will end eventually, as i believe the demand will eventually cease.

>> No.2631652

This. It literally is just the demand.

>> No.2631721

Well yeah, that part is a bit tedious.
But the theme playing on their busride is kickass.

>> No.2634174

finally beat this for the first time today. it will most likely be ages before i decide to play another RPG game at this point... loved the graphics and atmosphere, but all the grinding and battling just doesn't float my boat. it's not an easy game. it takes a lot of time to get past parts and certain things like beating Gigyas would probably be impossible without some hints on how to beat it or a walkthrough. was a great game regardless and i have no regrets playing it all the way through... but let's just say i'm glad it's over at the same time.

>> No.2635728


>> No.2635992


this one?


>> No.2636020

Best part of Earthbound is renting a bicycle and discovering there's a button for ringing a bell. It's the little things.

>> No.2636035


and then putting the bike in your pocket when your done.

>> No.2636049

Can anyone think of some easter eggs or whatever that I can do while wandering around after beating the game (but not yet talking to my mom to get the credits)? things like returning the Insignificant Item to the guy in the hospital.

>> No.2636073

Bike in Deep Darkness.

>> No.2636082
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that smile when he's on the bike...


>> No.2636124

What does Lloyd's dad mean if I got the right name? What am I suppose to put down?

And what level should I grind to make Ana and Lloyd more useful?

>> No.2636136
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They're really rare.

>> No.2636158

Shame the bike is made useless pretty soon after you get it given how you can't ride it with party members.

I'd just say they're uncommon, but not rare.
They had a limited run, because the game sold poorly in the west, but it did however still sell in enough numbers that finding a used copy isn't unusual in North America, but less common enough that a higher price isn't out of the question (though I think anything much higher than 100USD for a cartridge is less than reasonable).

>> No.2636178
File: 1.11 MB, 3264x1836, 2014-04-15_12-44-45_711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop posting my pictures faggot

>> No.2636184


keep in mind that the names you chose are unique to your settings... so when speaking of the characters in general they are referred to as Ness, Paula, Jeff & Poo... i can't remember the part about "getting the name right", but I do remember there is a part where they ask you for YOUR name (you the player). Best place for boosting their levels early on would be in the Happy Happy Village since the Insane Cultists are easy to kill and give good points.

>> No.2636186


how much for a duped cart?

>> No.2636209

I meant Mother 1

>> No.2636258

>I'd just say they're uncommon, but not rare.
Those words mean nothing without context. Rarity is measured in varying degrees. You can't just go around saying that only things that have five copies are the only rare things in the world. Also nobody gives a shit about what you think is reasonable. Prices aren't determined by your arbitrary decision.

>> No.2636305

>I'd just say they're uncommon, but not rare.
"Not common" is literally the definition of the word "rare". Your arbitrary categories are meaningless without context.

>> No.2636347

I guess that's a poor choice of words. I have this conception that rare would mean 'very seldom seen', and that just uncommon could be interpreted to mean that you don't see it for sale every day, but it's not odd to see it or especially hard to find.

As for the price, I guess that would just be my own opinion, that I personally wouldn't pay more than that. I'm not one of those people who will shout 'SCUM!' because the cartidge is a bit more expensive than what I personally figure would be worth paying, I'll just look elsewhere (hypothetically that is, I don't have the time, money or drive to collect old vidya, emulation is good enough).
I don't understand that kind of mindset myself, it's not like they have the right to the game just because you're offering it for sale, meet the price or don't buy it.

>> No.2637086


>> No.2637364


I went back and bought that house for sale in Onett after beating the game. The photo man came and snapped a pic.

>> No.2637389
File: 27 KB, 700x441, 4592343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a rare snes game
I still got mine

>> No.2637706

Did you read that crazy long book there? That's one of my favorite things in the game.

>> No.2637729

I remembered when i paid $75 for it used. way to expensive but the music made up for it.

>> No.2638056

It's not really THAT long.

I like how you can find that same magazine in the back of a store-room in Mother 3.

>> No.2639370

>turn based classic jrpg
>focus on story

>> No.2640870
File: 82 KB, 250x250, Fuzzy Italian Cucumbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2643073

Fuzzy pickles?

>> No.2643786

What bugs me about this game is the ending... That you have to pray to God to win it... Everything was cool until it got all AA and "God is the answer" on me... I'm surprised this doesn't get discussed more often by you atheists.

>> No.2643813

What embarrassing b8

>> No.2643818


You didn't understand the "God" in Earthbound is the player?

>> No.2643860


Wrong. You're not "God". Their prayers reach you and you're forced to pray for them. God doesn't pray to himself.

>> No.2643863

But you're not praying for yourself. They are. In a narrative sense.

>> No.2643867


I dunno, I never understood it that way, they never mention any God in the game, they just pray for help to the people they befriended through the game, and as the ultimate resort Paula asks for somebody to help them, and that is the player who ultimately delivers the final blow to Gyiyg.

I guess it CAN be interpreted in different ways though, but I don't see how there is any God involved.

>> No.2643873


You need to replay the ending. Your memory is flawed.

>> No.2643878


>implying you can pray to anything other than a God.

wtf am i reading?

>> No.2643886


Yeah, japanese have this crazy belief that everything in the world has a spirit. Basically you can pray to your SNES if you want, as it has a soul in it.
Shintoism is weird.

>> No.2643904


But I'd assume that "spirit" must be attached to some form of "God" that holds everything together. You can't really believe in one without the other.

>> No.2643910


You're reading too much into it. Remember, japanese have a different concept of religion than us westerners. Shinto religion has many god, not just 1 like YHVH.
Also, again, never in the whole sequence of the final battle in EB do they ask for any God's help, they just ask for help, and the people they know are the ones that send them their... love? force? whatever to defeat Gyiyg, think of it as a genkidama sort of thing, and the one that ultimately delivers the final blow is the person behind the screen pressing the buttons, in a 4th wall breaking sort of way, they are basically asking help to the player.

If anything, Ana in Mother 1 could be said that she'd pray to the actual judeochristian God, as she lived (I think?) in a church. But Paula doesn't, come to think of it, there isn't any church in Earthbound.

>> No.2643915

>But anyway... A meteorite crashes, causing some evil fetus to become badder than ever and to make your local town bat-shit crazy and want to kill you with psychic powers. Meanwhile, despite not even having hit puberty yet, you and a group of telepathic kids you've never met before figure out how to save the planet from your fat-ass neighbor and the evil fetus.

I suppose this is why I play vidya after all. It was cool until they all had to pray like a motherfucking Thanksgiving dinner.

>> No.2643943

>God doesn't pray to himself.

Speak for yourself.

>> No.2644358

Well how else would you combat something like Giygas besides divine intervention?

Ness can keep batting him, and Jeff can keep shooting rockets, byt that only goes so far.

Speaking of which, hos the shit do you swing a baseball bat at something which doesn't even seem to have a corporeal body (at least in the typical sense). I mean, he seems to vaguely be some sort of... presence, or abstract entity, but... I mean, what is what? Does he have knees you can break, is he some sort of blob? The baseball bat makes contact when swung at him (wherever 'at' is), and it's registered as damage.

>> No.2644367


>Well how else would you combat something like Giygas

sing a melody, maybe

>> No.2644868

Wasn't hard for me. I just moved around, fought all the enemies, levelled up, and smoothly went through the game.

Except for that part where you have to go from Twoson to the Happy Happy Village. Now that was hard as fuck.

>> No.2644878

Honestly, I played a fangame that "explains" the events between Mother 1 and Earthbound. That is what gave Giygas depth in my opinion. Seeing him slowly go mad after being defeated. I think the game's name is Mother - Cognitive Dissonance.

>> No.2644886

Why are you attacking Giygas at that point? It literally does nothing

>> No.2644895

I don't even know.
I think it just felt like I had to keep fighting no matter what.

>> No.2644916


>> No.2644947


>Well how else would you combat something like Giygas besides divine intervention?

Seriously? Do you ask yourself this same question when playing every other video game out there? I mean, how could Mega Man possibly beat all those bosses without divine intervention? I don't need God in my video games thanks.

>> No.2644972

And what's up with praying to God to kill a fetus anyway?

I thought you religious folk were all pro-life and against the whole fetus killing thing.

>> No.2645001
File: 58 KB, 517x418, 1440436318413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you ask yourself this same question when playing every other video game out there?
No, it seemed fitting because Giygas is practically a godlike entity, he has power over people and creatures across the world, from the past, and he doesn't quite seem to be a like a person or animal, or anything else for that matter.

He reminds me a lot of the Great Old Ones from the works of H.P Lovecraft.

>And what's up with praying to God to kill a fetus anyway?
There is absolutely nothing cannon about Giygas being a fetus or somehow representing a fetus, that is entirely fan speculation and there is nothing Itoi has said which would indicate that it was. Shit, it's not even clear that you're praying to god either, you pray, and people around the world answer your prayer, the player himself, you, are insinuated to answer the prayer, whether or not god answers the prayer isn't touched upon in the slightest.

>I thought you religious folk
Who the fuck are "you religious folk" ? Calm your fedora for a moment, are you always this confrontational on this subject?

>were all pro-life and against the whole fetus killing thing.
You can be religiously devout and pro-choice, and you can be the tippiest fedora in the world and be pro-life.

Besides, it's a fucking videogame, most can tell them from reality and aren't bothered by things that happen in escapism.

Look at Sandy Petersen, that big fat, lovable nerd. Devout mormon, had the garments, lots of kids and all that, he worked on the videogame Doom (and Quake, and wrote a Call Of Cthulu P&P module), one of the main features being hell and demons. He had no issues with it, because he saw it exactly for what it was, escapism, entertainment, to him, the demons and the violence was just cartoons, "and besides, THEY are the bad guys".

Your religious views don't have to dictate your morality to a T, humans are complex.

>> No.2645064


how's that bait taste?

you dun got trolled.

>> No.2645280
File: 111 KB, 823x1177, raell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least wait 12 hours to use the same bait again.

>> No.2645726

Hard to discern from the real deal

>> No.2645978

It's the brainchild of a famed writer, not a game designer.
So the level curve in the series has always been off in various ways.

>> No.2645995
File: 124 KB, 262x288, 1346356712618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you even tell the difference between getting gud and grinding moar?

>> No.2646003

Agnostic gamer here. It's not bait. I honestly believe the ending of a game resorting to God being the answer is nonsense. Sorry to hurt your sensibilities. I feel I make a valid point and am open to further discussion if necessary.

>> No.2646009

If I'd known in advance that the end of the game was going to be that, I wouldn't have bothered playing it. Why even bother spending 40 hours of grinding if all you're going to do is pray to God at the end to beat the enemy for you? Not everyone puts their faith in God or feels the desire to do so.

>> No.2646014

It's not really praying to God in particular, but it is a deux ex machina.

>> No.2646024

>Sorry to hurt your sensibilities.
I'm not really religious.

>I feel I make a valid point
But you weren't, it just comes across as shitposting.

>> No.2646031


Call it whatever you want, but apparently the moral of the story is that only the power of prayer can save humanity. Why even bother acquiring all those PSI powers in the first place? Maybe I should've prayed every time an enemy showed up instead of hitting them. Maybe then they'd see the proper path in life and realize how misguided they've been all along... Fuck that. I bought 8 multi-rockets just to convert Gigyas on some Jehova's Witness recruitment program shit. Praying could have been an alternate ending if that floats your boat, but it shouldn't be the only way to beat the game. And that supposed glitch that supposedly overrides the praying doesn't count as an alternate ending.

>> No.2646038
File: 2.00 MB, 480x360, 1437241831817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2646043


You realize this is the 4th fedora reference you've made, right? It wasn't even funny the first time because you don't even know how to properly use the meme. Apparently, you are sensitive to your beliefs in God and are ashamed to admit it.

>> No.2646056

actually I'm someone else and that's my first fedora reference, and I'm really an atheist who is just amused by your autism.

>> No.2646065


Now you're just trolling while trying to accuse me of doing so. If you're actually an Atheist then what part of this seems unreasonable to you?

>> No.2646665

Hello, and... goodbye!

>> No.2647084

It's not really prayer, more like when Goku calls on the people of earth to raise their hands for a stronger spirit bomb at the end of the Buu saga.

>> No.2649202
File: 29 KB, 600x366, super_bazooka_korean_war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I ever came across the Bazooka, but I did find and repair the Heavy/Super Bazooka, where would you find the regular one?

>> No.2651342

Where did the Mani Mani statue come from anyway?

>> No.2651357

Did it have something to do with the meteor? It was found on the same hill, right?

>> No.2651472


You know what enemies I hate the most? Those smiling fucking orbs. They would always detonate when you killed them, man it was such a pain. I would just run away most of the time.

Oh, and Giygas scared me as a kid. Legit. I remember turning the tv off the first time I fought him just cause I was creeped out,

>> No.2651516

In this moment...

>> No.2651595
File: 17 KB, 211x200, Smilin___Sphere_Bead_Sprite_by_UNCJ816.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're like Territorial Oaks except they're much faster at chasing you.

>> No.2652120
File: 11 KB, 91x120, scaldin coffee cup 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2652157

Damn, kid. You're a gigantic New fagget

>> No.2652171
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>> No.2652331
File: 100 KB, 776x602, 1431658491943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using fast forward on an emulator

>> No.2652364

How do you know the prayer isn't a PSI power?

>> No.2652380

no thanks
i dont use fast forward nor savestates
i just like to focus in the game
take it for what it is

>> No.2653524
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>> No.2653879

>>2598270 hit the nail on the head. I had to level grind to beat the first boss but that was pretty much it.

>> No.2655451

On this topic, is Super Metroid considered to be hard? I had to use a walkthrough like halfway through. The bosses weren't super hard but it was really easy to get lost.

>> No.2655543


Easier than Metroid 1 and 2.

>> No.2655724
File: 12 KB, 256x223, diamonddog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had trouble with this fucker

>> No.2657008

>What enemy did you hate the most?
Territorial Oak. I like the concept but damn man
>What enemy was the cutest?
>Which was the weirdest?
>Which made you laugh?
Magicant or Moonside
>Which scared you?
Giygas used to scare me when I was younger, but I've kind of grown out of it.

>> No.2657251

Earthbound and the Mother series are shit and you're all a bunch of faggots

>> No.2657691

>Anon thought about Horsecum, and started craving it!
Sounds like someone is a little homesick!

>> No.2657695

I agree, I'm pretty sure it's just hipsters playing it just to be ironic. I just don't see the appeal.

>> No.2658306

>I just don't see the appeal

Nothing wrong with that

>> No.2659539

Porkey pls leave

>> No.2660315

doesn't answer my question

>> No.2660330

>short answer:

>long answer:
set your text speed to "FAST" because it can help exploit the dmg you take in combat by scrolling to the end (if u defeat the enemy that is) so you wont take full dmg. It will just stop reducing your HP the moment you win and get exp. Be sure to fight all the time and be aware of what is what and who is who so you can win any fight in 1-2 rounds. Its like paper mario, no need to grind. Once enemies one shot (out of combat kill, happens when you overpower the enemy and it just skips the combat and gives you the victory) or start to run away you're OP, move on to next area. Only time to grind would be at lvl 1 or when you're trying to get that damn Poo sword. (got 30 lvls before I gave up on that piece of shit sword)

>> No.2660334

I didn't care for Mother 3 but Earthbound is one of the few games where I have gotten the Protag naturally near the level cap by the end of the game. It been a while so I might had grind some as I didn't know how the final boss will play out but it wasn't anywhere near the extremes.

>> No.2662201

Im not sure why but I never had to grind and there was a point in the game I was overpowered/leveled and from that point it was easy.
The Stonehenge base/Starmen DX was a bitch tho

>> No.2662231

It is a fucking Genki Dama like prayer
Jesus Christ what an annoying asshole

>> No.2663118


fuck you and your prayers asshole.

>> No.2663732

>a positive Earthbound thread
Wow, don't see this often these days.

>> No.2663760

First timer here, whats the best version? Any fan translations I should use?

>> No.2664059


>> No.2664285


>> No.2664289


>> No.2664336

Same as earthbound, relatively easy for the time but compared to modern games it can be hard

>> No.2664339


>> No.2664683

For Earthbound on the SNES, the original US release translation is fine, it'll work, it's on the SNES, the GBA (but with a lot of bugs), and on Virtual Console.

For Mother 3, there's that patch by that "Tomato" guy, which is pretty good (and so it should be, because the guy is a translator for a living).

For "Earthbound Zero" or Mother, there's a translated ROM, as well as an English release on the Wii.

>> No.2664689

The original translation is great.

No, for Mother 1 you want Tomato's translation as well.

>> No.2665820 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 253x349, johnny_vs_2013_by_somecallmejohnny-d6jvoc3_7038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a YouTube user I particularly enjoy may review all 3 Mother games as a marathon. Please vote guys, it would be awesome to see him review the Mother series.


Currently, we're neck and neck at 40% with Metal Gear. Voting ends sometime next week (the week of 9/13-9/19).

>> No.2665828

fuck off

>> No.2667765

Does somebody have a link for Earthbound Background APK?

>> No.2669454


>> No.2669574

Android package,
somebody posted live backgrounds of Earthbound for Android

>> No.2669576

Nope. It's not too grindy. When enemies come up to you, you just beat all of them, and that's all the grinding. Or at least that's my experience.

>> No.2670003

I'm playing through Cognitive Dissonance for the first time right now, actually. The mechanics feel very RPG Maker-tier, but there's a ton exploration and unique settings. I'd say it's worth it for a series fan to check out.

>> No.2671057

>Earthbound Background APK

2nd google result you lazy bum.

>> No.2671061

A friend I got to play the game gave up because it was too hard as well, I have no idea where this reputation comes from. I didn't have to grind once playing it.

>> No.2671079

I never had too much trouble with it. Every time I play it I grind a little bit here and there, but it's a fairly easy rpg.

>> No.2671303


>thinks the ending is about God
>not about friendship and personal bonds

Please tell me this is bait

>> No.2671571

a FREE one (that is loaded with malware).

>> No.2671934

I have a list of various characters like this in earthbound who need porn, the series is seriously lacking in variety.

Anyways I really liked what they did moving the elevator rather than just vibrating and making noise.

>> No.2671937

If you can play Pokemon, you can beat Earthbound with barely any thought. This is coming from a guy who didn't play many JRPG's when he first played Earthbound. I don't even understand why people think that it's grindy; you only really need to grind in Onett to beat The Sharks and maybe later on to beat Carbon Dog. Just don't run from battles and don't be afraid to experiment with PSI and you're golden.

>> No.2671941

Don't be a faggot and spam the thread. The original English release is fine, but if you want to play the uncensored version in English I recommend Earthbound: Uncut. I played it on a repro cart a few months ago and it's pretty faithful to the original Japanese dialogue. Granted there are only a few changes made from the American release but it's worth checking out.

>> No.2671980

Tar pitch drop experiment. Pay closer attention. LIfe is a game.