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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 35 KB, 256x192, 107174-master-of-darkness-sega-master-system-screenshot-which-is.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2616163 No.2616163 [Reply] [Original]

I just got done beating this game. It was awesome. Great sound, good controls and nice graphics for the 8bit era.

>> No.2616178

I like it too. Compares quite favorably up against the original Castlevania.

>> No.2616203

This on Genesis? How hard was it? I got not much to do today, could I whip it out in a few hours?

>> No.2616207

master system

and yeah probably

>> No.2616213

Not as good as Castlevania but still cool.

>> No.2616224

If you like...

Castlevania -> Master of Darkness
Duck Hunt -> Safari Hunt
Mario -> Alex Kidd
Metroid - > Zillion
Zelda 2 -> Lord of the Sword

>> No.2616231

You could beat it in a day if you use save states. Also has lvl select cheat which is nice if you don't emulate.

>> No.2616242
File: 78 KB, 500x320, golden axe warrior 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zelda 2 -> Lord of the Sword
Zelda -> Golden Axe Warrior

>> No.2616245

loved this game too. I still have my game from when i was little.

>> No.2616248

ya ur rite nm

>> No.2616274


Good list. I always cringe when people compare Sonic and Mario games when they play really different, Alex Kidd in MW and Kid Chameleon are for me more fair comparisons to Mario.

>> No.2616287

It's just an ignorant thing to do simply because they're the mascots - and they became hardware showcases for features the other console couldn't accomplish. The SNES just can't scroll as fast as something like Sonic 2 and then Super Mario World came out with a color palette, transparency and scaling effects the Genesis was incapable of.

>> No.2616289
File: 40 KB, 416x426, yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic 1/2/3 > Mario

faster gameplay
better graphics
better and bigger levels/level design
more details
more challenging


>> No.2616296

>Super Mario World came out with a color palette
im pretty sure picrelated is ten time better than mario levels graphics
Just look at this gorgeous stuff going on
>Sonic 2
it always the same shit. when somebody mentions Sonic 2 it's some nintendofag.

Sonic 2 had bad leveldesign and an average gameplay. it's Sonic 3/Knuckles that finally made it to the limits and made a perfection of a game based on controls and exploring.

While mario often just jumps from left to right.
Sonic 3 levels had a huge variety of ways you can use.

Forget mentioning Sonic 2 already.

>> No.2616298
File: 182 KB, 949x666, light speed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faster gameplay

I almost get motion sickness from the pure speed of this stage. Just looking at this screenshot almost makes me dizzy.

>> No.2616303
File: 16 KB, 320x224, sonic3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot picrelated

>> No.2616304

>Thinking I'm a nintendrone
>Saying pic related with no pic
>In denial about the hard facts of the color palette
Welcome to /vr/. Stick around and learn.

>> No.2616309
File: 197 KB, 1440x732, 413238636a6e8883338a4d127fbc3739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super mario world. kek. so much for a "Better Palette"
>I almost get motion sickness from the pure speed of this stage. Just looking at this screenshot almost makes me dizzy.
I dont know dude.
many thousands kids around the globe loved it and nobody had motion sikness.
If your mario made you slow and easy to feel sick at speed faster than turtle...blame nintendo, not some progressive game of its time.

Face it. Mario was using the same gameplay that was outdated.
While Sonic came out of nowhere with something new to show.

I got my Nintendo at 1989 and was sick of mario around 1992. But it's Sega that made me into consoles.

HOWEVER i do agree that Mario is better than Sonic nowadays. Sonic sucks quite a lot.
But back in the Sonic 3 days nothing was better than him.

>> No.2616320

sonic ended at being good with &k being released.

3d blast was super gay.
sonic r only had 5 fucking tracks.
and sonic adventure 1 & 2 are just absolute retarded ORIGINAL THE CHARACTER SIDE QUEST full blown gay shit i don't even know how to describe the disappointment.

meanwhile nintendo comes out with super mario 64, mario kart 64, and continues knocking it out of the park to this day with mario titles. sonic has been raped beyond all recognition. and just when you start to think "oh thank god that last one did such shit numbers they'll finally sell him to nintendo" they fucking don't. they put out more dumb retarded gay shit no one plays.

>> No.2616331

Shinobi >> Sonic

>> No.2616339

sonic 2 is awesome, sonic 3 is just a painted up hooker with a bunch of bells and whistles that dont actually make it any better. Saying sonic 3 + knuckles is the best sonic is the most cop out pleb answer ever. Sonic 2 was fucking solid fuck you.

>> No.2616347

>Attempting to cherry pick
>Not even realizing the gradient on that Bill is something Genesis would have struggled with

>> No.2616592

Sonic involves memorizing levels so the challenge is never up to you to overcome, just to fail and memorize for next time. Maybe get lucky and jump. Sonic has always been bullshit even when his level aesthetics and music were good.

>> No.2617409


>> No.2617440

Agreed, and too many bullshit "playing the game for you" sequences throughout the whole series.

>> No.2617773

you have never played sonic obviously and have only seen the commercial of gotta go fast and think the entire game is loops. Fuck you kid

>> No.2617776

I grew up on it and don't think it's that great. If anything it's probably better now that the internet have devised speedrun routes and whatnot, except for the ones that glitch it up and zip through the walls.

>> No.2617784
File: 117 KB, 512x384, 1439575441591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3d blast was super gay.
not sure what do you mean nigga. may be you secretly gay
3D blas was fine experemental game
>and sonic adventure 1 & 2 are just absolute retarded
Ok stopped taking you seriously here.

>> No.2617792

>Sonic involves memorizing levels
Wat. Lol.
its the first time i see anybody saying that

Knowing the upper guy with motion sickness and this guy who has a short memory...
Well im starting to think that nintendofags have real probems.
>just to fail and memorize for next time. Maybe get lucky and jump. Sonic has always been bullshit even when his level aesthetics and music were good.
said by a 13y/o who never played sonic

>> No.2618009

guys, Sega is way better then Nintendo. No need to fight here.

>> No.2618218
File: 335 KB, 417x515, 1421052714296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I regret doing this commentary, I didn't know it would attract that much console war retards. I'm sorry, /vr/

>> No.2618573

It was sarcasm mang, Sonic 1 is one of the slowest games I've ever played. You're always waiting around for blocks or spikes to go away so you can proceed and you get punished for going fast because there's not time to react to things before you run into them. At least SMB1 you could pretty much run through entire levels and not get hit unexpectedly.

>> No.2618584

No it doesn't. You don't have to rush through Sonic at top speed and die all the time. I always played the levels through at a more typical platformer speed the first few times and then worked on getting faster and faster with additional runs through the game. That's the fun of Sonic!

>> No.2620115

>>2616203 here

Just got done playing this. It's pretty boss. Looks nice and has everything you could want from a not-Castlevania: annoying bats, skellingtons, and a clock tower.

It's a shame this wasn't somehow a real CV game. They could've fit it into the lore nicely with the Jack the Ripper boss and gathering power for Dracula. I like how you can kneel-walk and change jump direction like in SCIV too. Shame the weapons are kinda bad though. Cane (I guess) is obviously the best, and gun is nice for sniping bats. Thanks OP, I never would've heard of it otherwise probably.

>> No.2620124


Master system is like a Famicom with better colors and no sprite blinking.

>> No.2620142

Only barely any games, however this one looks really cool and I'm looking forward to playing it.

>> No.2620151

Yep. Better console, worse games. It's a shame. Nintendo was like a fucking mafia back in the day, preventing companies from making games for SEGA

>> No.2622241

>Nintendo was like a fucking mafia back in the day, preventing companies from making games for SEGA
Whaat?! Can you support that? Not to be a jagoff, because I'm curious.

>> No.2622335

It has nothing to do with Nintendo.

Sega barely marketed the MS in Europe and even less in the US because SoJ and SoA's marketing departments have always been a bunch of morons.

They failed to appeal to 3rd party developers and because of it, most of the console's catalog consists in poorly made Sega arcade ports and shovelware.

Gems like Master of Darkness do exist but they are rare as fuck.

>> No.2622608

I know like next to nothing about the SMS. What are some other unknown games for it? I've only played Fantasy Zone, Golvellius, Ghostbusters, and Phantasy Star. Alex Kidd too but I wasn't too into it.

>> No.2622653

what the fuck? The master system had awesome ports of sega arcade games. The only ports that were bad were of thunderblade, galaxy force, golden axe, altered beast and space harrier (debatable) so most of the super scaler games and new 16 bit games that were beyond its capability although outrun was pretty good. Other ports though

Sega Ninja - Ported to MS as the Ninja, solid shooter makes a good transition to master system

Wonder Boy - Arcade perfect minus a slight hit in graphical fidelity

Wonderboy in Monsterland - Solid port adds an extra level too.

Shinobi - not like the arcade game but really good ninja game for master system

Fantasy Zone - great port

Fantasy Zone 2 - Another solid port

Even the non sega arcade games they adapted for their system were good

Ghouls N Ghosts - tweaked to better suit the master system since they had the arcade version for genesis a good unique experience.

Rastan - Good port that is different enough in some level design from the original that it is still worth playing

R Type - Not as good as the PC engine version but plays different enough from the original that it is worth trying out and has an extra level. Very impressive for an 8bit console.

Master system had great versions of arcade games. Sega had competent programmers so most master system games have some competency to them cause it isn't flooded with 3rd party kusoge.

>> No.2623157

You should know about the two best platformers series on the the SMS:
First ofcourse, the Mickey Illusion series. Well known on the MD, but kinda overlooked on the SMS.
And Asterix. Three games on the system, only released in Europe and Brazil. 2 are great, because they were made by Sega. The second was developed by Core and is less good.
Other than that, most MD to SMS ports are worth a look. Chakan, Sonic, Dynamite Headdy, Ristar, Gunstar Heroes and more.

>> No.2623389

You need to play Zillion right the fuck now.